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Zasada skargowości w postępowaniu dyscyplinarnym NIK. Odpowiedzialność dyscyplinarna mianowanych kontrolerów
Principle of Complaint in the NIK Disciplinary Procedure. Disciplinary Liability of Nominated Auditors
Róg, Łukasz
Data publikacji:
Najwyższa Izba Kontroli
principle of complaint
disciplinary procedure
disciplinary liability
niminated auditors
disciplinary commission
Due to the amendments to the Act on the Supreme Audit Office of 23 December 1994, apart from the fundamental change of the audit procedure, chapter 4a was added that set out basic regulations related to the disciplinary procedure. While with regard to issues that are not regulated in the Act on NIK, it refers to respective application of the Code of Criminal Procedure. The disciplinary procedure related to nominated auditors of NIK has been discussed in various studies, but none of them has referred to the contents of the complaints principle on the basis of the Act on NIK. In his article, the author presents his views on the contents and consequences of the complaints principle in the disciplinary procedure with regard to nominated auditors, which is of vital importance in the judicature practice of the Disciplinary Commission and the Appeal Disciplinary Commission at NIK.
Kontrola Państwowa; 2016, 61, 4 (369); 22-32
Pojawia się w:
Kontrola Państwowa
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Zasada bezpośredniości w postępowaniu dyscyplinarnym w NIK – gwarancja rzetelnego postępowania i sprawiedliwego procesu
Principle of Directness in the NIK’s Disciplinary Procedure – A Guarantee of Due Procedure and Just Trial
Padrak, Rała
Data publikacji:
Najwyższa Izba Kontroli
Supreme Audit Office
Disciplinary responsibility
disciplinary procedure
As a result of the amendments to the Act of the 23rd December 1994 on the Supreme Audit Office introduced in 2011, the NIK’s disciplinary procedure has been regulated directly by the Act on NIK. Chapter 4a of the Act “Disciplinary responsibility of nominated auditors” regulates the types of wrongdoing and disciplinary punishment, as well as the basic issues related to the process of starting and conducting the disciplinary procedure. The legislator, however, has not decided to regulate the disciplinary procedure in an exhaustive manner in the Act on NIK, whose Article 97p refers to the relevant regulations of the Code of Criminal Procedure in cases that have not been regulated in the Act on NIK. The article attempts to present the principle of directness in the disciplinary procedure at the Supreme Audit Office and to discuss situations in which it is possible to refrain from this principle.
Kontrola Państwowa; 2015, 60, 5 (364); 57-69
Pojawia się w:
Kontrola Państwowa
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Zasada jawności i jej ograniczenia – postępowanie dyscyplinarne wobec kontrolerów NIK
Principle of Openness and Its Limitations – Disciplinary Proceedings with Regard to NIK Nominated Auditors
Róg, Łukasz
Data publikacji:
Najwyższa Izba Kontroli
disciplinary proceedings
principle of openness
nominated auditor
disciplinary proceedings representative
The principle of openness is one of the basic principles of the criminal procedure. It is understood as a directive which provides the society with access to information about criminal procedures. Since the amendments to the Act on the Supreme Audit Office of 23rd December 1994 entered into force, as a result of which Article 4a was added (Disciplinary responsibility of nominated auditors), the principle of openness has not been discussed separately in studies dedicated to the disciplinary proceedings at NIK. Article 97p of the Act on NIK refers to appropriate application of the regulations of the Code of Criminal Procedure with regard to issues that are not regulated in the Act. Taking the above into account, it needs to be considered to what extend the closing of the hearing to the public can be applied to disciplinary proceedings against nominated auditors.
Kontrola Państwowa; 2017, 62, 2 (373); 8-17
Pojawia się w:
Kontrola Państwowa
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Postępowanie dyscyplinarne w Najwyższej Izbie Kontroli – orzeczenie o ukaraniu
Disciplinary Proceedings in NIK – Decision on Punishment
Padrak, Rafał
Data publikacji:
Najwyższa Izba Kontroli
disciplinary proceedings
decision on punishment
diciplinary breach
Appeal Disciplinary Commission
The article attempts to discuss the contents that should be comprised in the most important decision issued by the NIK Disciplinary Commission, namely a decision on punishment. It provides for assigning the person accused in the disciplinary proceedings with a disciplinary breach, and a decision on punishment. Due to mistakes in the decision contents, the Appeal Disciplinary Commission, or the administrative court that hears the decisions of the Appeal Disciplinary Commission, may overrule the decision. Overruled decisions on punishment and consequent repeated hearing, negatively affect the image of NIK as a widely-recognised institution that performs its duties in a professional manner.
