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Mitologizacja awifauny w pracach polskich humanistów
Mythologization of avifauna in Polish humanists’ works
Stasiak, Arkadiusz M.
Data publikacji:
Katolicki Uniwersytet Lubelski Jana Pawła II. Towarzystwo Naukowe KUL
humanizm renesansowy
literatura renesansowa
Renaissance humanism
Renaissance literature
The process of mythologization of avifauna has been analyzed in order to study the relation between man and nature, and more precisely, between the Renaissance humanism and natural sciences. One issue is puzzling in this field – why did educated and well-read humanists mythologize nature, including the avifauna? Why did authors, for whom in principle criticism was an elementary indicator for perceiving reality, got rid of it so easily? 16th century authors with humanist education did not reconstruct nature but art, and they searched for its ideal in ancient works filled with mythologization of the nature. Humanist erudition required describing mythical animals and equally mythical symbolic of those animals. In this way one could prove that he knew ancient texts well. Reconstruction of such nature as it really existed was an attitude that was unworthy of a humanist artist. Hence the store of knowledge and ignorance that existed in those times was translated into a particular, often mythologized, text written by a Renaissance author.
Roczniki Humanistyczne; 2013, 61, 2; 83-95
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Roczniki Humanistyczne
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Latijns schooldrama in de Nederlanden
Latin School Drama in the Low Countries
Łaciński teatr szkolny w Niderlandach
Engelbrechtová, Jana
Data publikacji:
Katolicki Uniwersytet Lubelski Jana Pawła II. Towarzystwo Naukowe KUL
teatr szkolny
school drama
Low Countries
Middle Ages
In deze bijdrage wordt eerst een beknopt overzicht gegeven van de ontwikkeling van het Latijnstalige onderwijs in de Lage Landen in de middeleeuwen en renaissance. Vervolgens wordt de positie van het renaissancistische Latijns schooldrama in de Nederlanden behandeld in verband met de verwerking van Middelnederlands materiaal met speciale aandacht voor het toneelstuk Elckerlijc. Hierbij wordt tevens bekeken welke thematiek zowel in Middelnederlands drama als in het Latijnse schooldrama voorkomt. De drie belangrijkste generaties van auteurs van schooldrama’s worden kort voorgesteld. De periode van dit schooldrama betreft hier de Nederlandse renaissance van eind zestiende en begin zeventiende eeuw. Deze periode wordt met voorbeelden van enkele auteurs en stukken geïllustreerd, met name de Acolastus van Guillemus Gnaphaeus en de Hecastus van Georgius Macropedius.
W niniejszym artykule autorka wychodzi od krótkiego przeglądu rozwoju edukacji w języku łacińskim w krajach Niderlandów w średniowieczu i renesansie, po czym poddaje analizie pozycję renesansowego łacińskiego dramatu szkolnego w Niderlandach w odniesieniu do materiałów średnioniderlandzkich (1200-1500), ze szczególnym uwzględnieniem sztuki Elckerlijc. W polu uwagi znajdują się również tematy wspólne zarówno dla dramatu środkowoniderlandzkiego, jak i łacińskiego dramatu szkolnego. W artykule przedstawiono pokrótce trzy najważniejsze pokolenia autorów dramatu szkolnego. Okres teatru szkolnego obejmuje niderlandzki renesans końca XVI i początku XVII wieku. Okres ten został zilustrowany przykładami kilku autorów i utworów, w szczególności Acolastus Guillemusa Gnaphaeusa i Hecastus Georgiusa Macropediusa.
This contribution first gives a brief overview of the development of Latin-language education in the Low Countries in the Middle Ages and the Renaissance. Subsequently, the position of Renaissance Latin school drama in the Low Countries is examined in relation to the incorporation of Middle Dutch material, with special attention paid to the play Elckerlijc. It also examines which themes are shared in both Middle Dutch drama and Latin school drama. The three most important generations of school drama authors are also briefly introduced. The period of these school dramas is that of the Dutch Renaissance of the late sixteenth and early seventeenth century. This period is illustrated with examples of several authors and plays, in particular the Acolastus by Guillemus Gnaphaeus and the Hecastus by Georgius Macropedius.
