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Jednostki literackie i teologiczne w 1 Kor 8, 6
Langkammer, Hugolin
Data publikacji:
Katolicki Uniwersytet Lubelski Jana Pawła II
1Kor 8
1Cor 8
1 Kor 8, 6, ein klassischer Parallelismus Membrorum, bringt es mit sich, dass man ihn als literarische Ganzheit betrachtet und dementsprechend vor Paulus auftauchen lässt (Kramer), oder auch durch Paulus verfasst, doch schon vor dem Niederschlag von 1 Kor durch den Apostel selbst in seinen Unterweisungen angewendet sieht (Thüsing). Der Verf. erwägt eine dritte Möglichkeit, gemäss welcher 1 Kor 8, 6 drei verschiedenen Einzelstucke enthalt: 1. Die monotheistische Bekenntnisformel — „Ein Gott der Vater und Ein Herr Jesus Christus” 2. die vorerst rein kosmologisch ausgedehnt wird — „von dem alles und alles auf ihn, durch den alles” 3. und dann von Paulus den soteriologischen Zusatz erhält — „und wir auf ihn, und wir durch ihn”. Dass eine kosmologische Erweiterung ohne eigentliche soteriologische Ausprägungen möglich ist, und das im hellenistischen Raum, beweist, um hier nur ein schlagendes Argument zu bringen, das Lied im Johannes-Prolog, das am bekannten Epiphanie-Schema orientiert ist (Hegermann) und daher mit der Fleischwerdung schlechthin endet.
The Biblical Annals; 1968, 15, 1; 97-109
Pojawia się w:
The Biblical Annals
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
The Corinthian Opponents of the Resurrection in 1 Cor 15:12. The Epicurean Hypothesis Reconsidered
Szymik, Stefan Henryk
Data publikacji:
Katolicki Uniwersytet Lubelski Jana Pawła II
1 Cor 15:12
resurrection of the dead
New Testament vs. Epicureanism
The paper contributes to the discussion regarding the Corinthian opponents of the resurrection of the dead (1 Cor 15:12). In particular, it attempts to re-examine the thesis of the Epicurean framework of this controversy. The first part focuses on the main lines of interpretation of 1 Cor 15:12 and the presentation of the Epicurean thesis. It is followed by an analysis of Paul’s polemical statements against the thesis of his Corinthian opponents, “there is no resurrection of the dead” (1 Cor 15:12; cf. vv. 19, 29-34, 35). It is assumed that Paul clearly says that his opponents deny a bodily resurrection and future life – there is nothing after death. The third part of the paper reconsiders some hermeneutic factors concerning the identity of the Corinthian opponents of the resurrection. 1 Cor 15 contains terminological and ideological parallels to Epicureanism, especially, by way of opposition. Yet, the valuation of these data remains an open question.
The Biblical Annals; 2020, 10, 3; 437-456
Pojawia się w:
The Biblical Annals
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
"A ten, kto przylgnie do Pana, stanowi z Nim jednego ducha" (1 Kor 6,17)
Rosłon, Wiesław
Data publikacji:
Katolicki Uniwersytet Lubelski Jana Pawła II
1Kor 6
1Cor 6
II testo di 1 Cor 6,17 benchè abbonda di contenuto teologico assai interessante, oltre che ci offra buon esempio di coraggiosa maniera con cui Paolo seppe dall’antitesi inaspettata ricavar utile per far meglio apparire il suo pensiero, nondimeno questo testo non è stato abbastanza spiegato finora. II versicolo 17 fa parte della replica di Paolo sopra dignità e santità del corpo umano, istituita essa a cagione di sbagliata interpretazione della libertà cristiana da parte dei Corinti, chi la applicarono alla vita sessuale. Nei versicoli 16 e 17 insieme, risulta un’antitesi di tipo: σαρξ— πνευμα ο σωμα— πνευμα. Gli esegeti si occupavano già di trovare la ragione per cui Paolo nel v. 16 potè servirsi della citazione di Gen. 2,24, relativamente riguardante il caso del matrimonio legittimo, applicandola all’unione peccaminosa di cristiano con meretrice; cercavano inoltre di determinare il senso proprio delle parole usate nell’antitesi (σαρξ ο σωμα in riguardo a πνευμα).  