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Udział Polaków w 21 Międzynarodowych Kongresach Bizantynistów w latach 1924-2006
The participation of Poles in 21 international congresses of Byzantine studies in the years 1924-2006
Kochanek, Piotr
Data publikacji:
Katolicki Uniwersytet Lubelski Jana Pawła II
bizantyjskie studia
Byzantine studies
This article presents the share of Polish researchers in the field of Byzantine history in 21 of the International Congresses of Byzantine Studies, held in the years 1924-2006. The starting point of this article are the official statistics of these conferences, developed by prof. M. Nystazopoulou-Pélékidou and prof. V. Tăpkova-Zaimova. These official statistics have been revised and expanded with the participation of Poles in these congresses. Consequently, given not only the number of Poles taking part in various congresses, but also the titles given by their papers, the language in which these papers were delivered and scientific centers, what these researchers represented. Consideration was also given Polish researchers working abroad. In this way was constructed some kind of synthesis, which shows from a statistical point of view, the contribution of Polish investigators of Byzantine history at different congresses, held in the years 1924-2006.
Vox Patrum; 2012, 57; 309-335
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Vox Patrum
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Rola eunuchów na dworze cesarzy bizantyńskich. Przypadek Narzesa
The role of eunuchs in Byzantine courts. The case of Narses
Malinowski, Rajmund
Data publikacji:
Katolicki Uniwersytet Lubelski Jana Pawła II
Byzantine Empire
The article is divided into two sections. First presents the role of eunuchs in Byzantine Empire in general. Second section focuses specifically on Narses, his life, main achievements and legacy. The term eunuch (eÙnoàcoj) is ambiguous. It generally refers to people who are not able to procreate due to natural constitution or mutilation, but it can have many various meanings. It can also refer to the man who is absent from procreation due to impotence or celibate. For people who has been born incapacitated or with some hormonal anomalies we use term „natural eunuchs”. There were several functions of eunuchs in Byzantine state we can differentiate. First is religious. Eunuchs were present in institution of Church from the very beginning. They could have been priests and patriarchs if they did not become eunuchs as a result of self-mutilation. Many eunuchs were high officials at the court of Byzantine emperors. They served as envoys, agents and as a members of palace guard. They were also responsible for superintending of the emperor’s son. And finally, eunuchs were successful and talented military leaders. Life of Narses is fascinating example of a great career of eunuch in Byzantine Empire. He owes his success to his many talents and sympathy and protection of the emperor Justinian and his wife Theodora. He came to Constantinople from east, probably as a slave. At the beginning, he was a low rank official at the court. He also served as a member of the palace guard. Thanks to his intelligence and flexibility he became chamberlain at the court. Later he got a generalship of Byzantine army in Italy. He was called back to the capital, after he got involved in conflict with great general Belisarius. Several years later, however, Justinian once again used his skills to finally crush Ostrogoth’s army. He spent his last years of life as governor of conquered land.
Vox Patrum; 2017, 67; 373-387
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Vox Patrum
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Owies w greckich traktatach medycznych starożytności i bizancjum (V w. prz. Chr. - XI w. po Chr.)
The common oat in Greek medical treatises of antiquity and Byzantium (Vth c. BC - XIth c. AD)
Kokoszko, Maciej
Jagusiak, Krzysztof
Rzeźnicka, Zofia
Data publikacji:
Katolicki Uniwersytet Lubelski Jana Pawła II
antyczna i bizantyńska medycyna
antyczna i bizantyńska dietetyka
antyczna i bizantyńska gastronomia
historia uprawy owsa
ancient and Byzantine medicine
ancient and Byzantine dietetics
ancient and Byzantine gastronomy
history of oats cultivation
The common oat (Avena sativa) is a kind of cereal which is fairly well attested in the ancient and Byzantine Greek sources. It is to be noted that medical literature of the abovementioned periods is especially informative as far as the subject in question is concerned. The body of evidence shows that both in Antiquity as well as over the Byzantine period (i.e. between the Vth and the XIth centuries) oats belonged to the crops which did not enjoy much appreciation nor special attention on the part of both mass consumers as well as medical specialists. Generally the cereal was thought to be worse than other crops and therefore lending itself to being animal fodder. It was made use of almost exclusively as an emergency food in case of shortages of other cereals. Though there are very few recipes that refer directly to the ways of preparing oats as food, some guidelines can be formulated on the basis of information pertaining to other cereals. The analyzed sources appear to suggest that it was used to prepare thin soups (on the basis of oats cooking liquor). Moreover, the cereal was also cooked into gruel-like soups. Having been finely ground, it could also be utilized to prepare bread, which, however, was not highly appreciated for its taste nor dietetic value. Medical sources characterize oats in reasonable detail. The cereal is said to be not very appealing in its flavour (which reveals unbalanced humours), characteristic of limited wholesomeness, slightly astringent (and therefore slowing down the work of the alimentary tract), hard to digest, delicately desiccating, heating and cooling at the same time. The same material suggests that oats were used for therapeutic purposes. Mainly they were profited from to treat diarrhea, stomach problems, liver ailments, prepare cataplasms to stimulate diaphoresis, help remove mucus from the bronchi and feed the feverish.
