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Dzieło charytatywne Kościoła w Galii w IV-VII wieku w świetle prawodawstwa synodalnego. Zarys problematyki
The charity works of the Church in Gaul from the 4th to the 5th centuries in the light of the synod’s legislations
Skibiński, Tomasz
Data publikacji:
Katolicki Uniwersytet Lubelski Jana Pawła II
dzieło charytatywne
charity works
One of the activities that was undertaken by the Church from its beginning is charity works. This article focuses on answering the question: how and to what extent this problem of charity is present in the Synod’s legislations of the Gaul Church from the 4th to the 7th century. Through the analysis of the Synod’s texts will be shown the Church’s concern in appriopriate stevardship of the ecclesiastical estates, the main groups of persons who need help and the primary rules of doing charity works.
Vox Patrum; 2015, 64; 379-391
Pojawia się w:
Vox Patrum
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Szpital parafialny i przytułek w Garbowie
The Parish Hospital and The Shelter in Garbów
Makarewicz, Renata
Data publikacji:
Katolicki Uniwersytet Lubelski Jana Pawła II
szpital parafialny
działalność charytatywna
parish hospital
charity activity
Into duties of parish priests not only a ministry was written down, but also organising the care for old, ill, poor and skipped parishioners. After the Trent Council which was held in latach1545-1563, they started forming parish hospitals, and on the XIX turning point and the 20th century shelters and houses of the refuge were made.             Into the history of the parish of Garbów activity of two protective institutions became part of: of the parish hospital and of the shelter called the Hostel for Old Men in Garbów.             The article is aimed portraying of the history these two institutions, from which every for many years served for the Garbów communities.             The first part of the article is regarding activity of the parish hospital. Based on observed parish and archival records and the available literature on the subject they presented here the standard of living of charges and funds of the hospital, and also to show the state of the residential building and ways of taking care of residents. Later an issue was introduced the foundation of hospital and other forms of financial supporting of hospitals. In the second part of the article based on parish records and numerous memory articles placed in the local Press they portrayed history of the coming into existence and functioning of the shelter which was assigned for the poorest group the Garbów communities. They described the case of purchasing the building and adapting it at residential target and involving landowners in the matter of creating the shelter. They presented a living conditions of residents and duties of nuns which worked at this institution, and ways of financing activity of the nursing home were shown.
Archiwa, Biblioteki i Muzea Kościelne; 2015, 104; 153-166
Pojawia się w:
Archiwa, Biblioteki i Muzea Kościelne
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Brat Albert i jego czasy w naszych czasach. Marek Sołtysik „Znak miłości. Opowieść o Adamie Chmielowskim – Świętym Bracie Albercie”
Father Albert and his times in our days. The sing of love. The story of Adam Chmielowski – the holy Brother Albert by Marek Sołtysik
Głąb, Grzegorz
Data publikacji:
Katolicki Uniwersytet Lubelski Jana Pawła II
Marek Sołtysik
działalność charytatywna
literatura faktu
charity activity
Powieść Marka Sołtysika poświęcona jest życiu i działalności brata Alberta Chmielowskiego. Jest to także dzieło o fenomenie świętości, które autor próbuje zdiagnozować i opisać jego charakterystyczne cechy. Lektura Znaku Miłości pozwala na stwierdzenie, że jej twórcy zależało na obiektywnej, rzeczowej, a tym samym wiarygodnej prezentacji postaci Ojca Ubogich, dlatego większość tworzonych przez niego opisów i dialogów opierała się na materiałach archiwalnych – dokumentach, listach i opiniach Szarego Brata lub osób bezpośrednio go znających. Fabuła tej biograficznej opowieści motywowana jest chronologią wydarzeń, ale autor najpierw bada tematy Świętego Życia, które pozwalają ukazać duchowy portret bohatera, a także odpowiada na pytania o źródło jego nawrócenia, duchowego powołania i świętości. Marek Sołtysik, rozwijając tezę, że święci wyrażają swoje czasy, a zarazem te czasy wyprzedzają, próbuje przekonać czytelników, że Brat Albert jest również człowiekiem naszej epoki, gdyż jego profil duchowy i apostolstwo wskazują na wartości ponadczasowe i ponadpokoleniowe – wiarę, miłość, godność osoby ludzkiej.
