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Wykładnia rozszerzająca prawa ochrony środowiska jako szczególnej gałęzi prawa
Extensive interpretation of environmental law as a specific branch of law
Przybojewska, Ilona
Data publikacji:
Katolicki Uniwersytet Lubelski Jana Pawła II
prawo ochrony środowiska
wykładnia celowościowa
wykładnia rozszerzająca
environmental law
teleological interpretation
extensive interpretation
Przedmiotem niniejszego artykułu jest analiza roli wykładni rozszerzającej w ramach prawa ochrony środowiska. Jakkolwiek w zależności od przyjętej konwencji terminologicznej różnie ocenia się samodzielność prawa ochrony środowiska jako odrębnej od innych gałęzi prawa, nie ulega jednak wątpliwości, że prawo ochrony środowiska wykazuje szereg cech charakterystycznych, które odróżniają je od innych dziedzin. Jest to w szczególności obecność własnych zasad (jak zasada „zanieczyszczający płaci” czy zasada prewencji i zasada przezorności) czy wykorzystanie rynkowych instrumentach ochrony środowiska. Jest to zarazem obszar, który kształtuje się zarówno pod wpływem unijnego, jak i krajowego porządku prawnego. Powoduje to, że w ramach prawa ochrony środowiska następuje ścieranie się różnych tendencji dotyczących wykładni prawa, to jest z jednej strony prymatu wykładni literalnej, tradycyjnie przyjmowanego w odniesieniu do prawa polskiego, a z drugiej strony, nacisku na wykładnię celowościową, widocznego w orzecznictwie Trybunału Sprawiedliwości Unii Europejskiej. Ta ostatnia tendencja ulega wzmocnieniu poprzez oddziaływanie zasad i wartości leżących u podstaw prawa ochrony środowiska, co prowadzi do interesujących rezultatów interpretacyjnych.
The subject of the present article is an analysis of the role of extensive interpretation within the framework of environmental law. Although, depending on adopted attitude with regard to terminology, independence of environmental law as a separate branch of law is viewed divergently in the doctrine, there are no doubts as to possession, by the environmental law, of an array of characteristic features that differentiate it amongst other fields of law. In particular, there may be mentioned presence of its own principles (like „polluter pays” principle or principle of prevention, as well as precautionary principle) or use of marketbased instruments. Environmental law is also the field which is being shaped both under the influence of law of the European Union, as well as the influence of domestic legal order. That leads to a situation in which within the framework of environmental law there is a clash of various trends concerning interpretation of law, i.e. primacy of literal interpretation, traditionally assumed with regard to Polish law, and, on the other hand, emphasis put on teleological interpretation, demonstrated in jurisprudence of the European Court of Justice.The latter trend is strengthened by the impact of principles and values which lie at the heart of environmental law. That leads to interesting results in legal interpretation.
Studia Prawnicze KUL; 2018, 2; 67-85
Pojawia się w:
Studia Prawnicze KUL
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Pro-Constitutional Interpretation of Statutes. A Few Remarks Related to the Dispute about Judicial Activism
Kaczmarczyk, Hubert
Data publikacji:
Katolicki Uniwersytet Lubelski Jana Pawła II
judicial activism, limits of legal interpretation, pro-constitutional interpretation of statutes
The article presents an opinion in the discussion on the limits of judicial activism. The active attitude of judges in the law-making process according to the so-called concept of ‘pro-constitutional interpretation of the law’ can be observed more and more often. While we may agree with the view that the role of a judge is to pronounce a fair verdict based on the applicable law and judges may give meaning to statutory provisions supplemented with an axiology of the Constitution, the problem appears with particular sharpness when such a pro-constitutional interpretation leads to a specific application of the provisions contra legem.
