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Bractwa charytatywne w Polsce od średniowiecza do końca XVIII wieku
Brotherhoods of charity in Poland from the Middle Ages to the late eighteenth century
Surdacki, Marian
Data publikacji:
Katolicki Uniwersytet Lubelski Jana Pawła II
bractwa religijne
bractwa charytatywne
bractwa szpitalne
bractwa miłosierdzia
Piotr Skarga
Michał Jerzy Poniatowski
religious brotherhoods
brotherhood of charity
hospital fraternities
brotherhood of mercy
Religious brotherhoods were one of the institutions, apart from schools and hospitals, which in past centuries played an important role in the lives of individual parishes, towns and villages. They were associations – church communities, with legal personality, bringing together people for religious purposes, regardless of gender and social origin. Different kinds of brotherhoods, including the ones of charitable and protective nature became a common phenomenon between the 11th and the 15th centuries in the West. In the thirteenth century, they also began to take hold on Polish soil, referring to Western patterns. Hospital fraternities (fraternitas hospitales) have the oldest tradition of secular charities in the Polish land. Their aim was to provide people, who often did the activities connected with the medieval hospital. Some of them even founded and ran hospitals. Just like all other religious brotherhoods, at the earliest, in the thirteenth century, they appeared in Silesia. In the group of hospital fraternities the brotherhood of the Holy Spirit played a special role. That brotherhood was associated only with hospitals run by the Order of the same name, so-called ‘duchaki’. Brotherhoods of the poor were far more common in the Polish land. Their main aim was to focus on charitable activities and they encompassed almost all the lands of the Polish Republic. Their heyday was primarily in the fifteenth and the early sixteenth century. Brotherhoods of the poor developed evenly in terms of chronology in the whole land of the Polish state. Those fraternities exercised complete control over the lives of every beggar who was in the town; they regulated districts, begging procedures and oversaw the behaviour of the poor. The chief duty of brotherhoods of the poor was to take care of the sick in hospitals and their homes. The duty of brothers was also a concern for the dead, especially the poor and homeless, Christian burial and funeral as well as the prayers for those whom they took care of. In the atmosphere of the reforms of the Council of Trent (1545-1563), religious brotherhoods began again spontaneously developing in Poland. The most important of the new brotherhoods of charity was a brotherhood of mercy, established at the end of the sixteenth century by the preacher Jesuit Piotr Skarga. The first model brotherhood of mercy was organized by Skarga in 1584, and it was attached to the Jesuit Church of St. Barbara in Krakow. Other brotherhoods, based on Skarga’s pattern, were formed in major cities of the Polish Republic, including Vilnius, Warsaw, Poznań, Pułtusk, Łowicz, Lviv, Zamość, Rzeszów, Lublin, Przemyśl. The period of the development of brotherhoods of mercy occurred in the late sixteenth and early seventeenth century. Then those organizations gradually disappeared and were forgotten. The idea of Piotr Skarga’s brotherhoods of mercy was renewed in the new spirit of the Enlightenment in the 1770s by Bishop, later Primate Michał Jerzy Poniatowki. They were not to be one of many brotherhoods, but the ones to which the others were to be “subordinate”. Poniatowski incorporated all the previous devotional confraternities into them, along with their funds, used henceforth for the purpose not so much pious as socially useful. Reborn in the era of the first partition, brotherhoods of mercy, compared to their earlier prototype, due to the obligation of establishing them at every parish, had a more common and universal character, and were involved in more diverse charitable, social and educational activities. Apart from the above mentioned brotherhoods of charity, which were the most famous and widespread in the Polish land in the Middle Ages and modern times, there were a number of other charitable associations. Those were: brotherhoods of priests, brotherhoods of good death, funeral brotherhoods, brotherhoods of St. Barbara, brotherhoods of St. Lazarus, brotherhoods of St. Roch, brotherhoods of St. Sebastian, brotherhoods of St. Benon, brotherhoods of St. Nicholas and St. Jacob. Some devotional brotherhoods also dealt with charity. Although they mainly focused on the celebration of different forms of worship, the statutes of many explicitly advocated doing the acts of mercy toward other people. A brotherhood which stood out in this field was the literary one.