Sołtysik’s story is devoted to the life and activity of Brother Albert Chmielowski. It is also a work about the phenomenon of holiness, which the author tries to diagnose and describe its distinctive features. Reading The Sign of Love allows us to say that the author of the work depended on the objective and material presentation of the figure of the Father of the Poor, so most of the descriptions and dialogues constructed by him were based on archival materials - documents, letters and opinions of Brother Gray or people directly knowing him. The storyline of this biographical setting is governed by the chronology of events, but the author first explores the themes of the Holy Life, which allow for a spiritual portrait of the hero, as well as answering questions about the source of his conversion, spiritual calling and holiness. Marek Sołtysik, developing the thesis that saints express their times and at the same time overtakes them, tries to convince readers that Brother Albert is also a man of our age, because his spiritual profile and apostolate indicate timeless and cross-generational values – faith, loveand human dignity.
Zeszyty Naukowe KUL; 2018, 61, 2; 145-165
Pojawia się w:
Zeszyty Naukowe KUL
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Miłosierdzie jako oikonomia Kościoła. Na podstawie wybranych tekstów Magisterium Ecclesiae
Mercy as Oikonomia of the Church. Based on the Examples of Magisterium Ecclesiae
Dudek-Kowalska, Agnieszka
Data publikacji:
Katolicki Uniwersytet Lubelski Jana Pawła II
wyobraźnia miłosierdzia
creativity in charity
Upływ niespełna czterdziestu lat od czasu ogłoszenia encykliki Dives in misericordia nie zdezaktualizował ogłoszonych tam tez i postulatów. Przeciwnie, wiele ze wskazanych wówczas przez Jana Pawła II zagrożeń cywilizacyjnych pogłębiło się, a na pierwszy plan wysunęła się postępująca alienacja człowieka i osłabienie więzów międzyludzkiej solidarności. Propozycja papieża, by właściwie rozumiane i uzasadnione miłosierdzie uczynić panaceum na problemy dotykające relacje międzyludzkie, jest nadal aktualna. Szczególna rola przypada tu Kościołowi. Jak stwierdził Jan Paweł II w encyklice Dives in misericordia: „Jezus Chrystus ukazał, że człowiek nie tylko doświadcza i «dostępuje» miłosierdzia Boga samego, ale także jest powołany do tego, ażeby sam «czynił» miłosierdzie drugim: «Błogosławieni miłosierni, albowiem oni miłosierdzia dostąpią» (Mt 5,7). Kościół znajduje w tych słowach wezwanie do czynu i stara się «czynić miłosierdzie»” (nr 14).
As it was mentioned in the first part of the present article, its purpose was the presentation of the selected issues concerning the ecclesiological and social aspect of mercy in the teaching of the Church, mainly of the pontificate of pope John Paul II, as the answer to the disappearing of the bond of brotherhood among people and the way of the restoration of relation. The study was leant on three pillars (problems): 1) God’s mercy in sacraments (through the sacramentalness of the Church, in the Eucharist and the sacrament of penance and reconciliation), 2) the issue of “creativity in charity” (through support for needy people, relationality of mercy and the relation between “mercy” and “justice”), 3) deeds of mercy (through mercy as a life style, the idea of the civilization of mercy and reconciliation as the purpose of the service of mercy). Summarizing the presented observation, it must be said that the validity of Christ’s Church mission and the necessity of its existence in the modern world depend largely on the undertaking of the adjuration contained in Christ’s Gospel: “Be merciful, just as your Father is merciful” (Luke 6:36).The example given by the Church is to become the leaven of the world based on authentic interpersonal solidarity. The act of mercy creates harmony and unity amongst people, building a better world. The service of the Church should reflect on the level of authentic faith in God’s mercy – for the members of the Church to experience it. God’s mercy brings renewal of the earth.The duty of the Church is to show the true meaning of “mercy” that reflects in the human attitude God’s perfection, fulfilling justice and to lead a better life.