Roczniki Humanistyczne; 2022, 70, 5 Zeszyt specjalny; 27-39
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Roczniki Humanistyczne
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Teoria historiografii w De historica facultate Francesco Robortello
The Theory of Historiography in the De historica facultate by Francesco Robortello
Dziuba, Agnieszka
Data publikacji:
Katolicki Uniwersytet Lubelski Jana Pawła II. Towarzystwo Naukowe KUL
literatura – teoria
literature – theory
The paper seeks to answer the question how historiography, a very popular genre in the Renaissance, its goals and methods, were understood by the author of the first in the sixteenth century work on that topic. Francesco Robortello, a prominent Hellenist, is in the treatise under discussion faithful to his Greek interests. Contrary to the pattern assumed by the epoch, he gives the victor's palm in the field of history writing to Thucidydes, and in his work he most often refers to the thought of Aristotle and Lucian. He imitates the latter when defining the goal of historiography. Similarly as Lucian, in the treatise devoted to the same theme, Robortello shows errors which historians should avoid when writing their works. The Italian humanist refers to Cicero and Quintilian, nevertheless his master was Lucian whose leading principle was faithfulness to historical truth. And this principle is repeated many times as the main task of historiography in the De historica facultate. It seems that this is not only a literary topos, but the author's genuine belief. At the same time, Robortello is closer and closer to modern historiography.
Roczniki Humanistyczne; 2001, 49, 3; 51-59
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Roczniki Humanistyczne
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Ortensio Lando i francuska wersja jego Paradoksów
Ortensio Lando and the French Version of His Paradoxes
Salawa, Piotr
Data publikacji:
Katolicki Uniwersytet Lubelski Jana Pawła II. Towarzystwo Naukowe KUL
włoska literatura renesansowa
europejska recepcja kultury włoskiego renesansu
Ortensio Lando
Italian Renaissance literature
European reception of the Italian Renaissance
Ortensio Lando was an Italian promoter of the thought of Erasmus of Rotterdam and he translated Thomas Moore's Utopia into Italian. Also, he was author of a provocative set of paradoxes (Paradossi, Lyon 1532) that were before long translated into French (Paradoxes, translated by Charles Estienne, Paris 1553), and then into English (The Defence of Contraries, translated by Anthony Munday, London 1593). A contrastive analysis of one of the paradoxes („Better to be a fool than a scholar”) in its original and its French translation displays interesting aspects of text reception. The French translator of the text engages into an intellectual play based on the use of rhetorical devices. The translation is purposefully devoid of any veiled and alluded content of ideological nature, whose presence is deducible in the Italian text.
Roczniki Humanistyczne; 2012, 60, 1; 19-30
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Roczniki Humanistyczne
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Ioel Propheta Szymona Szymonowica jako przykład renesansowej parafrazy biblijnej
Szymon Szymonowics Ioel Propheta as an Example of the Renaissance Biblical Paraphrase
Budzisz, Andrzej
Data publikacji:
Katolicki Uniwersytet Lubelski Jana Pawła II. Towarzystwo Naukowe KUL
prorok Joel
the Renaissance
Prophet Joel
Szymon Szymonowic's Ioel Propheta, dedicated to Pope Clement VIII, is the second example, aside to Jan Dantyszek's Ionas Propheta, of the Polish-Latin Biblical poetry in the sixteenth century, a poetry that imitated the prophetic books of the Old Testament. The poetic paraphrases of the biblical books in the Renaissance are a particular and frequent type of writing, although the Renaissance literary theory was rather not occupied with this phenomenon and the majority of authors of poetical theories keep silent about paraphrase. The paper quotes in short what the ancient (Quintilian and Cicero) and Renaissance (Erasmus of Rotterdam and Nicodemus Frischlin) authors said as regards the essence and function of paraphrase. These authors emphasize the emulative character of literary paraphrases, and aemulatio is one of the basic (apart to imitatio) principles of poetic writing, those that were binding in the Renaissance. Quintilian quotes two very general ways of paraphrasing: breviare, that