Archiwa, Biblioteki i Muzea Kościelne; 2014, 101; 233-296
Pojawia się w:
Archiwa, Biblioteki i Muzea Kościelne
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Filadelfia duchowieństwa pięciu dekanatów: gnieźnieńskiego (śś. Piotra i Pawła), żnińskiego, łekneńskiego, kcyńskiego i rogowskiego z 1801 r.
Clergy philadelphia of fi ve deaneries: Gniezno (Sts. Peter and Paul), Żnin, Łekno, Kcynia and Rogów from 1801
Krucki, Łukasz
Data publikacji:
Katolicki Uniwersytet Lubelski Jana Pawła II
archidiecezja gnieźnieńska
bractwo kapłańskie
bractwo pogrzebowe
the Archdiocese of Gniezno
priestly brotherhood
funeral brotherhood
In 1801 on the initiative of Andrzej Pesaliński, a parish priest in Juncewo, clergy philadelphia was organized in fi ve deaneries: Gniezno (Sts. Peter and Paul), Żnin, Łekno, Kcynia and Rogów. It was the successor of the earlier confraternities, established in 1743 and including three deaneries: Gniezno (Sts. Peter and Paul), Żnin and Łekno. The basic objectives of the renewed association was to encourage confreres in systematic religious practices, mutual concern and care during illness, and after the death of each of the brothers to celebrate as many Masses as specifi ed by the statute. In addition, each member received a copy of a philadelphia book titled: The inseparable association of fi ve deaneries: Sts. Apostles Peter and Paul Gniezno, Żnin, Łekno, Kcynia and Rogów or close philadelphia of these deaneries(…). Apart from the devotional texts, the book included the list of all members – clergy and laity who resided in the deaneries mentioned in the title. This publication constitutes an important source of information about families of Greater Poland and Pałuki (not only the noble ones), their social position and religious commitment.
Archiwa, Biblioteki i Muzea Kościelne; 2014, 102; 67-99
Pojawia się w:
Archiwa, Biblioteki i Muzea Kościelne
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Statut i regulamin Bractwa św. Anny w Warszawie z 1946 r.
The statute and regulations of St Anne Brotherhood in Warsaw in 1946
Krucki, Łukasz
Data publikacji:
Katolicki Uniwersytet Lubelski Jana Pawła II
bractwa kościelne
statuty i regulaminy brackie
August Hlond
bractwo św. Anny
inteligencja katolicka
duszpasterstwo akademickie
church brotherhoods
statutes and regulations of brotherhoods
St Anne Brotherhood
the Catholic intelligentsia
academic chaplaincy
Taking over the Archdiocese of Warsaw, joined with the Archdiocese of Gniezno by a personal union, in 1946, Primate August Hlond desired to renew religious and moral life of its faithful (primarily students and people connected with the academic environment) who lived in the war-damaged capital. To achieve this aim he restored St Anne Brotherhood with its tradition dating back to the 16th century and granted it the legal status corresponding with the current church law. He personally made amendments in the bill of 8 December 1946. Work on the bill lasted several months, until 30 September 1947. Thanks to that, St Anne Brotherhood had a legal basis and the support of the Primate of Poland. As a result, it could function among academic and intellectual circles of the capital; it could also propagate Catholicism and form the proper environment for the revival of Christian morality in society depraved by the occupation reality. These tasks were not easy ones, especially when taking account of the post-war reality of the communist state in Poland.
Prymas August Hlond obejmując w 1946 roku archidiecezję warszawską, złączoną na mocy unii personalnej z archidiecezją gnieźnieńską, pragnął odnowić życie religijnie i moralnie wiernych (głównie studentów i ludzi związanych ze środowiskiem akademickim), którzy zamieszkiwali zniszczoną działaniami wojennymi stolicę. W tym celu postanowił wskrzesić bractwo św. Anny, posiadające tradycję sięgającą XVI wieku, i nadać mu status prawny odpowiadający aktualnemu prawu kościelnemu. Na przedstawiony mu projekt ustaw, datowany na 8 grudnia 1946 roku, osobiście naniósł poprawki. Dzięki temu bractwo św. Anny uzyskało oparcie prawne, a jednocześnie pozyskało protektora w osobie prymasa Polski. Sprawiło to, że mogło się ono rozwijać wśród społeczności akademickiej i inteligenckiej stolicy, a konstytutywne cele – krzewić ideę katolicyzmu w społeczeństwie oraz tworzyć odpowiednie środowisko dla odnowy moralności chrześcijańskiej, zdeprawowanej przez okupacyjną rzeczywistość. Nie były to jednak zadania łatwe, zważywszy na powojenną rzeczywistość rodzącego się w Polsce komunistycznego państwa.