Kontrola Państwowa; 2016, 61, 3 (368); 22-36
Pojawia się w:
Kontrola Państwowa
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Odpowiedzialność dyscyplinarna mianowanych kontrolerów NIK - znowelizowana ustawa o Najwyższej Izbie Kontroli
Disciplinary Responsibility of Nominated Auditors – Amended Act on the Supreme Audit Office
Jarzęcka-Siwik, Elżbieta
Skwarka, Bogdan
Data publikacji:
Najwyższa Izba Kontroli
disciplinary responsibility
Nominated Auditors
The provisions on the disciplinary responsibility are set forth in legal acts, while lower level regulations cannot provide for the rules of proceeding, much less the rules of deciding on guild and punishment for deeds considered as disciplinary offence. In the previous legal act – after the Constitution of Poland of 2 April 1997 came into force – this rule was not obeyed. The provisions of the Act on the Supreme Audit Office of 23 December 1994 set out the rules of responsibility in a limited way. The amendments to the Act on NIK resulted in significant changes in the disciplinary proceedings. A new chapter has been added to the Act – Chapter 4a – that sets forth the rules of disciplinary responsibility of nominated auditors. The regulations in the field comprised in the Act are in accordance with the constitutional standards. Simultaneously, the Act has introduced several modifications that should improve the proceedings in disciplinary cases.
Kontrola Państwowa; 2014, 59, 4(357); 34-59
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Kontrola Państwowa
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Posiedzenie wstępne w postępowaniu dyscyplinarnym - odpowiedzialność mianowanych kontrolerów NIK
Preliminary Session in Disciplinary Proceedings – Liability of NIK Appointed Auditors
Padrak, Rafał
Data publikacji:
Najwyższa Izba Kontroli
posiedzenie wstępne w postępowaniu dyscyplinarnym
postępowanie dyscyplinarne w NIK
odpowiedzialność dyscyplinarna mianowanych kontrolerów
Komisja Dyscyplinarna
Odwoławcza Komisja Dyscyplinarna
preliminary session in the disciplinary proceedings
disciplinary proceedings in NIK
disciplinary liability of appointed auditors
Disciplinary Committee
Disciplinary Committee of Appeal
Instytucja posiedzenia wstępnego w postępowaniu dyscyplinarnym w Najwyższej Izbie Kontroli nie była dotąd przedmiotem odrębnego opracowania. Jego przebieg nie został unormowany w ustawie o NIK. Ustawodawca zastosował technikę legislacyjną polegającą na odesłaniu do odpowiedniego stosowania przepisów Kodeksu postępowania karnego. W artykule omówiono przebieg posiedzenia wstępnego, zarysowano też możliwe problemy związane z jego organizacją. Autor posiłkuje się literaturą prawniczą z zakresu postępowania karnego.
In Chapter 4a of the Act of 23 December 1994 on the Supreme Audit Office “Disciplinary Liability of Appointed Auditors”, the proceedings in front of the Disciplinary Committee of Appeal are regulated in a very general manner. The Act on NIK does not comprise provisions that would regulate preparations for the main trial. Since the disciplinary proceedings are not comprehensively regulated, Article 97p of the Act on NIK refers to respective application of the provisions of the Code of Criminal Procedure. In his article, the author presents the nature and scope of a preliminary session within preparations for the main trial in the NIK disciplinary proceedings conducted in front of the adjudicative panel of the Disciplinary Committee. The judicature has been presented that should be or can be made during such sessions. The author refers to literature on legal matters related to criminal proceedings.
