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Godność osoby ludzkiej i obiektywne normy moralne jako reguły w działalności gospodarczej
Dignity of the human person and objective moral norms as rules in economy
Mazurek, Franciszek Janusz
Data publikacji:
Katolicki Uniwersytet Lubelski Jana Pawła II. Towarzystwo Naukowe KUL
osoba ludzka
normy moralne
prawa człowieka
wartości uniwersalne
wartość pracy ludzkiej
human person
moral norms
human rights
universal values
value of human work
The author subjects to revision the economic liberalism supporters’ views, according to which there is no room for universal moral norms in the area of economy. The conception of homo economicus accepted in economy and the exclusive rule of profit are a manifestation of reductionism. The conviction that the free competition – free market – acts mechanically and impersonally and solves all economic-social problems in the best way is basically incorrect. In free competition there are positive and negative elements. Free competition – “yes, but what kind?” In the article a possibly complete picture of man is shown. Man is a reasonable creature, he is internally free and able to recognize good and evil (owing to his conscience) and owing to this he is the most perfect being in the created world. In his nature, man is a social being (ens sociale); a spiritual-bodily unity; he is not completely actualized but he is open to development; he is a religious and working creature (laborem exercens, homo economicus); he is able to do good, devote oneself to others, to build just – albeit not ideal –systems: legal, cultural, social and economic. But man is also able to do evil: to kill others, to steal, to lie, to wage wars, to commit acts of terrorism and of genocide, to build concentration camps, to manipulate the needs and mentality of whole societies and to enslave others by means of mass media – that is to form a one-dimension man. In the theological-biblical language this is called sinfulness of the human nature. And finally, man is capable of – as H. Marcuse writes – “scientific idiotism”. The highest value is the inborn, n a t u r a l, dignity of the human person, which is pointed to by his mind, inner freedom and conscience. Man is created in God’s image (imago Dei). Christ’s incarnation and redemption of man show his s u p e r n a t u r a l dignity. This is theological-biblical justification. Also philosophical (rational) justification is given. The former one is binding for believers, and the latter is for unbelievers. In the Catholic social teaching both justifications are given. The ontic structure of the human person in itself gives rise to obligations, it is the highest norm. It is defined in the following form: the human person should be respected for himself, because he is a person, and not for any other reason (persona est affirmanda propter se ipsam). The very human person, his dignity, is the fundamental norm of morality that is searched for. The Decalogue, objective and universal moral norms as principles show how to respect and protect the human person. It is not recognizing and complying with moral norms and human rights for themselves that is meant here – art for the art’s sake (pure formalism) – but protection of one’s own dignity and the dignity of every other person. Both moral norms as principles and human rights have been discovered slowly, step by step, but regressions also occur; this especially happened in the 20th and at the beginning of the 21st century. Human persons are the subjects of all communities – the family, the nation, the universal human society (familiae humanae), production and service institutions. The communities do not exist by themselves, but human persons are their foundation. Human persons, and not various systems, are the subject of any activity, for the systems are not persons or super-persons – Super Ego. Hence the thesis put forward by some economists that the system is ruled by an invisible hand is absurd. In human rights three elements are distinguished: their source, contents and protection. These constitute an integral whole. However, identifying a part with the whole (pars pro toto) is a logical mistake. The debate about man’s right to work can be solved after removing this logical mistake and introducing a new term: “the right for work”; showing that work is one of man’s fundamental needs, that it is a universal phenomenon, has a multi-aspectual dimension of values. Work is an anthropological (personal), moral, social, cultural, historical and economic value. Together with the multidimensional value of work the multidimensional evil of unemployment can be seen. There have been various economic models, even in capitalism. After the fall of socialism the thesis is proclaimed that capitalism is the only alternative (logical quantifier). Recognizing the priority of the real capital over work treated as a tool and commodity bought in the so-called work market is the essential feature of capitalism. John Paul II perceives numerous positive elements in capitalism, but he also sees a few negative ones: “We have found out that the thesis saying that after the defeat of real socialism capitalism remains the only model (logical quantifier) of economic organization is unacceptable.” He does not suggest another model, but generally he states that it is “… a society in which there are: freedom of work, enterprise and participation” that is meant here. He adds: “Economy that does not take into consideration the ethical dimension and does not attempt to serve the good of man – each man and the whole man – in fact does not even deserve the name of «economy» understood as reasonable and benevolent management of material resources”. Although he sees positive elements in the process of globalization, he puts forward an imperative demand to base it on the principle of the dignity of the human person and his rights, and the good of the whole human family (familiae humanae). In the area of economy “ … in the field of economy nobody may insult the human dignity without a punishment, which dignity God himself respects greatly” (Leo XIII).
