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Związek między chrystologią a teorią praw natury w traktacie Euzebiusza z Cezarei Przeciwko Hieroklesowi
The connection between the Christology and the theory of the laws of nature in the treatise of Eusebius of Caesarea Against Hierocles
Tondera, Adam
Data publikacji:
Katolicki Uniwersytet Lubelski Jana Pawła II
Euzebiusz z Cezarei
Przeciwko Hieroklesowi
Eusebius of Caesarea
Against Hierocles
The apologetic treatise Against Hierocles is a polemical reply of Eusebius of Caesarea to an antichristian work of Sossianus Hierocles who drew a comparison between Apollonius of Tyana and Christ. The philosophical aspect of the Eusebius’ polemics contains his critique of the image of Apollonius as a „divine man” in the Philostratus’ The Life of Apollonius of Tyana. Eusebius negates the alleged divinity of the hero of Philostratus on the ground of the providential conception of the world, according to which human nature, in virtue of the order established by the Providence, is not able to rise to divine because of its limits. An approach of both natures is possible solely through a mission of a being that belongs to the heavenly sphere and is illuminated and sent by God. Only the envoy of heavens, who brings the salvation to the whole human race and leaves „the effects of eternal divinity” to people, can be really considered divine.
Vox Patrum; 2012, 57; 713-725
Pojawia się w:
Vox Patrum
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
„Walka” złego z „synami przymierza” na podstawie wybranych mów Afrahata, perskiego mędrca
The „battle” of the evil one against the „sons of the covenant” in the demonstrations by Aphrahat, the Persian sage
Uciecha, Andrzej
Data publikacji:
Katolicki Uniwersytet Lubelski Jana Pawła II
walka z szatanem
synowie przymierza
monastycyzm syryjski
battle against Satan
sons of the covenant
Syrian monasticism
In the Demonstrations by Aphrahat, the term „battle” is reserved for the struggles waged by the „sons of the covenant” against Satan (cf. 1Jn 2, 16). Te Evil One attacks them in various manners in order to destroy the peace in man and the Church, yet, as in The Shepherd of Hermas, his „battle” has been definitively lost. In Aphrahat’s teaching, the question related to the dwelling place of the evil spirit-angel remains to be studied. According to the typical Judeo-Christian concept, he dwells in the lower spheres of heaven, which implies certain soteriological consequences: Christs encounters and defeats evil spirits during His ascension, not during His descension into Sheol, where His aim is to liberate the souls.
Vox Patrum; 2013, 59; 209-223
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Vox Patrum
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Oryginalność Hieroklesowego porównania Apoloniusza z Tiany z Chrystusem
Originality of Hierocles’ comparison between Apollonius of Tyana and Christ
Tondera, Adam
Data publikacji:
Katolicki Uniwersytet Lubelski Jana Pawła II
porównanie Apoloniusza z Tiany z Chrystusem
Sossianus Hierokles
Przyjaciel prawdy
Przeciwko chrześcijanom
Euzebiusz z Cezarei
Przeciwko Hieroklesowi
comparison between Apollonius of Tyana and Christ
Sossianus Hierocles
The Lover of Truth
Against the Christians
Eusebius of Caesarea
Against Hierocles
Sossianus Hierocles, governor of Bithynia and adviser of the emperor Diocletian, at the beginning of the “great persecution” of the Christians published his propagandistic writing under the title The Lover of Truth, in which he drew a comparison between Apollonius of Tyana and Christ. In the apologetic treatise of Eusebius of Caesarea Against Hierocles we find a statement, that this comparison was something new in the hitherto existing attacks of the pagan intellectuals on Christianity and demanded a polemic response from the Christian part. Modern studies regarding the works of Porphyry, famous enemy of the Christians and exponent of the Neo-Platonic philosophy, seem to indicate that even before Hierocles the personage of Apollonius was used in the anti-Christian polemics and was confronted with Christ. The present article try to explain, what the originality of Hierocles’ comparison, testified by Eusebius, consisted in.
