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Department of Environmental Protection
Ciszewski, D.
Data publikacji:
Akademia Górniczo-Hutnicza im. Stanisława Staszica w Krakowie. Wydawnictwo AGH
Geology, Geophysics and Environment; 2016, 42, 2; 252-255
Pojawia się w:
Geology, Geophysics and Environment
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
An evaluation of the impact the Kraków-Szarów A4 motorway section has had on the environment
Ocena wpływu autostrady A4, odcinek Kraków—Szarów na środowisko naturalne
Michałowski, M.
Gęgotek, G.
Tora, B.
Data publikacji:
Akademia Górniczo-Hutnicza im. Stanisława Staszica w Krakowie. Wydawnictwo AGH
natural environment
air pollution
soil pollution
środowisko naturalne
zanieczyszczenie powietrza
zanieczyszczenie gleby
The subject of this article is an assessment of the impact the A4 motorway between Kraków and Tarnów has had on the local environment — between the Wielicki and Szarów interchanges. Information related to the characteristics of the motorway are provided as well as solutions which minimize environmental impact such as: acoustic protection, drainage, vibration protection as well as the use of specific types of trees and bushes. The results of the studies on the environmental impact of the motorway are also presented. Atmospheric air was selected as the main factor for the analysis. Four point's best reflecting air pollution were selected and a series of tests were carried out. On the motorway's intersection traffic assessments were carried out, and from these two classes were distinguished: heavy and light and speed achieved. This information was then used to measure concentrations of air pollutants, such as nitrogen monoxide, nitrogen dioxide, sulfur dioxide, particulate matter PM10. A computational method was used to determine to what extent pollution from the motorway was affecting the condition of the air in the neighboring areas. This method was divided into two parts. The first involved the calculation of emissions (model and computer program COPERT III), and then by using metrological data from the area was used to calculate the propagation of these pollutants and determine the levels of emissions at each point on the computational grid (OPERAT 2000). The second factor taken into consideration was soil condition. Soil contamination and limit values, as well as measurements taken were also presented.
Tematem artykułu jest ocena oddziaływania na środowisko autostrady A4 pomiędzy Krakowem a Tarnowem — między węzłem Wielickim a węzłem Szarów. Przedstawiono informacje związane z charakterystyką autostrady, a także opis rozwiązań które minimalizują oddziaływanie na środowisko takich jak: zabezpieczenia akustyczne, urządzenia odwodnienia dróg, zabezpieczenia przeciw wibracjom, opisano także są rodzaje i ilość drzew i krzewów, które zostały posadzone wokół da drogi. Przedstawiono wyniki badań wpływu na środowisko wokół autostrady. Jako główny czynnik do analizy przyjęto powietrze atmosferyczne. Do oceny wybrano 4 punkty najlepiej odzwierciedlające poziom zanieczyszczenia powietrza i na ich podstawie przeprowadzono szereg badań. Na danym odcinku wykonano także pomiary natężenia ruchu z podziałem na dwie klasy: ciężkie i lekkie oraz osiągane prędkości. Informacje te wykorzystane zostały do wykonania pomiarów stężeń zanieczyszczenia powietrza takich jak: tlenek azotu, dwutlenek azotu, dwutlenek siarki, pył zawieszony PM10. Zastosowano metodę obliczeniową wyznaczenia zasięgów oddziaływania zanieczyszczeń komunikacyjnych na stan sanitarny powietrza terenów sąsiednich. Metoda ta sprowadzała się do dwóch etapów. Pierwszy obejmuje obliczenie wielkości emisji zanieczyszczeń (model i program komputerowy COPERT III), a dalej na jej podstawie, wykorzystując dane meteorologiczne z danego rejonu, na zamodelowaniu propagacji tych zanieczyszczeń i wyznaczeniu poziomów imisji w poszczególnych punktach zadanej siatki obliczeniowej (program OPERAT 2000). Drugim czynnikiem branym pod uwagę w ocenie oddziaływania na środowisko była gleba. Przedstawiono podstawowe wskaźniki zanieczyszczenia gleb wraz z dopuszczalnymi wartościami oraz opis wykonanych pomiarów.
