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Family, school and neighborhood factors moderating the relationship between physical activity and some aspects of mental health in adolescents
Kleszczewska, Dorota
Mazur, Joanna
Siedlecka, Jadwiga
Data publikacji:
Instytut Medycyny Pracy im. prof. dra Jerzego Nofera w Łodzi
physical activity
Mental Health
The impact of physical activity on mental health is widely described in literature. Less attention is given to factors which may modify this correlation, except for gender. The aim of this study was to conduct a qualitative assessment of such papers relating to children and young people. Selected papers were evaluated with regard to additional factors related to family, school and neighborhood. Attention was drawn to the definitions of these variables, the methods of analysis, and the content of the discussion. The starting point for this study included 7 systematic reviews published in 2006–2018. A total of 161 full articles described in detail in those reviews, and representing different research patterns, were selected for qualitative analysis. They met the criteria for the type of publication, mental health outcome, the direction of association, and the age group. A supplementary section of this paper contains a review of Polish literature from the Polish Medical Bibliography, and an analysis of national studies and some more recent papers not included in the analyzed reviews. It was demonstrated that 33 papers analyzed environmental variables to a greater degree than the characteristics of the sample. Twenty-three papers containing the results of statistical analyses were considered to be of particular interest. Almost 50% of these included both the socio-economic position of the family and the characteristics of the neighborhood. However, only 1 featured stratification of the sample with regard to contextual environmental variables. The obtained results are of great practical importance. Firstly, development of the research into environmental moderators should be advocated. Secondly, the social context in which adolescents grow up should be taken into account when designing intervention programs. Int J Occup Med Environ Health. 2019;32(4):423–39
International Journal of Occupational Medicine and Environmental Health; 2019, 32, 4; 423-439
Pojawia się w:
International Journal of Occupational Medicine and Environmental Health
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Impedance cardiography – Old method, new opportunities. Part I. Clinical applications
Siedlecka, Jadwiga
Siedlecki, Patryk
Bortkiewicz, Alicja
Data publikacji:
Instytut Medycyny Pracy im. prof. dra Jerzego Nofera w Łodzi
impedance cardiography
heart failure
cardiac rehabilitation
Monitoring of cardiovascular hemodynamic changes requires a very expensive and highly specialized equipment and skilled medical personnel. Up to the present time, an inexpensive, non-invasive and easy-to-use method which, like Doppler echocardiography, magnetic resonance angiography or radionuclide imaging, would assess hemodynamics of the cardiovascular system was not available. A method known as impedance cardiography (ICG) or thoracic electrical bioimpedance cardiography (TEBC) meets those criteria. It is non-invasive, which is of a particular advantage over the conventional methods that require catheterization. As a result, the patient is not at risk of possible complications and the procedure is less expensive and easier. Impedance cardiography, despite its non-invasive character, has not been so far extensively used for monitoring of hemodynamic parameters in hospitalized patients. Various authors report that attempts have been continued to compare the results from ICG and those obtained by other diagnostic methods. This paper presents the use of impedance cardiography in diagnosis of hypertension, cardiac insufficiency, differentiating the causes of acute dyspnea, as well as in assessing the effects of cardiac rehabilitation in patients with heart failure.
International Journal of Occupational Medicine and Environmental Health; 2015, 28, 1; 27-33
Pojawia się w:
International Journal of Occupational Medicine and Environmental Health
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Impedance cardiography – Old method, new opportunities. Part II. Testing of cardiovascular response to various factors of work environment
Siedlecka, Jadwiga
Siedlecki, Patryk
Bortkiewicz, Alicja
Data publikacji:
Instytut Medycyny Pracy im. prof. dra Jerzego Nofera w Łodzi
impedance cardiography
cardiovascular system
work environment
occupational stress
physical activity
drivers’ health
Impedance cardiography seems to be a very good, although underappreciated diagnostic method. What may distinguish it from among the many research methods is the fact that it enables non-invasive monitoring of cardiac output, stroke volume and systemic vascular resistance. Holter recording of the hemodynamic parameters makes it possible to study them not only in stationary (hospital, outpatient clinic) conditions, but also during household or professional activities, e.g., during road vehicle driving. Assessment of the trends of changes in the circulatory system of the employee at work makes it possible to judge whether the type of work performed by the worker is well tolerated – whether it is not too hard or too stressful. This is important, therefore, impedance cardiography can be extensively used in occupational medicine. Provision of preventive care to workers according to current standards requires, on the one hand, the use of the latest diagnostic methods while, on the other hand, the methods must be inexpensive, because otherwise the employer would not be able or willing to pay the associated costs. Impedance cardiography meets those criteria; however, few data is available in literature worldwide on the use of this method in the research on the impact of occupational work on cardiovascular responses of the employees. This work reports the use of impedance cardiography in studies on the various aspects of work environment.
International Journal of Occupational Medicine and Environmental Health; 2015, 28, 1; 34-41
Pojawia się w:
International Journal of Occupational Medicine and Environmental Health
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Fosforowe związki organiczne zmniejszające palność – toksyczność i wpływ na zdrowie ludzi
Organophosphorus flame retardants – Toxicity and influence on human health
Bruchajzer, Elżbieta
Frydrych, Barbara
Szymańska, Jadwiga A.
