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"You Were Strangers in the Land of Egypt" (Exod 22:20): Notes on the Attitude(s) towards Foreigners in Ancient Egypt
Taterka, Filip
Data publikacji:
Katolicki Uniwersytet Lubelski Jana Pawła II
ancient Egyptian identity
foreigners in ancient Egypt
social changes
ancient xenophobia
The article discusses various attitudes towards foreigners that can be perceived in ancient Egyptian material. It is argued that there was no single and unchangeable attitude towards foreigners throughout ancient Egyptian history, but instead that Egyptian attitudes to foreigners changed over time due to various historical and social factors. It is also argued that these attitudes reflected a constant negotiation between the traditional and stereotypical perception of foreigners as enemies of the Egyptian state and more nuanced approaches in which foreigners could have a number of roles to play in Egyptian society, which often led to significant transformations of Egyptians’ self-identity. Therefore, the traditional image of ancient Egypt as a highly xenophobic culture is called into question.
The Biblical Annals; 2024, 14, 1; 115-146
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The Biblical Annals
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Candida R. Moss and Joel S. Baden, Reconceiving Infertility: Biblical Perspectives on Procreation and Childlessness (Princeton University Press, 2015)
Mielcarek, Krzysztof Wojciech
Data publikacji:
Katolicki Uniwersytet Lubelski Jana Pawła II
Bible theology
ancient cultures
ancient religions
Book review: Candida R. Moss and Joel S. Baden, Reconceiving Infertility: Biblical Perspectives on Procreation and Childlessness (Princeton University Press, 2015.
Recenzja książki: Candida R. Moss and Joel S. Baden, Reconceiving Infertility: Biblical Perspectives on Procreation and Childlessness (Princeton University Press, 2015.
The Biblical Annals; 2019, 9, 1; 221-226
Pojawia się w:
The Biblical Annals
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Kiedy w starożytności rozpoczynała się starość?
When did the old age begin in ancient times?
Jurkiewicz, Jerzy
Data publikacji:
Katolicki Uniwersytet Lubelski Jana Pawła II
ancient times
old age
When does man begin to be old: when he is sixty, sixty-five and perhaps seventy? Nothing is more uncertain than the beginning of the old age. Is man`s age the matter of his heart, brain, mood, or chronological time? In the ancient world, there was no clear understanding regarding the beginning of the old age. We have different classifications of the stages of human life, but there was no specified year, which would mark the old age. It was a year between 46 and 60 years of age. Today the age of 46 is not the beginning of the old age. In the ancient world, life was much shorter, so it is not surprising that 46 years old was regarded as the beginning of old age. There were two trends in ancient Greece and Rome. One represented by Plato and Cicero: older people are wise, experienced, worthy of reverence and respect. The second trend represented by Aristotle: older people are quarrelsome, greedy, cowardly. The life of old people was different. The rich lived very well, but in general the old age in ancient times was a difficult time.
Vox Patrum; 2011, 56; 185-197
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Vox Patrum
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Pisma Orybazjusza jako źródło informacji o pożywieniu ludzi w późnym Cesarstwie Rzymskim
Works of Oribasius as a source of information on food in the later Roman Empire
Jagusiak, Krzysztof
Kokoszko, Maciej
Data publikacji:
Katolicki Uniwersytet Lubelski Jana Pawła II
pisma Orybazjusza
antyczna i bizantyńska medycyna
antyczna gastronomia
works of Oribasius
ancient and Byzantine medicine
ancient gastronomy
The article makes an attempt at the presentation of medical works written by Oribasius (ca. 325 – ca. 400 A.D.), well educated physician from Pergamon, and a close friend of Julian the Apostate. It discusses the content of the treatises, reasons for their compiling and circumstances accompanying the creation of three of his extant writings, notably Collectiones medicae, Synopsis ad Eustathium filium, and Libri ad Eunapium. Moreover, the study presents available information about his lost medical work, whose title is now unknown. The authors focused on these parts of Oribasius’ works, which concern food and dietetic, i.e. five books of Collectiones medicae (from I to V), book IV of Synopsis ad Eustathium filium and a part of book I of Libri ad Eunapium. The above-mentioned books enlist the most important foods like cereals, cereal products (breads, cakes, groats, pancakes), vegetables, fruits, meats, fishes, and seafood, dairy products, soft and alcoholic drinks as well as enumerating some specific diets and groups of food divided according to their properties or influence on human body. An important part of the article is a succinct presentation of sources of Oribasius’ dietetic expertise, and moreover a brief discussion of the medic’s impact on medical systems in three different cultural circles, namely the Byzantine, Arab, and Latin. The authors’ research corroborates the already existing view that major dietetic parts of Collectiones medicae, Synopsis ad Eustathium filium and Libri ad Eunapium are based on writings of Galen (which he, however, reworked with a view of their simplification), but there are many fragments taken from other authorities, for instance Pedanius Dioscurides, Athenaeus from Attalia, Diocles of Carystus, Rufus of Ephesus to mention but a few. As for medical authors, who excerpted or translated Oribasius’ works, the most renowned are Aetius of Amida, Paul of Aegina, Alexander of Tralles, Hunayn ibn Ishāq, and the representatives of the medical school of Salerno. Finally, the authors claim, that Oribasius’ heritage is important especially for two reasons. First of all, it helped preserve a large amount of citations from ancient works, which today are lost, and known only thanks to the physician’s painstaking work. Secondly, it contains a cornucopia of information about food, which reflect culinary habits of Late Roman society, and specifically of the Late Roman food market.