Kontrola Państwowa; 2023, 68, 2 (409); 25-44
Pojawia się w:
Kontrola Państwowa
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Umorzenie postępowania dyscyplinarnego w NIK – procedura dotycząca mianowanych kontrolerów
Dismissal of Disciplinary Proceedings at NIK – Procedure for Nominated Auditors
Padrak, Rafał
Data publikacji:
Najwyższa Izba Kontroli
disciplinary proceedings
Supreme Audit Office
dismissal of disciplinary proceeding
punishing of culprits
nominated auditors
The article attempts to discuss the reasons for dismissing disciplinary proceedings at the Supreme Audit Office and the contents of the ruling that the Disciplinary Committee should issue in this regard. Since the provisions of the Act on NIK of 23rd December 1994 do not regulate this issue, and Article 97p of the Act sets forth that the provisions of the Code of Criminal Procedure (Polish: k.p.k.) should be applied accordingly. The ruling on dismissal of disciplinary proceedings at NIK should include the contents listed in Article 413(1) of the Code of Criminal Procedure. The provisions of Article 17(1) of the Code shall also be applied accordingly. The article presents a set of situations when criminal proceedings shall not be conducted or shall be dismissed. Since we should assume that a dismissal of disciplinary proceedings, similarly as is in the case of dismissal of criminal procedure, takes place when further proceedings are impermissible or pointless.
Kontrola Państwowa; 2017, 62, 5 (376); 27-49
Pojawia się w:
Kontrola Państwowa
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Zasada adekwatności kary - Postępowanie dyscyplinarne w NIK
Principle of Adequacy of Punishment - Disciplinary Proceedings at NIK
Róg, Łukasz
Data publikacji:
Najwyższa Izba Kontroli
wymiar kary
postępowanie dyscyplinarne w NIK
postępowanie dyscyplinarne mianowanych kontrolerów
Komisja Dyscyplinarna i Odwoławcza Komisja Dyscyplinarna
disciplinary proceedings in NIK
disciplinary proceedings for appointed auditors
Disciplinary Committee and Disciplinary Committee of Appeal
Postępowania dyscyplinarne należą do szczególnej kategorii postępowań o charakterze represyjnym i są przez niektórych przedstawicieli nauki prawa uważane za odrębną gałąź prawa karnego. Dlatego powinny być w nich zachowane podstawowe standardy dotyczące odpowiedzialności karnej, wynikające z Konstytucji Rzeczypospolitej Polskiej oraz Konwencji o ochronie praw człowieka i podstawowych wolności. Należy do nich zapewnienie adekwatności kary (musi być współmierna) do czynu będącego przedmiotem postępowania, nawet jeśli nie istnieją ustawowe dyrektywy jej wymiaru, takie jak w postępowaniu karnym. Jest to bowiem jeden ze standardów demokratycznego państwa prawnego. Dotyczy również postępowania dyscyplinarnego wobec mianowanych kontrolerów NIK.
Disciplinary proceedings make a specific category of proceedings of repressive nature, and hence some experts in legal sciences consider them as a special branch of the criminal law. That is why such proceedings should comply with basic standards on criminal liability stemming from the Constitution of Poland and the European Convention on Human Rights and Fundamental Freedoms. These include ensuring the adequacy of punishment (punishment must be commensurate) for the offence that is subject to the proceedings, even if there are no legal directives, unlike for in criminal proceedings. It is one of the standards of a democratic state of law. This also refers to disciplinary proceedings concerning NIK appointed auditors. In his article, the author presents the solutions of selected procedures, related to, among others, legal advisors, lawyers, civil servants, he juxtaposes them with the procedure for NIK auditors, and formulates de lege ferenda proposals.