Questa occasione approfittando è stata sottolineata la vicinanza di signifieazione tra 1’antitesi σαρξ (σωμα) — πνευμα e tra un’altra antitesi, pure essa paolina, cioè σωμα ψυχικον —  σωμα πνευματικον. Aiutandosi dell’ultima aspiravano pervenir alla più profonda spiegazione della prima antitesi (σαρξ — πνευμα nei vv. 16 e 17). Comiciando anche con 1’analisi del significato di verbo κολλασθαι si esaminava presso gli esegeti diverse possibilità per cui il fedele cristiano potesse unirsi con Cristo; così si sperava di venire a stabilire il contenuto dell’espressione „uno spirito”. Il più incompensabile mancamento delle soluzioni finora messe alla luce, segue dalia troppo poca avvertenza all’argomentazione nella pericope di 1 Cor. 6,12—20 in tutto, di cui fa parte il v. 17, che ci interessa specialmente. A questo mancamento appunto si vorrebbe che fosse adempito, perciò nel l’articolo nostro si dà più d’emfasi all’inquadrare bene il v. 17 nel l’argomentazione insieme, di cui ne si trova. Interpretando quel testo non si può mai oltrepassare lo schema di composizione della pericope, siccome l’argomento dell’Apostolo fu stato composto, già cominciare dal v. 13a, simmetricamente, usando Lui degli antitesi. In tale genere di composizione il versicolo 17 fa compito d’indicare meglio quanta diversità esiste tra le consequenze del peccato immondo e tra effetti della unione con Cristo. In ciò che riguardala genesi dell’antitesi σαρξ (σωμα) — πνευμα nei vv. 16 e 17, c’è da accettare con grande probabiltà, che Paolo, secondo il suo costume, già col v. 17 cominciò di preparare i suoi lettori al pensiero sulló Spirito Santo, di cui poco più avanti gli viene a dire. A questo fine volle in antecedenza introdurre il termine πνευμα. Così psycologicamente sviluppa Paolo il suo argomento passando dalle cose più note (le quali di solito introduce con ουκ οιδατε οτι) alle cose meno conosciute, di cui gli occorre dare ancora una spiegazione. Alla stessa conclusione, cioè che al σωμα, con cui vengono unite due persone umane nel v. 16, corrisponde in v. 17 lo spirito di Cristo, che vuol dire le Spirito santo, il fattore del Corpo mistico, ci conduce dalia sua parte anche 1’analisi dell’antitesi nei vv . 16 e 17. Per il contesto remoto, che ci può giovare nel spiegare il carattere dell’unione con Cristo, secondo il v. 17 bisognerebbe scegliere tali testi, in cui l’espressione εν πνευμα significha l’unione assorbente tutta la persona umana, oltre che dovrebbe essere legato alla speranza nella risurrezione corporale, e di più un tale, che potrebbe darsi presentare sotto la metafora di corpo e dei membri. Finalmente dovrebbero venir fuori i testi nel suo insieme riferibili a Cristo. Alle sopra elencate condizioni corrispondono proprio i seguenti testi della stessa lettera paolina: 1 Cor. 12,12.13.27 e 15,42.45, i quali conseguentemente vengono assunti all’approfondire la spiegazione di 1 Cor. 6,17. La concludione dell’analisi di 1 Cor. 6,17 è come segue: Questi s’unisce con Cristo, chi possiede lo spirito divino ossia lo spirito di Cristo, ciò vuol dire quello spirito ch’è proprio di Cristo stesso. L’espressione nel 1 Cor. 6,17: „chi aderisce al Signore forma un solo spirito con Lui” significa che un tale gode dello stesso Spirito santo col Signore per cui gli è permesso d’avere una ben fondata speranza di risurrezione, perchè il Cristo risorto è lo „spirito vivificatore”. Durante la vita terrena il cristiano già è tempio di Spirito santo. L’unione con Cristo, di cui si parla nel v. 17, è niente altro principalmente che 1’effetto del battesimo (allora 1’inserimento al Corpo mistico di Cristo). Non occorre che sia necessariamente 1’unione mistica, strettamente detta, ossia che supponga la coscienza di partecipazione intima nella vita in Dio.