Data publikacji:
Instytut Medycyny Pracy im. prof. dra Jerzego Nofera w Łodzi
fosforowe związki organiczne zmniejszające palność
toksyczność przewlekła
toksyczność dla ludzi
organophosphorus flame retardants
chronic toxicity
human toxicity
Fosforowe związki organiczne zmniejszające palność (flame retardants – FRs) stosowane są od kilkudziesięciu lat w wielu gałęziach przemysłu, w produkcji barwników, lakierów, klejów, syntetycznych żywic, polichlorku winylu, płynów hydraulicznych, tworzyw sztucznych i tekstyliów. Ostatnio ich znaczenie wzrasta, co spowodowane jest znacznym ograniczeniem stosowanych dotąd polibromowanych difenyloeterów (PBDEs) – niebezpiecznych dla środowiska trwałych zanieczyszczeń organicznych. Celem pracy był przegląd dostępnych danych literaturowych dotyczących fosforowych FRs przede wszystkim pod kątem ich działania neurotoksycznego, wpływu na płodność i rozrodczość oraz działania kancerogennego. Analiza dotyczyła najczęściej stosowanych substancji, którymi są: fosforan trietyloheksylu (TEHP), fosforan tributoksyetylu (TBEP), fosforan trifenylu (TPP), fosforan tris(2-chloroetylu) (TCEP), chlorek tetra(hydroksymetylo)fosfoniowy (THPC), fosforan tributylu (TBP), fosforan trikrezolu (TCP), fosforan tris(2-chloro-1-metyloetylu) (TCPP), fosforan tri(1,3-dichloroizopropylu) (TDCP) oraz siarczan tetrakis(hydroksymetylo) fosfoniowy (THPS). Działanie neurotoksyczne wykazano w badaniach na zwierzętach po narażeniu na TBEP, THPC, TBP i TCP. U ludzi działanie neurotoksyczne zaobserwowano tylko po narażeniu na TCP. Z kolei TCEP, THPS, TBP, TCP i TDCP powodowały zaburzenia płodności i/lub w rozwoju płodów zwierząt. Niekorzystny wpływ na rozrodczość u ludzi mogą powodować TPP, TCP i TDCP. Nowotwory u zwierząt laboratoryjnych powodowały podawane w wysokich dawkach THEP, TCEP, TBP i TDCP. Żaden z tych związków nie jest jednak klasyfikowany jako rakotwórczy dla ludzi. Toksyczność środowiskowa fosforowych FRs jest niewielka (z wyjątkiem TPP, TCEP i TBEP). Nie są one związkami trwałymi, w organizmach żywych podlegają przemianom metabolicznym i są z nich szybko wydalane. Mogą być więc alternatywą dla stosowanych do niedawna PBDEs. Med. Pr. 2015;66(2):235–264
Organophosphorus flame retardants (flame retardants, FRs) have been used for several decades in many industries, including the production of dyes, varnishes, adhesives, synthetic resins, polyvinyl chloride, hydraulic fluids, plastics and textiles. Their importance in recent times has increased due to i.a., significantly reduced use of polybrominated diphenyl ethers (PBDEs) – persistent organic pollutants, dangerous for the environment. The aim of this study was to review the available literature data concerning phosphorous FRs primarily for neurotoxic, fertility, reproductive and carcinogenic effects. The analysis concerned the following most commonly used substances: tris(2-ethylhexyl)phosphate (TEHP), tris(2-butoxyethyl)phosphate (TBEP), triphenyl phosphate (TPP), tris(2-chloroethyl)phosphate (TCEP), tetrakis(hydroxymethyl)-phosphonium chloride (THPC), tributyl phosphate (TBP), tricresyl phosphate (TCP), tris(2-chloroisopropyl)phosphate (TCPP), tris(1,3-dichloroisopropyl)phosphate (TDCP) and tetrakis(hydroxymethyl) phosphonium sulphate (THPS). In animal studies neurotoxic effects were found after exposure to TBEP, THPC, TBP and TCP, while in humans they were observed only after exposure to TCP. TCEP, THPS, TBP, TCP and TDCP caused disorders in fertility and/or fetal development of animals. Adverse effects on reproduction in humans may be caused by TPP, TCP, and TDCP. In laboratory animals the development of tumors was observed after high doses of TEHP, TCEP, TBP and TDCP. None of these compounds is classified as a human carcinogen. The environmental toxicity of phosphate FRs is low (except for TPP, TCEP and TBEP). They are not stable compounds, in living organisms they are metabolised and quickly excreted. Therefore, they can be used as an alternative to PBDEs. Med Pr 2015;66(2):235–264
Medycyna Pracy; 2015, 66, 2; 235-264
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Medycyna Pracy
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Praktyka zawodowa i staż pracy w ochronie zdrowia a wiedza studentów kierunków medycznych o wybranych procedurach higieny rąk
Work experience and seniority in health care vs. medical students’ knowledge of selected hand hygiene procedures
Różańska, Anna
Wójkowska-Mach, Jadwiga
Bulanda, Małgorzata
Data publikacji:
Instytut Medycyny Pracy im. prof. dra Jerzego Nofera w Łodzi
higiena rąk
bezpieczeństwo i higiena pracy
postępowanie poekspozycyjne
studenci medycyny
rekomendacje dla pracowników ochrony zdrowia
ekspozycja zawodowa
hand hygiene
occupational safety and health
post-exposure procedure
medical students
recommendations for healthcare workers
occupational exposure
