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Drzwi kościelne jako brama wiary
The church door as a gateway to faith
Knapiński, Ryszard
Data publikacji:
Wyższe Seminarium Duchowne Diecezji Elbląskiej w Elblągu
Church art
Church Fathers
Church doors are one of many symbolic elements of the church body. In the Old Testament it developed eschatological significance that have taken the gate, understood as the gates of hell. In this sense the church gate appear in the iconography of the Court of God. This symbolism was taken over by Christianity. Allegorical and symbolic significance of the church doors was lined in the writings of the apologists of the faith and the Church Fathers.
Studia Elbląskie; 2015, 16; 309-324
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Studia Elbląskie
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Biblioteka Nauki
Mieczysław Józefczyk, Z dziejów religijnych Pomezanii w XVIII wieku, Tom I: Synteza dziejów, Malbork 2015; Tom II: Źródła do dziejów XVIII-wiecznej Pomezanii, Malbork 2015.
Mieczysław Józefczyk, From the religious history of Pomezania in the 18th century, Volume I: Synthesis of the history, , Malbork 2015; Volume II: Sources for the history of 18th-century Pomezania, Malbork 2015
Zawadzki, Wojciech
Data publikacji:
Wyższe Seminarium Duchowne Diecezji Elbląskiej w Elblągu
Studia Elbląskie; 2015, 16; 441-443
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Studia Elbląskie
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Biblioteka Nauki
Elbląskie chóry kościelne i konfesyjne, towarzystwa śpiewacze w latach 1871–1945
Elbląg church choirs and confessional choir societies 1871–1945
Szkolnicka, Joanna
Data publikacji:
Wyższe Seminarium Duchowne Diecezji Elbląskiej w Elblągu
church choirs
singing societies
Cecilien movement
trombone choirs
Protestant church
The subject of the article are church choirs and confessional choir societies that were active in Elbląg between 1871–1945. The timeframes set in the article are founding of the choir of St. Mary’s Church that was the first church choir in Elbląg and end of the second world war, as consequence of which Elbląg became a Polish city. As in the period of time considered in the article, most Elbląg inhabitants were Protestant and so was the majorityof Elbląg churches except for St. Nicholas Church and – not consecrated till 1905 though – St. Adalbert’s Church, the only catholic choir society was Cecilien-Society. The article presents history, activity and repertoire of all choirs. There are also Elbląg trombone choirs as a phenomenon typical for the Protestant Church mentioned.
Studia Elbląskie; 2015, 16; 147-169
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Studia Elbląskie
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Biblioteka Nauki
Ustanowiony i nieustannie się stający. Permanentna eklezjogeneza eucharystyczna
Established and continually becoming. Permanent eucharistic ecclesiogenesis
Rabczyński, Paweł
Data publikacji:
Wyższe Seminarium Duchowne Diecezji Elbląskiej w Elblągu
geneza Kościoła
eklezjogeneza eucharystyczna
genesis of the Church
eucharistic ecclesiogenesis
Kościół jest rzeczywistością bosko-ludzką. Jego geneza, natura i misja ściśle związane są z osobą i dziełem Jezusa Chrystusa. Raz ustanowiony, wciąż staje się na nowo, rozwija, dojrzewa, wzrasta i uświęca się. We współczesnej teologii wyróżnia się szereg wydarzeń eklezjotwórczych. Ważnym etapem w procesie eklezjogenezy jest ustanowienie przez Jezusa Eucharystii podczas Ostatniej Wieczerzy. Uczta paschalna Zbawiciela z Dwunastoma jest finalnym, najbardziej zintensyfikowanym i decydującym działaniem znakowym. Podczas Ostatniej Wieczerzy Jezus zapowiedział swoją śmierć i wyjaśnił jej sens. W znaku przełamanego chleba i wylanego za wielu wina oddał dobrowolnie swoje życie jako przebłaganie za winy ludu Bożego. Ofiara z życia Mesjasza, antycypowana podczas Ostatniej Wieczerzy, dopełniła dzieło gromadzenia ludu Bożego i ukonstytuowała go jako Kościół. Jezus chciał, aby ustanowiony przez Niego Kościół ponawiał Jego działanie znakowe. Wspólnota eklezjalna, celebrując Eucharystię, świętuje swoje wydarzenie założycielskie i na nowo się staje. Kościół żyje i urzeczywistnia się dzięki swoim zgromadzeniom eucharystycznym. Dlatego też można mówić o permanentnej eklezjogenezie eucharystycznej.
