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Rola proporcjonalności w procesie orzekania kary pieniężnej wobec podmiotów zbiorowych
The role of proportionality in process of judging for collective entities
Habrat, Dorota
Data publikacji:
Łódzkie Towarzystwo Naukowe
Prawo karne
Regulacje prawne
Criminal Law
Legal regulations
Setting the role of proportionality for punishing process of collective entities according to the acts prohibited under punishment act is major issue because of assignment of the type of liability and consequently legal guarantees. In principal, the article is attempt to answer for question how the legislature has met the requirements of the proportionality principle in relation to the process of punishment judging for collective entity. In the article, concepts of proportionality in terms of administrative and criminal law, the basis and main assumptions of proportionality rule and its reference to punishment a theory are presented. In the area of fine jurisdiction, limitations in the use of proportionality principle for collective entities taking account criminal justice are presented. Conclusions about the proportionality principle in fine judgment for collective entity referred to the Constitutional Court’s judgment of 3 November 2004, with the part of act where is the conflict between the judgment of fines with the Constitution. Due to the fact, that the substantive approach to the proportionality principle in criminal law is related to the adequacy of the penalty to the degree of guilt issues of collective ability to assign guilt were discussed in the article.
Studia Prawno-Ekonomiczne; 2012, LXXXVI (86); 49-66
Pojawia się w:
Studia Prawno-Ekonomiczne
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Rozszerzająca interpretacja zasady Impossibilium nulla obligatio est (D. 50,17,185) a dogmatyczna niespójność koncepcji odpowiedzialności odszkodowawczej z § 311a (2) BGB
The extending interpretation of the rule Impossibilium nulla obligation est (D. 50,17,185) and the luck of doctrinal consistency in the concept of damage liability from § 311a (2) BGB
Skrzywanek-Jaworska, Dagmara
Data publikacji:
Łódzkie Towarzystwo Naukowe
Prawo zobowiązań
Regulacje prawne
Prawo cywilne
Obligation law
Legal regulations
Civil law
This article is directly connected with the issues presented in the article “The historical background for the legal expression of the rule Impossibilium nulla obligatio est (D. 50,17,185) in the German Civil Code”. The mentioned article criticizes, from historical point of view, the enlargement of the application of the Celsus’s rule to the cases of initial subjective and subsequent – both objective and subjective, impossibility of performance. The following article shows some of doctrinal consequences of such an enlargement interpretation. One of them concerns the § 311a (2) BGB, which contains the separate liability regime for the initial impediments of performance. This paragraph entitles the creditor to claim damages in lieu of performance, unless the debtor did know of the impediment when the contract was concluded, and was not responsible for not having known about it. The debtor held liable for the positive interest. This regulations is firstly presented in relation to its doctrinal inconsistency. Afterwards, it is presented in relation to the proposition of the analogy application of § 122 BGB when the debtor is not responsible for not knowing about the impediment, to make him liable at least for the negative interest. Finally this regulation was evaluated in relation to the demand of staying in the line with the Principles of European Contract Law and the UNIDROIT-Principles.
Studia Prawno-Ekonomiczne; 2012, LXXXVI (86); 125-156
Pojawia się w:
Studia Prawno-Ekonomiczne
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Historyczne tło ustawowego sformułowania zasady Impossibilium nulla obligatio est (D. 50,17,185) w niemieckim kodeksie cywilnym
The historical background for the legal expression of the rule Impossibilium nulla obligatio est (D. 50,17,185) in the German civil code
Skrzywanek-Jaworska, Dagmara
Data publikacji:
Łódzkie Towarzystwo Naukowe
Prawo zobowiązań
Regulacje prawne
Prawo cywilne
Obligation law
Legal regulations
Civil law
Studia Prawno-Ekonomiczne; 2012, LXXXVI (86); 93-123
Pojawia się w:
Studia Prawno-Ekonomiczne
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
O własności budynków i urządzeń wzniesionych na użytkowanym wieczyście gruncie
About the ownership of buildings and objects erected on the property in perpetual usufruct
Wojewoda, Michał
Data publikacji:
Łódzkie Towarzystwo Naukowe
Użytkowanie wieczyste
Prawo cywilne
Regulacje prawne
Long-term lease
Civil law
Legal regulations
The focus of the article is on the interpretation of art. 235 §1 of the Polish Civil Code, which concerns buildings and other objects erected on the property in perpetual usufruct. According to the abovementioned provision of the Civil Code, such buildings and objects constitute real property separate from the ownership of the plot of land on which they are erected. It is the holder of the right of perpetual usufruct who is also the owner of the constructions present on the property. The regulation in question is an exception to the superficies solo cedit principle. However, the civil law doctrine and the case law is not uniform as far as the scope of the above exception is concerned. Some authors put great emphasis on the phrase to be found in art. 235 §1 CC according to which the perpetual usufruct holder gets the ownership only of these buildings and objects that are erected by him. In case of constructions erected by other persons (e.g. leasees), they would only constitute an element of the land and would be covered by the same ownership title. The author of the article takes an opposite view. In his opinion the literal meaning of art. 235 §1 CC is not decisive and all constructions erected on the property should be treated equally, whoever raised them. This view has been recently supported by the Polish Supreme Court in its judgment of November 25, 2011. All activities upon the property are undertaken on the account of the perpetual usufruct holder who remains liable against the owner of the land but who also gets the ownership of all new buildings and other objects that are firmly fixed to the ground. The author argues that only this interpretation allows to avoid unnecessary complications concerning the mutual relations between the owner of the land, the perpetual usufruct holder and the person who raised a building or another object. Additionally, it is demonstrated that the proposed understanding of art. 235 §1 CC greatly helps in applying the tax law rules with regard to identifying a person obliged to pay the real property tax concerning objects erected on the land.
