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Het probleempje van Le Petit Prince in vertaling: Verkleinwoorden vertaald uit het Frans in het Nederlands en Pools
The ‘little’ problem of Le Petit Prince in translation: Diminutives translated from French to Dutch and Polish
Popławska, Beata
Data publikacji:
Katolicki Uniwersytet Lubelski Jana Pawła II. Towarzystwo Naukowe KUL
zdrobnienia; Mały Książę; przekład polski i niderlandzki; analiza porównawcza
diminutives; The Little Prince; Dutch and Polish translations; comparison
Problematyka przekładu Małego Księcia: Zdrobnienia w tłumaczeniu z francuskiego na język niderlandzki i polski Przedmiotem niniejszego artykułu jest analiza zdrobnień w polskim i niderlandzkim tłumaczeniu francuskiej noweli pt. Mały Książę (Le Petit Prince) Antoine’a de Saint-Exupéry'ego. Po przedstawieniu podstawowych zasad tworzenia zdrobnień w języku francuskim, niderlandzkim i polskim, z uwzględnieniem ich podziału i funkcji, podjęta została próba odpowiedzi na pytanie, czy liczba zdrobnień w obydwu przekładach jest równie niewielka jak w tekście oryginału — główny cel badania. Mały Książę to nowela przeznaczona (w pierwotnym założeniu) dla dzieci, dlatego zdrobnienia odgrywają w niej istotną rolę. Również z tego powodu ważny jest sposób, w jaki polscy i holenderscy tłumacze noweli rozwiązali problemem renderowania zdrobnień. Het probleempje van Le Petit Prince in vertaling: Verkleinwoorden vertaald uit het Frans in het Nederlands en Pools Deze bijdrage wil aan de hand van een corpus van twee vertalingen van de Franse novelle Le Petit Prince van Antoine de Saint-Exupéry kijken naar de vertaalmogelijkheden van diminutieven in het Nederlands en Pools. Het belangrijkste doel van de uitgevoerde analyse is om de vraag te kunnen beantwoorden of de Nederlandse en Poolse vertaling net zo weinig verkleinwoorden bevatten als het Franse origineel. De diminutiva zijn in deze tekst van groot belang omdat het een novelle is voor kinderen. Een ander probleem dat in de studie aan de orde komt, is hoe de Poolse en Nederlandse vertalers van deze novelle een probleem van het weergeven van verkleinwoorden hebben aangepakt. Het artikel schetst tevens een theoretische achtergrond van de principes voor het creëren van verkleinwoorden in het Frans, Nederlands en Pools, samen met hun verdeling en functies.
The article’s main objective is the analysis of the Dutch and Polish translation of Antoine de Saint-Exupéry’s novella Le Petit Prince (The Little Prince). After the opening remarks, the theoretical framework (i.e. the formation, classification, and functions of diminutives in French, Dutch, and Polish) is presented, followed by a quantitative analysis of diminutives in the original texts and the two translations. The Little Prince in this French original contains relatively few diminutives, especially given the fact that de Saint-Exupéry’s novella was originally classified as children’s literature, therefore answering the question whether the Dutch and Polish translations contain equally few diminutives as the French original is the main purpose of the analysis. Another issue addressed in the study is how the Polish and Dutch translators of the novel solved the problem of rendering diminutives in translation.
Roczniki Humanistyczne; 2018, 66, 5 Special Issue; 211-223
Pojawia się w:
Roczniki Humanistyczne
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Służba wojskowa księcia Witolda Czartoryskiego w Hiszpanii (1845-1846)
Prince Witold Czartoryskis military service in Spain
Obtułowicz, Barbara
Data publikacji:
Katolicki Uniwersytet Lubelski Jana Pawła II. Towarzystwo Naukowe KUL
Witold Czartoryski
Hotel Lambert
Maria Krystyna
Maria Christina
Artykuł prezentuje nieznane w historiografii szczegóły pobytu księcia Witolda Czartoryskiego w Madrycie, gdzie przez kilka miesięcy pełnił służbę wojskową w renomowanym Pułku Reina Gobernadora. Podstawową bazę informacji stanowi korespondencja prywatna księcia z członkami rodziny, przechowywana w Bibliotece Książąt Czartoryskich w Krakowie. Witold, który zgodnie z wolą ojca robił karierę wojskową, wyjechał za Pireneje, aby zdobyć tam stopień porucznika. Autorka analizuje rozmaite aspekty związane z obecnością księcia w stolicy Hiszpanii na tle złożonej sytuacji społeczno-politycznej tego kraju w dobie panowania Izabeli II (1833-1868). Są nimi przebieg służby (trudy wojskowe, niski poziom edukacji, ciężkie warunki bytowe), stosunek księcia do mieszkańców tego kraju (kobiet i mężczyzn), do hiszpańskiej sceny politycznej, do członków rodziny królewskiej, zwłaszcza do królowej matki Marii Krystyny, oraz do hiszpańskiej Polonii. Ważny wątek stanowi analiza psychologiczna Witolda, który wychowany w cieplarnianych warunkach, bardzo źle znosił pobyt na obczyźnie i związane z tym niedogodności. Jednocześnie przejawiał patriotyzm i oddanie dla sprawy polskiej.