The Church is a divine-human reality. Its genesis, nature and mission are closely linked to the person and work of Jesus Christ. Once established, it continues to become anew, develop, mature, grow and sanctify itself. In contemporary theology, a number of ecclesiogenic events are distinguished. An important stage in the process of ecclesiogenesis is Jesus’ institution of the Eucharist at the Last Supper. The Saviour’s Paschal Feast with the Twelve is the final, most intensified and decisive sign-activity. At the Last Supper, Jesus announced his death and explained its meaning. In the sign of the broken bread and the wine poured out for many, he voluntarily gave his life as a propitiation for the guilt of God’s people. The sacrifice of the Messiah’s life, anticipated at the Last Supper, completed the act of gathering the people of God and constituted them as the Church. Jesus wanted the Church established by Him to renew His sign action. The ecclesial community, by celebrating the Eucharist, celebrates its founding event and becomes anew. The Church lives and becomes real through her Eucharistic gatherings. We can therefore speak of a permanent eucharistic ecclesiogenesis.
Studia Elbląskie; 2023, 24; 181-194
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Studia Elbląskie
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Wierni świeccy w ewangelizacji kultury. Zasady i pola działania
Laity in the evangelization of culture. Principles and areas of engagement
Hajduk, Ryszard
Data publikacji:
Wyższe Seminarium Duchowne Diecezji Elbląskiej w Elblągu
The word “culture” refers to everything, “whereby man develops and perfects his many bodily and spiritual qualities; he strives by his knowledge and his labour, to bring the world itself under his control. He renders social life more human both in the family and the civic community, through improvement of customs and institutions. Throughout the course of time he expresses, communicates and conserves in his works, great spiritual experiences and desires, that they might be of advantage to the progress of many, even of the whole human family” (Gaudium et spes No. 53). The Gospel, which assumes the shape of a culture from the beginning, wants to penetrate the culture of today as well. By its nature, it creates such a culture that helps people to reach their full personal development and thus enables them to live peacefully in the community. In the evangelization of cultures, the laity plays a special role. The Church calls upon Catholics “to be present, as signs of courage and intellectual creativity, in the privileged places of culture, that is, the world of education-school and university-in places of scientific and technological research, the areas of artistic creativity and work in the humanities” (Christifideles laici No. 44). It depends on their involvement in the proclamation of Christ and his message of salvation whether people are aware of their dignity and as free beings create spaces where any human person can find the true meaning of life. The Christian laity should be present on “the contemporary Aeropagus” in order to show the people the Divine truth, goodness and beauty which were revealed in the Savior Christ Jesus in full glory. The lay faithful have the task to put into practice their personal charisma and to work in union with the Pastors of the Church.
Studia Elbląskie; 2012, 13; 227-244
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Studia Elbląskie
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Biblioteka Nauki
Geneza i erygowanie parafii katolickiej w Ełku na początku XX wieku
Genesis and foundation of the Catholic parish in Lyck/Ełk at the beginning of the 19th century
Jodkowski, Marek
Data publikacji:
Wyższe Seminarium Duchowne Diecezji Elbląskiej w Elblągu
Catholic Church in the diaspora
Church building
East Prussia
Germany in the 19th century
In 1852, a meeting of Catholics from Lyck/Ełk and the surrounding areas was convened. The representatives of the Bishop of Warmia and of the St. Adalbert Association also participated in it. A decision was made to tax the local community in order to create a pastoral institution in the town. The first priest of Ełk was Nikolaus Rochon, who was nominated on 22 May 1853. Then a property in the suburbs of Ełk was bought, where a presbytery was organised and a chapel was built. It was consecrated on 15 October 1854. In mid 1880s, it was decided that a new plot of land should be bought in order to build a church. The construction work on the plot of land was commenced in 1892. Finally, a Neogothic church was constructed. It was dedicated to St. Adalbert and the Transfiguration of Jesus by Edward Herrmann, the suffragan bishop of the Warmia Diocese. A catholic parish with full rights was founded on 31 March 1903. The priest of Ełk, Josef Langkau, celebrated Catholic services in Prawdziska and other places. In 1905 a priest, Konrad Majewski, was nominated in the village. The functioning of the pastoral institution in Ełk depended on the financial help of Church associations and organisations, particularly the St. Adalbert Association and the St. Boniface Association, which operated in the Warmia Diocese area under the name of the Saint Boniface and Adalbert Association.