Teologia w Polsce; 2019, 13, 2; 201-222
Pojawia się w:
Teologia w Polsce
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Wokół działalności wydawniczej oraz redakcyjnej bł. Edmunda Bojanowskiego
Around the publishing and editorial work of Blessed Edmund Bojanowski
Rozwadowska, Marta Diana
Data publikacji:
Katolicki Uniwersytet Lubelski Jana Pawła II
Edmund Bojanowski
społeczeństwo XIX wieku
praca charytatywna
19th century society
charity work
Prezentowany tekst jest próbą ukazania Edmunda Bojanowskiego jako redaktora oraz wydawcy. Wiedział, że jedyną możliwą i rozsądną drogą, którą należy iść, będzie praca organiczna. Uważał, że w każdym człowieku leży obowiązek oświecania bliźniego i głoszenia prawdy. Zdawał sobie sprawę z czasów, w jakich przyszło mu żyć, i dlatego też chciał pokrzepić serca ludzi zmęczonych trudami powstań, walk, epidemii, poddanych represjom zaborcy, często zrezygnowanych i zmęczonych życiem. Miał pewność, że jednym z najlepszych sposobów na dotarcie do jak największej liczby ludzi, będzie wydawanie czasopisma. Dzięki temu uzyskiwał nie tylko finanse, które przeznaczał na sieroty, ale także mógł wpływać na kształcenie czytelników. W tym też szlachetnym celu wydawał „Pokłosie. Zbierankę literacką na korzyść sierot” oraz „Rok Wiejski”: czasopisma różnicowane tematycznie oraz poglądowo, jednak mające wspólny cel – misję ewangelizacyjną i pomoc najbardziej potrzebującym.
This text is an attempt to show Edmund Bojanowski as editor and publisher. He knew that the only possible and sensible way to go would be organic work. He believed that every human being had the duty to enlighten other people and to preach the truth. He was aware of the times in which he had come to live, and therefore he wanted to refresh the hearts of people who were tired of struggles of insurrection, fighting, epidemics, subjected to the repression of the invader and often resigned and tired of life. He was sure that one of the best ways to reach as many people as possible would be to publish a magazine. Thanks to this he obtained not only the finances he devoted to orphans, but also could influence the education of readers. In this noble goal he created „Pokłosie. Zbieranka literacka na korzyść sierot” and „Rok Wiejski”: thematically differentiated and pictorial journals, but having a common purpose - mission of evangelization and help the neediest.
Zeszyty Naukowe KUL; 2017, 60, 4; 49-61
Pojawia się w:
Zeszyty Naukowe KUL
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Rzymskokatolickie Towarzystwo Dobroczynności przy kościele św. Katarzyny w Petersburgu w latach 1884-1919
Czaplicki, Bronisław
Data publikacji:
Katolicki Uniwersytet Lubelski Jana Pawła II
XIX-XX wiek
Kościół katolicki
19th-20th century
Catholic Church
Archiwa, Biblioteki i Muzea Kościelne; 2007, 88; 21-47
Pojawia się w:
Archiwa, Biblioteki i Muzea Kościelne
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Finansowanie akcji charytatywnej w diecezji katowickiej w czasie wielkiego kryzysu
Financing charity’s actions in the Diocese of Katowice during the great economic crisis
Hadrych, Zbigniew
Data publikacji:
Katolicki Uniwersytet Lubelski Jana Pawła II
działalność charytatywna
wielki kryzys gospodarczy
diecezja katowicka
II Rzeczpospolita
charity events
the great economic crisis
the Diocese of Katowice
the Church finances
The great economic crisis caused disastrous social consequences, which resulted in significant deterioration of the financial situation of the inhabitants in the Diocese of Katowice. The most important negative consequences of the economic crisis included unemployment rate at about 40%, vast areas of poverty and the threat of demoralization (alcoholism, vagrancy, prostitution, street children). The Catholic Church took some measures to reduce the negative effects of the crisis. It took care of financing some activities, obtaining the support from the faithful (offerings, special donations, contributions from the members of charitable organizations), local government and central institutions, and organizing various charity events (evenings, dances, stage plays). Particular emphasis should be given to dedication of the clergy and the faithful involved in the work of charities. Their contribution greatly surpassed the donations of other inhabitants of the Province of Silesia. Those of the faithful who were the most aware of the situation- the clergy and parishioners- rose to the challenge and assisted people who were in need. Thanks to their work and generosity, the Church could successfully organize large-scale charity events.