Wstęp Higiena rąk jest podstawowym i najważniejszym elementem profilaktyki zakażeń. Celem prezentowanego badania była analiza wiedzy o higienie rąk wśród studentów wybranych kierunków medycznych Collegium Medicum Uniwersytetu Jagiellońskiego w powiązaniu z ich doświadczeniem klinicznym i szkoleniami dotyczącymi zasad profilaktyki zakażeń oraz analiza oceny przez studentów zachowań personelu medycznego w zakresie przestrzegania higieny rąk. Materiał i metody Badanie przeprowadzono między październikiem a grudniem 2014 r. wśród 414 studentów, za pomocą anonimowego kwestionariusza złożonego z 14 pytań. Wyniki W pełni poprawnych odpowiedzi na pytanie o sytuacje wymagające higieny rąk udzieliło tylko 52,9% ankietowanych, a na pytanie o dobór środka do higieny rąk – 6,5%. Stopień poprawności odpowiedzi na pytania dotyczące higieny rąk nie korelował z płcią ankietowanych, uczestnictwem w szkoleniach przed praktykami klinicznymi ani zakresem tych szkoleń. Statystycznie istotną korelację stwierdzono w odniesieniu do roku, kierunku i trybu studiów. Stwierdzono, że wraz ze wzrostem doświadczenia klinicznego mniej ankietowanych deklarowało zgodność obserwowanej praktyki personelu medycznego z zaleceniami. Około 1/5 (22,9%) studentów stwierdziła, że praktyki kliniczne nie były poprzedzone żadnym szkoleniem dotyczącym higieny szpitalnej, a prawie 1/3 (28%) tych, które się odbywały, nie obejmowała zagadnień dotyczących higieny rąk. Według prawie połowy studentów na szkoleniach nie omawiano zagadnień ekspozycji zawodowej na czynniki biologiczne, tj. procedur zapobiegania zakażeniom przenoszonym drogą krwi. Wnioski W badaniu wykazano, że wiedza ankietowanych studentów dotycząca higieny rąk jest niezadowalająca oraz że niezbędna jest poprawa procesu kształcenia w tym zakresie na różnych etapach, zarówno w ramach przedmiotów podstawowych i klinicznych, jak i praktyk zawodowych. Med. Pr. 2016;67(5):623–633
Background Hand hygiene (HH) is the most important element of infection prevention. The aim of the study was to analyze the level of HH knowledge among medical students of Jagiellonian University Medical College in correlation with their clinical experience and the presence and extent of trainings in hospital hygiene prior to internships, as well as with HH practice among medical staff perceived by students. Material and Methods The study was carried out in a group of 414 students from October to December, 2014. The questionnaire built of 14 questions was used as a study tool. Results Absolutely correct answers to questions about HH were given by 52.9%, and about HH technique by 6.5% of respondents. The degree of accuracy of answers to questions concerning HH did not correlate with the gender of the respondents or with the fact that work placement had been preceded by training in the field of HH or with its scope. A statistically significant correlation was found between the year, the field, and the type of the study. Students with greater professional practice, significantly less often claimed that medical workers comply with HH. Professional practice of 22.9% of students was not preceded by any training in the field of hospital hygiene and in 28% of cases training did not cover HH. Nearly half of the respondents declared that pre-internship training had not addressed the problem of occupational exposure to biological agents. Conclusions The results of the study shows that knowledge gained by students participating in the study was not satisfactory. Moreover, there is a need for improving the educational scheme in the discussed subject at all levels of basic and clinical subjects as well as during internships. Med Pr 2016;67(5):623–633
Medycyna Pracy; 2016, 67, 5; 623-633
Pojawia się w:
Medycyna Pracy
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Octabromodiphenyl ether — porphyrogenicity after repeated administration to rats
Bruchajzer, Elżbieta
Frydrych, Barbara
Szymańska, Jadwiga A.
Data publikacji:
Instytut Medycyny Pracy im. prof. dra Jerzego Nofera w Łodzi
octabromodiphenyl ether (OctaBDE)
repeated administration
Objectives: Octabromodiphenyl ether (OctaBDE) is a fl ame retardant which has been withdrawn from common use due to its negative effect on the environment. The literature data regarding its toxicity addresses its effect on liver function, the endocrine and reproductive systems, as well as its developmental toxicology aspects. The aim of this study was to investigate the effect of repeated administration of OctaBDE on heme biosynthesis in rats. Materials and Methods: The study was performed on female Wistar rats. OctaBDE was administered intragastrically at four different doses (2, 8, 40 or 200 mg/kg/day) for 7, 14, 21 or 28 days. The following measures of heme synthesis disturbance were used: urinary excretion of porphyrins, liver concentration of porphyrins, the activity of delta-aminolevulinate synthase (ALA-S) and delta-aminolevulinate dehydratase (ALA-D) in the liver. Results: After 28 days of exposure, lower ALA-S and ALA-D activity was observed in the liver. Additionally, increased concentrations of high carboxylated porphyrins (octa- and heptacarboxyporphyrins) were found in the liver: from 2- to 10-fold after the 2 mg/kg/day doses and from 4- to 14-fold after the 8-200 mg/kg/day doses. The porphyrogenic effect of OctaBDE was also evidenced by augmented, dose-dependent and exposure time-dependent, concentrations of total porphyrins in urine (2-7.5-fold increase) and their urinary excretion (2-9-fold increase). Tetracarboxyporphyrins predominated in the urine; their concentrations increased 2.5-10 fold. Conclusions: The study revealed that repeated exposure to OctaBDE affects heme biosynthesis and the levels of porphyrins. The lowest effective level which induced changes in porphyrin concentration was 2 mg/kg/day.
