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Przemoc w rodzinie – charakterystyka zjawiska na terenie województwa lubelskiego na podstawie analizy danych udostępnionych przez policję
Violence in the Family – Characterisation of the Phenomenon in the Lublin Region on the Basis of the Data from the Police
Makara-Studzińska, Marta
Milanowska, Joanna
Data publikacji:
Katolicki Uniwersytet Lubelski Jana Pawła II. Towarzystwo Naukowe KUL
przemoc w rodzinie
przemoc domowa
województwo lubelskie
domestic violence
Lublin Region
The issue of domestic violence has been widely described – its specific character, variety of aspects involved, its epidemiology and the influence of violence on psychological functions of the family. Then the results of analyses of police reports with data referring to the range of violence in Lublin region were presented. The results have been critically discussed and have led to the following conclusions: the number of police interventions in Lublin region is increasing every year, which means that on one hand the rate of violence is unfortunately getting bigger , and on the other hand the awareness of victims and their trust in the police institution hopefully increase; the highest in numbers are women victims, children are next; victims that come from villages less frequently turn to the police for help in the case of violence; violence is more intense in families with alcoholic problems.
Roczniki Nauk o Rodzinie; 2010, 2; 223-239
Pojawia się w:
Roczniki Nauk o Rodzinie
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Efforts to Reactivate the Uniate Church in Lublin Region in the Interwar Period
Próby reaktywowania Kościoła unickiego na Lubelszczyźnie w okresie międzywojennym
Grzesiak, Krzysztof
Data publikacji:
Katolicki Uniwersytet Lubelski Jana Pawła II. Towarzystwo Naukowe KUL
okres międzywojenny
Kościół prawosławny
Kościół unicki
interwar period
Orthodox Church
Uniate Church
Lublin region
W okresie międzywojennym Kościół katolicki podjął akcję na rzecz pozyskania wiernych Kościoła prawosławnego z zachowaniem ich rodzimego obrządku. Ta akcja nosi nazwę neounii. Jej areną stało się ówczesne województwo lubelskie. Akcja przebiegała dość intensywnie w północnej części omawianego terenu, w katolickiej diecezji podlaskiej, której biskup był entuzjastą neounii. Z kolei biskup lubelski zajmował stanowisko bardziej ostrożne. Rezultaty podjętych działań były jednak znikome, i to z wielu przyczyn zarówno o charakterze wewnętrznym, jak i zewnętrznym. Powstałe placówki duszpasterskie uległy likwidacji, przeważnie w latach II wojny światowej. Jedyną istniejącą do dziś jest parafia neounicka w Kostomłotach.
In the interwar period, the Roman Catholic Church took the action for acquiring faithful of Orthodox Church, retaining nevertheless their native rite. This action is called the Neo-Union. The scene of it became, among others, the then Lublin region. The action proceeded quite intensively in the north part of this area, in the Catholic diocese of Podlasie (Podlachia). The bishop of Podlasie was an enthusiast of Neo-Union, while the bishop of Lublin took a much more careful position. For many reasons of internal as well as external nature, the results of taken action were rather slight. Almost all created then pastoral institutions were closed down, mainly during the Second World War. The only existing today is the Neo-Union parish in Kostomłoty.
