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Status, charakter i pozycja hierarchiczna regulacji prawa własności intelektualnej i przemysłowej w Unii Europejskiej na tle orzecznictwa Trybunału Sprawiedliwości – zarys problemu
Status, Character and Hierarchic Position of the Regulation of the Right of Intellectual and Industrial Property in the European Union Against the Background of Judicial Decisions of the Tribunal of Justice
Sozański, Jarosław
Data publikacji:
Katolicki Uniwersytet Lubelski Jana Pawła II. Towarzystwo Naukowe KUL
In the current legal status of the Community law, regulations of the intellectual and industrial property in the EU usually are not uniform and unambiguous, and sometimes they come into conflict with acts of the international and national law. Within the Community law, in the approach to the discussed sphere of regulations three often conflicting tendencies are especially easily seen: the tendency to secure a free flow of commodities, to secure efficient competence and to protect the subjective rights of intellectual and industrial property. The proclaimed law uses both directives and enactments here. Diversity of solutions in the mutual relations of the national law and acquis on the one hand and the above mentioned elements and regulations of international conventions makes the picture complete. It seems that the significant issue is only to a small extent noticed by the doctrine and the Tribunal of Justice that supplies casuistic solutions. Its judicature is uniform and has a great significance in the sphere of exhausting rights from the sign, or typical copyright, whereas in the most important issues connected with functioning of the domestic market judicial decisions by the Tribunal become instructive in a very small degree… What is more, it is hard to see a tendency or perspectives for solving this situation that is unfavorable both from the point of view of acquis communautaire, the domestic market and protection of the subjective rights. Especially when the process of implementing the Constitution for Europe (Constitutional Treaty of the EU) that made the regulations in the discussed issue uniform has been stopped.
Roczniki Nauk Prawnych; 2006, 16, 1; 41-67
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Biblioteka Nauki
Krajowa i Wspólnotowa ochrona praw indywidualnych w Aquis Communautaire poza obszarem stosowania środków sądowych
The National and Communitary Protection of Individual Rights in Aquis Communautaire Beyond the Application of Judicial Measures
Sozański, Jarosław
Data publikacji:
Katolicki Uniwersytet Lubelski Jana Pawła II. Towarzystwo Naukowe KUL
The protection of individual rights within the non-judicial area is no less important that the judicial one, and it is much more often applied. Imprecise as it is, the distinction between the judicial and non-judicial protection does not bear problems in practice. One is entitled to judicial protection in CoJS and CFI and national courts (acting as communal courts) with regard to the violence of rights (protected in acquis communautaire by other units, institutions and legal persons belonging to member states). The protection in national courts deals with the whole range of acquis, including e.g. (after the recent reform in this matter) the right of competition of the EU. Now the judicial protection embraces the following: the right of petition to the European Parliament and the right of complaint to the communal Ombudsman, and numerous complaints to the Commission. With regard to the violence of the communal right (including: cartel plot, public aid, subsidies, antidumping right, and other economic-merchant practices). The non-judicial protection is also enriched by the right to turn to all institutions of the EU in the physical and legal person's mother tongue from the area of the Union, and the duty to answer in this language. Certainty, this type of protection includes also all kinds of means for the protection of the consumer, health protection, and protection of the environment. All authorities and public institutions of the member states are also obliged to provide non-judicial protection in the area of acquis. There are no doubts as to the duties of the EU states that follow from the primary and secondary communal right in the are under consideration. The non-judicial protection in the national systems of entitlements that follow from KPP has no complete juridical justification (it will be introduced by the Constitution for Europe). The mechanisms of protection under discussion exert a positive influence on the enhancement of the international protection of human rights.
Roczniki Nauk Prawnych; 2005, 15, 2; 47-75
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Roczniki Nauk Prawnych
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Biblioteka Nauki
Niedostatki w konstrukcji prawnej Konstytucji Europejskiej jako przesłanki warunkujące jej przyszłe stosowanie contra legem
Shortcominegs in the Jurisprudential Construction of the Curopean Constitution as Prerequisites for Applying in contra legem
Sozański, Jarosław
Data publikacji:
Katolicki Uniwersytet Lubelski Jana Pawła II. Towarzystwo Naukowe KUL
The project of the European Constitution that is formally entitled Treaty Establishing a Constitution for Europe, according to the Declaration of Leaken, as a juristic act was supposed to secure democracy and transparency, simplify the norms and ensure effectiveness for the Union, bringing it closer to the citizens. The name of the treaty wrongly suggests that it concerns all the citizens and countries in Europe, although it only concerns the European Union. The project is a compound juristic act. It consists of four loosely connected parts: Basic Provisions, Chart of the Fundamental Rights, Policies and Functioning of the Union and General and Final Regulations. However, the regulations contained in them are neither consistent (many regulations are doubled and their contents are contrary), nor complete, and hence they do not form a system, although the Constitution abolishes the communal legal output (acquis) and establishes a new order. It also liquidates the division into three pillars and establishes a new Union and its institutions. No regulations biding till now are included de iure directly in the new system of the Union law. With abolition of the old norms and lack of new detailed solutions (and with the weakness of the jurisprudential construction), the regulations in the Constitution silently assume a (necessary for the system to function) continuation of the old structures, mechanisms, principles, regulations and interpretations of judicial decisions. However, this is acting contra legem, and more precisely – it is anti-constitutional. Despite the disputes that were led, neither the member countries nor institutions of WE/EU paid any attention to it.