Studia Elbląskie; 2015, 16; 7-22
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Studia Elbląskie
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
La unicidad de la Iglesia y la cuestión del subsistit in (LG 8)
The uniqueness of the Church and the theme of „subsistit in” (LG 8)
Villar, Jose Ramon
Data publikacji:
Wyższe Seminarium Duchowne Diecezji Elbląskiej w Elblągu
La Iglesia Católica sostiene su continuidad histórica con la única Iglesia de Cristo. Pero reconoce verdadera realidad eclesial en las demás Iglesias y Comunidades separadas de ella. Este hecho no multiplica la única Iglesia en varias Iglesias. Bajo el aspecto sociológico, la Iglesia Católica y las demás Iglesias son una pluralidad de instituciones que se encuentran unas „fuera” de otras; y bajo ese aspecto la Iglesia Católica es una más entre otras, hace número con ellas. Pero en cuanto todas las Iglesias y Comunidades eclesiales son realizaciones participadas de la única sacramentalidad de la Iglesia de Cristo que „subsiste en” la Iglesia Católica, hay una inmanencia interior entre todas ellas y la Católica.
The Catholic Church maintains that it is in historical continuity with the one Church of Christ. But it acknowledges a genuine eclesial reality in other churches and communities that are separated from it. This does not multiply the one Church into several churches. From a purely sociological point of view the Catholic Church and the other churches may appear to be a plurality of institutions that are „external” to one another, and from such a perspectivethe Catholic Church would appear simply to be one of the number of churches. However, insofar as all the churches and ecclesial communities are participatory realizations of the single sacramentality of the Church of Christ, which „subsists in” the Catholic Church, there is an immanence between the separated churches and communities and the Catholic Church.
Studia Elbląskie; 2019, 20; 215-227
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Studia Elbląskie
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Biblioteka Nauki
Rządca diecezji warmińskiej ks. Wojciech Zink a władze partyjno-państwowe (1951–1953). Zarys problematyki
The ruler of the Warmia diocese, priest Wojciech Zink and the party and state authorities (1951 – 1953). Outline of the problem
Kopiczko, Andrzej
Data publikacji:
Wyższe Seminarium Duchowne Diecezji Elbląskiej w Elblągu
Wojciech Zink
stosunki państwo-Kościół
historia Kościoła
church-state relations
church history
W ostatnich latach wzrosło zainteresowanie ks. Wojciechem Zinkiem, który w latach 1951 – 1953 sprawował rządy w diecezji warmińskiej. Dużo uwagi poświęca się jego postawie wobec ówczesnych władz polskich i sprzeciwowi wobec aresztowania prymasa Polski kardynała Stefana Wyszyńskiego. Wielokrotnie występował w obronie duchownych i wiernych, których spotykały represje ze strony funkcjonariuszy państwowych i partyjnych. Protestował przeciwko aresztowaniu kapłanów. Zdecydowanie sprzeciwiał się próbom ograniczenia duszpasterstwa parafialnego i ograniczaniu likwidacji instytucji kościelnych, zwłaszcza niższego seminarium duchownego we Fromborku. Bronił księży autochtonów, ale też starał się zapobiegać konfliktom z powodu prób przywrócenia języka niemieckiego w nabożeństwach. Nie akceptował działalności tzw. księży patriotów. Z powodu niezłomnej postawy wielokrotnie był wzywany na rozmowy z przewodniczącym Wojewódzkiej Rady Narodowej i kierownikiem Wydziału do Spraw Wyznań w Olsztynie. Gdy doszło do aresztowania prymasa Polski nie wyraził zgody na odczytanie w parafiach wydanych wówczas komunikatu Rady Ministrów i „wezwania” Episkopatu Polski. Z tego powodu został wieczorem 2 października 1953 r. aresztowany i osadzony w więzieniu w Warszawie, w którym spędził 16 miesięcy. Do diecezji mógł jednak powrócić dopiero po przemianach Polskiego Października w 1956 r. Kolejne lata życia poświęcił na pracę w Kurii Biskupiej. Był najbliższym współpracownikiem biskupa Tomasza Wilczyńskiego, a po jego śmierci w 1965 r. – biskupa Józefa Drzazgi. W ich imieniu bardzo często udawał się do władz wojewódzkich, także wyznaniowych, by bronić Kościoła warmińskiego i załatwiać sprawy szczególnie trudne, oskarżeń księży, placówek duszpasterskich, katechizacji, seminarium duchownego. Jeszcze w latach sześćdziesiątych występował w obronie ludności autochtonicznej i zorganizował samopomoc kapłańską. Tym samym w pełni zasłużył na określenie „kapłan niezłomny”. Za swoją heroiczną postawę został też upamiętniony tablicą odsłoniętą 18 czerwca 2018 r. w Ogrodzie Sprawiedliwych w Warszawie.