Archiwa, Biblioteki i Muzea Kościelne; 2017, 107; 131-144
Pojawia się w:
Archiwa, Biblioteki i Muzea Kościelne
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Bractwa charytatywne w Polsce od średniowiecza do końca XVIII wieku
Brotherhoods of charity in Poland from the Middle Ages to the late eighteenth century
Surdacki, Marian
Data publikacji:
Katolicki Uniwersytet Lubelski Jana Pawła II
bractwa religijne
bractwa charytatywne
bractwa szpitalne
bractwa miłosierdzia
Piotr Skarga
Michał Jerzy Poniatowski
religious brotherhoods
brotherhood of charity
hospital fraternities
brotherhood of mercy
Religious brotherhoods were one of the institutions, apart from schools and hospitals, which in past centuries played an important role in the lives of individual parishes, towns and villages. They were associations – church communities, with legal personality, bringing together people for religious purposes, regardless of gender and social origin. Different kinds of brotherhoods, including the ones of charitable and protective nature became a common phenomenon between the 11th and the 15th centuries in the West. In the thirteenth century, they also began to take hold on Polish soil, referring to Western patterns. Hospital fraternities (fraternitas hospitales) have the oldest tradition of secular charities in the Polish land. Their aim was to provide people, who often did the activities connected with the medieval hospital. Some of them even founded and ran hospitals. Just like all other religious brotherhoods, at the earliest, in the thirteenth century, they appeared in Silesia. In the group of hospital fraternities the brotherhood of the Holy Spirit played a special role. That brotherhood was associated only with hospitals run by the Order of the same name, so-called ‘duchaki’. Brotherhoods of the poor were far more common in the Polish land. Their main aim was to focus on charitable activities and they encompassed almost all the lands of the Polish Republic. Their heyday was primarily in the fifteenth and the early sixteenth century. Brotherhoods of the poor developed evenly in terms of chronology in the whole land of the Polish state. Those fraternities exercised complete control over the lives of every beggar who was in the town; they regulated districts, begging procedures and oversaw the behaviour of the poor. The chief duty of brotherhoods of the poor was to take care of the sick in hospitals and their homes. The duty of brothers was also a concern for the dead, especially the poor and homeless, Christian burial and funeral as well as the prayers for those whom they took care of. In the atmosphere of the reforms of the Council of Trent (1545-1563), religious brotherhoods began again spontaneously developing in Poland. The most important of the new brotherhoods of charity was a brotherhood of mercy, established at the end of the sixteenth century by the preacher Jesuit Piotr Skarga. The first model brotherhood of mercy was organized by Skarga in 1584, and it was attached to the Jesuit Church of St. Barbara in Krakow. Other brotherhoods, based on Skarga’s pattern, were formed in major cities of the Polish Republic, including Vilnius, Warsaw, Poznań, Pułtusk, Łowicz, Lviv, Zamość, Rzeszów, Lublin, Przemyśl. The period of the development of brotherhoods of mercy occurred in the late sixteenth and early seventeenth century. Then those organizations gradually disappeared and were forgotten. The idea of Piotr Skarga’s brotherhoods of mercy was renewed in the new spirit of the Enlightenment in the 1770s by Bishop, later Primate Michał Jerzy Poniatowki. They were not to be one of many brotherhoods, but the ones to which the others were to be “subordinate”. Poniatowski incorporated all the previous devotional confraternities into them, along with their funds, used henceforth for the purpose not so much pious as socially useful. Reborn in the era of the first partition, brotherhoods of mercy, compared to their earlier prototype, due to the obligation of establishing them at every parish, had a more common and universal character, and were involved in more diverse charitable, social and educational activities. Apart from the above mentioned brotherhoods of charity, which were the most famous and widespread in the Polish land in the Middle Ages and modern times, there were a number of other charitable associations. Those were: brotherhoods of priests, brotherhoods of good death, funeral brotherhoods, brotherhoods of St. Barbara, brotherhoods of St. Lazarus, brotherhoods of St. Roch, brotherhoods of St. Sebastian, brotherhoods of St. Benon, brotherhoods of St. Nicholas and St. Jacob. Some devotional brotherhoods also dealt with charity. Although they mainly focused on the celebration of different forms of worship, the statutes of many explicitly advocated doing the acts of mercy toward other people. A brotherhood which stood out in this field was the literary one.
