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"Problemy modernizacji miast. Sympozjum naukowo-techniczne. Materiały z obrad 2-3 maja 1974", Warszawa 1974 : [recenzja]
Krzyżanowski, Lech
Data publikacji:
Narodowy Instytut Dziedzictwa
modernizacja miast
„Problemy modernizacji miast”
sympozjum o modernizacji miast
Ochrona Zabytków; 1975, 3-4; 282
Pojawia się w:
Ochrona Zabytków
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Uwagi o potrzebie i metodzie odbudowy zabytkowych ogrodów
Chrabelski, Kazimierz
Ciołek, Gerard
Data publikacji:
Narodowy Instytut Dziedzictwa
zabytkowe ogrody
konserwacja ogrodów
potrzeba zachowania ogrodów
problemy rekonstrukcji ogrodów
Ec domaine de la reconstruction et de la conservation des jardins historiques est un problème qui, en ce qui concerne la technique, dif fè re beaucoup de semblables travaux en architecture ou un urbanisme. Ta différence consiste dans le thème essentiel qui, étant un matériel vivant, change au cours du temps, au point de vue de la forme, de 1a grandeur et de la couleur et, de plus, a une e x i s tence limitée. Les facteurs qui ont contribué à déformer le plan primitif des jardins historiques sont tout d’abord les modifications dues au développement des plantes dans le temps ainsi que celles a p portées par les hommes à l’époque du romantisme et du classicisme: ils translormaient le plan renaissance ou baroque on parc anglais de paysage basé sur des visions idéalistes de peinture ou, à la fin du XlX-e s., des tendances au naturalisme. C’est ainsi que de nombreux, autrefois, et magnifiques jardins polonais des XVl-e, XVIl-e et XVIII-e s. ont été en majeure partie déformés. Au cours des des dernières années, les mots d’ordre de la protection de la nature qui tendent à assurer tout monument de la nature, on accru le sentiment de méfiance à l’égard des postulats modernes pour la conservation des jardins, postidats qui considèrent le jardin en tant que composition spatiale où le matériel végétal n’est qu’un des nombreux éléments. Dans la suite de leur article, les auteurs p o sent plusieurs thèses essentielles touchant la conservation des jardins: 1) la valeur réelle du jardin historique, en tant qu’objet d’architecture et d’espace, est sa composition, 2) l’analyse du plan primitif est facilitée par d’anciens fragments: la végétation, les plis du terrain et les pièces d’eau, 3) une végétation d’origine pur e ment accidentelle ne peut être un obstacle à la reconstitution du plan primitif; il ne faut protéger, d’entre les plantes de cette dernière végétation, que des exemplaires très précieux qui ne déforment pas la silhouette générale de la composition, 4) parmi les jardins polonais, il faut en étudier quelques spécimens modèles des plus précieux eu se basant sur des recherches d’archives et de terrain, 5) au cas où les matériaux de terrain et d’histoire s ’avéreraient insuffisants, il conviendrait d’étudier l’entourage de jardin du monument dans ses formes et ses plans contemporains, en tenant compte des principes (le composition en usage à l’cpoque où le monument urchitectonique fut créé.