The article presents details of Prince Witold Czartoryski's stay in Madrid, unknown in historiography; it was in Madrid that he did his military service in the reputed Regimentde la Reina Gobernadora. The prince's private correspondence with members of his family that is kept in the Czartoryski Princes' Library in Krakow is the basis of the information. Witold, who according to his father's will followed military career, went „over the Pyrenees” to earn the lieutenant rank there. The author analyzes a variety of aspects connected with the Prince’s stay in the Spanish capital against the background of the complicated social-political situation of the country at the time the reign of Isabella II of Spain (1833-1868). Among others, they include the course of the service (hardships in the military, the low education level, difficult living conditions), the Prince’s attitude towards the inhabitants of the country (women as well as men), towards the Spanish political scene, members of the royal family – especially towards Queen Mother Maria Christina, and towards the Polish community in Spain. A psychological analysis of Witold is an important thread; brought up under hothouse conditions he could hardly put up with his stay abroad and the inconveniences connected with it. At the same time he showed his patriotism and devotion to the Polish cause.
Roczniki Humanistyczne; 2014, 62, 2; 103-126
Pojawia się w:
Roczniki Humanistyczne
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Architektura dworska w Prusach Książęcych i na Warmii. Studium genezy i odrębności
Manor Architecture in Prince’s Prussia and in Warmia a Study of its Origin and Distinctive Features
Rzempołuch, Andrzej
Data publikacji:
Katolicki Uniwersytet Lubelski Jana Pawła II. Towarzystwo Naukowe KUL
In the discussed area, e.i. the province of East Prussia whose borders were established before the conference of Versaille, there were more than 1000 buildings that had the features of manor architecture, 200 of them in Warmia. The number and the state of preservation of the existing buildings as well as the documentation of the lost objects make it possible to undertake general and comparative studies that could introduce the problems of manor architecture to the public again. At present it is even more important because of the serious troubles connected with protecting this category of historical buildings. Architecture, independent of its own meaning, is an excellent, very well understood even today, illustration of settlement and civilisation processes. In the former Prussian areas it is a testimony about their multi-ethnical and multi-cultural character; it also reveals the moments in history when they participated in the transformation of European art. This is one of the motifs undertaken in the study. The author discusses selected groups of buildings and particular residences, from the earliest ones belonging to the period of late Renaissance, to works from the borderland of the baroque and classical styles. In many cases the categories of style prove to be useless for evaluating this architecture. Among the oldest buildings only the body of the Renaissance manor of the zu Eulenburg family in Galiny near Bartoszyce built in the 80-ties of the 16th century (re-built in the 18th century) has been preserved. The peripheral walls of the mannerist palace of the zu Dohna family in Słobity built in the years 1622-24 were used during the extension of the residence at the break of the 17th century. The von Rauters’ late-Renaissance manor in Wilkowo Wielkie near Kętrzyn built in the years 1596-1606, in whose place von Dönhoffs built a completely new monumental palace, is known from cataloguing drawings. Residences in Prussia at that time were fortified, according to an old custom. The buildings we know, built at the end of the 16th and in the first half of the 17th centuries, are completely isolated works with universal forms encountered in the architecture of Silesia (Galiny), north and south Germany (Wilkowo Wielkie), and even Denmark and the Netherlands (Słobity). Evolution of the manor architecture in Prussian lands from the second half of the 17th century was going on under the influence of the Elector’s and then the King’s court in Berlin. In this way Ducal Prussia found its place among the contemporary creative transformations of art in this part of Europe. In the upper layer of the architecture of Ducal Prussia at the end of Elector Friedrich Wilhelm’s rule at first the ‘clear’ Dutch trend dominated, and then French influences proved decisive. From the valuable country residences of that period only Chancellor Johann von Kospoth’s one-story mansion in Licze near Kwidzyn (1664) has been preserved; it is the oldest preserved example of this kind of architecture. Also the mansions in Willkûhnen and Wundlacken near Königsberg are worth mentioning. The brick face that was characteristic of those buildings remained one of the significant means of aesthetic expression of Prussian noblemen’s abodes incessantly until the 20th century. Von Lehndorffs’ palace in Sztynort (designed before 1689, partially realized) and the Warmia bishops’ two residences in Lidzbark (at the castle and in the garden) have their closest analogies in the works of the excellent Dutchman Tylman of Gameren, working in