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Online studying instructional measures at the International Relations Department of the National University of Ostroh Academy
Avhustiuk, Mariia
Tymeichuk, Iryna
Konopka, Natalia
Sakhniuk, Oksana
Balashov, Eduard
Data publikacji:
Fundacja Pro Scientia Publica
online studying
self-regulated learning
Aim. The paper’s aim is to present some current specific online studying instructional measures at the International Relations Department of the National University of Ostroh Academy in Ukraine.Methods. The study is devoted to the observation of some theoretical and methodological aspects of the peculiarities of online studying measures at the International Relations Department. The theoretical and comparative methods of analysing the peculiarities of online studying have been taken into account. In order to summarise the currentonline studying experiences at the International Relations Department, some specific instructional measures for both students and teachers are presented, for example: how to handle the lack of interaction, master self-learning, promote self-regulation strategies and become more strategic thinkers.. The necessity of studying the above-mentionedaspects has been caused by their impact on students’ learning activity, especially in the times of COVID-19 pandemic.Results and conclusions. The focal point of this research is to provide an insight into the background of online studying peculiarities through the prism of Ukrainian teachers and students. The analysis is focused on online studying of foreign languages, as well as the possible online teaching methods of professional disciplines (History of International Relations; Foreign Policy of the Countries of Asia, Africa, and Latin America; International Conflicts; Current Problems of International Relations in the Middle East) at the International Relations Department. What is more, the authors outline how to help students deal with the lack of interaction, master self-learning, promote self-regulation strategies and become more strategic thinkers. The authors also highlight possible challenges for the faculty and suggest ways to overcome those difficulties. Moreover, some major prerequisites of students’ self-regulatory online learning are described. Contribution. The results of the study are instrumental in mastering the peculiarities of online studying through the prism of learning at the International Relations Department of the National University of Ostroh Academy (Ukraine). The findings of this study may be considered important and contribute to future research.
Journal of Education Culture and Society; 2021, 12, 1; 322-334
Pojawia się w:
Journal of Education Culture and Society
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Methodological and Contextual Foundations of Metacognitive Monitoring Training Program in Student Self-Regulated Learning
Balashov, Eduard
Pasichnyk, Ihor
Kalamazh, Ruslana
Data publikacji:
Fundacja Pro Scientia Publica
metacognitive monitoring
self-regulated learning
training programme
university students
Aim. This manuscript aims to present the theoretical and contextual characteristics of the developed training program focused on identifying the components of students’ self-regulated learning activities with the use of metacognitive monitoring as well as improving the effectiveness of the students’ learning activities at the individual-personal, motivational-volitional, cognitive and metacognitive levels. To do this, we sought to analyze these phenomena in scientific literature and develop a training program aimed to develop students’ reflexivity, internal learning motivation, and metacognitive skills; to inform students about the features of metacognitive monitoring and metacognitive control of self-regulated learning activities, their awareness of the characteristics of their own processes of understanding, evaluating and reproducing information; to form comprehension and task analysis skills, as well as understanding of the specifics of performed tasks. Methods. A system of general scientific methods was used: analysis and synthesis of the main characteristics of the concepts of self-regulated learning and metacognitive monitoring as a complex multidimensional formation, comprehension of the psychological foundations of self-regulated learning, systematization and generalization of scientific provisions of metacognitive monitoring in student self-regulated learning. This study focused on the design and development of the training program for increasing the efficiency of metacognitive monitoring in student self-regulated learning. Results. The presented manuscript has analyzed the theoretical aspects of the concepts of metacognitive monitoring and self-regulated learning of HEI students. The theoretical essence of the methodological and contextual characteristics of the above mentioned phenomena has been studied. The role and importance of metacognitive monitoring and its components in the learning efficiency and academic self-regulation of HEI students have been described. It has been determined that metacognitive monitoring as a metacognitive characteristic of personality determines not only the organization of mental and behavioral processes, but also relates to the academic success of the subject of learning activity, namely the student. The training program for increasing the efficiency of metacognitive monitoring in student self-regulated learning has been developed and presented. Conclusions. The program was designed to help students consciously approach the independent planning and setting of learning goals, control intellectual and metacognitive activities, and use cognitive and metacognitive strategies in learning, monitoring, controlling and correcting their learning activities. Since these processes provide students with cognitive understanding of their own cognitive processes, the use of this type of training program will help students optimize their learning outcomes through metacognitive monitoring in the process of self-regulated learning activities.