is summary, abbreviation of the original text, and exornare – ornament (which most often is also a development of the text under paraphrase). Giving a new literary form to the well-known biblical themes, one may be free in selecting proportions, skillfully laying emotional stresses and thus making use of paraphrase for an appropriate goal. Prophecy as a literary genre has been found to be similar to speech, in particular to genus deliberativum, the essence of the oratory style being, according to Quintilian and Cicero, amplification and ornamentation. One can see therefore, that amplification is a characteristic feature of both speech and paraphrase. Our analysis of Szymonowic's work shows that the poet extended the theme from the Bible through his amplification in the stylistic layer. In the work Ioel Propheta by Szymonowic the amplification serves to characterize a figure, and expresses various feelings. Above all, it has been used to demonstrate the author's workshop skill, and thereby to evoke the reader's admiration for his talent and erudition. The evident particular amplification of some parts of Joel's prophecy can make us assume that it was caused by a definite goal, for which Szymonowic made his paraphrase. This goal was to direct Pope Clement VIII's attention to danger that threatened Christian Europe on the part of the Turkish empire. This is not, however, a kind of persistent anti-Turkish propaganda. For sure, Szymonowic's work, especially his dedication of the initial part, is also a panegyric to honour Pope Clement VIII. Thus, apart from imitative and emulative effort, one may stress in Szymonowic his skilful use of paraphrase to broaden the interpretative range of a work.
Roczniki Humanistyczne; 2002, 50, 3; 65-82
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Roczniki Humanistyczne
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Mity w traktacie astronomicznym Jana z Głogowa (1445-1507)
The use of Myths in the Astronomical Treatise of Jan of Głogów (1445-1507)
Zawadzki, Robert K.
Data publikacji:
Katolicki Uniwersytet Lubelski Jana Pawła II. Towarzystwo Naukowe KUL
mity; średniowiecze; humanizm; astronomia; renesans
myths; Middle Ages; humanism; astronomy; Renaissance
Artykuł zawiera omówienia mitów antycznych oraz historii biblijnych przewijających się przez traktat astronomiczny Introductorium compendiosum in «Tractatum sphaerae materialis» Ioannis de Sacrobusto autorstwa Jana z Głogowa – znakomitego naukowca, pracownika Akademii Krakowskiej. Autor artykułu, przedstawiając treść tych opowieści, zwraca uwagę na ich związki z twórczością pisarzy antycznych i średniowiecznych. Celem artykułu jest także ukazanie, jak te fikcyjne legendy funkcjonowały w ramach uczonego traktatu o astronomii, jak dostosowane zostały do poetyki naukowego wywodu.
The article discusses ancient myths and biblical stories that can be found in the astronomical treatise Introductorium compendiosum in «Tractatum sphaerae materialis» Ioannis de Sacrobusto of Jan of Głogów – an outstanding scholar in the Cracow Academy. The article includes an explanation of the content of these legends with references to ancient and medieval authors. Another goal of the article is to show how these stories were incorporated and adapted to the scientific lecture on celestial spheres and stars.
Roczniki Humanistyczne; 2019, 67, 3; 149-169
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Roczniki Humanistyczne
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Proza polskiego renesansu wobec antropologii humanistycznej, czyli negocjo¬wanie pozycji w świecie układanym na nowo
The Prose of the Polish Renaissance versus Humanistic Anthropology, or Negotiating the Position in the World Built Anew
Śnieżko, Dariusz
Data publikacji:
Katolicki Uniwersytet Lubelski Jana Pawła II. Towarzystwo Naukowe KUL
geografia kulturowa
cultural geography
Artykuł jest próbą spojrzenia na polski humanizm renesansowy jako umiarkowany i samodzielny projekt modernizacyjny, w jego negocjacyjnych odniesieniach do tradycji antropologicznej, odmian mitu wieku złotego, zagadnień języka, a także dokonującej się wówczas rekonfiguracji mapy świata – z uwzględnieniem tego, co z oferty europejskiej nie zostało zasadniczo podjęte (np. melancholia generosa), jak również tego, na co został położony szczególny nacisk. W tej ostatniej sprawie mowa przede wszystkim o emancypacyjnym dążeniu do wyraźnego zaznaczenia tożsamości i specyfiki regionu Europy Wschodniej.