Poland (died 1706). The bishops’ buildings, because of their novelty and originality of their composition and construction solutions may be numbered among the most interesting architectural projects of those times in the area of the Polish Republic. Towards the end of the 17th century architects ever more courageously passed from following Dutch and French models to forming their own identity in architecture; a significant role was played here by the main architect of the Berlin court, Johann Arnold Nering (1659- 1695), who built the Charlottenburg palace. As the only one from the group of the most excellent Berlin architects he participated in transforming Königsberg from a declining provincial centre to the rank of the real co-capital of the state, as from 1701 it was the coronation city of the Prussian kings. Architects connected with the court designed the most important at that time buildings in Ducal Prussia. The design of the hunters’ palace Gross Holstein near Königsberg that was built as a suburb residence for Elector Friedrich III (1693- 1697) is attributed to Nering. Joachim Schultheis von Unfried (1678-1753) built the king’s palace as the eastern wing of the castle (1704-1713). Also Huguenots, Jean Baptiste Broebes (about 1670-1720) and Jean de Bodt (1670-1745), numbered among those who gave Berlin a new look, marked their presence. The former formulated the concept of extension of the Dohns palace in Słobity (1695). De Bodt designed the palace in Gładysze (built in 1701-1704) for the zu Dohns and the Friedrichstein palace (1709-1714) for the Dönhoffs. John von Collas (1678-1753) from Lorraine used the project of Friedrichstein for building another residence for the Dõnhoffs in Drogosze (the proper name of the Dönhoffstädt property, 1710-1714). Attention should be paid to the numerous works by the less known architect, Johann Caspar Hindersin (1677-1738) who worked for zu Dohn’s family in Markowo and Słobity before starting work for the state. It is still unknown who is the author of the most famous and also probably most outstanding Prussian residence – the Finckensteins-Dohns’ palace in Kamieniec Suski (1716-1720), well known for the fact that in 1807 the French Emperor Napoleon Bonaparte and Maria Walewska stayed there. Soon after 1700 two basic models were formed of the Prussian country residence, compact and functional, adjusted to the severe climate and not yielding to unambiguous criteria of the style. The first one, on a regular two-way projection with a big entrance-hall and the living room on the axis, was reduced to a two-story form with slightly stressed middle two-sided break, covered with a mansard or hip-roof. The second model, on an analogous projection, was limited to a one-story building with a two-story break; the attic was always habitable. Mansions having such a form were usually distinguished by a high basement that had various household functions. They were still built at the beginning of the 19th century, also in Warmia. In the article special features are discussed of the occurring types of buildings and the most valuable ones are presented in detail. Always when there are close connections between the buildings and European architecture the author tries to show them
Roczniki Humanistyczne; 2002, 50, 4; 197-242
Pojawia się w:
Roczniki Humanistyczne
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Taniec Śmierci Mateusza Meriana Starszego ze Zbiorów Książęcych Waldburg-Wolfegg
Dance of Death by Mathew Merian the Elder from the Prince’s Collections of Waldburg-Wolfegg
Kołton, Elżbieta
Data publikacji:
Katolicki Uniwersytet Lubelski Jana Pawła II. Towarzystwo Naukowe KUL
Mateusz Merian Starszy
zbiory Waldburg-Wolfegg
Taniec Śmierci z Waldburg-Wolfegg
Taniec Śmierci z Bazylei
Mathew Merian the Elder
Waldburg-Wolfegg collection
Dance of Death from Waldburg-Wolfegg
Dance of Death from Basel
Dance of Death series was created in 1616 by Matthew Merian the Elder (1593-1650). His drawings were based on the fifteenth-century paintings on the cemetery wall situated next to the Dominicans' monastery in Basel, Germany. The work of the artist was very popular and was published in six different editions also numerous copies were made. Engravings discussed in this publication were from the prince's collection at the Waldburg-Wolfegg castle. The series consists of a introduction card, two initial graphics showing the preacher and orchestra of skeletons and thirty-nine engravings depicting people with different social status, occupation and age, each paired with death personification. Dance of Death by Merian is a unique presentation that combines the ideas of late medieval dances of death combined with modern equivalents. It concerns the equality of all people when faced with death and the traditional procession of people accompanied by personifications of death. However, lists of participants is enriched with respected people as well as critical comments which refer to specific human behavior. The main purpose behind those graphics was to educate and propagate knowledge. Over years it has not lost its importance and is still valid today. Numerous references done by artists to this series stipulates this fact. It was also an inspiration and illustration of human life impermanence and equality of all people faced with death.
