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Problem istnienia w "Komentarzu" Tomasza z Akwinu do "Liber de causis"
The Problem of Being in Thomas Aquinas Commentary on "Liber de causis"
Andrzejuk, Artur
Data publikacji:
Naukowe Towarzystwo Tomistyczne
neoplatonizm klasyczny
neoplatonizm chrześcijański
Liber de causis
Tomasz z Akwinu
Komentarz do Liber de causis
Ipsum esse subsistens
classical neoplatonism
christian neoplatonism
Thomas Aquinas
Commentary on Liber de causis esse
The first of these ‘layers’ is hellenistic Neoplatonism of Proclus which is specifically deepened in Aquinas expositio by referring to ‘Stoichéiosis Theologiké’. The second ‘layer’ is monotheistic and creationist neoplatonism of the author of The Book which is sometimes corrected by Thomas Aquinas through depictions of Pseudo-Dionysius. The third and clearly separated doctrinal ‘layer’ of lecture is veritas rerum in which should be seek Aquinas’ views. In this perspective it is easier to unravel terminological difficulties which are in Thomas Aquinas’ text. It seems that many technical terms, such as esse, essentia, existentia, even substantia and ens should be ‘read’ in the ‘layer’ perspective which they located in. The article analyze first of the issue of esse. If we consider this ‘layered’ construction Commentary of Thomas Aquinas recognizing that in veritatis rerum there are the Aquinas own views, without difficulty we will find in it the most important thesis of his own metaphysics: about being as an arrangement from esse, about the esse and essentia, about essentia as an arrangement form and some type of potency, about God as a Ipsum Esse Subsistens, about creation as a giving esse.
Rocznik Tomistyczny; 2015, 4; 39-61
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Rocznik Tomistyczny
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Biblioteka Nauki
Mały błąd na początku wielkim jest na końcu. Tomaszowa reinterpretacja rozumienia bytu i istoty podstawą odkrycia Pierwszej Przyczyny jako Ipsum Esse
A little error at the beginning is great at the end. Thomas Aquinas’s reinterpretation of the understanding of being and essence as the basis for the discovery of the First Cause as Ipsum Esse
Maryniarczyk, Andrzej
Data publikacji:
Naukowe Towarzystwo Tomistyczne
Ipsum Esse
In this article, the author notes that Thomas Aquinas, in his brief work entitled De Ente et Essentia, proved that at the base of understanding the world, the human being, and God in particular, there is our understanding of being and its essence. When we make a small mistake at the beginning (parvus error in principio) in our understanding of being and its essence, it will turn to be a big one in the end (magnus in fine). And what is “at the end” of our knowledge is the discovery of the First and Ultimate Cause of all things, known as: Ipsum Esse, God, the Absolute, The Most Perfect Substance, on whom everything depends, and who depends not on anything else. These present inquiries about the proper understanding of being and its essence are aimed at formulating proof of the necessity of existence of a Being that is the First Cause, and which, existing as Ipsum Esse, is the source and reason of existence of all beings. Without these inquiries, the proof itself would be incomprehensible, and more importantly it would be a purely a priori one (i.e., ontological). Furthermore, without the existential conception of being, which Thomas first formulated, one could not discover the First Cause which, as Ipsum Esse, is the source of the existence of every being. This issue seems to have escaped the attention of the author of the book Aquinas’s Way to God. The Proof in “De Ente et Essentia”.
Rocznik Tomistyczny; 2021, 10; 57-77
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Rocznik Tomistyczny
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Biblioteka Nauki
Egzystencjalna metafizyka bytu w traktacie "De ente et essentia" Tomasza z Akwinu
Existential metaphysics of being in Thomas’ Aquinas treatise "De ente et essentia"
Andrzejuk, Artur
Data publikacji:
Naukowe Towarzystwo Tomistyczne
Byt jednostkowy
akt istnienia
Ipsum esse subsistens
individual being
act of existence
Ipsum esse subsistence
Text De ente et essentia was written together with "De principis naturae" in Thomas’ first years of teaching activities and accounted philosophical “exercises” for the brothers at the convent of St. James in Paris. There is commonly noted, that Aquinas had already established the most important theses of his philosophy, the existential metaphysics of being above all, in which the act was the existence of this being, and the form with the matter constituted its essence. In this situation, the source of all existence, God appeared as only existence. Analysis of existential themes in "De ente et essentia" confirms these opinions. In later texts, especially in the "Summa Contra Gentiles", "Summa theologiae" and "Quaestiones disputatae", Thomas deepens his concepts; he introduces extended topic of transcendentals - property of being which manifest its existence. However, the bulk of his existential metaphysics of existence has been outlined already in "De ente et essentia", and it was never corrected in the basic theses.