Roczniki Kulturoznawcze; 2014, 5, 2; 45-58
Pojawia się w:
Roczniki Kulturoznawcze
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Stan badań nad demografią Lubelszczyzny w XVI-XIX wieku
The State of Research on Demography of the Lublin Region Between the 16th and the 19th Century
Rachwał, Piotr
Data publikacji:
Katolicki Uniwersytet Lubelski Jana Pawła II. Towarzystwo Naukowe KUL
demografia historyczna
ruch naturalny
historical demography
the Lublin region
natural movement
Praca stanowi próbę podsumowania dotychczasowego dorobku badań nad procesami demograficznymi na Lubelszczyźnie w epoce przedstatystycznej, tj. do końca XIX w. Pierwszy spis powszechny odbył się na tym terenie dopiero w 1897 r. Omówiono najpierw prace XIX-wiecznych autorów. Miały one charakter syntetyczny, swoim zasięgiem objęły granice całego Królestwa Polskiego. Stopień ich uszczegółowienia pozwala jednak czasem na analizę wybranych problemów na szczeblu miejscowości, powiatów lub województw. Wzrost zainteresowania problematyką demograficzną nastąpił po II wojnie światowej, co przełożyło się na publikacje autorów skupionych w Katolickim Uniwersytecie Lubelskim. Szczególnie cenne okazały się badania prowadzone przez Z. Sułowskiego i J. Gawrysiakową. Podsumowując artykuł, autor podkreślił, iż istnieje pilna potrzeba zintensyfikowania badań nad przeszłością demograficzną Lubelszczyzny.
The work is an attempt to summarize achievements to date research on the demographic processes in the Lublin region in the pre-statistical era, i.e. by the end of the 19th century. The first census took place in the area in 1897. First,  the publications of the 19th century authors were discussed. They were of synthetic nature and encompassed the entire borders of the Polish Kingdom. The granularity of the information, however, allows to consider some problems at the level of the village, district or province. The increased interest in the problems of demography occurred after World War II, which resulted in publications of the authors gathered at the Catholic University of Lublin. The research by Zygmunt Sułowski and Janina Gawrysiakowa proved to be particularly valuable. To summarize the article, the author points out that there is an urgent need to intensify the research on the demographic past of the Lublin region.
Roczniki Humanistyczne; 2016, 64, 2; 89-112
Pojawia się w:
Roczniki Humanistyczne
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Akcja burzenia cerkwi na Lubelszczyźnie w roku 1938 – konsekwencje kulturowe
Demolition of the Eastern Orthodox Churches in the Lublin Region in 1938: Cultural Consequences
Grzesiak, Krzysztof
Data publikacji:
Katolicki Uniwersytet Lubelski Jana Pawła II. Towarzystwo Naukowe KUL
akcja rewindykacyjno-polonizacyjna
okres międzywojenny
Lublin region
Polonisation and restitution
Eastern Orthodox churches
interwar period
In 1938 (from mid-May to mid-July) in Lublin region the authorities have demolished about 130 Eastern Orthodox churches. They were of Greek Catholic or Eastern Orthodox origin. The greater part of them has been closed since 1915; they have not been claimed by the Catholic Church nor become permanent Eastern Orthodox parishes. Some of them were the seats of not full-time parishes and were not recognized officially by the state, but they were tolerated until 1938. The elimination of so many sacred buildings had a huge impact on the cultural face of the described area and greatly diminished its Eastern Christian character. From the landscape of the Eastern Lublin region disappeared several old Uniate churches, mostly wooden, from the 17th, 18th and 19th centuries. They were often objects of great historical value. The next few churches were of Eastern Orthodox origin. They were built in the late nineteenth and early 20th century. Being recently built, they were not been seen as historical monuments, however a much greater was their material value (new buildings, often of bricks). The list of closed buildings should be completed by small chapels, built in the interwar period. Their material value were negligible and they had no historical significance. The churches were supplied with utensils among which were the objects of great artistic and cultural value. Their fate varied. Many of them have been transferred to the permanent Eastern Orthodox parishes or to Eastern Orthodox believers. Significant part was destroyed by the authors of the demolition action. The Catholic Church was interested in some objects of Uniate origin and took over some of them.
