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Św. Justyn – „sprawiedliwy pośród narodów”
St. Justin – a righteous man among the nations
Wróblewska, Justyna E.
Data publikacji:
Katolicki Uniwersytet Lubelski Jana Pawła II
righteous man
This article refers to St. Justin, who was one of the Church Fathers, one of the first Christian philosophers and Greek apologists and also a martyr for the Christian faith when this was spreading throughout the Roman Empire. In the preface, it is shown that a hostile attitude existed at the time of both the Roman Empire and the Jews towards Christianity at its very beginning. Christians were being stultified and sentenced to death. Each part of the article shows Justin in a different cultural role. First, we can see the beginnings of his life. Justin lived in the second century after Christ. He was born in Samaria, which was firmly hellenised and that is why he was well prepared to live in a multinational empire in those times. As a Christian philosopher Justin was entering into relations with the Jews and pagans, always seeking the truth. The next part is about Justin – as a philosopher. He was also the most popular and the most outstanding Christian philosopher of the second century after Christ. He kept a positive attitude towards philosophy. He valued Stoics, Platonics, Socrates and Plato in some areas, so that he could notice elements of truth in the teachings of Greek philosophers. But Justin was against religious syncretism. We owe to Justin the demonstration of Christian true faith through pagan philosophical concepts. He was looking for dialogue between Christianity and pagan philosophy and used its terms to show others the only true wisdom which he had got to know by himself. Since the mid-second century the pastoral purpose of patristic literature was changing to become a means of defence of Christianity against attacks from outside and inside – meaning heretics. He also started the new type of discussion with heretics. Then Justin as a theologian – he refers many times to the Old Testament and Prophets announcing the coming of Jesus – Logos, whose grain of truth Justin noticed in every ancient teaching. Justin also refers to the parallel between Socrates and Christ, something we can find everywhere in the Apology of Justin. He also left us the oldest descriptions of the sacrament of Baptism and the Eucharist. He is the person who created the dialogue between faith and intellect. Another part speaks about apologies which first of all were to demand equality with other religions and philosophies. Then as an apologist – he defended Christianity from unfounded accusations by Roman emperors and cultural elites. He defended the Christian faith through the use of rational arguments. He wanted to show universal truth via rational discourse. Finally Justin as the righteous man , which we can say he was called because of his name (Lat. iustinus – righteous) and which was the way he acted in his life. He was searching for the truth in his life, the true knowledge. He founded a philosophical school in Rome in which he taught one true wisdom and as a true philosopher he did this free of charge. He was accused of being a Christian and brought before the judge, because he did not accept the pagan gods, and did not obey the Emperor. The best apology for Christians was their readiness for martyrdom. As a Christian philosopher he ended his life and sealed it by shedding his blood shed for Christ. He is regarded as one of the early Church Fathers. This early witness of Tradition became one of the first who tried to bring Christian thinking closer to Greek philosophy; Justin became a something of a keystone which linked antiquity with the novelty of Christianity. In conclusion, Justin brought Christianity closer to philosophy by explaining it using philosophical language.
Vox Patrum; 2012, 57; 751-761
Pojawia się w:
Vox Patrum
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Człowiek sprawiedliwy a człowiek bezbożny w świetle Ps 37
The Righteous and the Wicked in the Light of Psalm 37
Kľusková, Mykhaylyna
Data publikacji:
Katolicki Uniwersytet Lubelski Jana Pawła II
Ps 37
psalm alfabetyczny
psalm mądrościowy
Book of Psalms
alphabetical psalm
wisdom psalm
the righteous
the wicked
Psalm 37 is one of the most typical wisdom texts in the Book of Psalms. In comparison to other psalms it contains a high number of information on the righteous and the wicked person. The paper aims to present and analyse in detail all contexts in which mentions of the righteous and the wicked appear in order to answer the question what function these information have. The paper is divided into five parts. In the first one is given a short introduction into psalm’s genre and its main topic. The second one reflects all mentions of the righteous and the wicked in Ps 37, such containing the key terms as qyDic' and [v'r' but also those which are thematically connected with them. In the third and fourth part of the paper the information about the righteous and the wicked are analysed in detail and the main contexts of their using are defined. The righteous as supported by God are mainly viewed as existential winners in contrast to the wicked presented as life losers. The final part of the article explains the role of the information on the righteous and the wicked in the psalm taking into account the actual situation of the psalm’s addressee.
