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Z dziejów sądownictwa administracyjnego na Górnym Śląsku w czasach II Rzeczypospolitej. Sprawa Józefa Kormana przeciwko Dyrekcji Policji w Katowicach
From the History of Administrative Justice in Upper Silesia during the Second Polish Republic. The Case of Józef Korman v. the Police Directorate in Katowice
Mikołajczyk, Marian
Nancka, Grzegorz
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet w Białymstoku. Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu w Białymstoku
Wojewódzki Sąd Administracyjny
Najwyższy Trybunał Administracyjny
obrońca prywatny
Voivodship Administrative Court
Supreme Administrative Tribunal
private defence counsel
Celem artykułu jest ukazanie praktyki Wojewódzkiego Sądu Administracyjnego (WSA) w Katowicach, funkcjonującego w czasach II Rzeczypospolitej, mające – w szerszej perspektywie – pozwolić na dokonanie oceny jego działalności. Wojewódzki Sąd Administracyjny w Katowicach, utworzony dopiero w 1922 r., po przyłączeniu części Górnego Śląska do Rzeczypospolitej, nie doczekał się wciąż całościowego opracowania. Studiów nad jego działalnością nie ułatwia stan zachowania akt, bardzo poważnie przetrzebionych w toku ich brakowania. Zachowane, bardzo nieliczne akta spraw, pozwalają na poznanie przebiegu sporów toczonych przed WSA, a także ich rezultatów. Jedną z nich jest stanowiąca przedmiot opracowania sprawa Józefa Kormana przeciwko Dyrekcji Policji w Katowicach. Studium tego przypadku jest interesujące z wielu względów. Przede wszystkim jednak z tego powodu, że jest to jeden z nielicznych sporów, jakie trafiły przed Najwyższy Trybunał Administracyjny w Warszawie na skutek odwołania wniesionego od wyroku WSA w Katowicach. Opracowanie opiera się na zachowanych w Archiwum Państwowym w Katowicach aktach sprawy, ówczesnych źródłach prawa, a także literaturze przedmiotu. W artykule wykorzystana została metoda historyczno-prawna.
The article aims to show the practice of the Voivodship Administrative Court in Katowice, operating during the Second Polish Republic, which – in a broader context – will allow for an assessment of its activity. The Voivodship Administrative Court in Katowice, which was established only in 1922 after the annexation of part of Upper Silesia into the Republic of Poland, has not yet been subjected to a comprehensive analysis. Research into its operation is not facilitated by the small number of surviving files, which were heavily depleted in the process of disposal. The preserved case files, which are very few in number, provide insight into the course and results of disputes adjudicated before the Voivodship Administrative Court. One of them is the case of Józef Korman v. the Police Directorate in Katowice, which is the subject of this study. It is an interesting case study for a number of reasons. This is primarily because it was one of the few cases heard before the Highest Administrative Tribunal in Warsaw as a result of an appeal filed against the judgment of the Voivodship Administrative Court in Katowice. The study is based on the case files preserved in the State Archive in Katowice, sources of law of that time and specialist literature. The article uses a historical-legal methodology.
Miscellanea Historico-Iuridica; 2023, 22, 1; 223-239
Pojawia się w:
Miscellanea Historico-Iuridica
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Kariera zawodowa sędziów austriackiego Trybunału Administracyjnego w II Rzeczypospolitej Polskiej
Austrian Judges Career in the Supreme Administrative Tribunal in the Second Polish Republic
Dziadzio, Andrzej
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet w Białymstoku. Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu w Białymstoku
Najwyższy Trybunał Administracyjny, austriaccy sędziowie, sanacja, II Rzeczpospolita
Supreme Administrative Tribunal, Austrian judges, sanacja regime, Second Polish Republic
The May Coup d’État of 1926 was a turning point in the activity of the Supreme Admini- strative Tribunal (Najwyższy Trybunał Administracyjny – NTA), in that it undermined the position of judges associated with the former Austrian Administrative Tribunal. Guarding the standards of Rechtsstaat the judges could not tolerate violations of law on the part of the government, e.g. the appointment of a General Election Commis- sioner in 1927. In particular, they couldn’t accept the behind-the-scenes pressure on an independent judiciary. The displacement of Jan Sawicki, president of the NTA, was a warning for all judges and a prelude to mass personnel purges. The reform of the administrative judiciary from 1932, as opposed to former reforms, completely ignored the reorganisation plan proposed by R. Różycki, another president of the NTA not bac- ked by the new government. The task of reforming the NTA was delegated to people who were trusted by the new government (Sanacja).