Rocznik Tomistyczny; 2013, 2; 95-111.
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Rocznik Tomistyczny
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Biblioteka Nauki
Gilson - voudrait-il deconstruire la metaphysique?
Czy Gilson chciał dekonstruować metafizykę?
Moscicki, Nicolas
Data publikacji:
Naukowe Towarzystwo Tomistyczne
(De)konstrukcja [metafizyki]
Historyczność [metafizyki]
Historialność [bytu - ens/esse]
Poznanie [bytu - ens/esse]
Przedmiot [metafizyki]
Zapomnienie [bytu - esse]
Connaissance-événement [de l’étant-être]
(De)construction [de la métaphysique]
Historicité [de la métaphysique]
Historialité [de l’étant-être]
Objet [de la métaphysique]
Oubli-retrait [de l’être]
This presentation - following, as closely as possible, the book of Pierre Aubenque “Do we have/need to deconstruct the metaphysics? / Faut’il déconstruire la métaphysique?” (PUF Paris 2009) - will be focused just on Gilson’s doctrine: on some, « in a sense, deconstructing approaches » which, according to Aubenque, Gilson (as a metaphysician and as an historian of metaphysics, knowingly or not…) put in fact in practice… The « sense of deconstructing approaches » in question (let us say: the « what-why-when-which way… in singular or in plural, of the practiced deconstruction ») will not be fixed-made explicit at the beginning, but, step by step, will become more and more clear all along the study… Inevitably, the screening of deconstruction practiced here, will put in evidence « its reverse side » - namely, what, within metaphysics, is - can (must?) be - a matter for « construction »… During his screening, Aubenque approaches Gilson on the background of continuous confrontation with Heidegger, punctual confrontation with Bergson; and, in some proximity with Descartes and Kant (tacit-unspoken and what’s more, a bit undecided between them both)… The presentation will finish-culminate with/in a series of global-essential conclusions: Aubenque’s conclusions, related to Gilson, to Heidegger, to convergences-divergences between them; and mines, related to his (especially, to the limitations-confusions-discrepancies… in his own approach) …
Rocznik Tomistyczny; 2018, 7; 79-104
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Rocznik Tomistyczny
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Moralny wymiar apostazji. Uwagi w kontekście filozofii klasycznej
The moral dimension of apostasy. Remarks in the context of classical philosophy
Szymonik, Marian
Data publikacji:
Naukowe Towarzystwo Tomistyczne
Ipsum Esse
Apostasy is a phenomenon which is gaining strength especially in contemporary religious life in Poland. This paper addresses the issue of the moral dimension of apostasy. A definition of apostasy is the starting point of this analysis. Then conditions of departure from faith are presented. The first are objective con-ditions connected with the state of contemporary culture and philosophy. Contemporary thought is marked by philosophical nihilism, whose main manifestation is the abandonment of metaphysics. In the next part subjective conditions of apostasy are discussed, which basically derive from misconstrued human freedom. The phenomenon of apostasy is also affected by social factors. The discussion closes by drawing attention to the connection between the axiological crisis and apostasy. The paper seeks to draw attention to the moral responsibility of man for the act of apostasy. Man is a free being. A particularly sensitive area of this freedom is religion. Man’s openness to truth makes him open to God as the ultimate goal of man. Just as truth is the means of human existence, so also religion appears as the sphere of the highest values that give meaning to human life. From the philosophical, especially moral point of view, apostasy appears as a form of man’s escape from a deeper, and at the same time difficult, insight into the sense of his own life and the whole of reality.
Rocznik Tomistyczny; 2022, 11; 313-342
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Rocznik Tomistyczny
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Le concept de leternité du temps dans le "Liber de causis"
Koncepcja wieczności i czasu w "Liber de causis"
The Concept of Eternity and Time in "Liber de causis"
Prokop, Marek P.
