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Migracje poakcesyjne Polaków do republiki Irlandii
Post-Accession Migration of Poles to the Republic of Ireland
Szast, Mateusz
Data publikacji:
Katolicki Uniwersytet Lubelski Jana Pawła II. Towarzystwo Naukowe KUL
migracje poakcesyjne
migracje do Irlandii
Polacy w Irlandii
post-accession migration
migration to Ireland
Poles in Ireland
Irlandia będąca krajem położonym w obrębie Wysp Brytyjskich, podobnie jak Wielka Brytania (wcześniej Anglia) na przestrzeni wieków nie cieszyła się zainteresowaniem emigrantów z Polski. Wynikało to z odrębności religijnych oraz znacznych odległości. Pierwsze większe grupy Polaków pojawiają się na wyspach w XIX wieku po przegranych powstaniach narodowych. Po II wojnie światowej w Anglii, Walii i Szkocji Polacy znaleźli drugą ojczyznę, gdzie zorganizowano wówczas Polski Rząd na Uchodźstwie oraz duszpasterstwo polskie i emigracyjne końca XIX wieku w Polskiej Misji Katolickiej. Po wojnie Polacy rzadko wyjeżdżali w poszukiwaniu pracy i osadnictwa na Zieloną Wyspę. Po otwarciu rynku pracy dla obywateli nowych państw Unii Europejskiej w 2004 roku Irlandia przyjęła największą liczbę pracowników krajów UE-8. Artykuł przedstawia charakterystykę kształtowania populacji Polaków w tym kraju na przestrzeni ostatniej dekady. Według danych pochodzących ze spisów powszechnych oraz badań naukowych w Irlandii przebywa obecnie około 120 tysięcy obywateli polskich.
Ireland, a country located within the British Isles, same as Great Britain (formerly England) has not appreciated the interest of immigrants from Poland for centuries. It resulted due to religious differences and significant distances. The first large groups of Poles appeared on the islands in the 19th century after losing the national uprisings. Following the World War II in England, Wales and Scotland, the Poles created a second homeland where the Polish Government was established in Exile together with the Polish ministry and emigration of the late 19th century in the Polish Catholic Mission. At the end of World War II, the Poles seldom left for a job search and settlement on the Green Island. Following the opening of the labor market to the citizens of the new EU Member States in 2004, Ireland has adopted the largest quantity of workers EU-8. This article presents the characteristics of shaping the population of Poles in aforementioned country over the last decade. According to census and research data, Ireland currently has around 120.000 Polish citizens.
Studia Polonijne; 2017, 38; 97-113
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Studia Polonijne
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Teologia społeczna ruchu migracyjnego. Próba zarysu
The Social Theology of Migration Movements. Assay of Appreciation
Woźnicki, Andrzej
Data publikacji:
Katolicki Uniwersytet Lubelski Jana Pawła II. Towarzystwo Naukowe KUL
The phenomenon of migration belongs to. principal problems of the contemporary international life. To its importance testifies the fact that only in the 1946— 1954 years in migration was involve about 8 millions persons. The migration movement grows steadily and is followed by many social problems, both within the local and migration populations. In such a situation the Church must take an appropriate stand towards it and — depending on actual exigencies — elaborate the adequate methods of action in this domain. To some extent this need is met by the decisions of the Apostolic See: the Apostolic Constitution „Exsul familia” (1952) the instruction „De pastoralis migratorum cura” (1969), and by decisions of Vatican' Council II. The fact of differentiating populations by migration makes it susceptible to studies from different points of view and in the light of varoius sciences. This work in an attempt to a migration movement description basing on the Catholic social theology principles, elaborated by Vatican Council II: and applied in the .Apostolic See’s instruction ,,De pastoralis migratorum cura”. The theological basis for reflections on religious importance of the migration movement constitutes the Council Fathers teaching On the pilgriming Church, on collegial Church administration ecumenism and religious tolerance. According to the doctrine all Christians are pilgriming to the heavenly Father and on the Earth they are only guests. The ’biblical picture of the earthly pilgrimage is realized in the Christ’s Church, i.e. pilgriming Church. Thus, to be an immigrant is one form of human pilgriming to the heavenly homeland. Such an understanding of Christian