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Z Towarzystwa Jezusowego do Towarzystwa do Ksiąg Elementarnych. Myśl pedagogiczna Grzegorza Piramowicza a Ratio Studiorum
From the Society of Jesus to the Society for Elementary Books. The Pedagogical Thought of Grzegorz Piramowicz and Ratio Studiorum
Ziółek, Ewa M.
Data publikacji:
Katolicki Uniwersytet Lubelski Jana Pawła II. Towarzystwo Naukowe KUL
Grzegorz Piramowicz
szkolnictwo jezuickie
Komisja Edukacji Narodowej
Jesuit schooling
Commission of National Education
Grzegorz Piramowicz – Ormianin lwowski, wywodzący się z mieszczańskiej rodziny jezuita jest jednym z najwybitniejszych działaczy Komisji Edukacji Narodowej, a także ważnym teoretykiem myśli pedagogicznej w Rzeczypospolitej. Obok wielu ważnych dzieł, które pozostawił po sobie, za szczególnie istotne dla historii wychowania w Polsce uznaje się Powinności nauczyciela – pierwszy polski poradnik metodyczny dla nauczycieli szkół elementarnych. Dzieło to było analizowane w historiografii z punktu widzenia jego nowatorstwa w aspekcie metody pracy edukacyjnej i wychowawczej w XVIII-wiecznej szkole i jako kompendium ówczesnej wiedzy pedagogicznej. Niniejszy artykuł natomiast został poświęcony dociekaniu źródeł wiedzy pedagogicznej Piramowicza. Porównanie treści Powinności nauczyciela z jezuickim Ratio studiorum, opracowanym jeszcze w XVI w. i wykorzystywanym w jezuickich kolegiach do kasaty w 1773 r., wyraźnie pokazuje, że Grzegorz Piramowicz czerpał głównie z tradycji swojego zakonu. W swoim dziele, w dużej mierze przejął i dostosował do potrzeb szkoły elementarnej przepisy wychowawcze obowiązujące w kolegiach jezuickich. Należy przy tym dodać, że czerpał on z własnego doświadczenia nauczycielskiego, co umożliwiło mu twórcze przejęcie tych zasad i stworzenie pierwszego w Polsce poradnika metodycznego dla nauczycieli, w którym teoria wsparta była doświadczeniem własnym autora.
Grzegorz Piramowicz, an Armenian from Lviv and a Jesuit from a bourgeois family, was one of the most prominent activists of Poland’s Commission of National Education; he was also an important theoretician of pedagogical thought in the Polish Republic. In addition to his numerous and important works, Powinności nauczyciela (The Teacher’s Duties) – the first Polish methodological guide for elementary school teachers – is considered particularly valuable for the history of education in Poland. This work has been analyzed in historiography in terms of its novelty in light of methodology of educational and pedagogical work in the 18th-century school, and as a compendium of pedagogical knowledge of the time. This article examines Piramowicz’s sources of pedagogical knowledge. My comparison of the content of Powinności nauczyciela with the Jesuit Ratio studiorum, written as early as in the 16th century and used in Jesuit colleges until the dissolution of the order in 1773 clearly shows that Grzegorz Piramowicz drew mainly on his order’s tradition. In his work, he largely adopted and adapted the educational regulations in force in Jesuit colleges to the needs of elementary schools. It should also be added that he drew on his own teaching experience, which enabled him to creatively adopt these principles and create the first methodological guide for teachers in Poland, in which theory was supported by the author’s own experience.
Roczniki Humanistyczne; 2021, 69, 2; 11-27
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Roczniki Humanistyczne
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Krasickiego zdanie o Stanisławie Auguście
I. Krasickis Opinion About King Stanisław August
Rudnicka, Jadwiga
Data publikacji:
Katolicki Uniwersytet Lubelski Jana Pawła II. Towarzystwo Naukowe KUL
Król Stanisław August Poniatowski
Komisja Edukacji Narodowej
King Stanisław August Poniatowski
Commission for National Education
Ignacy Krasicki expressed his opinion about King Stanisław August Poniatowski in the coronation homily on 25 November 1764, and then in the satire entitled On the King written in 1779. In the homily he said that it was a man of `a splendid mind and righteous heart'; he also tried to convince the audience that the King should be respected. In the satire he defended the King against the charges of the opposition who said that he was not a king's son, that he was too young, too good and that he loved learned people. The charges resulted from envy, spite and foolishness, as during his reign Stanisław August effected far-reaching reforms in Poland. Among others, he established the Commission for National Education – the first ministry of education in the world, that played an important role after the political collapse of the state.