Miscellanea Historico-Iuridica; 2015, 14, 1; 109-122
Pojawia się w:
Miscellanea Historico-Iuridica
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Polityczne i prawne uwarunkowania uchwalenia ustawy o Sądzie Najwyższym w 1962 r.
The Political and Legal Conditions of Enactment of the Act Concerning the Supreme Court in 1962
Bereza, Arkadiusz
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet w Białymstoku. Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu w Białymstoku
Sąd Najwyższy, Polska Zjednoczona Partia Robotnicza (PZPR), wy- miar sprawiedliwości
Supreme Court, Polish United Workers’ Party (PZPR), judiciary
After WW II, the Supreme Court functioned pursuant to the Law on the Organiza- tion of General Jurisdiction Courts of 1928 as a court of cassation (kasacyjny) – and after the 1949–1950 reform of the court system – as an appellate (rewizyjny) court. As a consequence of the politically-motivated appointments prevailing from the mid-1940s to mid-50s, the justices of the interwar period were replaced by new judges at the disposition of political power and executive authorities during the Stalinist period. The thaw in relations of October 1956 led to a temporary alteration of the Supreme Court’s functioning and the approach developed in judicial decisions. By 1958, the di- rection adopted in the judicial decisions of criminal courts had already begun to raise serious doubts among the Polish United Workers’ Party (PZPR). This fact spurred legi- slative work, which was completed with the enactment of the Act of 16 February 1962 on the Supreme Court. The Act was the first separate piece of legislation concerning the Supreme Court in the history of the People’s Republic of Poland (PRL). It confor- med with the 1952 Constitution of the PRL in recognizing the position of the Supreme Court as the supreme judicial authority exercising supervision over all other courts of justice as far as judicial decisions are concerned, and in establishing the principle that Supreme Court justices be elected for a 5-year term. The systemic changes of the law necessitated the election of the entire bench of the Supreme Court, which allowed for a verification of the existing justices and the election of those who guaranteed a new approach to criminal law that accorded with the expectations of the party.
Miscellanea Historico-Iuridica; 2015, 14, 1; 33-56
Pojawia się w:
Miscellanea Historico-Iuridica
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Charakterystyka działalności poselskiej Hermana Liebermana w latach 1922–1926 dotyczącej Najwyższego Trybunału Administracyjnego
Characteristics of Herman Lieberman’s Parliamentary Activity in 1922–1926, Concerning the Supreme Administrative Tribunal
Ułanowicz, Mateusz
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet w Białymstoku. Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu w Białymstoku
Herman Lieberman
Najwyższy Trybunał Administracyjny
II Rzeczpospolita
rządy prawa
the Supreme Administrative Tribunal
the Second Polish Republic
rule of law
Celem artykułu jest przedstawienie działalności poselskiej Hermana Liebermana w latach 1922–1926 dotyczącej uchwalenia oraz nowelizacji ustawy z 3 sierpnia 1922 r. o Najwyższym Trybunale Administracyjnym. Najważniejszą przyczyną zbadania tego problemu jest fakt, iż aktywność parlamentarna Hermana Liebermana, skupiająca się na pierwszym polskim sądzie administracyjnym, została pominięta w jego wspomnieniach, jak również w oficjalnej biografii parlamentarzysty, napisanej przez Artura Leinwalda. Poza tym, temat tego artykułu wpisuje się w setną rocznicę powstania Najwyższego Trybunału Administracyjnego. Publikacja ta pokazuje również, w jaki sposób Sejm Rzeczypospolitej Polskiej oraz Najwyższy Trybunał Administracyjny funkcjonowały przed dokonaniem zamachu stanu w maju 1926 r. Po tym wydarzeniu nowa władza wykonawcza stopniowo zmuszała ten sąd do współpracy z rządem oraz do wspierania polityki państwa. Najwięcej źródeł, dotyczących działalności parlamentarnej Hermana Liebermana w dwudziestoleciu międzywojennym, znajduje się na stronie internetowej Biblioteki Sejmowej. Dlatego też metodologia napisania tego tekstu polegała na analizie projektów aktów prawnych oraz protokołów posiedzeń Sejmu, Komisji Konstytucyjnej oraz Komisji Prawniczej. Dokumenty te udowadniają, że Herman Lieberman był bardzo zaangażowany w prace legislacyjne, dotyczące Najwyższego Trybunału Administracyjnego. Ich weryfikacja wiedzie do konkluzji, iż poseł był wielkim zwolennikiem rozpoczęcia funkcjonowania tego sądu w Polsce. Wynika z nich również, że Herman Lieberman widział w Najwyższym Trybunale Administracyjnym gwarancję ochrony podstawowych praw i wolności człowieka.
