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Il soggiorno di sant’Ilarione di Gaza in Dalmazia secondo La vita s. Hilarionis di san Girolamo
The sojourn of st. Hilarion of Gaza in Dalmatia according to The vita s. Hilarionis of st. Jerome
Degórski, Bazyli
Data publikacji:
Katolicki Uniwersytet Lubelski Jana Pawła II
St. Jerome
St. Hilarion of Gaza
The narrative of the sojourn of St. Hilarion in Dalmatia within the Vita written by St. Jerome seems to encompass and synthetize all the principal elements of the biography of this Palestinian hermit. The search for solitude and anonymity amidst the populations of far distant lands, the impossibility of hiding – for the sake of charity – God’s operating power in miracles, the very presence of the Lord in the faithful monk living a life of prayer and penance, humbleness and love for God, the capability of showing the Lord’s presence in deeds, and the autobiographical references of the author of the Vita, St. Jerome, to himself through the life of Hilarion are all elements – though present in the brief section concerning the events occurred in Dalmatia – which profile the author. It is of significance his resorting to Biblical references, especially to the Gospel, highlighting the relevance of faith. St. Hilarion carries out the work of Christ and presents himself as “alter Christus”. The victory over the sea monster is the victory over evil-the devil and over death. The dominion over nature’s power, namely over the power of the waters of the seismic wave, endangering the earth and its inhabitants. It is – through Christ, with Christ and in Christ, Word of the Living God – the victory of life over the primordial chaos, as well as the new creation over the wound of the original sin. St. Hilarion proposes himself as a “living gospel”, proclaiming and revealing the mystery of the Kingdom amidst humankind. For this reason his lamp, namely he himself as the shining glory of the light of Christ, cannot remain under the bowl, although he would have liked so but, on the contrary, it is God’s will that the lamp be put on its stands, so that everyone may see it, be enlightened by the truth and glorify the Heavenly Father (Mt 5:14-16). Finally, the passages selected and analyzed – though brief in content – witness of the wide classical knowledge of the Dalmatian, who does quote Latin works and authors containing references to events and people of the past. Especially in those pages whom St. Jerome devotes to “his land”, Dalmatia, he seems to grant the highest homage to his Christian hero.
Opis pobytu mnicha Hilariona w Dalmacji, przekazany przez św. Hieronima w Vita S. Hilarionis, zdaje się zawierać i streszczać wszystkie główne przesłania i treści, które znajdują się w tej biografii świętego mnicha palestyńskiego: poszukiwanie samotności i bycia nieznanym pośród ludów w dalekich stronach, niemożność ukrycia się w imię miłości, Boża moc działająca poprzez wielkie cuda, która świadczy o tym, że w wiernym i rozmodlonym, pokutującym mnichu, pełnym pokory względem Boga i bliźniego jest obecny Pan, objawiający swoją chwałę za jego pośrednictwem. Nie bez znaczenia jest fakt, iż Hieronim nawiązuje tu wyraźnie do znanych fragmentów Ewangelii, które podkreślają znaczenie wiary mnicha. Święty kontynuuje dzieło Chrystusa na ziemi i jawi się jako “alter Christus”. Zwycięstwo odniesione nad morskim potworem jest zwycięstwem nad złem, diabłem i śmiercią. Panowanie nad siłami natury, w naszym przypadku: nad żywiołem rozhuczanego morza, które grozi zniszczeniem ziemi i ludzi, staje się przez Chrystusa, z Chrystusem i w Chrystusie zwycięstwem życia nad pierwotnym chaosem i grzechem pierworodnym. Hilarion jawi się więc jako żyjąca „Ewangelia”, która głosi i jednocześnie objawia tajemnicę Królestwa istniejącego już wśród ludzi. W tych krótkich fragmentach ujawnia się także wielka erudycja Hieronima oparta na znajomości kultury klasycznej. Wydaje się, że właśnie na tych stronicach poświęconych ojczyźnie – Dalmacji – Hieronim złożył największy hołd temu palestyńskiemu mnichowi.