Roczniki Kulturoznawcze; 2013, 4, 1; 5-34
Pojawia się w:
Roczniki Kulturoznawcze
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Wybicie się Lublina na niepodległość w listopadzie 1918 roku. Aspekt militarny
Lublin Gains Independence in November 1918. The Military Aspect
Sobieraj, Maciej
Data publikacji:
Katolicki Uniwersytet Lubelski Jana Pawła II. Towarzystwo Naukowe KUL
okupacja austriacka
Polska Organizacja Wojskowa (POW)
Polska Siła Zbrojna (PSZ)
Lublin region
Austrian occupation
Polish Military Organisation (POW)
Polish Armed Forces (PSZ)
The territory of the Lublin region at the turn of October and November 1918 was occupied by two countries – Germany (southern Podlasia) and Austria. Lublin was the see of the general Austrian governor. With regard to the military aspect the taking over of power in Lublin was decisive for the recapture of independence in the territory of the Austrian partition. The key role in this action was played by the Polish Military Organisation (Pol. POW), the organisation then in conspiracy, and a battalion of the Polish Armed Forces earlier under German command; the battalion arrived in Lublin in the beginning of November 1918. Soldiers and officers then in the Austrian army had also declared their intention of joining the Polish army; they were released from their oath by virtue of the Austrian head of the armed forces. In the first days of November 1918 the Polish army took over bloodlessly a complete control of Lublin. At that time the Poles from the Austrian army, remaining in the remaining garrisons of Austrian occupation, established Polish authorities with the support of the local cells of POW. In Podlasia the situation was more complicated because Germans were not willing to hand down power in garrisons, despite the fact that war activities had ended in Europe on 11th November 1918. Military clashes, often bloody, erupted (Międzyrzec Podlaski). The eastern administrative units of Podlasia as late as January 1919 came under Polish jurisdiction after the German army had completely evacuated the Ukraine and moved by train from Briest to East Prussia.
Roczniki Humanistyczne; 2006, 54, 2; 55-73
Pojawia się w:
Roczniki Humanistyczne
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
The Earliest Ecclesiastical Connections of the Territory Between the Vistula and Wieprz Rivers (Poland)
Najwcześniejsze powiązania kościelne terenu międzyrzecza Wisły i Bugu
Marczewski, Jarosław R.
Data publikacji:
Katolicki Uniwersytet Lubelski Jana Pawła II. Towarzystwo Naukowe KUL
państwo Piastów
chrześcijaństwo metodiańskie
diecezja poznańska
diecezja krakowska
diecezja lubelska
Lublin region
Piast state
Methodian Christianity
the Diocese of Poznań
the Diocese of Cracow
the Diocese of Lublin
Celem artykułu jest znalezienie odpowiedzi na pytanie o najwcześniejszą kościelną przynależność administracyjną obszaru między rzekami Wisłą i Wieprzem. Zagadnienie to było już przedmiotem kontrowersji akademickich w zakresie możliwego wpływu chrześcijaństwa metodiańskiego nie tylko na wskazanym obszarze, ale w ogóle na ziemiach polskich. Zdecydowana większość autorów – nawet jeśli niektórzy z nich dopuszczają przekonanie o jakimś oddziaływaniu metodiańskim – stanowczo odrzuca obecność jakiejkolwiek zorganizowanej struktury tego obrządku na ziemiach na północ od Karpat. Organizacja terytorialna Kościoła między rzekami Wisłą i Wieprzem może być bez wątpienia wiązana dopiero z poznańskim biskupstwem łacińskim. Było ono dla omawianego terenu bezsprzecznie pierwszą trwałą strukturą diecezjalną, zależną zresztą bezpośrednio od Stolicy Apostolskiej. Co prawda, jeśli założymy polityczną przynależność tego terenu w drugiej połowie X wieku do Czech, należałoby uznać jego jeszcze wcześniejsze uzależnienie od diecezji praskiej i metropolii mogunckiej oraz nieco późniejszą przynależność do diecezji ołomunieckiej. Formalny charakter tego związku pozbawiony byłby jednak trwałych lokalnych struktur chrześcijaństwa, co musiało być zresztą charakterystyczne także dla pierwszych dekad zależności od biskupstwa w Poznaniu. Wydaje się więc, że dopiero wejście ziem między Wisłą i Wieprzem w kościelno-administracyjną zależność od biskupów krakowskich i metropolitów gnieźnieńskich na przełomie X i XI wieku okazało się stabilnym związkiem pod względem materialnym i duchowym.
