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Przekłady literatury słoweńskiej w Polsce w latach 2007—2013 — komentarz
Prevodi slovenske literature na Poljskem v letih od 2007 do 2013 — komentar
Slovenian literature translations published in Poland between 2007—2013 — the commentary
Gawlak, Monika
Data publikacji:
Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Śląskiego
przekład literacki
recepcja literatury słoweńskiej
polityka kulturalna
przekłady w Polsce
literarno prevajanje
recepcija slovenske literature
kulturna politika
prevodi na Poljskem
literary translation
Reception of Slovenian literature
cultural politics
translations in Poland
Komentar predstavlja prevode slovenske literature, izdane na Poljskem v letih 2007—2013. V tem obdobju so izšli prevodi slovenske proze (mdr. Jančarja, Virka, Žabota, Mazzinija , Vojnovića, Möderndorferja, Frančiča, Novakove) in poezije (mdr. Šalamuna, Čučnika, Kosovela, Franči ča, Osojnika, Kušarjeve) — tako v knjižni obliki kot tudi v revijalnih in časopisnih objavah. Izšle so še druge publikacije, kot so antologije ter zvezki, ki so sad prevajalskih delavnic. Komentar zajema knjižne izdaje, saj prav te oblikujejo literarno zavest sekundarne kulture. Razveseljivo je, da trenutno lahko opazimo vse več objav prevodov slovenske literature, saj se povečuje tudi potreba po dopolnitvi in izostritvi slike slovenske kulture v zavesti poljskega prejemnika, nekega »kulturnega stereotipa«, ki ga bralci usvajajo s prihajajočimi besedili. Kar zadeva recepcijo, se zdi ključnega pomena, da so prevodi slovenskih avtorjev izšli v samozaložbah ali pri lokalnih založnikih (z izjemo Jančarja, Virka in Čučnika). Razvidno je, da bi bilo koristno ustanoviti dosledno kulturno in založniško politiko ter zagotoviti ustrezno širitveno strategijo, ki bi prispevala k okrepljenemu in razširjenemu tvornemu dialogu med slovensko in poljsko literaturo.
The commentary constitues a presentation of Slovenian literature translations published in Poland between 2007—2013. In mentioned period of time the translation of prose (among others written by Jančar, Virk, Žabot, Mazzini, Vojnovic, Möderndorfer, Frančič, Novak) and Slovenian poetry (Šalamun, Čučnik, Kosovel, Frančič, Osojnik, Kušar) appeared both as independent book publications as well as texts presented in periodicals and regular press. Also publications printed as anthology and releases which were a result of translation workshops were developed. In the commentary the author’s concern focuses mainly on books publications due to the fact that they are shaping the literary awareness of secondary culture. It is comforting that presently the increasing tendency for publishing translations of Slovenian literature can be observed. There is a growing need to strengthen and complement the image of Slovenian culture in the Polish reader’s consciousness, a kind of “cultural stereotype” which the reading community assimilate along with the growth of another texts. From the perspective of reception the most important issue seems to be that translations of Slovenian authors (besides Jančar, Virk and Čučnik) were published by independent, local and niche publishing houses. It is clearly seen that creating a coherent cultural‑publishing strategy and providing appropriate popularizing strategy would contribute to enriching, creative dialogue between Slovenian and Polish literature.