International Journal of Occupational Medicine and Environmental Health; 2012, 25, 4; 392-403
Pojawia się w:
International Journal of Occupational Medicine and Environmental Health
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Bundle care – prewencja zapaleń płuc u wentylowanych pacjentów w pandemii COVID-19 – wyzwanie dla bezpieczeństwa pacjentów i personelu
Bundle care – prevention of pneumonia in patients mechanically ventilated in COVID-19 pandemia – a challenge for patients and personnel safety
Różańska, Anna
Brudło, Michał
Jachowicz, Estera
Wójkowska-Mach, Jadwiga
Data publikacji:
Instytut Medycyny Pracy im. prof. dra Jerzego Nofera w Łodzi
mechaniczna wentylacja
środki ochrony osobistej
bezpieczeństwo personelu
bezpieczeństwo pacjentów
zapalenia płuc
mechanical ventilation
personal protective equipment
personnel safety
patient safety
Oddziały intensywnej terapii charakteryzują się najwyższym ryzykiem wystąpienia zakażeń u pacjentów. Zapalenia płuc to jedna z ich najczęściej występujących form, obarczona wysokim ryzykiem zgonu. Dla poprawy bezpieczeństwa pacjentów wdrażane są specyficzne pakiety procedur, tzw. bundle care, obejmujące optymalne dla zapobiegania zapaleniom płuc rozwiązania. Jednak ich stosowanie wiąże się z ryzykiem przeniesienia drobnoustrojów z pacjentów na personel, co w przypadku takich patogenów jak SARS-CoV-2 może mieć poważne konsekwencje zdrowotne dla personelu. Przy ich wdrażaniu konieczne jest zatem użytkowanie środków ochrony inwazyjnej i przestrzegania odpowiednich zasad izolacji, które w dobie obecnej pandemii powinny być uzupełnione o specyficzne elementy. Praca prezentuje przegląd artykułów dotyczących optymalizacji opieki nad pacjentami i bezpieczeństwa personelu w ramach tzw. bundle care w pandemii COVID-19.
Intensive care units are characterized by the high risk of infections in patients. Pneumonia is one of the most common forms of infection with a high risk of death. Hence, to improve patient safety, specific packages of procedures, the so-called “bundle care,” are recommended by experts in the field. The usage of selected protective procedures carries the risk of transmitting microbes from patients to staff, which in the case of pathogens such as SARS-CoV-2 can have serious health consequences for staff. Therefore, medical staff of intensive care units should strictly follow recommendation concerning healthcare workers safety and the rules of isolation, which in the current pandemic should be supplemented with specific elements. The paper presents an overview of the optimization of patient care and staff safety within the so-called “bundle care” in the COVID-19 pandemic.
Medycyna Pracy; 2021, 72, 6; 721-728
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Medycyna Pracy
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Znaczenie stanu narządu wzroku dla kierowcy
The importance of sight for drivers
Pas-Wyroślak, Alicja
Siedlecka, Jadwiga
Wyroślak, Diana
Bortkiewicz, Alicja
Data publikacji:
Instytut Medycyny Pracy im. prof. dra Jerzego Nofera w Łodzi
choroby oka
zmęczenie oka
środowisko pracy
eye diseases
eye fatigue
work environment
Narząd wzroku jest dla kierowcy podstawowym narządem zmysłu. Jego stan warunkuje prawidłowe, komfortowe i bezpieczne wykonywanie tego rodzaju pracy. W artykule przedstawiono czynniki mogące wpływać na funkcje układu wzrokowego. Omówione zostały zarówno uwarunkowania zewnętrzne (środowisko, charakter i czas pracy, stres związany z jej wykonywaniem), jak i wewnętrzne (zaburzenia systemowe i miejscowe). Wszystkie wymienione czynniki mogą znacznie obniżać funkcje wzrokowe ważne dla kierowców, takie jak ostrość wzroku, pole widzenia, widzenie barwne, widzenie stereoskopowe i widzenie zmierzchowe oraz wrażliwość na olśnienie. Ponadto przedstawiono aktualne wymagania stawiane kierowcom różnych kategorii oraz przyczyny wypadków w różnych grupach wiekowych. Obniżenie funkcji wzrokowych może okazać się niebezpieczne zarówno dla kierowcy, jak i innych użytkowników dróg. Med. Pr. 2013;64(3):419–425
Sight is the basic sense for drivers. Condition of the eye determines correct, comfortable and safe performance of the work as drivers. This article presents various factors influencing the sight condition. There are two groups of factors, external (environment, the kind and time of work, stress caused by work) and internal (systemic and local disorders). All these factors can reduce significantly visual functions, such as visual acuity, field of vision, color vision, strereoscopic vision, twilight vision and glare sensitivity. There are also presented actual requirements for drivers and causes of the car accidents in various age groups. Impairments in vision functions can be dangerous for both the driver and other road users. Med Pr 2013;64(3):419–425
Medycyna Pracy; 2013, 64, 3; 419-425
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Medycyna Pracy
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Polish infection control nurses – Self-assessment of their duties and professional autonomy in different types of hospitals
Wałaszek, Marta
Różańska, Anna
Szczypta, Anna
Bulanda, Małgorzata
Wójkowska-Mach, Jadwiga
Data publikacji:
Instytut Medycyny Pracy im. prof. dra Jerzego Nofera w Łodzi
healthcare-associated infections
work organization
work load
infection prevention and control nurse
decision autonomy