Roczniki Nauk Społecznych; 2006, 34, 1; 19-53
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Roczniki Nauk Społecznych
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Wkład Stolicy Apostolskiej w ochronę prawa człowieka do wolności sumienia i wolności religijnej w Konferencjach Bezpieczeństwa i Współpracy w Europie (KBWE i OBWE)
The Holy See’s Contribution to the Protection of the Right to Freedom of Conscience and the Religious Freedom in Conferences on Security and Cooperation in Europe and Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe (CSCE and OSCE)
Mazurek, Franciszek Janusz
Data publikacji:
Katolicki Uniwersytet Lubelski Jana Pawła II. Towarzystwo Naukowe KUL
prawa człowieka
wolność sumienia
wolność religijna
Stolica Apostolska
godność osoby ludzkiej
human rights
freedom of conscience
religious freedom
Holy See
dignity of the human person
The article is the first part of a discussion of the issue of the part taken by the Holy See in the Conferences of Security and Cooperation in Europe. In the analyses the origin and the motives for participation of the Holy See in the international discussion on protecting human rights for the freedom of conscience and the religious freedom are presented. In the area of documents concerning human rights a special attention is paid to the significance of John XXIII’s encyclical Pacem in terris. Also, the Holy See’s postulates and suggestions that deal with the question of the value and dignity of the human person are discussed. The final analyses include the issue of the personal dimension of the right to the freedom of conscience and the religious freedom.
Roczniki Nauk Społecznych; 2008, 36, 1; 45-72
Pojawia się w:
Roczniki Nauk Społecznych
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Teologiczno-filozoficzny personalizm katolickiej nauki społecznej w ujęciu Stefana Kardynała Wyszyńskiego
Theologico-philosophical Personalism of the Catholic Social Doctrine According to Stefan Cardinal Wyszyński
Mazurek, Franciszek Janusz
Data publikacji:
Katolicki Uniwersytet Lubelski Jana Pawła II. Towarzystwo Naukowe KUL
katolicka nauka społeczna
Stefan Kardynał Wyszyński
prawa osoby ludzkiej
Familia humana
Catholic social teaching
Primate Stefan Wyszyński
rights of the human person
The paper seeks to work out in a synthetic manner the basic views of Cardinal Stefan Wyszyński on the issues concerning the foundations of the Catholic social doctrine. The author puts forward and justifies a thesis about a personalistic dimension of the Catholic social doctrine according to Cardinal Wyszyński. He shows the main elements of the teaching of the Primate of the Millennium, such as: human rights, the problems of marriage and family, national issues, the idea of a moral-social order, the problems of labour, the right to private property. The paper points to the main foundations and sources of the teaching of Primate Wyszyński, i.e. the Bible, the Magisterium of the Church, the encyclicals of Pope John Paul II.
Roczniki Nauk Społecznych; 2003, 31, 1; 47-59
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Roczniki Nauk Społecznych
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Partycypacja pracowników w zarządzaniu - model UE i Polski
Workers’ Participation in Management - Its Model in the European Union and the Polish Model
Gruszecki, Tomasz
Data publikacji:
Katolicki Uniwersytet Lubelski Jana Pawła II. Towarzystwo Naukowe KUL
przedsiębiorstwo państwowe
partycypacja pracowników w zarządzaniu
rada pracownicza
Dyrektywa Unii Europejskiej
partycypacja pracowników w polskim prawie
osoba ludzka
prawa człowieka
prawa moralne
wartość uniwersalna
state enterprise
worker's participation in management
workers council
EU Directive
worker's participation in polish law
human person
human rights
moral rights
universal value
The article is devoted to the origin of the concept of the workers’ participation in the management, and then to its implementation in the EU and in Poland. The history of implementing common principles of workers’ self-management in the EU is quite complex; the participation model, the so-called Mitbestimung introduced after World War II in Germany (the act was passed in 1976) was then slowly and in a limited range (informing and consulting) introduced on the basis of the EU Directive of 1977 into the legislation of particular member states. Implementation became quicker when the EU decided to establish, as one of variants, the so-called European Company. In this model the European company committee was provided for. The directive was implemented in Polish legislation by the act of 2002; in companies acting in more than one country there is an obligatory company committee. Similarly, there should be a company committee in the so-called European Company and European Economic Interest Grouping. The European Company is an alternative legal form of company, the same on the territory of the whole EU. The history of workers’ participation in management in Poland, broadly discussed in the article, is much more complex. It started in 1981, under the pressure of the “Solidarity” trade union, with introducing the acts on the state company and the workers’ self-management in the state company. These acts, although they are included in the participation current, broadly outlined the rights of the workers’ committee and of the workers’ (delegates’) general meeting, actually granting them part of the rights to make decisions, that in fact belong to the owner (e.g. dividing the profit, sometimes electing the manager). The intention of these solutions was to introduce a reformed model of an independent company in a still planned economy, and they started a broad current of discussion on efficiency of these solutions and limitations of workers’ participation not only in managing, but also in ownership after 1989. The model of the state company of 1981 (actually, in the practice of the 1980’s significantly reduced by the martial law authorities) turned out to be a temporary one and under the conditions of market economy was substituted by a form that made it possible to introduce direct or indirect privatization. However, it is characteristic that Poland has, independent of the EU, its own ample experience and traditions in solving the problem of workers’ participation in management. The author, who in the 1980’s was a workers’ self-management advisor, synthetically compares arguments for and against introducing solutions that include workers’ participation in company management, and decidedly defends the limited participation model in the EU’s version introduced in Poland by the act of 2006.