The purpose of this study is to find the answer to the question of ecclesiastical administrative affiliation regarding the area between the Vistula and Wieprz Rivers. This relatively narrow aspect of the research was the subject of academic controversy over the possible influence of the organization of Methodian Christianity, not only on the designated area, but in general on Polish soil. The vast majority of authors – even if some of them allow for a wide geographic range of Methodian influence – firmly opposes the idea of the presence of any structure of the Methodian rite in the lands north of the Carpathian Mountains, regarding this idea as unsubstantiated. The form of territorial organization of the Church involving the land between the Vistula and Wieprz Rivers could only be in the Latin bishopric of Poznań, which was undoubtedly a permanent diocesan structure that depended directly on the Holy See from its earliest period. Theoretically, if the area between the Vistula and the Wieprz Rivers had been included in the territory that on the Czechs in the second half of the tenth century, it would have also belonged to the Diocese of Prague and the Metropolis of Mainz, or, a bit later, to the Diocese of Olomouc. The formal nature of that membership would have probably involved a lack of durable local structures of Christianity, which also had to be a characteristic of the first decades of their dependence on the Diocese of Poznan. It seems that it was only the entrance of the lands between the Vistula and Wieprz Rivers into an administrative relationship to the Bishops of Cracow and the Metropolitans of Gniezno in the late tenth and eleventh centuries, which proved to be a stable association that would be strengthened in material and spiritual significance in the coming decades and centuries.
Roczniki Teologiczne; 2016, 63, 4; 13-27
Pojawia się w:
Roczniki Teologiczne
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Kilka uwag o życiu i twórczości malarskiej Bohdana Kelles-Krauzego
Some Remarks on the Life and Painting of Bohdan Kelles-Krauze
Błotnicka-Mazur, Elzbieta
Data publikacji:
Katolicki Uniwersytet Lubelski Jana Pawła II. Towarzystwo Naukowe KUL
sztuka Lublina i Lubelszczyzny
malarstwo okresu międzywojnia
architektura – modernizm
architektura – funkcjonalizm
the art of Lublin and the Lublin region
painting of the inter-war period
architecture – modernism
architecture – functionalism
Bohdan Kelles-Krauze (1885-1945) was an architect by profession, but a painter by avocation and that from his early age onward. This artist was an extremely important figure in the artistic milieu of Lublin in the inter-war period. He settled in Lublin together with his family in 1921. Today he is forgotten undeservedly and his name is well-known only to a small group of scholars. He graduated from Lviv Polytechnic in 1910, and then went on artistic journeys to Munich and Paris. Several times he changed his jobs until he finally permanently settled in Lublin. There he was employed at the Regional Administration of Public Works at the post of regional architect, where he stayed until his premature death in 1945. He was an author of several dozen buildings in Lublin and in the Lublin region. They are different with regard to style and function. Then his designs gradually passed from national forms to functionalism. Krauze's passion outside his job was painting. Many of his works have been preserved to date. They are composed of various paintings, and at the same time they are coherent in term of their workshop. Despite concrete transformations with regard to their form, especially with regard to colour and texture, subtle references to the works of home painters and those from the circle of French post-Impressionism, his style is clear. Against the backdrop of Lublin painters who advocated traditional stylistics he appeared as a modern artist. In his works he combined two apparently incongruent elements: the sensitive painter Krauze always maintained the clear logic of Krauze architect with solid drawing and real form built with an elaborated colour.
