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Liturgia parafialna znakiem Kościoła
The Parish Liturgy as a Sign of the Church
Megger, Andrzej
Data publikacji:
Katolicki Uniwersytet Lubelski Jana Pawła II. Towarzystwo Naukowe KUL
zgromadzenie liturgiczne
liturgical assembly
Liturgia sprawowana w parafii jest szczególnym miejscem urzeczywistniania się Kościoła, w którym dokonuje się dzieło zbawienia ludzi. Manifestacja Kościoła dokonuje się najpierw w zgromadzeniu ochrzczonych, które jest świętym zwołaniem, ludem Bożym uporządkowanym hierarchicznie. To zgromadzenie, a więc Kościół, jest podmiotem liturgii. Chrystus, który jest prawdziwie obecny we wszystkich czynnościach liturgicznych Kościoła, a przede wszystkim w sakramentach, sam podtrzymuje, buduje, ożywia i jednoczy z sobą Kościół. Fundamentalne miejsce w tym procesie zajmuje Eucharystia, która tworzy communio z Chrystusem i ściślej wiąże ochrzczonych między sobą.
The liturgy celebrated in the parish is a special place in which the Church is realized, and in which the work of salvation of people is done. The manifestation of the Church is first done in the congregation of the baptized, which is a sacred congregation or God’s people hierarchically ordered. This congregation, that is the Church, is the subject of the liturgy. Christ, who is truly present in all the Church’s liturgical celebrations, and first of all in the sacraments, himself supports, builds, revives and unites the Church with Himself. The fundamental place in this process is taken by the Eucharist that creates the communio with Christ, and unites the baptized more closely.
Roczniki Teologiczne; 2015, 62, 8; 87-98
Pojawia się w:
Roczniki Teologiczne
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Funkcje lektora w liturgii i jego formacja
The Functions of the Lector in Liturgy, and His Formation
Głowa, Władysław
Data publikacji:
Katolicki Uniwersytet Lubelski Jana Pawła II. Towarzystwo Naukowe KUL
zgromadzenie liturgiczne
liturgical congregation
The article consists of four parts. First—as an introduction—it presents the issue of appointment of lectors and their presence in the liturgical congregation (1). Next it discusses the functions they perform (2), the necessity of their comprehensive formation (3) and—which especially deserves emphasizing—their service as a way to their own sanctification (4).
Roczniki Liturgiczno-Homiletyczne; 2012, 3; 173-190
Pojawia się w:
Roczniki Liturgiczno-Homiletyczne
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Festiwal Młodych w Medjugorie jako rodzaj zgromadzenia agoralnego
The Festival of the Youth in Medjugorje as a Kind of Agoral Gathering
Nizio, Ewa
Data publikacji:
Katolicki Uniwersytet Lubelski Jana Pawła II. Towarzystwo Naukowe KUL
Festiwal Młodych
zgromadzenie agoralne
The Festival of the Youth
agoral gathering
Niniejszy artykuł zawiera charakterystykę spotkania o nazwie „Festiwal Młodych”, na którym w bośniackim sanktuarium maryjnym w Medjugorie rokrocznie gromadzą się dziesiątki tysięcy młodych osób ze wszystkich kontynentów. Uczestnicząc w tym wydarzeniu, młodzi ludzie kierują się wartościami wyższymi i jednoczą się w realizacji wspólnych celów. Mimo masowej skali inicjatywy, między młodzieżą panuje atmosfera życzliwości. Skutkiem wydarzenia są pozytywne przemiany w życiu osobistym uczestników i w wymiarze wspólnotowym. W artykule tym podkreślono więc agoralny charakter Festiwalu Młodych.
This article contains the characteristics of a meeting called The Festival of the Youth, at which year after year gather tens of thousands of young people from all continents. Participating in this event young people follow the highest values and unite themselves in realization of common aims. Despite massive scale of the initiative there exists the atmosphere of kindness among the youth. As a result of this event there are positive changes both in personal life of the participants and in communal dimension. Hence, the article highlights the agoral character of The Festival of the Youth.
