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„Afera kurierska” w wywiadzie i MSZ
“Courier Scandal” in the Intelligence and Ministry of Foreign Affairs
Bagieński, Witold
Data publikacji:
Instytut Pamięci Narodowej, Komisja Ścigania Zbrodni przeciwko Narodowi Polskiemu
MSZ, ministerstwo spraw zagranicznych, MSW, minister spraw
wewnętrznych, kurierzy dyplomatyczni, wywiad, przemyt, afera, nadużycia
In the early sixties, the civilian intelligence of Polish People’s Republic was shocked by the so-called courier scandal. In January 1962, while trying to expose the community of foreign currency dealers in Łódź, officers from the Citizens’ Militia headquarters in this city found that one of the persons involved in illegal practices was a former courier of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and former intelligence officer. In the course of the investigation carried out by the Bureau of Investigation and the First Department of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, it turned out that almost all couriers of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, some of whom were undercover intelligence officers, were engaged in smuggling. Until mid-February, 43 people were arrested and several others were released pending trial. The practices revealed consisted in packaging courier mail in double envelopes between which dollar bills were transported outside the country. After crossing the border, couriers tore off the outer envelopes and took out dollars. They usually used the money to buy gold twenty-dollar coins and smuggled them into the country in double bags for diplomatic mail. Then, they sold the coins with a large profit on the black market. This way, during the period from 1959 to January 1962, suspects illegally transferred about 225,000 dollars abroad. At the same time, they brought back into the country about 4,500 gold twenty-dollar coins, which is about 210 kg of gold. They also transferred other scarce goods into the country in the same way. The investigation showed that the malpractice in the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and in the intelligence service went beyond the operations described. It was revealed that employees of diplomatic posts, including ambassadors, imported many valuable and scarce goods into the country without any control and without paying customs duties. Among others, almost all employees of the Polish People’s Republic’s Delegation in Tel Aviv were involved in the shady trade practices, including the local minister plenipotentiary. The scale of malpractices revealed turned out to be very large and threatened many high-ranking people. However, these cases were not investigated any further. The authorities limited themselves to punishing the couriers and their accomplices. In some cases, the punishments were purely symbolic.
Pamięć i Sprawiedliwość; 2014, 1(23); 135-163
Pojawia się w:
Pamięć i Sprawiedliwość
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Pierwszy okres istnienia polskiego Ministerstwa Spraw Zagranicznych 1918–1921 (koncepcje, organizacja, kadry)
The Earliest Period of the Polish Ministry of Foreign Affairs 1918–1921 (concepts, organisation, cadre)
Skóra, Wojciech
Data publikacji:
Instytut Pamięci Narodowej, Komisja Ścigania Zbrodni przeciwko Narodowi Polskiemu
Ministerstwo Spraw Zagranicznych
dyplomacja, stosunki dyplomatyczne
stosunki konsularne
odrodzenie Polski
Ministry of Foreign Affairs
diplomatic service
consular service
rebirth of Poland
The article discusses the first two years of the Polish Ministry of Foreign Affairs’ existence, although it does not include analyses and summaries of Polish foreign policy. The topic is the ministry, its organisational structure, the underlying legal regulations, the development of the cadre, and its changing everyday workings. In other words, it is about the several hundred people who were responsible for the foreign relations of the country in its earliest period: from October 1918, when the Ministry of the Exterior was formally established in Warsaw, until the spring of 1921, when the first organisational structure of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs was adopted and the structure matured, which in general survived until World War II. The Polish Ministry of Foreign Affairs was built from scratch. Inspiration was taken from Germany and France, but only to a limited degree. The method consisted in experimenting with various approaches until a solution was adopted that had no simple analogy anywhere in the world. In the latter half of 1921, there were 26 embassies and 4 delegations under the authority of the Ministry. the mission of the General Commissariat of the Republic of Poland in Danzig was accorded special status. The network of consulates was improved and consisted of 49 independent missions, 17 consular departments within embassies, and 19 honorary consulates. In the latter half of 1921, the Ministry employed 632 public servants. After the restoration of independence, the creation of the Polish diplomatic cadre proceeded in two ways as a consequence of there being two centres of foreign policy – the Paris-based Polish National Committee, and the Warsaw-based Ministry of Foreign Affairs. Both used various reserves. Their recruitment methods also differed (they were merged in the spring of 1919). One of the officials taking part in the establishment of the Ministry stated that 90% of the candidates who satisfied the requirements were “counts and Jews”. They were also accepted. The former part of the statement was not far from the truth, but only in the case of principal posts in diplomacy. The Ministry in fact accepted many members of noble and aristocratic families. However, not many Jews were employed.
