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Działania Towarzystwa „Kropla Mleka” na rzecz opieki nad dzieckiem i matką w Łodzi w latach I wojny światowej
Activities of “Kropla Mleka” Society consisting in the provision of care for children and mothers in Łódź during the World War I
Sosnowska, Joanna
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet Łódzki. Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Łódzkiego
The “Kropla Mleka” [“Drop of Milk”] institution was established in May 1904 on the initiative of Łódź physicians, Stanisław Serkowski and Józef Maybaum (Marzyński), as a section of the Łódź Branch of the Warsaw Hygienic Association. In this form, the institution operated until 1917, when it became an independent entity called “Kropla Mleka” Society in Łódź. Its goal was to provide hygienic and medical care for babies and children from poor families of workers. The institution distributed cow milk, which was examined bacteriologically, pasteurized, and prepared in proportions suitable for children; however, most of all, physicians in “Kropla Mleka” encouraged mothers to breast-feed their babies. In each distribution centre, there was a clinic consultation centre where medical help was provided to ill children. “Kropla Mleka” in Łódź was the first and 56 Sprawozdanie „Kropli Mleka”… [za 1916], s. 8. 57 Już od 1919 r., w ramach działalności Polsko-Amerykańskiego Komitetu Pomocy Dzieciom, instruktorki Amerykańskiego Czerwonego Krzyża organizowały w Polsce Stacje Opieki nad Matką i Dzieckiem, nadając tym placówkom przede wszystkim charakter profilaktyczny. Więcej zob. M. Biegańska-Płonka, „Kropla Mleka” w Łodzi w latach 1918–1939 – osiągnięcia w profilaktyce dziecięcej – sukces, ale jaki? „Przegląd Pediatryczny” 2008, nr 4, s. 303; P. Zwoliński, Z historii działalności charytatywno-dobroczynnej w Łodzi w okresie międzywojennym, „Śląskie Studia Historyczno-Teologiczne” 2004, nr 1, s. 45. 82 Joanna Sosnowska the model organization of this type in the Polish territory. It was meant for the whole society and provided help to all children, regardless from their nationality, religion, social status, or economic status. The years of the World War I, though exceptionally difficult, were the beginning of the most interesting period in the activities of this society. The management board of the institution had to cope with many difficulties, the most important ones being provisioning issues. When analysing the activities of the “Kropla Mleka” Society in Łódź in 1914–1918, one may conclude that, despite complex political, social, and economic conditions, this organization not only continued its mission but it also improved it significantly. The number of milk distribution centres and consultation centres were increased from three up to six, the provision of hygienic care for babies was systematized, older children were included in the activities of the Society by being provided hot meals, and the Society began to provide care for mothers by subsidizing dinners for them. The status of the organization was also regulated; it became a separate, private, and independent entity. Great dedication was shown by physicians-community workers (of various religions) and priests as well as others who joined the activities for the improvement of health and living conditions of children and their mothers.