Roczniki Humanistyczne; 2002, 50, 1; 27-35
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Roczniki Humanistyczne
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Zasady funkcjonowania Komisji Edukacji Narodowej jako pierwszego Ministerstwa Oświaty
The Rules According to Which the Commission of National Education (KEN) Functioned as the First Ministry of Education
Bednarski, Łukasz
Data publikacji:
Katolicki Uniwersytet Lubelski Jana Pawła II. Towarzystwo Naukowe KUL
Komisja Edukacji Narodowej
Towarzystwo do Ksiąg Elementarnych
Ministerstwo Oświaty
Commission of National Education
Society for Elementary Books
school inspector
Ministry of Education
educational system
The present study discusses the issue of the supreme school authorities of the last decades of the 18th century in the First Polish Republic. The rules according to which the Commission of National Education (KEN) functioned as well as its political position are characterized. The main subject of the work is showing in what way the KEN was independent of the authorities of the state, owing to which we may talk about the institution as the first Ministry of Education. The origin of the Commission is discussed against the background of education reforms in selected European countries like Prussia, Austria and France. However, these countries did not establish so independent education departments as it was the case with Poland. Apart from this institutions are discussed that were parts of the KEN, and without which it would be impossible to effect the reforms, namely, the Society for Elementary Books and the office of General Inspectors. The former one was responsible for curricula and handbooks, but it often had to take over part of the duties of the very KEN. The inspectors were a kind of a link between the central education authorities and schools all over Poland; they also supervised effecting the reforms and passed the postulates formulated by the education system employees to the Commission. In the conclusion the effects of the KEN's work and its influence on the society harassed by the partitions are summarized. The whole allows the reader to have a closer look at the functioning of the schooling system of that time from the historical-legal perspective.
Roczniki Humanistyczne; 2009, 57, 2; 99-110
Pojawia się w:
Roczniki Humanistyczne
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Wybrane refleksje nad audiacją gordonowską
Selected Reflections on E.E. Gordon’s Audiation
Kołodziejski, Maciej
Data publikacji:
Katolicki Uniwersytet Lubelski Jana Pawła II. Towarzystwo Naukowe KUL
teoria uczenia się muzyki
pedagogika muzyki
psychologia muzyki
syntaksa muzyczna
music and movement education
physical education
folk and national dances
music and movement exercises
W artykule zdefiniowano pojęcie audiacji muzycznej i dokonano próby konfrontacji teorii uczenia się muzyki Edwina E. Gordona z myślą pedagogiczną, psychologiczną i filozoficzną dotyczącą omawianej problematyki. Głównym celem rozważań autora są refleksje nad kategorią audiacji, rozumianej jako rodzaj myślenia muzycznego, stanowiącej podstawę uzdolnienia i osiągnięć muzycznych, a rozpatrywanej jako kluczowe pojęcie i filar teorii uczenia się muzyki autorstwa amerykańskiego pedagoga i psychologa muzyki E. E. Gordona. Audiację rozpatrywano w kilku kontekstach: definicyjnym i syntaktycznym, nauczania i uczenia się muzyki, paraleli uczenia się muzyki do języka oraz w kontekście operacjonalizacji motywu muzycznego (rytmicznego lub/i tonalnego) jako podstawowego warunku rozwijania myślenia muzycznego człowieka. Ze względu na potrzebę dogłębnej analizy teoretycznej, obecnej na polskim rynku edukacyjnym od ponad 20 lat, teorii uczenia się muzyki autorstwa E. E. Gordona pod kątem jej formalności i funkcjonalności w rozwoju badań, kategoria audiacji muzycznej stała się przedmiotem niniejszych analiz teoretycznych.
This article defines the concept of musical audiation and attempts to confront Edwin E. Gordon’s theory of music learning with pedagogical, psychological and philosophical thought concerning the issues discussed. The main aim of the author’s considerations is to reflect upon the category of audiation, understood as a kind of musical thinking, and which is the basis for musical talent and achievements and considered to be a key concept and pillar in the theory of learning music by the American music educator and psychologist E. E. Gordon. Audiation is considered in several contexts: definitional and syntactical, the teaching and learning of music, the parallels between learning music and language, and also in the context of the operationalisation of musical patterns (rhythm and/or tonal) as the basic condition for the development of human musical thinking. E. E. Gordon’s theory of music learning has been present in the Polish educational market for over 20 years and, due to the need for an in-depth theoretical analysis of this theory in terms of its formalities and functionality in the development of research, the category of music audiation has now become the subject of such analyses.
