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Symbolika dzieł sztuki z wyposażenia sali sądowej trybunału koronnego w Lublinie w świetle osiemnastowiecznych kazań
The Symbolic Meaning of the Court Room Equipment. The Case of the Crown Tribunal in Lublin as Shown in a Selection of 18th-Century Sermons
Gombin, Krzysztof
Data publikacji:
Katolicki Uniwersytet Lubelski Jana Pawła II. Towarzystwo Naukowe KUL
dzieło sztuki
trybunał koronny
symbolic content
work of art
Crown Tribunal
The sermons addressed to the deputies during Church festivities and celebrations were part of the customary functioning of the Crown Tribunal. These texts disclose a lot of information that are of paramount value for an art historian. This particularly pertains to 18th-century texts. As borne out by the sermons under analysis, two items of equipment in the Tribunal courtrooms communicated a specific symbolic and legal message: these were the Tribunal cross and the portrait of St. Thomas, the Apostle. The sermons frequently compare the Christ’s ultimate judgments to the rulings of the Polish court. The message behind the symbol of the Tribunal cross was even more intense if it was part of a Marshall’s or a President’s court-of-arms. This was the case in 1723, when Michał Potocki of Pilawa was the Marshall. The most intriguing fusion of events depicted in the New Testament and the Old Polish reality is to be found in a sermon by Wojciech Zabielski, a Jesuit, where he used the figures taking part in the Way of the Cross as models to depict acts and attitudes of his contemporaries. The sermons present St Thomas as a witness to Christ’s resurrection who needed to prove the truth of the redemptive miracle by means of his senses. He symbolized the scrutiny and meticulousness in search of truth and decent judgement. He was set as an example for the judges, who should be ready to lay down their lives for truth and justice.
Roczniki Humanistyczne; 2010, 58, 4; 147-160
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Roczniki Humanistyczne
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Biblioteka Nauki
„To złych Ateńczyków Parlament, nasz nie taki”, czyli o starożytnej Grecji w interpretacji trybunalskich kaznodziei
„This is the bad Athenians’ Parliament, ours is not like that”, or about ancient Greece in the interpretation of Tribunal preachers
Gombin, Krzysztof
Data publikacji:
Katolicki Uniwersytet Lubelski Jana Pawła II. Towarzystwo Naukowe KUL
Trybunał Koronny
barokowe kazanie
jezuicki kaznodzieja
Crown Tribunal
Baroque sermon
Jesuit preacher
Models taken from ancient Greece were fairly often used in speeches and sermons in Poland in the past; speakers, preachers and theoreticians writing about the Crown Tribunal willingly referred to them. Most often this was done in a positive context, although ancient Athens were also referred to when a negative model was to be shown. This was done by the Jesuits Piotr Dunin and Józef Kleczyński. Despite certain similarities to actual facts (transferring the Tribunal from Lublin to Jarosław because of the raging plague as an extraordinary event), it is hard to treat their sermons as descriptions of actual events, but rather as a peculiar result of the Lublin experience of several generations, gathered together for a didactic purpose, as a sort of anti-model. The image of Athens in Kleczyński's and Dunin's sermons is perfectly well inscribed into the topos of the town as an „evil place”, where all problems were concentrated that were considered the most dangerous for just judgments: corruption, drunkenness, fixing problems in an informal way.
Roczniki Humanistyczne; 2013, 61, 2; 197-208
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Roczniki Humanistyczne
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Kancelaria królewska Andegawenów i Jagiellonów jako środowisko awansu na drodze do arcybiskupstwa gnieźnieńskiego
The Royal Chancellery of the Angevins and Jagiellos As a Circle From Which to be Promoted on Ones Way to Become the Gniezno Archbishop
Kuźma, Artur
Data publikacji:
Katolicki Uniwersytet Lubelski Jana Pawła II. Towarzystwo Naukowe KUL
arcybiskupstwo gnieźnieńskie
kancelaria koronna (królewska) /urzędy kancelaryjne
Gniezno Archbishopric
Crown (King's) chancellery
Chancellery offices
The Polish Royal Chancellery of the Angevins and Jagiellos (1370-1572), as the central institution of the King's executive power, was the basic circle in which to enter on one's State and Church career that lead, based on a loyal service to the ruler, to high State offices and Church dignities. The monarch, who, starting from the end of the 14th century, had an ever-greater influence on nominations to the bishop's position, in the sixties of the 15th century finally gained advantage over other factors competing for this capacity. His creative role in forming the composition of the Episcopate also included the highest position in the Polish Church – the Metropolitan See in Gniezno where from 1418 the Primates of Poland resided. The Gniezno Archbishop who was only second to the Monarch as far as prestige, wealth and territorial range of his power were concerned, belonged to the close elite of power in Poland at the close of the Middle Ages and at the threshold of the modern times. In the years 1374-1562 the Gniezno Archbishopric was governed by 22 dignitaries of which 18 had worked in the Crown Chancellery at one stage of their career. The later archbishops may be found at all the grades of the Chancellery career. The average time of work in the Chancellery for this group was nearly 17 years. The executive posts (those of Chancellor and Deputy Chancellor) were held by 10 people altogether, that is 55% of the Archbishops who had Chancellery experience. The average length of time of staying at such a post was a little over 9 years. The post of the Secretary was the most often held office: 12 people had held it. At least one third of the latter ones were next promoted to the office of the Great Secretary which was the third most important in the Chancellery hierarchy. The average age at which the Chancellery career was begun was 29, and the average age of promotion to the post of the Chancellor – 38. The average age of appointment to the position of Archbishop was 53 and it is not significantly different from the age of those people who had not had any Chancellery experience. The factor that accelerated promotions was education, especially studies in law crowned with obtaining a degree, accompanied by a magnate family background.
