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Wybrane aspekty podmiotowego zakresu odpowiedzialności – przestrzeganie dyscypliny finansów publicznych
Selected Aspects of Personal Liability – Compliance with Public Finance Discipline
Kościńska-Paszkowska, Anna
Data publikacji:
Najwyższa Izba Kontroli
personal liability
finance discipline
finance protection
In her article, the author presents issues related to personal liability for breaching public finance discipline, after amendments introduced to the Act, in force since 11th February 2012. The article comprises important information on those regulations that have been changed or are controversial in application, related to persons who may be subject to this kind of liability. The conclusions might be of significance to the improvement of public finance protection.
Kontrola Państwowa; 2014, 59, 6 (359); 42-57
Pojawia się w:
Kontrola Państwowa
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Zaniechanie prowadzenia audytu wewnętrznego – przesłanka naruszenia dyscypliny finansów publicznych
Abandonment of Internal Audit – Premises for Breaching Public Finance Discipline
Bożek, Wojciech
Data publikacji:
Najwyższa Izba Kontroli
internal audit
public finance units
the discipline of public finances
Internal audit has been present in the Polish legal system since 2002. However, the issues related to internal auditing have not been regulated in a comprehensive and precise way to date. In his article, the author assesses the completeness of the legal regulations and their usefulness in public finance governance, especially from the perspective of the responsibility set out in the Act of 17th December 2004 on public finance discipline breach. The legal comparative and analytical method has been used for the basic legal acts that regulate the issue, as well as the respective literature and judicature. The analysis also covers respective decisions taken by commissions dealing with cases related to public finance discipline breaches.
Kontrola Państwowa; 2018, 63, 3 (380); 8-19
Pojawia się w:
Kontrola Państwowa
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Dyscyplina finansów publicznych a stan epidemii - znaczenie nowych przepisów dla organów kontroli
Changes in the Area of Public Finance Discipline – Significance for Audit Bodies During the Pandemic
Robaczyński, Wojciech
Data publikacji:
Najwyższa Izba Kontroli
dyscyplina finansów publicznych
zamówienia publiczne
wyłączenie odpowiedzialności
public finance discipline
public procurement
exclusion of liability
Rozprzestrzenianie się wirusa SARS-CoV-2 i spowodowanej nim choroby COVID-19 wywarło wielki wpływ na życie społeczne i gospodarcze wszystkich państw. Nowe, nieznane do tej pory zagrożenie wymusiło przyjęcie w latach 2020–2021 szczególnych rozwiązań prawnych, których zadaniem było i jest ograniczanie szkodliwych, także w wymiarze społeczno-ekonomicznym, skutków epidemii. Wprowadzone w Polsce przepisy będą z pewnością wykraczać poza czas jej trwania. Przedmiotem opracowania jest analiza regulacji zawartych w podstawowej dla tych spraw ustawie z 2 marca 2020 r. o szczególnych rozwiązaniach związanych z zapobieganiem, przeciwdziałaniem i zwalczaniem COVID-191, ale także w innych ustawach, które mają istotne znaczenie dla odpowiedzialności z tytułu naruszenia dyscypliny finansów publicznych.