Vox Patrum; 2013, 59; 421-447
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Vox Patrum
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Posiedzenia Komisji Bizantynologicznej Polskiego Towarzystwa Historycznego (KB PTH) w roku akademickim 2018/2019
Meetings of the Byzantine Commission of the Polish Historical Society in the Academic Year 2018/2019
Kochanek, Piotr
Data publikacji:
Katolicki Uniwersytet Lubelski Jana Pawła II
byzantine commission of the polish historical society
Vox Patrum; 2019, 72; 325-328
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Vox Patrum
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Enemy of All Virtues: Once Again on the Image of Simeon the Great in the Oration “On the Treaty with the Bulgarians”
Wróg wszelkich cnót: Raz jeszcze w sprawie wizerunku Symeona Wielkiego w oracji „Na pokój z Bułgarami“
Marinow, Kirił
Data publikacji:
Katolicki Uniwersytet Lubelski Jana Pawła II
cnoty kardynalne
Symeon I (893-927)
średniowieczna Bułgaria
relacje Bizanzjum-Bułgaria
retoryka bizantyńska
ideologia bizantyńska
obraz Bułgarów w źródłach bizantyńskich
obcy w źródłach średniowiecznych
średniowieczna egzegeza biblijna
cardinal virtues
Simeon I the Great (893–927)
medieval Bulgaria
Byzantine-Bulgarian relations
Byzantine rhetoric
Byzantine ideology
the image of Bulgarians in Byzantine sources
the others in medieval sources
medieval biblical exegesis
This article focuses on the Bulgarian Tsar Simeon I the Great (893-927), who in the second half of his reign entered into a protracted military and ideological conflict with the Byzantine Empire. He wished not only to extend his dominions at the expense of his southern neighbour, but also to equal him in titular power, and it is possible - although scholars differ on this point - that his aspirations reached even further, namely Constantinople itself. Either way, Bulgaria under his reign posed a serious threat to Byzantium and its main antagonist. The death of the Tsar in 927 and the conclusion of peace with the Empire by his son, Peter I (927-969), finally put an end to the conflict between both the states. The celebrations marking the conclusion of the agreement provided an opportunity to take stock. In a rhetorical speech written for the occasion, Simeon's actions and aspirations were severely criticised – through comparisons to figures from ancient literature and biblical texts, the Byzantine speaker discredited the attitude of this ruler. Comparisons to those of them who aroused negative connotations in listeners and readers deprived Simeon of all the virtues belonging to a Christian ruler and, above all, of the cardinal ones by which he should, above all, legitimise himself.
Artykuł koncentruje się na postaci cara bułgarskiego Symeona I Wielkiego (893-927), który w drugiej połowie swojego panowania wszedł w długotrwały konflikt militarny i ideologiczny z cesarstwem bizantyńskim. Pragnął bowiem nie tylko poszerzyć swoje włości kosztem południowego sąsiada, lecz i zrównać się z nim w tytulaturze, niewykluczone zaś, jakkolwiek w tej materii zdania uczonych są rozbieżne, iż jego aspiracje sięgały jeszcze dalej, a mianowicie samego Konstantynopola. Tak czy owak, Bułgaria czasów jego panowania stanowiła poważne zagrożenie dla Bizancjum i jego głównego antagonistę. Śmierć cara w 927 i zawarcie pokoju z cesarstwem przez jego syna, Piotra I (927-969), ostatecznie położyła kres konfliktowi pomiędzy oboma krajami. Uroczystości związane z zawarciem porozumienia stały się okazją do podsumowań. W napisanej z tej okazji mowie retorycznej działania i aspiracje Symeona zostały poddane surowej krytyce – poprzez porównania do postaci z literatury antycznej i tekstów biblijnych bizantyński mówca zdyskredytował postawę tego władcy. Porównanie do tych z nich, którzy wzbudzali u słuchaczy i czytelników negatywne konotacje pozbawiło Symeona wszelkich cnót przynależnych chrześcijańskiemu władcy, a nade wszystko tych kardynalnych, którymi przede wszystkim powinien się legitymizować.
