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Wyszukujesz frazę ""Ludność"" wg kryterium: Wszystkie pola

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Ludność polska na Podolu wobec kolektywizacji wsi
The Attitude of the Polish Population in Podolia Towards Collective farming
Kozyrska, Antonina
Data publikacji:
Katolicki Uniwersytet Lubelski Jana Pawła II. Towarzystwo Naukowe KUL
ludność polska na Podolu
kolektywizacja wsi
represje Polaków
Polish population in Podolia
farm collectivization
repressions against Poles
At the end of 1929 the Soviet authorities started a country-wide collectivization campaign that consisted in liquidation of individual farms and combining their land, agricultural machines and other equipment and livestock into collective farms. This was supposed to boost the efficiency of work and agricultural production. Villages were to constitute the base for towns, which was indispensable in executing the plans of industrialization of the Soviet state. The collectivization process was proceeding slowly, raising strong opposition from the farmers. The authorities used various forms of psychological pressure, financial sanctions and repressions including deportations. A fast pace of collectivization in its first stage and the brutal methods of its effecting shook the existing structures of the country and were a threat to the foundations of the villagers' sustenance. The greatest peasant actions occurred in March 1930 and they spread to a lot of Podolia villages. Peasants in large numbers withdrew from kolkhozes, slaughtered the livestock and campaigned against kolkhozes. Also bloody riots took place; there were attempts at freeing peasants who had been imprisoned, and activists sent by the authorities were punished. The uprisings were suppressed by State Political Directorate troops in the Ukraine. The anti-government feeling among the peasants was additionally heightened by the State's atheist policies. Compared to the Ukrainian peasants, Poles in Podolia, who were historically attached to land and to the Catholic Church, presented greater opposition to kolkhozes. Because of the geographical situation of Podolia its population was perceived as unreliable, as saboteurs, spies, or enemies of the Soviet authorities, who aimed at annexing those territories to Poland. Only by using methods of terror (a system of high taxes and deliveries of agricultural products, arrests and deportations, shootings), by establishing ethnic kolkhozes and by making use of the spreading famine were the authorities able to break the resistance of the Polish population and to carry out the collectivization plan. The tragic fate of the Poles was sealed by mass repressions in 1937-1938, when the issue of opposition to collectivization was used as evidence proving that the innocent victims were guilty.
Studia Polonijne; 2011, 32; 117-142
Pojawia się w:
Studia Polonijne
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Ludność polska na Białorusi, Litwie i Ukrainie według ostatnich spisów powszechnych
Polish Population in Byelorussia, Lithuania and the Ukraine According to the Latest Censuses
Eberhardt, Piotr
Data publikacji:
Katolicki Uniwersytet Lubelski Jana Pawła II. Towarzystwo Naukowe KUL
ludność polska
the Ukraine
Polish population
In the article the results are presented of the latest censuses carried out in Byelorussia in 1999, and in Lithuania and the Ukraine in 2001. The basic task of the study was to determine how big the Polish population was. The Byelorussian census showed 396 thousand, the Lithuanian one – 235 thousand, and the Ukrainian one – 144.1 thousand Poles. Altogether in the three mentioned countries bordering upon Poland the official census data showed 775.1 thousand Poles. This was 98.1 thousand fewer than the previous census carried out in the Soviet period (1989) showed. The author tries to explain the causes of this state of things. Earlier assessments done by Polish researchers showed that the data from Soviet censuses lowered the number of Poles and it was expected that the censuses carried out under new circumstances would show a considerably bigger Polish population. The results of these censuses did not confirm these research hypotheses. The constant decrease in the number of Poles in Byelorussia, Lithuania and the Ukraine results from assimilation processes that have been stimulated by social and economic changes. In the next part of the article the author tried to present the distribution of the Polish population according to the administrative units of the province or district level. A special attention was paid to the Vilnius district in Lithuania and the Grodno province in Byelorussia. In both these areas the Polish population tends to concentrate. On the other hand, the processes of atrophy of the Polish population go on in the Ukraine. This is due to the diffusion of the Polish population and its gradual sinking into the Ukrainian community.
