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Losy benedyktynów sieciechowskich po kasacie opactwa w 1819 r.
The history of the Benedictines from Sieciechów after the dissolution of the monastery in 1819
Stępień, Robert
Data publikacji:
Katolicki Uniwersytet Lubelski Jana Pawła II
losy osobiste
the Benedictines
a monastery
a personal history
The article discusses the history of the last monks from the Sieciechów Benedictine monastery after its dissolution in 1819. The basic source material for this research included personal files of the monks and secular clergy, the records concerning the work and death of the priests held in the Diocesan Archive in Sandomierz. The reconstruction of the history of the last Benedictines from Sieciechów shows that following the suppression of the monastery, most of them conducted pastoral work in the parishes situated in a few dioceses which existed at the time. The last monks died as administrators of the church in Łysa Góra. The following article constitutes a starting point for further research on the history of the Benedictines from Sieciechów as well as all monks in the period of the 19th-century dissolution of monasteries.
Artykuł omawia losy ostatnich zakonników klasztoru benedyktynów w Sieciechowie po kasacie opactwa w 1819 r. Podstawowym materiałem źródłowym dla badań w tym zakresie były teczki personalne duchowieństwa oraz akta konduit i stanu służby kapłanów przechowywane w zasobie Archiwum Diecezjalnego w Sandomierzu. Rekonstrukcja losów ostatnich benedyktynów sieciechowskich dowiodła, że większość z nich po supresji opactwa podjęła pracę duszpasterską w ośrodkach parafialnych, położonych na terenie kilku ówcześnie istniejących diecezji. Trzech byłych zakonników zakończyło swój żywot jako administratorzy kościoła na Łysej Górze. Artykuł w swym założeniu stanowi punkt wyjścia do dalszych badań nad dziejami benedyktynów z Sieciechowa, jak też szerzej nad problematyką losów duchowieństwa zakonnego w okresie XIX-wiecznych kasat klasztornych.
Archiwa, Biblioteki i Muzea Kościelne; 2018, 110; 357-379
Pojawia się w:
Archiwa, Biblioteki i Muzea Kościelne
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Parafialny kościół farny Świętych Joachima i Anny we Włodzimierzu Wołyńskim w 1831 roku
The parish church of sts Joachim and Anne in Włodzimierz Wołyński in 1831
Żurek, Waldemar Witold
Data publikacji:
Katolicki Uniwersytet Lubelski Jana Pawła II
historia Kościoła
historia diecezji łucko-żytomierskiej
inwentarze kościołów parafialnych
beneficjum parafialne
the history of the Church
the history of the diocese of Lutsk and Zhytomyr
the inventories of the parish churches
a parish benefice
The present parish church in Włodzimierz Wołyński was founded in the mid-18th century by a person who was born there, Bishop Adam Woyna Orański, a suffragan of Kamieniec, who also consecrated it. This church was given to the Carmelites from the Order of the Blessed Virgin Mary, called the Carmelites of the Ancient Observance. In the 19th century alone, the church burnt down twice (1800, 1833). Thanks to the commitments of the local shepherds of the diocese, parish priests and the faithful, not only was it rebuilt, but it was also renovated and modernized (1856). The above description of the parish church in Włodzimierz gives un information about its history, reconstruction, liturgical implements, the interior and parish priests. It also presents the property of the parish, the number as well as the condition of the chapels in the parish.
Fundatorem obecnego kościoła farnego we Włodzimierzu Wołyńskim był w połowie XVIII wieku tamtejszy rodak, biskup Adam Woyna Orański, sufragan kamieniecki, który konsekrował świątynię. W kościele tym zostali osadzeni karmelici z Zakonu Braci Najświętszej Maryi Panny, popularnie nazywani karmelitami trzewiczkowymi. W samym tylko XIX wieku kościół ten ulegał dwukrotnie (1800, 1833) pożarowi. Dzięki zaangażowaniu tamtejszych pasterzy diecezji, proboszczów i wiernych nie tylko każdorazowo był odbudowywany, lecz także remontowany i modernizowany (1856). Na podstawie powyższego opisu kościoła parafialnego we Włodzimierzu dowiadujemy się o jego historii, odbudowach, wyposażeniu w sprzęt liturgiczny, wystroju oraz o proboszczach. Zamieszcza opis dóbr materialnych przynależnych do parafii, ilość i stan kaplic na terenie parafii.
