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Tematyka społeczna w pismach św. Ambrożego z Mediolanu
Social issues in the writings of saint Ambrose of Milan
Kasprzak, Dariusz
Data publikacji:
Katolicki Uniwersytet Lubelski Jana Pawła II
Ambroży z Mediolanu
tematyka społeczna
Ambrose of Milan
social issues
Numerous remarks which refer to the Christian social life in the writings of St Ambrose (339-397) offer us a relatively homogeneous picture of his pastoral opinions on marriage and family, work, property and virtues as considered in the theological context. God is the single aim of every man’s activity in the social activities. A systematic theological analysis led St. Ambrose to the conclusion that: 1) Marriage can have either a positive or negative sense and 2) that the male component in marriage is dominant over the female. He argued that the full liberation of both sexes would come only in Eternal Life. The emancipation of women is possible in this world through the Christian religion, through the role of a wife, mother or the consecrated virginity. Labor is inseparately related to human nature from its creation and before original sin. After original sin, human labor changed in the punishment for sin (pain and hardship) however in the same time became the means of salvation, and the redemption of sins. It is also necessary to sustain living and gives a chance to achieve moral virtues. Work and mutual assistance were made by the Bishop of Milan a model work in the society. St Ambrose accepted both private possession rights and a community property of goods. The earthly goods should be used always with the religious perspective of the sole destiny – God. The main Aim-God, a temporary possession of goods (worldliness) and the purpose of the Main Owner- the good of every man (justice, fraternity, solidarity, mutual love) are the limits of a possession rights. The Bishop of Milan also introduced to the Christian moral theology the system of evaluation of the human deeds based on the Stoic categories of virtues and vices. St. Ambrose combined this system with the allegoric conception of the Four Rivers of the Philo of Alexandria and St. Paul’s moral theology. A Christian should be guided by the virtues of humbleness and fear of God. They will lead him to the wisdom and divine blessing, subsequently to the real knowledge of God. In this world the Christians should respect the sense of responsibility, the virtue of silence, freedom, cardinal virtues, honesty, charity and usefulness of his work. In the social life Christians are obliged to denounce the vices of egoism and arrogance, usury, greediness, vice behavior or giving unwise promises. The social problems were always subordinated to the theological purposes in the writings of St. Ambrose. The Christian are always obliged to be guided by Gods Commandments. St. Ambrose did not manage to work out a code of Christian moral behavior in a society, however he discussed many different problems, which were used by others (cf. St. Thomas of Aquino) to construct such a code. A synthesis of the Stoic philosophy, the philosophy of Philo Judaeus and St. Paul’s moral theology can be legitimately regarded as his valuable contribution to the studies of ethics.
Vox Patrum; 2012, 57; 277-296
Pojawia się w:
Vox Patrum
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Kwestia bogactwa i ubóstwa w Kościele imperialnym na zachodzie w IV i V wieku. Próba syntezy zagadnienia
Wealth and poverty in the fourth and fifth century Church
Kasprzak, Dariusz
Data publikacji:
Katolicki Uniwersytet Lubelski Jana Pawła II
Kościół w V wieku
fifth century Church
I considered the different views regarding the issues of possession, wealth and poverty in the fourth and fifth century. I focused on the concepts of the fifth-century theologian (St. Ambrose, the Bishop of Milan, St. Augustine the Bishop of Hippo), pioneers of the western monastic theology and also the earliest monastic theologians and the heterodox pelagianist writers. They regarded soteriological perspective of Christianity. In that early period the socio-economic view did not constitute a doctrine. We can distinguish two essential approaches to the issue of possession in the teaching of the Church Fathers in the fourth and fifth century: a realistic and a pessimistic attitude. (The optimistic version regarded the possession of wealth as the result of Divine Protection and as a reward for pious Christian life. Both those models presumed that all the earthly goods were created by God and that people are only the temporary stewards of the goods given them for use. The realistic approach emphasized that everything which God has made was good and there was nothing wrong with owning possessions but it denounced the unjust means by which it is sometimes achieved or used. The pessimistic approach of Anchorites (monasticism, orthodox and heterodox ascetics) accepted the possession of goods which were made with one’s own hands. Everything which was not necessary should be given as alms. Coenobitic monks didn’t have anything of their own because everything belonged to the monastery. Their superior decided how everything could be used. The heterodox followers of Pelagius condemned shared of private property at all, and shared the view that voluntarily poverty was the only possible way for Christian.
