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Kompozycja legendy mapy a sposoby identyfikacji symboli
Legend Layout Versus Strategies of Legend and Map Integration
Gołębiowska, I.
Data publikacji:
Polskie Towarzystwo Geograficzne
legenda mapy
użytkowanie mapy
protokoły głośnego myślenia
map legend
legend layout
think aloud method
W artykule omówiono wyniki badania empirycznego, w którym analizowano relacje między legendami o różnej kompozycji a sposobem integracji informacji z mapy i legendy (sposobem rozpoznania znaczenia symboli) w trakcie użytkowania mapy. Badano również zakres treści odczytywanej z legendy oraz zmianę procedur integracji informacji z mapy i legendy wraz z poznawaniem treści mapy.
The legend is critical to proper reading and interpretation thematic map. A legend is a symbol dictionary that explains the signs used in a map, but it also serves several other functions. Furthermore, it is important to understand how information is acquired from a legend and a map. Pickle et al. (1995), when analyzing statistical maps, indicated two strategies that a map user can apply to reading a legend: the map-to-legend strategy (an orientation to the map, then matching the interesting objects to the legend) or the legend-to-map strategy (study the legend, and then locating the read objects on the map). The goal of the reported here analysis is to identify some of the variables that affect legend reading process, namely the strategies of integration information from a legend and a map. The research applies legends of thematic maps with nominal and ordinal information. The information from map and legend is integrated in various ways, e.g. in two above mentioned strategies, and intuitive (relying on the own knowledge or just guessing the meaning of sign). To achieve above mentioned goals the experiment was designed. It aims to simulate the execution of three problem-solving tasks based on the information derived from maps with differently designed legends. Hence the independent variable is the legend design: 'list legend', 'grouping legend' and 'natural legend' with the most clear characteristics of the map language (fig. 6). The think-aloud method was applied: subjects were asked to voice their thoughts during the tasks executions. Based on the coded think-aloud protocols the triangular graphs were developed (fig. 9). The graphs show percentage of recognized symbols using each strategy. Users of natural legend applied legend-to-map strategy the most often, and hardly ever used map-to-legend strategy. There were even some subjects who used intuitive strategy for most recognized signs. The natural legend resulted in the most frequent usage of intuitive strategy among the three tested legend designs. Whereas the map-to-legend was applied the most often by users of list legend. The first task resulted in the use of legend based strategy for most recognized symbols. Solving the second task subjects applied map-to-legend strategy more frequently than in the first task, although many subjects applied each strategy in similar frequency. In the last task most subjects used only legend-to-map strategy. The strategy applied depends on the sequence of task and the kind of legend design used. The learning effect is important, as well as the different requirements of each solved task. Reading the map with unknown content, subjects usually started with studying the legend (legend-to-map strategy). Next question resulted in lower percentage of symbols recognized using this strategy than in the first task, and more often applying intuitive strategy - hence users referred to the information they had perceived in the previous tasks. The results indicated that during the contact with the map of unknown content users most often applied recommended legend-to-map strategy. After reviewing the contents of maps and legends (during the second task), users often resigned using legend, basing on the information perceived during the first task. Furthermore, it was noticed that users perceived only limited scope of information presented on map. The number of identified signs was positively correlated with frequency of legend-to-map strategy appliance.
Polski Przegląd Kartograficzny; 2012, T. 44, nr 1, 1; 5-17
Pojawia się w:
Polski Przegląd Kartograficzny
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Struktura mapy w ujęciu pragmatycznym
Map structure in pragmatic approach
Zarycki, T.
Data publikacji:
Polskie Towarzystwo Geograficzne
język mapy
pragmatyka językoznawcza
przekaz kartograficzny
language of map
Autor rozwija wcześniej zarysowaną próbę reinterpretacji teorii przekazu kartograficznego z punktu widzenia pragmatyki językoznawczej. Porównanie mapy z językiem naturalnym rozszerzone zostaje na obszar wewnętrznej struktury obu form komunikacji.
The article develops a previously outlined attempt to reinterpret the theory of cartographic presentation from the point of view of linguistic pragmatism. A comparison of a map and natural language in deep sense, which corresponds to pragmatic analysis ie extended to include the inner structure of both forms of communication. For this purpose the term of Macrostructure is adapted which describes representations of texts on higher levels of abstraction. Macrostructure is in other words a hierarchy of more and more generalized summaries of the text. Summarizing is compared to map generalization. Macro-operations described by T. van Dijk's theory: deletions, generalizations and constructions used for generating the macrostructure of the text are referred to the process of creation of a generalized map, which represents the macrostructure of the map proper, Reading a map always implies generalization, similar as reading a text implies its summary. Considerations of map macrostructure are also related to a cartographic term of "levels of map reading", and especially S. Bonin's division into "maps to be read" and "maps to be perceived". In the final section of the article it is suggested , that from a theoretical point of view the macrostructure of a map and text can both be subjective in similar way. Their creation can also have an aspect of "acting through maps", i.e. changing social reality rather than only describing it. If so, they would resemble pragmatically described "speech acts".