Vox Patrum; 2022, 84; 105-122
Pojawia się w:
Vox Patrum
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Herakles w bizantyńskiej refleksji poetyckiej. Studium przypadku
Heracles in Byzantine poetry. The case study
Kotłowska, Anna
Data publikacji:
Katolicki Uniwersytet Lubelski Jana Pawła II
Niketas Eugeneianos
literatura bizantyńska
list literacki
Byzantine literature
literary epistle
The article presents the first Polish translation and commentary of so far inedited literary epistle written by Niketas Eugeneianos, famous Byzantine novelist and poet of the twelfth century.
Vox Patrum; 2015, 64; 293-297
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Vox Patrum
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Rola carycy Marii-Ireny Lekapeny w recepcji elementów bizantyńskiego modelu władzy w pierwszym państwie bułgarskim
The role of empress Maria-Irene Lekapene in the reception of the elements of Byzantine model of power in the first Bulgarian state
Brzozowska, Zofia A.
Data publikacji:
Katolicki Uniwersytet Lubelski Jana Pawła II
Maria-Irena Lekapena
Piotr I
pierwsze państwo bułgarskie
stosunki bizantyńsko-bułgarskie
pokój z 927 r.
bizantyńska myśl polityczna
wpływ bizantyński na kulturę starobułgarską
Maria-Irene Lekapene
Peter I of Bulgaria
First Bulgarian State
Byzantine-Bulgarian relations
peace treaty of 927
Byzantine political thought
Byzantine influence on Old Bulgarian culture
Maria Lekapene was the granddaughter of Byzantine Emperor Romanos I Lekapenos. In 927 she married Peter I of Bulgaria. Her marriage in Constantinople aimed to strengthen the newly signed Byzantine-Bulgarian peace treaty. Historians attributed to the Empress a significant impact on the political moves of her husband. The Empress was also to introduce a lot of elements of the Byzantine theory of power in Bulgaria and even to play the role of spy of Constantinople at the Preslav court. These views have not been corroborated in surviving source material. The Byzantine authors, who provided a lot of information about the wedding of Maria and Peter, did not write anything about the subsequent behavior of the Empress in her new homeland. The political activity of the wife of Peter is not mentioned in indigenous Bulgarian sources or foreign ones (e.g. Liutprand of Cremona). The thesis that Maria wielded real political power can be confirmed only in sigillographic materials. In 927-945 the Bulgarian ruler was always represented on his own official seals accompanied by his wife. However it was not a reflection of her status as a real co-emperor. These seals were propagandic artifacts which were made to commemorate the peace of 927. The seals could also be seen as a tool legitimizing the imperial title of Peter. It is hard to consider Mary as the initiator of the Byzantinization of the culture of tenth-century Bulgaria. In 927 Lekapene arrived at the court, which was already quite familiar with the Byzantine civilization. This does not exclude the possibility of her personal impact on the new court. However, most likely the impact did not go beyond the walls of the Emperor’s headquarters.