AGH Journal of Mining and Geoengineering; 2013, 37, 2; 43-51
Pojawia się w:
AGH Journal of Mining and Geoengineering
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Badania porównawcze koncentracji węglowodorów w gruncie na terenie bazy paliw naftowych
Comparative research of hydrocarbons concentration in soil in the area of petroleum fuel magazine
Fąfara, Z.
Solecki, T.
Data publikacji:
Akademia Górniczo-Hutnicza im. Stanisława Staszica w Krakowie. Wydawnictwo AGH
skażenie gruntów
ground pollution
W pracy dokonano porównania wyników pomiaru skażenia gruntu substancjami ropopochodnymi na obszarze bazy paliwowej. Badania zrealizowano dwoma różnymi metodami. Pierwsza z nich polegała na wierceniu otworów i pobraniu próbek gruntu z określonej głębokości, zabezpieczeniu oraz transporcie ich do laboratorium, w którym oznaczono zawartość węglowodorów w próbkach metodą absorpcji w podczerwieni z użyciem specjalistycznej aparatury stacjonarnej. W tym celu wiercono 11 otworów badawczych, pobierając w każdym z nich próbki gruntu z trzech interwałów. Druga metoda polegała na wprowadzeniu sondy pomiarowej do gruntu na określoną głębokość i bezpośrednim pomiarze ekwiwalentnej koncentracji węglowodorów wybuchowych w gazach gruntowych, także metodą absorpcji w podczerwieni z użyciem specjalistycznej aparatury przenośnej. Stosując drugą metodę, wykonano badanie w 17 punktach lokalizacyjnych na dwóch lub trzech głębokościach. Uzyskane rezultaty badań stanowiły podstawę analizy porównawczej
This paper performs comparison of result of measurement of the hydrocarbon pollution in soils on area of the fuel base. This research realized two different methods. First one relied on drilling well and collecting of samples from definite depth, insurance and transport for laboratory, where it means the contents of hydrocarbons of infrared absorption method using specialistic stationary equipment. It drilled in this purpose 11 investigative wells in each collecting the samples from three intervals. Second method relied on introduction of measuring probe for soil on definite depth and direct measurement of equivalent concentration of explosive hydrocarbons in soil gasses, also method of infrared absorption with use of specialistic alienable equipment. Research execute this method in 17 locational points on two or three depths. Gotten results of research are base of comparative analysis
Wiertnictwo, Nafta, Gaz; 2006, 23, 1; 199-206
Pojawia się w:
Wiertnictwo, Nafta, Gaz
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Leachate Monitoring and an Assessment of Groundwater Pollution from the Tangier Landfill
Elmaghnougi, Ikram
Tribak, Abdelghani Afailal
Maatouk, Mustapha
Data publikacji:
Akademia Górniczo-Hutnicza im. Stanisława Staszica w Krakowie. Wydawnictwo AGH
heavy metals
Leachate from public landfill in the city of Tangier, which is neither collected nor treated, could constitute a probable source of pollution of the groundwater table and of those of the Mlalah and Khandak Bou Hajjar wadis in the east, and the Mghogha and Ghir Boudra wadis to the south. This work aims to analyze the level of contamination at Tangier’s municipal waste disposal. The leachate samples were collected and analyzed during the period from 2016 to 2019 and the physicochemical parameters (humidity, pH, organic matter, etc.) were determined on these samples as well as the contents of five heavy metals (lead, cadmium, iron, chrome and zinc). Analysis of the well water shows the presence of polluting elements in the leachate water and a high concentration of metals (especially iron) that exceeds standards. This makes the effluent extremely toxic and thus presents a permanent threat to the health of the local population and the surrounding environment.
Geomatics and Environmental Engineering; 2022, 16, 3; 111--130
Pojawia się w:
Geomatics and Environmental Engineering
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Radiomonitoring of the Opole industrial district
Godyń, P.
Zielińska, M.
Dołhańczuk-Śródka, A.
Ziembik, Z.