Roczniki Humanistyczne; 2022, 70, 12; 277-290
Pojawia się w:
Roczniki Humanistyczne
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Ukraiński jako język mniejszości narodowej w podstawie programowej MEiN. Cele i wyzwania kształcenia ukrainistycznego w Polsce
Ukrainian as a Language of National Minority in the Core Curriculum of the Ministry of National Education And Science. Goals and Challenges of Ukrainian Education in Poland
Romaniuk, Svitlana
Jakubowska-Krawczyk, Katarzyna
Data publikacji:
Katolicki Uniwersytet Lubelski Jana Pawła II. Towarzystwo Naukowe KUL
język ukraiński
mniejszość narodowa
ukraiński w Polsce
kształcenie językowe
kształcenie literacko-kulturowe
podstawa programowa
Informator o egzaminie maturalnym
national minority
Ukrainian language in Poland
language education
literary and cultural education
core curriculum
matriculation exam guide
W artykule poddano analizie status języka ukraińskiego jako języka mniejszości narodowej w Polsce oraz aktualne podejście do kształcenia w obszarze języka, literatury i kultury ukraińskiej w polskiej szkole. Obejmuje ono wiedzę o języku, znajomość lektur i szeroko rozumianych tekstów kultury ukraińskiej. Autorki poszukują odpowiedzi na zasadnicze kwestie związane z podstawą programową i założeniami, jakie winna spełniać, doborem zagadnień pomagających uczniowi poznać i pielęgnować dziedzictwo narodowe, a także zakresem i formami egzaminów.
This article analyses the status of the Ukrainian language as a national minority language in Poland and the current approach to Ukrainian linguistic and literary-cultural education in Polish schools which includes knowledge of the language and selected texts of Ukrainian culture. The authors seek to answer key questions related to the core curriculum, the choice of issues to be studied that could help the student learn and appreciate their national heritage, as well as the scope and form of exams.
Roczniki Humanistyczne; 2022, 70, 10; 189-203
Pojawia się w:
Roczniki Humanistyczne
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Polskie wady narodowe i ich przezwyciężanie w szkolnictwie okresu międzywojennego na przykładzie Szkoły Powszechnej w Wąwolnicy
Polish National Faults and Overcoming them in the Inter-war Period Education on the Example of the Primary School in Wąwolnica
Pardyka, Anna
Data publikacji:
Katolicki Uniwersytet Lubelski Jana Pawła II. Towarzystwo Naukowe KUL
Druga Rzeczpospolita
charakter narodowy
Second Republic
national character
cooperative movement
Representatives of Polish intellectual and political elites of the last period of the partitions and of the Second Republic saw a necessity of eliminating from the Polish national mental life the faults that would make it difficult to 'form the nation' that would match the needs of an independent state. Lack of diligence and underestimating economic values, idealism, individualism, excessive emotionality were considered the leading Polish national faults. As the example of the Wąwolnica school shows, overcoming them, which was an essential postulate in the basics of national education, had a rather verbal character until the May coup. The programme was practically put into effect mainly in the course of lessons of manual work, where the pupils first of all exercised the virtue of diligence. The programme of eliminating Polish faults continued by the 'Sanacja' system was focused not only on diligence but on appreciacion of economic values (thriftiness, cooperative movement) and on collective work as well. Work on faults at schools had a planned and multi-level character. It was done in the form of lectures and of celebrating certain issues on particular days; from the end of the 1920s it was developed in pupils' organizations, and after the Jędrzejowicz's reform the problem was given more space in the curriculas and handbooks. There are premises leading to the conclusion that the programme of overcoming the faults brought real changes in the Polish society of that time; however, schooling was far from general, which means that not all the children subject to the schooling duty were included in the programme. On the other hand, it is known that it reached some of the adult representatives of the society.