Vox Patrum; 2017, 67; 101-114
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Vox Patrum
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Myśl mariologiczna Jana Chryzostoma w świetle "In Matthaeum homiliae"
Szczur, Piotr
Data publikacji:
Katolicki Uniwersytet Lubelski Jana Pawła II
Jan Chryzostom
Dziewictwo Maryi
John Chrysostom
St Mary
Virginity of St Mary
W artykule zajęto się opracowaniem nauczania Jana Chryzostoma na temat Maryi, zawartego w jego Homiliach na Ewangelię według św. Mateusza, jednak w zasadzie skupiono się na analizie trzech (4, 5 i 44) spośród dziewięćdziesięciu homilii, gdyż w nich zawarte są najważniejsze treści na ten temat. Z wypowiedzi kaznodziei wynika, że postrzegał on Maryję jako tę, dzięki której mógł zostać zrealizowany Boży plan odkupienia człowieka. Maryja – będąc dziewicą – poczęła w cudowny sposób (bez udziału mężczyzny) i urodziła Jezusa. Niezwykłość tych faktów jest pewna i niepodważalna, i dlatego wszelkie dociekania i dyskusje na ten temat są zbyteczne i jałowe. Mówiąc o narodzinach Chrystusa Chryzostom – zgodnie z założeniami chrystologii antiocheńskiej – podkreślał rzeczywistość Jego ludzkiej natury. Maryja była dla niego przede wszystkim matką człowieka Jezusa (podkreślał to nauczyciel i mistrz Jana Chryzostoma – Diodor z Tarsu), co najprawdopodobniej było też przyczyną nieposługiwania się terminem Θεοτόκος w odniesieniu do Maryi. Kaznodzieja akcentował też wieczne dziewictwo Maryi: jest ona dziewicą zarówno przed, jak i po urodzeniu Jezusa. Chociaż Chryzostom przypisywał Maryi pewne „niedoskonałości” czysto ludzkie (nieznajomość Pisma Świętego, mała wiara, czy nawet próżność), to jednak wyraźnie wskazywał ją słuchaczom kazań jako wzór godny naśladowania, gdyż potrafiła pełnić w życiu wolę Bożą.
The article presents the teaching of John Chrysostom about St Mary in his Homilies on the Gospel of Matthew, especially the analysis of three of them among other 99 homilies (number 4, 5, and 44), due to the most important content of this subject. John Chrysostom’s teaching states that St Mary was the person by whom God’s plan of human redemption could be fulfilled. St Mary, as a virgin – conceived wondrously (without a man taking part) and gave birth to Jesus. These facts’ peculiarity is certain and indisputable, therefore all inquiries on this subject are useless. John Chrysostom while speaking about Christ’s birth – according to Christology of Antiochia – emphasizes the reality of His human nature. He considered St Mary as the mother of Jesus the man above all (which was emphasized by Chrysostom’s teacher and mentor, Diodor of Tarsus as well), which was presumably the reason for not using the term Θεοτόκος in reference to St Mary. He accented the everlasting virginity of St Mary: she was a virgin before and after giving birth to Jesus. Despite attributing some typically human imperfections to St Mary (like ignorance of the Bible, little faith, and even vanity), he presented her to his homily audience as a role model, as she knew how to fulfill God’s will in her life.
Vox Patrum; 2021, 80; 87-110
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Vox Patrum
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Pastoralne przesłanie komentarza św. Cezarego z Arles do Apokalipsy św. Jana
The pastoral message of the commentary of st. Caesarius of Arles on the Apocalypse of st. John
Wygralak, Paweł
Data publikacji:
Katolicki Uniwersytet Lubelski Jana Pawła II
Cezary z Arles
Apokalipsa św. Jana
Caesarius of Arles
The Apocalypse of St. John
The article discusses the commentary of St. Caesarius of Arles on the Apocalypse of St. John. The bishop of Arles wrote his commentary on the basis of the Ticonius’s study. Due to this fact, the work of Caesarius, which has been saved all in one piece, is an extremely important source of information about the commentary of Ticonius and may be very useful in the process of its reconstruction. The explication of the Apocalypse, written by the Gallic shepherd, is practical. The author tried to make comments on the Apocalypse in the context of the situation of the Church in Gaul. He was more interested in ecclesiological message of St. John’s text rather than in its eschatological message. In consequence, the commentary was very practical and might have been used by priests who had to face such problems as the schism of the Church, rebaptism and relations with heretics.