Data publikacji:
Akademia Górniczo-Hutnicza im. Stanisława Staszica w Krakowie. Wydawnictwo AGH
air pollution
metallurgical industry
The metallurgic industry is one of the main sources of environmental pollution. It emits dust, which contains manganese oxides, iron oxides, zinc and lead oxides that could be deposited in soil. The aim of this study was to determine the influence of the local metallurgical industry on soil contamination with metals released during processing using Pb-210 as a contamination tracer. Soil samples were collected from 19 sites located around the Opole industrial zone, in which, for example, welding and galvanizing companies operate. In the studies, various types of sampling sites were taken into account, such as the forests, meadows, fields and allotment gardens. The activity measurements of Bi-214, Pb-214, Cs-137 and Pb-210 were performed, using a gamma spectrometer. Applying the properties of the latter isotope, the local level of soil contamination was estimated. The results indicated that the metallurgical industry is not a source of environmental pollution in the immediate vicinity. The excessive lead concentrations ranged from 1 Bq/kg d.m. to 100 Bq/kg d.m. and were not strongly correlated with the distances from the presumed source of contamination.
Geology, Geophysics and Environment; 2015, 41, 3; 257-261
Pojawia się w:
Geology, Geophysics and Environment
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Pionowy rozkład zawartości rtęci w wybranych profilach glebowych w rejonie Alwernii
Vertical distribution of the mercury content in selected soil profiles in the region of Alwernia
Florencka, N.
Wojtanowicz, P.
Data publikacji:
Akademia Górniczo-Hutnicza im. Stanisława Staszica w Krakowie. Wydawnictwo AGH
zanieczyszczenia gruntów
ground pollution
W artykule przedstawiono badania dotyczące określenia pionowego rozkładu zawartości rtęci w wybranych profilach glebowych. Miejsca poboru materiału badawczego zlokalizowane zostały w obrębie gleb użytkowanych jako łąki oraz lasy w sąsiedztwie Zakładów Chemicznych "Alwernia" S.A. Stężenie rtęci w badanych profilach było na poziomie niskim i nie przekraczało 0,25 mg/kg. Stwierdzono spadek ilości wraz z głębokością, zarówno na użytkach zielonych, jak i w lasach. Maksymalne zawartości rtęci odnotowano w warstwie próchnicy nadkładowej (ściole) lub w warstwie próchnicznej do głębokości 5 cm. Stwierdzono korelację pomiędzy zawartością rtęci a ilością substancji organicznej, która potwierdza silne wiązanie tego pierwiastka w poziomach organicznych czy mineralno-organicznych.
In the article the studies referring to the definition of vertical distribution of mercury content in selected soil profiles were presented. Places of sampling were situated within the grounds used as meadows and forests in the vicinity of Chemical Plant "Alwernia" S.A. The concentration of mercury in the studied profiles was low and did not exceed 0.25 mg/kg. The decrease of the concentration with depth was observed both in meadows and forests. Maximum contents of mercury were observed in the layer of litter or in humus up to the depth of 5 cm. The correlation between the content of mercury and the quantity of organic substance was found, which confirms strong binding of this element in the organic or mineral-organic level.
Inżynieria Środowiska / Akademia Górniczo-Hutnicza im. S. Staszica w Krakowie; 2006, 11, 2; 161-169
Pojawia się w:
Inżynieria Środowiska / Akademia Górniczo-Hutnicza im. S. Staszica w Krakowie
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Contrasting sediment and water chemistry indicates the extent of the hyporheic zone in a polluted river system
Ciszewski, D.
Aleksander-Kwaterczak, U.
Data publikacji:
Akademia Górniczo-Hutnicza im. Stanisława Staszica w Krakowie. Wydawnictwo AGH
Biała Przemsza River
The concentrations of zinc and cadmium were determined in the sediment cores sampled from the floodplain and the channel in the middle reach of the Biała Przemsza River valley (southern Poland). The results were compared to the river water and groundwater chemistry in order to reveal the average extent of the hyporheic flow. The loss of river waters through the river bed due to the natural migration modified by the drainage of the lead-zinc ore mine caused the strong pollution of the river bed sediments with heavy metals to the depth of almost three meters below the water table in the river. Moreover, the similar groundwater and river water chemistry at that depth suggests that the vertical extent of the hyporheic zone, which exceeds a depth of several meters below the channel, can be affected by the drainage of river waters by the lead-zinc mine. The lateral extent of the hyporheic flow, indicated by changes in groundwater chemistry and elevated heavy metal concentrations in the sediments, was of the order of dozen of meters. The investigation documents the large impact of the secondary in situ enrichment of sediments with heavy metals in the hyporheic zone.
