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Aktywność gospodarcza Polaków na Syberii w XIX i na początku XX wieku.
Masiarz, Władysłw
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet Pedagogiczny im. Komisji Edukacji Narodowej w Krakowie
From the end of the 17th centuru until 1914, Poles were being sent into exile to Siberia, first as prosoners of war, then as political prisoners of the Tsar's Russia for fighting for indepedence. After serving their sentences, few of the prosoners were allowed to go back to Poland. Wowever, most of them weredirected to free settlements where they had to take care of their own maintenance. Those who carried out scientific research brought fame to Poles by continuing it after regaitin freedom. Someof the prisoners started families and settled down enlarging Polish colonies. They also had to look for means of supporting themselves. All Poles in Siberia took actively participated in work, economy, trade, craft, services, culture, education, and arts. Poles who took up farming, crafts, and trade constituted only a small pecentage of the Polish diaspora in Siberia. The researchers managed to document some more important eonomic activity of 27 out of a few thousend Poles who were sent to exile in the years 1832-1860. The greatest number of economically and socially active Poles was among the exiles sent to Siberia after the January Uprising. It was related with the fact that about 28 thousand Polish patiots were sent to exile, although the official Russian data tells about 18,6 thousand. It can be assumed that a few thousand from among so many Poles could operate a busines. However operation of 79 people who dealt with trade, crafts, and soap and candle production was documented. They ran small hotels, restaurants, bars, canteens, hamand sausage stores, inns, bakeries, tanneries,salt-works, and shops. They worked as tailors, shoemakers, bookbinders, tinsmiths, coopersmiths, farmers and traders. A seperate group consisted of 156 exiled grouped in the years 1866-1880 in Tunka, 250 im to the south of irkutsk, who created. To avoid poverty they created an artel-a partnership and a shop that they ran on their own. They also created an agricultural company a pharmacy and a club. Some of them farmed leased lands, some were traders, and many became craftsmen. During the last 20 years of the 19th century and first 20 tears of the 20th century,apart the exexiles, a new category of Poles appeared in Siberia, primarly peasants and workers who migrated there voluntarily to earn money, make carerrs, and get lands that were granted by the Tsar to speed up colonization of Siberia. According to the first general general registry in Russia from 1897, around 30 thousand Poles inhabited Siberia, 10 thousand of whom (53%) worked on farms. the  remauning Poles were active  in all fields of economy. Until now, a more important economic career of 69 Poles was documented including 20 who owned gold mines. Summing up, it needs to be emphasized that the majority of Poles who settled down in Siberia, either voluntarily or not, undertook economic, financial and social activity if possible. 400 surnames have been examined and established so far from the period between 1832 and 1917. Thanks to their activity, those Poles obtained considerable properties and contributed to the economic and social development of Siberia.
Res Gestae. Czasopismo Historyczne; 2013, 14; 27-45
Pojawia się w:
Res Gestae. Czasopismo Historyczne
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Ludwik Mroczka Polacy i Ukraińcy między koegzystencją a konforntacją.
Mroczka, Ludwik
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet Pedagogiczny im. Komisji Edukacji Narodowej w Krakowie
stosunki etniczne
The Polish-Ukrainian neighbourhood was of great significance to both nations for many reasons:1. Polish-Ukrainian border territory, which included the lands inhabited by both ethnicgroups in 10%, constituted approximately 38% of the area and 30% of the population of Poland. The proportions were comparable for the Ukrainian part;2. National Identification, eąualled with citizenship would often write off ”the culture of little homelands”, which was so characteristic of the border territory;3. There was a considerable diversity in the social and professional structure of both ethnic groups;4. The World War I (1918-1919) had serious anti-integration conseąuences although itdid not manage to eliminate the”culture of little homelands” altogether.The alliance between Piłsudski and Petlura (1920-1921) did not alter the anti-Polish views and reactions of many Ukrainians from the territory of former Galicia. The enclosed reports (Appendix 1-3) contain the data about good living conditions for Ukrainian soldiers in intemment camps that were created after the treaty in Riga, and also about the political crisis among Ukrainian emigration and Bolshevik influences.
Res Gestae. Czasopismo Historyczne; 2003, 2; 183-199
Pojawia się w:
Res Gestae. Czasopismo Historyczne
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Sprawozdanie z międzynarodowej konferencji: "Korczak. Polish-Jewish communion of place, culture and memory".