Roczniki Nauk Prawnych; 2004, 14, 1; 181-205
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Roczniki Nauk Prawnych
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Biblioteka Nauki
Metody implementacji prawa wspólnotowego do systemów krajowych oraz zapewniania bezpośredniej skuteczności normom acquis na przykładzie Włoch, z uwzględnieniem autonomicznego statusu regionów
Methods of Implementation of the Community Acquis Into National Legal Systems and Ways of Ensuring Direct Effectiveness for Acquis Norms, as Illustrated by the Italian System, with Regard to the Autonomic Status of Regions
Sozański, Jarosław
Data publikacji:
Katolicki Uniwersytet Lubelski Jana Pawła II. Towarzystwo Naukowe KUL
prawo wspólnotowe
autonomia prawna
Wspólnota Europejska
Community acquis
legal autonomy
European Community
Although the superiority and precedence of the communitarian law in legal orders of the member states is generally accepted from the systemic or structural perspectives, the implementation of the above principles is not uniform and unquestionable. This is due to the following: nearly every member state desires to retain as much sovereign power as possible, constitutions of the states specify the character of their legal systems, and the fact that the division of competences between the Communities and the member states is not always precise and clear-cut. The judgements passed by some local constitutional tribunals are a manifestation of national particularism. The picture becomes even more blurred if the constituent parts of a given state (regions or states) have a greater legal autonomy. The case of Italy provides an interesting and instructive solutions (also in the context of Poland's problems in this area), where Article 11 of the Constitution is invoked to introduce the self-executability of the treaties via ordinary legislation, and to resolve problems posed by substantial autonomy of local self-governments, especially regional ones. Moreover, every year a framework law is enacted in order to harmonise and execute the acquis norms.
Roczniki Nauk Prawnych; 2007, 17, 1; 49-73
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Roczniki Nauk Prawnych
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Biblioteka Nauki
Implementacja umów międzynarodowych do systemów prawa krajowego, ze szczególnym uwzględnieniem Włoch (w tym statusu regionów)
The Implementation of International Agreements in Systems of Domestic Law as Best Exemplified by Italian Law (Including the Status of the Regions)
Sozański, Jarosław
Data publikacji:
Katolicki Uniwersytet Lubelski Jana Pawła II. Towarzystwo Naukowe KUL
Unia Europejska
system prawa wewnętrznego
implementacja umów międzynarodowych
implementation of international agreements
systems of internal law
European Union
Although the obligation to implement international agreements in the internal law (municipal law) is expressly stated in international law, the ways of realising this obligation are not specified. They are left to the discretion of sovereign states whose decisions are made in accordance with the constitutional order. Hence, individual states can adopt a variety of solutions – from those that provide full effectiveness (thus providing full implementation) of agreements on the grounds of internal law to those solutions which allow the national authorities to treat the above mentiond obligation instrumentally (or even manipulatively). The issue, rarely discussed in manuals on treaty law, is extremely important as full and actual use of norms and obligations of such agreements depends chiefly on the effectiveness of an international agreement being implemented internally. Various solutions to this issue relate to both indirect (direct or indirect reception) and direct method of introducing the internal law into national systems. The British, Scandinavian, Italian, and German models propose interesting solutions. It is noteworthy in the Italian system that customary norms of the international alw always have a constitutional dimension, and the level of international agreements depends on the level of the normative transformational act, while their effectiveness depends on ordine di esecuzione. Moreover, the distribution of treaty competences among the state and the regions gives rise to a unique situation. In all cases treaties concluded in or by the European Union have their specificity.