Geology, Geophysics and Environment; 2016, 42, 2; 151-159
Pojawia się w:
Geology, Geophysics and Environment
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Monitoring Nitrogen Dioxide (NO2) in Environment of Ukraine based on Satellite Data
Yelistratova, Lesya
Apostolov, Alexander
Khodorovskyi, Artur
Tymchyshyn, Maksym
Data publikacji:
Akademia Górniczo-Hutnicza im. Stanisława Staszica w Krakowie. Wydawnictwo AGH
remote sensing
nitrogen dioxide
air pollution
Air pollution (especially near industrial enterprises that are located mainly in densely populated regions) is one of the most significant problems of modern ecology. The purpose of this research is to study nitrogen dioxide air pollution over Ukraine, which has a negative impact on human health. As part of the research over the territory of Ukraine, the real planar distribution of nitrogen dioxide (NO2) as well as its local emissions (which make the main contribution to this distribution) were revealed using the materials of the remote sensing of the Earth from the AURA satellite. The results were calculated for the multi-year period of 2005 through 2021 and separately for 2022, which characterized the full-scale war in Ukraine and which made it possible to identify priority polluters; namely, industrial enterprises (thermal power plants, heavy metallurgy enterprises, etc.). For 17 years, the average value of NO2 was 160.78 · 102 molecules/mm2; in 2022, its concentration decreased to 126.93·109 molecules/mm2. The war manifested itself due to the shutdown of industrial enterprises, which were (and remain) priority polluters in Ukraine (particularly in large cities).
Geomatics and Environmental Engineering; 2023, 17, 6; 95--110
Pojawia się w:
Geomatics and Environmental Engineering
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Impact of air pollution on forest stands in the vicinity of Wodzisław Śląski and Rybnik, Poland
Barniak, Joanna
Jureczko, Agnieszka
Data publikacji:
Akademia Górniczo-Hutnicza im. Stanisława Staszica w Krakowie. Wydawnictwo AGH
Pinus sylvestris
air pollution
Southern Poland
Tree-ring analysis was used to investigate the impact of air pollution on forest stands in southern part of the Upper Silesia region of southern Poland. Four about 120 years old Scots pine stands located near Wodzisław Śląski and Rybnik were selected for study and 20 increment core samples from each stand were taken. All study stands were selected based upon their considerable exposure to air and dust pollution. The results of dendrochronological analysis showed strong and significant reductions in tree ring growth especially during the period from 1960 to 1990. A significant number of trees with reductions (85%) was observed in two Scots pine stands both of which are directly exposed to air pollution from mine-owned coking plant and power and heating plants. Since 1990s the improved growth of these pines was clearly noted. A comparison for the period 1970 to 1990 for stands located west from the main emitters’ versus stands east and directly exposed found fewer trees with growth reductions (ca. 40%). At the beginning of the 21st century, a large number of trees in these western stands were observed with growth reductions between 50 and 60%. Probably, these trees were affected by air pollution from a nearby power plant located immediately across the border in the Czech Republic. Relationships between periods of severe reductions in ring width growth or missing rings were noted in a large percentage of pine trees in all four stands; these cross-stand relationships suggested common weather related impacts. Missing rings were noted in 1956, 1963, 1968, 1970, 1971, 1973, 1976 and 1979.
Geology, Geophysics and Environment; 2019, 45, 4; 283-290
Pojawia się w:
Geology, Geophysics and Environment
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Changes in the chemical composition of groundwater in Quaternary aquifer in Old Krakow, Poland (years 2002-2012)
Kasprzak, A.
Motyka, J.