Vox Patrum; 2016, 66; 443-458
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Vox Patrum
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Romanos the Melodist as a teacher of the people in the struggle against heresies
Roman Melodos jako nauczyciel ludu w walce z herezjami
Dźwigała, Katarzyna Maria
Data publikacji:
Katolicki Uniwersytet Lubelski Jana Pawła II
Roman Melodos
hymnografia bizantyjska
Romanos the Melodist
Byzantine hymnography
Artykuł porusza kwestię dydaktycznej roli greckich hymnów kościelnych – kontakionów – w kontekście walki Kościoła w VI w. z herezjami. W kontakionach Romana Melodosa, będącego najwybitniejszym twórcą tego typu hymnów, a także hymnografem, dzięki któremu najprawdopodobniej powstał ten gatunek, znajdziemy liczne echa zmagań z herezjami przez kilka poprzedzających wieków aż do czasu życia poety. Św. Roman pisząc swe śpiewane homilie stawia sobie za cel obronę zgromadzonych w kościołach wiernych chrześcijan przed heretyckimi poglądami oraz pouczenie ich, jaka jest nauka Kościoła. Hymnograf stara się przedstawić trudne teologiczne zagadnienia językiem zrozumiałym dla przeciętnych wiernych, a także uczynić przekaz atrakcyjnym i zapadającym w pamięć. Artykuł na wybranych przykładach przedstawia herezje, które zwalczał Roman Melodos oraz wykorzystywane przez poetę środki.
The article raises an issue of the didactic role of the Greek ecclesiastical hymns – the kontakia – in the context of the struggle of the Church in the sixth century against heresies. In the kontakia of Romanos the Melodist, who was the most prominent author of the hymns of that genre and probably a creator of the genre, we find numerous echoes of the struggles against heresies from the past centuries and from the lifetime of the poet. St. Romanos, when he writes his sung homilies, aims at the defence of the faithful assembled in the church against heretical views and at the instructing them what is the teaching of the Church. The hymnographer tries to present the difficult theological issues using the language understandable for the common Christians and make the hymn more attractive and memorable. The article shows on the examples the heresies against that Romanos the Melodist struggled and the measures he used.
Vox Patrum; 2017, 68; 513-521
Pojawia się w:
Vox Patrum
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Rola pontyfikatu Cyryla (412-444) w procesie umacniania potęgi patriarchy aleksandryjskiego w Kościele wczesnobizantyńskim
The role of the Cyril’s (412-444) pontificate in the process of strengthening the power of the patriarch of Alexandria in the early Byzantine Church
Hołasek, Andrzej
Data publikacji:
Katolicki Uniwersytet Lubelski Jana Pawła II
Cyryl Aleksandryjski
patriarchat aleksandryjski
Kościół bizantyjski
Cyril of Alexandria
patriarch of Alexandria
Byzantine Church
The author analyzes the content of Historia Ecclesiastica (Church History) by Socrates Scholasticus as well as the documents contained in the series Acta Conciliorum Oecumenicorum to depict political conditions of the pontificate of Bishop Cyril of Alexandria (412-444). In the article the scholar shows the ways in which Cyril’s actions influenced reinforcing of the Egyptian Patriarchate position in the Eastern Church. From the first years of his pontificate Cyril was very knowledgeable about political situation at the imperial court in Constantinople. Juvenile Theodosius was influenced by her older sister Pulcheria and changing prefects at her side. Court coteries fought each other to win the regentess’ favour. The Court performed anti-Jewish and antipagan policy. Cyril took advantage of it to get rid of his serious opposition. He expelled Jews from the city and led to killing of a woman-philosopher Hypatia, who centered the pagan establishment around her. He also crushed prefect Orestes, who acted against his tyranny. The situation has changed in 428. Emperor Theodosius grew up and began to make their own decisions. The monks of Egypt came to the capital to lodge a complaint about Cyril to the Emperor. Theodosius designated Nestorius, the Bishop of Constantinople, to investigate the complaint. It seriously threatened to the Egyptian patriarch with loss of his rank and of being hound out of the country. At the same time Nestorius supported calling the mother of Jesus Christ with the name Theothokos. Cyril decided to use this fact to accuse the bishop of heresy. It was his way of diverting the public attention from the charges against himself. In the article the author, basing on source materials, strives to prove that all Cyril’s moves arose due to his determination to retain his position to date. Theological issues were of secondary importance to him. He had no scruples in accomplishing his goals. Violence, bribery, propaganda, instigating and inciting the people of Ephesus were his methods. Cyril managed to defeat Nestorius thanks to his flair for politics and tracking current information. Cyril’s activities not only strengthened the position of Egyptian patriarchate in the eastern church but also led to gain a temporary control over the Constantinople bishopric, as Maximianus, Nestorius successor, was a henchman of the Bishop of Alexandria.