Roczniki Nauk Prawnych; 2007, 17, 2; 37-54
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Roczniki Nauk Prawnych
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Biblioteka Nauki
Powstawanie i charakter ogólnych zasad prawa oraz ich rola w prawie międzynarodowym publicznym (z uwzględnieniem prawa wspólnotowego). Uwagi wprowadzające do analizy zagadnienia
The Establishment and Character of the General Principles of Law and Their Role in the International Public Law (including the Community Law). Introductory Remarks to the Analysis of the Issue
Sozański, Jarosław
Data publikacji:
Katolicki Uniwersytet Lubelski Jana Pawła II. Towarzystwo Naukowe KUL
There are few broader studies on the general principles of the law in international legal literature, although they have been known since antiquity and are valued in all legal systems. In the international law they are deemed to be one of the three independent sources of the law. Their specific character, however, makes it that they must be taken into account in the process of establishment and application of international norms, including contracts and customs. The fact that there are no analyses or legal awareness may lead (or even leads) to underestimation of this normative category, which is not right. Even in those studies in which this category is included, their authors do not analyse the way in which the general principles of the law were established, their character, their role and procedures of application in legal systems, nor their mutual relations with the norms resulting from other sources. Concrete rules tat belong to the category of the general principles of the law are part of legal systems in the process of juridical practice at the moment when application is deemed to be a legal duty. Therefore this process is close to the creation of a customary law, although the contribution of a legal analysis (reflection) is considerable. In so far as the internal systems of rationalism and the principles of legal logic automatically make us apply the general principles of the law, similar mechanisms do not always function (automatically) in the international public law. The more so that particular subjects attempt to interpret legal norms according to their own interests, even though it would violate their material contents. Now considering the general principles of the law from the quantitative point of view, we state that most of them have a procedural meaning, and the material norms are relatively few. In the international public law (despite some procedural principles), however, there dominate, in terms of their quantity and contents, material principles. The range of application and the role of this category in both systems are similar, whereas applying this category in the development of the communal law is very common. First in the communal law, then in acquis communautaire, they played and still play important material, formal, and structural roles. The Tribunal of Justice judicature has contributed significantly to the development of those principles. It confirmed the high rank of the general principles of the law within the system of the European Communities, and their interactive character. The Constitution for Europe introduces a new, different from acquis, legal system. Did they play a role here? If so, which a role did they play? Speaking in general terms, one should state that the general principles of the law always make up the foundation of any system in the developmental (creative), functional, relative, and interactive sense. Therefore each legal system, if it is to fulfil some basic requirements (to be logical, non-contradictory, and complete), should not only contain the general principles of the law, but also confer a respectively high rank on them in the structure of this system.
Roczniki Nauk Prawnych; 2005, 15, 1; 135-180
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Roczniki Nauk Prawnych
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Biblioteka Nauki
Znaczenie istotniejszych atrybutów podmiotowych dla ustalenia podmiotowości międzynarodowoprawnej
The Significance of Essential Subjective Attributes in Determining Subjectivity Under International Law
Sozański, Jarosław
Data publikacji:
Katolicki Uniwersytet Lubelski Jana Pawła II. Towarzystwo Naukowe KUL
podmiot prawa
prawo międzynarodowe
international law
Current approaches to subjectivity do not stress the notion of attributes of international subjectivity. The definitions of subjectivity embrace this category in general terms (concentrating on the implication of rights and obligations directly from international law), granting such status mainly to individual entities. The resultant increase in the number and quality of potential international entities would make international turnover virtually impossible. This would in turn imply granting international subjectivity to concerns and carriers of domestic law, thus obscuring the scope and subjectivity of particular structures. Hence, clear research assumptions are needed as well as efforts to determine what subjectivity is. These are tentatively formulated in this article with the subjective attributes (i.e. the most essential and constituting qualities) emphasised. The range of subject categories is wide (states and their in statu nascendi forms, international organisations, recognised entities other than states and organisations, international bodies and conferences). An analysis of the normative aspect and implementation of international subjectivity makes it possible to exclude entities and persons from having such status.
Roczniki Nauk Prawnych; 2008, 18, 1; 33-62
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Roczniki Nauk Prawnych
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Biblioteka Nauki
Kategoria rządów prawa w systemie ochrony prawnej Unii Europejskiej, z uwzględnieniem zmian wprowadzanych Traktatem Lizbońskim oraz reperkusji dla Polski
The Rule of Law in the EU System of Legal Protection, Considering the Changes Introduced by the Lisbon Treaty and its Consequences for Poland
Sozański, Jarosław
Data publikacji:
Katolicki Uniwersytet Lubelski Jana Pawła II. Towarzystwo Naukowe KUL
system ochrony prawnej UE
podmiot prawa
Traktat Lizboński
system of legal protection in the EU
Lisbon Treaty
subjective rights
The uniqueness of system of legal protection in the EU consists in the fact that it covers both protection of subjective rights of individuals (including the vast domain of human rights) and the area of security, freedom and justice, as well as the protection of public interest, hence the spheres which may be mutually contradictory. The scope of such legal protection and its effectiveness and crucial properties affect the legal protection systems of particular EU countries. One must remember about the dynamism of the EU system and take into account potential future developments (both in the EU and Poland) after the Lisbon Treaty came into force. All these issues should be reflected in any academic introductory course (failing in many respects as yet) for the above subject.
Roczniki Nauk Prawnych; 2008, 18, 2; 41-68
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Roczniki Nauk Prawnych
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
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