Wardas-Lasoń, M.
Data publikacji:
Akademia Górniczo-Hutnicza im. Stanisława Staszica w Krakowie. Wydawnictwo AGH
urban hydrogeology
chemical composition
anthropogenic factors
The chemical composition of the Quaternary aquifer in Old Krakow was studied. Thirty water samples were collected from wells in the years 2002, 2009 and 2012. The water chemistry of groundwater in Old Krakow is associated mainly with anthropogenic impact. The water samples represent manly five-ion type: Ca-Na-Cl-HCO3-SO4, Ca-Na-Cl-SO4-HCO3 and Ca-Na-HCO3-SO4-Cl, the multi-ion water type is typical for polluted water. The results of groundwater studies in Krakow between 2002 and 2012 showed that the chemical composition of water is being constantly affected by ancient human activities. The predominance of chloride and nitrate ions can be connected with a large number of the contamination sources. The main sources of contamination are accumulations of the anthropogenic soils and the cultural deposits containing organic, communal waste and sewage which were gathered in the oldest parts of Krakow.
Geology, Geophysics and Environment; 2013, 39, 2; 143-152
Pojawia się w:
Geology, Geophysics and Environment
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Investigating the Efficiency of Combined Cycle Power Plants with the Data Envelopment Analysis Process (with an Emphasis on Air Pollution)
Sanjaranipour, Noushin
Atabi, Farideh
Momeni, Mansour
Ghodousi, Jamal
Lahijanian, Akramolmolok
Data publikacji:
Akademia Górniczo-Hutnicza im. Stanisława Staszica w Krakowie. Wydawnictwo AGH
Combined Cycle Power Plants
air pollution
Performance management is one of the most significant strategies in promoting the efficiency of organizations and is highly sensitive. It is important to check the efficiency of combined cycle power plants because of their major contribution to power generation and air pollution. This study was conducted to evaluate the economic and environmental efficiency of Combined Cycle Power Plants (CCPPs). The inputs and outputs required to evaluate the performance of the power plants were determined according to expert opinions. Then, the 7-year statistics and information of the Qom, Neishabour, Shahid Rajaee, Yazd and Kerman power plants were collected as the desired CCPPs in Iran. The Window Data Envelopment Analysis (WDEA) method was used for evaluating the efficiency of the power plants. The 3-year window length showed that most of the power plants were efficient. Only the Rajaee, Neishabour and Yazd power plants were ineffective in some years. The mean efficiency of the power plants in the 4-year window length showed that the plants were efficient from 2008 to 2010.
Geomatics and Environmental Engineering; 2022, 16, 2; 111--125
Pojawia się w:
Geomatics and Environmental Engineering
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Framework for topographic mesh generation and its application to the pollution simulations in Kraków area
Framework do generacji topograficznych siatek obliczeniowych i jego zastosowanie do symulacji zanieczyszczeń w okolicy Krakowa
Podsiadło, Krzysztof
Serra, Albert Oliver
Paszyński, Maciej
Data publikacji:
Akademia Górniczo-Hutnicza im. Stanisława Staszica w Krakowie. Wydawnictwo AGH
pollution simulation
mesh generation
Air pollution is receiving a lot of interest nowadays. It is visible especially in the Kraków area, as this is one of the most polluted cities in Europe. People living there are more and more aware of the problem, what causes raising of various movements and NGOs that are trying to improve air quality. Unfortunately, this is not as simple as people usually think: air pollution grows because of multiple factors including traffic, climate, heating of buildings in winter, city’s architecture, etc. In this paper, we simulate and predict pollution with high resolution, as air quality can vary significantly over a distance of even a few hundreds of meters. Air quality simulation is a multidisplinary endeavor, comprising physical models (meteorological and chemistry) as well as numerical methods (geometry discretization, time and space discretization, etc.). It has been found that there is no proper method for automatic terrain mesh generation, so an algorithm for doing it is presented in this document as its significant part.