Vox Patrum; 2013, 59; 339-357
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Vox Patrum
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Codzienna Komunia święta w starożytności chrześcijańskiej. Aspekt duszpasterski i teologiczny
La Comunione ouotidiana nell’antichita cristiana. Un’aspetto pastorale e teologico
Żurek, Antoni
Data publikacji:
Katolicki Uniwersytet Lubelski Jana Pawła II
Komunia święta
starożytność chrześcijańska
ancient Christianity
I cristiani delPepoca patristica avevano la possibilita di prendere la Comunione ogni giorno: durante l’Eucharistia oppure a casa, dove potevano portare il pane eucharistico. I pastori della Chiesa antica eon tanta premura mettevano in rilievo la dignita di ąuesto sacramento e eon tutti i mezzi che avevano a disposizione tentavano di salvaguardare il modo adeguato di farne uso. Nel Particolo vengono indicati alcuni comportamenti eucharistici (per es. digiuno eucharistico) ed interes- santi aspetti del Pinsegnamento dei Padri della Chiesa riguardanti la Comunione (Pobligo della santita personale, il dovere della penitenza, ecc).
Vox Patrum; 2008, 52, 2; 1381-1395
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Vox Patrum
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Kilka uwag o paramedycznym zastosowaniu oliwy przez chrześcijan w okresie wczesnobizantyńskim
Some remarks on the quasi-medicinal use of oil by Christians in the early Byzantine period
Milewski, Ireneusz
Data publikacji:
Katolicki Uniwersytet Lubelski Jana Pawła II
antyczne chrześcijaństwo
obyczaje pogańskie w życiu codziennym antycznych chrześcijan
historia starożytna
wczesne Bizancjum
ancient Christianity
pagan customs in everyday life of ancient Christians
ancient history
early Byzantium
Sources of the Early Byzantine Period describe Christian practices of using oil for medical purposes. These practices were not usual medical procedures. The sources describe the medical use of oil obtained from church lamps or given by clergymen or by holy men, whose prayers were believed to strengthened the “medical” properties of the oil. These practices were used by Christians in many provinces of the Eastern Roman Empire, including Egypt, Palestine, Syria and Bithynia.