Vox Patrum; 2017, 67; 715-726
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Vox Patrum
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Symbolika księżyca w Enarrationes in psalmos św. Augustyna
Symbolism of the Moon in The enarrationes in psalmos by st. Augustine
Zgraja, Brunon
Data publikacji:
Katolicki Uniwersytet Lubelski Jana Pawła II
Św. Augustyn
Enarrationes in Psalmos
St. Augustine
The present article proves that Augustine, explaining in Enarrationes in Psalmos the texts of Psalms, does not treat references occurig in them, to the moon merely as a part of the descriptions of beauty of the created world, but tries to perceive in it a hidden meaning, the disclosure of which serves the interpreation of different theological questions. For the bishop of Hippo, the moon is a metaphor of God the Creator, of Christ, of the Church and of the human being. With reference to God the Creator, the moon is to remind Christians, that God creating everything as being good and beautiful, He himself is the Good and the Beauty. Furthermore, the motive of the moon is to point to God’s self-sufficiency, his freedom and independence. The moon as metaphor of Christ, in turn, allows to perceive in Him the true God who, through the event of Incarnation, revealed to the human being the eternal plan of salvation. The ecclesiological dimension of the symbolism of the moon, however, introduces the concept of the beginnings of the Church, points out to its persecutions and to the presence of sinful people in it. What’s more, the moon-Church is the mystical Body of Christ and Christi s its Head. It is, furthermore, a Glorious Church that will be reigning with Christ for ever. Through the antropological dimension of the figure of the moon, Augustine exposes to the listeners of his sermons the truth about human fragility, corporality and mortality, moral inconstancy and a necessity for gaining more and more perfection with the suport of the Holy Spirit. The moon is salso to direct the human thinking at the truth of resurrection.
Vox Patrum; 2018, 69; 735-753
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Vox Patrum
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Posłuszeństwo monastyczne w prawodawstwie pachomiańskim i bazyliańskim
Monastic obedience in the legislation of st. Pachomius and st. Basil
Ciemała, Marianna
Data publikacji:
Katolicki Uniwersytet Lubelski Jana Pawła II
słowo Boże
the Rule
the word of God
Obedience was one of the fundamental principles of community life in monasteries in the first centuries. Based on the analysis of the texts of St. Pachomius’ and St. Basil’s legislation, the article addresses the issue of different correlations taking place within the framework of monastic obedience. The texts of the Rule of St. Pachomius as well as of the Asketikon of St. Basil the Great show that in the cenobitical life there was a close relationship between obedience to God, to His word, to the rule of life, to superiors, and, to some extent even to all brothers. Sacred Scripture was considered the primary, or even the only, rule of life for the cenobites. Both the Pachomius and Basil in their Rules put a strong accent on obedience to God, which, in practice, was realized in keeping His commandments. The main role of superiors was to lead the brothers to the fullness of salvation. They were to do it with care and responsibility. The analysis of the texts on superiors found that they indicated that the superiors had the obligation to be the first in keeping the God’s commandments as well as in obeying the Rule and the precepts of the elders. Obedience to superiors was understood as being the same as obedience to God, but was dependent according to the way the superiors fulfill their dutes of preaching the word of God and living their lives in agreement to their teaching.
Vox Patrum; 2016, 65; 129-140
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Vox Patrum
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Biblioteka Nauki
Ojcostwo Boże i ojcostwo ludzkie w ujęciu św. Augustyna
God’s and human fatherhood in the terms of st Augustine
Swoboda, Antoni
Data publikacji:
Katolicki Uniwersytet Lubelski Jana Pawła II
Ojcostwo ludzkie
ojcostwo Boże
św. Augustyn
Human fatherhood
Divine fatherhood
St. Augustine
The presented article consists of two main parts. The first one describes the characteristic elements of God’s fatherhood as it is seen by St. Augustine. Author of the study shows in this section Augustine’s teaching on God as a creator and parent. Author points as well to the manifestations of God’s actions towards man, to show finally the views of St. Augustine on the place of God in human life. The second part takes into the light the thoughts of Bishop of Hippo on human fatherhood and especially reveals his views on the relationship of the human fatherhood to God’s fatherhood and indicates a good of the procreation. In the last part of this section, the author presents an assessment of earthly fatherhood made by St. Augustine.