Roczniki Pedagogiczne; 2017, 9(45), 3; 145-158
Pojawia się w:
Roczniki Pedagogiczne
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Aufbruch zu einem neuen Pilgerweg. Theologische Aspekte der 10. Vollversammlung des Ökumenisches Rates der Kirchen
Przebudzenie do nowej pielgrzymki. Teologiczne aspekty 10. Zgromadzenia Ogólnego Światowej Rady Kościołów
Awakening to the New Pilgrimage. The Theological Aspects of the 10th Assembly of the World Council of Churches
Link, Hans-Georg
Data publikacji:
Katolicki Uniwersytet Lubelski Jana Pawła II. Towarzystwo Naukowe KUL
Światowa Rada Kościołów
ruch ekumeniczny
World Council of Churches
Ecumenical Movement
Artykuł w syntetyczny sposób przedstawia przebieg i wyniki obrad 10 Zgromadzenia Ogólnego Światowej Rady Kościołów, które odbyło się w Pusan (Korea Płd.) (30.10 – 08.11.2013) oraz dokonuje krótkiej teologiczno-ekumenicznej interpretacji spotkania. Artykuł składa się z trzech części. Pierwsza prezentuje teologiczne zagadnienia poruszane w Pusan. Autor opiera się na dwóch przyjętych przez Zgromadzenie dokumentach: „Boży dar i wezwanie do jedności – i nasze zobowiązanie” oraz „Wspólnie ku życiu: misja i ewangelizacja w zmieniających się kontekstach” i charakteryzuje ich treść takimi słowami kluczowymi, jak: jedność, misja i ewangelizacja. Przedstawia również teologiczne uwarunkowanie społecznego zaangażowania, które w Pusan ilustrowane było słowem „pielgrzymka”. Podstawę drugiej części artykułu stanowi sprawozdanie z uczestnictwa w Zgromadzeniu przedstawicieli różnych wyznań i ruchów ekumenicznych, a także z wkładu religii niechrześcijańskich i podmiotów politycznych. Trzecia część przedstawia uchwalone podczas zgromadzenia deklaracje, odnoszące się do dwóch ważnych kryzysów polityczno-społecznych: podzielonego Półwyspu Koreańskiego oraz sytuacji na Bliskim Wschodzie i wezwanie do działania o „sprawiedliwy pokój”. Konkluzja zawiera krótką ocenę Zgromadzenia, poczynioną z perspektywy osobistego uczestnictwa.
Article presents the short report of the 10th Assembly of the World Council of Churches held in Busan (South Korea) (30 of October – 8 of November 2013) including its theological and ecumenical interpretation. The presentation is structured into the three principal sections. Firstly, the author expounds the main theological issues discussed at the meeting. He refers to the two important documents adopted by the Assembly: God’s Gift and Call to Unity- and our Commitment and Together Towards Life: Mission and Evangelism in Changing Landscapes and describes their content through three keywords: unity, mission and evangelization. Furthermore, the article illustrates the theological conditions of the social commitment of the World Council of Churches with the theological concept of pilgrimage. The second section displays the participation of representatives of various Christian confessions as well as representatives of non-Christian religions and political institutions. The third section presents the statements submitted by the Assembly, concerning two important political crisis: that of the Korean Peninsula and that of the Middle East and includes the short interpretation of the call for the “just peace”. The conclusion of the article contains a short assessment of the Assembly from the view of its participant.
Roczniki Teologii Ekumenicznej; 2013, 5; 5-23
Pojawia się w:
Roczniki Teologii Ekumenicznej
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Homilia jako część liturgii
The Homily as a Part of Liturgy
Głowa, Władysław
Data publikacji:
Katolicki Uniwersytet Lubelski Jana Pawła II. Towarzystwo Naukowe KUL
Duch Święty
Jezus Chrystus
Holy Spirit
Jesus Christ
The aim of the article is to look at the homily in the light of the Conciliar definition of liturgy. The article consists of three parts. In Part One the author presents the homily as doing the duty of Jesus Christ’s priestly office. Part Two of the article is a deliberation on the subject of the homily, which is Christ and the Church; and in Part Three the basis for the truth is shown that the Church is the subject of the whole liturgy, including homily.