Studia z Historii Społeczno-Gospodarczej XIX i XX Wieku; 2013, 11; 67-82
Pojawia się w:
Studia z Historii Społeczno-Gospodarczej XIX i XX Wieku
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Towarzystwo Opieki nad Dziećmi „Gniazdo Łódzkie” w latach I wojny światowej
„Gniazdo Łódzkie” Childcare Society [Towarzystwo Opieki nad Dziećmi „Gniazdo Łódzkie”] during the World War I
Sosnowska, Joanna
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet Łódzki. Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Łódzkiego
„Gniazdo Łódzkie” Childcare Society had its genesis in 1907. Its origins are related to the charity campaign for children of workers from Łódź factories in connection with the revolution of 1905–1907. Members of the Childcare Society in Warsaw [Towarzystwo Opieki nad Dziećmi w Warszawie] became interested with the fate of orphans and half-orphans. During a meeting with Łódź aid providers (mainly physicians and clergymen) in February 1907 in Łódź, it was decided that a cooperation would be started and that the Łódź division of the Childcare Society would be opened with the name of „Gniazdo Łódzkie”. The first orphanage for children „with no home or care” was opened by the Society in July 1907 at Milscha 16 (at present, Kopernika street), in a leased tenement house. Over 30 children lived there; after a year, these numbers have increased up to 50. In 1914–1918, the number of residents was about 100. The Society took care of orphaned, homeless, and begging children (aged 4–10); with time, it also provided care to children of ill, crippled, or mentally disabled parents. Just before the outbreak of the World War I, the residents of „Gniazdo Łódzkie” Childcare Society moved to their own home build in Kały near Łódź, where an orphanage and a school were organized. The children lived in that new house for a few months only; in November 1914, the house was completely destroyed as a result of military action around Łódź. Then, residents of „Gniazdo Łódzkie” were moved to Łódź; they lived in „Dom Ludowy” of Christian Workers’ Association [Stowarzyszenie Robotników Chrześcijańskich] at Przejazd 34 (at present, Tuwima street). They ate in cheap soup kitchens. The Society tried to provide children from „Gniazdo Łódzkie” with optimum living conditions, also in the areas of care, education, health, and hygiene, during the war as well. Due to economic and organizational reasons, that was not an easy task. Among members of the Society, there were people who continued to provide care to orphans and homeless children even during the difficult years of German occupation.
Studia z Historii Społeczno-Gospodarczej XIX i XX Wieku; 2014, 13
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Studia z Historii Społeczno-Gospodarczej XIX i XX Wieku
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Głodne dzieci w Polsce, red. Cz. Kępski, Wydawnictwo KUL, Lublin 2011, ss. 499
Sosnowska, Joanna
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet Łódzki. Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Łódzkiego
Studia z Historii Społeczno-Gospodarczej XIX i XX Wieku; 2013, 12
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Studia z Historii Społeczno-Gospodarczej XIX i XX Wieku
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Komitet Obywatelski Niesienia Pomocy Biednym w Łodzi – organizacja, struktura, zadania w początkowym okresie I wojny światowej (1914–1915)
Komitet Obywatelski Niesienia Pomocy Biednym (Citizens’ Committee for Providing Aid to the Poor) in Lodz – organization, structure, and tasks at the initial period of the World War I (1914–1915)
Sosnowska, Joanna
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet Łódzki. Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Łódzkiego
Komitet Obywatelski Niesienia Pomocy Biednym w Łodzi
komisje obywatelskie
I wojna światowa
dostarczanie żywności ubogim
okręgi pomocowe
opieka społeczna
Komitet Obywatelski Niesienia Pomocy Biednym in Lodz
citizens’ committees
the World War I
providing food to the poor
aid districts
social care
In the initial period of the World War I, there were two committees in Lodz with the status of social aid institutions: Główny Komitet Obywatelski miasta Łodzi – GKO (Main Citizens’ Committee of the City of Lodz) and Komitet Obywatelski Niesienia Pomocy Biednym – KONPB (Citizens’ Committee for Providing Aid to the Poor). Both of those organizations were formed virtually at the same time, i.e. on the first days of August 1914, and their activities complemented each other. The first of them took over the function of the city government with a number of competences in administration after Władysław Pieńkowski had left the city; the other one focused its efforts on typical social care for residents, who had suddenly found themselves in a situation of hazard to their safety, life, and health, at the risk of losing the source of income. The main goal of KONPB in the initial phase of the war was to provide material aid to the poorest residents of Lodz; the most important form of support used by the greatest number of people was provision of food. It was used by people of all religions and nationalities. They included, most of all, factory workers with families, people who lost their source of income, families of enlisted reservists, immigrants, homeless people, and those using services of many Lodz philanthropic and social organizations and institutions. This work presents several aspects of KONPB activities, such as the origins, structure, tasks, and financial resources as well as the cooperation and communication with GKO. Lodz citizens’ committees were liquidated by German occupation authorities on 30 June 1915, after almost a year of operations.