Kontrola Państwowa; 2023, 68, 2 (409); 45-58
Pojawia się w:
Kontrola Państwowa
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Egzekwowanie terminów realizacji inwestycji – dodatkowe opłaty roczne jako sankcja dyscyplinująca użytkowników wieczystych
Execution of Investments’ Implementation Deadlines – Additional Annual Fees as a Disciplinary Sanction for Perpetual Usufruct Right Holders
Kisiel, Jacek
Data publikacji:
Najwyższa Izba Kontroli
additional annual fee
disciplinary sanction
perpetual usufruct contract
The article describes the system interpretation of the regulations related to the extension of deadlines for building development, setting an additional deadline and cancelation of contracts for perpetual usufruct, taking into account the objective of each of these regulations and the context of mutual relations among them. According to this interpretation, if the deadline for land development is missed, sanctions do not have to be automatically imposed. Perpetual usufruct right holders are allowed to apply for deadline prolongation, and to prove that the deadline could not have been met due to reasons beyond their control. If the application is rejected, which implies that the deadline was not met due to their own fault, the competent body cannot refrain from imposing one of the sanctions set forth in the act. Then, the competent body has to decide whether to impose an additional annual fee, or to cancel the perpetual usufruct contract.
Kontrola Państwowa; 2015, 60, 3 (362); 109-122
Pojawia się w:
Kontrola Państwowa
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Przebieg rozprawy odwoławczej – postępowanie dyscyplinarne w Najwyższej Izby Kontroli
The Course of Appeal Trial – Disciplinary Proceedings in the Supreme Audit Office
Padrak, Rafał
Data publikacji:
Najwyższa Izba Kontroli
disciplinary proceedings
appeal procedure
adjudicating trial
Supreme Audit Office
senior auditors
In the Act of 23rd December 1994 on the Supreme Audit Office, the appeal procedure has been regulated in a very general way, in the chapter entitled Disciplinary Liability of Appointed Auditors. With regard to the manner and course of the procedure, it has been stated that the adjudication team of the Disciplinary Committee for Appeals makes a ruling after the case has been heard. The Act on NIK does not contain provisions that would regulate the course of the adjudicating trial, but it rather refers to appropriate application of other regulations. In his article, the author discusses the stages of the appeal trial: initial proceedings, the disciplinary procedure, opinions of the parties. The article also presents the regulations related to a break and adjournment of the appeal trial applied in the disciplinary procedure at NIK.
Kontrola Państwowa; 2016, 61, 5 (370); 45-62
Pojawia się w:
Kontrola Państwowa
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Przestępstwo nadużycia władzy - odpowiedzialność karna funkcjonariusza publicznego
Criminal Responsibility for Abuse of Power by Public Officials – Review of Court Judicature
Kukuła, Zygmunt
Data publikacji:
Najwyższa Izba Kontroli
overuse of power
underestimation of obligations
exceeding the rights
public officer
public interest
disciplinary responsibility
Abuse of power is one of the most frequent charges against public officials. In accordance with Article 231 of the Criminal Code, it relies on contravention of rights or negligence of duties by persons employed in the public administration. The Code refers to “right or duty” with regard to their contravention or negligence. It does not contain, however, any guidance to facilitate the interpretation of this provision. In his article, the author presents an analysis of the judicature that may help define the actual scope of responsibility by public officials.
Kontrola Państwowa; 2018, 63, 5 (382); 108-124
Pojawia się w:
Kontrola Państwowa
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Prawo do obrony mianowanych kontrolerów – postępowanie dyscyplinarne w NIK
Nominated Auditors’ Right to Defence – NIK Disciplinary Proceedings
Róg, Łukasz
Data publikacji:
Najwyższa Izba Kontroli
right to defence
nominated auditors
disciplinary proceeding
de lege ferenda proposals
de lege lata proposals
The right to defence (ius defensionis) is one of the fundamental rights in a democratic state of law. It is applied not only in criminal proceedings, but also in other proceedings of repressive nature, including disciplinary proceedings against NIK nominated auditors. In his article, the author presents some arguments in favour of amending the Act on the Supreme Audit Office with regard to the entities that can perform the role of a defence counsel in the disciplinary proceedings against NIK nominated auditors, and in favour of such an interpretation that allows the defendant to have up to three defence counsels.