Vox Patrum; 2011, 56; 495-515
Pojawia się w:
Vox Patrum
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Eustacjański kontekst doktryny o ubóstwie monastycznym w pismach ascetycznych św. Bazylego Wielkiego
The ascetic writings of Basil the Great in the context of the Eustachius’ of Sebaste monastic poverty doctrine
Kasprzak, Dariusz
Data publikacji:
Katolicki Uniwersytet Lubelski Jana Pawła II
Bazyli Wielki
Basil the Great
We can distinguish two essential approaches to the issue of monastic poverty in the teaching of St Basil: a critical anti-Eustachian and a positive, unpolemical attitude. He pointed out his critical approach to main points of the doctrine introduced by Eustachius i.e.: the refusal of marriage and condemnation of the possession of any property, even in order to use it for charity purposes. It is clearly visible in his late writings – Letters, Moralia. St. Basile proved, in these writings, the necessity of the use of properties, from a biblical and ecclesiastical point of view because – for example to pay taxes. The positive approach which accepted voluntary poverty is clearly visible in his Moralia, Greater Asketikon and Lesser Asketikon. The bishop of Caesarea considered voluntary poverty as the mean to achieve a state of the unity of Christian life. The only Christian purpose is to give glory to the Lord and salvation.
Vox Patrum; 2010, 55; 257-273
Pojawia się w:
Vox Patrum
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Koncepcja dobrowolnego ubóstwa w pismach monastycznych św. Augustyna
The idea of voluntary poverty in st. Augustine’s monastic writings
Kasprzak, Dariusz
Data publikacji:
Katolicki Uniwersytet Lubelski Jana Pawła II
dobrowolne ubóstwo
św. Augustyn
pisma monastyczne
interpretacja Dz 4, 32-36
voluntary poverty
St. Augustine
monastic writings
interpretations of Acts 4, 32-36
The first coherent doctrine of voluntary poverty appeared in Western Church theology in the writings of St. Augustine. This idea developed gradually under the influence of the coenobitic ideal and vision of a community Church. First having excluded the Manichean vision of community (AD 386-396) St. Augustine adopted the coenobitic conception of poverty (relinquishing individual possession in favour of communal ownership and working for the benefit of the community). In his mature period (AD 397-426) St. Augustine referred directly to the perfect vision of the Christian monastic community described in Acts 4:32-36 as the source of voluntary poverty. In this way the monks copied the perfection of the Early Church community. One might say his approach to ascetic poverty was according to the principle of qualitative parity i.e. every monk receives the minimum of material necessities. St. Augustine’s sermons 355 from December AD 425/January AD 426 and 356 from January AD 426 show clearly how he and his brothers practiced individual and community poverty.
Vox Patrum; 2013, 60; 165-182
Pojawia się w:
Vox Patrum
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Rozumienie śmierci w nauczaniu Ojców i Pisarzy Kościoła
The Concept of Death in the Patristic Tradition
Kasprzak, Dariusz
Data publikacji:
Katolicki Uniwersytet Lubelski Jana Pawła II
idea śmierci
tradycja patrystyczna
pierwsza śmierć (śmierć fizyczna
consolatio mortis
pochówek chrześcijański
inskrypcje w katakumbach)
concept of death
patristic tradition
"first death"
physical death
consolation mortis
Christian burial
catacomb's inscriptions
The patristic view of death arose from the Greek anthropological philosophy. According to the ancients, man was made up of soul and body. Despite the Greek dualism, the Old Testament comprehensive approach to man meant that we are not two different, united natures, but rather a single, unified person. In early Christian writings man was portrayed as a living soul which after death awaits the resurrection of the body. Death was described as the major break in human nature . It is the “first death”, i.e. the physical one. Fathers of the Church gradually introduced to their explanation of death the elements from the Old Testament. They maintained that death was the result of Adam’s sin, and it was caused by the devil’s jealousy of man. They didn’t pay too much attention to the message of the New Testament, i.e. to the Jesus’ Sacrifice which expiated our sins and redeemed us from the course of the law. Their teaching was rather aimed to inspire the faith in the resurrection of bodies and in eternal life with God, by the use of a Christian version of consolatio mortis. Christians buried their dead what expressed their hope for the resurrection of believers laid in eternal sleep. The inscriptions found in the catacombs clearly illustrate this hope.