Data publikacji:
Naukowe Towarzystwo Tomistyczne
Liber de causis
la Cause premiere
Pierwsza Przyczyna
Księga o przyczynach była w Średniowieczu podręcznikiem filozofii na uniwersytetach europejskich. Zachowało się ponad 200 kopii. Każdy znaczący uczony łaciński pisał komentarz do tego traktatu, nawet jeszcze w Renesansie. Także dzisiaj organizowane są kolokwia, na których dyskutuje się zagadnienia poruszane w tej księdze. Periodycznie historycy filozofii usiłują wskazać imię autora i miejsce powstania. Współcześnie Cristina d’Ancona Costa sugeruje, że może to być uczeń al-Kindiego z Bagdadu z IX w., natomiast A. Pattin utrzymuje, że autorem jest Ibn Dawud z Toledo z XI w. Ciekawe dlaczego żaden z arabizujących historyków nie zadał sobie pytania, jak to się stało, że Commentator (Awerroes +1198) nie sporządził komentarza do tego tekstu, który w jego czasach był tłumaczony z arabskiego na łacinę w Toledo przez Gerarda z Kremony (†1187), skoro arabski oryginał przypisywał autorstwo Arystotelesowi, jako pracę o czystym dobru (Kitab Aristutalis fi iydah al-hair al-mahd = Liber Aristotelis de expositione bonitatis purae)? Wiele pytań pozostaje bez odpowiedzi, chociaż dziś większość historyków opowiada się za bagdackim pochodzeniem anonima. Zagadnienie wieczności i czasu, temat niniejszego artykułu, anonim łączy z podziałem „esse” na proste, które posiada każda, materialna rzecz znajdująca się w czasie oraz na hierarchicznie uporządkowane „esse superius”: to, które jest wieczne i identyczne z inteligencją; następnie to, które jest ponad wiecznością jako Pierwsza Przyczyna oraz to, które jest na horyzoncie wieczności i czasu, a jest nim dusza stwarzająca czas. Chociaż Anonim posługuję się metodą apofatyczną opisującą hierarchię bytów w odniesieniu do Pierwszej Przyczyny, będącej poza wiecznością i czasem, przez co idzie drogą z „Elementów teologii” Proklosa, niemniej posługuje się także terminologią Arystotelesa np. w określeniu pojęcia czasu. Ten traktat wpisuje się w arabską tradycję łączenia neoplatonizmu z arystotelizmem oraz monoteizmu, gdzie Pierwsza Przyczyna stwarza byty bezpośrednio, ale także za pośrednictwem przyczyn drugich (wyjątkiem wśród filozofów jest Ibn Tufayl † 1185, dla którego jedyną przyczyną sprawczą jest Bóg). Natomiast niezgodnie z arabską tradycją jest przypisanie Przyczynie Pierwszej atrybutu „czysty” (arab. al-hair), które to określenie nie występuje w kanonie 99 imion bożych.
In the Middle Ages Liber de causis was a textbook of philosophy in European universities. It remained more than 200 copies. Every significant Latin scholar wrote a comment to this treaty, in the Renaissance too. Also today colloquia are organized which picked up the issues discussed in this book. Historians of philosophy periodically try to identify the author’s name and a place of its origin. Nowadays Cristina d’Ancona Costa suggests that it may be a student of Al-Kindi from Baghdad who lived in ninth century. A. Pattin maintains that this author Ibn Dawud from Toledo who lived in eleventh century. In that days this text was translated from Arabic into Latin in Toledo by Gerard of Cremona (+1187). Is why it is interesting that no one from among historians did not ask himself how did it happen that Commentator (Averroes +1198) did not write a comment to this text as Arabic the original ascribed the authorship to Aristotle as a work about pure good (Aristutalis Kitab fi al-hair iydah al-Mahd = Liber de Aristotelis Exposition bonitatis pura). Many questions remain unanswered, although today most historians declare in favour of Baghdad’s origin of Anonymous Person. The issue of eternity and time, the topic of this article, Anonymous Person connects with the classification of ‘esse’ for simple that has each, material thing located in time and the second one – hierarchically organized ‘esse superius’ which is eternal and identical with intelligence; next that which is beyond eternity as the First Cause; and thatwhich is on the horizon of eternity and time, and it is the soul which creates time. Although Anonymous Person used the method of apophatic which describes the hierarchy of beings in relation to the First Cause, who is beyond eternity and time – that goes by way of the Elements of Theology by Proclus – but he also uses the terminology of Aristotle, eg. in determining the concept of time. This treaty is a part of the Arabic tradition of connecting Neoplatonism with Aristotelianism and monotheism in which The First Cause creates beings directly but also through secondary causes (with the exception of Ibn Tufayl +1185 – according to him the only causative is God). Whereas ascribing the attribute of ‘pure’ (al-hair) to The First Cause is contradict Arabic tradition. This term is not included in the canon of 99 names of God.