Roczniki Liturgiczno-Homiletyczne; 2011, 2; 147-159
Pojawia się w:
Roczniki Liturgiczno-Homiletyczne
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Occasione anni jubilaei. Dokument erekcji seminarium duchownego na Żmigrodzie w Lublinie (8 X 1714)
Occasione anni jubilaei. The Erection Document of the Theological Seminary in Lublin’s District of Żmigród (8 October 1714)
Marczewski, Jarosław R.
Data publikacji:
Katolicki Uniwersytet Lubelski Jana Pawła II. Towarzystwo Naukowe KUL
Lublin Theological Seminary
erection document
Congregation of the Mission
lubelskie seminarium duchowne
dokument erekcyjny
Zgromadzenie Misjonarzy św. Wincentego à Paulo
W 2014 roku przypadła okrągła rocznica założenia seminarium duchownego na Wzgórzu Żmigród w Lublinie. Funkcjonuje ono nieprzerwanie na tym samym miejscu od 300 lat. Podstawę materialną dla seminarium stanowiły liczne zapisy majątkowe, w tym przede wszystkim fundacja Jadwigi Niemyskiej. W oparciu o tę bazę materialną biskup krakowski Kazimierz Łubieński erygował seminarium 8 października 1714 roku i powierzył jego prowadzenie Zgromadzeniu Misjonarzy św. Wincentego à Paulo. Oryginalny dokument erekcji seminarium nie zachował się. Udało się natomiast odnaleźć jego dwa odpisy w Krakowie i Lublinie. Kopia zKrakowa jest starsza, stąd posłużyła ona do przygotowania krytycznej edycji dokumentu erekcyjnego.
In 2014, Lublin Theological Seminary celebrated its 300 anniversary. Throughout these three centuries, the Seminary was located in the Lublin district of Żmigród. The material and financial basis for the functioning of the Seminary was provided by numerous foundations; in particular the funds dedicated by Jadwiga Niemyska. On the basis of this material foundation, Bishop of Cracow Kazimierz Łubieński erected the Seminary on 8 October 1714 and placed it in under the supervision of the Congregation of the Mission. The original erection documents perished. Yet, two official copies have been found in Cracow and Lublin. The Cracow copy is older, and hence it was used for the critical edition of the erection document.
Roczniki Teologiczne; 2015, 62, 4; 69-83
Pojawia się w:
Roczniki Teologiczne
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Wybory parlamentarne i prezydenckie na Węgrzech - aspekty prawne
Parliamentary and Presidential Elections in Hungary. Legal Aspects
Gapski, Maciej P.
Data publikacji:
Katolicki Uniwersytet Lubelski Jana Pawła II. Towarzystwo Naukowe KUL
system wyborczy
Zgromadzenie Krajowe
Prezydent Republiki Węgierskiej
electoral system
the House of the Nation
the President of the Hungarian Republic
In Hungary, between the 80s and 90s, as in majority of Middle-East European countries, democratic changes of political system took place. They resulted in, inter alia , reforms of electoral system shaped on the German-like pattern. In the presented article the author analyses Hungarian election law, revealing regulations adopted in the Constitution and in the Act on the election relating to general and direct parliamentary elections as well as indirect presidential elections. Discussing the mode of single-house Hungarian parliament electing, it was described in details abiding mixed-member electoral system that combines majority and proportional system elements. Apart from deliberations on electoral law, a short presentation of the Parliament’s role in the system and its competences is also given. In a further part of the analysis, attention was also drawn to the President’s status within the political system. A precise review of all presidential rights and obligations was carried out as well as mode of choosing the president by the Parliament was followed. In the concluding section, the author summarized deliberations on Hungarian electoral law. By criticizing the complexity of that system he proved that despite its complexity it plays its role properly and vastly contributes to the stability of Hungarian democracy.