Polski Przegląd Kartograficzny; 2004, T. 36, nr 2, 2; 75-81
Pojawia się w:
Polski Przegląd Kartograficzny
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Koncepcja mapy tematycznej geografa a jej redakcyjne opracowanie przez kartografa
Geographers concept of a map and its editing by a cartographer
Macias, A.
Medyńska-Gulij, B.
Data publikacji:
Polskie Towarzystwo Geograficzne
mapa tematyczna
autor mapy
koncepcja mapy
redakcja kartograficzna
thematic map
map author
map concept
map editing
graphic presentation
basic contents
Celem artykułu jest przedstawienie etapów przejścia od koncepcji autora, który w tym przypadku jest geografem, do graficznego wzorca opracowanego przez kartografa. Na podstawie konkretnego przykładu mapy tematycznej określono priorytety współpracy autor - redaktor kartograf oraz wskazano na różnice między postrzeganiem przez nich mapy tematycznej.
The article attempts not only to discuss how to present the contents of a thematic map, but most of all to establish the priorities of thematic map editing in collaboration between the author - geographer with a cartographer. Basing on an example of a thematic map the process of map elaboration was simulated. The cartographer's editorial work was executed in several stages. The first was the construction of a preliminary structure of the map, i.e. legend projects. The next was graphic editing of the generalization of the base map. Next came the selection of the graphic presentation method for the thematic layers of the map and the symbolization according to visual variables. The example showed that it was impossible to separate the stage of author's concept from editing, and that collaboration on various stages is necessary. The priorities of such collaboration include: defining the thematic range of the map suiting its readability, starting collaboration at the stage of preparation of the map's preliminary concept, arranging thematic layers according to the rules of cartographic editing. The author of the concept should be familiar with the rules of graphic design applied by the cartographer and, vice versa, the cartographer should have at least general understanding of the environment presented. Both sides should observe the map's functions and skills of the readers.
Polski Przegląd Kartograficzny; 2005, T. 37, nr 4, 4; 274-281
Pojawia się w:
Polski Przegląd Kartograficzny
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Współczesne mapy topograficzne w skali 1:25 000 wybranych państw europejskich
Contemporary European topographic maps in the scale of 1:25 000
Meksuła, M. W.
Tomasiak, A.
Data publikacji:
Polskie Towarzystwo Geograficzne
mapa topograficzna
kartografia topograficzna
koncepcja mapy
topographic map
topographic cartography
map conception
Artykuł jest próbą wskazania różnic i podobieństw między mapami topograficznymi w skali 1:25 000 różnych krajów Europy. Analizie poddano mapy: belgijską, czeską, francuską, hiszpańską, holenderską, niemiecką, szwajcarską oraz włoską. Porównanie osnowy matematycznej, sposobów przedstawiania rzeźby terenu, prezentacji sieci wodnej, osadniczej i komunikacyjnej oraz pokrycia terenu uwidoczniło znaczne różnice między koncepcjami wydawanych współcześnie map topograficznych. Głównymi przyczynami zróżnicowania map wydają się być odmienne cechy środowiska geograficznego oraz różnice tradycji kartograficznych poszczególnych krajów.
The first civilian topographic map in 1:25 000 published in Poland after WW II became, despite its short-comings, a basis for numerous thematic maps. It was reedited and used until the end of 1980-ies. Currently civilian topographic maps are available only in 1:10 000 and 1:50 000 (maps in '1992' coordinate system). Lack of a contemporary map in 1:25 000 makes it impossible to create thematic presentations comparable to the ones of the past, and makes it difficult to conduct field research. A new map in 1:25 000 should relate in its concept to the topographic maps in 1:10 000 and 1:50 000 mentioned above, and at the same time continue the best traditions of Polish cartography. It should also present a level similar to that of other European publications of the type. The article analyzes topographic maps in 1:25 000 currently published in Belgium, the Czech Republic, France, Spain, the Netherlands, Germany, Switzerland and Italy. The comparison shows that there are significant differences between them, visible even at the stage of analysis of their mathematical base. Various ellipsoids, systems of reference and cartographic projections are used, while altitudes are related to various sea levels. Maps also have different density of topographic grid and various ways of describing it. On all maps land relief is presented with contour lines, but with various contour intervals. Only some of the maps used hill shading. Also land cover differs (number of categories). Three approaches to the presentation of settlements can be distinguished. The first one is presentation of single buildings, the second - presentation of built-up areas, with the third being a combination of the first two. Significant differences appear in the presentation of functions of buildings and built-up areas (color, signatures, notes, lettering). Differences between maps are also visible in the presentation of surface waters and transportation infrastructure (roads, rail-roads). These result from different classification criteria. Graphic differences between analyzed maps are also well visible in the form of a variety of signatures and different color scales of print. The reason for such significant differences between European topographic maps in the scale of 1:25 000 results not only from different types of geographic environment, but mostly from different cartographic traditions of particular countries. Lack of common European standards of topographic map edition will probably make the concept of the future Polish map in 1:25 000 resemble the concepts of the topographic maps in 1:10 000 and 1:50 000 currently available in Poland.