Vox Patrum; 2014, 62; 357-364
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Vox Patrum
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Prorocy jako zjawisko religijne starożytnego Wschodu
Stachowiak, Lech
Data publikacji:
Katolicki Uniwersytet Lubelski Jana Pawła II
starożytny wschód
ancient East
Seit Jahren herrscht unter den Forschern eine zunehmende Meinungsverschiedenheit über den Ursprung und über die Eigenart der alttestamentlichen Prophetie . Vor einigen Jahrzehnten wurden die „prophetischen” Texte aus Ugarit veröffentlicht und man suchte die Hinweise auf prophetische Tätigkeit als Vorboten des alttestamentlichen Nabitums zu erweisen. Indessen traten aber ausser Aehnlichkeiten auch bedeutende Unterschiede zum Vorschein. In letzten zwei Jahren kamen noch viel ältere proto-kananäische Texte aus der alten Stadt vi Ebla hinzu, die die philologische Stütze zum Begriff nābî (nämlich nabi’utum) — die bis jetzt ausserhalb der Bibel fehlte — lieferten. Es galt also das Problem erneut zu unter suchen und alle bis jetzt bekannten Formen der ausserbiblischen Prophetie mit den alttestamentlichen Dienern des Wortes zu vergleichen. Eine besondere Aufmerksamkeit wurde der geheimnisvollen Gestalt des Bileam geschenkt, die angesichts der neuen Forschungsergebnissen im neuen Licht erscheint. Die durchgeführte Untersuchung ergab, dass die wesentlichsten Züge des biblischen Prophetentums ausserhalb des Alten Testaments kaum zu finden sind. Babylonische und kananäische Propheten sind vielfach von den Wahrsagern, Traumdeuter und Ekstat kern aller Art kaum zu trennen . Weder in Mesopotamien noch in Kanaan treten spontan Menschen auf, die sich auf eine göttliche Berufung stützen und zum vollen Einsatz im Dienst des Wortes bereit wären . Der Einfluss, den die ausserbiblischen Propheten ausüben ist gering: sie wenden sich mit Ratschlägen (sehr selten mit einem Drohwort) und Mahnungen zumeist an die Herrscher, niemals an das ganze Volk. Die Idee der religiösen Führung des Volkes im Aufträge und im Namen Gottes, die Einwirkung auf die grosse Politik , auf das religiöse Leben u. Schicksal ist den heidnischen Propheten fremd.
The Biblical Annals; 1978, 25, 1; 23-36
Pojawia się w:
The Biblical Annals
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
La prefazione di san Girolamo alla continuazione della Cronaca di Eusebio di Cesarea
Prefacja św. Hieronima do kontynuacji Kroniki Euzebiusza z Cezarei
Degórski, Bazyli
Data publikacji:
Katolicki Uniwersytet Lubelski Jana Pawła II
Eusebius of Caesarea
Saint Jerome
ancient history
Zanim Euzebiusz z Cezarei napisał swoje najsławniejsze dzieło Historia Kościelna (Ἐκκλησιαστική ἱστορία), zredagował Kronikę, to znaczy: dzieło historyczne, które streszcza dzieje świata. Grecki oryginał tego dzieła zaginął, ale mamy całe jego tłumaczenie w języku armeńskim i częściowe jego tłumaczenie po łacinie, którego dokonał właśnie św. Hieronim. Po przedstawieniu w pierwszej części syntezy historii wschodniej i greckiej, w drugiej części dzieła Euzebiusz prezentuje tablice, które przedstawiają historię ludzkości od Abrahama (2016 prz. Chr.) do roku 303 po Chr., i właśnie ta druga część Kroniki Euzebiusza została przetłumaczona przez św. Hieronima. To tłumaczenie św. Hieronim uzupełnił dochodząc do roku 378 po Chr. Hieronim przeczytał Kronikę Euzebiusza i przetłumaczył ją mniej więcej w roku 380. Zrobił to podczas swojego pobytu w Konstantynopolu. Pomimo wielu błędów i nieścisłości, które św. Hieronim przejął z tekstu greckiego dzieła Euzebiusza, ale także pomimo błędów popełnionych przez samego św. Hieronima, to historyczne dzieło jest użyteczne także i dzisiaj. W przeszłości natomiast zostało ono wykorzystane przez starożytnych historiografów, którzy je dalej kontynuowali. Dla przykładu byli to: Prosper z Akwitanii, Kasjodor, czy też Wiktor z Tunnuny.
Vox Patrum; 2014, 62; 113-124
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Vox Patrum
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Owies w greckich traktatach medycznych starożytności i bizancjum (V w. prz. Chr. - XI w. po Chr.)