Gębik, Hanna
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet Pedagogiczny im. Komisji Edukacji Narodowej w Krakowie
historia społeczna
Polacy i Żydzi
Res Gestae. Czasopismo Historyczne; 2013, 15; 282-285
Pojawia się w:
Res Gestae. Czasopismo Historyczne
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Wojtkowiak, Jakub
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet Pedagogiczny im. Komisji Edukacji Narodowej w Krakowie
I wojna swiatowa
Polacy w Armii Carskiej i Czerwonej
The article presents the process of transition of Poles, who served in the Russian Army during the First World War to the Red Army, established by Bolsheviks in 1918, that means – before Poland regained its independence. It indicates that adherence to the Red Army could be voluntary or compulsory and discusses the causes which tended Poles to join the ranks of the armed forces of Soviet Russia.
Res Gestae. Czasopismo Historyczne; 2015, 1; 196-207
Pojawia się w:
Res Gestae. Czasopismo Historyczne
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Mikrohistoria o wielkiej sprawie. Kilka uwag i refleksji po lekturze
Chrobaczyński, Jacek
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet Pedagogiczny im. Komisji Edukacji Narodowej w Krakowie
stosunki wzajemne
pamięć i postpamięć
Monika Sznajderman’s book, reminiscent of a strange title, is a family saga devoted to Polish-Jewish and Jewish-Polish relations. The micro (family) perspective is only a starting point and point of reference for the analysis of phenomena with a much broader horizon of problems – economy, social, political or cultural relations, where family relations, named by name and surname, remain the essential context. The two most important epochs of these relations are clearly stressed in this work – interwar, war and ccupation (the Holocaust). The author, the next generation, but also a great writer, with great talent, but also the insight of the gaze, analyzes difficult issues – semitism and anti-Semitism, wealth and poverty, attitudes and behaviors, difficult relationships. The title “pepper” is obviously the subject of trade, but also a contribution to hard work, solid education, existential reality, undoubtedly also wealth. Great reading not only for experts in Polish-Jewish and Jewish-Polish relations (this is not the same in my opinion), but also for those interested. Great language, many interesting, not easy, also for the author, threads.
Res Gestae. Czasopismo Historyczne; 2017, 4; 194-202
Pojawia się w:
Res Gestae. Czasopismo Historyczne
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Polacy w Brygadach Międzynarodowych podczas hiszpańskiej wojny domowej (1936–1939). Kilka uwag o stanie badań i postulatach badawczych
Poles in the International Brigades during the Spanish Civil War (1936–1939). A Few Remarks on the State of Research and Prospects for Further Study
Ciechanowski, Jan Stanisław
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet Pedagogiczny im. Komisji Edukacji Narodowej w Krakowie
Spain, Spanish Civil War, International Brigades, Poles, propaganda, historiography
Hiszpania, hiszpańska wojna domowa, Brygady Międzynarodowe, Polacy, propaganda, historiografia
This article examines the Poles who served in the International Brigades during the Spanish Civil War of 1936–1939. It presents the various difficulties of researching and analysing this subject. One of such difficulties is to identify who was a Pole, as in this category were included: citizens of the Second Republic of Poland of Polish nationality, its citizens of non-Polish nationality, as well as foreigners of Polish origin. In spite of these distinctions, they were divided into two groups: a communist elite and normal soldiers, controlled by a system of severe discipline. The article also suggests the necessity to create a biographical dictionary of more than 4,500 members of the International Brigades considered Polish. Other topics that need to be analysedin an adequate, scientific manner are: the papers of Polish brigadiers from different fronts of the Iberian war, the recruitment to the Brigades, the illegal transfer of some of them from Poland to Spain, the process of “producing” Polish communists, the statistical count of the Brigades (casualties included), as well as the post-war stories of those who survived. In addition, the article gives an overview of the state of the historiography on this subject.
This article examines the Poles who served in the International Brigades during the Spanish Civil War of 1936–1939. It presents the various difficulties of researching and analysing this subject. One of such difficulties is to identify who was a Pole, as in this category were included: citizens of the Second Republic of Poland of Polish nationality, its citizens of non-Polish nationality, as well as foreigners of Polish origin. In spite of these distinctions, they were divided into two groups: a communist elite and normal soldiers, controlled by a system of severe discipline. The article also suggests the necessity to create a biographical dictionary of more than 4,500 members of the International Brigades considered Polish. Other topics that need to be analysed in an adequate, scientific manner are: the papers of Polish brigadiers from different fronts of theIberian war, the recruitment to the Brigades, the illegal transfer of some of them from Poland to Spain, the process of “producing” Polish communists, the statistical count of the Brigades (casualties included), as well as the post-war stories of those who survived. In addition, the article gives an overview of the state of the historiography on this subject.
Res Gestae. Czasopismo Historyczne; 2020, 10; 72-83
Pojawia się w:
Res Gestae. Czasopismo Historyczne
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
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