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Bóg i prarodzice w refleksji Jana Chryzostoma nad Księgą Rodzaju
Deus et primi parentes in Ioannis Chrysostomi commentatione ad Genesim
Widok, Norbert
Data publikacji:
Katolicki Uniwersytet Lubelski Jana Pawła II
Jan Chryzostom
Księga Rodzaju
Ioannes Chrysostomus
Pertinet haec disputatiuncula ad octo sermones in Genesim, quos Ioannes Chrysostomus scripsit. Ille fidelibus in Antiochia primorum parentium vitam expomere studuit atque illustravit hominem ut Dei imaginem et similitudinem. Postea inclinata est attentio eius ad peccatum originale, quod in exordio totius generis humani magna calamitas factum est. Attamen Deus – ut Ioannes Chrysostomus enodat – miserabiles parentes non deseruit, quia eos enim a principio multis muneribus affecit. Quorum Dei misericordia maximi momenti erat. Quamobrem Creator ex tempore, quo homines in mundo apparuerant, per eorum peccatum originale, usque ad dies hodiernas constanter eis prosequitur. Praeter theologicarum sententiarum gravitatem Praedicator ex Antiochia insuper in sermonibus suis affabre inclusit praecepta moralia, quae in primis ad homines in matrimonio viventes designavit.
Vox Patrum; 2009, 53-54; 191-204
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Vox Patrum
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Geneza herezji i postawa wobec heretyków na podstawie "Konstytucji apostolskich"
The Genesis of Heresy and the Attitude towards Heretics on the Basis of "The Apostolic Constitutions"
Kieling, Michał
Data publikacji:
Katolicki Uniwersytet Lubelski Jana Pawła II
Konstytucje apostolskie
geneza herezji
genesis of heresy
Apostolic Constitutions
The basic source of the analysis is the text of The Apostolic Constitutions. The main object of the analysis is for the most part Book 8 entitled: About Schisms and heresis. The Apostolic Constitutions form a compilation of former texts such as:  Didaskalia, Didache, Traditio Apostolica. The aim of the study is the presentations of different views on the genesis of heresy  and different attitudes towards heretics. The collection consists of eight books  and has both a legal and liturgical character. It is also rich in doctrinal (theological) guidance. Moreover, it contains practical guidelines aimed at the clergymen and laity. The Apostolic Constitutions were written in Antakaya about year 380. At that time the city was highly multi-cultural and thrived being a centre of  the three cultures: Hellenic, Christan and Jewish. The paper consists of three parts followed by an introduction. In the first part the genesis of heresy in the Old Testament is described. The second part describes the origins of heresy in Christianity. The third part is devoted to practical guidelines relating to the Christians' attitudes towards heretics and their relations. The analysis of the text leads to the conclusion that rejecting the Law and the teaching of prophets and Apostoles as well as orthodox doctrine of Church results in heresy. The Apostolic Constitutions underline the distinctive authority of Saint Peter as a bishop of Rome and the preacher of the faith, as well as the apostolic character of the Christian doctrine.
Źródłem podstawowym powyższego opracowania jest tekst Konstytucji apostolskich (Consitutiones Apostolorum). Przedmiotem naszej analizy jest przede wszystkim VI księga tego dzieła zatytułowana: O schizmach i herezjach. Konstytucje apostolskie stanowią kompilację wcześniejszych tekstów jak: Didaskalia, Didache, Traditio Apostolica (nazwy te mogą zostać po łacinie). Celem opracowania jest przedstawienie poglądów na temat genezy herezji oraz postawy wobec heretyków.  Dzieło to składa się z ośmiu ksiąg i posiada przede wszystkim charakter prawno-liturgiczny. Zawiera ono również wiele wskazówek o charakterze doktrynalnym (teologicznym) i praktycznym, skierowanych do duchownych i świeckich. Konstytucje Apostolskie powstały w Antiochii ok. 380 roku. W tym czasie miasto to posiadało charakter wielokulturowy i przeżywało wielki rozwój, będąc silnym ośrodkiem kultury hellenistycznej, chrześcijańskiej i judaistycznej. Powyższy artykuł został poprzedzony wprowadzeniem i składa się z trzech części. W pierwszej części przedstawiono genezę herezji w Starym Testamencie. W drugiej  części ukazano początki herezji w chrześcijaństwie. Natomiast w trzeciej części zaprezentowano praktyczne wskazówki dotyczące postawy i relacji chrześcijan wobec herezji i heretyków. Analiza tekstu prowadzi do konkluzji, że odrzucenie Prawa i proroków, nauczania apostolskiego i prawowiernej doktryny Kościoła prowadzi do herezji. Konstytucje apostolskie  podkreślają szczególny autorytet św. Piotra jako biskupa Rzymu i nauczyciela wiary oraz apostolskość doktryny chrześcijańskiej.  