Archiwa, Biblioteki i Muzea Kościelne; 2014, 101; 233-296
Pojawia się w:
Archiwa, Biblioteki i Muzea Kościelne
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Działalność dobroczynna stowarzyszeń Pań Miłosierdzia w Krakowie w latach 1945-1950
Die Wohltätigkeitsarbeit der Barmherzigen Frauenvereine in Krakau in den Jahren 1945-1950
Zamiatała, Dominik
Data publikacji:
Katolicki Uniwersytet Lubelski Jana Pawła II
2. Weltkrieg
katholische Kirche
okres powojenny
II wojna światowa
Kościół katolicki
post-war period
World War II
Catholic church
Der katastrophale wirtschaftliche und soziale Zustand Polens nach dem 2. Weltkrieg mobilisierte die katholische Kirche im Lande zur Aufnahme und Intensivierung einer Wohltätigkeitsaktion. Auf dem Gebiet der Stadt Krakau zeichneten sich besonders die Barmherzigen Frauenvereine durch ihre Wohltätigkeitsarbeit aus, die über eine jahrhundertelange Tradition unmittelbarer, persönlicher Arbeit mit Armen und Bedürftigen verfügten. Alle ihre Dienste an den Armen und Kranken leisteten sie kostenlos, ohne jeglichen Lohn. Die Vinzentinnen befaßten sich vor allem mit der Fürsorge für arme kinderreiche Familien, vernachlässigte Kinder, Witwen, Waisen und Kranke, denen sie materielle und moralische Hilfe leisteten. Sie halfen aus den Lagern zurückgekehrten Personen und Repatrianten. Unterstützt wurden auch Menschen, die aus ihren normalen Lebensumständen geworfen worden waren. Sie verteilten Lebensmittel und halfen auch mit Bargeld aus. In besonderen Armenküchen wurden Mahlzeiten ausgegeben und Gutscheine für Lebensmittel verteilt. Diese Küche wurde nicht nur von den Schützlingen des Vereins, sondern auch von zahlreichen Einwohnern Krakaus sowie von heimatlos herumirrenden Personen aus Warschau und von Umsiedlern aus den verlorenen polnischen Ostgebieten in Anspruch genommen. Die Schwestern bemühten sich außerdem, die Kleidungsnot zu verringern, indem sie Kleidung und Schuhe verteilten. Denjenigen, die sich schämten zu betteln, und Personen, die in außerordentliche Armut gefallen waren, versuchten sie diskrete Hilfe zu leisten. Bettlägerige Patienten wurden in ihren Wohnungen besucht, Schröpfköpfe angesetzt, nach ärztlicher Anweisung Injektionen gegeben sowie Verbände gewechselt. Sie leisteten auch Hilfe sozialer Natur und brachten viele alte Menschen in Heimen unter. Sie versuchten armen Familien Wohnraum sowie Arbeitslosen Arbeit zu verschaffen. Neben dieser materiellen leisteten sie auch moralische und religiöse Hilfe. Sie betreuten auch sittlich gefallene Personen. Vielen Menschen halfen sie, ihre Angelegenheiten im Bereich ihres religiösen Lebens zu regeln. Sie bereiteten religiös vernachlässigte Kinder und Erwachsene auf die Taufe, die Erstkommunion und die heilige Beichte vor. Sie katechisierten die religiös vernachlässigten Kinder. Im Sterben liegende arme Menschen erhielten den Beistand eines Priesters. Den Toten leisteten sie letzte Dienste, indem sie für ein christliches Begräbnis sorgten. Sie arbeiteten mit folgenden Organisationen zusammen: der Frommen Bank, der Wohlfahrtspflege und den Pfarrkomitees sowie der „Caritas", der sie trotz Proteste durch eine Entscheidung der Bischöfe einverleibt wurden. Die Tätigkeit der Barmherzigen Schwesternvereine in Krakau im Rahmen der „Caritas" sollte allerdings nicht lange andauern, denn im Januar 1950 liquidierten die kommunistischen Behörden die katholische Organisation „Caritas". Die Vinzentinnen führten ihre Tätigkeit in Krakau dann noch einige Jahre weiter.