This article is an attempt to take Polish renaissance humanism as a moderate and independent modernisation project, including its references to the anthropological tradition, the variants of  the myth of the golden age, the issues of language, as well as to the reconfiguration of the map of the world that was being carried out at that time. This paper also remarks on those important motifs of humanism that were not taken up (e.g. the concept of melancholia generosa) and those matters that were especially stressed by Polish authors, primarily, the emancipatory struggle to assert the identity and special character of Eastern Europe.
Roczniki Humanistyczne; 2021, 69, 1; 9-25
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Roczniki Humanistyczne
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Człowiek poczciwy w Źwierzyńcu Mikołaja Reja
The Good Man in Mikołaj Rej’s Źwierzyniec
Tyl, Marzena
Data publikacji:
Katolicki Uniwersytet Lubelski Jana Pawła II. Towarzystwo Naukowe KUL
renesansowa literatura ziemiańska
renaissance gentry literature
The author compares Mikołaj Rej’s Źwierzyniec and Żywot człowieka poczciwego on their thematic, philosophical, symbolical, and lexical levels. She points at the similar sources of anecdotes and written images. Two issues have been discussed: the hero’s (the good man’s) attitude to the village and steadfastness and moderation as two main virtues that characterize the gentry man and landowner. In the above two works the village is treated as a source of independence and safety, the values that make the nourishing of virtues possible. Rej teaches the reader of his parenthetic writings how to stay unmoved, how to be prepared for the turns of fortune, how to prevent the fall and be satisfied with one’s life, without trying to accomplish something unreal at any cost. Those who fail to have the virtue of steadfastness fall under harsh criticism. In the two works moderation is spoken of in similar terms. Rej, neo-stoic and proponent of the strict Protestant ethics, claims that well-being is the gift from God, estate is important when it is gained thanks to one’s own work. Being attached to it, however, does not take on the form of avarice and greed. Rej criticises those who become slaves of riches, and also those who suffer from scarcity because of their own laziness.
Roczniki Humanistyczne; 2008, 56, 1; 41-73
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Roczniki Humanistyczne
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Ficino And Savonarola Two Faces of the Florence Renaissance
Gawrońska-Oramus, Beata
Data publikacji:
Katolicki Uniwersytet Lubelski Jana Pawła II. Towarzystwo Naukowe KUL
Ficino; Savonarola; Pico della Mirandola; neo-Platonism; art; religion; Renaissance; republic; piagnoni; Apologia contra Savonarolam
The Polish version of the article was published in “Roczniki Humanistyczne,” vol. 61 (2013), issue 4. Analysis of the mutual relations between the main intellectual and spiritual authority of the Plato Academy—Marsilio Ficino on the one hand, and Girolamo Savonarola, whose activity was a reaction to the secularization of de Medici times on the other, and a thorough study of their argument that turned into a ruthless struggle, are possible on the basis of selected sources and studies of the subject. The most significant are the following: Savonarola, Prediche e scritti; Guida Spirituale—Vita Christiana; Apologetico: indole e natura dell'arte poetica; De contempt mundi as well as Ficino’s letters and Apologia contra Savonarolam; and also Giovanni Pica della Mirandoli’s De hominis dignitate. The two adversaries’ mutual relations were both surprisingly similar and contradictory. They both came from families of court doctors, which gave them access to broad knowledge of man’s nature that was available to doctors at those times and let them grow up in the circles of sophisticated Renaissance elites. Ficino lived in de Medicis' residences in Florence, and Savonarola in the palace belonging to d’Este family in Ferrara. Ficino eagerly used the benefits of such a situation, whereas Savonarola became an implacable enemy of the oligarchy that limited the citizens’ freedom they had at that time, and a determined supporter of the republic, to whose revival in Florence he contributed a lot. This situated them