Przekłady Literatur Słowiańskich; 2014, 5, 2; 209-221
Pojawia się w:
Przekłady Literatur Słowiańskich
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Słoweńskie tłumaczenia literatury polskiej w latach 2019 i 2020
Slovenian Translations of Polish Literature in 2019 and 2020
Slovenski prevodi poljske književnosti v letih 2019 in 2020
Rezoničnik, Lidija
Borowy, Joanna
Gawlak, Monika
Data publikacji:
Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Śląskiego
literary translation
Polish-Slovenian translations in 2019 and 2020
literary critiques
reception of Polish literature
literarni prevod
prevodi poljske književnosti v letih 2019 in 2020 v slovenščino
literarna kritika
recepcija poljske književnosti
The article provides an overview of Slovenian translations of Polish literature in the 2019’s and 2020’s and reviewers’ responses to these works. A total of 23 translations of books were published in 2019, including five literary works (three collections of poetry and two novels). Among the 13 published translations of the following year there were eight literary works (one drama, a collection of short stories, three novels and three collections of poetry). The publishing of e-books also increased significantly in 2020. The published translations give Slovenian readers access to familiar, mostly world-renowned authors such as O. Tokarczuk, Z. Herbert, W. Szymborska, C. Miłosz, I. Karpowicz, while works by I. Ostachowicz, B. Nowicka, A. Kulisiewicz, J. Małecki, R. Franczak, and K. Dąbrowska were translated into Slovenian for the first time. With the exception of J. Kochanowski’s drama, all of the literary works translated were from the second half of the 20th century or the 21st century.
Pregled prevodov poljske književnosti v slovenščino kaže, da je bilo v letu 2019 izdanih 23 knjižnih prevodov, med njimi pet leposlovnih del, tj. tri zbirke poezije in dva romana (poleg tega še 15 otroških/mladinskih knjig in prevodi treh neleposlovnih del). V letu 2020 je opazno pospešeno izdajanje elektronskih knjig, ki je najverjetneje posledica omejene dostopnosti knjižnic in knjigarn v času epidemije koronavirusne bolezni. Izšlo je osem elektronskih knjig, ki so bile v preteklih letih že izdane v fizični obliki, in 13 tiskanih knjig novo prevedenih del. Poleg treh otroških in dveh neleposlovnih, je bilo prevedenih osem leposlovnih del: ena drama, trije romani, ena zbirka kratkih zgodb in tri zbirke poezije. Prevodi prinašajo dela slovenskim bralcem že znanih in večinoma svetovno prepoznavnih avtoric in avtorjev, kot so O. Tokarczuk, Z. Herbert, W. Szymborska, C. Miłosz, I.Karpowicz, prvič pa so bila v slovenščino prevedena dela I. Ostachowicza, B. Nowicke, A.Kulisiewicza, J. Małeckega, R. Franczak in K. Dąbrowske. Z izjemo drame J.Kochanowskega gre za prevode književnosti druge polovice 20.stoletja oz. 21.stoletja, ki so v slovenskih medijih večinoma doživeli recepcijski odziv (z izjemo Kochanowskega in Miłosza), ta je skoraj v vseh primerih zelo pozitiven. Avtorji prevodov leposlovnih del so uveljavljeni prevajalci: J. Unuk, N. Jež, K. Šalamun-Biedrzycka, K. Pisk, med njimi pa se pojavljajo tudi nova imena, kot je J. Snoj. Pomemben medij za objavo prevodov (fragmentov) del v Sloveniji manj prepoznavnih avtoric in avtorjev ter za prve objave mladih prevajalcev so bile tudi v letih 2019 in 2020 tiskane in spletne revije.
Przekłady Literatur Słowiańskich; 2022, 12; 1-20
Pojawia się w:
Przekłady Literatur Słowiańskich
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Od poezji „oszczędnej w słowa” do „trudnej” prozy dla dzieci. Przekłady literatury słoweńskiej w latach 2016-2017
From Poetry “Sparing in Its Words” to “Difficult” Prose for Children. Translations of Slovenian Literature in 2016-2017
Gawlak, Monika
Data publikacji:
Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Śląskiego
Slovenian literature in Poland
Literary Translation
Reception of Translation
Veronika Dintinjana
Katja Gorečan
Evald Flisar
Maja Novak
Vlado Žabot
The aim of the article is to review the Slovenian literature translated into Polish in 2016 and 2017. The author of the article presents translations of Slovenian poetry, prose, books addressed to children, and drama. Some of the important publishers are indicated along with the most active translators, their probable motivations, and ways of obtaining funds for their publications. The author of the article is also interested in reception of traslated Slovenian literature in the target literary field.