Polski Przegląd Kartograficzny; 2010, T. 42, nr 4, 4; 321-330
Pojawia się w:
Polski Przegląd Kartograficzny
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
O prezentacji kartograficznej wyników badań map poznawczych
On cartographic presentation of the results of research of cognitive maps
Gendźwiłł, A.
Data publikacji:
Polskie Towarzystwo Geograficzne
mapy poznawcze
mapy mentalne
percepcja przestrzeni
wartościowanie przestrzeni
cognitive maps
mental maps
spatial perception
evaluation of space
Autor omawia metody prezentacji kartograficznej, stosowane najczęściej do ilustracji wyników badania map poznawczych, tzn. poznawczych reprezentacji przestrzeni. W artykule zostały wyróżnione i opisane dwa nurty badań: strukturalny, wywodzący się z badań strukturyzacji przestrzeni K. Lyncha i ewaluatywny, wywodzący się z badań preferencji przestrzennych P. Goulda. Zostały także omówione najważniejsze problemy metodologiczne każdego z tych nurtów, związane z prezentacją kartograficzną wyników badań.
Results of the research of cognitive maps require appropriate cartographic presentation. Cognitive maps are cognitive presentations of space, parts of long-term memory which during research are expressed e.g. in the form of distance estimation, localization assessment or sketch maps. Aggregated data from such research is presented in various graphic forms: diagrammatic or cartographic. The article presents two currents of research of cognitive maps: structural and evaluative. The first originates from K. Lynch's The image of the city (1960) and focuses on acquisition of the information which is vital for the researched group (through determining the frequency of particular elements on cognitive maps) and perception of mutual links of those elements (by analyzing the perception of distance and shape distortion). The second current comes from P. Gould's On mental maps (1966) and concentrates on the research of evaluation of space fragments by a certain group, mostly the users of the particular space. As examples of structural mapping the article presents Lynch maps created using the quantitative signatures method, maps of dispersed locations and maps of location errors. Evaluative mapping is represented by maps of area ranging done with the choropleth method, maps of preference areas done with isoline method and psychocartography maps. In the section devoted to methodology the author stresses how the characteristics of particular research methods affect the presentation of research results. Validity and reliability of measurement, the issue of spatial scale and the question of sampling are all discussed.
Polski Przegląd Kartograficzny; 2009, T. 41, nr 2, 2; 115-127
Pojawia się w:
Polski Przegląd Kartograficzny
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Relacje semiotyczne w odniesieniu do kartografii
Semiotic relations in cartography
Ostrowski, W.
Data publikacji:
Polskie Towarzystwo Geograficzne
semiotyka kartograficzna
semantyka kartograficzna
pragmatyka kartograficzna
syntaktyka kartograficzna
język mapy
teoria języka mapy
zmienne wizualne
cartographic semiotics
cartographic semantics
cartographic pragmatics
cartographic syntax
language of maps
map language theory
visual variables
W artykule podjęto próbę spojrzenia na najważniejsze problemy kartografii z punktu widzenia trzech działów semiotyki kartograficznej: semantyki, pragmatyki i syntaktyki. Wskazano też na podstawową różnicę, niedocenianą w pełni przez przedstawicieli kierunku badawczego określanego jako teoria języka mapy, między pismem, którego struktura podporządkowana jest semantycznym aspektom wyrazów, zdań i tekstów, a prezentacją kartograficzną będącą przede wszystkim przestrzennym modelem i obrazem. Ta specyfika mapy powinna być uwzględniana przy określaniu zakresu zainteresowań semiotyki kartograficznej, w szczególności semantyki i syntaktyki.