Ochrona Zabytków; 1949, 1; 15-19, 69
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Ochrona Zabytków
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Ogólnopolska Konferencja Konserwatorska
Strukowa, Hanna
Krzyżanowski, Lech
Piesio, Adam
Data publikacji:
Narodowy Instytut Dziedzictwa
konferencja konserwatorska w Radziejowicach
osiągnięcia służby konserwatorskiej
Mieczysław Ptaśnik
problemy służb konserwatorskich
Ochrona Zabytków; 1969, 2; 150-154
Pojawia się w:
Ochrona Zabytków
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Konserwacja malowideł ściennych w Polsce w latach 1945-1964
Krzyżanowski, Lech
Data publikacji:
Narodowy Instytut Dziedzictwa
konserwacja malowideł ściennych
estetyczne problemy konserwacjimalowideł ściennych
konserwacja malarstwa ściennego 1945-1964
Cet article a été élaboré comme matériel d ’information pour le „Colloque soir les problèmes esthétiques de la conservation des peintures murales” organisé par le Centre de la Documentation des Monuments Historiques, en octobre 1965. Il .présente donc non un relevé des acquisitions et connaissances en ce domaine au cours des 20 années écoulées mais plutôt un aperçu de certains aspects des problèmes de la conservation sur lesquels l’auteur voudrait attirer l’attention du lecteur. Le matériel d ’information obtenu en résultat d ’un questionnaire diffusé parmi les conservateurs des monuments historiques de voïvodies permet (de dresser un tableau qui illustre le nombre 'de travaux de conservation effectués par les conservateurs dans leur voïvodie respective. Une rubrique spéciale du même tableau, répond au nombre des travaux réalisés par les Ateliers de Conservation des Monuments historiques. Au cours de vingt années, 366 peintures murales en Pologne furent soumis à des traitements de conservation. Toutefois, un nombre encore élevé de ces monuments attend la conservation nécessaire. Dans 60% des travaux réalisés des fragments de peintures et des compositions antérieures ont été révélées. Ces découvertes, dans de nombreux cas, avaient une importance primordiale .pour l’histoire de l’a rt en Pologne, malgré que leurs résultats ne furent que partiellement publiés et diffusés en Pologne. Environ 70°/o des peintures murales conservées ont été soumises aux pointillages qui, dans une certaine mesure n ’étaient que des retouches, n ’atteignant pas la couche picturale authentique. Environ dans 40% des traitements de conservation on a repeint les parties manquantes des peintures murales. L’auteur de l’article considère que l’intervention du conservateur trop souvent n ’a pas assez ménagé l’authenticité des compositions picturales historiques, soumises à la conservation. A la fin de l’article l ’auteur postule ce qui suit: 1. Une discussion sur la portée et la nécessité des retouches et des repeints est indispensable. 2. Il est à désirer qu’un conseil de conservateurs soit organisé auprès de la Direction des Musées et de la Protection des Monuments Historiques, pour ratifier les programmes des travaux de conservation concernant les monuments historiques les plus précieux. 3. Il est nécessaire d ’activer les travaux de conservation dans les voïvodies où leur nombre était le plus bas dernièrement.
Ochrona Zabytków; 1966, 2; 37-48
Pojawia się w:
Ochrona Zabytków
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Z działalności Komisji Konserwatorskiej Zarządu Muzeów i Ochrony Zabytków
Jankowski, Wojciech
Data publikacji:
Narodowy Instytut Dziedzictwa
problemy konserwatorskie woj. opolskiego
Komisja Konserwatorska Zarządu Muzeów
ochrona zabytków woj. katowickiego
Ochrona Zabytków; 1971, 4; 280-282
Pojawia się w:
Ochrona Zabytków
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
„MAŁE MIASTA W POLSKIEJ PRZESTRZENI KULTUROWEJ” Konferencja w Cedyni, 20-22 maja 2009 r.
”SMALL TOWNS IN POLISH CULTURAL SPACE” Conference in Cedynia, 20-22 May 2009
Jagielska, Elżbieta
Data publikacji:
Narodowy Instytut Dziedzictwa
konferencja w Cedyni
Małe miasta w polskiej przestrzeni kulturowej
problemy ochrony historycznych małych miast
Aconference organised by the National Heritage Board of Poland with the cooperation of the West Pomeranian Voivodeship Conservator of Historical Monuments on 20-22 May 2009 in Cedynia was entitled ”Small Towns in Polish Cultural Space”. The event was attended by voivodeship conservators of monuments, representatives of the Department for the Protection of Historical Monuments at the Ministry of Culture and National Heritage and heads of the Regional Centres for the Documentation and Protection of Historical Monuments. The debates took place in the western wing of the Cistercian convent in Cedynia, rebuilt and adapted for a hotel. The participants spoke about, i. a. local spatial planning and its role in the protection of historical town planning complexes, the principles of formulating correct plans guaranteeing the execution of the law, an attempt at devising a strategy associated with the protection of small historical towns, and town documentation, i.e. an abbreviated historical town planning study. The conference was accompanied by a tour of the historical small towns of Western Pomerania, which enabled the participants to become acquainted with the state of the preservation of mediaeval sacral architecture and town fortifications, the prime threats and causes of damage, and the complex protection of historical town planning space. The topics broached at the conference were a mere foretaste of the extremely complicated protection of historical small towns. The proposal made by the head of the National Heritage Board to continue this theme by presenting its successive aspects met with full approval.