Roczniki Humanistyczne; 2012, 60, 4; 229-251
Pojawia się w:
Roczniki Humanistyczne
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Służba wojskowa księcia Witolda Czartoryskiego w Królestwie Sardynii i Piemontu (1847-1850)
Military service of prince Witold Czartoryski in the Kingdom of Sardinia and Piedmont (1847-1850)
Obtułowicz, Barbara
Data publikacji:
Katolicki Uniwersytet Lubelski Jana Pawła II. Towarzystwo Naukowe KUL
Witold Adam Czartoryski
Królestwo Piemontu i Sardynii
legiony polskie w Italii
Hotel Lambert
wojna austriacko-piemoncka (1848-1849)
Kingdom of Sardinia and Piedmont
polish legions in Italy
Austrian-Piedmont war (1848-1849)
the Risorgimento
Tematyka niniejszego tekstu stanowi kontynuację wcześniejszego, który ukazał się na łamach „Roczników Humanistycznych” i dotyczy Witolda Adama Czartoryskiego (1822-1865) jako żołnierza w wojsku hiszpańskim. Celem artykułu jest zapoznanie czytelników z genezą i przebiegiem kolejnej służby wojskowej księcia, tym razem w Królestwie Piemontu i Sardynii, której szczegóły są nieznane historiografii. Dlaczego Witold zdecydował się na wstąpienie w szeregi wojska piemonckiego? Czy wierzył w powodzenie podejmowanych działań i w strategię Hotelu Lambert? Jakie czynniki ułatwiały, a jakie utrudniały realizację jego misji? Na te i inne pytania postaramy się odpowiedzieć w prezentowanej pracy. Nie zabraknie w niej opisów ciekawych sytuacji i przygód, które przydarzyły się księciu. Spróbujemy także nakreślić jego osobowość, tęsknotę za domem, posłuszeństwo wobec rodziców, patriotyzm. Podstawową bazę informacji stanowią materiały archiwalne z Biblioteki Książąt Czartoryskich w Krakowie, przede wszystkim listy Witolda do członków jego najbliższej rodziny i współpracowników.
The subject of this article is a continuation of the earlier paper that appeared in the “Annals of Arts” and presents Witold Adam Czartoryski (1822-1865) as a soldier in the Spanish army. The aim of this article is to familiarise readers with the genesis and course of prince’s another military service, this time in the Kingdom of Sardinia and Piedmont, the details of which are unknown to historiography. Why did Witold decide to join the ranks of the Piedmont army? Did he believe in the success of the actions and the strategy adopted by Hotel Lambert? What factors facilitated and which hindered the implementation of his mission? This paper tries to answer these and other questions. It also includes descriptions of interesting situations and adventures that happened to the prince. The paper also attempts at presenting the prince’s personality, his longing for home, obedience to parents and patriotism. The basic source information was obtained from archives of the Princes Czartoryski Library in Kraków, mainly based on Witold’s letters to the members of his immediate family and collaborators.