Archiwa, Biblioteki i Muzea Kościelne; 2019, 111; 423-433
Pojawia się w:
Archiwa, Biblioteki i Muzea Kościelne
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Klasztor kraśnicki od fundacji w 1468 roku do reformy w 1618 roku
The Kraśnik monastery from its foundation in 1468 to its reform in 1618
Łatak, Kazimierz
Data publikacji:
Katolicki Uniwersytet Lubelski Jana Pawła II
kanonicy regularni
dzieje klasztoru
średniowieczny Kościół
the Canons Regular
a monastery
the history of the monastery
the medieval Church
The Kraśnik monastery of the Canons Regular in the years 1468-1618 was one of the most important centres of religious and cultural life in the Lublin region. Although there were hardly ever more than twelve monks in the monastery, it was the interior character of the monastery and its exterior activity that increased its importance and role in civilization. The monks conducted their mission through prayer, broadly understood pastoral work, science and education, the promotion of culture and art, almsgiving and various economic initiatives. In pursuit of holiness and apostolate, they encountered both glories and successes, which are reflected in buildings, works of art, books, forms of piety, and monks who rendered great service to the Church and Poland. There were also failures, which in many cases were conditioned by external events such as natural disasters, wars and other circumstances. For the people living nearby, the monastery was always a reference point, contributing to the spiritual, intellectual and material culture of the town and its surroundings, which today is a part of not only Polish and ecclesial but also European Christian civilization. The author presented an outline of the history of the monastery of the Canons Regular in Kraśnik in the first period of its existence, that is from its beginning to 1618. He addressed the following issues: the staffing of the monastery, the organization of monastic life, their pastoral commitment, their contribution to the culture of the region and the finances of the monastery.
Archiwa, Biblioteki i Muzea Kościelne; 2017, 108; 153-192
Pojawia się w:
Archiwa, Biblioteki i Muzea Kościelne
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Tatuaż jako znak przynależności
A Tattoo as a Sign of Belonging to a Particular Group
Wasilewska, Jolanta
Data publikacji:
Katolicki Uniwersytet Lubelski Jana Pawła II
dekorowanie ciała
techniki tatuowania
zjawisko tatuażu
historia tatuażu
tattoo techniques
the tattoo phenomenon
the history of tattoos
a tattoo
A tattoo is the oldest form of visual individualization, occurring since the dawn of history. Initially, tattoos had protective and ritualistic functions. They differed in respect of social status and religious affi liation. People believed in their curative and magical power. There have been different tattoo techniques depending on the geographic location, material and tools, time, civilization development and tradition. Today’s tattoos are mainly used to decorate the body, but still some people have tattoos done as they are willing to emphasize their belonging to the social group, to commemorate important life events or they are guided by other personal motivations.
Archiwa, Biblioteki i Muzea Kościelne; 2017, 107; 351-372
Pojawia się w:
Archiwa, Biblioteki i Muzea Kościelne
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Panorama Konstantynopola w Liber chronicarum Hartmanna Schedla (1493). Miasto idealne – memoria chrześcijaństwa
The panorama of Constantinople in Liber chronicarum of Hartmann Schedel (1493). The ideal city – the recollection of christianity
Mazurczak, Urszula
Data publikacji:
Katolicki Uniwersytet Lubelski Jana Pawła II
Konstantynopol – widok miasta po 1453 r. – rzeczywistość
miasto jako wotum ofiarne
miasto – Arkadia (utopia)
Constantinople – the view of the city after 1453 – the reality
the history
the City as a votive offering
the city – the Arcadia (utopia)
The historical research of the illustrated Nuremberg Chronicle [Schedelsche Weltchronik (English: Schedel’s World Chronicle)] of Hartmann Schedel comprises the complex historical knowledge about numerous woodcuts which present views of various cities important in the world’s history, e.g. Jerusalem, Constantinople, or the European ones such as: Rome, some Italian, German or Polish cities e.g. Wrocław and Cracow; some Hungarian and some Czech Republic cities. Researchers have made a serious study to recognize certain constructions in the woodcuts; they indicated the conservative and contractual architecture, the existing places and the unrealistic (non-existent) places. The results show that there is a common detail in all the views – the defensive wall round each of the described cities. However, in reality, it may not have existed in some cities during the lifetime of the authors of the woodcuts. As for some further details: behind the walls we can see feudal castles on the hills shown as strongholds. Within the defensive walls there are numerous buildings with many towers typical for the Middle Ages and true-to-life in certain ways of building the cities. Schematically drawn buildings surrounded by the ring of defensive walls indicate that the author used certain patterns based on the previously created panoramic views. This article is an attempt of making analogical comparisons of the cities in medieval painting. The Author of the article presents Roman mosaics and the miniature painting e.g. the ones created in the scriptorium in Reichenau. Since the beginning of 14th century Italian painters such as: Duccio di Buoninsegna, Giotto di Bondone, Simone Martini and Ambrogio Lorenzetti painted parts of the cities or the entire monumental panoramas in various compositions