The spread of SARS-CoV-2 virus and the related COVID-19 disease has had a great impact on the social and economic lives in all countries. This new threat, which nobody knew before, forced the states to introduce special legal solutions in the years 2020–2021, the aim of which had been to reduce the effects of the pandemic, not only medical, but social and economic as well. It is also related to the regulations introduced in Poland, the results of which will for sure exceed the very duration of the pandemic. The article analyses the regulations included in the Act of 2 March 2020 on the detailed solutions related to prevention, counteracting and fighting COVID-19 – the basic law for the fight against the results of the pandemic, as well as in the other acts of high significance to the responsibility for breaches of the public finance discipline. The vast part of the new legal solutions is related to the very fight against pandemic and the resulting limitations of e.g. business, educational and cultural activity. At different times and in various scope these are also related to the freedom of movement and organisation of family and official events. Apart from limitations, provisions have been introduced foreseeing compensations for specific groups of entrepreneurs who suffer losses due to these provisions. Next to ad hoc solutions, the new legislature has also caused deep changes in some other areas. The article presents the solutions introduced as a result of the epidemic that are of importance from the perspective of the public finance discipline, especially in the context of audit bodies activities. Beyond doubt, the regulations related to the epidemic will have an impact on the scope of responsibility for breaches of the public finance discipline. They will be significant to the audit bodies that operate in the broadly understood public sphere, and that can submit notifications to public finance discipline officials. The highest number of such notifications is submitted by regional accounting chambers, which is evidenced in the annual report of the Chief Public Finance Discipline Officer and other public finance discipline officers. The latest reports read that out of 1,807 notifications submitted in 2020, 441 were submitted by regional accounting chambers. The activity of the Supreme Audit Office is also visible here, as it submitted 73 notifications in 2020.
Kontrola Państwowa; 2021, 66, 5 (400); 16-37
Pojawia się w:
Kontrola Państwowa
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Działalność kontrolna NIK a system dyscypliny finansów publicznych - rola Izby w utrzymaniu ładu finansowego państwa
NIK’s Audit Activity and the Public Finance Discipline System – Role of NIK in Ensuring the State’s Financial Governance
Robaczyński, Wojciech
Data publikacji:
Najwyższa Izba Kontroli
audit activities of NIK
public finances discipline
the Public Finance Act
violation of the Public Finance Act
public procurement
Kontrola Państwowa; 2019, 64, 1/I (384); 73-91
Pojawia się w:
Kontrola Państwowa
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Odpowiedzialność za zaciągnięcie zobowiązania - przekroczenie upoważnienia
Responsibility for Liabilities Incurred – Exceeded Authorisation
Sobecki, Tomasz
Trempała, Michał
Data publikacji:
Najwyższa Izba Kontroli
gospodarowanie środkami publicznymi
zobowiązania pieniężne
upoważnienie do dysponowania środkami publicznymi
dyscyplina finansów publicznych
public funds management
monetary liabilities
authorisation to manage public funds
public finance discipline
W sektorze finansów publicznych zobowiązanie angażujące środki publiczne można zaciągnąć tylko na podstawie upoważnienia wynikającego z przepisów prawa lub zdarzeń prawnych. Jego zakres należy rozpatrywać w ujęciu przedmiotowym, który wyznacza wysokość wydatków zaplanowanych w budżetach lub planach finansowych. Przekroczenie tego zakresu jest działaniem bezprawnym i podlega ocenie z punktu widzenia zasad dyscypliny finansów publicznych. Stwierdzenie naruszenia wymaga jednak każdorazowego odniesienia się do przepisów, w ramach których powinna być prowadzona gospodarka finansowa określonej jednostki. Regulacje w tym obszarze pozostają niejednoznaczne, a w doktrynie pojawiają się spory dotyczące wykładni. Autorzy scharakteryzowali przesłanki tej odpowiedzialności i odpowiedzieli na pytanie o jej dopuszczalność i granice, konfrontując przy tym stanowiska komisji orzekających w sprawach o naruszenie dyscypliny finansów publicznych.
Appropriate processes related to incurring liabilities are extremely important from the perspective of financial management rules. In the public finance sector, liabilities concerning public funds can be incurred only on the basis of an authorisation based on the legal regulations or legal events. Its scope has to be considered, among others, in subject matter terms, which – according to the regulations – sets the limit for expenditure planned in budgets or financial plans. Exceeding of this scope is illegal and is assessed, among others, from the perspective of the public finance discipline. A related breach calls for, every time, reference to the regulations that govern the financial management of a given unit. Regulations in the area are ambiguous, and there are disputes in the doctrine as for their interpretation. The authors of the article aim at characterising the reasoning behind this responsibility and at answering the question about its acceptability and limits, at the same time confronting the stances of commissions that make judgements as for public finance discipline breaches.
