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Milanowski, Krzysztof
Data publikacji:
Narodowy Instytut Dziedzictwa
mury obronne Golubia
golubski zespół staromiejski
otwory strzelnicze
Golub-Dobrzyń is a county town located 42 kilometres to the north-west of Toruń, near the Olsztyn-Brodnica route. Its walls represent a typical late mediaeval defensive system. Based on a plan of an irregular pentagon the system in question is composed of simple sections of curtain walls and rectangular bastions as well as four gates built on the axes of tracts. The fortification ring was reinforced with four towers in the corners, of which today only a single one is extant (the north-east corner). The walls, which had not been modernised for centuries, retained their original character, and are deprived only of four gates. Up to now, the Golub fortifications have not been discussed in an exhaustive scientific study. The first complex inventory was performed in 1958 by the State Enterprise – the Ateliers for the Conservation of Historical Monuments in Toruƒ, headed by Ireneusz Słowiński. Almost half a century later, this problem has been considered by the authors of the presented article, employees at the Regional Centre for the Study and Documentation of Historical Monuments in Toruń who in 2002 brought the inventory up to date. The prime reason for the new documentation – drawings and photographs – were the essential changes which had taken place in the appearance of the sections of defensive walls after the construction and conservation carried out during the last three decades of the twentieth century. The wide-scale venture entailed the reconstruction of two bastions in the north sequence, supplementation of the wall face and protection of the entire crown. The moat terrain was cleaned of of all sub-standard buildings, including economic ones, and a residential edifice. The outcome of all the undertakings was a representative section (northern) of mediaeval fortifications (walls and moat) along Gen. Hallera Street. The eventual elimination of the remaining buildings from the forefield of the municipal fortifications in Golub would create a possibility for encircling the mediaeval fortifications with a strip of plants designed in such a way as to enable contact with the suitably displayed monument. The fulfilment of the above postulates would have enabled the mediaeval town, together with the preserved town halls and the Teutonic Order castle, rebuilt in the 1960s, to comprise a town planningarchitectural complex unique on the scale of northern Poland. The planned revitalisation of the Old Town area in Golub would bring forth the inherent historical assets of the town, and generate attractive conditions for the development of recreation and tourism.
Ochrona Zabytków; 2003, 3-4; 26-35
Pojawia się w:
Ochrona Zabytków
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Konstrukcja otworów okiennych i drzwiowych w zespole architektonicznym Emira Kurkumasa (Emira Wielkiego) na Nekropoli Północnej w Kairze
Misiorowski, Andrzej
Data publikacji:
Narodowy Instytut Dziedzictwa
zespół architektoniczny Emira Kurkumasa
konstrukcja otworów okiennych zespołu Kurkumasa
otwory sklepione łukowo
In 1972 the joint Polish-Egyptian Group for Restoration of Islamic Monuments has been called into being in Cairo. As the first monument to be investigated and restored by the staff composed of the Egyptian and Polish experts has — in agreement with the Egyptian Authorities — been chosen the Ameer Qurqumas burial complex. Within the first stage of works a general survey and architectural investigations of the object have been carried out. ' The constructional solutions applied in the door and window openings seem to deserve particular attention and this was exactly the reason why the author decided to deal with them within the present a rticle. As the date at which the whole complex has been built of the limestone blocks about 1507 T.D. can be assumed; the elements used for adorning of its openings are characteristic of their specific style which widely differs from that to be found within the contemporary European buildings. By the use of the quite specially designed • construction of breastsummers excellent effects were arrived at. Two forms of openings can