Vox Patrum; 2016, 65; 683-695
Pojawia się w:
Vox Patrum
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Demon bluźnierstwa w ujęciu Jana Klimaka
The demon of blasphemy according to John Climacus
Pancerz, Roland Marcin
Data publikacji:
Katolicki Uniwersytet Lubelski Jana Pawła II
myśli bluźniercze
demon bluźnierstwa
walka z demonami
wyznawanie myśli
thoughts of blasphemy
demon of blasphemy
struggle against demons
confession of thoughts
Among temptations and impediments, which the monk must face on the path to perfection, John Climacus enumerates blasphemous thoughts. He also names them as assaults of the demon of blasphemy. Frequently man exposes himself to his action through the vice of pride, but it also happens, that this demon attacks ingenuous people that get worried too much. The purpose of the spirit of blasphemy is to insidiously cause feelings of guilt in the human heart; to take a man away from a prayer and the Eucharist; to drive him to despair and hope lessness. According to author’s witness, some people struggled with this problem for their whole life, and in extreme cases its effect was even a state of madness. John Climacus, a good “psychologist” and expert in the spiritual life, clearly emphasizes the fact that the assaults of blasphemous thoughts are beyond a man’s control. In that case he is like a passive listener, whom reach some external voices. Besides, stopping the attacks of such thoughts is almost impossible because they are violent and rapid. Therefore, in the author’s opinion, the traditional methods of struggle against the demon of blasphemy, like severe mortifications and spelling repeatedly various scriptural words, do not get expected results. The only way to beat the enemy is to remain calm and indifferent towards such thoughts. Spiritual direction plays an important role in this matter. The monk still has to overcome shame and confess sincerely his own thoughts to an elder (abba). The duty of the spiritual father, in turn, is to calm down conscience of the disciple, so that he will not worry about the problem anymore. We have to admit that no previous writer speaks in such soothing tone about the blasphemous thoughts.
Vox Patrum; 2014, 62; 435-441
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Vox Patrum
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Wiara w pismach Afrahata
Faith in the writings of Aphrahat
Uciecha, Andrzej
Data publikacji:
Katolicki Uniwersytet Lubelski Jana Pawła II
Synowie Przymierza
syryjski ascetyzm wczesnochrześcijański
teologia judeo-chrześcijańska
polemika z zoroastrianizmem
Sons of the Covenant
early Syrian asceticism
Judeo-Christian theology
polemics against Zoroastrianism
The issue of faith forms the cornerstone of Aphrahat’s ascetic teaching, and it is dealt with in all the Demonstrations. The order and logical coherence of the topics discussed in the first homily, De Fide, particularly in the articles of Aphrahat’s Credo and the Letter of an Inquirer, as well as in the other Demonstrations, are clear and obvious only to someone who believes in the one and only God. The Persian sage elaborates the thought that the edifice of faith is built upon Christ who is its only foundation and, at the same time, its only head of the wall. The author employs the existing biblical tradition, giving a Christocentric interpretation to the narration taken from the Book of Isaiah (cf. Is 50, 7). The works of faith, quoted in the form of biblical testimonia, which are typical of Aphrahat, cover the entire work of creation and demonstrate the greatness and the divine wisdom of the Creator acting throughout the history of salvation.
Vox Patrum; 2014, 61; 479-492
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Vox Patrum
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Troska o sprawy Kościoła w korespondencji ostatniej dekady życia Grzegorza z Nazjanzu
Care for the Church issues in the correspondence from the last decade of Gregory of Nazianzus’ life
Widok, Norbert
Data publikacji:
Katolicki Uniwersytet Lubelski Jana Pawła II
Grzegorz z Nazjanzu
troska o Kościół
walka z błędnowiercami
postanowienia synodalne
Gregory of Nazianzus
concern for the Church
the fight against false believers
the provisions of the Synod
Analysis of approximately 165 letters of Gregory Nazianzen written by him in the last decade of his life revealed a large part of them devoted to his involvement in the current affairs of the ecclesial community. His departure from the position of the bishop of Constantinople, marked by a kind of failure, did not prompt him to react against the Church, but developed just an opposite attitude – increased mobilization of his strenght for the constant concern about the situation of the local Churches. This concern referred to the activities of the pastors of particular ecclesial communities, experiencing a variety of problems, deacons and presbyters, coming from his surroundings, as well as synods, which were to successfully resolve contentious issues. It should be remembered that Capadocian did not enjoy at that time good health. Despite suffering form various diseases, Gregory did not only focused on the treatment of poor health, but also continuesely appeared as an active member of the Church, especially that having still the bishops ordination, he could not completely withdraw from the pastoral obligations.