Verbum Vitae; 2013, 24; 151-171
Pojawia się w:
Verbum Vitae
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Pismo Święte czytane przez Ojców
The Christian Fathers on the Holy Scripture
Kasprzak, Dariusz
Data publikacji:
Katolicki Uniwersytet Lubelski Jana Pawła II
patrystyczna Biblia
funkcja i sens Pisma Świętego
the patristics Bible
function and meaning of the Holy Scriptures
Unifikacja ksiąg biblijnych i określenie standardowego konstantyńskiego zbioru Pisma świętego około 425 roku było historycznie zbieżne z cesarską polityką wprowadzania jednorodności religijnej na terenie Imperium Romanum na początku IV wieku. Co więcej, do V wieku na terenie Cesarstwa Rzymskiego istniała ciągłość kulturowa, która umożliwiała tłumaczenie „słowo w słowo”. W związku najazdami germańsko-irańskimi nastąpiło zerwanie antycznej wspólnoty kulturowej, co w przekładach biblijnych doprowadziło w V wieku do tłumaczenia „sens w sens”. Najwyższą formą objawienia się Boga dla autorów patrystycznych było wydarzenie Wcielenia Boga. Natomiast Biblia jako objawione słowo Boże była rozumiana jako uprzywilejowany, darmowy Boży fenomen, przez który Bóg ujawnia prawdę o sobie i komunikuje się z człowiekiem. W związku z tym natchnienie było rozumiane przez ojców Kościoła jako dar Boży udzielony ludzkiemu autorowi, dzięki czemu był on w stanie przekazać Boże objawienie w tekście Pisma świętego, które zostało uznane przez wspólnotę wiary jako słowo Boże. Dla ojców Kościoła cała teologia opierała się na rozważaniu Biblii, która stanowiła dla autorów patrystycznych norma normans wiary chrześcijańskiej. Jezus Chrystus pozostawał dla Ojców i pisarzy Kościoła patrystycznego kluczem hermeneutycznym do Pisma świętego i podstawą poznawania tajemnicy Boga i godności człowieka. Ojcowie przez swą egzegezę i teologię pokazują nam też, że nie wolno oddzielać osoby Jezusa Chrystusa jako Tego, który ostatecznie objawił nam Ojca, oraz świadectwa o Nim, zawartego w kerygmacie chrześcijańskim i w Piśmie świętym. Taka afirmacja Biblii pozwoliła do VII wieku uformować kanon biblijny, ale także kształtować Tradycję Kościoła, zwłaszcza tę trynitarną, duchową i liturgiczną. Biblijna interpretacja ojców Kościoła może być uznana za sens pełniejszy Nowego Testamentu, który w dogmatycznej tradycji Kościoła wyraża sens zamierzony przez Boga, pierwszego Autora Pisma świętego, a który to sens nie był znany w pełni ludzkiemu autorowi Pisma (np. koncepcja Trójcy Świętej, relacji wewnątrztrynitarnych czy doktryna o grzechu pierworodnym). Tak pojęta lektura Pisma świętego była dla pisarzy patrystycznych zarówno źródłem ich wiary, jak i ich teologii.
The unification of the books of the Bible and the definition of the standard Constantine edition of the Holy Scripture set about 425 was historically coincident with the imperial policy of the introducing of religious homogeneity in the Roman Empire at the beginning of the fourth century. Moreover, due to the cultural continuity within the Roman Empire until the 5th century, it was possible the translation of “word for word”. The German-Iranian raids in the 5th century resulted in the disintegration of the ancient cultural community, and caused the necessity of the translations of “meaning in meaning”. The highest form of God’s revelation for the patristic authors was the incarnation of God. The Bible, as the revealed word of God, was understood as a privileged, free God’s phenomenon, through which God reveals the truth about himself and communicates with man. Consequently the Church Fathers interpreted the divine inspiration as the gift of God which was given to a biblical author. In this way an inspired writer was able to convey the divine revelation drown from the Holy Scriptures to a community of the faithful, which received as the word of God himself. In the opinion of the Church Fathers, the Christian theology was based on the contemplation of the Bible, which constituted the norm of the Christian faith. To the Patristic writers Jesus was a hermeneutic key to the Holy Scripture and it was him who leads the faithful to the cognition of the divine mystery and the human dignity. In their exegesis and theology the Christian Fathers showed us that the Person of Jesus, who ultimately revealed the Father to us should not be distinguished from testimony of the Christian kerygma and the Holy Scriptures. This affirmative attitude towards the Bible contributed to the formation of the biblical canon in the 7th century and also shaped the Trinitarian, spiritual and liturgical tradition of the Church. The Biblical interpretation of the church Fathers can be regarded as a more complete meaning of the NT, which expresses the sense intended by God, the first author of the Scripture in the dogmatic tradition of the Church, and which sense was not fully known to the human author of the Scriptures (e.g. the concept of the Holy Trinity, the intra-trinitarian relations and the doctrine of the original sin). Thus understood the reading of Scripture was for the patristic writers both the source of their faith and their theology.