Vox Patrum; 2019, 71; 271-290
Pojawia się w:
Vox Patrum
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Patrystyczna interpretacja Rdz 2, 7: „Pan Bóg ulepił człowieka z prochu ziemi i tchnął w jego nozdrza tchnienie życia”
Patristic interpretation of Gen 2:7: “And the Lord God formed man of the dust of the ground, and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life”
Czyżewski, Bogdan
Data publikacji:
Katolicki Uniwersytet Lubelski Jana Pawła II
Księga Rodzaju
Ojcowie Kościoła
Fathers of the Church
The article aims at the presentation of the exegesis of Gen 2:7 made by some early Christian writers. Their interpretation contains three essential elements. Fathers start with pointing out the matter as a material from which God created man. Although the human body undergoes natural decomposition, it is not because of the material from which it is built, but because of its frailty due to sin. Fathers also pay attention to the soul, which has its source in what Genesis calls the breath of God. However, it did not exist before the creation of the material body, as proclaimed by Origen, but was created along with the body. The soul animates the body putting it in motion. Although man was formed from the dust of the earth by the hands of God, he should be seen as a spiritual being. Whereas the soul is created, the body has been formed and this clearly differentiates the two. Due to the greatness and grandeur of man, he cannot be reduced to animal being, as it has a rational soul that animates his body. Finally, the third thread in connection with the exegesis of the Gen 2:7 indicates the union of the body and the soul at the moment of creation. It occurred at the time when God breathed into man’s nostrils and put in some part of his grace. This does not mean, however, that the nature of God has changed into the soul of man. Not only did the first man receive the breath of God – everyone gets a second breath, the Holy Spirit, which leads to the creation of a new humanity.
Vox Patrum; 2016, 65; 141-154
Pojawia się w:
Vox Patrum
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Kościół Surb Sargis w Tekor w Armenii. Między Persją a Bizancjum
The Surb Sargis (st. Sergei’s) church in Tekor (Armenia): between Persia and Byzantium
Próchniak, Daniel
Data publikacji:
Katolicki Uniwersytet Lubelski Jana Pawła II
wczesnochrześcijańska architektura Armenii
najwcześniejsze kościoły kopułowe
geneza kopuły na trompach
Armenian early-Christian architecture
earliest churches with domes
squinch dome genesis
The Surb Sargis (St. Sergei’s) church in Tekor, in the Shirak region of the present-day Turkey, is nowadays in total ruin. Fortunately, before its destruction by the 1911 earthquake, it had been extensively studied (e.g. by T. Toramanian and J. Strzygowski) and the documentation preserved allows us to treat it as one of the most important early-Christian buildings in both Armenia and the whole Orbis Christianus (Fig. 1-3). It is highly probable that the church was built at the site of an earlier pagan temple, utilising the former building’s tall 9-step crepidoma. Between the beginning of the 4th and the ending of the 5th century a three-nave basilica without a dome was built on the earlier base, only to be thoroughly rebuilt in the years 478-504 (dating based on the inscription at the lintel of the western portal; Fig. 4). After the rebuilding, the church acquired its 9-square structure designed by 3 naves and 3 bays. The central bay was covered with a small cupola, or rather, a cupola-structure (Fig. 5 and 7). Taking into account the contemporary state of research one may suppose that this innovative construction is the earliest known link in the process of emerging of the cross-cupola plan of churches, dominating till today in the church architecture of Eastern Christianity. The reduction of the corners of the central bay – in order to adjust its square shape to the circular base of the dome – was achieved by the construction of four small squinches (Fig. 8). This solution was most probably taken over from the 2nd – 3rd-century architecture of Persia, with which the pre-Christian Armenia had long maintained strong and varied contacts. Apart from the Tekor basilica, squinches were also used in two other buildings on the Ararat Upland near Erevan: in the small grave chapel at the Voghjaberd cemetery (5th – 6th century; Fig. 9-12) and in the one-nave church Surb Poghos- Petros (St. Paul and Peter’s) in Zovuni (between the ending of the 5th and the turning of the 6th and 7th centuries). These examples allow one to treat Armenia as a bridge between the architecture of Persia and Byzantium, where similar constructions appeared and spread widely in later periods.