Ochrona Zabytków; 2008, 2; 15-16
Pojawia się w:
Ochrona Zabytków
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Zamość w szóstym roku renowacji
Kurzątkowski, Mieczysław
Data publikacji:
Narodowy Instytut Dziedzictwa
zabytkowy Zamość
Stare i Nowe Miasto w Zamościu
dwuogniskowe centrum
problemy konserwatorskie Zamościa
renowacja Zamościa
Zamość figure parmi les plus grandes villes de la voïvodie de Lublin, à côté de Chełm et de Puławy. Elle compte plus de 30.000 habitants et est le chef-lieu de la subrégion qui comprend trois districts au sud de la voïvodie qui bénéficient de ses services en ce qui concerne l’enseignement secondaire et supérieur, la culture, le commerce, le transport et l'approvisionnement. La construction, prévue dans les plus proches années, des Etablissements de matériels électriques et d’isolation en 1985, influera sur le développement de la ville qui pourra atteindre 50 à 70.000 habitants. Elle influera sur le changement de la fonction de la Vieille Ville de Zamość qui dès lors fera partie du nouveau grand centre industriel. Depuis 1964, des travaux complexes de rénovation sont menés dans la Vieille Ville. Ces travaux englobent successivement les pâtés des maisons anciennes. Après le relogement des locataires et le transfert des services, on procède aux réparations capitales liées avec la modernisation des intérieurs autant que le permet le respect de leur substance historique. On procède également à l’assainissement des cours intérieures. Dans le plan actuel détaillé de l ’aménagement spatial de la Vieille Ville (élaboré au cours des années 1966— 1967 par Zofia Haman et son équipe), le principe de conserver et de protéger en procédant à sa replanification toute la substance des bâtiments historiques et non historiques, est de rigueur. De cet ensemble en accord avec la direction des services de conservation, seront éliminés les objectifs n’ayant aucune valeur ou se trouvant en colision avec le système historique spatial. Le plan détaillé sera accompagné de recherches, études et projets englobant les problèmes conçus à l’échelle de toute la Vieille Ville, concernant par exemple, les revêtements des rues et des places, les terrains des anciennes forteresses, les terrains verts, la petite architecture, la coloristique, etc. Ils doivent être efféctués le plus rapidement possible afin de faire face aux besoins croissants et de contrecarrer l’action immédiate.
Ochrona Zabytków; 1969, 3; 171-180
Pojawia się w:
Ochrona Zabytków
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Posiedzenie Komisji Kultury KW PZPR w Gdańsku poświęcone problemom ochrony zabytków regionu gdańskiego
Kalinowski, Wojciech
Data publikacji:
Narodowy Instytut Dziedzictwa
posiedzenie Komisji Kultury 1977
problemy przestrzenne środowiska kulturowego w rejonie gdańskim
ochrona zabytków rejonu gdańskiego
Ochrona Zabytków; 1978, 1; 81
Pojawia się w:
Ochrona Zabytków
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Problemy pejzażu kulturowego wsi
Kornecki, Marian
Data publikacji:
Narodowy Instytut Dziedzictwa
problemy pejzażu kulturowego wsi
pejzaż kulturowy wsi
bogactwo panoramy kulturowej
ochrona panoramy kulturowej
ochrona krajobrazu kulturowego
zagrożenia dla przestrzeni kulturowych
dewastacja wartości kulturowych
kierunki ochrony zabytków wsi
problemy rewaloryzacji wsi
ochrona wartości kulturowych wsi
ratowanie kultury duchowej
The subject-matter of the article is the appraisal of the problem of cultural identity of the countryside in the process of historic conditionings as a synthesis of interdependencies of natural and man-made factors on a specific area. Considerations comprise a modern process of impendencies threatening the cultural panorama, a brief discussion on hitherto forms of protection and finally proposals concerning integrated protection covering all fields that make cultural values as well as some methodological comments. And here are the most important statements. A cultural picture of the countryside is the history recorded in a concrete landscape; its shape and identification have been affected by a number of factors both original nature-derived as well as secondary man-made ones. A similarity of factors and historical unity of vast areas decided of the formation of features that were common and determinant for each country and region, the sum of which represents the richness of the cultural panorama and human attainments. Next to its properties recorded on the scene of the outside world, the cultural panorama has also its non-material dimensions without which external forms could not get crystallized. The field of spiritual culture seems to drift us away from a traditional scope of activities dictated by professional limits; it must however be always kept in mind, as its contribution conditions the behaviour of the content inherent in the material substance and form. The cultural panorama is not invariable. It is subject to evolutions and transformations; it may be either enriched or reduced. Its behaviour during transformation