Teologia w Polsce; 2018, 12, 2; 49-69
Pojawia się w:
Teologia w Polsce
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Historia metropolii i antycznego rytu raweńskiego (IV-IX wiek)
The History of the Metropolitan Church of Ravenna and Its Ancient Liturgical Rite (4th-9th)
Kasprzak, Dariusz Antoni
Data publikacji:
Katolicki Uniwersytet Lubelski Jana Pawła II
ryt raweński
ryt liturgiczny
Piotr Chryzolog
Peter Chrysologus
liturgical rite
This paper focuses on the social environment of the ancient Church of Ravenna, which developed its own local liturgy. The paper also characterizes the most impor- tant components of the liturgy up to mid 5th century. The Catholic see of Ravenna developed an original liturgy, which flourished during the incumbency of Bishop Peter Chrysologus (380-450). The ancient liturgy of the 5th century Ravenna church appears to have been a bridge, which United the Catholic liturgy of the Christian Orient with the West. The pregregorian Roman liturgy constituted its most prominent component. The pregregorian liturgical rite of Ravenna was conspicuous for its Roman Character, although it had always preserved its original local elements in the 5th as well as in the 6th-9th centuries. In the 9th century the liturgy of Ravenna was Romanized in accordance with the unifying tendencies of the Gregorian reform.
Vox Patrum; 2008, 52, 1; 425-437
Pojawia się w:
Vox Patrum
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Patrystyczno-biblijna argumentacja kwestii eschatologicznych w traktacie Juliana z Toledo „Prognosticum futuri saeculi”
The Patristic-Biblical Argumentation of Eschatological Issues in Julian of Toledo’s Treatise “Prognosticum futuri saeculi”
Kasprzak, Dariusz Antoni
Data publikacji:
Katolicki Uniwersytet Lubelski Jana Pawła II
Julian z Toledo
Prognosticum futuri saeculi
argumentacja patrystyczna i biblijna
Julian of Toledo
patristic and biblical argumentation
Traktat Juliana z Toledo (642-690), zatytułowany Prognosticum futuri saeculi, wywarł wielki wpływ na późniejszą teologię i religijność Kościoła zachodniego. Przepisano go w tysiącach egzemplarzy i był dostępny w większości średniowiecznych bibliotek. Argumentacja teologiczna stosowana przez Juliana z Toledo w traktacie Prognosticum futuri saeculi jest w dużej mierze zapożyczona. Autor opiera metodę dowodzenia prawdziwości teorii o ogniu pośmiertnie oczyszczającym dusze przede wszystkim na myśli eschatologicznej wypracowanej przez uznane autorytety Kościoła Zachodniego: Augustyna z Hippony, Grzegorza Wielkiego, Juliana Pomeriusza. Źródłowo koncepcja istnienia dusz po śmierci fizycznej ciał czy koncepcja natychmiastowego wynagrodzenia dusz po śmierci fizycznej ciał wyprowadzona jest z filozofii greckiej, natomiast kwestia leczenia dusz w zaświatach czy ognia oczyszczającego dusze jest zapożyczeniem z judeochrześcijańskich apokryficznych apokalips. Argumentacja biblijna stanowi jedynie dodatkowe potwierdzenie tez przyjętych wcześniej z autorytetu ojców zachodnich. Cytaty biblijne, których Julian użył w argumentacji na rzecz eschatologicznego stanu pośredniego niczego nie dowodzą, gdyż w tekście biblijnym na poziomie znaczenia sensu dosłownego, zamierzonego przez autora biblijnego, takie treści po prostu nie istnieją. Julian nie stara się wydobyć oryginalnego znaczenia tekstu biblijnego w sensie egzegetycznym, a jego argumentacja biblijna jest aprioryczna przy nadawaniu mu znaczenia ponadsłownego.