The Biblical Annals; 2019, 9, 1; 5-34
Pojawia się w:
The Biblical Annals
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Mesjański ekosystem (Iz 11,6-8)
The Messianic Ecosystem (Isa 11:6-8)
Sobierajski, Bartłomiej
Data publikacji:
Katolicki Uniwersytet Lubelski Jana Pawła II
sprawiedliwy władca
Iz 11,6-8
Iz 32,2
Iz 32,17
righteous ruler
Isa 11:6-8
Isa 32:2
Isa 32:17
Charakterystyka każdego ekosystemu zawiera nie tylko opis gatunków roślin i zwierząt w nim występujących, ale także analizę relacji pomiędzy gatunkami i pomiędzy nimi a ich środowiskiem. Artykuł jest próbą odpowiedzi na pytanie o naturę mesjańskiego pokoju przedstawionego w Iz 11,6-8, głównie w oparciu o opis czynności i zachowań, które charakteryzują zwierzęta i postaci ludzkie w nim występujące. Takie podejście do tematu uzupełnia liczne i szczegółowe analizy gatunków zwierząt z Iz 11,6-8 oraz próby odczytania ich znaczenia. Według Izajasza, pokój nie jest zwykłym brakiem wojny, ale obok harmonijnej koegzystencji i wspólnego zamieszkiwania ludzi zawiera także ideę życia w obfitości pod rządami sprawiedliwego władcy. Takie rozumienie pokoju można dostrzec także w innych częściach Proto-Izajasza, spośród których na szczególną uwagę zasługuje rozdz. 32.
Our understanding of any natural ecosystem includes not only a description of the species of plants and animals it encompasses, but also an analysis of the relationships involved, both between the species themselves and between each of them and their environment. The article attempts to answer such questions about the nature of the messianic peace outlined in Isa 11:6-8, an investigation based mainly on the activities and behaviors characteristic of the animals and human figures seen in this passage. Such an approach to the subject complements much previous scholarship, which includes numerous detailed analyses of the species named in Isa 11:6-8, as well as attempts to interpret their meaning. According to Isaiah, peace is not simply the absence of conflict but also involves the harmonious coexistence and cohabitation of people. Still further, it always includes the idea of living in abundance under the dominion of a righteous ruler. This understanding of peace can be seen in various other parts of Proto-Isaiah, especially in Chapter 32.
Verbum Vitae; 2017, 31; 123-148
Pojawia się w:
Verbum Vitae
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
„Sprawiedliwy ginie, a nikt się tym nie przejmuje” (Iz 57,1a) – obraz judejskiej elity w inwektywach Trito-Izajasza (Iz 56–57). Kryzys przywództwa w prowincji Jehud w połowie V wieku przed Chr.