Przekłady Literatur Słowiańskich; 2019, 9, 3; 209-227
Pojawia się w:
Przekłady Literatur Słowiańskich
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Dvadeset pet godina bilježenja prijevoda: hrvatsko i poljsko ogledalo
O dwudziestu pięciu latach przekładów literatury polskiej i chorwackiej: zwierciadła przekładu
Twenty five years of translation: a cultural mirror of Croatian and Polish literature
Gverić Katana, Petra
Kurtok, Antonina
Data publikacji:
Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Śląskiego
egzilna književnost
hrvatski prijevodi
poljski prijevodi
prevoditeljski izbori
literature of exile
Croatian translations
Polish translations
translation choices
U članku se skicira slika hrvatske književnosti u ciljnoj, poljskoj kulturi, kao i vice versa, koje se formiraju tijekom 25 -godišnjeg razdoblja. Temelji se ona uglavnom na bibliografijama i komentarima objavljenima u časopisu „Przekłady Literatur Słowiańskich”, koji već desetak godina sustavno i detaljno bilježi i opisuje prijevode slavenskih književnosti. Analiza monografskih izdanja, kad je hrvatska književnost u pitanju, pokazuje da izbor poljskih prevoditelja pada na egzilnu literaturu, koja dobrim dijelom nije bila smatrana kanonom, te djela autora s graničnih područja jezika i kultura bivše Jugoslavije, i tematski se veže uz jugonostalgiju, ratne traume i potragu za identitetom. Hrvatska književnost — i kultura — u Poljskoj često stoga nose ponajprije odrednicu „balkanskog” i „postjugoslavenskog”. S druge strane, poljska književnost u hrvatskim prijevodima uglavnom se predstavlja reprezentativnim autorima, čiji se opus smatra kanonskim i u izvornoj kulturi. Ogledanje jedne kulture u drugoj donosi širu sliku predstavljanja Drugoga i otvara problem odnosa kulturne auto - i heteropredodžbe.
In this article, we have tried to draw an image of Croatian literature in Polish culture, as well as vice versa, in the last 25 years, based on bibliographies and articles on translations in PLS. It has been concluded that, due to translators’ choices of Croatian exile literature, works perceived in the source culture as non -canon, themes related to war, Yugonostalgia and authors whose work belong to the “borderline” of a few nations, Croatian literature in Poland exists as “Balkan” literature. On the other hand, choices of Polish literature in Croatia mainly concerns classic Polish authors. Both cases draw a wider picture of national imagery — a hetero -image — in the target culture.
Przekłady Literatur Słowiańskich; 2016, 7, 2; 35-52/53-72
Pojawia się w:
Przekłady Literatur Słowiańskich
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Poezja w podroży i translatorskie synopsis. Komentarz do Bibliografii przekładów literatury chorwackiej w Polsce w 2018 roku
Travelling Poetry and Translation’s Synopsis Commentary on The Bibliography of Translations of Croatian Literature in Poland in 2018
Pjesništvo na putovanju i prevodilački sinopsis Osvrt na Bibliografiju poljskih prijevoda iz hrvatske književnosti u 2018. godini
Majdzik Papić, Katarzyna
Data publikacji:
Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Śląskiego
Croatian literature in Poland
reception of translation
Dorta Jagić
multilingual edition
hrvatska književnost u Poljskoj
recepcija prijevoda
višejezično izdanje
This article summarizes and discusses the body of translations from Croatian literature published in Poland in 2018. The most significant offering to appear on the Polish market that year was a multilingual collection of mid-career poetry by Dorta Jagić entitled The Portrait of The Body, containing Croatian originals and their translations into Polish (by M. Wierzbicka) and English (by D. Šodan, M. Đurđević). “Synoptic” editions (bilingual or multilingual) allow the reader to view both the original and its translation, which has three major benefits: it contributes to a better circulation of texts; enables deziluzionist reading (the awareness of the difference between the original and the translation); and establishes an intertextual bond between the collected texts.