in opposing political camps. They were similarly educated and had broad intellectual horizons. They left impressive works of literature concerned with the domain of spirituality, philosophy, religion, literature and arts, and their texts contain fewer contradictions than it could be supposed. Being priests, they aimed at defending the Christian religion. Ficino wanted to reconcile the religious doctrine with the world of ancient philosophy and in order to do this he did a formidable work to make a translation of Plato’s works. He wanted to fish souls in the intellectual net of Plato’s philosophy and to convert them. And it is here that they differed from each other. Savonarola’s attitude towards the antiquity was hostile; he struggled for the purity of the Christian doctrine and for the simplicity of its followers’ lives. He called upon people to repent and convert. He first of all noticed an urgent need to deeply reform the Church, which led him to an immediate conflict with Pope Alexander VI Borgia. In accordance with the spirit of the era, he was interested in astrology and prepared accurate horoscopes. Savonarola rejected astrology, and he believed that God, like in the past, sends prophets to the believers. His sermons, which had an immense impact on the listeners, were based on prophetic visions, especially ones concerning the future of Florence, Italy and the Church. His moral authority and his predictions that came true, were one of the reasons why his influence increased so much that after the fall of the House of Medici he could be considered an informal head of the Republic of Florence. It was then that he carried out the strict reforms, whose part were the famous “Bonfires of the Vanities.” Ficino only seemingly passively observed the preacher’s work. Nevertheless, over the years a conflict arose between the two great personalities. It had the character of political struggle. It was accompanied by a rivalry for intellectual and spiritual influence, as well as by a deepening mutual hostility. Ficino expressed it in Apologia contra Savonarolam written soon after Savonarola’s tragic death; the monk was executed according to Alexander VI Borgia’s judgment. The sensible neo-Platonist did not hesitate to thank the Pope for liberating Florence from Savonarola’s influence and he called his opponent a demon and the antichrist deceiving the believers. How deep must the conflict have been since it led Ficino to formulating his thoughts in this way, and how must it have divided Florence's community? The dispute between the leading moralizers of those times must have caused anxiety in their contemporaries. Both the antagonists died within a year, one after the other, and their ideas had impact even long after their deaths, finding their reflection in the next century’s thought and arts. 
Roczniki Humanistyczne; 2018, 66, 4 Selected Papers in English; 63-86
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Roczniki Humanistyczne
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Biblioteka Nauki
Treny od 19 do 1: niedoskonałość i doskonałość
Laments from 19 to 1: Imperfection and Perfection
Marinelli, Luigi
Data publikacji:
Katolicki Uniwersytet Lubelski Jana Pawła II. Towarzystwo Naukowe KUL
Jan Kochanowski
poezja renesansowa
cykl poetycki
symbolika numerologiczna
Renaissance poetry
poetic cycle
number symbolism
Artykuł stanowi ponowną próbę wyjaśnienia istoty cykliczności Trenów Jana Kochanowskiego w odniesieniu do ich kontekstów interpretacyjnych, w tym zwłaszcza Psałterza Dawidowego. Dokonując swej poetyckiej parafrazy Psalmów, Kochanowski mógł się zetknąć ze średniowieczną tradycją spekulacji symboliczno-arytmetycznej, co według autora dopuszcza możliwość lektury numerologicznej Trenów w ramach idei jedności humanitas / divinitas. Idea ta przybliża cykl żałobny Kochanowskiego zarówno do tradycji orficko-pitagorejskiej, wtopionej w humanistyczny neoplatonizm chrześcijański, jak i do podstawowych w chrześcijaństwie prawd chrystologicznych: w tej perspektywie niedoskonałość liczby 19 prowadzi do doskonałości liczby 1, oddającej prajednię (Giordano Bruno). Autor stara się przy tym udowodnić, że określona kolejność utworów w cyklu (na przykład szczególna pozycja numeru 11) wzmacnia i podbudowuje dramatyzm myśli poety, zmagającego się z osobistą katastrofą.