The Biblical Annals; 1965, 12, 1; 59-73
Pojawia się w:
The Biblical Annals
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Teologiczne znaczenie wyrażenia nyni de w korespondencji św. Pawła z Koryntianami
Theological Meaning of the nyni de Expression in St Paul’s Correspondence with Corinthians
Rambiert-Kwaśniewska, Anna Magdalena
Data publikacji:
Katolicki Uniwersytet Lubelski Jana Pawła II
1 List do Koryntian
2 List do Koryntian
nyni de
1 Cor
2 Cor
temporal marker
Human communication, though based mainly on nouns, verbs, and adjectives, would not be precise without minor parts of speech such as adverbs, conjunctions, and particles. In the presented article, the author considered the adverb nyni strengthened by the particle de. Based on five fragments from the epistles to the Corinthians (1 Cor 12:18; 13:13; 15:20; 2 Cor 8:11.22), the meanings of the nyni de were shown. First, assisted by the Greek dictionaries and lexicons, the author examined the proposals of the interpretation of the expression. On the basis of extra-biblical and biblical literature as well as Hellenistic papyri, lexicographers made a clear distinction between its temporal and logical meaning. According to the author, the mentioned distinction is far too radical because, in Paul’s correspondence with the Corinthians, both temporal and logical meanings are present, even in the passages where the notion of time is weaker (1 Cor 13:13; 15:20).
The Biblical Annals; 2018, 8, 4; 587-606
Pojawia się w:
The Biblical Annals
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Was Not the Woman Created in the Likeness of God? Pauline Midrashic Reading of Gen 1–3 in 1 Cor 11:7–12
Matand Bulembat, Jean-Bosco
Data publikacji:
Katolicki Uniwersytet Lubelski Jana Pawła II
1 Cor 11:7–12
specific dignity of women
Holy Scriptures
Gen 2–3
Midrashic reading
rhetorical analysis
To demonstrate his claim in 1 Cor 11:2–16 about how a Christian man and woman should wear their hair during liturgical worship, Paul uses several types of arguments, including Scripture (vv. 7–12). In v. 7, he states that “A man should not cover his head, because he is the image and glory of God, but a woman is the glory of man” (NAB). Most readers today, question the soundness of such an argument and may accuse Paul of misogyny. Does he not, contrary to what Gen 1:26–27 asserts, contend that the woman was not created in the image of God? The present study argues that Paul’s position can be better understood only if one, on the one hand, highlights the points of his argumentation and, on the other hand, considers the techniques of the Jewish theory of interpretation of the Scriptures in practice at the time of the Apostle. Paul is doing a Midrashic reading of Gen 1–3 narratives about the creation of human beings to assert the importance of both man and woman to behavior during Christian liturgical worship in such manner that they respect their specific dignities. At the end, Paul seems to be more “philogynist” than people use to appreciate.
The Biblical Annals; 2022, 12, 3; 393-413
Pojawia się w:
The Biblical Annals
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Why Paul Was Not Wrong in Quoting Hosea 13:14
Popko, Łukasz
Data publikacji:
Katolicki Uniwersytet Lubelski Jana Pawła II
1 cor 15:54-55
hos 13:14
isa 25:8
history of reception of the old testament
ancient translation techniques
In 1 Cor 15:54-55, Paul quotes Isa 25:8 and Hos 13:14. A significant distance between these citations and the corresponding MT and LXX has been often explained as Paul’s intervention. The present article discusses the Hebrew original and compares the citations from 1 Cor 15 with other ancient translations. The polyvalence of the original source, semantic shifts due to the target languages, and accretion of meaning in the transmission process explain Paul’s text without a need of charging him of pia fraus. In the end, we try to deduce from this case study some elements of Paul's hermeneutics.