Journal of Education Culture and Society; 2022, 13, 1; 77-92
Pojawia się w:
Journal of Education Culture and Society
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Formalne, pozaformalne i nieformalne aspekty zdobywania wiedzy przez internet – próba modelowego ujęcia
Formal, non-formal and informal aspects of acquiring knowledge through the internet – an attempt at a model description
Wilczek, Marcin
Data publikacji:
Fundacja Pro Scientia Publica
internet, kształcenie ustawiczne, samokształcenie, nauczyciel, e-learning
internet, lifelong learning, self-education, teacher, e-learning
The Internet is a place where new forms of education are dynamically developing. Use of its resources is no longer a privilege, it is slowly becoming a necessity in the modern world. This article is an attempt to describe a model of the formal, informal and non-formal education areas prevalent in the age of digitization.
Internet jest miejscem, w którym dynamicznie rozwijają się nowe formy edukacji. Korzystanie z jego zasobów nie jest już przywilejem, a powoli staje się koniecznością we współczesnym świecie. Artykuł jest próbą modelowego ujęcia obszarów edukacji formalnej, nieformalnej i pozaformalnej obecnych w dobie cyfryzacji.
Ogrody Nauk i Sztuk; 2016, 6; 289-295
Pojawia się w:
Ogrody Nauk i Sztuk
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Teachers’ Understanding of Evidence of Students’ Social Emotional Learning and Self-Reported Gains of Monitored Implementation of SEL Toolkit
Martinsone, Baiba
Ferreira, Marco
Talić, Sanela
Data publikacji:
Fundacja Pro Scientia Publica
social emotional learning
teacher self-reflections
evidence of social emotional development
Aim. The aim of this study was to highlight and analyse teachers’ responses to the evidence of their students’ social emotional growth and teachers’ own gains from the monitored implementation of social emotional learning in their classes. Methods. The research group was composed of 312 teachers from Latvia and Slovenia, who were involved in the implementation of indirect social emotional learning through classroom instruction and formative assessment. A thematic analysis of the teachers’ written responses was performed. Results. A thematic analysis of the teachers’ responses indicated that initially they had mentioned mostly (expressed) general statements and only some small part of their responses included observable and measurable indicators of students’ social emotional skills improvement. Therefore, four months after the beginning of the intervention, teachers reported rather on their personal and professional gains from the participation in this intervention than provided general statements. Conclusions. The teachers’ improved self-reflection is a premise for them to consider evidence of students’ social emotional skills development thus facilitating purposeful social emotional learning in schools.
Journal of Education Culture and Society; 2020, 11, 2; 157-170
Pojawia się w:
Journal of Education Culture and Society
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Future Primary School Teachers’ Achievement Motivation in Remote Learning Process
Stramkale, Ligita
Data publikacji:
Fundacja Pro Scientia Publica
achievement motivation
quality of task performance
future primary school teachers
remote learning
Thesis. The aim of the study was to determine the level of achievement motivation of future primary school teachers during remote learning, as well as to describe each of the study dimensions characterising the achievement motivation. Methods. The study involved 162 (N=162) first-course students from Latvia, two of them were male. The study raised three research questions. RQ1: At what level do students assess each of the study dimensions that characterise the achievement motivation? RQ2: What factors hinder students from taking the initiative in the study process? RQ3: How do students monitor the quality of task performance? This paper defined five study dimensions to be assessed by students: initiative, persistence, quality of task performance, self-efficacy, seizing and exploiting opportunities. Results. The study found that four of the previously mentioned dimensions were highly assessed by the students. The dimension that characterises the persistence was assessed at a medium level. The students believe that lack of time, family conditions, and full-time work accompanying their study are the most common factors that hinder learning initiatives. To monitor the quality of task performance, most students bear in mind the assessment criteria provided by the lecturer, which are used as indicators to achieve an excellent result. Conclusion. The study concluded that the students also have a high motivation for achievement when studying remotely. In further studies, it is necessary to determine if any significant changes happen in the long run related to students’ achievement motivation when remote learning continues.