Studia Prawno-Ekonomiczne; 2012, LXXXVI (86); 173-203
Pojawia się w:
Studia Prawno-Ekonomiczne
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Instytucja interpretacji prawa podatkowego w ujęciu art. 14a i 14b Ordynacji podatkowej – aspekt teoretycznoprawny (artykuł dyskusyjny)
The institution of Tax law interpretation contained in Art. 14a and 14b Polish Tax Ordinance Act – the theoretical-legal aspect (disputable article)
Bekrycht, Tomasz
Brolik, Jacek
Data publikacji:
Łódzkie Towarzystwo Naukowe
Ordynacja podatkowa
Teoria prawa
Prawo podatkowe
Regulacje prawne
The Tax Code
Law theory
Tax regulations
Legal regulations
The article contains a detailed analysis of general and individual interpretations of tax law both in terms of particular articles` content and in a philosophical and sociological perspective. It`s a new, critical look at legal norms of interpretation applied by Minister of Finance and contained in Art. 14a and 14b Polish tax law. The authors believe that the present discussion is novel due to its non-positive perspective. The authors explicitly claim that only a close cooperation between legislative, executive and judiciary can secure democratic standards in the law for i.e. both reliability and predictability of law application.
Studia Prawno-Ekonomiczne; 2012, LXXXV (85); 11-33
Pojawia się w:
Studia Prawno-Ekonomiczne
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Uchwały Rady Polityki pieniężnej jako akty prawa wewnętrznego – problematyka ich klasyfikacji
Monetary Policy Council’s resolutions as the acts of domestic law – issues with the classification
Lefik, Maria
Data publikacji:
Łódzkie Towarzystwo Naukowe
Prawo bankowe
Regulacje prawne
Polityka pieniężna NBP
Polityka pieniężna
Banking law
Legal regulations
NBP monetary policy
Monetary policy
The article presents a detailed classification of Monetary Policy Council resolutions as acts of internal law. In the study the attention is focused on monetary policy which is specified by RPP regulation in the form of annual monetary guidelines and complementary acts of the appropriate Council. The RPP Acts of Will were broadened with reflections of political nature of the resolution as a law act as well as the analysis of the relation that occurs between the Council resolution and the Budget formed by the Council of Ministers. The correlation between the two subjects in the economic policy of the country, with the respect for their complete autonomy, is the sign of public finance safety and of the inflationary target realization on the assumed level.
Studia Prawno-Ekonomiczne; 2012, LXXXV (85); 141-165
Pojawia się w:
Studia Prawno-Ekonomiczne
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Rola rachunkowości regulacyjnej w procesie wyceny usług powszechnych w Europie
The role of regulatory accounting in pricing of universal services in Europe
Raulinajtys-Grzybek, Monika
Data publikacji:
Łódzkie Towarzystwo Naukowe
Wycena w rachunkowości
Regulacje prawne
Koszty usług
Valuation in accounting
Legal regulations
Cost of services
The article attempts to identify the role of regulatory accounting in the formulation of prices of universal services. Universal service has been defined in the study as a specific sort of public service which cannot be provided effectively on the free market and which at the same time should be available in a coherent, continuous and non-discriminatory way to all citizens. The provision of universal services is subject to regulation by public authorities. One of the regulated areas is the method of price-setting. The analysis of the legal acts regulating regulatory accounting for universal services, as well as good practices used by providers it can be concluded that prices should be formed on the basis of cost information generated by the provider in a specific accounting system subject to regulations. This system is called regulatory accounting. The author defined two general rules on how to build the regulatory accounting system, and specifically the costing system, to make it useful for pricing of universal services. These include: the principle of causality and the principle of economic efficiency.