Background The objective of the study is self-assessment of Polish infection control nurses (ICNs) in terms of the structure of professional tasks and autonomy of decision-making. Material and Methods A questionnaire survey was filled out by 208 ICNs (around 21% of all Polish ICNs) in 15 provinces located in Poland. The research encompassed ICNs surveillance healthcare-associated infections (HAIs) in 2014. Results The work time that ICNs devote to professional tasks and decision autonomy on the scale of 1–100% was as follows: 34% (67% of decision autonomy) was dedicated to detecting and registering HAIs, 12% (71%) – internal control, 10% (58%) – devising and implementing infection prevention practices, 10% (68%) – staff trainings, 8% (65%) – identification and study of outbreaks, 7% (58%) – promoting hand hygiene, 6% (51%) – consults with infected patients, 4% (57%) – consults on decontamination, 4% (54%) – consults on maintaining cleanliness, 3% (51%) – isolation and application of personal protective measures, 2% – other tasks. Infection prevention and control nurses estimated, on average, that their autonomy of decisions concerning the professional tasks performed amounted to 60%. Conclusions Infection control nurses in Poland have difficulty in achieving balance between tasks they perform and the authority they exercise. The ICN professional task structure is dominated by duties associated with monitoring hospital infections, however, the greatest decision autonomy is visible regarding internal control. Decision-making concentrated on internal control may hinder building a positive image of an ICN. We should strive to firmly establish professional tasks and rights of ICNs in legislation concerning performing the duties of a nurse and midwife. Med Pr 2018;69(6):605–612
Wstęp The objective of the study is self-assessment of Polish infection control nurses (ICNs) in terms of the structure of professional tasks and autonomy of decision-making. Materiał i metody A questionnaire survey was filled out by 208 ICNs (around 21% of all Polish ICNs) in 15 provinces located in Poland. The research encompassed ICNs surveillance healthcare-associated infections (HAIs) in 2014. Wyniki The work time that ICNs devote to professional tasks and decision autonomy on the scale of 1–100% was as follows: 34% (67% of decision autonomy) was dedicated to detecting and registering HAIs, 12% (71%) – internal control, 10% (58%) – devising and implementing infection prevention practices, 10% (68%) – staff trainings, 8% (65%) – identification and study of outbreaks, 7% (58%) – promoting hand hygiene, 6% (51%) – consults with infected patients, 4% (57%) – consults on decontamination, 4% (54%) – consults on maintaining cleanliness, 3% (51%) – isolation and application of personal protective measures, 2% – other tasks. Infection prevention and control nurses estimated, on average, that their autonomy of decisions concerning the professional tasks performed amounted to 60%. Wnioski Infection control nurses in Poland have difficulty in achieving balance between tasks they perform and the authority they exercise. The ICN professional task structure is dominated by duties associated with monitoring hospital infections, however, the greatest decision autonomy is visible regarding internal control. Decision-making concentrated on internal control may hinder building a positive image of an ICN. We should strive to firmly establish professional tasks and rights of ICNs in legislation concerning performing the duties of a nurse and midwife. Med Pr 2018;69(6):605–612
Medycyna Pracy; 2018, 69, 6; 605-612
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Medycyna Pracy
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Impact of exercise-based cardiac rehabilitation on attitude to the therapy, aims in life and professional work in patients after myocardial infarction
Korzeniowska-Kubacka, Iwona
Bilińska, Maria
Piotrowska, Dorota
Wolszakiewicz, Jadwiga
Piotrowicz, Ryszard
Data publikacji:
Instytut Medycyny Pracy im. prof. dra Jerzego Nofera w Łodzi
return to work
cardiac rehabilitation
physical training
post-MI patients
attitude to the therapy
attitude to the aims in life and professional work
Background Comprehensive cardiac rehabilitation aims to restore pathophysiological and psychosocial consequences of myocardial infarction (MI). The aim of the study was to assess how exercise-only-based cardiac rehabilitation (ECR) influences the attitude to the therapy (ATT), to the aims in life and professional work (AAL) amongst men and women after MI. Material and Methods The study comprised 44 post-MI patients: 28 men and 16 women, mean age 58±10 years old, referred to ECR. Patients underwent 24 interval cycle ergometer trainings 3 times a week. At the beginning and after the training program (TP) each patient underwent exercise stress test (EST) and was scored to ATT and ALL based on the Psychological Effects of Rehabilitation Score Scale (PERSS) according to Tylka and Makowska. The analysis covered: 1) EST findings: maximal workload and test duration (min), 2) ATT and AAL based on PERSS, 3) resuming professional work. Results Exercise capacity improved significantly after TP. Attitude to the aims in life and professional work significantly increased in the whole group (4.4±2.8 vs. 5.1±2.4, p < 0.01) and separately in men (4.5±2.9 vs. 5.1±2.5, p < 0.05) and women (4.3±2.6 vs. 5.0±2.0, p < 0.05). Attitude to the therapy did not change significantly in the whole group (5.6±2.8 vs. 6.0±2.8) and in men (5.9±2.9 vs. 6.0±2.9), but increased significantly in women (5.0±2.5 vs. 6.1±2.7, p < 0.05). Professional work was resumed, averagely by 86.4% of all patients (85.7% men and 87.5% women). Conclusions Physical training beneficially influenced post-MI men’s and women’s attitude to the aims in life, professional work and attitude to the therapy in women. Med Pr. 2019;70(1):1–7