Roczniki Humanistyczne; 2007, 55, 4; 245-277
Pojawia się w:
Roczniki Humanistyczne
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Henryk Bekker (Chaim Beker) – żydowski architekt międzywojennego Lublina. In memoriam
Henryk Bekker (Chaim Beker) – A Jewish Architect of Interwar Lublin. In memoriam
Żywicki, Jerzy
Data publikacji:
Katolicki Uniwersytet Lubelski Jana Pawła II. Towarzystwo Naukowe KUL
Henryk Bekker; Chaim Beker; biografie architektów; architekci żydowscy; budowle Lublina i Lubelszczyzny; modernizm
Henryk Bekker; Chaim Beker; biographies of architects; Jewish architects; history of architecture; history of Lublin; buildings in Lublin and in Lublin region; modernism
Dotychczasowe publikacje charakteryzowały Henryka Bekkera (1886-1942) jako działacza politycznego i samorządowego oraz prezesa Rady Żydowskiej Gminy Wyznaniowej w Lublinie. Natomiast żadna z nich nie omawiała jego działalności na polu budownictwa i architektury. Urodził się w Białymstoku jako Chaim Beker, przypuszczalnie w rodzinie zasymilowanych Żydów, wśród których nierzadkie było „spolszczanie” imion i nazwisk. Najprawdopodobniej z tego właśnie powodu w późniejszych latach swego życia występował jako Henryk Bekker. Od 1906 r. studiował w Monachium, w Königlich Bayerische Technische Hochschule. W 1911 r. uzyskał tytuł inżyniera budowlanego. O jego życiu w kilkunastu następnych latach wiadomo tylko, że ożenił się lublinianką Heleną Zynger i przebywał z nią we wschodniej Ukrainie, gdzie w 1918 r. urodziła się córka Irena. Najprawdopodobniej w początku 1922 r. rodzina Bekkerów przybyła do Lublina i zamieszkała przy ul. Bernardyńskiej 24/3. W Lublinie H. Bekker pracował jako wolno praktykujący inżynier budowlany. Aktualny stan badań pozwala połączyć z jego architektoniczno-budowlaną aktywnością 27 projektów, w większości wykonywanych na zlecenie żydowskich inwestorów. Dotyczą one obiektów o różnej randze, skali wielkości oraz architektonicznej wartości. Realizował je w Lublinie i na Lubelszczyźnie. Były wśród nich duże kamienice i oficyny mieszkalne, szkoły, łaźnie rytualne, sklepy, warsztaty rzemieślnicze, niewielkie zakłady przemysłowe oraz instalacje wodociągowo-kanalizacyjne. Spośród obiektów wyróżniających się tak skalą wielkości, jak i poziomem architektonicznym należy wymienić obiekty lubelskie, w tym dwa budynki zrealizowane dla żydowskiego Spółdzielczego Stowarzyszenia Mieszkaniowego „Spółdom” (przy ul. Probostwo 19 i Wieniawskiej 6), kamienice czynszowe przy ul. Okopowej 10, Krótkiej 4 i Ogrodowej 19 oraz Dom Pereca. Wymienione obiekty łączyły się z nurtem modernizmu. Ich architekturę charakteryzowało uproszczenie brył, funkcjonalne rozwiązanie wnętrz, a także redukcja dekoracyjnego detalu. Żadna z nich nie odznaczyła się jakąś szczególną awangardowością w zakresie formy czy rozwiązań technicznych, jednak wszystkie przysłużyły się do unowocześnienia architektury międzywojennego Lublina.
The publications to date have characterized Henryk Bekker (1886-1942) as a political and self-government activist and President of the Council of the Jewish Religious Community. None of them has yet discussed his activities in the field of construction and architecture. He was born in Białystok as Chaim Beker, presumably in a family of assimilated Jews who often “Polonized” their first and last names. It is probably for that reason that in the later years of his life he was known as Henryk Bekker. From 1906 he studied in Munich at the Königlich Bayerische Technische Hochschule, where he received a degree of Construction Engineer in 1911. Little is known about his life during the next dozen or so years except that he married a Lublin resident Helena Zynger and stayed with her in eastern Ukraine, where their daughter Irena was born in 1918. Somewhere at the beginning of 1922 the Bekker family came to Lublin and took up their residence at Bernardyńska St. no. 24/3. In Lublin H. Bekker worked as a freelance construction engineer. The current state of research makes it possible to connect his architectural and construction work with 27 construction designs, mostly commissioned by Jewish investors. They comprise buildings of different status, size and architectural value. He executed the projects in Lublin and the Lublin region: these included large tenement houses and tenement annexes, schools, ritual bathhouses, shops, craftsmen’s workshops, small industrial plants and waterworks/sewage installations. Among the buildings distinguished by both the size scale and the architectural level, we should mention the constructions in Lublin, including two buildings built for the Jewish Cooperative Housing Association “Spółdom” (at Probostwo St. no. 19 and Wieniawska St. no. 6), tenement houses at Okopowa St. no. 10, Krótka St. no. 4 and Ogrodowa St. no. 19 and the Perec House. Those buildings were associated with the trend of modernism. Their architecture was characterized by simplified building bodies, functional interior solutions, and reduction of decorative detail. Although none of them displayed any special avant-garde forms or avant-garde technical solutions, they all contributed to the modernization of the architecture of interwar Lublin.