Problem zanieczyszczenia powietrza staje się coraz bardziej zauważalny w czasach dzisiejszych. Dotyczy to szczególnie okolic Krakowa, będącego jednym z najbardziej zanieczyszczonych miast w Europie. Ludzie mieszkający w rejonie Krakowa stali się bardziej świadomi problemu zanieczyszczeń, co zmotywowało do powstawania różnych organizacji publicznych oraz zainicjowało różne działania władz na szczeblu lokalnym oraz globalnym w celu polepszenia jakości powietrza. Niestety problem powstawania i propagacji zanieczyszczeń jest bardzo skomplikowany, i łączy w sobie wiele czynników takich jak transport miejski, lokalny klimat, problem ogrzewania budynków w okresie zimowym, struktura architektury miejskiej, itp. W artykule tym zajmujemy się symulacjami i predykcją zanieczyszczeń z wysoką rozdzielczością, z uwagi na fakt, iż jakość powietrza może się istotnie zmieniać z jednego miejsca do drugiego na odległości kilkuset metrów. Symulacje zanieczyszczeń to zadanie wielodyscyplinarne, łączące ze sobą modele fizyczne (meteorologiczne i chemiczne), oraz modele numeryczne (dyskretyzacja geometrii, dyskretyzacja czasowoprzestrzenna). W szczególności zajęliśmy się skonstruowaniem nowego algorytmu automatycznej generacji topograficznych siatek obliczeniowych i jego wykorzystaniem w zagadnieniach symulacji zanieczyszczeń.
Computer Methods in Materials Science; 2019, 19, 1; 21-28
Pojawia się w:
Computer Methods in Materials Science
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Long-term trends and factors influencing rainwater chemistry in the Tatra Mountains, Poland
Małecki, Jerzy J.
Matyjasik, Marek
Krogulec, Ewa
Porowska, Dorota
Data publikacji:
Akademia Górniczo-Hutnicza im. Stanisława Staszica w Krakowie. Wydawnictwo AGH
temporal trends
rainwater chemistry
atmospheric pollution
Tatra Mountains
The results of rainwater chemistry monitoring in the Tatra Mountains, Poland, during the periods 1993–1994 and 2002–2019 were used to determine long-term trends and the factors influencing rainwater chemistry in the last two decades. In the early 1990’s, the study area was characterized by prominent acid rains with a pH of 4.4 that affected surface water, meadows, and forest ecosystems. A rising pH temporal trend has been observed during the following years, indicating improving air quality. This trend has also been observed in measured ionic concentrations and reduced wet deposition loads of sulfur- and nitrogen-containing acid-forming compounds. The neutralization capacity of rainwater in Kasprowy Wierch increased over the last twenty years and has mostly been dominated by NH4 + . The ammonium availability index has been steadily increasing between years 2002 and 2019 but remains less than 1. This statistically significant relationship also indicates that a portion of neutralization occurs in the lower part of the atmosphere due to ammonium-related neutralization processes. The acidic potential (AP) and the ratio AP/NP (acidic potential/neutralization potential) have been declining during the same time. The stated trends in rainwater chemistry reflect the transformation to more environmentally sustainable economies in the region. Similar changes have been observed in neighboring countries in the region, including Slovakia, the Czech Republic, and Lithuania.
Geology, Geophysics and Environment; 2022, 48, 1; 19--38
Pojawia się w:
Geology, Geophysics and Environment
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Warunki geotechniczne i jakość gruntów na terenie poprzemysłowym a planowanie przestrzenne
Geotechnical conditions and soil quality in postindustrial area and town and country planning
Dzidowska, K.
Puła, O.