Archiwa, Biblioteki i Muzea Kościelne; 2019, 111; 147-160
Pojawia się w:
Archiwa, Biblioteki i Muzea Kościelne
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Braterstwo Dawida i Jonatana. Obraz męskiej przyjaźni w 1 Sm 18 ˗ 2 Sm 1
The Brotherhood of David and Jonathan. The Picture of Male Friendship in 1 Sam 18 ˗ 2 Sam 1
Dziadosz, Dariusz
Data publikacji:
Katolicki Uniwersytet Lubelski Jana Pawła II
relacja Dawida i Jonatana
homoseksualny (homoerotyczny) podtekst w 1 Sm 18,1–21,1
David and Jonathan relationship
homosexual (homoerotic) overtones in 1 Sam 18,1–21,1
W wielu biblijnych publikacjach naukowych i popularyzatorskich na przestrzeni ostatnich dekad toczy się żywa debata na temat charakteru relacji łączącej Dawida i Jonatana, utrwalonej w Księgach Samuela. Niektórzy przypisują tej więzi podtekst homoseksualny, a przynajmniej homoerotyczny, jednakże tego typu interpretacja nie znajduje potwierdzenia w materiale źródłowym 1 Sm 18 – 2 Sm 1. Cykl o dojściu Dawida do władzy (1 Sm 16,1 – 2 Sm 5,5) nie komunikuje wyraźnych sygnałów, które wskazują na seksualne podłoże relacji międzyosobowej pretendentów do tronu. Sugerowana przez niektórych autorów lektura tradycji 1 Sm 18,1 – 2 Sm 1 w kluczu idei homoseksualizmu oraz jej więź z Pieśnią nad Pieśniami dotyczy jedynie płaszczyzny terminologicznej i nie pozwala przypisać tekstom z Pierwszej Księgi Samuela wydźwięku intymnego (homoerotycznego). Opisując braterską więź Jonatana i Dawida, deuteronomista akcentuje nade wszystko jej teologiczny i społeczno-polityczny aspekt, co nie oznacza, że utrwalony przez niego obraz męskiej przyjaźni nie posiada mocnego zabarwienia emocjonalno-uczuciowego.  
Over the last decades many scientific and popularizing biblical publications have debated on the nature of David and Jonathan’s relationship described in 1 and 2 Samuel. Several exegetes have interpreted this relationship as homosexual or at least homoerotic, but such understanding does not correspond to the text of 1 Sam 18 – 2 Sam 1. The narrative of David’s ascent to throne (1 Sam 16,1 – 2 Sam 5,5) does not provide direct indications of a sexual background in the interpersonal relationship between the two claimants to the throne. The connections between 1 Sam 18 – 2 Sam 1 and Song of Songs concern only the terminology and don’t allow to ascribe sexual (homoerotic) connotations in the stories of 1Samuel. The Deuteronomist emphasizes primarily theological and socio-political level of the brotherhood of David and Jonathan, but his idea of the male friendship in 1 Sam 16,1 – 2 Sam 5,5 has also a strong emotional aspect.  