Semiotics is a science dealing with ways in which signs and sign systems function as tools of communication. It has developed on the basis of linguistics, treated by its author F. Saussure as the most important part of semiotics. Semiotics can be divided into three branches: semantics, dealing with relations between signs and reality (especially the meaning of signs), pragmatics, which explores relations between signs and their users, and syntactics, which analyzes formal relations among signs within the system. Cartographic semiotics, whose acknowledged author is J. Bertin (1967), treats the map as both a special sign system and a model, whose aim is to visually and realistically present geographical space. Mirroring the three branches of semiotics, the cartographic semiotics includes: cartographic semantics (relations between signs and the objects they represent), cartographic pragmatics (map functions and relations between the map and its author and user) and cartographic syntactics (structure and rules of creating cartographic signs). There has evolved in cartographic semiotics a trend named theory of map language. It draws attention to the fact that there are many similarities between natural language and cartographic presentation. That is why its representatives use linguistic terminology to analyze cartographic sign systems. However, there exists one main structural difference between natural language (writing) and cartographic presentation. The map is not only a system of signs, but it is mainly a spatial model and a specialized image in measurable and clear characterization of space. This special character of cartographic presentation in comparison to natural language causes the object of interest of cartographic semantics (also of syntactics to a lesser degree) to be a lot different from the nature of semantics and syntactics in linguistic semiotics. The object of interest of cartographic semantics is the qualities of the map as a spatial model of geographic reality, whose main aim is to show various kinds of space features and relations. That is why map spatial structure should be the main object of interest of cartographic semantics along with the semantic scope of notions represented by the signs used on the map. Cartographic syntactics, as opposed to syntactics of natural language, mainly deals with the graphic form of the map. Taking into consideration these basic differences between cartographic presentation and natural language it is easier to decide which problems of scientific cartography can be included in the three already mentioned branches of cartographic semiotics. The object of interest of cartographic semantics is firstly the modeling of geographic space through transforming it into map space (defined by scale, mapping and way of shadowing), and secondly the modeling of object and phenomena attributes (creating a notion model). Kinds of attributes (quality, quantity) as well as the spatial reference of presented objects (point, line or area) became the basis for classifying and defining particular methods of cartographic presentation. That is why cartographic methodology can be included within the interest range of cartographic semantics. So can generalization, which is the essence of modeling both space and attributes of presented objects. Cartographic pragmatics is mainly interested in the research of map and its graphic elements perception within the scope of a research trend known as cognitive cartography. There appear more and more often research and analyses, in which maps are seen in a wider historical context as products of civilization progress as well as an image of the knowledge level and mentality of the epoch in which they were created. Cartographic pragmatics also includes works which analyze the functions played by maps, including expressive functions used in advertising and propaganda. Appropriate construction of map legend can be included in both cartographic pragmatics and semantics. With relation to authors of maps, cartographic pragmatics deals with such issues as copyright, the organization and technology of map production and educating map editors. The object of study of cartographic syntactics is the graphic form of maps, while the best known and most discussed issue here is visual variables created by J. Bertin. Cartographic syntactics should not only deal with visual variables, which show attributes of presented objects, but also with spatial variables, whose scope of application depends on whether the signs are points, lines or area. This branch of cartographic semiotics also includes rules of map graphic design. Semiotic approach is of special significance in the analysis of presentations, because comparison of different means of expression and the way they interact calls for a wider semiotic approach. This approach is especially important in the organization of inter-operational spatial data bases, which requires their comprehensive semantic analysis.
Polski Przegląd Kartograficzny; 2013, T. 45, nr 1, 1; 5-14
Pojawia się w:
Polski Przegląd Kartograficzny
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Metodyczne aspekty badania i prezentacji na mapach zmian zjawisk na przykładzie infrastruktury turystycznej Roztoczańskiego Parku Narodowego
Kałamucki, K.
Buk, D.
Data publikacji:
Polskie Towarzystwo Geograficzne
mapy zmian
mapy dynamiki zjawisk
metody prezentacji dynamiki
infrastruktura turystyczna
maps of change
maps of dynamics of phenomena
methods of presentation of dynamics
tourist infrastructure
W artykule przedstawiono główne problemy metodyczne dotyczące badania i prezentacji zmian na mapach. Przedmiotem i obszarem badań była infrastruktura turystyczna w rejonie Roztoczańskiego Parku Narodowego. Zaprezentowano charakterystykę obiektów, wyjaśniono znaczenie doboru materiałów źródłowych i wydzielenia okresów czasowych, omówiono cechy prezentacji kartograficznej ruchu i zmian stanu oraz przedstawiono wybrane problemy redagowania map stanów, map wielofazowych oraz map typów. Rozważania teoretyczno-metodyczne zilustrowano kilkoma przykładami.
Cartographic methods of presentation are often used in tourist research not only by geographers but also by many specialists from other fields. They use maps to present results of their research. The article is an example of using cartographic methods of presentation for research and visualization of tourist issues on maps. It contains a summary of main methodological problems connected to research and presentation of changes in tourist infrastructure on maps. Tourist infrastructure is one of the most important elements of tourist space. Its distribution and changes can be researched and presented on maps. Presentation of changes of objects, phenomena, and processes on maps is a relatively difficult issue, because of its dynamic character, requiring a 4-dimensional display on a 2-dimensional map. At the editing stage one should start with determining the character of presented phenomena in order to select the most appropriate method of cartographic presentation. The next step is the selection of source materials and determining the timeframe. Each of the three types of maps of change presented in the article has different characteristics. Static maps are easy to prepare, but difficult in interpretation of changes. Multiphase maps require complex editorial solutions, while type maps require deep analysis of the character of changes in order to select the type to be presented on the map. The research shows that cartographic methods are very useful for analysis and presentation of changes of tourist infrastructure. Despite a lot of research and application of modern technology, presentation of dynamics of change on maps is still an open question.