Review of European and Comparative Law; 2021, 46, 3; 93-107
Pojawia się w:
Review of European and Comparative Law
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Interpretacja mesjańska Psalmu 22
Kuc, Józef
Data publikacji:
Katolicki Uniwersytet Lubelski Jana Pawła II
Psalm 22
Persona patiens huius poematis ad quaestionem fundamentalem exegeticam Ps 22 pertinet. Cum hac questione interpretatio messianica Ps iungitur. Fautores interpretationis directe messianicae autumnant passiones, de quibus in Ps, solum de Christo intellegi posse. Nulla persona in VT invenitur, cui argumentum Ps adhiberi possit. Haec conclusio tamen non est sine dubio. Ps 22 est enim opus culticum in quo psalmista modo quodam universaliori loquitur, ut ad varias circumstantias, in quibus passio et liberatio a passione adsit, accommodari possit. Rationes ad probandam interpretationem messianicam quae ex NT proveniant, solum primaevae Ecclesiae intellectionem huius Ps ostendunt, sed non dem onstrant exegesim messianicam . Comparatio Ps 22 cum Deuteo Isaia tam philologica quam quoad thema docet affinitatem inter haec opera mere externam esse. Exegesis tipica in hoc consistit, quod auctor Ps aut propriam aut alicuius alii passionem et salutem describit, quae sunt typice de Messia intelligenda. Exegetae moderni hanc interpretationem uti insufficientem vident. Humilitas et exaltatio ut notae actionis salvificae Dei maxime in Ps descpptae sunt. Hoc thema essentialiter in Messia verificatus est, unde ex hac parte Ps 22 ut messianicus videri possit. Messianismus de quo agitur est praenuntiatio salvifica et eschatologica. Auctor Psalmi exinspiratione cognovit et expressit passionem et gloriam tam quam fructus, qui ad historiam salutis necessarii sunt. Intrinseca unio, quae inter passionem et fructum salutis adest, profundissime in Christo ostenditur. Schola, quam dicunt Myth and Ritual arbitratur Psalmum 22 mansionem esse ritualis ceremoniae regis, qui patitur et ad vitam revertitur et in hoc sensu dicunt Psalmum messianicum esse. Messianismus in hoc sensu fere ab omnibus exegetis non accipitur. Fautores sic dictae reinterpretationis sentiunt quatuor ultimos versus Ps 22 additos esse tempore posteriori, ita ut Psalmus tunc sensum messianicum accipegiet. His versibus (Ps 22, 28-32) regnum Dei mirabili modo diffunditur usque ad universale regnum Jahwe. Argumentum huius partis Ps affine est Psalm is regalibus et alterae parti Isaiae. Redactor igitur reinterpretans Ps 22 sensum messianicum in hoc opere relegit. Tamen unio causalis inter passionem patientis et salutem paganorum non clare in Psalmo videtur. A. Gelin arbitratur homines his temporibus non tam logice quam hodie cogitatos esse et spes messianicas ex Is 53 maximum influxum in eorum mentes exercuisse, unde versum 28-32 sufficientes erant, ut totus Psalmus messianice intelligeretur. Si persona in Psalmo acciperetur ut persona corporativa, dici possetrepraesentari populum Dei, qui pro omnium culpis patitur et tunc interpretatio messianica Psalmi 22 clarius evasisset.
The Biblical Annals; 1971, 18, 1; 5-19
Pojawia się w:
The Biblical Annals
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Rola Ducha Świętego w procesie interpretacji Biblii
Szymik, Stefan
Data publikacji:
Katolicki Uniwersytet Lubelski Jana Pawła II
Duch Święty
Holy Spirit
Der Verfasser fragt nach der Stelle und Funktion des Heiligen Geistes im hermeneutischen Verfahren − vom biblischen Text her bis zu seiner Deutung und seiner Interpretation. Zuerst werden manche der von den evangelischen Theologen veröffentlichten Beiträge besprochen (Z. H. Klooster, R. B. Zuck, C. H. Pinnock) und ebenfalls katholischer Standpunkt dargestellt (I. de la Potterie), und danach theologische und biblische Prämissen genannt, die den Heiligen Geist im Leben der Kirche postieren, darunter Wechselbeziehung Heiliger Geist − die Bibel und Leitgedanken der biblischen Pneumatologie. Im vierten Teil wird es versucht im Licht der biblischen Texte eine Antwort auf die Frage zu geben: der Heilige Geist gibt den Mitgliedern der Kirche verschiedene Gaben und Fäkigkeiten (1 Kor 12, 6-8) und befähigt alle dem Leib Christi zu dienen. In dem ekklesiologischen Kontext soll man gerade exegetische Arbeit sehen: dazu sind vorgegebene Begabung und persönliche Befähigungen der Exegeten gefragt, ebenfalls aber der Glaube und geistiges Leben; gleichbedeutend bleibt Beistand des Heiligen Geistes, der den Menschen unterstützt und ihm zur Seite steht.