Vox Patrum; 2015, 63; 157-183
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Vox Patrum
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
„Non intelligis stultitiam tuam impudentiae copulatam”. Św. Hieronim contra Pelagiusz
“Non intelligis stultitiam tuam impudentiae copulatam”. St. Jerome contra Pelagius
Jóźwiak, Magdalena
Data publikacji:
Katolicki Uniwersytet Lubelski Jana Pawła II
Św. Hieronim
inwektywa chrześcijańska
argumentum ad personam
St. Jerome
Christian invective
Reading the ancient scriptures of Christians of the first centuries, one can easily notice numerous invectives. From among the Fathers of the Church there are three who in particular deserve the title of “fathers of Christian invectives”. One of those who best can be described as such is St. Jerome of Stridonius. It should not come as a surprise, because in ancient times one did not reach only for intellectual arguments when defending their views. A logical elucidation was merely a part of argumentation. The other part, of no less importance, were arguments ad hominem, including also invectives. Verbal insults were integral part of argumentation and the lack of them would decrease the value of debate. In this article, based on St. Jerome’s of Stridonius writings, I portrayed his reactions to the phenomenon of pelagianism, as well as to the person of Pelagius himself. This subject has been analysed in many articles, but I presented it from a different angle. Namely, I emphasized varied interesting invectives that St. Jerome – well-known for his sharp tongue – directed to Pelagius, basing on argumentum ad personam.
Vox Patrum; 2017, 68; 399-407
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Vox Patrum
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Sługa Jahwe w interpretacji św. Hieronima
The Servant of Yahweh in the interpretation of st. Jerome
Jóźwiak, Magdalena
Data publikacji:
Katolicki Uniwersytet Lubelski Jana Pawła II
Św. Hieronim
Komentarz do Księgi Izajasza
Sługa Jahwe
St. Jerome
A Commentary on the Book of Isaiah
the Servant of Yahweh
In the history of exegesis three general models of the interpretation of the Servant of Yahweh Song can be outlined. The first one is a collective interpretation that considers the Servant to be Israel – the People of God – or its faithful part. The second interpretation was called by the scholars an individual interpretation according to which the Servant is an individual. The third one is a mixed interpretation. The Servant of Yahweh is a king who represents the nation. In this article we searched for an answer to the question who is the said Servant of Yahweh according to St. Jerome. Having analysed selected passages of St. Jerome’s commentary on the Servant Song it is not difficult to notice that the author of the Vulgate prefers the model of individual interpretation. More precisely, in his opinion the Servant of Yahweh is Jesus Christ whose suffering has a redeeming virtue.
Vox Patrum; 2017, 67; 167-176
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Vox Patrum
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Kościół apostolski o wyzwalaniu niewolników. Zarys problematyki
Apostolic Church about liberation of slaves. Main issues
Szczur, Piotr
Data publikacji:
Katolicki Uniwersytet Lubelski Jana Pawła II
św. Paweł
św. Ignacy Antiocheński
wyzwalanie niewolników
problematyka społeczna
St. Paul
St. Ignatius of Antioch
liberation of slaves
social issues
The statements of St. Paul (1Cor 7:18-24; Gal 3:28; Phil 16-22) and Ignatius of Antioch (Epistula ad Polycarpum 4, 3) were analyzed in this paper. In these statements the authors wrote about the liberation of slaves. The advices of St. Paul and St. Ignatius were addressed to those slaves, who had become Christians. These advices come down to remind the slaves, that they should be obedient and subjected to their masters. However these advices were not said because of their approval of slavery as itself, but rather because they accepted the spiritual vision of Christian life, in which all people are brothers and children of God. The authors did not see the necessity of calling for liberation of slaves or demolition of slavery, because in their vision all people – sooner or later – come to abolish the yoke of slavery. It should be highlighted, that in social conditioning of those days, calling for the full abolition of slavery and for liberation of all slaves would be a revolution, which ruins the social order. However, the teaching of the authors of Ancient Church caused the gradual passing away from slavery, through creation the new relationship between master and his slave (i.e. John Chrysostom) and finally caused demolition of slavery.