Studia Prawno-Ekonomiczne; 2012, LXXXVI (86); 253-273
Pojawia się w:
Studia Prawno-Ekonomiczne
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Governance w prywatnych funduszach emerytalnych
Private pension funds governance
Samborski, Adam
Data publikacji:
Łódzkie Towarzystwo Naukowe
Fundusze emerytalne
Regulacje prawne
Ład korporacyjny
Zarządzanie publiczne
Emerytury dodatkowe
Pension funds
Legal regulations
Corporate governance
Public governance
Supplementary pensions
Lately there has been an increase in input of new forms of governance in problem resolution in countries and corporations. Despite the wide debate on retirement, not much time has been dedicated to the discussion on the characteristics and benefits of the governance system for future retirees. Up to now, the meaning of governance is important in the matter of investment. There is no holistic approach in the retirement funds. The problem of open funds operating in Poland today are connected with the contractual character, open formula and types of pension plans on offer such as defined benefits plans. The main sources of conflict we can find in areas such as relations between funds members and governing bodies, payment amounts collected by societies and returns on investment. The article proposes a solution having in mind the limitation of sources of conflict.
Studia Prawno-Ekonomiczne; 2012, LXXXVI (86); 275-291
Pojawia się w:
Studia Prawno-Ekonomiczne
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Rola programów rolnośrodowiskowych w ochronie obszarów cennych pod względem przyrodniczym
The role of agri-environmental programmes in the protection of high nature value areas
Król, Monika
Data publikacji:
Łódzkie Towarzystwo Naukowe
Ochrona fauny
Ochrona flory
Ochrona środowiska
Gospodarka rolna
Regulacje prawne
Obszary wiejskie
Protection of flora
Environmental protection
Agriculture economy
Legal regulations
Rural areas
The aim of this article is to present the role of agri-environmental programmes in protection of the environmentally valuable areas which are not protected by Nature Protection Act. Agrienvironmental programmes are a compulsory element of Rural Development Programs and payments can be designed to fit management requirements of most habitat species. They can have a triple role: a) protecting of biodiversity in rural areas – ecological role, b) supporting the farmer’s income and thereby the viability and chances of survival of the farming unit, although within the limits of cost incurred and income foregone – economical role, c) promoting sensitive management of biodiversity – educational role. In the EU several member states have designed agri-environmental programmes targeted at specific habitats and species of High Natural Values farmlands (HNV) since the 2004–2006 programmes. In Poland, establishing an appropriate system of national indicator, identification of high natural values farming and forestry as well as the establishing of a legal framework, organizational and financial instruments are still in infancy. Therefore, the procedural measures must be taken in this regards as soon as possible. This allows to fully support HNV areas by agri-environmentclimate programmes in the new period of CAP 2014–2020.
Studia Prawno-Ekonomiczne; 2012, LXXXVI (86); 67-91
Pojawia się w:
Studia Prawno-Ekonomiczne
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Konsekwencje pracowniczej niezdolności do pracy z powodu choroby w świetle przepisów ustawodawstwa norweskiego
The consequences of the emploee’s incapacity for work due to illness in the light of the Norwegian statutory regulations
Damhaug, Justyna
Wrocławska, Tatiana
Data publikacji:
Łódzkie Towarzystwo Naukowe
Ochrona pracownika
Prawa pracownika
Zabezpieczenie społeczne
Regulacje prawne
Niezdolność do pracy
Worker protection
Employee rights Social security system
Legal regulations
Incapacity for work
In Norwegian legal system the model of employees security is typical and occurs on two levels. Accordingly to first, it’s provides the special employment protection, in the meantime the second guarantees the right to remuneration for illness period, as well as to benefit from the social security. The mentioned matters are governed by the following: the Act on Labour Law of 17 June 2005 and the Act on Benefits of Social Security of 28 February 1997. Both of them are analyzed by Authors. Act on Labour Law regulates the scope of the employment protection and conditions that allows the termination of the employment contract, while the Law on Benefits, provides the social security provisions, specifying the mode and the rules for the granting remuneration/allowances, periods of their payment and the workers entitled. An analysis of the provisions of Norwegian statutory regulations (taking into account the protection of employment contract during the illness) shows the restrictive solutions in this field. However, the employment protection against dismissals during the period of 12 months of illness, is not rigid, whereas the termination during the period of incapacity for work is permitted with applying the general conditions of the termination of employment contract. The special attention must be given to the institution of egenmelding, which must be understood as the specific employee’s entitlement for justified absence at work (due to illness) based on the principle of loyalty of the both parts of employment relationship.
Studia Prawno-Ekonomiczne; 2012, LXXXV (85); 35-62
Pojawia się w:
Studia Prawno-Ekonomiczne
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
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