Roczniki Wydziału Nauk Prawnych i Ekonomicznych KUL; 2007, 3, 1; 231-243
Pojawia się w:
Roczniki Wydziału Nauk Prawnych i Ekonomicznych KUL
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Misjonarze-profesorowie Seminarium Duchownego wŻytomierzu 1798-1842
Missionaries – Professors of the Seminary in Żytomierz
Grabczak, Paweł
Data publikacji:
Katolicki Uniwersytet Lubelski Jana Pawła II. Towarzystwo Naukowe KUL
Zgromadzenie Misjonarzy Wincentego à Paulo
seminarium duchowne
profesorowie seminarium duchownego
Order of Vincent de Paul Missionaries
theological seminary
theological seminary professors
In 1798 on the territories of the Russian partition of Poland, in co-operation with the Holy See, a new organisation of the structure of the Roman-Catholic Church was introduced. The Łuck-Żytomierz diocese was established that had three diocesan seminaries, the one in Żytomierz being run by the Congregation of Saint Vincent de Paul's Missionaries. The Missionary Priests were brought to Żytomierz by Bishop K. Cieciszowski in 1785. In the studied period there were 28 professors in the seminary. They came mainly from the north-west guberniyas of the Russian Empire, from the class of paupered nobility. The leading group of the teaching staff was constituted by a group of lecturers below the age of 30. Most professors (79%) started performing their duties with only seminary education. 14% had a higher education. Half of the professors, to a certain degree had experience from the seminary where they carried on their formation, or from other institutions educating the clergy that were run by missionaries. The seminary professors' duty range was divided; it concerned maintaining the seminary, educating and teaching the alumni. The division of the lectured subjects was done at the beginning of the school year that began on 1 September. Besides the range of duties closely connected with running the institution, sometimes the missionaries undertook pastoral duties, which also was done at the cost of some preparations to the seminary classes and conducting them. An indirect influence on the standard of the classes prepared by the professors was exerted not only by their additional duties but also by the number of the lecturers that often changed. In the years 1806-1812 there were not enough lecturers in the seminary, but in the years 1813-1825 their number considerably exceeded the amount of initially employed professors (3). In 1818 the number of professors-missionaries reached its culminating point (7professors). In the years 1828-1842 the number of lecturers ranged from 1 to 3 professors. When comparing the numbers of the alumni and professors of the Żytomierz seminary it seems that the number of the missionaries-professors depended on the number of seminarists who were there at the moment. The financial situation of the teaching staff depended on the amount of money the seminary received and the annual interests from the sums invested in real estates. The missionaries received one sum for all the lecturers of the seminary, that was paid by the cathedral curate. The salary, amounting to 375 rubels, was designed for three professors, which meant 125 rubels for one person. When the lecturers did not meet their obligations, employing new people was automatically connected with lowering the annual salary. The missionaries had to terminate their work at the Żytomierz seminary because of Nicholas I's ukase of 8 December 1842 on disbanding the Congregation of Missionaries in Russia. The work of the Missionary Priests in the Żytomierz diocesan seminary played one of the main roles in the formation of the Łuck-Żytomierz diocese clergy in the 19th century.
Roczniki Humanistyczne; 2003, 51, 2; 101-138
Pojawia się w:
Roczniki Humanistyczne
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Conventus eparchialis. Status prawno-instytucjonalny według Kodeksu Kanonów Kościołów Wschodnich
Conventus Eparchialis. The Legal-Institutional Status According to the Code of Canons the Eastern Churches
Stesenko, Serhiy
Data publikacji:
Katolicki Uniwersytet Lubelski Jana Pawła II. Towarzystwo Naukowe KUL
conventus eparchialis (zgromadzenie eparchialne)
biskup eparchialny
eparchia (diecezja)
conventus eparchialis (eparchial convention)
particular Church
eparchial bishop
eparchy (diocese)
Life of the Church from the very beginning was characterized by participation of the local community in solving the current problems connected with its existence. The eastern Canon Law appoints conventus eparchialis (eparchial convention) as the most important one among the organs supporting the eparchial bishop in managing the eparchy (diocese), in this way indicating its role and task in the life of the particular Church. The origin of the term conventus (convention) should be seen in the Greek source term synodos, from which it was derived. The very Greek word synodos means “to take together a common route to an appointed aim”. Hence the discussed concept contains two elements in it: convention and solving common problems. An eparchial convention is summoned by the bishop – its pastor. It unites the eparchial bishop, the clergy, monks and nuns in one living and active organism – communio fidelium. It has its own structure that reflects its constitutive elements. It has a representative character and presents the synthesis of God’s People of the given particular Church. An eparchial bishop has an opportunity to meet his Church at an eparchial convention, and a particular Church has the right to express its opinion in front of its bishop. Apart from the pastoral dimension an eparchial convention also prepares particular legislation. It is supposed to be finalized in the form of an actual document with a legal character, through which it contributes to creating the good of the Church, for which it was summoned. The eparchial bishop also remains the only legislator, as it is he that promulgates the texts of acts, declarations and decrees that are binding for all the faithful living in his eparchy. The institution of the eparchial convention emphasizes joint work, in which, through coparticipation, common responsibility is born for building an ecclesiastical community – a particular Church.