The common oat in Greek medical treatises of antiquity and Byzantium (Vth c. BC - XIth c. AD)
Kokoszko, Maciej
Jagusiak, Krzysztof
Rzeźnicka, Zofia
Data publikacji:
Katolicki Uniwersytet Lubelski Jana Pawła II
antyczna i bizantyńska medycyna
antyczna i bizantyńska dietetyka
antyczna i bizantyńska gastronomia
historia uprawy owsa
ancient and Byzantine medicine
ancient and Byzantine dietetics
ancient and Byzantine gastronomy
history of oats cultivation
The common oat (Avena sativa) is a kind of cereal which is fairly well attested in the ancient and Byzantine Greek sources. It is to be noted that medical literature of the abovementioned periods is especially informative as far as the subject in question is concerned. The body of evidence shows that both in Antiquity as well as over the Byzantine period (i.e. between the Vth and the XIth centuries) oats belonged to the crops which did not enjoy much appreciation nor special attention on the part of both mass consumers as well as medical specialists. Generally the cereal was thought to be worse than other crops and therefore lending itself to being animal fodder. It was made use of almost exclusively as an emergency food in case of shortages of other cereals. Though there are very few recipes that refer directly to the ways of preparing oats as food, some guidelines can be formulated on the basis of information pertaining to other cereals. The analyzed sources appear to suggest that it was used to prepare thin soups (on the basis of oats cooking liquor). Moreover, the cereal was also cooked into gruel-like soups. Having been finely ground, it could also be utilized to prepare bread, which, however, was not highly appreciated for its taste nor dietetic value. Medical sources characterize oats in reasonable detail. The cereal is said to be not very appealing in its flavour (which reveals unbalanced humours), characteristic of limited wholesomeness, slightly astringent (and therefore slowing down the work of the alimentary tract), hard to digest, delicately desiccating, heating and cooling at the same time. The same material suggests that oats were used for therapeutic purposes. Mainly they were profited from to treat diarrhea, stomach problems, liver ailments, prepare cataplasms to stimulate diaphoresis, help remove mucus from the bronchi and feed the feverish.
Vox Patrum; 2013, 59; 421-447
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Vox Patrum
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Chleb nieodpowiedni dla chrześcijan: moralne zalecenia Klemensa Aleksandryjskiego w konfrontacji z naukowymi ustaleniami Galena
Bread unfit for the Christians: moral recommendations of Clement of Alexandria confronting scholarly doctrines of Galen
Kokoszko, Maciej
Dybała, Jolanta
Jagusiak, Krzysztof
Rzeźnicka, Zofia
Data publikacji:
Katolicki Uniwersytet Lubelski Jana Pawła II
Klemens Aleksandryjki
chleb pszenny
antyczna gastronomia
antyczna dietetyka
Clement of Alexandria
wheat bread
ancient gastronomy
ancient dietetics
The goal of the present discussion is to determine what kind of bread Clement of Alexandria had in mind, when, in his Paedagogus, castigated some of Alexandria inhabitants for the consumption of a kind produced form excessively purified (by sieving) flour (which due to the process was becoming devoid of any nutritional values), which, as an item of luxury, would ultimately lead its consumers to effeminacy. In order to identify the food and link it to the varieties produced in those times, the authors of the study have analyzed select treatises of Galen, who, being a contemporary of Clemens, is acclaimed to have been the most eminent physician of the period between the IInd and the IIIrd centuries after Christ, and an authority in the area of bread nutritional values. Having outlined the scope of Clement’s activities and knowledge as well as having presented the corpus of data in the line left by Galen, the authors of the present study conclude, that the Christian wrote about a kind of bread baked with a generous amount of leaven (since it was the additive that made the dough rise), and consequently they identify the variety artos zymites. As for the technology of baking, they opine that the bread described by the Christin writer belonged to bread types obtained from kribanon or ipnos. The authors also opine that the crucial piece of information given by Clement allowing to identify the variety is the one concerning flour used for the purpose. They claim that, since it was presented as very well-sieved, contributing to the whiteness of the bread and consequently to its classification as luxurious, the choice is limited to two kinds of the food, namely artos katharos or plytos artos. Out of the two only the latter’s characteristics given by Galen matche Clement’s description of the bread as a foodstuff of low nutritional value. Consequently, the authors of the article conclude that it was plytos artos that was the bread variety alluded to in Paedagogus. Moreover, they come to the opinion that the discussion on bread show that Clement’s words included in Paedagogus show consistency with contemporary dietetic doctrines. Accordingly, the latter were either not absent from the Christian’s general knowledge or constructed on popular lore he shared.