Archiwa, Biblioteki i Muzea Kościelne; 2003, 80; 395-406
Pojawia się w:
Archiwa, Biblioteki i Muzea Kościelne
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
La synthèse théologique du bien commun chez Augustin
Nebel, Mathias
Data publikacji:
Katolicki Uniwersytet Lubelski Jana Pawła II
Common good
Saint Augustine
The City of God
Christ as the Common Good
Charity as the kenotic dynamic of the common good
L’article cherche à comprendre comment Augustin a radicalement reformulé, depuis une perspective théologique, la notion politique de bien commun de l’antiquité classique. L’argument principal est que cette réinterprétation découle naturellement de la théologie néotestamentaire de la koinonia qui unit l’Eglise, comme le montre la lettre a Volusianus et les homélies sur l’Epitre aux Parthes. A partir de cette lecture, il devient alors plus aisé de comprendre la fameuse reformulation de la définition de société aux livres II et XIX de la Cité de Dieu. Nous concluons en identifiant les trois thèmes qui, à partir d’Augustin, seront étroitement associé à la notion de bien commun en occident : 1) Le bien commun n’est plus un concept, mais une Personne et un Espace. Christ, en son humanité, est le seul et unique Bien Commun du genre humain. 2) Le Bien Commun universel est d’ordre eschatologique ; dans l’histoire on ne peut parler au mieux que de biens communs partiel et imparfait. 3) La charité est le moteur de la dynamique d’accomplissement du Bien Commun universel dans l’histoire.
The article seeks to understand how Augustine radically reformulated the political notion of the common good of classical antiquity, from a theological perspective. The main argument is that this reinterpretation follows naturally from the New Testament theology of the koinonia uniting the Church, as shown in the letter to Volusianus and Augustine's homilies on the Epistle to the Parthians. From this reading, it then becomes easier to understand the famous reformulation of the definition of society in books II and XIX of the City of God. We conclude by identifying the three themes that, from Augustine onwards, will be closely associated with the notion of the common good in the western political theology: 1) The common good is no longer a concept, but a Person and a Space: Christ in his humanity is the one and only Common Good of the human race. 2) The universal Common Good is eschatological; in history we can only speak of partial and imperfect common goods. 3) Charity is the driving force behind the dynamic fulfilling the universal Common Good in history.