life gives to every immigrant’s life a symbol of the Christ wandering about the Earth. In effect the migration assumes an eschatological character. As the whole Church is pilgriming, it is why she from her very beginnings especially cared for the migrants; the migratory movement helped the Church to grow. The migration issue is influenced by the collegial-Church-government principle. The universalistic understanding of Church government collegiality gives a sense of responsibility to all God’s people for the fate of the brothers living in the migration situation. Therefore the apostolic activity among emigrants should belong not only to compencies of local ordinaries or episcopal conferences of migrants’ dwelling countries, because the local authorities often dispel a lack of understanding of national-religious needs of the religious-ethnic minorities. From it results a necessity of collaboration between the hierarchy of the origin-place and the hierarchy of the present migrants’ .abode. The postulate is important although difficult to realize. The third basis of theological reflection on the migratory movements is a new understanding of ecumenism within the Church. It must be inspired by a atmosphere of religious tolerance. The properly conceived ecumenism and tolerance demand the respecting of distinctness of particular population groups; it is then an •organic unity within multiplicity can be created. Populational migrations in a great measure contribute to overcoming the difficulties in our world and thereby bring closer all the nations. The migration movement is one principal factor of mutual understanding within a society. An appropriate planning of the movements can allow to relieve the tension between nations and will much contribute to maintaining world peace. The migratory movement permits to solve several moral and religious problems and can create occasions the new culture-creating values to originate; it is of significant importance also for the missionary work of the Church. The alignment to a nationality must be determined by personal choice and decision of each migrant individual. Cultivation of a national-ethnic distinctness is today possible only with a conscious cooperation of both sides. This demands of mutual knowledge and understanding. Only in a full confidence and mutual friendliness atmosphere the exchange of values is possible. The Christian, living in the migrant situation, being a sing and symbol of Christ- Pilgrim on the Earth becomes a living witness of the Christ’s truth. In various ways the migrant-Christian can give witness to this truth: 1. by apostolate of abiding in unbelieving environment, 2. by apostolate of pronouncing the God’s word, 3. by the apostolate of one’s own deeds, in a word, by living with faith. In the migration situation the faith inherited is generally lost, and demand is of a faith personally experienced and deepened. It is a faith from one’s own choice. In propagating of one’s own group culture one should add to its attractiveness by shoving the culture in connections with all-human culture. Such an approach to cultural life of one’s own ethnic group will simultaneously allow to bring nearer the migrant and host-country populations and will permit the migrants to became full citizens of the new homeland. Thus the Christian migrant will be a catalyzer precipitating the process of unifying the whole mankind in a one Human Family. This work is supplemented by an annex containing considerations about a necessity of conducting the sociological investigations within migratory population, basing on example of the Polonia community in the United States.
Studia Polonijne; 1977, 2; 5-81
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Studia Polonijne
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Migracja jako czynnik jedności Europy
Migration - a Factor of European Unity
Bakalarz, Józef
Data publikacji:
Katolicki Uniwersytet Lubelski Jana Pawła II. Towarzystwo Naukowe KUL
Migration is an important element of international life and as such has some significance for the process of Europe’s unification. In the past, migration contributed particularly to the cultural exchange between the East and the West. At present, there are around 15 million migrants on the European Continent. Due to various social mechanisms, migrants fringe upon various communities and cultures and thus become „intermediary groups” between various nations. In this way, they contribute to spiritual unification of the European nations and the nations of other continents alike.