is of essential importance, just as it represents roots of the social link, awareness and self-determination of regional communities and nations, capable of deciding of their lives and persistence in face of an inevitable passing away of individuals by the law of nature. In a historical process a picture of the countryside developed harmonously when works of men remained in a logical relation to a specific area, of whom they were an integral part. A menance to the cultural landscape appeared when the balance of the functioning of the ecosystem and component of both material and non-material nature specific for the function and identity of the rural body got disturbed. The present day brings with it transformations on an unprecedented scale and at a very rapid pace. Without going into the appraisal of the situation as a whole it can easily be seen that the present pace of urbanization results not only in devastation of the ecosystem but also in destruction of the entire cultural areas. This can be noticed in: — degradation of the natural environment due to an excessive depletion of its resources, — decline and disintegration of social links as well as disappearance of characteristics individualizing rural bodies as a result of an accelerated process of the integration of rural and town communities, — devastation of rural structures as a result of investments that did not fit into their historical space arrangements, — disappearance of traditional functions of rural bodies as a result of transformations that were against their nature. Devastation and disappearance of the traditional building is only one of a vast number of phenomena. They were sped up by a bad technical condition of resources and low utility standard. Still, the worst factor was a psychical pressure that regarded old or traditional buildings as an expression of backwardness. Apart from that, building, fire-protection and insurance regulations as well as the so-called orderly campaigns permitted further devastation of wooden constructions. A departure of the wooden village into the past became a real fact. Unfortunately, the old architecture has been replaced by the one that was far from being perfect and by unplanned chaotic location on undeveloped areas. The features of regional identity flowing from tradition, logics of function and place have disappeared. Should the countryside become an area of subculture or, at the best case, a smaller town? When watching the development of the protection of architectural monuments and material rural culture one can notice the evolution of doctrines and practice assosiated with broadly understood notion of “historic monuments”, which in turn leads to comprising both individual structures, their complexes and structural arrangements. Still, this development is not free from controversies, negligence (e.g. in the field of the so-called serial buildings or industrial plants), conflicts or “competence void”. One should also notice that open-air museums represent only a partial solution on an limited museological scale. Attempts have been made to set up “rural reserves” displaying clashes of the countryside with life problems. In this context, the need for a regular development of the countryside with a simultaneous preservance of cultural identity and continuity prompts us to consider the problem of the reinstatement of the countryside as the task, which would mean actions aimed at protecting the cultural landscape in the process of development. This is combined with the integration of the protection of all elements that make up the cultural identity, namely: — factual natural landscape, — settlement structure fixed in the hamlet plan, road network and field expanses, — resources of building substance, greenery and water arrangements, — certain non-material elements affecting characteristics of the cultural picture. Only the countryside seen in that way, in its entire territory, should become a field for the revival, which may be achieved by: — full recording of cultural resources, — their scientific analysis and estimation, — designation of protection zones, — drawing of guidelines for the protection, and — their introduction, as an obligatory element, into plans of spatial development. Hitherto experiences have revealed a need for cooperation between various scientific disciplines, specialists of which are represented in the cultural picture. Prospects for the cooperation of the scientific profession have been opened wide. A separate problem the discussion of which goes beyond the framework of the present report is the saving of spiritual culture, which, from the very beginning, was formed in the sphere of the principles of ideal nature specific for the Polish nation and manifested itself in numerous traits that combine spiritual wefts with a vision of the outside world. Its behaviour should take place not only in the form of popularizing superficial folk forms but also in the shaping of awareness in the educational process and social life.