be found within the complex, namely these rectangular and those arched. In addition, there can also be encountered some circular windows, however, their construction is one similar to that present in the standard ones. Of the openings in question of particular interest are those rectangular. There are two kinds of them. These of the first kind and placed in very thin walls are measuring about 20 cm while those of the second kind found in thick walls even up to 2.40 m. The thin walls are constructed of the carefully processed, cube-shaped stone blocks and the breastsummers have the shape of wedged blocks that were cut with a high grade of precision thus enabling to construct a flat vaulting. These blocks were usually forming a support for the arches made-up of similar stones that perform the function of „protective” structures. Very attractive effects have been achieved by builders owing to application of the differently coloured stone material. All the openings in thick walls are vaulted constructionally in semi-circular shapes which the occurrence may be in some way linked with the so called „opus emplectum” kind of masonry used in execution of these walls. Within the surface of one or two thick walls special niches were left when the masonry works have been carried out. The above niches, having rectangular sections, were later filled with structures of a kind similar to that applied in the thin walls with this only difference that the depth of filling structures is smaller. The thickness of the blocks used for filling amounts to about 10 or 12 cm. The breastsummers executed in this manner are the self-carrying structural elements having no any effect on the construction of wall at all. The space between the breastsummers executed in that manner was usually filled up with mortar or rubbish whereas the „ceiling” in the openings of wood planks. Some of the above-described openings were fitted with two breastsummers on either side of each wall; in those having a single breastsummer are perfectly visible the vaulted constructions of the openings. The small semi-circular openings in the thin walls in most cases are deprived of real wedge-shaped vaulted constructions, however, it seems that they might have been cut directly in the horizontal raws of stones forming the wail construction. Only the keystones were cut very precisely and it is these keystones, who constitute virtually structural elements which in most cases are joined with stone blocks bearing the wall constructions. All the openings under discussion were once fitted with the doors, grates or frames glazed with the coloured glass plates. As there have been found several relics of those glasses the possibilities exist to restore the glazings. The investigations described above should be considered as the first stage of studies on the ancient Arabic building trade. It is hoped, however, that already these preliminary investigations as well as those carried on in the nearest future will make it possible to explain the problem of mutual relations and that of exchange of building experiences that existed in the Middle Ages between Europe and the Islamic world.
Ochrona Zabytków; 1973, 2; 122-126
Pojawia się w:
Ochrona Zabytków
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Nowe odkrycia w dziedzinie architektury romańskiej w Polsce
Zachwatowicz, Jan
Data publikacji:
Narodowy Instytut Dziedzictwa
architektura romańska
kolumny międzynawowe w kościele św. Trójcy w Strzelnie
odkrycie w Strzelnie
opactwo w Tyńcu
romański klasztor w Tyńcu
opactwo cysterskie w Sulejowie
kościół św. Andrzeja w Krakowie
dr J. Dutkiewicz
odkrycie otwory tryforialnego
kościół na Skałce w Krakowie
prof. Szyszko-Bohusz
Rotunda św. Mikołaja na górze Zamkowej w Cieszynie
Katedra Gnieźnieńska