In recent years, interest in priest Wojciech Zink, who in 1951 – 1953 governed in the diocese of Warmia, has increased. Much attention is devoted to his attitude towards the then Polish authorities and opposition to the arrest of the Primate of Poland, Cardinal Stefan Wyszyński. He repeatedly defended the clergy and the faithful, who were met with repression by state and party officials. He protested against the arrest of priests. He strongly opposed attempts to reduce parish priesthood and to limit the liquidation of church institutions, especially the lower seminary in Frombork. He defended indigenous priests, but he also tried to preventconflicts because of attempts to restore the German language in services. He did not accept the so-called priests the patriots. Because of his steadfast attitude he was repeatedly called uponto talk to the chairman of the Provincial National Council and the head of the Department for Religious Affairs in Olsztyn. When the Primate of Poland was arrested, he did not agree to read the message of the Council of Ministers and the “summons” of the Polish Episcopate in parishes. For this reason he was arrested in the evening on October 2, 1953 and imprisoned in Warsaw, where he spent 16 months. However, he could return to the diocese only after the transformation of the Polish October in 1956. He spent the next years of his life working in the Bishop’s Curia. He was the closest associate of bishop Tomasz Wilczyński, and after his deathin 1965 – of bishop Józef Drzazga. On their behalf, he often went to provincial authorities, including denominational authorities, to defend the Warmian Church and settle particularly difficult matters, including accusations of priests, pastoral institutions, catechesis and seminary. Back in the 1960s, he defended indigenous people and organized priestly self-help. Thus hefully deserves the term “steadfast priest.” For his heroic attitude he was also commemorated with a plaque unveiled on June 18, 2018 in the Garden of the Righteous in Warsaw.
Studia Elbląskie; 2019, 20; 109-126
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Studia Elbląskie
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Katolicy „w jesieni życia” jako podmioty w dziele ewangelizacji
Catholics „in the autumn of life” as a subjects in the work of evangelization
Hajduk, Ryszard
Data publikacji:
Wyższe Seminarium Duchowne Diecezji Elbląskiej w Elblągu
Christian education
In the work of preaching the Gospel, the Church recognizes the important role of the laity, which is ready to show everyday the beauty and joy of life with Christ and accompany others in achieving Christian maturity. Also, the task of Catholics „in the autumn of life” is to share with others peace and joy and all the fruits of the Spirit of God. For older people, participation in the work of evangelization is a challenge to take greater responsibility for their lives lived in relation to others, and thus to overcome the state of apathy, to stay in a constant, living contact with society and to free themselves from an exaggerated focus on their concerns and suffering. The main fields of commitment of age-advanced believers in evangelization are families, parishes, hospitals, hospices and nursing homes. It is when they are readyto accept both happiness and joy of life, as well as pain and suffering, it reveals to others the truth of the Christian meaning of human existence, which can be found both in health and in disease. For elderly Catholics, this means a constant concern for growth in faith, which is possible for them through an active participation in the evangelizing mission of the Church.