Roczniki Nauk Prawnych; 2010, 20, 2; 177-189
Pojawia się w:
Roczniki Nauk Prawnych
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Troska o dzieci i młodzież Zgromadzenia Sióstr Franciszkanek Rodziny Maryi w Samborze realizacją charyzmatu zakonnego (zarys problematyki badawczej)
Care for Children and Youth by the Congregation of the Franciscan Sisters of the Family of Mary in Sambor as a Realization of the Religious Charism: A Research Outline
Pomarańska, Renata
Data publikacji:
Katolicki Uniwersytet Lubelski Jana Pawła II. Towarzystwo Naukowe KUL
dzieci i młodzież
Zgromadzenie Sióstr Franciszkanek Rodziny Maryi
children and youth
children’s shelter
Congregation of the Franciscan Sisters of the Family of Mary
Celem artykułu jest ukazanie troski o dzieci i młodzież, które są przedmiotem działalności Zgromadzenia Sióstr Franciszkanek Rodziny Maryi w Samborze. Wywód rozpoczyna ogólna charakterystyka Sambora i zgromadzenia. W dalszej kolejności zaprezentowano działalność wychowawczo-opiekuńczą Sióstr Franciszkanek Rodziny Maryi w Samborze w latach 1901-1946. Na koniec omówiono współczesne znaczenie zgromadzenia dla środowiska samborskiego. Studium opracowano na podstawie zachowanej prasy i dokumentów osobistych, wspomnień i listów pisanych po latach do sióstr.
The aim of the article is to present how the Congregation of the Franciscan Sisters of the Family of Mary in Sambor takes care of children and youth. First, a general description of the town of Sambor and the Congregation is provided, followed by a presentation of the educational and care activity of the Sisters in the years 1901–1946. The article concludes with a discussion of the contemporary importance of the Congregation for the Sambor community. The author used surviving press articles, personal documents, diaries, and letters written to the Sisters years later.
Studia Polonijne; 2022, 43; 183-206
Pojawia się w:
Studia Polonijne
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Służebniczki Śląskie wśród Polonii kanadyjskiej w Edmonton (1972-1989)
The Silesian Sisters Servants amongst the Canadian Polonia in Edmonton (1972-1989)
Wiśniewska, Joanna
Data publikacji:
Katolicki Uniwersytet Lubelski Jana Pawła II. Towarzystwo Naukowe KUL
Zgromadzenie Sióstr Służebniczek Śląskich NMP Niepokalanie Poczętej
the Congregation of the Silesian Sisters Servants of the Immaculate Conception of the Virgin Mother of God
The establishment of the religious houses of the congregation of the Silesian Sisters Servants of the Immaculate Conception of the Virgin Mother of God in Canada, planned as early as the second half of the nineteenth century, therefore still during the lifetime of its founder, Blessed Edmund Bojanowski, took place as late as the 1970s. The priority of its mission, i.e. religious and social commitment of the sisters on behalf of Polonia was accomplished gradually. It required that the first female settlers should make extreme efforts to adapt themselves. The political situation of the Polish People’s Republic was not without importance, its shadow fell on the life and daily experience of Polish emigration, including sisters. The efforts made had led to the founding and development of the following activities: childcare education, nursing, charitable, and parochial activity. This activity, its dynamism and liveliness were conducive to the integration and support of Polish culture and national values in the local Polish milieu abroad. The most important places and centres where sisters served were the following: the Veteran's Home Villa Maria, the Our Lady of the Rosary parish, the kindergarten Sisem Day Care Center, the H. Sienkiewicz Polish School, its kindergarten, and the John Paul II Polish School. In other stages of assimilation of the Silesian Sisters Servants in Canada, they were supported by the Missionary Oblates of Immaculate Mary and Polonia organizations; they had invited sisters to work in Canada.