The Biblical Annals; 1999, 46, 1; 5-19
Pojawia się w:
The Biblical Annals
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
The Question of Public Participation in the Procedure for Authentic Interpretation of Laws
Struić, Gordan
Data publikacji:
Katolicki Uniwersytet Lubelski Jana Pawła II
authentic interpretation
public participation
legislative procedure
Authentic interpretation of laws is an interpretation of legal provisions that, due to their lack of clarity or misinterpretation in their application, is provided by the parliament. Unlike the legislative procedure, which is conducted, as a rule, in two (exceptionally three) readings, a proposal for giving an authentic interpretation is discussed in one reading. Starting from the understandings of some authors that the act of authentic interpretation of laws is contrary to the principle of democratic pluralism, and that it lacks the necessary level of democratic control and citizen participation, the author examines whether the Croatian parliamentary law enables public participation in the procedure for authentic interpretation of laws and, if so, what legal instruments can be used to implement it in parliamentary practice. To this end, the paper analyzes several relevant constitutional, legal, and procedural provisions of the Croatian parliamentary law, with reference to a parliamentary practice. Given the fact that the procedure for authentic interpretation in the Republic of Croatia, the Republic of Northern Macedonia, the Republic of Slovenia and the Republic of Serbia is regulated in a similar way by the rules of procedure of their respective parliaments, the relevant regulations of the latter three countries on the possibility of public participation in this procedure are analyzed as well. It was concluded that Croatian parliamentary law enables public participation in the procedure for authentic interpretation, through the instruments of petition, information and involvement in working groups and working bodies, and the same instruments, with certain specifics, are recognized in the parliamentary law of the latter three countries.
Review of European and Comparative Law; 2021, 44, 1; 127-154
Pojawia się w:
Review of European and Comparative Law
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
The Portrait of Isaac in Genesis 27: Between Synchronic and Diachronic Readings of Patriarch’s Character
Rozonoer, Anna
Data publikacji:
Katolicki Uniwersytet Lubelski Jana Pawła II
biblical interpretation
patriarchal narratives
history of reception
Modern critical reception characterizes patriarch Isaac as a particular character type: the schlemiel. This article provides a tour through the cumulative evidence for this comedic read, focusing on Genesis 27, the blessing of Jacob. It provides a revised narratological and literary context, arguing that Isaac’s fivefold questioning demonstrates not confusion, but awareness: he knows exactly which son is in front of him. The paper presents an alternative narratological and literary context for Isaac, framing his questions in terms of the editing process: a synchronic reading of Isaac’s acumen is corroborated by evidence from diachronic reading. The redaction history of the Isaac material in chapter 26 yields a number of points suggesting the dependence of the Abraham material on the Isaac narrative. A number of features indicate a stronger, less subordinate Isaac figure based on the earlier tradition revealed by a complex transmission history than the image arising from the mainstream synchronic reading of chapter 27 seems to depict.
Verbum Vitae; 2022, 40, 2; 375-385
Pojawia się w:
Verbum Vitae
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Historia interpretacji Nowego Testamentu
Langkammer, Hugolin
Data publikacji:
Katolicki Uniwersytet Lubelski Jana Pawła II
Ojcowie Kościoła
Fathers of Church
The paper deals with a history of the interpretations of the texts of the New Testament. It tells us about their creation and development as well as presents the results of this process. The first part reveals subsequent stages of the practical application of the exegesis (and even traces of there being some comments in the NT as to earlier tradition) from the post-apostolic time until the Middle Ages. The second, however, concentrates on the stages of the development of a scientific interpretation of the NT’s text, taking into account the factors which stimulated it. This part spans over the period from humanism until Vatican Council II and also takes into account the repercussions which its teaching has brought about.