Roczniki Humanistyczne; 2019, 67, 4; 141-164
Pojawia się w:
Roczniki Humanistyczne
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Redukcje grup spółgłoskowych w gwarach wschodniej Lubelszczyzny
The Reductions of Consonant Groups in the Dialects of the Lublin Eastern Region
Czyżewski, Feliks
Data publikacji:
Katolicki Uniwersytet Lubelski Jana Pawła II. Towarzystwo Naukowe KUL
grupa spółgłoskowa
redukcje grup spółgłoskowych
gwary wschodniej Lubelszczyzny
consonant group
reduction of consonant groups
dialects of the Eastern Lublin region
The paper discusses consonant groups which occur in Polish dialects of the Lublin eastern region. Taking dialect and not literary language as the point of departure (thus it is assumed that there exist the group p/č in the form of opčyśćić aside to očyścić in the literary language, for the prefix ob- with its literary counterpart o- is proper to the dialects under study). The description of the reductions of the consonant groups has been presented with regard to three positions in a word: initial sound, middle sound, and final sound. As regards particular positions, one may consider together consonants groups both inside the morpheme and on its border. Our analysis of dialects leads to a conclusion that the range and scope of the reductions of consonant groups are varied. The simplifications of consonant groups in the Polish dialects of the Lublin eastern region are present in the initial sound, middle sound, and final sound. In the first two positions they included two-, three-, and four-morpheme groups, whereas in the final position only in two- and three-phoneme groups. Apart from the definite consonant groups occurring all over the territory under consideration, e.g. pšyńus, there are groups which reach southward, e.g. šeś, v'eś “wieźć”, and north-westward, e.g. pošetem “poszedłem” (I went). It is the specific character of the dialects under study that we find in them simplifications. The latter are due to the substrate of the Ukrainian dialects, e.g. ładyška (: hładyška).
Roczniki Humanistyczne; 2002, 49-50, 6; 97-110
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Roczniki Humanistyczne
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Korpus nauczający Gimnazjum Wojewódzkiego (Gubernialnego) w Lublinie w latach 1832-1864
The Teaching Staff of the Regional (Governmental) Secondary School in Lublin in the Years of 1832-1864
Sadurski, Ireneusz
Data publikacji:
Katolicki Uniwersytet Lubelski Jana Pawła II. Towarzystwo Naukowe KUL
Gubernia Lubelska
przysięga wierności
seminaria i akademie
pochodzenie terytorialne i społeczne
Komisja Województwa Lubelskiego
Rząd Gubernialny Lubelski
secondary school
Lublin Government
oath of loyalty
seminaries and academies
territorial and social origin
Commission of the Lublin Region
Lublin Government Authorities
On the basis of rich and well-preserved manuscripts from the State Archives in Lublin the teaching staff of the Regional (Governmental) Secondary School in Lublin in the years of 1832-1864 have been characterised. It has been stated that the inter-rising period 94 persons were teachers in the school. 54 of them were prepared for teaching at national and foreign universities; 19 were graduates of Warsaw University, i.e. 22.09% of the staff with university diplomas. As tsarism put into practice its policy of Russification, more and more graduates from the universities of the Russian Empire arrived at the Lublin Secondary School, One can see at the turn of the 1840s and 1850s. In a group of 26 persons dominated mainly graduates of Moscow and Sanct Petersburg Universities, hence 30.23% of the staff were lecturers from Russia, including distant universities in Charków i Dorpat. Those graduates obtained their diplomas from Moscow, Sanct Petersburg, Charków, and Dorpat. Let us stress firmly that 85% of them were Poles, and only 5% indigenous Russians. The staff of the Lublin Secondary School was also composed of lecturers from Prussian universities in Berlin, Królewiec, Wrocław, and Frankfurt, the universities in the Austrian Empire (Vienna, Lvov), and the Free Town of Kraków. The remaining teachers of the Secondary School (25.58%) had qualifications from the Pedagogic Institutes and Courses, 11.62% of them from Theological Seminaries and Academies, whereas 12.79% were graduates of secondary schools. Being appointed, the teachers had to take an oath of loyalty towards the monarch and sign it personally. This closed the stage of accepting a candidate to work and opened for him an opportunity to work as a teacher.