The article aims to present Herman Lieberman’s parliamentary activity in the years 1922–1926, concerning the enactment and amendment of the act on the Supreme Administrative Tribunal of 3 August 1922. The main reason for exploring this problem is the fact that his parliamentary activity, focusing on the first Polish administrative court, was omitted from his memoires and his official biography, written by Artur Leinwald. Apart from that, the topic of this article coincides with the centenary of the Supreme Administrative Tribunal. Furthermore, this publication shows how the Sejm and the Supreme Administrative Tribunal operated before the may coup of 1926, because afterwards the new executive was progressively forcing the Supreme Administrative Tribunal to cooperate with government and to support state policy. The greatest number of sources concerning Lieberman’s parliamentary activity in the interwar period can be found at the Sejm Library’s website. Therefore, the methodology for writing this article consisted in the analysis of the bills and protocols of the Sejm, the Constitutional Committee, and the Legal Committee. These sources show that Herman Lieberman was very involved in the legislative work concerning the Supreme Administrative Tribunal. Analysis of these documents makes it possible to conclude that the parliamentarian was a great supporter of setting up this court in Poland. Herman Lieberman was sure that the Supreme Administrative Tribunal would be the guarantor of the protection of individual rights and freedoms.
Miscellanea Historico-Iuridica; 2023, 22, 1; 149-170
Pojawia się w:
Miscellanea Historico-Iuridica
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Obywatelstwo państwa polskiego w świetle orzecznictwa Najwyższego Trybunału Administracyjnego 1922–1939
Citizenship of the Polish State in the Light of the Decisions Taken by the Supreme Administrative Tribunal in 1922–1939
Malec, Dorota
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet w Białymstoku. Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu w Białymstoku
prawo obywatelstwa, orzecznictwo, Najwyższy Trybunał Administra- cyjny, sądownictwo administracyjne, prawo publiczne, II Rzeczpospolita, historia prawa polskiego, historia prawa
right to citizenship, judicial decisions, Supreme Administrative Tribunal, administrative courts, public law, Second Republic of Poland, Polish legal history, legal history
After Poland restored its independence in 1918, the subject of Polish citizenship was regulated by the provisions of international law, particularly those found in the Versa- illes Treaty of 24 June 1919, as well as by those formulated in the Treaty with Austria signed in St. Germain en Laye on 10. Sept. 1919, those laid down in the Treaty of Riga of 18 March 1921, and additionally, by the provisions of domestic law, namely the provisions of the Statute on Citizenship of the Polish State of 20 Jan. 1920. It was as early as during the work on the aforementioned Statute that there appeared problems that, in the years which followed, became detectable in decisions taken by the Supreme Administrative Tribunal. It was the latter that – within the scope of its competence – controlled the legality of decisions made on the occasion of adjudicating in matters concerned with the application of provisions on citizenship of the Polish state. In the judicial decisions of the Tribunal, which was established in 1922, there dominated those concerned with the certification of citizenship for which there applied the individuals who acquired the citizenship by virtue of law. The Tribunal also frequently decided in matters referring to making an option of citizenship, the option being allowed by the Versailles Treaty. The Tribunal cautiously appraised