This article presents a renewed attempt at explaining the cyclical nature of Jan Kochanowski’s Treny [Laments] in relation to their interpretative contexts, in particular that of Psałterz Dawidów [David's Psalter]. When poetically paraphrasing the Psalms, Kochanowski might have come across the medieval tradition of symbolic and arithmetic speculation, which, according to the author of this article, allows for a numerological reading of Treny within the framework of the idea of the humanitas / divinitas unity. This idea brings Kochanowski’s funeral cycle closer to both the Orphic-Pythagorean tradition, blended into a Christian humanist neo-Platonism, and the fundamental Christological truths in Christianity – from this perspective, the imperfection of the number 19 leads to the perfection of the number 1, which reflects the One (Giordano Bruno). At the same time, the author tries to prove that the given sequence of works in the cycle (for example, the special position of the number 11) strengthens and supports the dramatic nature of the thoughts of the poet, who is struggling with a personal tragedy.
Roczniki Humanistyczne; 2020, 68, 1; 9-30
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Roczniki Humanistyczne
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Elementy folkloru słowiańskiego w powieści Andrieja Rubanowa Финист ясный сокол
Elements of the Slavic Folklore in the Andrei Rubanov’s Novel Finist Yasnyy Sokol
Wójcikowska-Wantuch, Paulina
Data publikacji:
Katolicki Uniwersytet Lubelski Jana Pawła II. Towarzystwo Naukowe KUL
mitologia słowiańska
renesans bajki
kultura oralna
Slavic mythology
fairy tale renaissance
oral culture
Artykuł dotyczy najnowszej powieści współczesnego pisarza rosyjskiego Andrieja Rubanowa, zatytułowanej Финист ясный сокол. Utwór został zakwalifikowany przez autora i krytyków do gatunku słowiańskiego fantasy. Gatunek ten zdobywa wśród pisarzy i czytelników coraz większą popularność na fali zjawiska renesansu bajki w literaturze rosyjskiej na przełomie XX i XXI wieku. Fabuła powieści Andrieja Rubanowa opiera się na motywach rosyjskiej baśni ludowej. Konstruując świat przedstawiony, autor sięgnął przede wszystkim do tekstów folkloru rosyjskiego, ale w celu uprawdopodobnienia wydarzeń wykorzystał również wiedzę etnograficzną i historyczną dotyczącą życia Prasłowian. Celem artykułu jest zbadanie i omówienie elementów folkloru ogólnosłowiańskiego w utworze Andrieja Rubanowa. Autorka artykułu skoncentrowała się na obszarze wierzeń słowiańskich: mitologii, demonologii, pogańskich obrzędów i rytuałów. Zostały także przedstawione takie elementy folkloru słowiańskiego, jak kultura ludowego śmiechu i narracja skazowa. Wskazano jeden z podstawowych problemów utworu, czyli rozpad kultury oralnej i zanikanie pierwotnego myślenia magicznego na rzecz kultury piśmiennej i chrześcijańskiego światopoglądu.
This article is about the latest novel written by contemporary Russian writer Andrei Rubanov entitled Финист ясный сокол [Finist yasnyy sokol]. The novel was qualified by the author and critics to the Slavic fantasy genre. This genre is gaining more and more popularity among writers and readers on the wave of the Renaissance fairy tale phenomenon in Russian literature at the turn of the 20th and 21st centuries. The plot of the novel by Andrei Rubanov is based on the motifs of Russian folk tales. Constructing the world, the artist presented primarily the texts of Russian folklore, but in order to substantiate the events, he also used ethnographic and historical knowledge about the life of the Early Slavs. The aim of the article was to present and discuss elements of Slavic folklore in the work of Andrei Rubanov. The author of the paper focused on the area of Slavic beliefs: mythology, demonology, pagan rituals and rituals. Elements of Slavic folklore such as the culture of folk laughter and flaw narrative were also presented. One of the basic problems of the novel was pointed out, the disintegration of oral culture and the disappearance of primitive magical thinking in favor of writing culture and Christian worldview.