“The righteous perish, and no one takes it to heart” (Isa 57:1a) – a Picture of the Judean Elite in Trito-Isaiah’s Invectives (Isa 56–57). The Leadership Crisis in the Province of Yehud in the Mid-Fifth Century BC
Zawadzki, Arnold
Data publikacji:
Katolicki Uniwersytet Lubelski Jana Pawła II
Iz 56–57
teologiczna inkluzywność
styl variatio
powołanie Nehemiasza
synowie wiedźmy
pasterze Jehud
Isa 56–57
theological inclusivity
variatio style
Nehemiah’s vocation
sons of the witch
shepherds of Yehud
Artykuł wykazuje, że Iz 56–57 jest zestawieniem pięciu obrazów (56,1-8; 56,9-12; 57,1-2; 57,3-13; 57,14-21) stworzonych w stylu variatio. Wstęp przedstawia jedno zdanie z Tacyta jako przykład zastosowanej variatio oraz trudu intelektualnej refleksji, jaki czytelnik musi podjąć, by je zrozumieć. Następnie rozbudowana egzegeza Iz 56–57 – łączącą niepowiązane na pozór fragmenty w spójną całość – prowadzi do ukazania sytuacji Jehud w połowie V wieku przed Chr., w przeddzień reformy Nehemiasza. Proroctwo o eunuchu w Iz 56,1-8 jest historyczną aluzją do Nehemiasza i próbą jego uwiarygodnienia. Szereg argumentów wskazuje bowiem, że przez Judejczyków mógł być uważany za eunucha i cudzoziemca (nawet jeśli de facto nim nie był – dostępne źródła nie są jednoznaczne).  Otrzymując powołanie, zostaje przygotowany, by stawić czoła kryzysowi społeczno-religijnemu. Jest to głównie kryzys przywództwa: ci, którzy stoją na czele, są zdegenerowani, poddani znieczulicy moralnej, duchowemu otępieniu, pijaństwu, prostytucji i bałwochwalczym praktykom (składanie dzieci w ofiarach, nierząd sakralny, kult Molocha), porównani do niemych psów, nie widzą zbliżającego się zagrożenia. Negatywny obraz elit jest zrównoważony pozytywnymi akcentami: obecnością sprawiedliwych, których śmierć nie jest bezowocna, działalnością środowiska prorockiego i zapowiedzią interwencji Boga przebaczającego i ogłaszającego pokój. Krótkie zakończenie uwypukla doniosłość teologiczną badanych tekstów: inkluzywność, śmierć sprawiedliwego (wypełniona teologią cierpienia zastępczego), świętość ontyczna Boga jako podstawa miłosierdzia oraz natchnienie prorockie jako działalność Boga Stwórcy – to niektóre z teologicznych tematów obecnych w Iz 56–57. Artykuł ma charakter stricte egzegetyczny i opisowy z elementami humanizmu i duchowości.
The article shows that Isa 56–57 is a collection of five images (56:1–8; 56:9–12; 57:1–2; 57:3–13; 57:14–21) created in variatio style. The introduction presents a single sentence from Tacitus as an example of the variatio employed and the effort of intellectual reflection that the reader must undertake to understand it. Then an extended exegesis of Isa 56–57 – linking seemingly unconnected passages into a coherent whole – leads to a depiction of the situation of Yehud in the mid-fifth century BC, on the eve of Nehemiah’s reform. The prophecy about the eunuch in Isa 56:1–8 is a historical allusion to Nehemiah and an attempt to give him credence. Indeed, a number of arguments indicate that he may have been considered a eunuch and a foreigner by the Judeans (even if he was not de facto one – the available sources are not conclusive). Receiving a vocation, he is prepared to face a socio-religious crisis. It is mainly a crisis of leadership: those in leadership are degenerate, subject to moral insensitivity, spiritual stupefaction, drunkenness, prostitution and idolatrous practices (child sacrifice, sacred fornication, worship of Moloch), compared to mute dogs, unable to see the impending danger. The negative portrayal of the elite is balanced by positive emphases: the presence of the righteous whose death is not fruitless, the activity of the prophetic community and the announcement of the intervention of God who forgives and proclaims peace. A brief conclusion highlights the theological significance of the texts under study: inclusivity, the death of the righteous (filled with a theology of vicarious suffering), God’s ontic holiness as the basis of mercy, and prophetic inspiration as the activity of God the Creator are some of the theological themes present in Isa 56–57. The article is strictly exegetical and descriptive with elements of humanism and spirituality.
The Biblical Annals; 2023, 13, 2; 251-295
Pojawia się w:
The Biblical Annals
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
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