Vox Patrum; 2015, 64; 249-291
Pojawia się w:
Vox Patrum
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Listy katolickie w starożytności chrześcijańskiej
Le lettere cattoliche nell’antichita cristiana
Skibiński, Tomasz
Data publikacji:
Katolicki Uniwersytet Lubelski Jana Pawła II
listy katolickie
starożytność chrześcijańska
Catholic epistles
ancient Christianity
L’articolo presenta brevemente alcuni probierni fondamentali legati alle lettere cattoliche nelFantichitó cristiana. In primo luogo da un breve sguardo sulla presenza delle lettere negli antichi elenchi dei libri canonici e nelle opere dei primi autori del periodo patristico. Osserva che prioprio le lettere cattoliche appartengono ai libri piu discussi sotto questo aspetto (cinque libri di questo gruppo appartengono ai libri deuterocanonici del Nuovo Testamento). In seguito si va vedere l’ordine delle lettere nel gruppo e il posto che esse occupano negli antichi elenchi dei libri canonici come anche cerca di spiegare l’origine e il signifiato della denominazione „lettere cattoliche”. La seconda e principale parte del articolo raccoglie principali commenti antichi alle lettere: Hypotyposes di Clemente Alessandrino, Enarratio di Didimo, Catene, In epistulam Iohannis di Agostino, Complexiones di Cassiodoro, anonimo Commentarius in epistolas catholicas, Expositio di Ilario di Arles, frammenti delle opere di Gregorio Magno raccolte da Peterio, Expositio di Beda, e infine Commentario di Isho’dad di Merv. Alla fine vengono offerte alcune conclusioni generali.
Vox Patrum; 2008, 52, 2; 937-950
Pojawia się w:
Vox Patrum
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Rhetorical Syncrisis in the Johannine Presentation of Jesus and Peter
Kubiś, Adam
Data publikacji:
Katolicki Uniwersytet Lubelski Jana Pawła II
ancient rhetoric
rhetorical interpretation
Gospel of John
The article advances a hypothesis that certain elements in the Johannine characterization of Jesus and Peter can be profitably interpreted through the lens of the ancient rhetorical device of syncrisis. The analysis consists of six main parts. First, the hypothesis itself is laid out in detail. Second, the Jewish and Christian uses of syncrisis around the turn of era is described, as proof for the possibility that this rhetorical technique was employed in the FG. Third, the status quaestionis on the use of syncrisis in the FG is provided. Fourth, some arguments are presented to justify the choice of progymnasmata as a methodological framework in the exposition of σύνκρισις between Jesus and Peter. It is argued that the ancient rhetorical exercises called progymnasmata, which contain a reliable and helpful description of ancient syncrisis, can thus provide useful criteria in the search for elements of syncrisis in the Johannine description of the relationship between Jesus and Peter. Fifth, the Johannine comparison between Jesus and Peter is viewed according to some of the basic rules of the progymnasmatic theory of syncrisis. Sixth, a detailed analysis of a few elements of the Johannine syncrisis between Jesus and Peter is presented.
The Biblical Annals; 2017, 7, 4; 487-529
Pojawia się w:
The Biblical Annals
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Dieta człowieka późnego antyku w relacjach łacińskich i greckich autorów chrześcijańskich epoki
The diet of the people in late antiquity as recounted by the Latin and Greek ancient Christian writers
Milewski, Ireneusz
Data publikacji:
Katolicki Uniwersytet Lubelski Jana Pawła II
starożytne chrześcijaństwo
antyczni pisarze chrześcijańscy
późne Cesarstwo Rzymskie
życie codzienne w późnej starożytności
ancient Christianity
ancient Christian writers
later Roman Empire
everyday life in late antiquity
Ancient Christian literature is a source of an enormous wealth of information, including observations of the eating habits of the Roman Empire inhabitants in the fourth and fifth centuries. Due to the obvious reasons, those accounts are scarce as they are usually found on the margins of other descriptions. Moreover, the information provided does not shed much light on the dietary habits of the people in late antiquity. The accounts gathered by me have references to eating bread, vegetables, fish, meat (rarely), wine and olive oil. There are sporadic cases where the Fathers of the Church mention in their writings other products consumed by the inhabitants of the Roman Empire.