and with various meanings. One defining rule in this painting concerned the definitions of the cities given by Saint Isidore of Seville, based on the rules which he knew from the antique tradition. These are: urbs – the cities full of architecture and buildings but uninhabited or civita – the city, the living space of the human life, build-up space, engaged according to the law, kind of work and social hierarchy. The tradition of both ways of describing the city is rooted in Italy. This article indicates the particular meaning of Italian painting in distributing the image of the city – as the votive offering. The research conducted by Chiara Frugoni and others indicated the meaning of the city images in the painting of various forms of panegyrics created in high praise of cities, known as laude (Lat.). We can find the examples of them rooted in the Roman tradition of mosaics, e.g. in San Apollinare Nuovo in Ravenna. They present both palatium and civitas. The medieval Italian painting, especially the panel painting, presents the city structure models which are uninhabited and deprived of any signs of everyday life. The models of cities – urbs, are presented as votive offerings devoted to their patron saints, especially to Virgin Mary. The city shaped as oval or sinusoidal rings surrounded by the defensive walls resembled a container filled with buildings. Only few of them reflected the existing cities and could mainly be identified thanks to the inscriptions. The most characteristic examples were: the fresco of Taddeo di Bartolo in Palazzo Publico in Siena, which presented the Dominican Order friar Ambrogio Sansedoni holding the model of his city – Siena, with its most recognizable building - the Cathedral dedicated to the Assumption of Mary. The same painter, referred to as the master painter of the views of the cities as the votive offerings, painted the Saint Antilla with the model of Montepulciano in the painting from 1401 for the Cathedral devoted to the Assumption of Mary in Montepulciano. In the painting made by T. di Bartolo, the bishop of the city of Gimignano, Saint Gimignano, presents the city in the shape of a round lens surrounded by defence walls with numerous church towers and the feudal headquarters characteristic for the city. His dummer of the city is pyramidally-structured, the hills are mounted on the steep slopes reflecting the analogy to the topography of the city. We can also find the texts of songs, laude (Lat.) and panegyrics created in honour of the cities and their rulers, e.g. the texts in honour of Milan, Bonvesin for La Riva, known in Europe at that time. The city – Arcadia (utopia) in the modern style. Hartman Schedel, as a bibliophile and a scholar, knew the texts of medieval writers and Italian art but, as an ambitious humanist, he could not disregard the latest, contemporary trends of Renaissance which were coming from Nuremberg and from Italian cities. The views of Arcadia – the utopian city, were rapidly developing, as they were of great importance for the rich recipient in the beginning of the modern era overwhelmed by the early capitalism. It was then when the two opposites were combined – the shepherd and the knight, the Greek Arcadia with the medieval city. The reception of Virgil’s Arcadia in the medieval literature and art was being developed again in the elite circles at the end of 15th century. The cultural meaning of the historical loci, the Greek places of the ancient history and the memory of Christianity constituted the essence of historicism in the Renaissance at the courts of the Comnenos and of the Palaiologos dynasty, which inspired the Renaissance of the Latin culture circle. The pastoral idleness concept came from Venice where Virgil’s books were published in print in 1470, the books of Ovid: Fasti and Metamorphoses were published in 1497 and Sannazaro’s Arcadia was published in 1502, previously distributed in his handwriting since 1480. Literature topics presented the historical works as memoria, both ancient and Christian, composed into the images. The city maps drawn by Hartmann Schedel, the doctor and humanist from Nurnberg, refer to the medieval images of urbs, the woodcuts with the cities, known to the author from the Italian painting of the greatest masters of the Trecenta period. As a humanist he knew the literature of the Renaissance of Florence and Venice with the Arcadian themes of both the Greek and the Roman tradition. The view of Constantinople in the context of the contemporary political situation, is presented in a series of monuments of architecture, with columns and defensive walls, which reminded of the history of the city from its greatest time of Constantine the Great, Justinian I and the Comnenus dynasty. Schedel’s work of art is the sum of the knowledge written down or painted. It is also the result of the experiments of new technology. It is possible that Schedel was inspired by the hymns, laude, written by Psellos in honour of Constantinople in his elaborate ecphrases as the panegyrics for the rulers of the Greek dynasty – the Macedonians. Already in that time, the Greek ideal of beauty was reborn, both in literature and in fine arts. The illustrated History of the World presented in Schedel’s woodcuts is given to the recipients who are educated and to those who are anonymous, in the spirit of the new anthropology. It results from the nature of the woodcut reproduction, that is from the way of copying the same images. The artist must have strived to gain the recipients for his works as the woodcuts were created both in Latin and in German. The collected views were supposed to transfer historical, biblical and mythological knowledge in the new way of communication.