The Biblical Annals; 2019, 9, 3; 493-512
Pojawia się w:
The Biblical Annals
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
2 Kor 1, 15-16: Pawłowy plan wizyt w Koryncie i jego realizacja
Rakocy, Waldemar
Data publikacji:
Katolicki Uniwersytet Lubelski Jana Pawła II
2 Kor 1
Paweł w Koryncie
2 Cor 1
Paul in Corinth
The subject of the article is the information in II Cor 1,15-16, according to which Paul did not put into effect the visit to the Corinthians that he had foretold. In the contemporary biblical studies there are two fundamental opinions on the degree to which the visit was not executed: 1) the Apostle did not make the foretold visit at all; 2) he made only half of it, that is from Corinth he went to Macedonia, but he did not return to Corinth as he had announced earlier. A verification of the two opinions leads to the conclusion that the latter one meets with objections that raise serious doubst; the former one does not create such difficulties and seems more plausible.
The Biblical Annals; 2001, 48, 1; 133-143
Pojawia się w:
The Biblical Annals
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Przyczynek do dyskusji na temat powstania 1 Kor na wiosnę
Rakocy, Waldemar
Data publikacji:
Katolicki Uniwersytet Lubelski Jana Pawła II
Pierwszy List do Koryntian
czas powstania 1 Kor
chronologia Pawłowa
misja Pawła w Efezie
First Letter to Corinthians
the time of writing 1 Cor
St Paul’s chronology
St Paul’s mission to Ephesus
The contribution undertakes the problem of the season of the year, when St Paul wrote 1 Cor. Among the authors the opinion prevails that it was in the spring months. The author of the article first analyses the events that happened between 1 Cor and the probable leaving Ephesus by Paul (cf. 16, 8); then − how long they lasted: the sea voyage between Ephesus and Corinth that he had to go on a few times. This leads to the conclusion that the hypothesis of ’spring’ is possible only if the Apostle left Ephesus later than on the feast of Quinquagesima. Besides this the author of the article gives two reasons why 1 Cor must have been written in the autumn of the last but one calendar year of Paul’s stay in Ephesus. The first of them is based on an analysis of the course of collection for the poor in Jerusalem, whose beginning is shown in 1 Cor 16, 1-3. The second reason follows from an analysis of the Apostle’s plans in 16, 8-9, which text is an explanation why the stay in Ephesus was prolonged; under different circumstances he would leave the town sooner.
The Biblical Annals; 2002, 49, 1; 111-122
Pojawia się w:
The Biblical Annals
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Sługa słowa i chluba Koryntu. Analiza literacko-retoryczna argumentacji Pawła w 2 Kor 1–7
The Servant of the Word and Corinth’s Boast. The Literary-Rhetorical Analysis of Paul’s Argumentation in 2 Cor 1–7
Kowalski, Marcin
Data publikacji:
Katolicki Uniwersytet Lubelski Jana Pawła II
2 Kor 1–7
retoryka antyczna
dispositio retoryczna
model epistolarny
model recytatywny
argumentacja Pawła
2 Cor 1–7
ancient rhetoric
rhetorical dispositio
epistolary model
oral model
Paul’s argument
The purpose of the present article lies in finding an interpretative key for the plethora of topics exposed in 2 Cor 1–7. The author makes a review of the epistolary and oral elements present in the analyzed text, critically examines the proposals of the scholars spotting chiastic and concentric compositions in 2 Cor 1–7, and puts forward his own division of the discussed literary unit. The rhetorical dispostio model is chosen as the one which in the most adequate way describes the development of Paul’s thought in the analyzed section. In the last part of the article the author differentiates and describes the elements of the dispositio rhetorica in 2 Cor 1–7: thesis in 1,12-14; probatio in 1,15–6,10; exhortationes in 6,11–7,3, and peroratio in 7,4-16. In the first seven chapters of the 2 Corinthians Paul boasts in his apostolate, the authenticity of which is proved by selfless motivations, sufferings and Apostle’s striving for God’s glory. 2 Cor 1–7, by exposing the ethos of the Apostle, prepares his argument on the Jerusalem collection (2 Cor 8–9) and his final clash with opponents in 2 Cor 10–13.
The Biblical Annals; 2013, 3, 2; 309-338
Pojawia się w:
The Biblical Annals
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
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