Studia Polonijne; 1984, 8; 227-238
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Studia Polonijne
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Kulturowe implikacje współczesnych migracji międzynarodowych. Zarys problematyki na przykładzie Polski
Cultural implications of international migration flows: the case of Poland
Romaniszyn, Krystyna
Data publikacji:
Katolicki Uniwersytet Lubelski Jana Pawła II. Towarzystwo Naukowe KUL
This article addresses the general problem of cultural change as a result of contemporary international migrations, and focuses on the Polish case. It examines the formative influence of current migration flows on the culture of the receiving country as well as the sending one. The article begins with a brief presentation of the structure of migration flows experienced by Poland, followed by the discussion of their impact on the sphere of culture. This discussion is organised according to the adopted basic theoretical categories, namely: "material culture", "social culture", and "symbolic culture". Special attention has been paid to the following problems: migration as a specific mode of entrepreneurship; patterns of behaviour in the migrant communities; new consumption models in the sending country; and change of the social values as a result of migration. The article utilises the relevant sociological and demographic studies on migration into and from Poland.
Studia Polonijne; 1999, 20; 85-110
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Studia Polonijne
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Współczesne oblicza feminizacji migracji i jej skutki
Present Faces of Migration Feminization and Its Effects
Zbyrad, Teresa
Data publikacji:
Katolicki Uniwersytet Lubelski Jana Pawła II. Towarzystwo Naukowe KUL
feminizacja migracji
feminisation of migration
abandoned children
Polacy należą do narodów bardzo mocno osadzonych w procesach migracyjnych. Migracje z ziem polskich znane były od dawna. Jednak istnieje pewna różnica pomiędzy migracjami w przeszłości a obecnymi. Tym, co je najbardziej różnicuje, to kategorie ludzi migrujących ze względu na płeć. Niegdyś migrowali wyłącznie mężczyźni, zaś współcześnie dominującą grupę stanowią kobiety. Z uwagi na ich niespotykaną dotąd liczbę wprowadzono termin „feminizacja migracji”. To ona symbolizuje migracje końca XX i początku XXI wieku. Migracja kobiet odciska swoje piętno na rodzinie i społeczeństwie. Jednym z najbardziej dotkliwych skutków jest deficyt usług opiekuńczych w kraju migrujących kobiet. Deficyt obejmuje zarówno dzieci, jak i starszych członków rodziny, zwłaszcza rodziców. Artykuł zwraca uwagę na zjawisko feminizacji migracji, przemiany na przestrzeni lat i skutki.
People from Polish belong to nations very strongly embedded in migration processes. Migrations from Polish lands have been known for a long time. However, there is a difference between past and present migrations. What makes them the most different is the categories of people who migrate because of their gender. Once only men were migrating, while the dominant group is women. Due to their unprecedented number, the term “feminisation of migration” has been introduced. It symbolizes the migration of the late twentieth and early twenty-first century. Migration of women impresses its mark on the family and society. One of the most severe effects is the deficit of care services in the country of migrant women. The deficit covers both children and older family members, especially parents. The article draws attention to the phenomenon of feminization of migration, changes over the years and effects.
Studia Polonijne; 2018, 39; 299-323
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Studia Polonijne
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Kościół wobec migracji jako jednego ze „znaków czasu”
The Church Towards Migration as One of the “Signs of Time”
Korzeniowski, Ireneusz
Data publikacji:
Katolicki Uniwersytet Lubelski Jana Pawła II. Towarzystwo Naukowe KUL
The "signs of time” is a phenomenon which due to its propagation and frequency, characterize a given epoch. By means of the signs, contemporary people express their needs and aspirations. The phenomenon of worldwide migrations at the turn of the twentieth and twentyfirst centuries on the international scale reached a universal character. International migrations point to often painful needs of mankind, who apart from great achievements, especially technical, were plagued with wars, conflicts, ethnic or religious persecutions. Eventually, there were ever increasing disproportions between the pace of development as regards political freedom o f the individual and the pace of abolishing inequalities in the civilizational development o f particular countries. This situation places migrations in the rank of the “signs of time”, towards which, among other things, the Catholic Church was called to take a stand. Vatican Council II and the teaching of successive popes clearly point out that people were well aware of this problem and took concrete measures, e.g. establishment of the Papal Commission for the Pastoral Care of Migrants and Tourists, or the establishment of the Day of Migrant. The Church strongly reacts to the phenomenon of migration, showing her care about proper pastoral care for migrants in ethnic personal parishes, pastoral missions (Missio cum cura animarum), or the establishment of the Day of Migrant.