The Biblical Annals; 1993, 40, 1; 79-95
Pojawia się w:
The Biblical Annals
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Taxation of Academic Teachers’ Royalties. Controversies in the context of the general interpretation by the Minister of Finance
Świstak, Marzena
Smoleń, Paweł Piotr
Data publikacji:
Katolicki Uniwersytet Lubelski Jana Pawła II
academic teachers’ royalties
tax-deductible expenses
creative activity
general interpretation
The Act on Personal Income Tax stipulates a number of methods for calculating costs, which unfortunately often leads to disputes between taxpayers and tax authorities. The same also concerns the rules applicable specifically to academic teachers performing their duties under an employment relationship. Problems emerge both in the context of the manner and scope of eligibility for flat-rate 50% tax-deductible expenses. Notably, the interpretative problems stem not only from the provisions of tax law as such. They also emerge in the context of the higher education reform. But even though the observed legal inconsistencies require urgent legislative action, the necessary amendment to the provisions of the Act of 20 July 2018 – Law on Higher Education and Science has yet to be introduced. Nearly two years after the Act’s entry into force, the Minister of Finance finally decided to issue a general interpretation. Therein, it is stated that in terms of the applicability of 50% tax-deductible expenses, the Act of 20 July 2018 – Law on Higher Education and Science constitutes lex specialis, i.e. ultimately, the 50% cost deduction is applicable to the entirety of an academic teacher’s remuneration. The following paper provides a critical analysis of the present regulations as well as possible solutions to the current fiscal and legal stalemate. In the authors’ opinion, the general interpretation by the Minister of Finance fails to substantially amend the quality of the law whose provisions remain largely unclear. At the same time, its practical value for the academia cannot be denied. Undoubtedly, the fact that the same was issued by the direct superior of tax authorities will make this opinion difficult to ignore in the context of individual cases.
Review of European and Comparative Law; 2022, 48, 1; 235-253
Pojawia się w:
Review of European and Comparative Law
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Precedents of Solution and Court of Justice of European Union
Gołba, Filip
Data publikacji:
Katolicki Uniwersytet Lubelski Jana Pawła II
European Court of Justice
precedent of solution
precedent of interpretation
Article elaborates on how Court of Justice of European Union treats its precedential rulings. Its principal purpose is to examine the distinction between precedent of solution and precedent of interpretation and assess whether the distinctionmay serve the purpose of reconciliation of Court of Justice’s heavy reliance on precedent with reluctance toward recognising precedent as a formal source of law manifested by civil law lawyers. According to some scholars, Court of Justice’sprecedents are merely precedents of interpretation, therefore they are not instance of judge-made law. Herein, it is argued, that the distinction is insufficient to prove their conviction is right.
Review of European and Comparative Law; 2016, 25, 2; 61-72
Pojawia się w:
Review of European and Comparative Law
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Rhetorical Syncrisis in the Johannine Presentation of Jesus and Peter
Kubiś, Adam
Data publikacji:
Katolicki Uniwersytet Lubelski Jana Pawła II
ancient rhetoric
rhetorical interpretation
Gospel of John
The article advances a hypothesis that certain elements in the Johannine characterization of Jesus and Peter can be profitably interpreted through the lens of the ancient rhetorical device of syncrisis. The analysis consists of six main parts. First, the hypothesis itself is laid out in detail. Second, the Jewish and Christian uses of syncrisis around the turn of era is described, as proof for the possibility that this rhetorical technique was employed in the FG. Third, the status quaestionis on the use of syncrisis in the FG is provided. Fourth, some arguments are presented to justify the choice of progymnasmata as a methodological framework in the exposition of σύνκρισις between Jesus and Peter. It is argued that the ancient rhetorical exercises called progymnasmata, which contain a reliable and helpful description of ancient syncrisis, can thus provide useful criteria in the search for elements of syncrisis in the Johannine description of the relationship between Jesus and Peter. Fifth, the Johannine comparison between Jesus and Peter is viewed according to some of the basic rules of the progymnasmatic theory of syncrisis. Sixth, a detailed analysis of a few elements of the Johannine syncrisis between Jesus and Peter is presented.