Medycyna Pracy; 2019, 70, 1; 1-7
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Medycyna Pracy
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Selected aspects of the knowledge and practice concerning hand hygiene guidelines in the context of infection control structures in hospitals and long-term care facilities – findings of a questionnaire survey
Puto, Grażyna
Wójkowska-Mach, Jadwiga
Wałszek, Marta
Repka, Iwona
Różańska, Anna
Data publikacji:
Instytut Medycyny Pracy im. prof. dra Jerzego Nofera w Łodzi
hand hygiene
long-term care
BackgroundHand hygiene (HH) is the simplest and the most fundamental means of hospital-acquired infection (HAI) prevention in both hospitals and long-term care facilities (LTCFs) which differ as to their structure, organization and epidemiology. The objective of this study was to evaluate the knowledge of, and attitudes towards, compliance with the HH guidelines by medical staff of LTCFs and hospitals, in the context of infection control organization.Material and MethodsThe study was carried out among medical staff of LTCFs and hospitals using an anonymous questionnaire designed by the authors. The questionnaire was composed of 22 questions.ResultsAmong 237 healthcare workers from LTCFs and hospitals (51.5% vs. 48.5%), the vast majority were women (97.5% vs. 94.8%), who were nurses (86.9% vs. 91.3%) with 21–30 years of experience (28.5% vs. 44.3%). The respondents, both working in hospitals and in LTCFs, declared that there was some surveillance of HAIs in their workplace – 78.8% vs. 87.8%, respectively, p = 0.082. However, the respondents from LTCFs significantly more often than those working in hospitals declared the lack of HAI registration (12.3% vs. 0.9%, p = 0.002), as well as the lack of surveillance of multidrug-resistant microorganisms (16.4% vs. 4.3%, p = 0.010). Although the knowledge of WHO HH guidelines was declared by over 90% of the respondents, only about 70% of them (with no significant difference between both types of facilities) properly indicated the 5 moments of HH.ConclusionsThe results of the study indicate that the organizational conditions and practice of HH in LTCFs and hospitals present some differences. Therefore, there is a need for observational studies concerning HH in the context of the structure and organization of infection control, as they are necessary for the development and implementation of effective programs to improve the situation in this field.
Medycyna Pracy; 2020, 71, 5; 531-537
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Medycyna Pracy
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Porównanie składu chemicznego wybranych olejków eterycznych stosowanych w chorobach układu oddechowego
Comparison of chemical composition of selected essential oils used in respiratory diseases
Kucharska, Małgorzata
Szymańska, Jadwiga A.
Wesołowski, Wiktor
Bruchajzer, Elżbieta
Frydrych, Barbara
Data publikacji:
Instytut Medycyny Pracy im. prof. dra Jerzego Nofera w Łodzi
olejki eteryczne
analiza GC-MS
skład chemiczny
substancje zapachowe
choroby układu oddechowego
essential oils
GC-MS analysis
chemical composition
substances of aroma
respiratory system diseases
Wstęp Olejki eteryczne to substancje zapachowe otrzymywane z roślin. Cechują się najczęściej płynną konsystencją i przyjemnym zapachem. Olejki eteryczne znalazły zastosowanie w aromaterapii, kosmetyce oraz produktach spożywczych i farmaceutycznych. Celem pracy była analiza składu wybranych olejków eterycznych stosowanych w schorzeniach układu oddechowego. Materiał i metody Analizę jakościową wykonano techniką chromatografii gazowej ze spektrometrią mas. Do badań wybrano 6 olejków eterycznych dostępnych na polskim rynku, stosowanych w różnych schorzeniach układu oddechowego. Uzyskane wyniki skonfrontowano z informacjami zamieszczonymi przez producenta i danymi literaturowymi. Wyniki Metoda, którą zastosowano w prezentowanej pracy pozwoliła na identyfikację zarówno głównych, jak i śladowych składników badanych olejków eterycznych. W analizowanych próbkach najczęściej występowały: α- i β-pinen, limonen, terpinen-4-ol i kariofylen. Poza limonenem wykryto także obecność linalolu, eugenolu i geraniolu – substancji potencjalnie alergizujących. Wnioski Skład jakościowy badanych olejków eterycznych pokrywał się z doniesieniami literaturowymi. Główne składniki badanych olejków są opisywane jako działające przeciwbakteryjnie i przeciwwirusowo, dlatego mogą być stosowane do zwalczania objawów infekcji. Należy jednak zwracać uwagę na skład produktów ze względu na występowanie w nich potencjalnych alergenów. Informacja o obecności takiej substancji w preparacie powinna być wyraźnie zaznaczona przez producenta na opakowaniu. Substancje zapachowe znajdują się również w wielu produktach powszechnie stosowanych w gospodarstwie domowym, co podnosi stężenie tych substancji w powietrzu pomieszczeń mieszkalnych, a tym samym zwiększa ryzyko wystąpienia efektów niepożądanych szczególnie u alergików lub osób wrażliwych. Med. Pr. 2018;69(2):167–178