Studia Polonijne; 2001, 22; 255-270
Pojawia się w:
Studia Polonijne
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Migracje międzynarodowe jako zapoznany aspekt procesu globalizacji
International Migration as Unrecognized Aspect of Globalization
Romaniszyn, Krystyna
Data publikacji:
Katolicki Uniwersytet Lubelski Jana Pawła II. Towarzystwo Naukowe KUL
Presented article examines the problem of interrelationship between modem international migrations and globalization. It puts forward and defends a thesis holding that current migratory inflows constitute a vital, however still unrecognized, aspect of economic globalization. In particular the article analysis the essence of globalization process and the structure of contemporary world system, followed by the discussion on the relation between the two processes: international migrations and globalization. It discovers and justifies a feedback-like relationship between the two phenomena. The article utilizes resent publication on globalization as well as statistics on the volume of international inflows.
Studia Polonijne; 2001, 22; 9-29
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Studia Polonijne
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Migracje międzynarodowe jako zapoznany aspekt procesu globalizacji
International Migration as Unrecognized Aspect of Globalization
Romaniszyn, Krystyna
Data publikacji:
Katolicki Uniwersytet Lubelski Jana Pawła II. Towarzystwo Naukowe KUL
Presented article examines the problem of interrelationship between modem international migrations and globalization. It puts forward and defends a thesis holding that current migratory inflows constitute a vital, however still unrecognized, aspect of economic globalization. In particular the article analysis the essence of globalization process and the structure of contemporary world system, followed by the discussion on the relation between the two processes: international migrations and globalization. It discovers and justifies a feedback-like relationship between the two phenomena. The article utilizes resent publication on globalization as well as statistics on the volume of international inflows.
Studia Polonijne; 2001, 22; 9-29
Pojawia się w:
Studia Polonijne
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Wpływ migracji zagranicznych na formę organizacji rodziny
The impact of international migration on family models
Romaniszyn, Krystyna
Data publikacji:
Katolicki Uniwersytet Lubelski Jana Pawła II. Towarzystwo Naukowe KUL
This article addresses the problem of the impact of international migration on the evolution of family models. In particular it examines the formative influence of women’s migration on the evolution of family organization and sexual mores. It utilizes the relevant concepts pf „folways” and „sex mores” coined by William G. Sumner, as well as William Thomas and Florian Znaniecki's theory on disorganization in immigrant families. The findings of the three-month fieldwork carried out by the author in Vienna among Polish immigrants provides the empirical background of the article. The discussion of the fieldwork findings focuses on the variety of the family models developed by Poles in Vienna, and on their responses to the existential situation of being between „two worlds”.
Studia Polonijne; 2000, 21; 7-40
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Studia Polonijne
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Kościół katolicki w Stanach Zjednoczonych wobec spraw duszpasterstwa migracyjnego
The attitude of the Catholic Church in the United States towards the problems of migration ministry
Woźnicki, Andrzej
Data publikacji:
Katolicki Uniwersytet Lubelski Jana Pawła II. Towarzystwo Naukowe KUL
The Church has always been intensely interested — and especially recently — in migrants, and it has established various protection institutions with international, national and diocesan reach. In the United States the basic unit of the migration ministry organization is the personal parish, called national parish. Since the end of 19th century antagonistic attitudes have clashed over these parishes. Some of them stressed the necessity to emphasize their narrowly religious and ecclesiastical character, and others pointed to the need to take into consideration and stress the ethnic and national elements. In the American episcopate the tendency to unify the Church life and to assimilate the migrants prevailed, which practically was equal to a discrimination of non-anglosaxon ethnic groups. The theory of assimilation, contradictory to the official doctrine of the Church, practically survived in the American Church, at least to a certain degree, even in the post-Council period. However, in recent years more and more phenomena can be seen, which suggest a change in the attitude of the American episcopate in this matter. Besides the principle of the Christian uniwersalism, the need to respect the principle of cultural pluralism in the Church is stressed there. This latter rule demands, that in organizing ministration in separate local churches, ethnic and cultural differences between migrants be duly taken into consideration by establishing special parishes or ministration missions for them.