Vox Patrum; 2016, 65; 547-564
Pojawia się w:
Vox Patrum
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Geneza chrześcijańskiej posługi hospicyjnej
The genesis of Christian hospice care
Leśniewski, Krzysztof
Data publikacji:
Katolicki Uniwersytet Lubelski Jana Pawła II
historia medycyny
geneza opieki hospicyjnej
Cesarstwo Bizantyńskie
teologia diakonii
History of Medicine
the Genesis of Hospice Care
the Byzantine Empire
theology of diakonia
Hospice care to terminally ill people was originated due to a sensitivity to the personal dignity of man. Christianity brought a special contribution to the care of terminally ill people in the history of the world. Institutionalized Christian hospice care was started in the second half of the fourth century. The first hospices were founded in the Byzantine Empire and were destined for people suffering from leprosy. In the article there are stated the facts relating to the biblical foundations of the theology of diakonia and examples of the involvement of the hierarchy in the creation of hospitals according to the principles of Christian ethics. The Author underlines that the first Christian hospices have been an integral part of monasteries.
Vox Patrum; 2017, 67; 289-301
Pojawia się w:
Vox Patrum
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
„Et ait: «Faciamus hominem ad imaginem et similitudinem nostram»” (Rdz 1, 26). Próba egzegezy bizantyńskiej na przykładzie Komentarza do Księgi Rodzaju Anastazego z Synaju
“Et ait: «Faciamus hominem ad imaginem et similitudinem nostram»” (Gen 1:26). An attempt of Byzantine exegesis on the example of A commentary to the book of Genesis by Anastasius of Sinai
Jóźwiak, Magdalena
Data publikacji:
Katolicki Uniwersytet Lubelski Jana Pawła II
Św. Anastazy z Synaju
egzegeza bizantyńska
Komentarz do Księgi Rodzaju
Rdz 1, 26
St. Anastasius of Sinai
byzantine exegesis
Commentary on the Book of Genesis
Gen 1:26
The Hexaëmeron, traditionally ascribed to Anastasius of Sinai may be one of the most important works of Christian mysticism from the Byzantine era. Three factors make it especially significant. First, it is one of the longest and most detailed surviving examples of Christian mystical exegesis as practiced in the Byzantine period. Second, this commentary is an extensive and unified exposition of the theology of an important Church writer. And finally, the Hexaëmeron is not only steeped in biblical literature, but also contains a large reservoir of quotes and paraphrases of the early Church Fathers on the first three chapters of Genesis. In this article, I analyzed book VI of the Commentary to the Book of Genesis (PG 89, 921-938) by Anastasius of Sinai, in which Anastasius comments, inter alia, the verse from Genesis 1, 26. The main goal of my analysis was to answer the question whether Anastasius – the Byzantine exegete – in her exegesis of the Holy Scriptures, using the earlier considerations of the Fathers of the Church, is at least to a small extent original or uncritical rewrites the previous interpretations, not including any of these interpretations?
Vox Patrum; 2018, 70; 545-557
Pojawia się w:
Vox Patrum
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
    Wyświetlanie 1-6 z 6

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