Background Essential oils are fragrances extracted from plants. They have a smooth consistency and pleasant smell. Essential oils have been applied in aromatherapy, cosmetics, food and pharmaceutical products. The aim of the study was to analyze the composition of selected essential oils used in respiratory diseases. Material and Methods The qualitative analysis was performed by gas chromatography with mass spectrometry. For the study 6 essential oils available in Polish shops and used in various respiratory diseases were chosen. The results were compared with the information provided by the manufacturer and the literature. Results The method used in the presented work allowed to qualitatively identify the main components in studied essential oils. In the analyzed samples generally occurred: α- i β-pinene, limonene, terpinen-4-ol and caryophyllene. In addition to limonene, the presence of linalool, eugonol and geraniol, potentially allergenic substances, were also detected. Conclusions The qualitative composition of the studied essential oils comply with the existing literature data. Their main ingredients show antimicrobial and antiviral activities, therefore they are used to eradicate the symptoms of infection. However, the attention should be paid to the composition of the products because they often comprise potential allergens. Information on the presence of such a substance in the preparation should be clearly marked by the manufacturer on the packaging. Fragrances are also found in a number of household products that increase their concentration in the air of living premises, thereby increasing the risk of side effects especially in people with allergies or sensitive. Med Pr 2018;69(2):167–178
Medycyna Pracy; 2018, 69, 2; 167-178
Pojawia się w:
Medycyna Pracy
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Analiza lotnych składników wybranych olejków eterycznych o działaniu relaksacyjnym
Analysis of volatile ingredients of selected essential oils listing relaxing action
Kucharska, Małgorzata
Szymańska, Jadwiga A.
Wesołowski, Wiktor
Frydrych, Barbara
Bruchajzer, Elżbieta
Data publikacji:
Instytut Medycyny Pracy im. prof. dra Jerzego Nofera w Łodzi
olejki eteryczne
analiza GC-MS
skład chemiczny
substancje zapachowe
bezpieczeństwo stosowania
działanie relaksacyjne
essential oils
GC-MS analysis
chemical composition
aromatic substances
application safety
relaxing effect
Wstęp Stres jest wynikiem zaburzenia homeostazy i może być przyczyną wielu chorób. Jedną z metod walki z nim jest aromaterapia, wykorzystująca olejki eteryczne o właściwościach rozluźniających i odprężających. Celem pracy była analiza jakościowa wybranych olejków eterycznych o działaniu relaksacyjnym. Materiał i metody Badania dotyczyły 6 preparatów dostępnych na polskim rynku, którym przypisuje się funkcje antystresowe. Analizę jakościową przeprowadzono techniką chromatografii gazowej ze spektrometrią mas, która pozwala oznaczyć w badanych olejkach zarówno substancje główne, jak i śladowe. Składniki poszczególnych próbek porównano z danymi z piśmiennictwa. Wyniki W badanych próbkach zidentyfikowano 9–36 substancji. Największy udział w składzie badanych próbek mają: limonen (0,5−91%), octan linalilu (16,8−39,2%), cytronelal (0,1−28,7%), linalol (0,8−46,5%), walerianol (17,6%), geraniol (16,4%) i cytronelol (14%). Wnioski Według danych z piśmiennictwa główne składniki badanych olejków eterycznych mają niską toksyczność ostrą. Mogą być zatem, w ilościach zalecanych przez producenta i zgodnie z przeznaczeniem, bezpiecznie stosowane. Należy jednak pamiętać o potencjalnym działaniu synergistycznym w wyniku narażenia na substancje z różnych źródeł (żywność, kosmetyki, środki czystości itp.), a także o właściwościach uczulających niektórych związków obecnych w olejkach. Sugeruje się, że – pomimo różnej budowy chemicznej substancji czynnych zawartych w badanych olejkach – mechanizm działania relaksacyjnego wiąże się z hamowaniem neuroprzekaźnictwa glutaminergicznego, podobnym do działania benzodiazepin. Med. Pr. 2019;70(2):229–247
Background Stress is a result of disturbed homeostasis and can contribute to the development of many diseases. One of the methods of combating stress is aromatherapy, which uses essential oils with a calming and relaxing effect. The aim of the work was to perform a qualitative analysis of selected essential oils with a relaxing effect. Material and Methods The research concerned 6 preparations available on the Polish market, which are attributed with anti-stress activity. The qualitative analysis was carried out by gas chromatography with mass spectrometry, which allows the determination of both main and trace substances in the tested oils. The components of individual samples were compared with data from the literature. Results In the samples tested 9–36 substances were identified. The following substances had the largest share in the composition of the studied samples: limonene (0.5−91%), linalool acetate (16.8−39.2%), citronellal (0.1−28.7%), linalool (0.8−46.5%), valerianol (17.6%), geraniol (16.4%), and citronellol (14%). Conclusions According to literature data, the main components of the studied essential oils have low acute toxicity. They can be safely used as intended and in the quantities recommended by the manufacturer. However, one should remember the potential synergistic effect (as a result of exposure to the abovementioned substances from various sources, such as: food, cosmetics, cleaning agents, etc.), as well as sensitizing effects of some compounds contained in oils. Despite the different chemical structure of active substances contained in the tested oils, it is suggested that the mechanism of the relaxing effect is identical and is associated with the inhibition of glutamatergic neurotransmission, similar to the action of benzodiazepines. Med Pr. 2019;70(2):229–47
Medycyna Pracy; 2019, 70, 2; 229-247
Pojawia się w:
Medycyna Pracy
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Selected oxidative stress parameters after single and repeated administration of octabromodiphenyl ether to rats
Bruchajzer, Elżbieta
Frydrych, Barbara
Kilanowicz, Anna
Sapota, Andrzej
Szymańska, Jadwiga A.