Studia Polonijne; 2013, 34; 77-108
Pojawia się w:
Studia Polonijne
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Opiekuńczo-wychowawczy wymiar posługi Zgromadzenia Sióstr Dominikanek w Stanach Zjednoczonych na podstawie sprawozdania powizytacyjnego s. Rozariany Mikiewicz
Caring and Educational Dimension of the Ministry of the Congregation of the Dominican Sisters in the United States on the Basis of the Post-Visit Report by Sr. Rozariana Mikiewicz
Jaworski, Piotr
Data publikacji:
Katolicki Uniwersytet Lubelski Jana Pawła II. Towarzystwo Naukowe KUL
Zgromadzenie Sióstr św. Dominika
siostry dominikanki
Stany Zjednoczone
matka generalna
sprawozdanie powizytacyjne
Congregation of the Sisters of St. Dominic
dominican sisters
United States
mother general
visit report
Życie emigranta nie należało do łatwych i przyjemnych. Potwierdza to sytuacja wielu Polaków udających się na emigrację do Stanów Zjednoczonych. Zmiany miejsca zamieszkania na bardziej odległe, bariery językowe i kulturowe oraz konieczność odnalezienia się w obcym, nieznanym kraju są trudnymi wyzwaniami. Wkraczająca daleko poza ściśle duszpasterskie aspekty działalność polskiego duchowieństwa stanowi dowód tego, jak ważna jest pomoc na obcej ziemi wyrażana w różnych formach. Losy polskich emigrantów bardzo często toczyły się wokół Kościoła katolickiego, który integrował wokół siebie środowiska polonijne. Przedstawiona w sprawozdaniu powizytacyjnym sporządzonym przez matkę generalną s. Rozarianę Mikiewicz sytuacja sióstr należących do amerykańskiej prowincji sióstr dominikanek pokazuje nie tylko szerokie spectrum ich posługi, ale także problemy i trudności zgromadzenia. Zawarte w dokumencie wątki opiekuńcze i wychowawcze odsłaniają przed nami wielopłaszczyznową posługę wpisującą się nie tylko w realizację zakonnego charyzmatu, ale także w historię działalności opiekuńczo-wychowawczej wśród Polaków znajdujących się na obczyźnie, jak również wśród miejscowej ludności.
The life of an emigrant was not easy and pleasant. This is confirmed by the situation of many Poles who emigrate to the United States of America. Changing the place of residence to more distant, linguistic and cultural barriers and the need to find oneself in a foreign, unfamiliar country are difficult challenges. The activity of the Polish clergy, going far beyond the strictly pastoral aspects, proves the importance of helping in a foreign land, expressed in various forms. The fate of Polish emigrants very often revolved around the Catholic Church, which integrated the Polish community around itself. The situation of the sisters belonging to the American province of Dominican Sisters presented in the post-visit report prepared by Mother General, Sr. Rozariana Mikiewicz, shows not only the wide spectrum of their ministry, but also the problems and difficulties of the Congregation. The care and educational themes contained in the document reveal to us a multidimensional service that fits not only in the implementation of the religious charism, but also in the history of care and educational activities among Poles living abroad, as well as among the local population.