the proceedings designed to expel an individual from the territory of Poland. What the Tribunal considered to be a defect in the proceedings was inter alia too general a justification of decisions that referred to the refusal of granting citizenship to the person applying for it. Although the doctrine of the time regarded the act of granting citizenship as the decision that the compe- tent organ made within its discretionary power, the Supreme Administrative Tribunal oversaw each case to ensure that the boundaries of the discretionary power were not exceeded. Likewise, in each case the Tribunal considered itself to be the organ that was competent to check the regularity of proceedings. In each case the Tribunal made a pe- netrating interpretation of provisions and would repeatedly return to the most difficult questions. Among the latter there were inter alia the interpretation of such notions as affiliation with the commune, domicile and the place of settling and military service as titles that justified the acquisition of citizenship. As a result of its control over the ad- ministrative practice, the Tribunal managed to reveal many infringements of provisions. This led to the quashing of decisions that were subject to complaints. In this respect the activities of the Tribunal deserve credit.
Miscellanea Historico-Iuridica; 2015, 14, 2; 73-96
Pojawia się w:
Miscellanea Historico-Iuridica
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Idea godności człowieka w amerykańskiej kulturze i doktrynie prawnej
The idea of human dignity in American doctrine and legal culture
Urbańczyk, Michał
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet w Białymstoku. Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu w Białymstoku
godność ludzka, abolicjonizm, ruch sufrażystek, ruch na rzecz praw obywatelskich, Martin Luther King, Frederick Douglass, Stany Zjednoczone Ameryki, Sąd Najwyższy, niewolnictwo, segregacja rasowa, dyskryminacja kobiet.
human dignity, abolitionism, the suffrage movement, the civil rights move- ment, Martin Luther King, Frederick Douglass, the United States of America, the Su- preme Court, slavery, racial segregation, discrimination against women.
Neither in the Constitution of the United States nor in the later enacted Bill of Rights, does the term “human dignity” occur. Therefore the thesis that was established in the early 90s of the 20th century by Ronald Dworkin and William J. Brennan Jr. may come as a surprise. Both of them – an eminent philosopher of law and a judge of the Supreme Court, recognized human dignity as a fundamental value declared by the American con- stitution and its complementary Bill of Rights. After closer recognition with American legal culture, this thesis no longer raises such controversies. Despite the fact that the Founding Fathers of the United States did not care so much about dignity as they did about other values, this idea nevertheless appeared in their publications and personal letters. Moreover, in the first Supreme Court ruling on Chisholm v. Georgia, the state, as a product of the human being and its importance, took the view that the right to human dignity was innate. Of course, the American doctrine and its legal culture have been evolving for two hundred years, changing under the influ- ence of a number of important social phenomena. As key topics for the article the following are recognized: abolitionism and the fight against slavery, the suffrage movement and the struggle for women’s rights and the civil rights movement and the fight against racial segregation. All of them undoubtedly have impacted the American idea of dignity, and they certainly have played a significant role in the changes that have occurred over the years in the United States. In European legal culture dignity similarly plays a crucial role, both in individual countries as well as at su- pranational level. Analysis of the place of dignity in American legal culture will provide material that can be compared with its European heritage.
Miscellanea Historico-Iuridica; 2016, 15, 2; 193-213
Pojawia się w:
Miscellanea Historico-Iuridica
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
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