Članak sumira stanje prijevoda iz hrvatske književnosti koji su objavljeni u Poljskoj 2018. godine. Najvažnijom se pozicijom na poljskom izdavačkom tržištu pokazao višejezični izbor iz zrele poezije Dorte Jagić pod naslovom Portret tijela koji sadrži hrvatski original i njegov prijevod na poljski (M. Wierzbicka) i engleski (D. Šodan, M. Đurđević) jezik. Sinoptička izdanja (dvo- ili višejezična) omogućuju čitatelju da se sukobi s originalom i prijevodom, pridonose boljoj cirkulaciji tekstova, omogućuju deziluzionističko čitanje (tj. sa sviješću o razlici između originala i prijevoda) te uspostave intertekstualnu vezu između povezanih tekstova.
Przekłady Literatur Słowiańskich; 2020, 10, 2; 63-77
Pojawia się w:
Przekłady Literatur Słowiańskich
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Przekłady literatury słoweńskiej w Czechach i w Polsce w latach 1990—2006
Češke in poljske prevode slovenske knijževnosti w letih 1990—2006
The translation of the Slovene Literature in the Czech Republic and in Poland in 1990—2006
Jamnik, Tatjana
Data publikacji:
Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Śląskiego
literatura słoweńska
polskie tłumaczenia
czeskie tłumaczenia
recepcja tłuamczeń
związki kulturalne
Slovene literature
Polish translations
Czech translations
reception of translations
curtural connections
Na podlagi pregleda prevodov slovenske literature na Češkem in Poljskem v zadnjih sedemnajstih letih avtorica pokaže razlike in podobnosti med kulturno podobo Slovenije v zavesti teh dveh narodov. Obdobje razdeli na dva dela, pred letom 2000, ko za leposlovne prevode iż slovenščine skrbijo predvsem posamezni prevajalci t. i. starejše generacije, in po njem, ko je v obeh deželah zaradi priliva nove generacije prevajalcev opazen bistven porast knijžnih prevodov. Analiza leposlovnih prevodov w knijžni obliki, pa tudi prevodov, objavljenih v periodičnem tisku in na spletu, je pokazala, da je med stanjem w češkem in poljskem prostoru še vedno opaziti bistveno nesorazmerje.
In this review od Czech and Polish translations of Slovene literature in the past 17 years, the author shows diversity and resemblance in the cultural image of Slovenia in the collective consciousness of the two nations. The chosen era of research falls into two distinct periods. In the first, before the year 2000, the translations lied solely on the shoulders of individual translators, members of the „old” generation. The second period is characterized with a great outburst of translated Slovene literature by the young generation of traslators. Trough analysis and comparison of translated books and translations published in journals and on the internet in the Czech Republic and Poland the author draws our attention to the discrepancy in the amount of translated publications. The article explores the possible reasons for these changes and differences in the field of Slovene translated literature in the two related countries.
Przekłady Literatur Słowiańskich; 2009, 1, 1; 295-312
Pojawia się w:
Przekłady Literatur Słowiańskich
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Obraz literatury polskiej na Słowacji w tłumaczeniach Jozefa Marušiaka
The Picture of Polish Literature in Slovakia through Jozef Marušiak’s Translations
Obraz poľskej literatúry na Slovensku v prekladoch Jozefa Marušiaka
Pojezdalová, Zuzana
Data publikacji:
Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Śląskiego
Jozef Marušiak
poľská literatúra v slovenčine
literárny preklad
recepcia prekladu
Polish literature in Slovak language
literary translation
reception of translation
V článku sa autorka venuje prekladateľskej činnosti Jozefa Marušiaka a jej recepcii na Slo‑ vensku. Prezentuje výber jeho prekladov z poľštiny do slovenčiny, ktoré najviac prispeli k for‑ movaniu obrazu poľskej literatúry na Slovensku. Autorka poukazuje na konkrétne prekladateľské postupy a stratégie, a tiež na kultúrny a literárny dialóg, ku ktorému jednotlivé preklady viedli. Článok zároveň prestavuje prierez Marušiakovou prekladovou tvorbou od jej začiatku až po súčasnosť. Snaží sa tak vystihnúť, akým spôsobom výber diel a preklady jednej osobnosti vedú k obohateniu prijímajúcej literatúry.