The Biblical Annals; 2017, 7, 4; 487-529
Pojawia się w:
The Biblical Annals
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Wykładnia przepisów w zakresie udziału społeczeństwa w ochronie środowiska – wybrane problemy
Interpretation of Legal Provisions Concerning Public Participation in Environmental Protection – Selected Problems
Barczak, Anna
Ogonowska, Adrianna
Data publikacji:
Katolicki Uniwersytet Lubelski Jana Pawła II
udział społeczeństwa w ochronie środowiska
public participation in environmental protection
Artykuł prezentuje wybrane problemy związane z interpretacją przepisów dotyczących partycypacji publicznej w ochronie środowiska. Analizie zostały poddane ważniejsze pojęcia związane z tytułową problematyką. Zwrócono uwagę również na wątpliwości dotyczące odpowiedniego stosowania przepisów prawnych w postępowaniu wymagającym udziału społeczeństwa.
The article presents some selected problems related to the interpretation of legal regulations concerning public participation in environmental protection. Particular attention was given to the more important terms related to the titular issue. It is important to highlighted, that doubts concerning the accordingly application of legal provisions in proceedings requiring public participation were also considered.
Studia Prawnicze KUL; 2018, 3; 7-28
Pojawia się w:
Studia Prawnicze KUL
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
A comparison of the modal dać się structure with the dispositional middle in Polish
Bondaruk, Anna
Data publikacji:
Katolicki Uniwersytet Lubelski Jana Pawła II
dispositional middles
generic interpretation
dispositional meaning
implied agent
The paper compares the modal dać się structure with the dispositional middle in Polish. It is argued that the two structures are similar as regards argument realization, i.e. in both constructions, the theme argument appears in the structural subject position. The two structures also have a dispositional meaning in common. However, they show a number of differences. They differ in the presence of a syntactically active agent, their aspectual properties, the availability of episodic interpretations, the obligatory presence of an adverbial modifier, and verb class restrictions. Although these differences seem to argue against a common syntactic derivation for the two structures analysed here, they do not preclude classifying the modal dać się structure as a subtype of the dispositional middle. If middles are seen as a notional category, understood as a special meaning that different grammatical structures can have, along the lines postulated by Condoravdi (1989), then the modal dać się structure can be subsumed under the label of middle. In fact, it is argued that the modal dać się structure represents Type II middles in Ackema and Schoorlemmer’s (2005) typology, and it shows properties typical of lassen-middles in German (Pitteroff 2014).
Linguistics Beyond and Within; 2015, 1; 43-63
Pojawia się w:
Linguistics Beyond and Within
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Gloss to the Resolution of the Supreme Court of 26 February 2021, III CZP 24/20 [on the Interpretation of the Will]
Zdanikowski, Paweł Marcin
Data publikacji:
Katolicki Uniwersytet Lubelski Jana Pawła II
freedom of testation
interpretation of a will
external circumstances in interpreting a will
The resolution with gloss concerns the rules for interpreting a will. The Supreme Court stated in it that an interpretation of a will should be performed taking into account all circumstances, including those external to the will and using all means of evidence. The Supreme Court decided that it is the court adjudicating in the case for inheritance acquisition, assessing the evidence gathered in a specific case, that should assess whether it is actually possible to establish the will of the testator. The author of the gloss accepts the thesis of the resolution, but argues with the position of the Supreme Court contained in its justification that only the rules for evidence assessment constitute an instrument allowing one to establish the testator’s will. In the opinion of the author of the gloss the functional interpretation of Art. 948 of the Polish Civil Code (k.c.) indicates limits to the interpretation of the will. After all this is a process that renders it possible to determine the testator’s will in a manner that does not raise any doubts. Therefore, if the interpretation of the will of such fails to secure such a degree of certainty, even despite a positive assessment of the evidence gathered in the case, the court should state that the inheritance has been acquired under the Act.