Polski Przegląd Kartograficzny; 2010, T. 42, nr 3, 3; 199-210
Pojawia się w:
Polski Przegląd Kartograficzny
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Zależność mapy od kontekstu
The dependence of the map from the context
Zarycki, T.
Data publikacji:
Polskie Towarzystwo Geograficzne
typologia map
W artykule rozważono użyteczność pojęcia kontekstu w rozumieniu pragmatyki językoznawczej z punktu widzenia teorii komunikacji kartograficznej. Na podstawie zależności map od kontekstu proponowana jest typologia map.
The author presents the meaning of the notion of context in the contemporary linguistic pragmatics. He also stresses the fact, that the context can be an important theoretical device anables us to fully understand the interdependence between the map and its users. It is often difficult to define the context in the process of cartographic communication, as a single map can be used in many situations. Therefore, we propose to incorporate the term of the "series of possible contexts" into cartography. The paper also includes the considerations on the optimum way of defining the context. Then, the differentiation between the inner and outer context is introduced. The next part of the paper presents an attempt to the classification of maps based on the degree of their dependence on the context. THis dependence also defines the possibility of selecting the new information from the known, and as a result, the possibility of projecting the process of map reading. The suggested classificationincludes the following four categories: "maps-signs", "single-purpose maps", "thematic maps" and "multipurpose maps". The first two categories are often to be the maps sensu stricto. This includes the category of "maps-signs" which include new information only in a wider context, and "maps-instructions" often considered to be simple diagrams not meeting the criteria of "real maps". The autor is of the opinion that those maps should not be excludedfrom the scope of interest of theoretical cartography. Besides the above classification, the author also proposes a more general division into "standalone" and "supplementary" maps.
Polski Przegląd Kartograficzny; 2001, T. 33, nr 1, 1; 3-9
Pojawia się w:
Polski Przegląd Kartograficzny
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Utopia depicta - mapy krain idealnych
Utopia Depicta - Maps of Ideal Lands
Skrycki, R.
Data publikacji:
Polskie Towarzystwo Geograficzne
historia kartografii
history of cartography
Autor podejmuje próbę zebrania i przeanalizowania kartograficznych przedstawień krain idealnych, czyli tzw. utopii. Począwszy od I wydania Utopii Thomasa More'a (1516), aż po koniec wieku XVIII pojawiały się na rynku kartograficznym rozmaite próby opisania wymyślonej krainy za pomocą mapy. Jak się wydaje, wszystkie one stanowiły swego rodzaju zabawę intelektualną między autorem a odbiorcą, będącą integralnie powiązaną z rzeczywistością społeczno-polityczną, w jakiej tworzył autor.
Along with the first publication of Thomas More's Utopia in 1516, there appeared in cartography the motif of the map of 'ideal lands', in other words a cartographic commentary on a book. The first anonymously done map was in the third edition of the book substituted with a map by Ambrosius Holbein. After 'erasing' the content other than cartographic we are left with a skull - the iconographic symbol of memento mon. After Plato, who was the first to place the ideal land on an island, other cartographers used it, including Abraham Ortelius, author of the 1596 map. At the end of the 17th century, there appeared Johann Andreas Schnebelin's satire, whose author described problems and faults of contemporary world in a long commentary to Johann Baptiste Homann's map of an utopian continent. This way of commenting on reality was willingly used by the biggest publishing houses - J. B. Homann's in Nuremberg and M. Seutter's in Augsburg. Maps of ideal lands or eudemonias were a cartographic and iconographic way to express one's opinion about reality. They were a form of intellectual play for the educated elite of Renaissance Europe and a weapon to fight slothful society for moralizers of the Enlightenment.
Polski Przegląd Kartograficzny; 2012, T. 44, nr 4, 4; 334-341
Pojawia się w:
Polski Przegląd Kartograficzny
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Od danych do mapy. Cz. 1
From data to a map. Part one
Korycka-Skorupa, J.
Data publikacji:
Polskie Towarzystwo Geograficzne
Autorka omawia kolejne etapy przetwarzania i wizualizacji danych, które pokonuje kartograf opracowujący mapę, by dojść do form prezentacji. Rozważania w pierwszej części artykułu są oparte na zaproponowanym przez autorkę schemacie przejścia od danych do prezentacji kartograficznej. W drugiej części - z rozważań tych wyprowadzone zostaną poszczególne formy prezentacji kartograficznej.