Roczniki Humanistyczne; 2002, 50, 2; 149-185
Pojawia się w:
Roczniki Humanistyczne
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Walka o utrzymanie narodowego (demokratycznego) ideału wychowawczego w polskiej oświacie w latach 1944-1947
The Struggle for Maintaining the National (Democratic) Educational Ideal in Polish Schools in 1944-1947
Składanowski, Henryk
Data publikacji:
Katolicki Uniwersytet Lubelski Jana Pawła II. Towarzystwo Naukowe KUL
Tajna Organizacja Nauczycielska
Polski Komitet Wyzwolenia Narodowego
Polska Partia Robotnicza
Polskie Stronnictwo Ludowe
Tymczasowy Rząd Jedności Narodowej
Ministerstwo Oświaty
Związek Nauczycielstwa Polskiego
Clandestine Teachers' Organization (TON)
Polish Committee of National Liberation (PKWN)
Polish Workers' Party (PPR)
Polish Peasants' Party (PSL)
Provisional Government of National Unity (TRJN)
Ministry of Education
Polish Teachers' Association (ZNP)
After the Polish Committee of National Liberation (PKWN) had been established, Communist education activists came to Poland from the Soviet Union. The group was led by Dr Stanisław Skrzeszewski who was appointed Head of the Education Department in Lublin. In order to draw teachers to work in the Polish school that was being rebuilt, they had to completely change the views of education they had propagated before. These were tactical actions supposed to neutralize the teacher circle's unfavorable or hostile attitudes. This resulted from the fact that the education structure of the London Government Delegation and the Clandestine Teachers' Organization (TON), working on the liberated lands, were under the influence of the Peasants' Party (SL), and they did not join the new authorities' organizational work, as they did not trust the Polish Workers' Party or the National People's Council. This is why in the “Appeal to the Polish Teachers” issued on 1 August 1944 by the Education Department in Lublin it was, among others, stated, that “The teacher has a complete freedom of democratic political views, speech and actions, according to his views”. The people managing the Education Department, knowing the moods prevailing in the society, did not want to introduce radical changes at the initial stage, and the curriculum, including history, was the same as the one before the war. This is proven, among others, by the “Directions for organizing public primary schools in the school year 1944/45”. Such actions resulted from the social-political situation obtaining in Poland at that time. The new authorities did not want to indispose the Polish society and the teachers towards themselves, as the Communist education activists coming from the USSR were already looked at with suspicion. They were also afraid for their own future fate, as the PKWN, and then the Provisional Government were not recognized by the two remaining superpowers of the anti-Hitler coalition, that is, the United States and Great Britain. This had a great influence on the compromise solutions decided on in the field of education. In the new Provisional Government of National Unity (TRJN) appointed on 28 June 1945, on the basis of the agreement between the three superpowers concluded in Jalta, a Polish Peasants' Party (PSL) activist, the president of the Polish Teachers' Association (ZNP), Czesław Wycech became Minister of Education. When Czesław Wycech took over the function of the minister, the Communists, partly debarred from the posts of authority, still tried to influence the crucial decisions, keeping some of the most important positions. Żanna Kormanowa, an education activist who came from the Soviet Union, is a good example here. She had the key function of the Head of the School Reform and Curricula Department. Despite fears of losing it the Communists were able to keep the position. Formally not controlling the Ministry of Education, they in fact had a lot of influence on the curricula that were being prepared. Many PPR activists knew that establishing the TRJN was a necessary compromise. However, they could not understand why the party had given up just this ministry, as their educational work done so far was assessed as very good by the party leaders. They thought that reconstructing the contents of school education in history and forming a new, communist educational ideal, were an indispensable condition in the planned ideological attack. In this way a situation arose, in which the changes in education were being introduced by teachers connected with PSL, who did not agree with the former Ministry of Education's conception of reform. They did not accept the education ideal postulated by PPR, either. On the contrary, the main educational aims, which the Ministry of Education headed by the PLS pursued, were: “the principles of democracy understood as respect for human rights for freedom, for full development, for participation in material and cultural achievements according to one's work and abilities, as aspiration for dividing hardships and burdens that an individual has to bear for the common good”. These aims proved that the PSL wanted to build a fully democratic state, which was contrary to the principle of “the dictatorship of the proletariat” proclaimed by the PPR. However, in the situation that obtained at that time the Communists had to tolerate the views presented by the Ministry of Education. Until the forged elections of 1947 the Ministry tried to resist the PPR's influences and aimed at democratic changes in Poland, which was reflected, among others, in the curricula that were then issued. Having seized all the power in 1947 the Communists started putting into effect the ideals of education based on Marxist-Leninist ideology, alien to Polish people. Deserted in its struggle for democracy the PSL, supported practically by the Church alone, subjected to repressions and exposed to actions aiming at its dissent, was not able to defend the democratic and national education. The education ideas proclaimed by the PSL after the war were returned to practically only after the rise of the “Solidarity” trade union in 1980, and started being put into effecty after the breakthrough of 1989, when Poland regained full independence.
Roczniki Humanistyczne; 2004, 52, 2; 57-70
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Roczniki Humanistyczne
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
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