Studia Elbląskie; 2015, 16; 193-206
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Studia Elbląskie
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Trzy czy cztery podstawowe funkcje Kościoła? Pastoralnoteologiczny spór o koinonię
Three or four basic functions of the Church? Pastoral theological controversy over the koinonia
Hajduk, Ryszard
Data publikacji:
Wyższe Seminarium Duchowne Diecezji Elbląskiej w Elblągu
basic functions
Pastoral Theology
The doctrine of the three offices of Christ was initiated by the Protestant Reformation. Later it became the theological basis for the distinction of the three fundamental functions of the Church – martyria (the prophetic office), diakonia (the royal office) and leiturgia (the priestly office). In post-conciliar publications in Pastoral Theology, however, koinonia appeared among the “basic gestures” of the Church as an additional fourth function. This fact is the subject of dispute among theologians who do their research in the field of the Pastoral Theology. The addition of the koinonia to the triad: martyria, diakonia and leiturgia is criticized by some theologians as an excessive focus on the inner life of the Church, an overestimation of the importance of social and institutional structures, lack of consistency in the application of the principles of Christology and reduction of the salvific mission of the Church to one of her basic functions. However, pastoral reflection on the koinonia proves that neither Christology nor Ecclesiology is a hindrance to rating the koinonia among the basic functions of the Church. Adding the koinonia to the martyria, diakonia and leiturgia shows the concern of the Church for the lives of the faithful and their inner identity. The existence of the Christian communities, which are developing in the spirit of koinonia, is the basis for the reliable transmission of the Gospel, for a social solidarity free from any ideology and for a unanimous adoration of God who sends the Church to introduce all people into communion with Him and to participate in His divine life.
Studia Elbląskie; 2013, 14; 97-114
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Studia Elbląskie
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Biblioteka Nauki
Katecheza Kościoła wobec wezwań współczesnego świata
Catechesis of the Church in the face of the challenges of the modern world
Rzeszowski, Wojciech
Data publikacji:
Wyższe Seminarium Duchowne Diecezji Elbląskiej w Elblągu
new evangelization
Due to globalisation social processes, once lasting for decades, proceed rapidly changing the way of thinking in individuals and whole societies, and leading to secularisation. Together with the lifestyle, the way of experiencing faith goes under modification and more and more people lose their spiritual identity living as if God did not exist. Cultural transformation of the world, especially Europe, is becoming a particular challenge for the Church to be itself in the new reality and learn how to carry out its pastoral activity in a proper way. This task is difficult but indispensable. Nowadays the Church is appointed to establish new ways of preaching the Good News to people of the 21st century and learn to understand contemporary people who frequently think according to postmodernistic spirit. This bears the need of new evangelization and renewed catechesis, which will both hold the authority of the Word of God and be close to lives of the catechized. Hence the ministry of word has to be dialogue-oriented, and directed to correlation of experience of life and faith. Only then will it be alive, interesting and capable of guiding a contemporary human to meeting with the Lord.