Pamięć i Sprawiedliwość; 2018, 31; 224-261
Pojawia się w:
Pamięć i Sprawiedliwość
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Czy Ministerstwo Spraw Zagranicznych Drugiej Rzeczypospolitej było zdominowane przez byłych oficerów Wojska Polskiego?
Was the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Second Polish Republic Dominated by Former Officers of the Polish Army?
Skóra, Wojciech
Data publikacji:
Instytut Pamięci Narodowej, Komisja Ścigania Zbrodni przeciwko Narodowi Polskiemu
oficerowie wojska
Ministerstwo Spraw Zagranicznych
służba konsularna
wywiad wojskowy
army officers
the Ministry of Foreign Affairs
consular service
military intelligence
Po zamachu majowym z 1926 r. do polskiego Ministerstwa Spraw Zagranicznych na stanowiska urzędników etatowych przyjęto kilkudziesięciu (co najmniej 43) zawodowych oficerów, cieszących się zaufaniem Józefa Piłsudskiego. Niemal połowa tej grupy w przeszłości była oficerami wywiadu wojskowego. Z wojska odchodzili na polecenie zwierzchników. Wraz z zatrudnionymi oficjalnie w ministerstwie attachés wojskowymi oraz rezydentami wywiadu wojskowego pracującymi w placówkach MSZ było ich ponad stu. W resorcie, w którym pracowało w latach trzydziestych około 1300 urzędników (etatowych i kontraktowych), tworzyli grupę zauważalną. A ponieważ zajmowali zazwyczaj wysokie stanowiska (włącznie z najwyższym) – również wpływową. W MSZ po 1933 r. można dostrzec zmiany wskazujące na przeniesienie wzorów wojskowych: bezwzględnie egzekwowane żądanie zachowania tajemnicy służbowej, wpływ zwierzchników na wybór małżonka, zatrudnianie wyłącznie obywateli polskich, ograniczenie sprawozdawczości i biurokracji, przenoszenie na inne stanowiska bez uwzględnienia woli zainteresowanego itd. Styl kierowania dyplomacją przez ministra Józefa Becka, daleki od kolegialności, nieco autorytarny, można wiązać z wzorcami panującymi w armii. Sami oficerowie główną wartość swojej obecności w MSZ postrzegali w uczynieniu z resortu sprawniejszego narzędzia do realizacji woli marszałka Piłsudskiego. Wysoko ceniona była „centralizacja” procesu decyzyjnego, odpowiadająca tradycyjnej strukturze wojskowej. Cywilni urzędnicy wskazywali na negatywne skutki pracy wojskowych: dominację wzorów szkodliwych w dyplomacji, takich jak brak szacunku dla indywidualizmu, zwalczanie krytyki (nawet niesłusznych decyzji), kult posłuszeństwa (choćby wbrew zdrowemu rozsądkowi), brak profesjonalizmu i ogłady.
After the May Coup of 1926, a few dozen (at least 43) professional officers, enjoying the trust of Józef Piłsudski, were admitted to the Polish Ministry of Foreign Affairs as full-time officials. About half of this group were military intelligence officers in the past. They left the army by orders of their superiors. Along with military attachés officially employed in the Ministry and residents of military intelligence working in the agencies of the MFA, there were over one hundred of them. They formed a noticeable group in the Ministry which in the 30s employed 1300 officials (full-time and contract). And because they usually held high-ranking positions (including the highest) – also an influential group. Changes can be seen in the MFA after 1933 indicating the transfer of military models: strictly enforced demand for professional secrecy, influence of superiors on the choice of a spouse, employment of only Polish citizens, reduction of reporting and bureaucracy, transfer to other positions without consideration of the will of the interested party, etc. The style of management of diplomacy by Minister Józef Beck, far from collegiality, somewhat authoritarian, can be associated with patterns prevailing in the army. The officers saw making the Ministry more efficient tool to implement the will of Marshal Piłsudski as the main value of their presence in the MFA. The “centralisation” of the decision-making process, corresponding to the traditional military structure, was highly valued. Civilian officials pointed to the negative effects of work of the military men: the dominance of patterns harmful in diplomacy, such as the lack of respect for individualism, combating criticism (even of unjust decisions), worship of obedience (even against common sense), the lack of professionalism and good manners.
Pamięć i Sprawiedliwość; 2018, 32; 440-481
Pojawia się w:
Pamięć i Sprawiedliwość
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
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