Vox Patrum; 2012, 58; 107-135
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Vox Patrum
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Pisma Orybazjusza jako źródło informacji o pożywieniu ludzi w późnym Cesarstwie Rzymskim
Works of Oribasius as a source of information on food in the later Roman Empire
Jagusiak, Krzysztof
Kokoszko, Maciej
Data publikacji:
Katolicki Uniwersytet Lubelski Jana Pawła II
pisma Orybazjusza
antyczna i bizantyńska medycyna
antyczna gastronomia
works of Oribasius
ancient and Byzantine medicine
ancient gastronomy
The article makes an attempt at the presentation of medical works written by Oribasius (ca. 325 – ca. 400 A.D.), well educated physician from Pergamon, and a close friend of Julian the Apostate. It discusses the content of the treatises, reasons for their compiling and circumstances accompanying the creation of three of his extant writings, notably Collectiones medicae, Synopsis ad Eustathium filium, and Libri ad Eunapium. Moreover, the study presents available information about his lost medical work, whose title is now unknown. The authors focused on these parts of Oribasius’ works, which concern food and dietetic, i.e. five books of Collectiones medicae (from I to V), book IV of Synopsis ad Eustathium filium and a part of book I of Libri ad Eunapium. The above-mentioned books enlist the most important foods like cereals, cereal products (breads, cakes, groats, pancakes), vegetables, fruits, meats, fishes, and seafood, dairy products, soft and alcoholic drinks as well as enumerating some specific diets and groups of food divided according to their properties or influence on human body. An important part of the article is a succinct presentation of sources of Oribasius’ dietetic expertise, and moreover a brief discussion of the medic’s impact on medical systems in three different cultural circles, namely the Byzantine, Arab, and Latin. The authors’ research corroborates the already existing view that major dietetic parts of Collectiones medicae, Synopsis ad Eustathium filium and Libri ad Eunapium are based on writings of Galen (which he, however, reworked with a view of their simplification), but there are many fragments taken from other authorities, for instance Pedanius Dioscurides, Athenaeus from Attalia, Diocles of Carystus, Rufus of Ephesus to mention but a few. As for medical authors, who excerpted or translated Oribasius’ works, the most renowned are Aetius of Amida, Paul of Aegina, Alexander of Tralles, Hunayn ibn Ishāq, and the representatives of the medical school of Salerno. Finally, the authors claim, that Oribasius’ heritage is important especially for two reasons. First of all, it helped preserve a large amount of citations from ancient works, which today are lost, and known only thanks to the physician’s painstaking work. Secondly, it contains a cornucopia of information about food, which reflect culinary habits of Late Roman society, and specifically of the Late Roman food market.
Vox Patrum; 2013, 59; 339-357
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Vox Patrum
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Patrząc na przemoc. Postawa, odczucia i bezsilność człowieka wobec okropności wojny w świetle retoryki okresu średniobizantyńskiego
Observing violence. Human attitude and feelings facing the atrocities of war in the light of a rhetoric from the middle Byzantine period
Marinow, Кirił
Data publikacji:
Katolicki Uniwersytet Lubelski Jana Pawła II
studia nad wojną
toposy literackie
retoryka bizantyńska
war studies
literary topoi
Byzantine rhetoric
The second and third decade of the 10th century was marked by an armed conflict between the East Roman Empire and Bulgaria. A conflict, which nearly brought about the downfall of Byzantium, was caused by ambitious plans of Symeon I (893-927), the Bulgarian ruler who desired to impose his supremacy upon the empire and gain new territories on the Balkan Peninsula at its cost. Only his death let the Byzantines take a breath and conclude a peace treaty with his son and follower, Peter I (927-969). Theodore Daphnopates (890/900 - after 961), the alleged author of a rhetoric work On the Treaty with the Bulgarians, praising the freshly concluded peace (in 927), reminded the atrocities of war. He also built up the image of a suffering human who had become a witness to the violence inflicted to the soil, temples and villages, as well as and first of all to humans during war operations. And although that image was in many aspects a cliché of the Byzantine literature through multiplying the images of suffering, present in other similar works, it referred to the deeply inrooted pattern of such feelings, based on the experience of many generations of Byzantines themselves and of the humankind in general. So, despite being a customary topos it reflected the possible or perhaps actual human experience of meeting with violence. In my presentation I will present and characterize the attitudes and emotions which accompanied the Byzantine author he had experienced (or at least said he had), being a witness and hearing the relations of atrocities of a fratricidal war.