Vox Patrum; 2013, 59; 379-386
Pojawia się w:
Vox Patrum
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Homoseksualizm w starożytnym Egipcie
Homosexuality in Ancient Egypt
Ćwiek, Andrzej
Data publikacji:
Katolicki Uniwersytet Lubelski Jana Pawła II
starożytny Egipt
ancient Egypt
Zagadnienie homoseksualizmu w starożytnym Egipcie od kilkudziesięciu lat jest przedmiotem badań naukowych. Zmieniał się zarówno stosunek do przedmiotu badań, jak i ich metodologia. Autor przedstawia krytyczny przegląd literatury przedmiotu, uzupełniony o własne interpretacje. Omawia najważniejsze źródła, stosunkowo nieliczne, a często niejednoznaczne. Wśród źródeł pisanych są teksty religijne i literackie, opowiadanie Horus i Seth, historia króla Nefer-ka-Ra i „generała” Sa-seneta, wzmianki w maksymach Peteh-hetepa, Księdze Umarłych („spowiedź negatywna” w rozdziale 125), Tekstach Sarkofagów i sennikach. Analiza tekstów ujawnia wiele kwestii dyskusyjnych dotyczących kontekstu przekazów, a także frazeologii i właściwego znaczenia terminów odnoszących się do seksualności. Wyraźnie wyróżniają się dwie kategorie: gwałt homoseksualny, mający na celu zdominowanie i upokorzenie wroga, i relacja emocjonalna, prowadząca do zachowań o charakterze seksualnym. Źródła ikonograficzne są jeszcze mniej liczne, a ich interpretacja mocno dyskusyjna. Należą do nich przede wszystkim przedstawienia Ni-anch-Chenemu i Chenemu-hetepa we wspólnym grobowcu w Sakkarze, wizerunki par jednopłciowych, graffiti i rysunki na ostrakonach, ukazujące (homoseksualne?) pary w trakcie stosunku płciowego. Znaczna część źródeł jest niejednoznaczna (a w przypadku żeńskiego homoseksualizmu po prostu niepewna). Dane na temat stosunku starożytnych Egipcjan do relacji homoseksualnych są co najmniej ambiwalentne. Niewątpliwie były one społecznie postrzegane jako niewłaściwe, ale nie były penalizowane.
The issue of homosexuality in ancient Egypt has been studied for less than a century. Both the attitude towards, and the methodology regarding, this issue changed constantly over time. The author presents a critical review of the literature, together with some original interpretations. The most important sources, which are relatively not numerous and often ambiguous, are described. The written sources include religious and literary texts e.g. the tale Horus and Seth, the story of King Nefer-ka-Ra and “General” Sa-senet, mentions in the instructions of Peteh-hetep, the Book of the Dead (the “negative confession” in the Chapter 125), the Coffin Texts and dream-books. Analysis of the texts reveals many controversial questions concerning the context of the message, as well as the phraseology and proper meaning of the terms related to the issue of sexuality. Two categories clearly appear: homosexual rape, with the intention to dominate and humiliate an enemy, and a emotional relationship leading to sexual acts. The iconographic sources are less numerous, and their interpretations much disputable. They include the images of Ni-ankh-Khenemu and Khenemu-hetep in their shared tomb at Saqqara, the depictions of same-sex couples, graffiti, and drawings on ostraca depicting (homosexual?) couples having sex. A large part of the sources in unequivocal, and in the case of lesbian love simply vague. Data on the attitude of the ancient Egyptians towards homosexual relations are ambivalent at best. They were considered socially incorrect but not penalized.  
Verbum Vitae; 2021, 39, 1; 49-74
Pojawia się w:
Verbum Vitae
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Rola starszych w wybranych starożytnych regułach monastycznych
The role of the „elders” in the selected ancient monastic rules
Ościłowski, Krzysztof
Data publikacji:
Katolicki Uniwersytet Lubelski Jana Pawła II
starożytne reguły monastyczne
rola starszych
ancient monastic rules
role of the elders
In the ancient Monastic Rules we can find various principles concerning the Community, persons and Monasteries. Among them we can also find some norms that apply to the so called „Elders” or „seniors”. They distinguish themselves from other monks, by being more advanced in the spiritual and ascetic life and because of this they are set as an example to follow for other Monks. For this reason they have rights to special respect from their fellow brothers. That is the first group of „Elders”. The other group of „Elders” contains Monks of venerable age. They occupy an important position in the monastic community and for this reason their advices, instructions, and admonishes are significant and are often treated as the legal rules. In some cases, „the Elders” are treated as substitutes of Superiors, for example: in preaching, in giving permissions, and in rebuking their fellow brothers, as well as superiors. They are also responsible for the formation of novices. The „Elders” were to be respected and those of venerable age were dispensed from certain duties and norms of the Monastic Rule. Summarizing we can say that the role of the „Elders” in the Community was very important from all points of view.
Vox Patrum; 2011, 56; 437-445
Pojawia się w:
Vox Patrum
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Biblioteka Nauki

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