Review of European and Comparative Law; 2021, 47, 4; 235-244
Pojawia się w:
Review of European and Comparative Law
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Court of Justice of the European Union and Ukrainian Legal Order: Some Pre-accession Considerations
Haletska, Nataliya
Savchuk, Anastasiia
Data publikacji:
Katolicki Uniwersytet Lubelski Jana Pawła II
Court of Justice of the European Union
court system
preliminary ruling
As the European Union candidate country (hereinafter the EU), Ukraine is one step away from becoming an EU Member State. From this point on, the country will be subject to the influence of EU institutions, including the Court of Justice of the European Union (hereinafter the CJEU). It is suggested that upon the accession of Ukraine, the CJEU’s impact will be comparable to the influence on legal orders of other EU Members States provided necessary preparatory steps, such as training for judges, are taken. It is established that the main functions of the CJEU are to interpret and ensure the uniform application of EU law in each EU Member State, to ensure compliance with EU law by EU countries and institutions, to ensure respect for the rights and freedoms of individuals, to provide clarifications to national courts, and to promote “positive integration” and “negative integration” of EU Member States. With respect to the above-mentioned functions, it is argued that the CJEU will become an effective tool for Ukraine after it accedes to the EU. It will facilitate the harmonization of national legislation with EU standards through the application of precedents by national courts, influence the activities of legislative bodies, and help prevent future complaints by becoming an additional “quasi-supervisory” body in Ukraine. It will also provide interpretation of the EU law at the request of national courts through the preliminary rulings and procedures, protecting human rights and freedoms by enabling individuals to apply to the CJEU for protection. At the same time, arguably, Ukraine will also impact the functioning of the CJEU by increasing the caseload and appointing judges from Ukraine as well as potentially Advocate-General. Given these potential implications, certain preparatory actions, like preparing a cadre reserve, may be considered at the present moment. Finally, the authors argue that even before Ukraine’s accession, the CJEU has an indirect impact on the Ukrainian legal order. It is suggested that constitutional amendments, as well as certain institutional changes like the establishment of an impartial judicial system and empowering a Ukrainian state body with powers to execute CJEU decisions, will need to take place prior to the accession, which is a demonstration of the CJEU’s indirect influence.
Review of European and Comparative Law; 2023, 55, 4; 85-111
Pojawia się w:
Review of European and Comparative Law
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Wykładnia in dubio pro naturam w prawie polskim
Interpretation in dubio pro naturam in Polish law
Rakoczy, Bartosz
Data publikacji:
Katolicki Uniwersytet Lubelski Jana Pawła II
ochrona środowiska
zasada zrównoważonego rozwoju
environmental protection
sustainable development principle
Istnieją w pełni uzasadnione podstawy, aby de lege lata podjąć rozważania nad wykładnią in dubio pro naturam. Argumenty przemawiające za i przeciw są ważkie, ale chyba szala przechyla się w stronę myślenia międzypokoleniowego, a to sprzyja wykładni na korzyść środowiska. Być może właśnie zasada zrównoważonego rozwoju będzie stanowiła normatywny punkt wyjścia dla tej dyrektywy wykładni. Być może czas wreszcie rozważyć, czy partykularny interes jednostki, choć niezwykle ważny nie powinien ustąpić interesowi zdrowia i życia ogółu i docelowo także i tej jednostki?
Fully justified reasons exist to consider the interpretation according to the lawas it stands, applying the precautionary principle in dubio pro naturam (when indoubt, decide in favour of the environment). Arguments for and against areweighty but perhaps with more favour to intergenerational thinking, which isconducive to the interpretation in favour of the environment. Perhaps, the principleof sustainable development will be a normative reference point for this directiveof interpretation. Perhaps, it is finally time to consider if the particular interestof an individual, although very important, should not be treated inferior tothe health and life of all people and, ultimately, also of such an individual.
Studia Prawnicze KUL; 2018, 2; 87-99
Pojawia się w:
Studia Prawnicze KUL
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki

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