Roczniki Nauk Społecznych; 2007, 35, 2; 143-166
Pojawia się w:
Roczniki Nauk Społecznych
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Imiona chrzestne dzieci chłopskich okolic Fajsławic w drugiej połowie XVIII wieku
Baptismal Names in Peasant Families of the Fajslawice Area in the Second Half of the 18th Century
Adamiak, Kazimierz
Data publikacji:
Katolicki Uniwersytet Lubelski Jana Pawła II. Towarzystwo Naukowe KUL
onomastyka historyczna
imiona chrzestne
kult świętych w Kościele katolickim
wieś lubelska w XVIII wieku
historical onomastics
baptismal names
cult of saints in the Catholic Church
villages in the Lublin region in the 18th century
First names given to children depend on many factors: ethnic background, religion, geographic location, societal status or time period. This article deals with the name-giving pattern and its evolution in peasant families during the period 1757-1809 in four villages within the realm of the parish of Fajsławice in the Lublin Region. The four villages in question were: Fajsławice, Siedliska, Suchodoły and Wola Idzikowska. At the beginning of the period under analysis, the pool of baptismal names was rather small: only 33 different male and 26 female names were used. The distribution of these names was hardly homogenous: 8.3% of all boys were named Wojciech, 19.8% of girls – Marianna, while some other names were used only once. A similar pattern was also observed in the other regions of Poland at that time. In order to identify what motivated parents as regards name selection, a few factors have been investigated: birth near the patron saint day, name inheritance from parents, and inspiration from the local cult of saints. The statistical analysis of the annual distribution of given names over the first 13 years of the parish’s existence proved to be most strongly affected by the date of birth: 95.8% of all boys were given the name of a saint, whose patron date was in the period of 4 weeks before or 4 weeks after the boy’s birth date; 81.6% for those who were born two weeks before or one week after the patron date. In most cases, the name was selected after a patron whose day was after the birth date. For girls’ names, the effect of the birth date on the baptismal name was slightly weaker, but still dominant: 86.9% of all girls born during the period between 4 weeks before and 4 weeks after the saint day received the name of the patroness. The analysis has also shown that the children’s names were practically not affected by the parents’ names or the names of a parish patron saint. The same name was given to siblings only if the previous one had died. In the period of 50 years under analysis, the naming pattern underwent a significant change: 76 new names were introduced (44 for boys and 32 for girls). Practically all of them followed the calendar rule, but the crucial role in their selection was played by the parish priests: some of them were more conservative and introduced practically no new names; some others were very creative, although some of the names they suggested did not stay in the pool of active names for a long time. The tradition of giving two names was not very significant, but, some parish priests tended to give double names more often than others. Many new names, both single and double ones, were inspired by new saints canonized in the 17th and the 18th century, especially those, who were Jesuits.
Roczniki Historii Kościoła; 2013, 5; 139-180
Pojawia się w:
Roczniki Historii Kościoła
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Biblioteka Nauki
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