In contemporary cartography, computer has bacome a basic tool for map elaboration. Cartographic metodology is an important branch of cartography, into which computers have made a dynamic entrance. It lists basic rules of transformation and graphical presentation of data. This article attempts to look at the methods of cartographic presentation through the eyes of the map's editor and establish conditions, which have to be fulfilled to transform a set of data into a properly prepared map. "Cartographic presentation method" - meaning the process is differentiated from "cartographic presentation form" - meaning the result of this process, i.e. the map. The article follows the process of transition from data to cartographic presentation and establishes features, which allow a graphic picture to be called a cartographic presentation form. Data is the starting point of any cartographic presentation. in the process leading from data to presentation (fig.1) there are two separate stages: data preparation (transformation) and data visualization. At the stage of transformation the map editor can, according to the map's purpose, modify source data by changing measurement levels, data reference (point, linear, surface), its character (relative data, absolute data) and way of treating data (continuous, in intervals). Visualization is the next step from data to a cartographic presentation form. At this stage transformed data become a graphic picture. It happens after considering the following presentation elements: -graphical symbol, -visual variables, -graphical rendering, -correctly constructed legend. Correct and logical transfer from data through cartographic presentation method leads to a map. The effects of this transfer are graphic picture, i.e. cartographic presentation forms. Here it should be considered, if every set of data can be freely transformed and visualized and if such procedure would lead directly to a correct and aesy to use cartographic presentation form.
Polski Przegląd Kartograficzny; 2002, T. 34, nr 2, 2; 91-102
Pojawia się w:
Polski Przegląd Kartograficzny
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Od danych do mapy. Cz. 2
From data to a map. Part 2
Korycka-Skorupa, J.
Data publikacji:
Polskie Towarzystwo Geograficzne
transformacja danych
Podstawą rozważań w tej części artykułu są wprowadzone poprzednio pojęcia metody i formy prezentacji kartograficznej. Autorka omawia kryteria wydzielania poszczególnych metod prezentacji i podejmuje próbę ich klasyfikacji. Wykorzystując zaproponowany w pierwszej części artykułu schemat przejścia od danych do prezentacji autorka wyprowadza z niego poszczególne formy prezentacji kartograficznej.
A shift from data through transformation leads to a specific graphic solution (compare Part I). In the article such solutions are referred to as cartographic presentation forms. In cartography, a logical and methodologically correct transformation from data to graphics results in presentation forms, which differ according to the type of data, transformation and visualization, i.e. the applied presentation method. The article discusses criteria and various classifications of cartographic presentation methods which appear in cartographic literature. Potential capabilities of cartographic presentation are the subject of cartographer's interest. In literature there are numerous considerations aiming to establish which method of presentation is appropriate for particular data, or what data can be presented using a particular presentation method. They attempt to link measurement levels, graphic symbols, visual variables and other attributes of presentation. Different combinations of those attributes result in various, more or less reasonable graphic solutions. After discussing more significant of these attempts, the author presents her own views on potentiality of cartographic presentation (fig. 5, 6, 7). From the scheme outlined in the first part of the article she derives particular graphic solutions, evaluates their correctness, estimates popularity and attaches names of specific presentation methods to them. She also attempts to label new solutions, which seem to be methodologically correct, but which have not been named yet. These considerations supplement Polish classification of cartographic presentation methods.
Polski Przegląd Kartograficzny; 2002, T. 34, nr 3, 3; 175-188
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Polski Przegląd Kartograficzny
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Konstrukcja skal wartości w legendach map
Composition of value scales in map legends
Czerny, A.
Data publikacji:
Polskie Towarzystwo Geograficzne
legenda mapy
map legend
Autor analizuje graficzne skale wartości stosowane w legendach map: kartogramów, kartodiagramów i map izoliniowych; stara się wyjaśnić różne sposoby konstrukcji legend ilościowych przedstawień kartograficznych i ocenić ich poprawność.