Roczniki Nauk Społecznych; 2005, 33, 1; 145-164
Pojawia się w:
Roczniki Nauk Społecznych
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Problematyka demograficzna Polski
The Demographic Problem of Poland
Eberhardt, Piotr
Data publikacji:
Katolicki Uniwersytet Lubelski Jana Pawła II. Towarzystwo Naukowe KUL
prognozy demograficzne
demographic prognoses
The introductory part of the paper focuses on the demographic transformations in Poland in the first half of the twentieth century. The evolution of natural movement has been especially stressed here. In that period, the population of Poland had a very high birth rate. It followed from the dwindling but always high number of births, and the lowering death rate. The political and military events of the First and Second World Wars had brought about essential consequences. Especially the Second World War was fraught with consequences. As a result of demographic losses and changes of borders, the population of Poland diminished from 34.8 million (1939) to 23.9 million (1946). Then for a dozen of so years compensatory processes took place, which have recompensed the war losses. During further decades we dealt with a constant fall of the birth rate. It resulted from a diminished number of children. In the beginning of the 1990s, the population of Poland reached 38 million of inhabitants. The political transformation that took place in the last decade of the twentieth century have brought about far-reaching demographic results. A rapid fall of the birth rate, with the death rate at the same level, have made the birth rate dwindle. As a result, the demographic regress took place. The de-population processes embraced the majority of the country. In the final part of the paper the author arrives at a conclusion that these new tendencies in the natural movement are permanent. To prove this point we have one of demographic prognosis. According to its presuppositions, the population of Poland will diminish to the level of 26.3 million in 2050. The author claims that it will cause essential geopolitical, social, and economic consequences.
Roczniki Nauk Społecznych; 2007, 35, 1; 25-42
Pojawia się w:
Roczniki Nauk Społecznych
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Kilka uwag o przyszłości Europy w świetle prognoz demograficznych
Some Reflections on the European Future in the Light of Population Projections
Okólski, Marek
Data publikacji:
Katolicki Uniwersytet Lubelski Jana Pawła II. Towarzystwo Naukowe KUL
prognozy demograficzne
ludność Europy
population projections
population of Europe
Artykuł został oparty głównie na wynikach prognozy ludności świata opublikowanej przez ONZ w 2019 r. Dowodzą one, że w okresie do 2060 r. zaludnienie Europy zmniejszy się o 60 mln osób. Jest to zjawisko długotrwałe: między 1950 a 2100 r. nastąpi spadek udziału Europy w populacji całego globu z 22% do 6%. Główną jego przyczynę stanowi niski poziom dzietności, który nie zapewnia odtwarzania kolejnych generacji w niezmniejszających się rozmiarach. Inną ważną konsekwencją trwającej długo bardzo niskiej dzietności jest demograficzne starzenie się populacji, przejawiające się w odwróceniu proporcji liczebnych między grupą dzieci i młodzieży a grupą ludzi w starszym wieku na rzecz tej drugiej oraz silny spadek relacji liczbowej między grupą osób w wieku produkcyjnym a grupą osób w wieku poprodukcyjnym. Depopulacja oraz silne zestarzenie się ludności stawia Europę w najmniej korzystniej sytuacji demograficznej wśród wszystkich kontynentów. Największy kontrast występuje w porównaniu z Afryką, której ludność będzie nadal silnie wzrastać, osiągając w 2100 r. 34% populacji świata (11% w 1950 r.), oraz gdzie zostanie zachowana przewaga liczebna dzieci i młodzieży nad osobami w wieku starszym. Zmiany demograficzne w Europie będą istotnie zróżnicowane regionalnie. Względnie korzystna sytuacja wystąpi w Europie Zachodniej, na której obszarze liczba ludności nieznacznie się zwiększy (głównie dzięki imigracji), a dynamika starzenia się będzie umiarkowana, niekorzystna zaś w Europie Południowej i Europie Wschodniej, gdzie pojawi się silna depopulacja i silne tempo starzenia się. Zdaniem autora prognozy ludnościowe w niedostatecznym stopniu uwzględniają potencjał migracyjny obszarów pozaeuropejskich, zwłaszcza Afryki, wynikający z gwałtownego przyrostu osób należących do młodych grup tzw. wieku produkcyjnego. Można bowiem oczekiwać, że znaczna część tego potencjału podejmie próby emigracji, skierowanej przede wszystkim w stronę Europy. To zaś spowoduje zapewne istotny wzrost udziału ludności muzułmańskiej w populacji większości krajów europejskich, wystawiając na trudną próbę stosunki międzykulturowe w tych krajach.
The present paper is based above all on the results of the United Nations’ population projection which was published in 2019. According to that publication until 2060 the population of Europe will decrease by 60 million. This is clearly a long-term tendency: between 1950 and 2100 the share of Europe in the world population may decline from 22% to 6%. Its principal reason seems to be a low level of fertility which does not allow for the replacement of subsequent generations. Another important consequence of enduring very low fertility is population ageing which manifests itself in a reversal of the ratio of the number of children to the number of the elderly to the benefit of the latter and a strong decline in the ratio of working-age population to the elderly. In view of its shrinking population and fast ageing, Europe will be in the least favourable demographic situation of all continents. The most contrasting picture presents Africa where population will continue to be strongly increasing to reach 34% of world population in 2100 (11% in 1950) and the number of children will still be higher than the number of the elderly. Demographic changes in Europe will display considerable regional differences. Western Europe will be in a relatively favourable situation with slightly increasing population size (mainly due to immigration) and a moderate pace of the ageing whereas southern and eastern parts of the continent will experience strong depopulation and fast pace of the ageing. In the author’s view recent population projections do not adequately account for the migration potential of non-European areas, especially Africa, which stems from a vehement increase in the young (mobile) segment of working-age population. For it could be reasonably expected that a large part of that potential will attempt emigration, most likely to Europe. This, in turn, may result in a significant rise in the share of Muslims in the population of a majority of European countries and bring about tensions in the intercultural relations difficult to cope.