Studia Polonijne; 1981, 4; 113-125
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Studia Polonijne
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Migration Strategies and Experiences of Students – Based on own Research in 2020
Strategie migracyjne i doświadczenia migracje studentów – na podstawie badań własnych w 2020 r.
Szast, Mateusz
Gąsior, Karolina
Data publikacji:
Katolicki Uniwersytet Lubelski Jana Pawła II. Towarzystwo Naukowe KUL
strategie migracyjne
sytuacja życiowa
migracje Polaków
migration strategies
life situation
migrations of Poles
In the respect of migration, the movement of people in order to achieve their intended goals (material, emotional, academic, etc.), it remains interesting from a research perspective to study the strategies of migrants as participants in migration to approach their lives as well as shaping life based on travelling abroad. The authors as well base their article on the research experience of other authors who analysed similar or equal aspects of migration of Poles after the enlargement of the European Union structures on 1st May 2004. However, due to the limitations of travelling and the impossibility of carrying out field research, we, as authors, determined to interview the academic youth with reference to their opinions on the mentioned issue. After all, young people assume certain strategies for realizing their own plans for life, which might be related to migration experiences or intentions in this area. In this article, the authors will attempt to explain the matter: what are the preferences and opinions of the respondents (students of Kraków’s universities) concerning travelling abroad? We will as well make an effort to define the term of migration strategy from the analytical point of view and we will also try to show the respondents’ strategies in connection with their possible migration experiences or migration intentions.
W podejmowaniu kwestii migracji, będących przemieszczaniem się ludzi w celu realizacji zamierzonych przez siebie celów (materialne, emocjonalne, naukowe itp.), interesujące z punktu widzenia badawczego pozostaje poznanie strategii podejścia migrantów jako uczestników migracji do swojego życia i kształtowanie go na podstawie wyjazdów lub wyjazdu za granicę. Autorzy artykuł opierają na doświadczeniach badawczych innych autorów, którzy analizowali podobne lub te same aspekty migracji Polaków po rozszerzeniu struktur Unii Europejskiej 1 maja 2004 r. Jednakże w związku z ograniczeniami odbywania podróży i niemożnością realizacji badań terenowych, postanowiliśmy zapytać młodzież akademicką o ich opinię w poruszanej problematyce – wszak ludzie młodzi zakładają pewne strategie realizacji własnych planów na życie, co wiązać się może z doświadczeniami migracyjnymi lub zamiarami w tym obszarze. Staraliśmy się odpowiedzieć na pytanie: jakie są preferencje i opinie badanych (studentów krakowskich uczelni) w zakresie wyjazdów zagranicznych? Podjęliśmy także próbę określenia terminu strategii migracyjnej z analitycznego punktu widzenia, a także wykazania strategii respondentów w związku z ich ewentualnymi doświadczeniami migracyjnymi lub migracyjnymi zamiarami.