W początkowym okresie pierwszej wojny światowej istniały w Łodzi dwa komitety o statusie instytucji pomocy społecznej: Główny Komitet Obywatelski miasta Łodzi (GKO) i Komitet Obywatelski Niesienia Pomocy Biednego (KONPB). Obie te organizacje powstały praktycznie w tym samym czasie, tj. w pierwszych dniach sierpnia 1914 r., a ich działania wzajemnie się uzupełniały. Pierwszy z nich przejął funkcję miejskiego rządu z szeregiem kompetencji w administracji po opuszczeniu miasta przez prezydenta Władysława Pieńkowskiego; drugi skupił się na typowej opiece społecznej dla mieszkańców, którzy nagle znaleźli się w sytuacji zagrożenia dla ich bezpieczeństwa, życia i zdrowia, ryzykując utratę źródła dochodu. Głównym celem KONPB w początkowej fazie wojny było zapewnienie pomocy materialnej najbiedniejszym mieszkańcom Łodzi; najważniejszą formą wsparcia stosowaną przez największą liczbę osób było dostarczanie żywności. Korzystali z tego ludzie wszystkich religii i narodowości. Wśród nich byli przede wszystkim robotnicy fabryczni z rodzinami, ludzie, którzy stracili źródło dochodu, rodziny rezerwistów, imigrantów, bezdomnych i tych korzystających z usług wielu łódzkich organizacji filantropijnych i społecznych. W artykule przedstawiono kilka aspektów działań KONPB, takich jak geneza KONPB, struktura, zadania i zaplecze finansowe, a także współpracę i komunikację z GKO. Łódzkie komitety obywatelskie zostały zlikwidowane przez niemieckie władze okupacyjne 30 czerwca 1915 r., po prawie roku działalności.
Studia z Historii Społeczno-Gospodarczej XIX i XX Wieku; 2018, 20; 68-88
Pojawia się w:
Studia z Historii Społeczno-Gospodarczej XIX i XX Wieku
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Działalność duszpasterska i społeczna pastora Rudolfa Gustawa Gundlacha (1850–1922). Przyczynek do historii dobroczynności w Łodzi
Pastoral and social activities of the Reverend Rudolf Gustaw Gundlach (1850–1922). A contribution to the history of charity in Łódź
Sosnowska, Joanna
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet Łódzki. Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Łódzkiego
Rudolf Gustaw Gundlach was born on June 21, 1850 in Paproć Duża near Łomża, located then in the Augustów Governorate. He was raised in an evangelical family which cultivated Protestant ethical traditions. Having left a German secondary school in Warsaw in 1870, he started studying in the Faculty of Theology of the University of Dorpat. On April 18, 1875, he was appointed as an Evangelical clergyman and started working in the Holy Trinity Lutheral Church in Warsaw. Other centres of his pastoral work included parishes in Kamień near Chełm (1876–1889), Wiskitki near Żyrardów (1889–1898), and Łódź (1898–1922). Taking the function of the parish priest in the Holy Trinity Lutheral Church in Łódź in Nowy Rynek (Plac Wolności now), the Reverend R. Gundlach conducted energetic social activities apart from his everyday responsibilities related to pastoral work. He strived to help the poor and the needing, regardless from their religion and nationality. It is worth mentioning that, at the turn of the 19th and 20th centuries, Łódź was a multinational city, with population diversified in terms of religion and culture. The community at risk of poverty and no social care included the working class families. For 13 years, since 1907, the Reverend R. Gundlach was the chairman of the philantropic organisation called Łódzkie Chrześcijańskie Towarzystwo Dobroczynności [Łódź Christian Charity Society], which conducted its activities in Łódź in 1885–1940. Together with members and activists of the Society, R. Gundlach organised 17 philantropic institutions for adults and children, including hospitals, clinics, orphanages, schools, tea houses, job centres, old people’s homes, and night shelters. The Reverend Rudolf Gundlach cooperated permanently with the monthly titled “Zwiastun Ewangeliczny”, where he published his works on religious and social issues. He died in Łódź on October 11, 1922.
Studia z Historii Społeczno-Gospodarczej XIX i XX Wieku; 2012, 10; 87-103
Pojawia się w:
Studia z Historii Społeczno-Gospodarczej XIX i XX Wieku
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
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