Roczniki Kulturoznawcze; 2020, 11, 1; 5-15
Pojawia się w:
Roczniki Kulturoznawcze
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Problematyka demograficzna tzw. ściany wschodniej Rzeczypospolitej Polskiej
The Demographic Issue of the So-Called Eastern Wall of the Polish Republic
Eberhardt, Piotr
Data publikacji:
Katolicki Uniwersytet Lubelski Jana Pawła II. Towarzystwo Naukowe KUL
ściana wschodnia
“eastern wall”
The article presents demographic changes occurring in the borderland area situated in the immediate neighborhood of the Polish-Lithuanian, Polish-Byelorussian and Polish-Ukrainian borders. In the Polish specialist literature the area is called “the Eastern Wall”. The author draws the reader’s attention to the lack of precision of this term and to the freedom with which it is used, as well as to the fact that with time it has been assuming a negative meaning. In order to check the research hypothesis saying that there are de-population areas near the eastern border of Poland an empirical analysis has been made. On the basis of statistical documents demographic changes have been presented and commented on, according to the three levels of local government administration (województwo, powiat, gmina). The most interesting facts have been revealed by an analysis of the lowest level units (gmina). Information has been compared about their population, according to five time points (1970, 1978, 1988, 1996, 2008). This has made it possible to define the demographic dynamics. The results are unambiguous, and they show that nearly all the studied gminas are characterized by demographic regress. The rate of decrease in their population has been accelerating with time. Depopulation processes are result of a negative migration balance and of the natural drop. The decreasing number of births is connected with an increase in death rate. The opinion about the existence of the so-called “Eastern Wall”, in which negative demographic-social processes are cumulated has been confirmed by facts. Empirical analysis based on the data from three first level units (województwo), 16 second level units (powiat) and 51 third level units (gmina)  has showed that the discussed eastern part of the borderland is not homogeneous and it is spatially differentiated.  It has been revealed that each of the borderland segments has its own, clearly distinguished, demographic specificity. The most unfavorable demographic situation, which is connected with the increasing depopulation processes, obtains in the central part of the Polish eastern border. The area is situated along the Polish-Byelorussian border, and partly at the northern part of the Polish-Ukrainian border. At this borderland segment, more than 600 km long, we see several negative phenomena and demographic processes overlapping, which in the future may lead to a complete depopulation of the borderland areas. This will give significant economic consequences. In the conclusion attempts are made to show that studies of the borderland areas not only have a great cognitive significance, but a planning significance as well, since they may be a premise for creating programs activating the area.
Roczniki Nauk Społecznych; 2011, 39; 271-291
Pojawia się w:
Roczniki Nauk Społecznych
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Wielodomenowe środowisko operacji a zagrożenia ludności
Multi-Domain Operations Environment Versus Population Threats
Szczygielska, Agnieszka
Data publikacji:
Katolicki Uniwersytet Lubelski Jana Pawła II. Towarzystwo Naukowe KUL
multi-domain operations
hybrid conflict
operacje wielodomenowe
konflikt hybrydowy
Działania wielodomenowe rozwijane obecnie w warstwie teoretycznej, szczególnie w uregulowaniach normatywnych, stanowią rozwinięcie koncepcji działań połączonych. Przedmiotem poznania jest istota środowiska operacji wielodomenowych, które generuje szereg wyzwań i zagrożeń dla ludności cywilnej pozostającej zarówno na teatrze działań wojennych, jak i będącej poza jego granicami. To z kolei generuje konkretne typy zagrożeń dla ludności znajdującej się w strefie bezpośrednich działań wojennych. Celem opracowania jest, w związku z powyższym, zaprezentowanie istoty działań wielodomenowych oraz w konsekwencji tego, inaczej postrzeganego środowiska operacji militarnych w aspekcie zagrożeń dla ludności cywilnej, wynikających z prowadzonych działań zbrojnych w pięciu domenach: powietrznej, lądowej, morskiej, cyberprzestrzeni i kosmosie.
Multi-domain actions currently being developed in the theoretical layer, especially in normative regulations, are an extension of the concept of combined actions. The subject of cognition is the essence of the environment of multi-domain operations, which generates a number of challenges and threats to civilians who remain both inside and outside the theater of warfare. This, in turn, generates specific types of threats to the population in the zone of direct hostilities. The aim of the study is, therefore, to present the essence of multi-domain operations and, as a consequence, a differently perceived environment of military operations in terms of threats to the civilian population resulting from military operations in five domains.
Roczniki Nauk Społecznych; 2024, 52, 1; 45-60
Pojawia się w:
Roczniki Nauk Społecznych
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
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