Les tra v aux de conservation et de recherches opé r és dans diverses parties de la Pologne ont apporté un certain nombre de curieuses dé couvertes d ’a r ch ite ctur e romane. L’auteur, ne désirant que les communiquer à ses lecteurs, se contente de les esquisser. La plms importante est c elle qui a mis à nu les piliers d ’entre les ne fs de la basiliqu e de S t r z e 1 n o. Lorsqiron eut en lev é le murage du XV III-e s., on v it apparaître la riche décoration de sculptu re des colonnes du X I-е s., décoration qui recouvrait aussi bien les fûts que les bases et les ch a p ite a u x . D e u x d ’entre les quatre colonnes dé couvertes ont un e décoration de figures,- a vec 36 représentations de sa ints ou de figures sym b o liq ue s dans des cadres architectoniques. Les deux autres colonnes ont une décoration ornementale. T1 n’y a dé décoration de figures que sur les ch ap iteau x . Cette décoration des colonnes qui prouve une interprétation toute po lon aise de la pla stiq ue rom ane est une dé couverte des plus importantes; e lle permet d’élucider le problèm e de l ’atelier a r tistique qui app araissait de plus en plus nettement dans la P o lo gn e du XIT-e s. Ces sculptures acquièrent une importance encore plus grande si 011 les compare a u x vestig es romans de Cz erwińsk, de Turn près de Ł ę c zy ca ou des portails de Gniezno et de Płock. Les scu lp ü ire s de Strzelno se ra tta chent à l ’a c tiv ité de la fam ille des Łabędź, et pa r ticu lièremen t de Pierre Wszeborowicz. A T v n i e c (voïev. de Cracovie), on a découvert, pendant la guerre, dans la partie sud de l ’ég lise le fragment d’une chap e lle romane allon g ée , a vec des colon ne ttes adossées et un portail à redans, ainsi que les murs inférieurs du réfe cto ire roman dans la partie du couvent. Lors des tra v a u x de conservation op é r és à S u l e j ó w (voïev. de Łódź), on a découvert, dans le mur oriental du choeur, 3 fenêtres de sty le roman a v anc é , ainsi que le fragment d ’une ch ap e lle a vec une pe tite fenêtre romane. O11 a ég a lem en t découvert toute une série de fragments de la ta ille de pierre romane. En 1946 et 47, on a découvert les ébrasures prim itiv e s des fenêtres des tours romanes de l ’ég lise de st André à C racovie , du XI/XII s., des parties de co lon ne s e t des bases. La dé couverte la plus curieuse est celle d’une tribune e x té r ieu r e entre les tours, avec une ouv erture de triphorium, des colonnes fort bien conservées et leurs chap iteau x . ' Les recherches opé r ée s dans l’é g lis e baroque a c tu e lle des PP. P aulin s à S k a ł k a (Cracovie), ont amené la découverte, dans le mur sud de l’ég lise , des fon d a tion s d ’une construction é ta b lie sur un plan rectangulaire, p eut-ê tre même carré. Le prof. Szy szko -B oh ùsz, qui dirige les recherches, su p p o se — d’après une mention de D łu g o sz sur un e „Ecclesia rotunda“ qu’il s ’a g it là des fond a tion s d ’une rotonde. La rotonde de st N ico la s, à C i e s z y n , est construite sur le p lan d ’un cercle de 6,50 m. de diamètre inté rieu r et des murs de 1,30 m. d’épa isseur . A l’est, une abside d’un rayon de 1,40 m. se rattache au cercle du mur; la voûte de l’abside e st une demi-coupole, c e lle de la rotonde, une coupole entière. A l ’in té rieu r de la rotonde en fa c e de l ’absid e, on a trouv é les bases des colonnes, 2 à part dans la n e f et 4 adossées qui sou ten a ien t la tribune du choeur. Un e sc a lier c reu sé dans l’épaisseur du mur m en a it au choeur. Ëtant donné le m anq ue de mentions écrites, le revêtement ulté rieu r en brique et le manque de d é ta ils, il est d iffic ile d ’é tablir l ’époque à la q u e lle remonte cette construction. On ne peut que constate r son app a rtenan ce au g roupe de constructions centrales répandues chez les Tchèques au début du m o y en â g e et qui se rattachent au sp lend ide pro to type — la rotonde de st Guy à P ra gu e (930). A G n i e z n o , on a déterré les fond a tion s d ’une chape lle ronde à 3 ab sides, à côté de la Cathédrale. Ces fon d a tion s ava ien t été découvertes, dès 1932, par l’év êq u e Laubitz et a v a ien t é té reconnues par le prof. Szy szko -Boh usz et Da lbo r pour les ve stig es d’une anc ien ne rotonde romane. L’observation du mur fit constater à l’auteur que ces fond a tion s proviennent de la chape lle de Łaski, construite au XVI-e s. D ’après les recherches de l ’auteur, la rotonde p r im itiv e qui contena it la d épou ille de st Albert, s e trouvait à l’intérieur de la cathédra le actuelle. L’auteur a retrouvé les restes de ces fondations lors des fouille s de 1947.
Ochrona Zabytków; 1948, 1; 14-27
Pojawia się w:
Ochrona Zabytków
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
    Wyświetlanie 1-3 z 3

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