Roczniki Humanistyczne; 2017, 65, 2; 23-42
Pojawia się w:
Roczniki Humanistyczne
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Uwagi o organizacji Kościoła luterańskiego w Prusach Wschodnich w latach osiemdziesiątych XVIII wieku
Remarks on the Organization of the Lutheran Church in East Prussia in the Eighties of the 18th Century
Nowicki, Tomasz
Data publikacji:
Katolicki Uniwersytet Lubelski Jana Pawła II. Towarzystwo Naukowe KUL
Prusy Wschodnie
Prusy Książęce
Kościół luterański
organizacja terytorialna
liczba duchownych
Ludwik Ernest Borowski
wiek XVIII
East Prussia
Prince's Prussia
Lutheran Church
territorial organization
number of pastors
18th century
The article presented above is concerned with a few aspects of the work of the Lutheran Church in East Prussia. It is first of all based on Ludwik Ernest Borowski's work Neue Preußische Kirchenregistratur, die neuern Verordnungen und Einrichtungen Kirchen- und Schulsachen im Königreiche Preußen enthaltend. Nebst einigen zur kirchengeschichte Preußen gehörigen Aufsätzen. The author also uses earlier sources, like the list of churches of 1720 included in Walter Hubatsch's three-volume work concerned with history of the Lutheran Church in East Prussia and Daniel Arnoldts' presbyterology published in 1777. In the present article the problems are discussed of territorial organization of the Lutheran Church structures in East Prussia. These problems especially include the issue of the number of parish churches and succursal ones in particular Lutheran provinces and inspections, the proportions between the number of parishes and the number of succursals, their localization in towns and in the country. Other questions touched upon in the article are concerned with the kind of the right of patronage over the churches mentioned by Borowski and with the number of clergymen involved in pastoral work in those churches. The presented studies show that in East Prussia Borowski noted down 334 parishes and 62 succursals. The former ones constituted over 84% of all the Lutheran churches. The percentage of churches localized in towns was 18%. The Prussian king had patronage over nearly 2/3 of all the mentioned churches. The percentage of the churches of noblemen's collation was about 35, and towns' was 2.5. Two country parishes were under the patronage of the Grand Royal Hospital in Königsberg. In the studied period 412 clergymen worked in Lutheran churches in East Prussia. Taking into consideration both parish churches and succursals, there could be one pastor for each church, but on the average more of them worked in town parishes than in country ones.
Roczniki Humanistyczne; 2000, 48, 2; 91-111
Pojawia się w:
Roczniki Humanistyczne
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Tadeusz Stryjeński i konkurs na projekt schroniska dla osieroconych i zaniedbanych chłopców z Fundacji im. ks. Aleksandra Lubomirskiego w Krakowie w 1887 roku. Przyczynek do działalności konkursowej architekta
Tadeusz Stryjeński and the Contest for the Design of a Shelter for the Neglected Boys from the Prince Aleksander Lubomirski Foundation in Kraków in 1887. A Monograph on the Contest Activity of the Architect
Lameński, Lechosław
Data publikacji:
Katolicki Uniwersytet Lubelski Jana Pawła II. Towarzystwo Naukowe KUL
Tadeusz Stryjeński
architektura monumentalna
konkursy architektoniczne
monumental architecture
architectonic contess
Tadeusz Stryjeński (1849-1943) was one of the most interesting and the most hard-working architects from Galicia. He was an active architect from 1878 until the 1930s. He was an author of over one hundred various objects (mainly public buildings and tenements) built in the territory of Kraków. Architectonic contests were an important part in his professional activity. Tadeusz Stryjeński took part in twenty five contests and won in nine. For some reason independent of him he managed to implement only the plans from his first contest for the Contest for the design of a shelter for the neglected boys from the Prince Aleksander Lubomirski Foundation. The paper dwells on the history of the contest and traces the history of the building of the shelter according to the press of that time (one of the most interesting examples of neo-Renaissance in the monumental architecture of Kraków at the end of the nineteenth century). The text is preceded by some considerations on the principles of organising contests and the role of the Circles of Polish Architects in Warszawa and in Lvov, the Technical Society in Kraków. These organisations played an important role in establishing (in December 1908) the Delegation of Polish Architects, an organisation designed mainly to defend architects in their jobs and solve the problems of their milieu, including the touchy question of the contests. In all these activities Tadeusz Stryjeński took an active part.
Roczniki Humanistyczne; 2007, 55, 4; 7-32
Pojawia się w:
Roczniki Humanistyczne
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
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