Studia Polonijne; 2021, 42; 175-209
Pojawia się w:
Studia Polonijne
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Ksiądz Aleksander Murat – student historii i duszpasterz polonijny
Father Aleksander Murat – Student of History and Priest of the Polish Migration
Misiura, Grzegorz
Data publikacji:
Katolicki Uniwersytet Lubelski Jana Pawła II. Towarzystwo Naukowe KUL
ks. Aleksander Murat
Polska Misja Katolicka we Francji
Polska Misja Katolicka w Anglii i Walii
pastoral care
Father Aleksander Murat
Polish Catholic Mission in France
Polish Catholic Mission in England and Wales
Polish Migration
Ksiądz Aleksander Murat (1911-1984) był kapłanem diecezji lubelskiej. Jeszcze w czasie studiów historycznych na Katolickim Uniwersytecie Lubelskim został zatrudniony w uczelni jako młodszy asystent. Po wybuchu II wojny światowej najpierw był kapelanem wojskowym, a następnie trafił do więzienia na Zamku w Lublinie, a stamtąd do obozów koncentracyjnych w Sachsenhausen i Dachau. Tam doczekał wyzwolenia. Wyjechał do Francji, gdzie był kapelanem tamtejszej Polonii, a od 1948 r. osiadł w Wielkiej Brytanii. Został zapamiętany jako długoletni proboszcz polskiej parafii w Leicester.
Father Aleksander Murat (1911-1984) was a priest of the Lublin diocese. During the study of the history at The Catholic University of Lublin he was employed there as a junior assistant. After the outbreak of the World War II first he was been a military chaplain, then he was imprisoned in the Castle of Lublin and from there he sent to concentration camps in Sachsenhausen and Dachau. There he lived to see the liberation. He was gone to France where he was a chaplain of the local Polish migration and from 1948 he settled in Great Britain. He was remembered as a longtime priest of the Polish parish in Leicester.
Studia Polonijne; 2023, 44; 273-292
Pojawia się w:
Studia Polonijne
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Problemy wychowawcze rodziny na emigracji (na przykładzie emigracji polskiej w Wielkiej Brytanii)
The Educational Problems of the Family Abroad (On the Basis of Polish Migration to Great Britain)
Wołkowińska, Cecylia
Data publikacji:
Katolicki Uniwersytet Lubelski Jana Pawła II. Towarzystwo Naukowe KUL
The authoress analyses specific problems which the Polish family had to cope with when bringing up children in Great Britain immediately after the Second World War and today. The most important problem then and now, apart from material provision, was and is now living on the border of two worlds: the Polish and the British one. The paper shows the parents' efforts in handing over their faith in God, language and the values of Polish culture. The authores points out that using the English language everyday in the Polish family was a great mistake. In such a case, parents taught their children a very bad pronounciation. In the course of a couple dozen years, after the Second World War, English schools exerted an influence on the parents, so that they did not speak Polish at home, and in many cases they succeeded. This attitude changed considerably later on. Nowadays, a difficult problem within families is practical materialism and moral relativism, which is spreading over British society. There is an urgent need for a well organized pastoral care, which could morally help the parents and young generation of Polish origin.
Studia Polonijne; 1989, 12; 95-103
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Studia Polonijne
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Migracje wczoraj i dziś. Problematyka migracji przedakcesyjnych i poakcesyjnych z Polski
Migrations Yesterday and Today. Issues of Pre- and Post-Accession Migration from Poland
Szast, Mateusz
Data publikacji:
Katolicki Uniwersytet Lubelski Jana Pawła II. Towarzystwo Naukowe KUL
stara migracja
nowa migracja
migracja przedakcesyjna i migracja poakcesyjna z Polski
old migrations
new migrations
pre-accession migration and post-accession migration from Poland
Głównym celem niniejszego artykułu jest ukazanie zagadnienia migracji jako zjawiska powszechnego, wieloaspektowego i szeroko rozpowszechnionego, które znane jest Polakom od dłuższego czasu. W artykule przedstawiono typologię migracji ze szczególnym naciskiem na migrację przed- i poakcesyjną, zwane również odpowiednio: starą migracją i nową migracją, w celu wykazania istotnych różnic w określaniu starych i nowych migracji. Ponadto autor stara się zobrazować historię migracji z Polski, które nie są niczym innym, niż strategią radzenia sobie z problemami i eliminacji zagrożeń życia codziennego. Napływ obywateli polskich do innych krajów w ciągu ostatnich lat przypomina „rwące potoki”, przede wszystkim z powodu wstąpienia Polski do Unii Europejskiej w dniu 1 maja 2004 r., a także po ratyfikacji Układu z Schengen, co niewątpliwie ułatwiło Polakom przemieszczanie się.