Kontrola Państwowa; 2017, 62, 1 (372); 29-39
Pojawia się w:
Kontrola Państwowa
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Problemy odpowiedzialności mianowanego kontrolera - postępowanie dyscyplinarne w NIK
Issues Related to Liability of An Appointed Auditor – Disciplinary Proceedings at NIK
Data publikacji:
Najwyższa Izba Kontroli
postępowanie dyscyplinarne
wniosek o ukaranie
zasady wymiaru kary
adekwatność kary
zawieszenie mianowanego kontrolera
odpowiedzialność rzecznika dyscyplinarnego
disciplinary proceedings
motion to punish
rules for a sentence
suspension of an appointed auditor
responsibility of a disciplinary oficer
Odpowiedzialność dyscyplinarna mianowanych kontrolerów Najwyższej Izby Kontroli jest odpowiedzialnością osobistą i ma charakter represyjny. Nie należy jej jednak utożsamiać z odpowiedzialnością karną, choć podobieństwo tych postępowań jest duże. Regulacja zasad odpowiedzialności i trybu postępowania w sprawach dyscyplinarnych została zawarta w rozdziale 4a ustawy o NIK1 . W kwestiach nieuregulowanych ustawodawca odesłał do „odpowiedniego” stosowania przepisów ustawy z 6 czerwca 1997 r. – Kodeks postępowania karnego2 . Na łamach „Kontroli Państwowej” od kilku lat trwa dyskusja na temat różnych kwestii istotnych z punktu widzenia sprawności postępowania i prawidłowości orzekania w sprawach dyscyplinarnych. Do tej pory nie były jednak omawiane problemy dotyczące treści wniosku o ukaranie, stosowania środka, jakim jest zawieszenie mianowanego kontrolera, a także obowiązki rzeczników dyscyplinarnych i ich odpowiedzialność za przewlekłe lub niezgodne z prawem prowadzenie postępowania. Są one przedmiotem rozważań w artykule.
Issues Related to Liability of An Appointed Auditor – Disciplinary Proceedings at NIK Disciplinary liability of appointed auditors of the Supreme Audit Office is personal liability and its nature is repressive. However, the notion is not equivalent to criminal liability, despite similarities in the two types of proceedings. The legal provisions concerning this liability and disciplinary proceedings are set forth in Chapter 4a of the Act on the Supreme Audit Office. It is not complete and exhaustive, though. That is why, in Article 97p of the Act for the cases that have not been regulated therein, the legislator sets forth to apply “accordingly” the provisions of the Act of 6th June 1997 – Code of Criminal Procedure. Despite this reference and application of solutions adopted for the criminal procedure, many problems arise in practice which the doctrine has been trying to solve. For several years, a discussion has been ongoing in “Kontrola Państwowa” concerning several issues essential from the perspective of the proceedings effectiveness and appropriate judgements in disciplinary cases. Until now, however, discussions have neither touched the issues related to the contents of a motion to punish, suspend an appointed auditor, nor to the duties of disciplinary officers and responsibility for lengthy proceedings or their incompliance with the law. These issues have been discussed in this article.
Kontrola Państwowa; 2023, 68, 6 (413); 41-57
Pojawia się w:
Kontrola Państwowa
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Zakaz reformationis in peius w postępowaniu dyscyplinarnym NIK – procedury stosowane wobec mianowanych kontrolerów
The Reformationis in Peius in the NIK Disciplinary Procedure – Proceedings Applied to Nominated Auditors
Padrak, Rafał
Data publikacji:
Najwyższa Izba Kontroli
disciplinary procedure
reformationis in peius prohibition
right to defence
Supreme Audit Office
trial guarantee of the accused
In criminal proceedings, this prohibition is to ensure that a decision from a court of appeal is not amended to a worse one, if the ruling is in favour of the accused. The European Court of Human Rights is for respecting the reformationis in peius prohibition, and for not toughening the ruling by the appeal court. The Constitutional Tribunal has emphasised many times that “Due to the fact that the right to defence is ingrained in the constitutional principle of the democratic state of law, it relates not only to criminal proceedings, but also to other proceedings taking place in the area of responsibility that is of repressive nature”. Hence, the right to defence applies to those subject to disciplinary proceedings at NIK as well. In his article, the author discusses the regulations that allow for using the reformationis in peius prohibition in these proceedings.
Kontrola Państwowa; 2018, 63, 1 (378); 24-40
Pojawia się w:
Kontrola Państwowa
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
    Wyświetlanie 1-14 z 14

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