Vox Patrum; 2016, 65; 617-629
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Vox Patrum
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Macarius of Jerusalem. Letter to the Armenians (AD 335). Introduction, text, translation and commentary by Abraham Terian, Treasures of the Armenian Christian Tradition 4, Crestwood – New York 2008, St. Vladimir’s Seminary Press and St. Nersess Armenian S
Naumowicz, Józef
Data publikacji:
Katolicki Uniwersytet Lubelski Jana Pawła II
nie dotyczy
Vox Patrum; 2011, 56; 680-683
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Vox Patrum
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Ideał mędrca w listach św. Ambrożego
The model of the sage in st. Ambrose’s letters
Wysocki, Marcin
Data publikacji:
Katolicki Uniwersytet Lubelski Jana Pawła II
Św. Ambroży z Mediolanu
St. Ambrose of Milan
St. Ambrose’s letters are a unique example of bishop’s concern for pastoral, social and political issues relating to the city, the diocese, the Empire and the Church. They have been a special way of his pastoral influence and work. He included in them a number of moral, legal and dogmatic instructions, among which he described a model of the Christian sage. It was based on the statements of the Stoic philosophy, but finally the Christian character arising from Scripture, and especially from the teaching of St. Paul the Apostle, was added to Ambrose’s model of a sage. According to Ambrose, the basic feature of the sage is freedom, but it also provides a number of other features – such as submission to God, love for the neighbours, the spirit of repentance, knowledge of God’s Law – which constitute the perfect sage, and ultimately – the perfect Christian.
Vox Patrum; 2015, 64; 581-594
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Vox Patrum
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Arka Noego obrazem Kościoła w Enarrationes in psalmos św. Augustyna
Noah’s arc – a symbol of the Church in the Enarrationes in psalmos by st. Augustine
Zgraja, Brunon
Data publikacji:
Katolicki Uniwersytet Lubelski Jana Pawła II
Św. Augustyn
Enarrationes in Psalmos
arka Noego
St. Augustine
Enarrations on the Psalms
St. Augustine is regarded as master of the an allegorical interpretation of the Holy Scriptures. It consists in drawing out from the biblical text the deepest meaning. Using such kind of interpretation, he tried in one of his greatest exegetical works – Enarrationes in Psalmos, to explain for his faithful the mystery of the Church by means of a number of motives from the parables, biblical topographic and cosmic subjects, as well as from many biblical events and personages, interpreted in an allegorical spirit. So, in this article an effort has been made to show only some ideas of Augustine’s ecclesiological reflections that look as fruit of his allegorical interpretation of Noah’s Arc and the happenings related to it. The carried out analyses show that the figure of Noah’s Arc and the happenings related to it, served the bishop of Hippona to present the Church as a community composed of all nations of the world which are being incorporated in its organism after a previous conversion and receiving baptism as a result of proclamation the Gospel which should perform a priority role in the saving service of the Church. In Augustine’s opinion, the Church should be the place of proclamation the Truth, the teaching of which in the Church should be characterized by absolute fidelity to the Christian doctrine. What’s more, the Church is a community of saint and sinful people. It unceasingly undertakes strenuous efforts of moral cleaning, striving thereby for a growing moral perfection. That community is also characterized by awareness of a shared responsibility for the salvation of others, as well as by a conviction of the value of testifying to the holiness of life and the need of proclaiming the Word of God. These constitute an essential factor which mobilizes to a growing fidelity in fulfilling the will of God expressed in the commandments, and to undertaking a strenuous effort to proclaim the Gospel. The carried out analyses also allow to ascertain that the moral renewal undertaken by the members of the Church, should take place in accordance with the recommendations of Christ, and their progress in acquiring moral perfection does not remain without influence on perceiving the institution of the Church. Also obdurate sinners are members of the Church, those who, in spite of the words of encouragement addressed to them that they might start a way of fidelity to God, they put off the final decision of conversion, resigning in this way from the possibility of salvation, offered to them by God. The Church shown by means of an arc, is a Church unceasingly persecuted because it does not give consent to moral violations by the sinners, having a tolerating attitude toward them, in hope of their conversion. To Augustine’s vision of the Church belongs also his faithful safeguard of the Christian morality, as well as his fidelity in the service of proclaiming the Gospel. Both flow from the conviction of impossibility of one’s salvation outside the Church.