The most significant aim of this article is to present the issue of migration as a complex, multi-faceted and widespread phenomenon known to Poles for an extended time. The migration typology is presented with particular emphasis on pre- and post-accession migration, also called old migration and new migration in order to show significant differences in defining old and new migrations. In addition, the author attempts to illustrate the history of migration from Poland which is not an innovative social issue other than a strategy through which people have constantly sought to solve the problems and risks accompanying their lives. Recent years have been the “steep streams” of migration of Polish citizens primarily due to the accession of our country into the European Union on 1st May 2004 as well as after the ratification of the Schengen Treaty – undoubtedly facilitated the movement of Poles.
Studia Polonijne; 2016, 37; 5-24
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Studia Polonijne
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Dzieci w Polsce a skutki migracji zarobkowych rodziców
Chidren in Poland and the Effects of their Parents’ Job Migration
Gizicka, Dorota
Data publikacji:
Katolicki Uniwersytet Lubelski Jana Pawła II. Towarzystwo Naukowe KUL
migracja zarobkowa
job migration
Migracja zarobkowa nie jest zjawiskiem nowym w Polsce, ale faktem jest jej znaczący wzrost w ostatnich latach. Dotyczy to zarówno ludzi młodych, którzy dopiero startują w dorosłe życie, ale także ludzi z ustabilizowaną sytuacją rodzinną. Konsekwencją migracji w tym drugim przypadku jest często destabilizacja rodziny, zmiana jej struktury i pełnionych przez nią funkcji. W sposób znaczący zmiany w rodzinie odczuwają dzieci. Niemniej jednak, wbrew medialnym doniesieniom, należy podkreślić, iż nie każda rodzina migracyjna to rodzina dysfunkcyjna czy wręcz patologiczna. Złożoność zjawiska pokazuje, iż dzieci w rodzinach migracyjnych doznają zarówno pozytywnych jak i negatywnych skutków wyjazdów zarobkowych swoich zarobków. Zależą one od wielu czynników takich jak motywy wyjazdów, wiek dziecka, jakość relacji rodzinnych, długość migracji a także od tego, który z rodziców migruje. Istotne jest wskazanie zarówno pozytywnych jak i negatywnych stron migracji zwłaszcza w odniesieniu do dzieci. Występują one na różnych płaszczyznach takich jak: rodzinna, edukacyjna, wychowawcza, społeczna czy prawna. Ukazanie ciemnych stron migracji powinno pomóc samym rodzinom, jak i instytucjom, które uczestniczą w życiu rodziny (np. szkoła, kościół) w zmniejszaniu negatywnych wpływów migracji na dzieci.
Job migration is not a new phenomenon in Poland, nevertheless it is a fact that it has increased in recent years. It concerns both young people, who have barely started their adult life, and also those whose family situation is stable. In the latter case the family is often destabilised as a result of migration, its structure and functions change. Any changes here particularly affect children. Contrary to the information from the media, however, it should be stressed that not every family in migration is dysfunctional or even pathological. This phenomenon is complex and it shows that children in families that migrate are affected by both positive and negative effects of their parents’ job migration. They depend on many factors, such as the motivation for migration, children’s age, whther the family relations are proper, the duration of migration, and which of the parents migrates. It is essential to indicate both the positive and negative effects of migration, especially in relation to children. They take place on various levels of such as: family educational, rearing, social, and legal. Showing the dark aspects of migration should help the families themselves and the institutions that participate in the family life (e.g. the school, the Church) in lessening the negative results of migration for children.
Studia Polonijne; 2010, 31; 159-169
Pojawia się w:
Studia Polonijne
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki

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