Vox Patrum; 2022, 83; 247-270
Pojawia się w:
Vox Patrum
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Działalność charytatywna zakonów żeńskich w Polsce nowożytnej
Charitable activity of female religious orders in Poland in the early modern period
Surdacki, Marian
Data publikacji:
Katolicki Uniwersytet Lubelski Jana Pawła II
działalność charytatywna
zgromadzenia żeńskie zakonne
charitable activity
religious orders
female congregations
the Sisters of Charity
the Sisters Canonesses of the Holy Spirit
the sick
The development of hospital services in the Polish State was associated with baptism, the development of Christianity and church organization, and above all, the arrival of religious orders. In the Middle Ages, male religious orders played a huge role in charitable activities, while in modern times female congregations dealing with charity and hospital services were of great importance in that regard. As for female religious orders in the Middle Ages, the Benedictine and Cistercian nuns were the first ones who were engaged in running hospitals and charity work, although it was not their primary mission and charisma. Sometimes hospitals were also run by the Poor Clare Sisters of the Second Franciscan Order, the Magdalene Sisters, the Bridgettine Sisters, and primarily by the Beguines, loose groups of women who were close mostly to Dominican and Franciscan churches and the rules of community life, that is the Third Order. The most important congregation, however, turned out to be the Sisters Canonesses of the Holy Spirit (duchaczki in Polish), who from the beginning of the thirteenth century run, along  with the male branch of the Order, Holy Spirit hospital in Cracow, which specialized in the care of abandoned children and was the largest and the most important one in Poland until the Enlightenment. The great development of charitable female religious congregations occurred after the Council of Trent (1545-1563). Undoubtedly, the most significant of which were the Sisters of Charity (so-called szarytki in Polish) founded by St. Vincent de Paul in Paris in 1633. In Poland, they had 29 houses, where they ran hospitals, orphanages and schools for girls, including the poor. Similar activities, although at a smaller scale, were done by the Sisters of St. Catherine from Braniewo, founded in 1571 by Regina Protman. In addition, charitable activities were undertaken by the Congregation of the Virgins of the Presentation of the Blessed Virgin Mary (founded in Cracow in the 1620s by Zofia Czeska), the Visitation Sisters (founded by St. Francis de Sales -1601, Geneva,) and the Mariavites founded in 1737 by Stefan Turczynowicz in Vilnius. Apart from the above mentioned orders, the work of mercy was developed, on the margins of its core mission, by most non-charitable female religious congregations existing in Poland in the period before the partitions.
Archiwa, Biblioteki i Muzea Kościelne; 2015, 103; 237-271
Pojawia się w:
Archiwa, Biblioteki i Muzea Kościelne
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Ulgi podatkowe z tytułu darowizn na kościelną działalność charytatywno-opiekuńczą
Tax reliefs for donations to church charity and welfare activities
Abramowicz, Aneta Maria
Data publikacji:
Katolicki Uniwersytet Lubelski Jana Pawła II
tax relief
church charity and welfare activities
Supreme Administrative Court
church legal entity
case law of the Supreme Administrative Court
ulga podatkowa
działalność charytatywno-opiekuńcza
Naczelny Sąd Administracyjny
orzecznictwo NSA
kościelna osoba prawna
Związki wyznaniowe w Polsce mogą być finansowane poprzez przekazywanie na ich rzecz darowizn. Darczyńca z tytułu dokonania darowizny może skorzystać z ulgi podatkowej. W sposób szczególny darczyńca może skorzystać z ulgi podatkowej z tytułu dokonania darowizny na kościelną działalność charytatywno-opiekuńczą prowadzoną przez kościelne osoby prawne. Podstawę normatywną tej ulgi podatkowej stanowią właściwe przepisy ustaw, które regulują sytuację prawną poszczególnych związków wyznaniowych, a nie ustawy podatkowe. Jednak przepisy wskazanych ustaw możliwość skorzystania z tej ulgi podatkowej uzależniają od spełnienia kilku warunków. Kościelna osoba prawna, na rzecz której dokonano darowizny, powinna wystawić darczyńcy pokwitowanie odbioru darowanej kwoty oraz w ciągu dwóch lat od jej uzyskania jest zobowiązana złożyć sprawozdanie z przeznaczenia wskazanej kwoty na działalność charytatywno-opiekuńczą. Ponadto, zgodnie z przepisami podatkowymi, potwierdzeniem wysokości darowanej kwoty powinien być dowód wpłaty darowizny na rachunek bankowy osoby obdarowanej. W praktyce spełnienie wskazanych warunków wywołuje wiele trudności. Świadczy o tym bogate orzecznictwo Naczelnego Sądu Administracyjnego, zwłaszcza dotyczące zagadnienia sprawozdania z przeznaczenia darowizny na działalność charytatywno-opiekuńczą kościelnej osoby prawnej. Naczelny Sąd Administracyjny w swoim orzecznictwie doprecyzowuje pojęcie sprawozdania z przeznaczenia darowizny na działalność charytatywno-opiekuńczą kościelnej osoby prawnej. Jednak, jak pokazuje praktyka, wyjaśnienia te są nadal niewystarczające.