Vox Patrum; 2016, 65; 697-716
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Vox Patrum
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Władza złych duchów nad człowiekiem według Jana Kasjana
The power of evil spirits over man according to John Cassian
Nocoń, Arkadiusz
Data publikacji:
Katolicki Uniwersytet Lubelski Jana Pawła II
złe duchy
władza złych duchów
walka z demonami
wady główne i grzechy
evil spirits
power of evil spirits
struggle against demons
diabolic possession
capital sin and vices
Much of the literary activity of John Cassian, that supreme master of the spiritual life, concentrates on the struggle with the devil, the discernment of his strategies, and the search for effective defense mechanisms against his attacks. The question of the power of evil spirits over man also arises. Generally, Cassian’s teaching on this subject of the power of spirits over man strikes a positive note: when faced with diabolic attacks and temptations, man enjoys not only the possibility of success but even the possibility of advantage: God Himself, the merciful judge (Collationes Patrum VII 20) watches over man’s struggles to overcome diabolic attacks and in that struggle He favours man. Obviously, since we are talking of a continuous struggle, evil spirits can attempt to, and sometimes even do demonize man – but not because of their desire so to do but because of God will (evil spirits may not do with man as they please but only what God permits them to do). The power of evil spirits over man is therefore limited: a) by the concession of God; and b) by man’s will which possesses „both the freedom of acquiescing to temptation and of repulsing it” (Collationes Patrum VII 8). The general tenor of Cassian’s teaching, therefore, is permeated by a positivism and is free of any form of fatalism or obsession on matters of demonology, while at the same time conscious of the evil that demonic spirits can exert on man’s body and spirit (soul). He continues to hold that spiritual evil, or vice, is something much more dangerous and to be avoided at all costs. Quoting St. Paul, Cassian assures us that definitive victory belongs to Christ and to his followers: when Christ „hands over the kingdom to God the Father after he has destroyed all dominion, authority and power” (1Cor 15, 24), at that moment, all those who have been held captive by these „dominions”, „authorities” and „powers” will be freed from all subjugation (Collationes Patrum VIII 14).
Vox Patrum; 2013, 59; 197-208
Pojawia się w:
Vox Patrum
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Polemika Euzebiusza z Cezarei z Sossianusem Hieroklesem na temat porównania Apoloniusza z Tiany i Chrystusa jako reprezentantów kultury pogańskiej i chrześcijańskiej
The polemic of Eusebius of Caesarea against Sossianus Hierocles on the subject of the comparison between Apollonius of Tyana and Christ as representatives of the pagan and Christian culture
Tondera, Adam
Data publikacji:
Katolicki Uniwersytet Lubelski Jana Pawła II
Sossianus Hierokles
Przyjaciel prawdy
Euzebiusz z Cezarei
Przeciwko Hieroklesowi (Contra Hieroclem)
Boże nauki (Divinae Institutiones)
porównanie Apoloniusza z Tiany z Chrystusem
Sossianus Hierocles
The Lover of Truth
Eusebius of Caesarea
Against Hierocles (Contra Hieroclem)
The Divine Institutes (Divinae Institutiones)
comparison between Apollonius of Tyana and Christ
In the period of the growing importance of Christianity the pagan culture put forward Apollonius of Tyana as its eminent representative and a rival of Christ. At the beginning of the “great persecution” of the Christians Sossianus Hierocles, a high official in the administration of Diocletian, published his anti-Christian tract called The Lover of Truth, in which he drew a formal comparison between Apollonius and Christ. This way he tried to exalt Apollonius and the authors of the stories about him and the followers of the pagan culture. On the other hand he wanted to humiliate Christ and his apostles and all the Christians. Eusebius of Caesarea, the Christian historian, wrote a treatise in answer, in which he submitted the imagine of Apollonius, used by Hierocles in his anti- Christian propaganda, to a critical examination. His historical and philosophical critique reverses the objections of the adversary and shows some elements of pagan culture, represented by Apollonius, which should pass away.
Vox Patrum; 2015, 64; 491-502
Pojawia się w:
Vox Patrum
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
    Wyświetlanie 1-8 z 8

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