Ochrona Zabytków; 1982, 3-4; 143-155
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Ochrona Zabytków
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Kolokwium poświęcone estetycznym problemom konserwacji malowideł ściennych, 4-6 października 1965 r.
Krzyżanowski, Lech
Data publikacji:
Narodowy Instytut Dziedzictwa
estetyczne problemy konserwacji malowideł ściennych
spotkanie ekspertów dot. konserwacji malowideł
indywidualne traktowanie problemu konserwatorskiego
konieczność zachowania autentycznych malowideł
Ochrona Zabytków; 1966, 2; 84-92
Pojawia się w:
Ochrona Zabytków
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Bogumiła J. Rouba, Pielęgnacja świątyni i innych zabytków. Książka nie tylko dla księży, wyd. 2 rozszerzone, Wydawnictwo Naukowe UMK, Toruń 2014, ss. 508
Mróz, Janusz
Data publikacji:
Narodowy Instytut Dziedzictwa
Pielęgnacja świątyni i innych zabytków
Książka nie tylko dla księży
zabytkowe budowle sakralne
problemy dotykające zabytkowe budowle
dziedzictwo kulturowe
Ochrona Zabytków; 2015, 1; 218-219
Pojawia się w:
Ochrona Zabytków
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Studium warunków i problemów środowiska w ośrodkach zabytkowych
Gazzola, Pietro
Data publikacji:
Narodowy Instytut Dziedzictwa
problemy środowiska w ośrodkach zabytkowych
efekty postępu technicznego
planowanie urbanistyczne
zabytkowe ośrodki miejskie
ochrona miejsc zabytkowych
polityka ochrony zabytków
The author assumes that historical towns and villages all oveir the [world suffer destruction as a result of economic development. This concerns especially the youngest nations where industrialization happens very rapidly. Factors that break balance between man and his life environment arose as early as in the 19th century. To these factors belongs an incipient idea of new aglomerations which have spread around cities. They lean to historical centres and thus gradually turn into obstacles on the roads that link old towns with the economic base. As early as in the 19th century old — town districts were abandoned and technological achievements bred, prejudice against monuments of the past. The present task of restorers is to reconcile nowaday necessities with the old ones and to evaluate old cities. There is a tendency to destroy these historical centres and the disinclination to lay out money for their restoration is prevalent. We must also pay attention to the fact that the new environment we create is a spiritless and unnatural machine in possession of forms which are strange to us and overpower us. This paradoxical situation is connected with the use of free time it becomes clear that it is insufficient to solve this problem by organizing recreation areas. As they want to overcome inflexibility of modern constructions, people aim at cooperation in creation of new environment in which they would draw a -clear border line between the residential area and the area under protection where there would be room for both nature and historical substance. The author calls for educational campaign which would inform society that monuments intuitively answer their specific needs. The efforts о-f conservators one centred upon revitalization of historical towns which, as it appears is possible. However, the criticism of initiatives in this field reduced to the problem of costs according to the -principle which says that construction is less expensive than reconstruction. But on the other hand, lif we take also into account the value of the regained -environment and qualities that enable to protect men effectively from the loss of spiritual values, work on that reconstruction is cheaper than construction. What is meant here is the reconstruction in which the original character of a -building remains in agreement with the necessities of modern life. Such a historical structure ought to be provided with the possibility to fulfill a fit function when the process of transmission of historical and aesthetic values to the building takes place. Thus reconstruction reguires an appropriate evaluation of the given structure. In the following part of the article the author accuses urbanists of elimination of those historical structures which -they consider unfit to the new -needs. It is a tendency which takes into consideration neither the picture of the whole human life environment nor humanistic culture. It is exactly this culture on which our civilization is based and that is why it is likely to become an essential progress factor. Humanism, however, cannot be understood as privilege of the same -group of people -— it is a -common phenomen which aims at increase of general living standard. Now it is the very moment ti introduce order in the magnificent scientific and technological progress. This progress should help us to overcome the present chaos and to achieve new reality — harmonious and humane.
Ochrona Zabytków; 1976, 1; 3-8
Pojawia się w:
Ochrona Zabytków
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki

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