Studia Elbląskie; 2012, 13; 213-226
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Studia Elbląskie
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Paweł Podeszwa, Waldemar Szczerbiński, Co katolik powinien wiedzieć o judaizmie?, Uniwersytet im. Adama Mickiewicza w Poznaniu, Poznań 2016, ss. 229
Paweł Podeszwa, Waldemar Szczerbiński, What should a Catholic know about Judaism?, Uniwersytet im. Adama Mickiewicza w Poznaniu, Poznań 2016, pp. 229
Karczewski, Marek
Data publikacji:
Wyższe Seminarium Duchowne Diecezji Elbląskiej w Elblągu
Kościół katolicki
Catholic Church
Studia Elbląskie; 2017, 18; 579-580
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Studia Elbląskie
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Lichwa, potępiana forma chciwości
Usury, the condemned form of abarice
Ewertowski, Stefan
Data publikacji:
Wyższe Seminarium Duchowne Diecezji Elbląskiej w Elblągu
Church teaching
profit ethics
financial market
The problem of usury has been discussed in this article. It was a condemned form of gaining profit in the European tradition. The source of such approach is found in the Biblical trafition which expressly banned lending money on interest. That moral guideline contained in the Bible was followed both in Islam as well as Christianity. It was not a pracice that was excluded from theological discussions, especially that there always appered some cases of abuse. The theological interpretation of authority figures, the Sobor rulings and the Popes’ teachings are all crucial in this matter. The teaching on usury has not changed, but the moral ecaluation of the loans granted on the so-called interest evolved. In the modern times the real and just criteria of charging fees for lending money have been formulated. This problem is especially crucial and current since in the modern practice of chasing the maximum profit, in the situation of ruthless competition, the economic crisis, as well as the vision of the downfall of the bank, there exists a real danger of the emergence of usury. The practices of money trading are not excludes from moral evaluation
Studia Elbląskie; 2012, 13; 363-380
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Studia Elbląskie
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Eklezjalny sens Roku Wiary w świetle nauczania Papieża Jana Pawła VI i Benedykta XVI
Ecclesial sense of the Year of Faith in the light of the teaching of Pope Paul VI and Benedict XVI
Żmudziński, Marek
Data publikacji:
Wyższe Seminarium Duchowne Diecezji Elbląskiej w Elblągu
Vaticanum II
new evangelization
It is necessary to stress that for the Church, on the one hand understood as an institution and on the other hand as a human community, faith is a primary factor of its identity and its existence in history. It is faith that allows to see the theological dimension of ecclesial life, that indicates the Divine genesis of the Church and its redeeming mission. In a most general sense faith is perceived in this context as a response of a man and the whole community to God’s call, focused on the event of Jesus Christ. The revelation and salvation done in Him is for the Church the only credible criterion of the mission of evangelisation. Unfortunately, faith is a dynamic reality which can develop, yet it can also give in to degradation. The "Year of Faith" experienced in the Church in 1967 and 2013, analogically to Jubilee Years, was to dynamise the religious life of believers and answer the questions which trouble the membersof the Church. The solemn credo and the postulate of new evangelisation will remain the most important symbols of this time.
Studia Elbląskie; 2014, 15; 129-139
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Studia Elbląskie
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Przedwojenne dzieje katolickiej parafii w Olsztynku
Pre-war history of the Catholic parish in Olsztynek
Jodkowski, Marek
Data publikacji:
Wyższe Seminarium Duchowne Diecezji Elbląskiej w Elblągu
Diocese of Warmia
Bishopric of Culm
religious buildings
the funding of a parish
Catholic Church in diaspora
Catholic Church in Masuria
Until the middle of the 19th century, the Catholic population of Olsztynek and its surrounding areas belonged to the Culm diocese. As a result of the decree of the Holy See of 1859, this area was incorporated into the Warmia diocese. The development of ministry was initiated in 1866 by the rector of Gryźliny. A ministry institution was established in Olsztynek in 1868. The first priest responsible for the religious life of the Catholics in this area was Julius Albrecht. After his death in 1878, there was no Catholic priest in Olsztynek for more than 5 years, due to the Kulturkampf. Olsztynek was given the rights of a mission parish in 1870. One of the main problems of the local community was the venue. The services were held in a chapel whose size did not correspond to the increasing number of Catholics. Therefore, in 1885 it was decided that a church should be built. Thanks to the initiative and consistent attitude of the priest Paul Jedzink, sufficient funds were collected to start the building works. The foundation stone of the new temple was laid on 10th November 1886, and the consecration took place on 26th September 1888. For a few years, building debts were paid. Olsztynek was given the rights of an ordinary parish in 1895. During the World War I, the church bells were requisitioned. The church was also damaged as a result of an artillery attack, but necessary repairs were made after the war. The roof was covered with copper sheet and new bells were cast. The number of parishioners increased constantly, from 520 in 1868 to 1637 in 1938. In the area of the parish, numerous associations and religious organisations were active. In order to carry out the building investments, there were endeavours to obtain funds from outside the parish, most of all from the Saint Boniface and Adalbert Association.
Studia Elbląskie; 2012, 13; 55-67
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Studia Elbląskie
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki

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