Vox Patrum; 2018, 70; 499-525
Pojawia się w:
Vox Patrum
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
„Zeszyty Naukowe Katolickiego Uniwersytetu Lubelskiego” jako czasopismo uniwersyteckie
‘Zeszyty Naukowe Katolickiego Uniwersytetu Lubelskiego’ as a university journal
Misiura, Grzegorz
Data publikacji:
Katolicki Uniwersytet Lubelski Jana Pawła II
„Zeszyty Naukowe Katolickiego Uniwersytetu Lubelskiego”
Katolicki Uniwersytet Lubelski Jana Pawła II
dzieje KUL
idea uniwersytetu katolickiego
Zeszyty Naukowe Katolickiego Uniwersytetu Lubelskiego
John Paul II Catholic University of Lublin
press studies; history of the Catholic University of Lublin
the idea of a Catholic university
The subject of the article is the analysis of the journal ‘Zeszyty Naukowe Uniwersytetu Lubelskiego’ (Scientific Journals of the Catholic University of Lublin) until 2018, that is throughout 60 years of its publication. It was conceived as a presentation of research results of people connected with the university (researchers, students, graduates), as well as a record of events taking place at the university, both inside and outside its walls, through the scientific conference activities of its employees. The circumstances surrounding the creation of the journal are presented, as well as the composition of the editorial committee, which decided on the shape of the individual issues. The analysis was mainly focused on the ‘Articles’ section, which presented scientific achievements. The results are presented in a quantitative way and in percentage distribution, which seems understandable when presenting such extensive source material. It was also pointed out that ‘Zeszyty Naukowe KUL’ is a source of information for research on the history of the university, as it contains a separate section for recording events. Currently, the journal still retains its interdisciplinary character, despite the change of its profile – instead of presenting the achievements of the academic staff of the Catholic University of Lublin, it presents the achievements of authors also from outside this circle.
Przedmiotem artykułu jest omówienie czasopisma „Zeszyty Naukowe Katolickiego Uniwersytetu Lubelskiego” do 2018 roku, czyli 60 lat jego ukazywania się. Było ono pomyślane jako prezentacja wyników badań ludzi związanych z uniwersytetem (pracownicy naukowi, studenci, absolwenci), a także zapis wydarzeń odbywających się na uczelni, zarówno w jej murach, jak i poza nimi, poprzez działalność naukowo-konferencyjną jej pracowników. Przedstawiono zarówno okoliczności towarzyszące powstaniu czasopisma, jak i skład komitetu redakcyjnego, który decydował o kształcie poszczególnych numerów. W prowadzonych analizach skupiono się przede wszystkim na dziale „Artykuły”, który przedstawiał dokonania naukowe. Wyniki przedstawiono w sposób ilościowy i procentowy, co wydaje się zrozumiałe przy prezentacji tak obszernego materiału źródłowego. Zwrócono także uwagę, że „Zeszyty Naukowe KUL” są źródłem informacji do badań nad dziejami uniwersytetu. Wyodrębniono w nim bowiem oddzielny dział do rejestrowania wydarzeń. Obecnie czasopismo nadal pozostaje interdyscyplinarne, mimo zmiany swojego profilu – zamiast prezentowania dokonań przede wszystkim pracowników naukowych KUL, przedstawia dokonania autorów także spoza tego środowiska.
Archiwa, Biblioteki i Muzea Kościelne; 2020, 113; 265-283
Pojawia się w:
Archiwa, Biblioteki i Muzea Kościelne
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
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