Roczniki Humanistyczne; 2000, 48, 2; 5-28
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Roczniki Humanistyczne
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Struktury kościelne zachodniej Korony po pierwszym rozbiorze w świetle Szkiców Karola Perthéesa
Church Structures of the Western Crown After the First Partition in the Light of Charles Perthées’ Sketches
Borek, Arkadiusz
Data publikacji:
Katolicki Uniwersytet Lubelski Jana Pawła II. Towarzystwo Naukowe KUL
Karol Perthées
struktury kościelne
XVIII wiek
parafie katolickie
Charles Perthées
church structures
18th century
Catholic parishes
Szkice opracowane przez Karola Perthéesa stanowiły dla niego podstawę do przygotowania w końcu XVIII wieku map województw zachodniej Korony w granicach po pierwszym rozbiorze. Informacje w Szkicach pochodziły z ankiet parafialnych przygotowanych przez plebanów. Szkice zawierają wiadomości o strukturach terytorialnych Kościoła katolickiego. Ze względu na ich pośrednie pochodzenie od instytucji kościelnych można próbować je wykorzystać do rekonstrukcji struktur terytorialnych Kościoła. Ewaluacja informacji ze Szkiców na ten temat wskazuje jednak, że źródło to jest pod tym względem nierówne. Wynika to z faktu, że tylko informacje o parafiach i ich przynależności dekanalnej pochodzą zawsze bezpośrednio od Perthéesa (przez niego z ankiet parafialnych), a informacje o jednostkach wyższego rzędu często od osoby, która po śmierci Pertheesa opracowywała ten materiał, osoba ta nie posiadała jednak odpowiednich do tego kompetencji. Za wiarygodne w Szkicach można uznać informację o ponad 2050 parafiach, a te o jednostkach wyższego rzędu należy konfrontować z innymi źródłami.
The Sketches of Charles Perthées were for him the basis for the preparation of the maps of the western Crown after the First Partition of Poland at the end of the 18th century. The information in Sketches came from parish questionnaires prepared by parsons. The Sketches include information about the territorial structures of the Catholic Church. Due to their indirect church provenience, we can assume that they can be used to study the territorial structures of the Church. Evaluation of the information from the Sketches, however, shows that the source is unequal in this matter. Only information about parishes and their affiliation to deaneries always come from Perthées, and information about higher administrative units often from the person who developed Sketches after Perthées’ death, however, this person lacked competence. Information about more than 2050 parishes can be considered credible, and those about higher units should be confronted with other sources.
Roczniki Humanistyczne; 2022, 70, 2; 101-115
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Roczniki Humanistyczne
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Poselstwo od wojska koronnego na sejm warszawski 1683 r. jako przykład funkcjonowania patronatu wojskowego Jana III
Delegation from the Crown Army to Warsaw Sejm in 1683 as an Example of the Military Patronage of Jan III
Hundert, Zbigniew
Data publikacji:
Katolicki Uniwersytet Lubelski Jana Pawła II. Towarzystwo Naukowe KUL
Sejm 1683 r.; poselstwa wojskowe na sejmy; wojsko koronne; patronat wojskowy Jana III Sobieskiego
Sejm in 1683; military delegation to sejms; Crown Army; military patronage of Jan III Sobieski
Pod koniec stycznia 1683 r. w Warszawie zebrał się sejm, na który przybyła delegacja od wojska koronnego, podjęta w izbie poselskiej 27 lutego, a u królowej Marii Kazimiery 2 marca. Delegację tworzyło 9 osób, w tym ośmiu oficerów – sześciu z zaciągu narodowego i trzech z cudzoziemskiego. Posłom przewodził dowódca królewskiego pułku jazdy, stolnik koronny Aleksander Polanowski. On też w imieniu kolegów, których wymienił imiennie, pokwitował 6 lutego odbiór ze skarbu 9000 zł przeznaczonych na traktamenty (diety poselskie). Dzięki temu pokwitowaniu mogliśmy ustalić nieznany dotąd skład deputacji od armii koronnej. Umożliwiło to przeprowadzenie analizy badawczej, która pokazała, że posłowie od wojska koronnego w 1683 r. pozostawali w kręgu oddziaływań wojskowego patronatu króla Jana III, w związku z tym władca mógł na nich w pełni polegać. Zdobycie sobie wpływu na deputację wojskową przez Jana III stanowiło ostrzeżenie dla opozycji antykrólewskiej, że wojsko koronne w całości popiera politykę monarchy.