Julian of Toledo's (642-690) treatise, entitled Prognosticum futuri saeculi, had a great influence on the later theology and religiosity of the Western Church; it was transcribed in thousands of copies and was available in most medieval libraries. The theological argumentation used by Julian of Toledo in his treatise Prognosticum futuri saeculi is eminently repetitive. In his method of proving the veracity of the theories posited about fire purifying souls posthumously, the author draws primarily on eschatological thought developed by the authorities of the Western Church that he recognized: Augustine of Hippo, Gregory the Great, Julian Pomerius. The source of the concept of the existence of souls after the physical death of bodies or the concept of the immediate remuneration of souls after the physical death of bodies derives from Greek philosophy, while the question of the healing of souls in the hereafter or the fire that purifies souls is a borrowing from the Judeo-Christian apocryphal apocalypses. The biblical argumentation is an add-on for him and is only meant to be a confirmation of the theses previously accepted from the authority of the Western Fathers. The biblical quotations used by Julian of Toledo in favor of eschatology an intermediate state do not prove anything, since in the biblical text at the level of literal meaning intended by the biblical author such content simply does not exist. Julian is not trying to extract the original meaning of the biblical text in an exegetical sense, and his biblical argumentation is an apriori interpretation of the biblical text while giving it more-than-literal meaning.
Vox Patrum; 2024, 89; 149-174
Pojawia się w:
Vox Patrum
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Praca w monastycyzmie pachomiańskim
Work in Pachomian Monasticism
Kasprzak, Dariusz Antoni
Data publikacji:
Katolicki Uniwersytet Lubelski Jana Pawła II
Patrystyczna refleksja nad kluczowymi tekstami pachomian dotyczącymi zagadnienia pracy cenobickiej i jej skutków pozwala na wyciągniecie następujących wniosków: w zamyśle ideowym Pachomiusza praca miała być czynnością ascetyczną, dokonującą się w ciszy i w zupełnym podporządkowaniu się przełożonym. Podstawowym zajęciem pachomian była praca rolnicza na polach. Natomiast plecionkarstwo wydaje się być bardziej ascetycznym uzupełnieniem tej pierwszej. Pozostałe prace pachomian miały charakter służebny wobec rolnictwa i plecionkarstwa. Chrystologiczną motywację do podjęcia pracy rekonstruujemy na podstawie listów Pachomiusza i Księgi Horsiesiego. Kryzysy wspólnot pachomiańskich z końca lat 40 i 60 IV wieku zweryfikowały pierwotne założenia Reguły. Kazuistyczny i urzędniczo normatywny zarząd zakonu za pierwszej kadencji Horsiesiego zabijał zarówno ideowość mnichów, jak i ich ludzką czy zakonną odpowiedzialność. Wywołał sprzeciw („Nie chcemy mieć nic wspólnego z Horsiesim ani z zasadami, które ustala”) i bunt braci. Za rządów Teodora, kolejnego z διακριτικός wspólnoty doszło do uspokojenia w zakonie. Paradoksalnie systematyczna praca przyniosła wymierne efekty materialne, co zaczęło zagrażać duchowemu celowi zakonu. Ten drugi kryzys zarządu zakonu zażegnano poprzez zawierzenie Bożej Opatrzności napięcia pomiędzy zakonną obserwacją a systematyczną pracą i bogaceniem się instytucji. Wydaje się, że było to skuteczne rozwiązanie, bo pachomianie przetrwali w Egipcie aż do najazdu arabskiego w IX wieku.
A patristic reflection on the key texts of Pachomian on the issue of cenobitic labor and its consequences allows us to draw the following conclusions. In pachomian's ideological conception, work was to be an ascetic activity, carried out in silence and in complete submission to superiors. The primary type of Pachomian labor was agricultural work in the fields. Braiding, on the other hand, appears to have been a more ascetic complement to the former. The pachomian's other work was subservient to agriculture and braiding. The Christological motivation for the work emerges from the letters of Pachomius and the Book of Horsiesi. The crises of the Pachomian communities of the late 40s and 60s of the 4th century verified the original assumptions of the Rule. The casuistic and bureaucratic normative management of the order during Horsiesi's first term of office killed both the idealism of the monks and their human or monastic responsibility. It provoked opposition ("We want nothing to do with Horsiesi or the rules he sets") and rebellion from the brothers. Under Theodore, another διακριτικός of the community, there was a calming down in the order. Paradoxically, systematic work brought tangible material results, which began to threaten the spiritual purpose of the order. This second crisis of the order's management was resolved by entrusting to Divine Providence the tension between monastic observation and systematic work and the enrichment of the institution. Successfully, it seems, because the Pachomians survived in Egypt until the Arab invasion in the 9th century.
Vox Patrum; 2023, 87; 155-174
Pojawia się w:
Vox Patrum
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
    Wyświetlanie 1-11 z 11

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