The paper deals with Jozef Marušiak’s translations and their reception in Slovakia. The author presents a selection of his translations from Polish into the Slovak language, which has mostly formed the picture of Polish literature in Slovakia. The author points out some specific translation strategies, as well as the cultural and literary dialogue, which the translations have led to. The article also maps the wide range of Marušiak’s translation works from the beginning up to the present. The aim of the paper is to capture how the choices and translations of one personality can enrich the receiving literature.
Przekłady Literatur Słowiańskich; 2016, 7, 1; 220-235
Pojawia się w:
Przekłady Literatur Słowiańskich
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Peryferyjna obecność. Problem recepcji literatury staroserbskiej w Polsce
Peripheral Presence. A Problem of Reception of the Old Serbian Literature in Poland
Периферијско присуство. Проблем рецепције старе српске књижевности у Пољској
Lis-Wielgosz, Izabela
Data publikacji:
Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Śląskiego
проблем превода
пољски преводи
православни Словени
стара српска књижевност
Slaviae Orthodoxae
Slaviae Latinae
problem of translation
reception process
Polish translation
Orthodox Slavs
old Serbian literature
circle of the Slaviae Orthodoxae
circle of the Slaviae Latinae
peripheral character
literary genetics
In the article, a problem of translation of the old Serbian literary texts into Polish is discussed together with the basic mechanisms of the reception process of creativity revealed by the Orthodox Slavs from the Balkan region, that is, in other words, the works arisen in the circle of the Slaviae Orthodoxae and their presence in the Polish culture’s space which belonged to the circle of the Slaviae Latinae. The considerations regard the essence and function of translation, presence and absence of translated literature - its initial version in the target space, and their foundation is located in the collections of translations existing in the Polish reading circuit. The issue of the presence or position of the old South Slavonic literatures, namely, the old Serbian texts in their Polish translation, is featured in several possible perspectives. The problem is exposed in the aspect of these texts’ peripheral character and literary genetics. By dint of the first reference, a phenomenon of asymmetry in the realm of translated literatures is emphasized, which results from the domination of the so-called world literatures and the marginalization of the so-called small literatures along with the translated literary texts’ place - their initial (Old Church Slavonic) status from the view-point of the target (Polish) culture’s space, and their situation in this specific polysystem. The genetic studies’ path, however, is used in order to expose a form of the translated literature’s presence (old Serbian texts in their Polish translation), and to indicate the strategy of its introduction, namely, anthology as a supporting platform of the initial (source) literature in the space of the target culture together with its presentation, dialogical, and intercultural function derived from the authorized genre. In the article’s conclusion, the author accentuates the fact that the collections or individual publications of the old Serbian works, omitting various values of the particular projects and realizations, exist in the Polish reading circuit in order to reflect largely their presence status, knowledge, and need for those concrete South Slavonic literature.
In the article, a problem of translation of the old Serbian literary texts into Polish is discussed together with the basic mechanisms of the reception process of creativity revealed by the Orthodox Slavs from the Balkan region, that is, in other words, the works arisen in the circle of the Slaviae Orthodoxae and their presence in the Polish culture’s space which belonged to the circle of the Slaviae Latinae. The considerations regard the essence and function of translation, presence and absence of translated literature - its initial version in the target space, and their foundation is located in the collections of translations existing in the Polish reading circuit. The issue of the presence or position of the old South Slavonic literatures, namely, the old Serbian texts in their Polish translation, is featured in several possible perspectives. The problem is exposed in the aspect of these texts’ peripheral character and literary genetics.
Przekłady Literatur Słowiańskich; 2020, 10, 1; 147-171
Pojawia się w:
Przekłady Literatur Słowiańskich
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
    Wyświetlanie 1-8 z 8

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