Vox Patrum; 2018, 69; 449-465
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Vox Patrum
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Statystyczno-porównawcza analiza XXIII Międzynarodowego Kongresu Bizantynologicznego (Belgrad, 22-27 VIII 2016)
Statistical and comparative analysis of the 23rd International Congress of Byzantine Studies (Belgrade, 22-27 August 2016)
Kochanek, Piotr
Data publikacji:
Katolicki Uniwersytet Lubelski Jana Pawła II
Międzynarodowe Kongresy Studiów Bizantynologicznych
udział Polaków
International Congresses of Byzantine Studies
participation of Poles
The 23rd International Congress of Byzantine Studies took place in the hospitable capital of Serbia from Monday (22 August) to Saturday (27 August 2016). According to official data in the congress took part 1,260 byzantine scholars from 48 countries of the world. The largest number of scientist represented Greece (212), Serbia (122), France (103), Russia (87), the United Kingdom (79) and Italy (78). Numerous scholars came to Belgrade also from Germany (72), the USA (64), Bulgaria (57), Turkey (40) and Austria (39). Poland was represented officially by 26 byzantine scholars. To this number must be added two Poles affiliated to foreign universities. Most Polish researchers, as many as 11, represented the University of Lodz – today the most important Polish center for research on the history and culture of Byzantium. During the congress 1148 scholars presented 1329 papers and communications. According the official data 1057 papers (= 79,533%) were in English, 165 in French (= 12,415%), 30 in Greek (= 2,257%), 28 in German (= 2,106%), 28 in Russian (= 2,106%) and 21 (= 1,580%) in Italian. Twenty-six Poles representing the Polish research centers presented a total of 29 communications (26 in English, 1 in French, 1 in German and 1 in Russian). Furthermore, one Pole affiliated to the Johannes Gutenberg University of Mainz, delivered his communication in French. According the official data, the congress was divided into several program blocks. The first block was the solemn opening session. Part of this session was the inaugural lecture of professor John F. Haldon from Princeton University. On the other hand, during the six plenary sessions were delivered 20 papers. The third block of the congress were the round table sessions. These sessions were a total 49 (= 382 communications). There have also been 116 sessions of free communications, during which 843 papers were read. Furthermore, during the six special sessions the participants delivered 64 presentations. Finally, a separate block were two poster sessions. In these sessions attended 19 authors. The sessions of the congress were held either at the Faculty of Philology (3 Studentski trg) or at the building of the Serbian Academy of Sciences and Arts (35 Knez Mihailova St.). It was agreed that the 24rd International Congress of Byzantine Studies will be held in 2021 in Istanbul.
Vox Patrum; 2017, 67; 241-257
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Vox Patrum
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Dieta monastyczna w świetle nauki medycznej. Teodoret z Cyru i medycy o soczewicy
The monastic diet in the light of medical science. Theodoret of Cyrus and physicians on lentils
Kokoszko, Maciej
Dybała, Jolanta
Jagusiak, Krzysztof
Rzeźnicka, Zofia
Data publikacji:
Katolicki Uniwersytet Lubelski Jana Pawła II
konsumpcja roślin strączkowych w starożytności i Bizancjum
antyczna i bizantyńska gastronomia
antyczna i bizantyńska medycyna
mnisi syryjscy
Teodoret z Cyru
legumes as food in Antiquity and Byzantium
ancient and Byzantine gastronomy
ancient and Byzantine medicine
Syrian monks
Theodoretus of Cyrus
The present article discusses one of the most important ingredients of the Syrian ascetic diet (from the beginning of the IVth to the mid Vth century) as described by Theodoret of Cyrus in his Historia religiosa, namely lentils (fakÒj). The basis of the research is constituted by ancient and byzantine medical treatises composed between the Ist and the VIIth centuries by Dioscurides, Galen, Oribasiusa, Aetius of Amida and Paul of Aegina. The aim of the article is to describe the role of the legume and thereby opine on compatibility or incompatibility of the monastic dietetic pattern with the one described by the medical doctors. First, the authors of the study try to show the importance of lentils as food across the area of the Mediterranean. Subsequently, they proceed to sketch its dietetic characteristics developed by ancient and Byzantine medical doctors and conclude that the evaluation was not fully appreciative of the foodstuff. Thirdly, the authors come to show applications of lentils in medical procedures, since both in Antiquity as well as in Byzantium the plant was considered to be a medicine. The discussion on lentils is concluded by introducing culinary uses of lentils, which abound in medical writings. The authors also note that all the preserved recipes envisage the cooking of the food, i.e. a procedure which was usually avoided by the Syrian ascetics.
