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Kompozycje przestrzenno-rzeźbiarskie Katarzyny Kobro
Utkin, Bolesław
Data publikacji:
Narodowy Instytut Dziedzictwa
Katarzyna Kobro
Artyści Rewolucyjni „AR”
„Kompozycja Symetrii”
„Dualizm kontrastów”
„Kontrasty Przestrzeni”
„Sześć Kształtów”
In connection w ith th e fo u r th ie th a n n iv e r s a ry of estab lish in g th e R ev o lu tio n a ry A rtis ts ’ G ro u p “AR” being a t th e same tim e a n n iv e rs a ry of fo u n d in g the fir s t Polish G a lle ry of Modern A rt th e Museum of Arts, Łódź, who is co n tin u in g th e a c tiv itie s once s ta r ted by th e Gallery, h a s u n d e rta k e n a se rie s of re s e a rch an d p o p u la riz in g actions. Among th e o th e r aims of th e se actions h av e also b e en se t th o s e to su p p le m en t th e d a ta a lre a d y possessed a n d to g a th e r as fu ll as possible in fo rm a tio n w ith re g a rd to a c tiv itie s of th e “AR” G ro u p whose m em b e rs a n d fo u n d e rs w e re J a n Brzękowski, K a ta rz y n a Kobro, J u lia n P rz y boś, H e n ry k S ta ż ew sk i and W ład y sław S trz emiń sk i. In his p re s e n t a rtic le th e a u th o r d e a ls w ith re s to ra tio n of th e d e stru c te d d u rin g th e World W a r I I sp a tia l sc u lp tu ra l compositions of th e P o lish 20th c en tu ry a v a n t-g a rd e s c u lp tu re r K a ta rz y n a K obro (1898—1951). It is a well known fa c t th a t a ll h e r compositions Kobro based on th e defin ed n um e ric a l se ts th a t su p plied th e basis fo r h e r s c u lp tu ra l co n cep tio n s. According to h e r own words: “... a ll th e e lem e n ts conta in e d w ith in a scu lp tu re should be su b o rd in a te d to a n um b e r as such, an d th e n an d o n ly th e n the sc u lp tu re can be one w o rth y ...” She ap p lied th e n um b e rs in in te g ra te d compositional lay o u ts an d sy stems as, fo r in stan ce, in h e r co n stru c tiv is t scu lp tu re s, th a t a re kn ow n as th e “3/5/8 R a tio ” an d h av e b e en d escrib ed in th e book title d “The Space Composition”. While s ta rtin g his re s to ra tio n of th e fo u r s c u lp tu ra l compositions th e a u th o r of th e p re s e n t was aw a re of c re a tiv e ten d en c ie s in th e a r t of K a ta rz y n a Kobro. A fte r m ak in g a th o ro u g h a n a lysis o f component p a r ts an d of e n tire compositions he ad v an c ed an a ssum p tio n th a t fo r th e ir p ro p e r re s to ra tio n it is n e c e ssa ry to fin d a new “ n um b e r k e y ”. Only as a re s u lt of time -co n sumin g a ttem p ts an d tr ia ls he w as successful enough to re c o n s tru c t th e up to now u n re v e a led in K o b ro ’s compositions n um e ric a l sets, n am e ly th e a rithm e tic an d g eometric p rog ressions. Thus th e following w o rk s could be re co n s tru c ted : “A Composition of S ym m e try ” (see 111. 1, 2, 3), “The D ualism of C o n tra s ts ”, “The C o n tra s ts of S p a c e ” and “The S ix S h a p e s”. Originally, it we re th e fr e e - s ta n ding sc u lp tu re s ex e cu ted in wood, glass, p la s te r of P a ris, an d metal. All th e re s to ra tio n w o rk s w e re c a rried o u t to o rd e r of Museum of A rts, Łódź.
Ochrona Zabytków; 1972, 3; 203-206
Pojawia się w:
Ochrona Zabytków
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Problemy konserwacji neoplastycznego dzieła sztuki
Rubczyńska, Maria
Data publikacji:
Narodowy Instytut Dziedzictwa
sala neoplastyczna w Muzeum Sztuki w Łodzi
Piet Mondrian
zasady neoplastycyzmu
Katarzyna Kobro
W. Strzemiński
In Museum of Arts, Łódź there are two rooms the walls of which iare covered with the painted decorative motifs designed by an outstanding representative of the Polish neoplastic art Władysław Strzemiński and his disciple Bolesław Utkin. In the same rooms are displayed the paintings, sculptures and pieces of furniture supplying an illustration of the aforementioned trend in art. The preservation of painted decorative motifs on walls presents, however, a great deal of difficulties as they represent quite an unusual problem within the scope of the conservator’s usual practice. Since the preservation of perfectly smooth and uniformly shaded surfaces in particular parts of decoration Is an absolute must, the author suggests that in places where it might prove necessary to recover the losses no stippling should be applied ; instead of this the entire surfaces should be covered with colour matching as much as possible that of original work.
Ochrona Zabytków; 1971, 1; 43-49
Pojawia się w:
Ochrona Zabytków
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
    Wyświetlanie 1-2 z 2

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