Roczniki Nauk Społecznych; 2008, 36, 3; 15-31
Pojawia się w:
Roczniki Nauk Społecznych
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Podstawy filozoficzne pedagogii samowychowania
The Philosophical Foundations of the Pedagogy of Self-Formation
Chudy, Wojciech
Data publikacji:
Katolicki Uniwersytet Lubelski Jana Pawła II. Towarzystwo Naukowe KUL
podstawy filozoficzne pedagogiki
byt ludzki
philosophical foundations of pedagogy
human being
The text is supposed to show from various points of view the philosophical foundations of pedagogy. In its classical form it combines the points of view from the metaphysics of the person and ethics. These aspects complement each other, as the human person cannot be understood without his dimensions: being and development (becoming). The metaphysical foundations of formation determine the human being. On the part of metaphysics, human formation relies on the value of ontic contingence, hence the sense of human becoming as a person is expressed by the fact that man is person, a constant and unchanging structure, and is changing at the same time as person. The personal dimensions of formation indicate that man should be developed in his overall integrity, that is in the following dimensions: physical, psychical, and moral. The educator, as ontically more actualised, is endowed with a vocation to help his disciple in becoming himself. Formative work is an effort invested on behalf of self-formation. Love plays the most essential role in the ontic-moral process of the person's fulfilment. Formation and self-formation make up a pedagogical unity. Self-formation in the external sense complements self-formation in the internal sense. Any, even the best formative measures, will turn out ineffective if there is no readiness in the disciples for self-formation. This tendency is manifested today by the importance of independence and self-formation in social, cultural, and scientific life.
Roczniki Nauk Społecznych; 2007, 35, 2; 19-30
Pojawia się w:
Roczniki Nauk Społecznych
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Jana Pawła II nauczanie o rodzicielstwie
John Paul II’s Teaching on Parenthood
Mazur, Jan
Data publikacji:
Katolicki Uniwersytet Lubelski Jana Pawła II. Towarzystwo Naukowe KUL
życie ludzkie
cywilizacja miłości
human life
civilization of love
In the teachings of John Paul II the category of parenthood, considered from a philosophical, religious, social, moral or cultural perspective, is always integrally connected with such concepts as marriage and family, fatherhood, motherhood and posterity. The meaning of these notions blends with the truth about man which has its roots in the human nature and its deeper meaning in the Christian Revelation. The Pope’s teaching in this respect may and should be interpreted in the light of Christian personalism, with special focus on two key notions – that of a person and a gift (the sincere gift of self). John Paul II devotes much attention to the issue of responsible parenthood, connected with the idea of the civilization of love, and education which can be viewed as continuation of parenthood. Education then is before all else a reciprocal “offering” on the part of both parents. The Pope sees the parental function as a service to life, which leads to revelation of life. This takes place in the family circle, envisioned as the “sanctuary of life”. He shares the observation that nowadays these sanctuaries of life not infrequently undergo deep and manifold crisis. Fatherhood and motherhood seem to be in the very centre of this crisis, especially due to profanation of family’s sacredness resulting from contraception, abortion, in vitro fertilization, divorces, sexual education devoid of ideals and the like. These sanctuaries of life are at times entirely devastated. Their dilapidation is a process intended by various international centres – numerous feminist, pro-abortion and gay organizations, just to mention some. Source materials which serve as a basis for presented reflections are first and fore most the following: The apostolic exhortation Familiaris consortio of November 22, 1981; the apostolic Letter Mulieris dignitatem of August 15, 1988; the letter to Families from Pope John Paul II Gratissimam sane of February 2, 1994 and the encyclical Evangelium vitae of March 25, 1995. Attached to the abovementioned documents is also 1983 Charter of the Rights of the Family, aimed especially at the countries, organisations and institutions responsible for the situation of the family in today’s world.
Roczniki Nauk Społecznych; 2011, 39; 113-138
Pojawia się w:
Roczniki Nauk Społecznych
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
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