Kontrola Państwowa; 2023, 68, 5 (412); 60-72
Pojawia się w:
Kontrola Państwowa
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Zapewnienie realizacji celów i zadań jako nadrzędny cel kontroli zarządczej : Uczelnie jednostkami sektora finansów publicznych
Ensuring Implementation of Objectives and Tasks as Superior Goal of Management Control – Universities as Public Finance Sector Entities
Humel-Maciewiczak, Małgorzata
Kruczek, Katarzyna
Data publikacji:
Najwyższa Izba Kontroli
kontrola zarządcza
standardy kontroli zarządczej
dyscyplina finansów publicznych
zarządzanie ryzykiem
oświadczenie o stanie kontroli zarządczej
management control
management control standards
public finance discipline
risk management
statement on the state of management control
Stosowanie przepisów dotyczących kontroli zarządczej w jednostkach sektora finansów publicznych od lat rodzi problemy. Wątpliwości interpretacyjne wywołuje zarówno sama jej koncepcja, jak i praktyczne rozumienie poszczególnych wymogów prawnych. W artykule podjęto próbę wyjaśnienia najistotniejszych kwestii dotyczących praktyki stosowania kontroli zarządczej na przykładzie uczelni publicznej jako jednostki sektora finansów publicznych.
Over the last decade, i.e. since the notion of management control was introduced to the Polish legal system, the Supreme Audit Office has been especially interested in the issue, in numerous areas of its activities. Starting from the audits dedicated to management control as a whole or its most significant aspects, to the discussions with the participation of practitioners and representatives of scientific circles, the Supreme Audit Office has been contributing to the operations of the public finance sector. For instance, NIK explains what management control consists in, and simul taneously it promotes the concept that supports effective and efficient management of public finance sector entities. Regretfully, although time has passed, the opinion voiced in 2013 by Józef Płoskonka, PhD remains still valid: “[…] the establishment of individual activities within management control focuses mainly on formal aspects only, and it frequently leads to making them more bureaucratic”. While we attempt to identify the reasons for such a situation, the main explanation seems to be the misun derstanding of the management control concept and, as Krystyna Lisiecka, Prof PhD put it: “the notion crisis around the management control”. Hence the initiative of the Association of Certified Auditors and Internal Control Experts has been established, which consists in organising the First Management Control and Internal Audit Workshop for self-governments of the Śląskie Region. The intention behind was, in the first place, to explain the idea of management control, illustrated with examples, good practices, as well as an attempt to explain misinter pretations of the notion, e.g. the one that understands management control as equal to the control function in its narrow sense, consisting in examining and evaluating an activity or a state ex post. The article has been inspired by the invitation addressed to a NIK representative to par ticipate in the workshop and to deliver an introductory lecture, followed by a discus sion on management control, and – in the first place – the demands of the participants. The authors of the article did not intend it to be an in-depth compendium, where the weaknesses of legal regulations on management control would be considered. The article has been intended to be a brief presentation of the most important issues of management control practical application, discussed by the co-author of the article during the workshop, with a theoretical layer added. In our article, we have also dis cussed the functioning of the selected elements of the management control system on the basis of a public university – looked at as a public finance sector entity. Our con siderations revolved around the following key questions: what management control is and what its important elements are; the persons responsible for implementation of the tasks in the area – starting with the format of management control to an eval uation of the adopted solutions. In order to address these questions, Articles 68-70 of the Act on public finance have to be referred to, as well as the communiqués issued on the basis of Article 69 (3-5) of the Act. These documents also comprise: manage ment control standards for the public finance sector, detailed guidelines on management control for the public finance sector issued by the Minister of Finance, and detailed guidelines for government administration departments set and published by the min isters of these departments.
Kontrola Państwowa; 2020, 65, 4 (393); 31-52
Pojawia się w:
Kontrola Państwowa
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
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