Studia Polonijne; 2021, 42; 357-384
Pojawia się w:
Studia Polonijne
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Szpital w Milanowie w latach 1908-1931 w świetle dokumentów z Archiwum Sióstr Miłosierdzia w Warszawie
The hospital in Milanów in the years 1908-1931 in the light of the documents in the Sisters of Charity’s Archive in Warsaw
Szady, Joanna
Data publikacji:
Katolicki Uniwersytet Lubelski Jana Pawła II. Towarzystwo Naukowe KUL
Zgromadzenie Sióstr Miłosierdzia Wincentego à Paulo
Maria Światopełk-Czetwertyńska
Włodzimierz Światopełk-Czetwertyński
Order of Sisters of Charity of St Vincent de Paul
Sisters of Charity
The hospital in Milanów played an important role for the local community against the background of changing historical conditions of the 19th and 20th centuries, treating both patients in the hospital itself and outpatients. It was also a significant element of charity work conducted by the consecutive owners of the Milanów estate, who belonged to the Potocki, Uruski and Czetwertyński families. For most of the time the hospital employed nuns from the Order of Vincent a Paulo’s Sisters of Charity; their long work is documented by the sources kept in the Archive of their Central Home in Tamka Street. The nuns returned to the institution in 1908 after nearly 20 years of absence caused by the decision of the Czar authorities. The return of the sisters was only possible after the ukase on tolerance was published in 1905, when the Czetwertyński Princes set out to bring the nuns back to the hospital. The documents kept in the Archive of the Central Home proves that the owners of Milanów took care of the work of the hospital that was supported by the service of 3 to 5 nuns. The hospital did not stop working during the First World War, when it fulfilled the function of a field hospital for the wounded and of a base for displaced persons. Then, in the period between the World Wars, it complemented the network of state and local government hospitals. Sisters of Charity worked in Milanów till 1931, when, on the strength of an agreement with the new owner – Wanda Żółtowska, they were withdrawn from it. The building of the hospital is still inscribed in the local landscape as a medical facility, and also as a testimony of the past time and of the people supporting this important social initiative.
Roczniki Humanistyczne; 2013, 61, 2; 303-314
Pojawia się w:
Roczniki Humanistyczne
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Rekonstrukcja wystroju snycerskiego z XVIII wieku kościoła p.w. Przemienienia Pańskiego w Lublinie w świetle materiałów archiwalnych
Reconstruction of the 18th century woodcarving decorations in the Transfiguration of Jesus Church in Lublin in the light of archival materials
Wronowska, Anna
Data publikacji:
Katolicki Uniwersytet Lubelski Jana Pawła II. Towarzystwo Naukowe KUL
Kościół pod wezwaniem Przemienienia Pańskiego w Lublinie
Zgromadzenie Misjonarzy św. Wincentego à Paulo
snycerskie wyposażenie wnętrza świątyni
the Transfiguration of Jesus Church in Lublin
Congregation of the Mission
Rev. Michał Tarło
interior carving temple
The article is devoted to the history and decorations of the Transfiguration of Jesus Church in Lublin. The church is certainly one of the most interesting examples of baroque architecture in the map of the town. The origin of the church is closely connected with the arrival of priests of the Congregation of the Mission to Żmigród about 1700, which happened on the initiative of Rev. Michał Tarło – the Poznań Bishop. The French priests establish their monastery and a seminary there, and with time they also build a church. The seminary complex was built thanks to numerous donations (among others by the Tarło family). The beginnings of the building fall on the 1720s. The work lasted till 1739, when the Krakow Bishop Michał Kunicki consecrated the church. This dating is confirmed by Jan Tarło's letter to the Lublin Superior of the Missionary House Mikołaj Augustynowicz of 1736. In the letter the author says that the altars for the church are ready and he is going to see them in the nearest future, when he visits the nearby Opole Lubelskie. Furnishing the Missionary church was possible owing to the efforts and donations by the magnate mentioned above. The author of the present text undertook reconstructing the 18th century state of furnishing the Lublin church. She also followed the changes that occurred in the iconographic layer of particular elements of the mentioned interior during the following century. The basic source for the reconstruction were the materials kept in the State Record Office in Lublin concerning the funding of the altar paintings in the Missionary church and the consecration of the church. Also the 19th century inventories of the missionary furniture of the church gathered in the local Diocesan Archive supplied a lot of significant information. In the light of the documents we learn that five altars were originally the basic woodcarving furnishing of the church: the main Transfiguration of Jesus altar, and four side ones: of the Immaculate Conception, of St Barbara, of the Crucified Christ and of St Vincent de Paul. This iconography was complemented by a pulpit with the statues of the four Evangelists placed on it and a figure of Christ teaching on the finial of the baldachin. In the 19th century the church's decoration was complemented with the next two altars: that of St Stanisław Kostka and of the Guardian Angel, as well as with the series of four great canvases illustrating the most important episodes from the life of St Vincent de Paul placed over the central nave. Analysis of particular elements of the interior of the church has allowed the author to notice a uniform, with respect to both the form and content, set of altars, in their content layer referring to issues connected with the spirituality of the priests of the Congregation of the Mission and with the person of the donator and protector – Jan Tarło. Basic changes in the furniture of the Lublin church occurred at the end of the 19th century, after the Missionary house had been annulled and the seminary complex had been taken over by diocesan priests. Two altars, the Stanisław Kostka and the Guardian Angel ones, were removed and some paintings were exchanged (e.g. the Conversion of St Paul, Christ – the Good Shepard). Despite the intervention, in the iconographic layer of the altars, their basic architectonic structure as well as their sculptural and decorative elements were probably preserved in their original form that was given to them by the woodcarver brothers – Jan Eliasz Hoffman and Henryk Hoffman. The former Transfiguration of Jesus Church belonging to the St Vincent de Paul Congregation of the Mission even today is characterized by an interesting formal solution of the architecture with Czech provenance, a high level of the late Baroque sculpture, and an interesting iconographic program.