Vox Patrum; 2016, 65; 761-781
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Vox Patrum
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Koncepcja dobrowolnego ubóstwa w pismach monastycznych św. Augustyna
The idea of voluntary poverty in st. Augustine’s monastic writings
Kasprzak, Dariusz
Data publikacji:
Katolicki Uniwersytet Lubelski Jana Pawła II
dobrowolne ubóstwo
św. Augustyn
pisma monastyczne
interpretacja Dz 4, 32-36
voluntary poverty
St. Augustine
monastic writings
interpretations of Acts 4, 32-36
The first coherent doctrine of voluntary poverty appeared in Western Church theology in the writings of St. Augustine. This idea developed gradually under the influence of the coenobitic ideal and vision of a community Church. First having excluded the Manichean vision of community (AD 386-396) St. Augustine adopted the coenobitic conception of poverty (relinquishing individual possession in favour of communal ownership and working for the benefit of the community). In his mature period (AD 397-426) St. Augustine referred directly to the perfect vision of the Christian monastic community described in Acts 4:32-36 as the source of voluntary poverty. In this way the monks copied the perfection of the Early Church community. One might say his approach to ascetic poverty was according to the principle of qualitative parity i.e. every monk receives the minimum of material necessities. St. Augustine’s sermons 355 from December AD 425/January AD 426 and 356 from January AD 426 show clearly how he and his brothers practiced individual and community poverty.
Vox Patrum; 2013, 60; 165-182
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Vox Patrum
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Wpływ Vita Martini Sulpicjusza Sewera na Vita Niniani Aelreda z Rievaulx
Saint Martin’s impact on Aelred of Rievaulx’ Vita Niniani
Groń, Ryszard
Data publikacji:
Katolicki Uniwersytet Lubelski Jana Pawła II
św. Marcin z Tours
św. Ninian
cystersi na Wyspach Brytyjskich
St. Martin of Tours
St. Ninian
Cistercian in British Islands
The article was written to illustrate the possible impact of Vita Martini by Sulpicius Severus on Aelred of Rievaulx’s Vita Niniani. Both works are hagiographies, thus were written as prime examples of faith and Christian virtues without excessive focus on biographical accuracy, as was common during the medieval period. The works were created in diverse cultural and historical settings: the former portrays the life of Saint Martin of Tours, a very popular medieval bishop of Gaul, who was active during the 5th century; the hagiography was written by his disciple, Sulpicius Severus. The latter depicts the life of a missionary active in southern England, also in the 5th century, Saint Ninian of Whithorn. St. Ninian’s hagiography was, however, written seven centuries later by a well-known English abbot from Rievaulx, St. Aelred. The possible influence of Sulpicius Severus’ work on Vita Niniani by Aelred of Rievaulx can be concluded due to the similarities between the two hagiographies, the popularity of Vita Martini in Cistercian circles and, simultaneously, an almost complete lack of historical information regarding St. Ninian’s life. The fact that Aelred quotes the Bede Venerable’ history note from the 8th century – which mentions that St. Martin was St. Ninian’s role model in the field of missionary care and pastoral work – as his chief resource, makes this influence is all the more probable. To carry out this article’s objective, the contents have been divided into three sections: the creation of Vita Niniani; a comparison of Bishop Ninian of Whithorn as a historical figure (based on contemporary historical and archeological research) with the portrait painted by Aelred (based on the Bede Venerable’ note and a piece of literature by an unknown writer); to finally show a comparison of Vita Niniani and Vita Martini.
Vox Patrum; 2014, 62; 125-137
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Vox Patrum
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki

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