At the end of January 1683 a sejm assembled in Warsaw, attended by a delegation from the Crown Army, re-ceived in the Chamber of Deputies on 27 February and then by Queen Maria Kazimiera on 2 March. The dele-gation was composed of 9 people, including eight officers – six of national and three of foreign recruitment. The delegation was headed by the commander of the royal cavalry regiment, Dapifer Regni Aleksander Polanowski. It was also him who on behalf of his colleagues, whom he mentioned by name, on 6 February signed for the received 9,000 zlotys from the treasury allocated for parliamentary allowances. Owing to this receipt, we were able to determine the previously unknown composition of the deputation from the Crown Army. This made it possible to conduct an analysis which showed that the emissaries of the Crown Army in 1683 remained in the circle of the military patronage of King Jan III, therefore the ruler could entirely rely on them. The fact that Jan III acquired influence over the military deputation was a warning to the anti-royal opposition that the Crown Army fully supported the monarch’s policy.
Roczniki Humanistyczne; 2018, 66, 2; 39-58
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Roczniki Humanistyczne
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
„Z dawna jako ludzie pamiętać mogą”. Pamięć o przeszłości i jej nośniki na wsi lubelskiej w drugiej połowie XVI stulecia
„As far back as people can remember”. Memory of the past and its carriers in the country in the Lublin District in the second half of the 16th century
Januszek-Sieradzka, Agnieszka
Data publikacji:
Katolicki Uniwersytet Lubelski Jana Pawła II. Towarzystwo Naukowe KUL
pamięć o przeszłości
nośniki pamięci
świadomość temporalna
środki chronometryczne
lustracje dóbr królewskich
województwo lubelskie
memory of the past
memory carriers
temporal awareness
chronometric means
inspections of the Crown lands
Lublin province
Memory of the past in a society, especially one whose members were largely illiterate, was not only a bridge of its kind between the past and the present, but an important – particularly from the point of view of the perception of the practice of social life – guarantee of the truth and a sanction of the state existing in the present. It was on the range and permanence of this memory, on the efficiency of securing it and caring for it, on the effectiveness of the chronometric means used, and finally on the consciousness of its value for the „here and now”, which may be jointly defined as temporal awareness, that the conditions of the legal and economic existence of the inhabitants of the 16th century countryside depended. With a limited participation of written sources in depositing the memory of the peasant population and the development of its temporal awareness, this population first of all used relative chronology, no doubt better understood than any absolute date, as well as relative chronological means. The role of guardians of memory, sometimes formalized and formulated as a legal custom, was played by the oldest members of the community, defined as „rememberers” in inspection documents. The memory of the inhabitants of a Lublin village as a rule did not exceed twenty years, but with the use of genealogical measures also much more distant past was remembered, usually reaching the generation of the grandfather, that is comprising the span of about 60-70 years in this way.
Roczniki Humanistyczne; 2013, 61, 2; 119-134
Pojawia się w:
Roczniki Humanistyczne
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Inwentarz skarbca koronnego z 1515 roku
The inventory of the Crown Treasury of 1515
Nalewajek, Agnieszka
Data publikacji:
Katolicki Uniwersytet Lubelski Jana Pawła II. Towarzystwo Naukowe KUL
skarbiec Królestwa Polskiego
regalia polskie
insygnia koronacyjne
królów polskich
ród Szydłowieckich
treasury of the Kingdom of Poland
Polish regalia
crown insignia of Polish kings
Szydłowiecki family
The paper presents the inventory of the Crown Treasury of 1515 whose original has been preserved in the Central Public Archives (AGAD, parchment nr 4460). The inventory was written down on 5 November 1515, after the office of the Treasurer of the Kingdom of Poland was taken by Mikołaj Szydłowiecki. It contains a detailed description of three Polish royal crowns: the Crown which was used for the coronation of Polish kings (Corona Aurea Regni Poloniae), the Queen’s Crown (Corona Reginalis Maiestatis), and the Homagial Crown (Corona Homagialis), as well as the other insignia of the king’s power, also a list of the objects kept in the Crown Treasury: objects of religious cult with their description, objects that contained Christological relics, things with protective properties and objects having historical value as well as other precious objects collected there. The review of the Crown Treasury was done on King Sigismund I’s order and was carried out by his closest associates, Deputy Chancellor of the Treasury Piotr Tomicki, Chancellor Krzysztof Szydłowiecki and Jan Boner.
Roczniki Humanistyczne; 2013, 61, 2; 63-81
Pojawia się w:
Roczniki Humanistyczne
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
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