Twenty years ago Polish Cartographic Review published articles on the composition of legends on choropleth and isopleth maps as well as graduated symbol maps (J. Pasławski 1982, I. Frączek 1983). They proposed a set of optimal legends, the number of which can limit the freedom of designing maps, e.g. it does not recommend horizontal arrangement of color scales in the legends of choropleth and isopleth maps. At the same time, contrary methods are widely applied in maps, atlases and cartography handbooks. The article analyzes elements of the composition of legends of quantitive cartographic presentations: - continuity of the graphic value scale (bar scale or segments) - orientation (positively and negatively oriented scales) - value description (limit values or classes) Some of the solutions applied in maps can not be justified. Fragmentation of color thematic scales, for example, is a mistake (fig. 1). Negatively oriented scales are also wrong (the positive part of scale at the botton or on the right, as in fig. 10B); various orientations should not appear in the same atlas or even legend (fig. 13). Some methods of scale composition can be accepted as exceptions, e.g. positive vertical scale following the direction of reading of a text column (fig. 8); model diagrams arranged decreasingly because of the composition of the map (fig. 12). According to the author these also exist correct graphic solutions, used from the point of view of map composition, although have not been recommended in the above articles. They include: 1. Horizontal, positively oriented color scale (with the maximum value on the right). It agrees with our reading scheme and the orientation of the X axis on the surface (fig. 8,9). 2. Legend of a continuous graduated symbol map in form of overlapping diagrams. Continuous graduated symbol maps belong to the type of so called "seeing maps" (carte a voir), with present the distribution of phenome na on general level; particular values can be read, but their role is secondary. Therefore a cartographer should be free to decide, if there is a need for a legend in a form of a graph, which makes it possible to read particular values (fig. 17), or if a minimal legend composed of overlapping diagrams would be sufficient (fog. 15A). 3. Scale of a choropleth map in a form of a bar diagram. A legend of a choropleth map can have a form of a code chart or a diagram. A code chart is composed of a series of color segments with numeral or verbal information assigned to them (in the case of nominal value scales). A bar diagram in the form of a rectangle symbolizes a set of data (values of a phenomenon) and its subdivision into classes; it can be applied in legends of both isarythmic and choropleth maps. In the case of a choropleth map class ranges should be described; in the case of an isarythmic map - class limits. Fig. 20 presents various graphic color scales of a choropleth map in a form of a bar diagram. J. Pasławski recommends scale E; it is a construction intermediate between a code chart and a diagram (segments show class ranges).
Polski Przegląd Kartograficzny; 2003, T. 35, nr 2, 2; 87-99
Pojawia się w:
Polski Przegląd Kartograficzny
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Niemieckie mapy turystyczne Karkonoszy do 1945 roku
German tourist maps of Karkonosze before 1945
Woźniak, M.
Data publikacji:
Polskie Towarzystwo Geograficzne
historia kartografii
tourist map
W artykule omówiono kształtowanie się mapy turystycznej Karkonoszy od momentu pojawienia się pierwszych górskich wędrówek do końca II wojny światowej. Najwięcej uwagi poświęcono prywatnej kartografii niemieckiej w XIX i pierwszej połowie XX w., gdy Karkonosze wraz z ziemią jeleniogórską stanowiły ważny i liczący się w Europie region turystyczny.
Karkonosze have played an important role in Central European tourism since the time when travels began to be perceived as a form of insight and leisure. Fast development of tourism in Karkonosze took place in the 19th century when the mountains became one of the most popular tourist destinations in Europe. As a result there appeared a large number of guides and tourist maps. An evident mountain range depicting Sudetes and its peak Śnieżka appeared on the map of Silesia in 1:550 000 by Martin Helwig, dated 1561. On the break of the 19th century the first detailed topographic survey of Sudetes was conducted, giving a solid base for later tourist maps. J. Hoser's map in 1:100 000 from 1806 is considered to be the first tourist map of Karkonosze, the highest range of Sudetes. Fast development of tourism in Karkonosze and the resulting demand for tourist maps brought cartographic production in Silesia to significant volume. Maps were prepared by numerous private publishers-printers, which used the names of geographic or cartographic institutes or publishers. The estimated number of such enterprises in Germany and Austria combined is 40, while in Silesia alone there were 20 of them. Among the largest Silesian publishers at the time there were: K. Flemming in Głogów (founded in 1833), G. Brieger in Świdnica (1880) and P. Baron in Legnica (1897). In other parts of Germany there were many more: C.C. Meinhold and A. Kohler in Dresden, R. Mittelbach in Leipzig, J. Straube, A. Goldschmidt, M. Pasch, A. Kiessling and Grieben in Berlin. Most of them published also maps of Karkonosze and the region. Many maps were published as appendices to tourist guides. All of them are a valuable source of information about the development of tourism in the area.
Polski Przegląd Kartograficzny; 2005, T. 37, nr 2, 2; 101-111
Pojawia się w:
Polski Przegląd Kartograficzny
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Z problematyki map kropkowych
On dot maps
Pasławski, J.
Data publikacji:
Polskie Towarzystwo Geograficzne
metoda kropkowa
kartograficzne metody prezentacji
mapy tematyczne
dot method
cartographic methods of presentation
thematic maps
W artykule omówiono kilka zagadnień związanych z redagowaniem map kropkowych, a więc sposoby wyznaczania wielkości i wagi kropek, sposoby rozmieszczenia kropek na mapie oraz zarysowano problematykę relacji metody kropkowej do innych form prezentacji kartograficznej, co w przyszłości może ułatwić opracowanie poprawnej klasyfikacji kartograficznych metod i form prezentacji.