Data publikacji:
Akademia Górniczo-Hutnicza im. Stanisława Staszica w Krakowie. Wydawnictwo AGH
warunki geotechniczne
geotechnical conditions
W artykule przedstawiono warunki geotechniczne i jakość gruntów na terenie poprzemysłowym przeznaczonym do zabudowy mieszkalnej. Stwierdzono, że korzystnym czynnikiem geotechnicznym jest stan twardoplastyczny gruntów spoistych i stan średnio zagęszczony lub zagęszczony gruntów sypkich i nasypów niekontrolowanych. Korzystna jest też głębokość występowania pierwszego poziomu wodonośnego. Ponadto teren nie jest zalewany wodą podczas powodzi. Niekorzystne jest natomiast występowanie zanieczyszczonych gruntów nasypowych i lokalnie zanieczyszczonych gruntów naturalnych. Grunty są zanieczyszczone całkowitą sumą benzyny, sumą oleju mineralnego, miedzią i ołowiem, a lokalnie również niklem i rtęcią. Zanieczyszczenie gruntów nasypowych powoduje, że nasypy nie spełniają standardów jakości gruntów dla terenu zabudowy mieszkalnej i lokalnie dla terenu przemysłowego, nawet do głębokości 4 m. Nasypy są niebezpieczne dla środowiska. Istniejące warunki środowiskowe wskazują na konieczność rekultywacji gruntów. Z punktu widzenia ostatecznego przeznaczenia nasypów należy ocenić ich stopień potencjalnego i rzeczywistego zagrożenia dla środowiska przez ustalenie podatności metali ciężkich i sumy benzyny oraz sumy oleju mineralnego na wymywanie.
The paper presents an assessment of the geotechnical conditions and the soil quality in a rezoned industrial land destined for housing development. The rigid-flexible condition of the cohesive soil and the medium-compacted and compacted condition of the sand soil and of the uncompacted embankments has been found to be an advantageous geotechnical factor. Also the depth at which the uppermost aquifer occurs is advantageous. In addition, the area is not flooded with water during floods. Disadvantageous, however, is the occurrence of contaminated man-made fills and locally contaminated natural soil in situ. The soils are contaminated with petrol total, mineral oil total, copper and lead and locally also with nickel and mercury. Due to the contamination of the made ground the latter fail to meet the housing development land and locally industrial land soil quality standards, down to a depth of as much as 4 m. Made ground would be dangerous to the environment. The existing geoenvironmental conditions indicate the necessity for reclamation of the land. Considering their final destination, the potential and actual environmental hazard which the extracted made ground pose should be assessed by determining the leachability of the heavy metals and petrol total and mineral oil total.
Górnictwo i Geoinżynieria; 2009, 33, 1; 153-159
Pojawia się w:
Górnictwo i Geoinżynieria
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Investigation of the magnetic properties of soils in the Cisna-Wetlina Landscape Park
Gonet, T.
Wojas, A.
Data publikacji:
Akademia Górniczo-Hutnicza im. Stanisława Staszica w Krakowie. Wydawnictwo AGH
environmental magnetism
magnetic properties
Bieszczady Mountains
A magnetic study of 16 samples of topsoil and 2 soil profiles (11 samples) in the area of Cisna-Wetlina Landscape Park was carried out. The whole collection of the samples represents typical Carpathian soils – brown and sour. Magnetic susceptibility, frequency, dependence of magnetic susceptibility, temperature dependence of magnetic susceptibility, thermal decay of saturation, isothermal remanent magnetization, parameters of hysteresis loop and anhysteretic remanent magnetization of the samples were measured in a laboratory. Mass magnetic susceptibility of topsoil specimens is below 40∙10−8 m3 ∙kg−1, which indicates that the investigated area is probably not polluted currently. The study of the samples from two soil profiles reveals a slight enhancement of magnetic susceptibility in the upper horizons, presumably related to natural processes. The temperature dependence of magnetic susceptibility and saturation isothermal remanence of four soil samples show that the presence of iron sulphide minerals (pyrrhotite) and maghemite is associated with hematite. The occurrence of other iron sulphide minerals in the soil is also possible. The saturation isothermal remanence curves do not confirm the presence of magnetite. Studies of the hysteresis loop reveal a significant role of paramagnetics among magnetic minerals occurring in the samples. Hysteresis parameters (coercive force, coercivity of remanence, saturation magnetization, isothermal remanent magnetization) and anhysteretic remanent susceptibility allowed the authors to evaluate the grain size distribution and reveal the presence of pseudo-single domain (PSD) grains.
Geology, Geophysics and Environment; 2016, 42, 1; 7-18
Pojawia się w:
Geology, Geophysics and Environment
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki

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