Data publikacji:
Instytut Medycyny Pracy im. prof. dra Jerzego Nofera w Łodzi
Oxidative stress
single and repeated administration
Objectives: Octabromodiphenyl ether (OctaBDE) was used as a flame retardant applied mostly in the manufacture of plastics utilized in the electrical and electronic industries. Owing to its long half-life and being regarded as an environmental pollutant, OctaBDE, like other polybrominated diphenyl ethers, has been classified as a persistent organic pollutant (POP). This study was carried out to assess the effects of oxidative stress (redox homeostasis) induced in rats by OctaBDE. Material and Methods: Female Wistar rats exposed intragastrically to OctaBDE at single (25, 200 or 2000 mg/kg b.w.), or repeated (0.4, 2, 8, 40 or 200 mg/kg/day) doses during 7–28 days were used in the experiment. Selected oxidative stress parameters were determined in the liver and blood serum. Results: Administration (single or repeated) of OctaBDE to rats resulted in the impaired redox homeostasis, as evidenced by the increased levels of reduced (GSH) and oxidized (GSSG) glutathione in the liver, the reduced total antioxidant status (TAS) in serum and the increased concentration of malondialdehyde (MDA) in the liver. After multiple doses of OctaBDE, elevated activity of glutathione transferase (GST) in the liver was also noted. Conclusions: After repeated administration of OctaBDE at the lowest dose (0.4 mg/kg/day), changes were observed in the parameters (MDA, TAS, GSSG) indicative of oxidative stress.
International Journal of Occupational Medicine and Environmental Health; 2014, 27, 5; 808-820
Pojawia się w:
International Journal of Occupational Medicine and Environmental Health
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Energy expenditure for massage therapists during performing selected classical massage techniques
Więcek, Magdalena
Szymura, Jadwiga
Maciejczyk, Marcin
Szyguła, Zbigniew
Cempla, Jerzy
Borkowski, Mateusz
Data publikacji:
Instytut Medycyny Pracy im. prof. dra Jerzego Nofera w Łodzi
oxygen consumption
exercise intensity
energy expenditure
classical massage
heart rate reserve
Objectives The aim of the study is to evaluate the intensity of the effort and energy expenditure in the course of performing selected classical massage techniques and to assess the workload of a massage therapist during a work shift. Material and Methods Thirteen massage therapists (age: 21.9±1.9 years old, body mass index: 24.5±2.8 kg×m⁻², maximal oxygen consumption × body mass⁻¹ ($\text{VO}_\text{2max}$×BM⁻¹): 42.3±7 ml×kg⁻¹×min⁻¹) were involved in the study. The stress test consisted in performing selected classical massage techniques in the following order: stroking, kneading, shaking, beating, rubbing and direct vibration, during which the cardio-respiratory responses and the subjective rating of perceived exertion (RPE) were assessed. Intensity of exercise during each massage technique was expressed as % $\text{VO}_\text{2max}$, % maximal heart rate ($\text{HR}_\text{max}$) and % heart rate reserve (HRR). During each massage technique, net energy expenditure (EE) and energy cost of work using metabolic equivalent of task (MET) were determined. Results The intensity of exercise was 47.2±6.2% as expressed in terms of % $\text{VO}_\text{2max}$, and 74.7±3.2% as expressed in terms of % $\text{HR}_\text{max}$, while it was 47.8±1.7% on average when expressed in terms of % HRR during the whole procedure. While performing the classical massage, the average EE and MET were 5.6±0.9 kcal×min⁻¹ and 5.6±0.2, respectively. The average RPE calculated for the entire procedure was 12.1±1.4. During the performance of a classical massage technique for a single treatment during the study, the average total EE was 176.5±29.6 kcal, resulting in an energy expenditure of 336.2±56.4 kcal×h⁻¹. In the case of the classical massage technique, rubbing was the highest intensity exercise for the masseur who performed the massage ($\text{%VO}_\text{2max}$ = 57.4±13.1%, $\text{HR}_\text{max}$ = 79.6±7.7%, HRR = 58.5±13.1%, MET = 6.7±1.1, EE = 7.1±1.4 kcal×min⁻¹, RPE = 13.4±1.3). Conclusions In the objective assessment, physical exercise while performing a single classical massage is characterized by hard work. The technique of classical massage during which the masseur performs the highest exercise intensity is rubbing. According to the classification of work intensity based on energy expenditure, the masseur’s work is considered heavy during the whole work shift. Int J Occup Med Environ Health 2018;31(5):677–684
International Journal of Occupational Medicine and Environmental Health; 2018, 31, 5; 677-684
Pojawia się w:
International Journal of Occupational Medicine and Environmental Health
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki

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