Roczniki Humanistyczne; 2012, 60, 4; 325-348
Pojawia się w:
Roczniki Humanistyczne
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Z kolekcji Konstancji Górskiej
From the collection of Konstancja Górska
Chlebowska, Edyta
Data publikacji:
Katolicki Uniwersytet Lubelski Jana Pawła II. Towarzystwo Naukowe KUL
Cyprian Norwid
Konstancja Górska
Ludwika Karnkowska
Zenon Przesmycki
rysunek polski
Zgromadzenie Sióstr Miłosierdzia św. Wincentego a Paulo
Polish drawing
Congregation of the Daughters of Charity of St Vincent de Paul
the Grey Sisters
Artykuł zawiera omówienie trzech rysunków Cypriana Norwida: Amerykański marynarz (1854), Młoda mniszka ze skrzydłami u ramion (1850) oraz Rusałki (1852), sprzedanych 11 maja 2022 roku na aukcji zorganizowanej przez brytyjski dom aukcyjny „Toovey’s Antique & Fine Art Auctioneers & Valuers”. Rysunki pochodzą z pokaźnej kolekcji dzieł Norwida zgromadzonych przez bliską znajomą poety Konstancję Górską, obejmującej listy, rękopisy wierszy, ponad 80 prac plastycznych (rysunki, akwarele i grafiki), która od czasów II wojny światowej uznawana jest za zaginioną. Kolekcja Górskiej jest w literaturze przedmiotu doskonale znana: wszystkie teksty były publikowane w okresie międzywojennym, a prace plastyczne zostały szczegółowo skatalogowane oraz częściowo sfotografowane przez Zenona Przesmyckiego w 1914 roku Dokumentacja dotycząca rysunków została opublikowana na łamach „Studia Norwidana” w 2011 roku Odnalezienie kilku obiektów z zaginionej kolekcji budzi nadzieję na kolejne odkrycia spuścizny Norwida.
This article discusses three drawings by Cyprian Norwid: Amerykański marynarz [The American Sailor] (1854), Młoda mniszka ze skrzydłami u ramion [The Young Nun with wings on her Shoulders] (1850) and Rusałki [Rusalki] (1852), sold on 11 May 2022 at an auction organised by the British auction house Toovey’s Antique & Fine Art Auctioneers & Valuers. The drawings come from a substantial collection of Norwid’s works amassed by the poet’s close friend Konstancja Górska, which included letters, manuscripts of poems, and over 80 artworks (drawings, watercolours and prints), which has been considered lost since World War II. Górska’s collection is well known in the literature: all the texts were published between the wars, and the artworks were catalogued in detail and partially photographed by Zenon Przesmycki in 1914. The documentation of the drawings was published in “Studia Norwidana” in 2011. The discovery of several objects from the lost collection raises hopes for further discoveries of Norwid’s legacy.
Studia Norwidiana; 2023, 41; 139-155
Pojawia się w:
Studia Norwidiana
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
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