The article discusses several issues concerning the elaboration of dot maps. The dot method is difficult to digitize and requires considerable editing skill. Discussed are the following issues: range of application of the method, method of determination of dot size and value, methods of dot distribution on the map. Although the range of application of the dot method is rather broad, it is most rarely used by cartographers. Among many methods of determination of dot size and value it is worth noting the method of G. Ozerova (1973), which facilitates the establishment of these parameters on maps of population distribution (fig. 3 and 4). According to the author, on almost any map dots are distributed regularly within marked areas, but the final effect depends on the scale of size reduction of the map for reproduction. The last section of the article discusses the dot method in relation to other methods of cartographic presentation. According to the author there is some similarity between the dot method and the pictorial point symbol method (fig. 6,7), the area symbol method (fig. 8), the proportional symbols method (fig. 9), the repeated symbol method (fig. 10) and the choropleth map (fig. 11). Such analysis may aid better understanding of cartographic methods of presentation and help to prepare their proper classification.
Polski Przegląd Kartograficzny; 2008, T. 40, nr 4, 4; 349-361
Pojawia się w:
Polski Przegląd Kartograficzny
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Mapy w polskiej prasie codziennej w latach 1918-1939
Maps in Polish daily newspapers in the years 1918-1939
Kowalski, P.
Data publikacji:
Polskie Towarzystwo Geograficzne
kartografia tematyczna
Na tle uwarunkowań rozwoju prasy codziennej w okresie międzywojennym przedstawiono zmiany struktury tematycznej i liczby map publikowanych na jej łamach, a także ewolucję ich formy, poziomu graficznego i treści, które wynikały z ich specyfiki i wykształcenia osób je opracowujących.
When in 1918 Poland regained its independence after over a century of subordination, new conditions were established for the development of press and press cartography. Difficult beginnings of the Polish state effected from two major reasons. First was the extent of damages after the World War I. Secondly, the state had to unify the areas of three former partitions which had been at different stages of social, economic and cultural development. These factor also influenced the development of press. Additionally, press had to struggle with illiteracy, poor general education, national diversification, poverty of certain social groups, technical conditions and division of printing industry and conditions of press distribution. In the period between the world wars the development of press was closely linked to the general phases of development, stagnation and breakdown of economy, as well as political situation. The subject of research presented in the article are maps (over 3000) published in 14 selected dailies from 6 biggest press centers in the country as well as two provincial ones. Sources available in the archives were not always complete, so the results of statistical analyses should be treated as approximate. In the years 1918-1939 most m,aps (excluding advertisements) were printed in Ilustrowany Kurier Codzinny (Ilustrated Daily Courier)(over 1000), Kurier Poznański (Poznań Courier) (aprox. 630), Kurier Poranny (Morning Courier) (aprox. 330), Kurier Warszawski (Warsow Courier) (over 240). Remaining newspapers printed much less than 200 maps. Initially the small number of maps reflected difficult financial situation of publishing companies, later it resilted from stagnation of the Big Crisis, which reached Poland in the early thirties. A sudden rise in the number of maps published in newspapers can be observed in the second half of the thirties. It was caused not only by the improved economy of the country, dynamic development of publishing houses and growing competition on the market. One can see direct links to international events, mainly military conflicts (wars in the Far East, the Balkans, Morocco, Abyssinia, Spain). Biggest newspapers devoted 25-30% of their maps to those events; smaller dailies even over 60%. Maps of expedition routes, trips, rallies and flights represented a significant share of almost 13%. They were published systematecally throughout the whole period between World Wars. With the development of Polish economy there appeared more communication maps showing communication routes and junctions, projected air routes, localization of new canals, bridges, border crossing points etc. A distinctive group consisted of population maps, which showed distribution of national groups, ethnic groups, level of life, diseases rate, spread of epidemics. Maps of ethnic groups often appeared at the times of ethnic unrest or plebiscites, e.g. during the plebiscite in Upper Silesia. They often had propagandistic character. Propagandistic maps in Polish press were specific and less numerous than in the presses of neighboring countries - Germany and Soviet Russia. Most of tham were reprinted from the newspapers of totalitarian states, mainly Germany and Italy, with attached explanation, commentary, sometimes also a correct interpretation of the problem in the form of a new map. Press maps of the period between the world wars, especially those printed in the twenties in smaller newspapers, often came from foreign press agencies, which provided map services, or other sources. In such cases Polish names and legends were introduced. Original maps were usually prepared by graphic artists, illustrators, cartoonists and sometimes military commentators. In Poland, map service (relatively modest and too expensive for small newspapers) was offered by Polska Agencja Telegraficzna (Polish Telegraph Agency). During the discussed period the cartographic level of maps rose significantly (often simultaneously with the editorial level of publications). In the late thirties it reached the level of maps in press of West European countries, which had far superior financial capacity.The lavel of some maps in Polish newspapers shows that they had been prepared by professional cartographers.
Polski Przegląd Kartograficzny; 2002, T. 34, nr 2, 2; 115-131
Pojawia się w:
Polski Przegląd Kartograficzny
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki

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