Verbum Vitae; 2021, 39, 1; 163-198
Pojawia się w:
Verbum Vitae
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Dramat ojcowskiej miłości (Łk 15,11-32)
The Drama of Fathers Love (Luke 15:11-32)
Muszytowska, Dorota
Data publikacji:
Katolicki Uniwersytet Lubelski Jana Pawła II
Łk 15
przypowieść o miłosiernym ojcu
honor rodziny
Luke 15
parable of the merciful father
family honor
The parable of the father and his two sons in the Gospel of Luke (Luke 15:11-32) makes part of a series of parables depicting the attitude of God toward sinful man. It is the attitude of seeking, concern, love, and joy in the presence of which nobody, even the greatest sinner, is excluded. The present article focuses on that attitude by exposing relationships between father and his two sons. Despite the fact that the narrative presents the events from the perspective of the sons, the father can be considered the main character of the parable. The story of the sons shows the drama of father’s love which was rejected and misunderstood by them. Both sons lose their dignity by denying their father’s love, but only the younger seems to realize it. The father shows both of them the same love and assures them that in his eyes they have never lost their sonship and they have never been deprived of it. Each of the children has to be re-adopted; each in his own way indicated by the father. The younger has to accept paternal forgiveness which is full of mercy and joy prompted by his return. The elder, on the other hand, has to imitate the mercy and joy offered by the father to his younger son.
Verbum Vitae; 2013, 23; 105-126
Pojawia się w:
Verbum Vitae
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Dominująca rola Egiptu w procesie kształtowania nacjonalizmu arabskiego w XIX wieku oraz w I połowie XX wieku
The dominant role of Egypt in the process of shaping Arab nationalism in the nineteenh century and the first half of twentieth century
Wiśniewski, Artur
Data publikacji:
Katolicki Uniwersytet Lubelski Jana Pawła II
Bractwo Muzłumańskie
Liga Państw Arabskich
Muslim Brotherhood
League of Arab States
Pozornie sprzeczne, wzajemnie wykluczające się idee arabskiego nacjonalizmu oraz panarabizmu, w okresie dwudziestolecia wojennego występowały symultanicznie i stanowiły podwójny opór względem rosnącej na świecie dominacji państw Zachodu (Płanowski 2006: 252). Kiedy już w trakcie światowego konfliktu na konferencjach w Jałcie, Teheranie i Poczdamie przygotowywano grunt pod utworzenie nowego ładu w relacjach pomiędzy Stanami Zjednoczonymi, państwami Europy Zachodniej oraz ZSRR, w państwach arabskich dojrzewała koncepcja utworzenia dużej, wspólnej organizacji panarabskiej, realizującej ich partykularne interesy gospodarcze i polityczne. Drogą rozmów multilateralnych wypracowano model współpracy międzynarodowej o nazwie Liga Państw Arabskich, a od pierwszych dni istnienia owej organizacji szczególne miejsce zajęła w niej Arabska Republika Egiptu. Dokonując analizy systemowej i historycznej, w niniejszej publikacji zwrócono uwagę na działania, jakie podjął Egipt, które przyczyniły się do zrodzenia arabskiego nacjonalizmu. Podjęto również próbę odpowiedzi na pytania, dlaczego to właśnie Egipt – potocznie nazywany krajem faraonów – odegrał tak znaczącą rolę w krzewieniu idei panarabizmu w drugiej połowie XX w., jakie zastosował środki, aby zachować względną niezależność polityczną i gospodarczą w okresie kolonializmu, a także w jaki sposób przyczynił się do powstania Ligi Państw Arabskich i jakie zajął w niej miejsce.    
Seemingly contradictory, mutually exclusive ideas of Arab nationalism and pan-Arabism occurred simultaneously during the twenty years of the war and constituted a double resistance to the growing domination of Western countries in the world (Płanowski 2006: 252). Once during the world conflict conference in Yalta, Tehran and in Potsdam, the ground for a new order in relations between the United States, Western European countries and the USSR was being prepared, in the Arab leadership the concept of a common organization, a common pan-Arab organization, pursuing their particular economic and political interests was developing. A model of cooperation called the League of Arab States was developed through the place of multilateral talks, from the first days of the existence of this organization of specific work in the Arab Republic of Egypt. In carrying out a systemic and historical analysis, unexpected attention was drawn to the action taken by Egypt that contributed to the birth of Arab nationalism attempt was also made to answer the questions why Egypt – known as the land of the pharaohs – played such a significant role in promoting the idea of pan-Arabism in the second half of the 20th century, as it used measures to release relative political and economic independence during the colonial period, as well as Relevant materials for the formation of the League of Arab States and what place it took in it.
Studia i Analizy Nauk o Polityce; 2020, 2; 95-110
Pojawia się w:
Studia i Analizy Nauk o Polityce
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
    Wyświetlanie 1-6 z 6

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