Journal of Education Culture and Society; 2022, 13, 1; 225-237
Pojawia się w:
Journal of Education Culture and Society
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Learning a foreign language through e-learning. A comparative analysis of learning conditions and learners from two types of educational platforms
Petlic, Małgorzata
Data publikacji:
Fundacja Pro Scientia Publica
nauka języków obcych
nabywanie języka
samoocena językowa
motywacja do nauki języków obcych
dobre praktyki w programach edukacji językowej
learning languages
language acquisition
language self-esteem
motivation in foreign language learning
teaching by principles
Cel badań. Celem analizy jakościowej było porównanie dwóch rodzajów kursu języka obcego e-learning: kursu języka hiszpańskiego na platformie Duolingo i kursu typu MOOC Basic Spanish 1: Getting started pod względem warunków uczenia się. Badanie ilościowe zrealizowano w celu porównania osób wybierających kurs na wspomnianych dwóch rodzajach platform pod względem poziomu samooceny globalnej, samooceny językowej oraz motywacji do nauki języków. Metodologia. Jako kryteria analizy jakościowej przyjęto dwanaście zasad dobrych praktyk w edukacji językowej zaproponowanych przez Browna (2002); to jest: (1) automatyzacja, (2) uczenie się ze zrozumieniem (ang. meaningful learning), (3) antycypacja nagrody, (4) motywacja wewnętrzna, (5) strategiczna inwestycja, (6) językowe ego (ang. language ego), (7) samoocena, (8) podejmowanie ryzyka, (9) relacja język – kultura, (10) wpływ języka ojczystego, (11) interjęzyk (ang. interlanguage) oraz (12) kompetencja komunikacyjna. W badaniu ilościowym wzięło udział 261 uczących się języka hiszpańskiego, którzy utworzyli dwie grupy badawcze: grupę użytkowników platformy Duolingo oraz grupę użytkowników kursów typu MOOC na platformie edX, FutureLearn i Udemy. Zostali oni poproszeni o wypełnienie trzech kwestionariuszy w wersji elektronicznej (SES Rosenberga, kwestionariusz do badania samooceny językowej oraz kwestionariusz do badania motywacji do nauki języków obcych autorstwa Noels, Clément i Pelletier (2001)). Do analizy wyników wykorzystano test t-Studenta oraz test niezależności chi-kwadrat. Wyniki. Analiza kursu języka hiszpańskiego na platformie Duolingo oraz kursu typu MOOC na platformie edX wykazała, że Duolingo w większym stopniu spełnia kryteria automatyzacji, antycypacji nagrody oraz samooceny, a kurs MOOC ma przewagę w zakresie uczenia ze zrozumieniem, włączania kultury w naukę języka, balansu pomiędzy językiem obcym a językiem ojczystym oraz kompetencji komunikacyjnej. Analiza ilościowa nie wykazała istotnych różnic pomiędzy grupami w zakresie samooceny globalnej. Osoby uczące się na platformie Duolingo miały za to wyższą samoocenę językową od osób uczących się na kursach MOOC. Grupy różniły się również pod względem wskazywanych motywacji do nauki. Wnioski. Analiza jakościowa ujawniła różnice pomiędzy dwoma implementacjami e-learningu, a także ich braki. Materiał językowy bywa odarty z kontekstu i przekazywany w zmechanizowany sposób (Duolingo) lub kurs w niewystarczający sposób motywuje i utrwala zdobytą wiedzę (edX). Zmienną pośredniczącą w badaniu ilościowym mógł być wiek badanych, gdyż 49,2% grupy uczących się na kursach typu MOOC stanowiły osoby w wieku powyżej 61 roku życia.
Objectives. The objective of this study was to compare two types of foreign language e-learning courses: the Spanish course on Duolingo and the Spanish MOOC course on edX Basic Spanish 1: Getting started, in terms of the learning conditions provided by each course. The quantitative analysis of learners was conducted in order to compare learners from the two types of courses mentioned above in terms of global self-esteem, language self-esteem and motivation. Methods. The twelve principles for good practice in language education proposed by Brown (2002) were used as criteria of qualitative analysis: (1) automaticity, (2) meaningful learning, (3) the anticipation of reward, (4) intrinsic motivation, (5) strategic investment, (6) language ego, (7) self-confidence, (8) risk taking, (9) the language-culture connection, (10) the native language effect, (11) interlanguage, (12) communicative competence. 261 Spanish learners participated in the quantitative part of the study. They were divided into two groups: Duolingo users and MOOC users from the edX, FutureLearn and Udemy platforms. Participants were asked to complete three questionnaires online (Rosenberg’s SES, language self-esteem questionnaire and motivation for language learning scale by Noels, Clément and Pelletier (2001)). The data was analyzed with Student’s t-test and chi-square test of independence. Results. The evaluation of the Spanish course on Duolingo and Spanish MOOC course on edX revealed that Duolingo is more effective in providing learner automaticity, the anticipation of reward and self-confidence, whereas the MOOC course has an advantage in meaningful learning, the language – culture connection, the native language effect and communicative competence. The quantitative analysis of learners’ characteristics indicated significant differences between the groups. Learners from Duolingo had higher language self-esteem than learners from the MOOC courses. Significant differences in motivation were also obtained. Conclusions. The qualitative analysis revealed differences in the implementation of e-learning, as well as its drawbacks. Language material happens to be non-contextual and served in a repetitive manner (as seen on Duolingo). Some online courses fail to keep learners motivated and their knowledge sustainable (as seen on edX). Age could have a mediating effect on the results due to a fact that 49,2% of MOOC group were people above age 61.
Ogrody Nauk i Sztuk; 2019, 9; 290-300
Pojawia się w:
Ogrody Nauk i Sztuk
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
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