Rocznik Tomistyczny; 2015, 4; 27-37
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Rocznik Tomistyczny
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Biblioteka Nauki
Istnienie pierwszym aktem bytu
Existence as the first act of being
Andrzejuk, Artur
Data publikacji:
Naukowe Towarzystwo Tomistyczne
Thomas Aquinas
Étienne Gilson
Tomasz z Akwinu
From the perspective of existential Thomism, and following Aristotle’s philosophy of being (metaphysics) as the nucleus and keystone of the whole philosophy, seeking there the most important claims of St. Thomas, the article asks the three following questions: 1) What is the novum of Thomistic metaphysics? 2) What was Thomas’ way of thinking that led him to formulate the thesis that existence is the act of being? 3) Would anyone else have discovered the uniqueness of existence if Thomas Aquinas had not done it? The answers to these questions were formulated in reference to Gilson’s views and his concept of the history of philosophy and to the study of the concept of being in the texts of Thomas Aquinas and the historical sources of that concept. 1) Thomas proposed a new understanding of the structure of being, in which existence is the act that makes essence real and constitutes being’s potency, together making a real individual being. Thus, Thomas formulated a new existential theory of being, overcoming the limitations of Aristotle’s theory, and consistently explaining the issue related to esse (a problem that Avicenna and his followers - Parisian theologians of the 13th century could not solve). 2) Thomas Aquinas - with the help of Avicenna’s metaphysics - outdistances Aristotle’s essentialism, perceiving being as composed of existence and essence. Then, examining thoroughly the proposition of the Arab philosopher, he sees there inconsistency of attributing the position of accident to existence. According to Avicenna the element of being considered as the cause of the reality of being became - at the same time, as the accident - an unimportant component of essence. That is why Thomas Aquinas recognized that existence is the act of everything that makes essence, which transcended Avicenna’s theory, and thus he formulated his own existential version of the metaphysics of being. 3) It seems that nobody else but Thomas Aquinas would have put up a thesis that existence is the first act of being. And what would have been if Thomas Aquinas had not done it? It is hard to say as we have no historical data to let us discuss it. Similarly, it is impossible to answer this question even assuming Gilson’s thesis that the detailed claims of a given philosophy are the conclusion of the set of principles adopted at the beginning because Thomas did not have such a set of principles as at the starting point he modified the principles of Aristotle and Avicenna. Would someone else have made the same modifications, thus creating a “Thomistic” set of principles? The history of philosophy analyzes the things that actually happened and left their mark; it has no interest in things that did not take place and leave any trace. This could be an area for historical and philosophical fantasy, if it ever exists, but we try to stay in the field of the history of philosophy.
Rocznik Tomistyczny; 2017, 6; 13-25
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Rocznik Tomistyczny
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Problem źródeł Tomaszowej koncepcji esse jako aktu bytu
The Problem of Sources of Thomas’ Concept of esse as the Act of Being
Andrzejuk, Artur
Data publikacji:
Naukowe Towarzystwo Tomistyczne
Tomasz z Akwinu
metafizyka egzystencjalna
Thomas Aquinas
existential metaphysics
While expressing his innovative theory of existence (esse) as an act of being in many his texts Thomas Aqunas recalls different historical sources to support his thesis: Aristotle’s views, Arabic philosophers’ depictions, mainly of Avicenna, Boethius’ distinction entia quo od entia quod and some theses of Liber de causis. In earlier subject literature, mainly Gilson’s influence (in Poland it was under Krąpiec’s influence) adopted a view about religious inspirations of Thomas’ thesis and that the only philosophical way to his thesis is an analysis of Avicenna’s depictions which are contained mainly in work De ente et essentia. Every other Thomas’recalls should be treated as some earlier ploy for a protection against possible reservations. The first statement which arises during the analysis of historical sources which Thomas refer to expressing his theory of existence (esse) as an act of being is ascertaining that reasoning is a crucial argument to accept esse as an act of being. It should be emphasized that in his theory of esse Thomas Aquinas does not refer to argument of Revelation. The result is that Thomas expressed this thesis only in a philosophical area within the analysis of structure of real being. The attitudes which are recalled sometimes are used by Thomas Aquinas as a background or context by which he states his view. Recalled statements sometimes are a reference to the authority. It seems that the erudition recalled by Thomas in a matter which is interesting for us appears in a different aspects. That is why it should be make a fuss of that the issue of existence (esse) did not appear with Thomas Aquinas’ metaphysics or Avicenna’s metaphysics. It seems that it was on the contrary: the issue of existence (esse) was worrying Plato and earlier philosophers, Aristotle, and Neoplatonists, Boethius and Arabic philosophers. So Thomas’ thesis about existence (esse) as an act of being is a result of the analysis of the issue which is existed in the history of philosophy
Rocznik Tomistyczny; 2016, 5; 173-187
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Rocznik Tomistyczny
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
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