Religious organizations in Poland can be financed through donations. The donor may benefit from a tax relief for making a donation. In a special way, the donor may benefit from a tax relief for making a donation for church charity and welfare activities conducted by church legal entities. The normative basis for this kind of tax reliefs are the laws on the relation between the state and individual religious organizations, and not tax laws. However, according to the provisions, several conditions have to be fulfilled for the tax relief in question to be claimed. A church legal entity to which a donation has been made shall issue a receipt to the donor and shall submit a report on the use of the donation for charitable and protective purposes within two years of receiving a donation. In addition, according to the tax regulations, the amount of a donation should be confirmed by a relevant bank statement. In practice, the fulfilment of these conditions gives rise to many difficulties. This is evidenced by the rich case law of the Supreme Administrative Court, especially regarding the question of a report on spending a given donation on church charity and welfare activities. The case law of Supreme Administrative Court clarifies the concept of the report under discussion. However, as the practice has shown, it seems that these explanations are still insufficient.
Studia z Prawa Wyznaniowego; 2019, 22; 201-232
Pojawia się w:
Studia z Prawa Wyznaniowego
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
„Uporządkujcie we mnie miłość” (Pnp 2, 4, LXX) w egzegezie wybranych autorów wschodu i zachodu
“You set charity in order in me” (Song 2:4, LXX) in the exegesis of selected authors of the east and west
Nocoń, Arkadiusz
Data publikacji:
Katolicki Uniwersytet Lubelski Jana Pawła II
Pieśń nad Pieśniami
porządek miłości (ordo caritatis)
Grzegorz z Nyssy
Teodoret z Cyru
Jan Kasjan
Song of Songs
the order of charity (ordo caritatis)
Gregory of Nyssa
Theodoret of Cyrus
Augustine of Hippo
John Cassian
“You set charity in order in me” (Song 2:4, LXX) is one of the most fundamental biblical texts for the concept of the ordo caritatis. The Author seeks to examine how this text was read in the East and West, analysing the commentary of three Greek authors (Origen, Gregory of Nyssa and Theodoret of Cyrus), and three Latin authors (Augustine of Hippo, John Cassian and Apponius). There commentaries, he notes, agree with one another for the most part, and refer more or less to Origen’s exegesis of this verse. However, some differences can be noted. The Eastern Fathers, for example, hold that, in the order of charity, the criterion of merit is more important than the criterion of blood relationship; that is to say, the greater love is to be shown to those who have been born in Christ (cf. 1Cor 4:15) over those born of the flesh. Only the Eastern Fathers explore what the ordo caritatis means also in relation to one’s enemies. The Western Fathers, for their part, tend to underline the moral aspect of the ordo caritatis, insofar as upholding that order is virtue, while infringing it is sin. In this regard, a casuistic approach can occur in their commentary more frequently than in those of the Eastern Fathers. The novelty of the commentaries of the Western Fathers is also found in their reflection on the ordo caritatis within the Holy Trinity, as well as the manner in which they expand the embrace of this order to other categories of people: friends, fellow citizens, strangers. Some of the Western Fathers (Apponius) apply the ordo caritatis not only to people but also to works of mercy, while others (Augustine) bring out the aesthetic element in the ordo caritatis, noting that the effect of order of any kind, including the order of charity, is beauty.
Vox Patrum; 2017, 67; 477-497
Pojawia się w:
Vox Patrum
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
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