Roczniki Humanistyczne; 2020, 68, 7; 65-84
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Roczniki Humanistyczne
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Zwiastowanie z Mądrego jako przykład ikonografii Wcielenia
The Annunciation of Mądre as an example of iconography of the Incarnation
Kościółko, Iwona
Data publikacji:
Katolicki Uniwersytet Lubelski Jana Pawła II. Towarzystwo Naukowe KUL
Zwiastowanie Maryi
renesans w Polsce
Łukasz II Górka
Annunciation to Mary
Renaissance in Poland
The Annunciation from Mądre is an example of iconography of the Incarnation that appeared as eartly as the beginnings of Christian art, and through the ages it was a compilation of many various pictorial motifs. The painting of the Annunciation, kept in Kórnik, dated for 1529, was once the middle part of the altar in the parish church in Mądre. The figure of the founder, Łukasz Górka, shown at Gabriel's feet, confirms the authority of the humanist who ordered the work. The iconography of the painting connects the traditions of the medieval imaging of the Annunciation to Renaissance elements. At the background of the main scene, against the landscape, another event in Mary's cycle takes place – the Visitation to St. Elizabeth. A. Labuda points to the importance of this picture in the development of proto-Renaissance painting in Wielkopolska (Great Poland), with the complex motif of the Incarnation that introduces into the picture the Infant looking in the direction of Mary. A. Labuda has pointed to L. Górka's foundation as the Church's orthodox authority towards Lutheran ideas that had a powerful influence in the Wielkopolska region. The Annunciation is characterized by a clear and cogent iconographic program built around the mystery of the Incarnation as the crucial moment of the Salvation. In the corner of the painting God the Father, the Infant as the Son-Logos carrying the cross on his shoulders, and the dove of the Holy Spirit have been shown. This moment of the Annunciation, joined to the image of the Father, was shown in the icon of Nowogród painted in the 12th century. God was shown as the Everlasting, according to the description in the Book of Daniel 7, 9 from Isaiah's prophecy 6, which also found its pictorial interpretations in Jacop Torriti's mosaics from Santa Maria Maggiore of 1247. In the development of the presentations of Annunciation we are interested in, showing Logos descending from heaven, the art developed in the area on the Rhine was significant, since it was there that the trend of mysticism of the whole of the 15th century emphasizing divinity of Christ was consolidated. The influence of the Renaissance way of thinking can be seen in the painting owing to the sibyls, already defined by Heraclitus, Euripides, Aristophanes, Plato and many other authors whose writings were used as sources by Christian writers. Especially three sibyls were considered to be authoritative oracles: the Phrygian one from Delphi, the Eritrean one and the Hellespont one. A special significance was attributed to the sibyls' prophecies in Rome. According to the legend related by Dionysius of Halicarnassus, Tarquinius the Proud bought books with prophecies from a mysterious woman identified with Sibyl of Cumae, and from the times of Augustus the books were kept in the Jove Temple in the Capitol. Ancient prophecies were joined to the texts of Jewish prophecies, forming in this way collections of sibyls' prophecies contained in twelve books. Christian oracles speak about the coming of Messiah, and some quotations were used by the Fathers of the Church. Clement of Alexandria in his work Stromata mentions four sibyls, Phrygian, Eritrean, Egyptian and Italian, called Carmentis. Initially in Christian art only one sibyl was shown, but in the late Middle Ages and in the Renaissance period more were introduced, together with the attributes that identified them. In early Renaissance art sibyls were often shown in the context of Evangelical events, e.g. on the stalls of the Ulm Cathedral whose author was Jorg Syrlin (1467-1474).