Vox Patrum; 2014, 62; 297-329
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Vox Patrum
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Proso w gastronomii antyku i wczesnego bizancjum
Millet in ancient and Byzantine cuisine
Rzeźnicka, Zofia
Kokoszko, Maciej
Data publikacji:
Katolicki Uniwersytet Lubelski Jana Pawła II
antyczna i bizantyńska gastronomia
antyczna i bizantyńska medycyna
antyczne i bizantyńskie potrawy zbożowe
konsumpcja prosa zwyczajnego i włośnicy w starożytności i Bizancjum
ancient and Byzantine gastronomy
ancient and Byzantine medicine
cereals in Antiquity and Byzantium
broomcorn and foxtail millet as food in Antiquity and Byzantium
The present article deals with some culinary applications of millet in Antiquity and Byzantine period, as demonstrated in select Greek and Roman literary sources (Athenaeus of Naucratis, Pedanius Dioscurides, Galen, Oribasius, Aetius of Amida, Alexander of Tralles, Symeon Seth, Geoponica, Byzantine lexica, Cato, Columella, Antimus and Apicius). The authors of the article start their analysis with presenting two kinds of millet, which ancient and Byzantine people were familiar with, namely Latin – milium, i.e. broomcorn millet, Latin – panicum, i.e. foxtail millet. Subsequently, they demonstrate suitability of the cereals for bread baking. As result, they prove that millet bread was fairly popular and appreciated, even though Greek dietitians promoted the doctrine that millet was suitable for the purpose of bread production only in the time of scarcity of other, better quality grains. Accordingly, they specify various kinds of bread and describe diverse sorts of ovens (furnus, furniculus) it was baked in. The authors also write about one of the ancient desserts, occasionally made of millet flour, namely about libum. Then, the authors of the article discuss Roman puls, which were two kinds of foods eaten (instead of bread) by a considerable fraction of ancient and Byzantine society and which could also be prepared from the analyzed cereal. The discussion is exemplified with some extant recipes. Ultimately, the authors of the study refer to the evidence left by medical writers (Galen, Oribasius, Aetius of Amida, Alexander of Tralles), as they discuss soups/ gruels and beverages prepared from millet, which were said to possess some medical values (and, as the sources reveal, were profited from mostly to cure alimentary tract disorders).
Vox Patrum; 2013, 59; 401-419
Pojawia się w:
Vox Patrum
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Car bułgarski Piotr (927-969) w bizantyńskiej historiografii X-XII wieku
Bulgarian tsar Peter (927-969) in the Byzantine historiography of the 10th-12th centuries
Leszka, Mirosław
Data publikacji:
Katolicki Uniwersytet Lubelski Jana Pawła II
car Piotr (927-969)
historiografii bizantyńska
Kontynuacja Teofanesa
Jan Skylitzes
Symeon Logoteta
tsar Peter (927-969)
Byzantine historiography
Continuation of Theophanes
John Skylitzes
Symeon Logothete
Byzantine historians tied Peter primarily with the establishment of the lasting peace with the Empire in 927. In the sources that present the events from before the reign of the emperor Nikephor Phokas (963-969), when the relations between both states deteriorated, Peter is commonly portrayed as a peacemaker, a deeply religious man, accepting of the Byzantine way of understanding the role of the ruler in religious matters. However, Byzantine authors point out that Peter was able to successfully secure his position and ruthlessly deal with his enemies. The sources describing the events from the last years of his reign portray him as a prideful person, daring to stand up against the Byzantine basileÚj, and who gets rightfully and severely punished for his actions. It should be noted that most often the Byzantine authors did not describe their attitude towards Peter, and did not judge him directly. This results in the reader having to build the image of the Bulgarian ruler himself, based on how the sources describe the events concerning his reign.
Vox Patrum; 2018, 70; 339-354
Pojawia się w:
Vox Patrum
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki

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