Roczniki Humanistyczne; 2004, 52, 4; 233-262
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Roczniki Humanistyczne
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Portrety prawosławnych duchownych w porewolucyjnej prozie rosyjskiej
Портреты православных священников в пореволюционной русской прозе
Supa, Wanda
Data publikacji:
Katolicki Uniwersytet Lubelski Jana Pawła II. Towarzystwo Naukowe KUL
duchowieństwo prawosławne
portret satyryczny
odrodzenie religijne
the orthodox clergy
satirical portrait
religious renaissance
В статье анализируются, с учетом историко-политического контекста, портреты православных священников, созданные после 1917 г. до наших дней. В период насильственной атеизации советского общества доминировали сатирические или критически деградированные портреты представителей духовенства (Двенадцать стульев, Соть, Котлован). Сатирическая тенденция продолжалась и в 60-70-е г., но сатира была уже менее резкой (рассказы В. Шукшина и В. Тендрякова). Одновременно стали появляться трагические образы жертв репрессий (Факультет ненужных вещей), а затем образы священников – победителей в борьбе за человеческие умы и сердца (Пирамида Л. Леонова, Поп А. Сегеня, некоторые персонажи Л. Улицкой). Улицкая создает также портреты современных никчемных слуг божьих.
Roczniki Humanistyczne; 2008, 56, 7; 35-51
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Roczniki Humanistyczne
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Castiglionego i Górnickiego pochwała muzyki (na podstawie pierwszych ksiąg Il Cortigiano i Dworzanina polskiego)
Castiglione’s and Górnicki’s Praise for Music. (On the Basis of the First Books of Il Cortigiano and Dworzanin polski)
Wojtkowska-Maksymik, Marta
Data publikacji:
Katolicki Uniwersytet Lubelski Jana Pawła II. Towarzystwo Naukowe KUL
literatura renesansowa
renaissance literature
This paper is based on an analysis that compares some texts devoted to music taken from Łukasz Górnicki’s “Dworzanin polski” (1566) and Baldassarr Castiglione’s “Il libro del Cortigiano” (1528). The purpose of this comparison is to show the relationship of the works under study with the broad philosophical and literary tradition of the sixteenth century. It also seeks to answer the question about the function played by music and musical education in the image of a perfect courtier.
Roczniki Humanistyczne; 2008, 56, 1; 109-128
Pojawia się w:
Roczniki Humanistyczne
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
U początków sporu o „minimalizm” i „maksymalizm” w polskim katolicyzmie społecznym
Aux origines de la dispute le «minimalisme» et le «maximalisme» au sein du catholicisme polonais social
Rabiński, Jarosław
Data publikacji:
Katolicki Uniwersytet Lubelski Jana Pawła II. Towarzystwo Naukowe KUL
„Tygodnik Warszawski”
Stronnictwo Pracy
katolicyzm społeczny
„Hebdomadaire de Varsovie”
Parti du Travail
catholicisme social
La dispute sur le minimalisme et le maximalisme a été entamée, au sein du catholicisme polonais social, par la parution de l'article de S. Stomma dans le mensuel „Znak” (Signe) en 1947. Il a considéré le «minimalisme» en tant qu'attitude consistant, d'une part, à renoncer à influencer la vie politique, à proposer des solutions à la politique gouvernementale, d'autre part, à se limiter aux activités théologiques, philosophiques, morales et culturelles. La plupart des rédacteurs de „Tygodnik Powszechny” (Hebdomadaire Universel) ont choisi cette position. Celle-ci a été critiquée notamment par les publicistes de „Tygodnik Warszawski” (Hebdomadaire de Varsovie), militants du Parti du Travail (J. Braun). Dans „Tygodnik Powszechny”, le Père Jan Piwowarczyk, grand spécialiste de l'enseignement social de l'Eglise Catholique, a polémiqué avec les thèses de Stomma. Les adversaires de ce dernier ont promu le maximalisme et, ainsi, la présence des formations catholiques, y compris un parti politique, dans la vie sociopolitique polonaise. La genèse des deux attitudes se trouve dans les activités de l'organisation étudiante „Odrodzenie” (Renaissance), où ont cohabité des milieux dont les membres insistaient sur la coopération avec la démocratie chrétienne (Lublin, Varsovie) et voulaient limiter leur influence à la formation intérieure de leurs membres (Vilnius, Lvov).
Roczniki Humanistyczne; 2006, 54, 2; 109-116
Pojawia się w:
Roczniki Humanistyczne
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki

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