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Genesis of Administrative Justice and Administrative Procedure in Latvia
Bērtaite-Pudāne, Inga
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet w Białymstoku. Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu w Białymstoku
centenary of administrative justice
administrative law
state governed by law
In 2021, the administrative courts of Latvia celebrated two significant anniversaries. The first was one hundred years since the adoption of the Act on Administrative Courts, which was the beginning of administrative justice in Latvia. The second significant anniversary – 20 years ago a modern Administrative Procedure Act was adopted and separate administrative courts were established. This article aims to describe the genesis of administrative justice in Latvia during the Interwar Period and after the restoration of Latvia’s independence in 1991. Administrative justice a hundred years ago and now is an instrument that ensures the observance of fundamental principles of democracy and the rule of law. Thus, the present day connects us with the time 100 years ago. At the same time, it should be acknowledged that the assessment of the regulation of administrative procedure, as well as the organization of administrative justice, in Latvia, differ significantly between then and now. The article analyses the reasons why the 1921 Act on Administrative Courts was considered outdated and incomplete as it approached its twentieth anniversary, while the current Administrative Procedure Act, celebrating its twentieth anniversary, is considered to be of a success story. The article also examines the challenges that characterized administrative justice in the Interwar Period and nowadays, looking for commonalities and differences. The article uses both interwar and contemporary legal sources. The article uses analytical and historical research methods. The article can serve as a source of information for further comparative studies on the genesis of administrative justice in the region.
Miscellanea Historico-Iuridica; 2023, 22, 1; 103-118
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Miscellanea Historico-Iuridica
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Entre justice et administration : la cour des aides de Montauban contre l’intendant lors des crises de l’Ancien Régime français
Between Justice and Administration: The Montauban Court of Aids Against the Intendant During the Crises of the French Ancien Régime
Mengès-Le Pape, Christine
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet w Białymstoku. Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu w Białymstoku
court of aids
The relations between the sovereign courts and the intendants contain a tormented and unsuccessful history, marked since the Grand Siècle by the difficult passage from the traditional jurisdictional management of the kingdom, considered inefficient, to an organisation that supports the triumph of the absolute and administrative monarchy. In these southern lands of the kingdom of France, torn apart by the Protestant reformation and the wars, the institutional upheaval which prepared the modern state and the Napoleonic granite masses, was carried out through strong embarrassments which opposed the intendant of the generality to the court of aids in Montauban. As soon as they were created, the magistrates of the jurisdictional company multiplied the manoeuvres against the intendant to safeguard their contentious attributions and the control of the municipal funds. Their particularistic actions were denounced by the intendant, who was there to make the king present everywhere in the kingdom and was zealous in his service. Since then, all the elements were in place for the outbreak of a noisy quarrel – the lawsuit against the intendant Gaspard Lescalopier – which worried the government at the turn of the reign of Louis XV, in the middle of the tax war in 1749, when King Louis XV, whom the subjects looked upon as a charming prince, became „Louis the Unloved”. These tumults prevented the modernisation of the French monarchy and led to the troubles of the Revolution.
Miscellanea Historico-Iuridica; 2023, 22, 1; 41-57
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Miscellanea Historico-Iuridica
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Początki wymiaru sprawiedliwości na Białostocczyźnie w 1919 r. w świetle wileńskich archiwaliów
The beginnings of the justice in the Białystok region in 1919 in the light of Vilnius archives
Maksimiuk, Diana
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet w Białymstoku. Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu w Białymstoku
wymiar sprawiedliwości
odzyskanie niepodległości
regain independence
Tworzenie wymiaru sprawiedliwości po odzyskaniu przez Polskę niepodległości w 1918 r. to zagadnienie nie ciszące się zbyt dużym zainteresowaniem badaczy. Zasadniczy problem tkwi w braku źródeł historycznych dotyczących tej problematyki. Szczególnie jest to widoczne dla Ziem Wschodnich II Rzeczypospolitej, dla których materiały archiwalne uległy zniszczeniu w czasie II wojny światowej, a jeśli ocalały, to nierzadko dostęp do nich jest dziś dość utrudniony. Dzieje sądownictwa na Białostocczyźnie w okresie międzywojennym nie są dobrze znane właśnie z powodu braku źródeł. Dotychczasowe próby jego opisania opierały się wyłącznie na informacjach prasowych – głównie w oparciu o lokalną gazetę „Dziennik Białostocki” – oraz na aktach normatywnych publikowanych w dziennikach urzędowych wydawanych przez naczelne organy władzy państwowej. Sięgano również po literaturę wspomnieniową, ale i ta nie jest zbyt liczna. Okazuje się, że cenne materiały dotyczące początków polskiego wymiaru sprawiedliwości w Białymstoku z okresu marzec – czerwiec 1919 r. posiada w swoim zasobie Litewskie Centralne Archiwum Państwowe w Wilnie. Dzięki tym kilku dokumentom możemy poznać nie tylko niełatwy proces tworzenia miejscowego sądownictwa, ale także pierwsze miesiące jego działalności oraz z imienia i nazwiska ludzi, którzy w tym uczestniczyli. Z uwagi na fakt, iż archiwalia te nie są zbyt łatwo dostępne i nikt wcześniej do nich nie dotarł, część z nich (ukazujące działalność orzeczniczą w liczbach) opublikowano jako materiał dla przyszłych prac badawczych.
The creation of the justice system in Poland after it regained its independence in 1918 is an issue which does not attract too much interest from researchers. The main problem lies in the lack of historical sources on the subject. This is particularly evident with regard to the Eastern Lands of the Second Polish Republic as the archival materials concerting those lands were either destroyed during World War II, or if they were not, they are not easily accessible today. The judicial history of the Białystok region in the interwar period is not well known precisely because of the lack of sources. To date, the attempts to describe it have been based solely on press releases – mainly from the local newspaper 'Dziennik Białostocki' - and on normative acts published in government gazettes issued by the state authorities. Memoirs have also been consulted, but there are not many of them either. As it turns out, the Lithuanian Central State Archives in Vilnius has valuable materials on the beginnings of Polish judiciary in Białystok from the period of March 1919 to June 1919. Thanks to these few documents, we can learn not only about the difficult process of creating the local judiciary, but also about the first months of its operation and the names of the people who participated in it. Due to the fact that these archives are not easily accessible and no one has reached them before, some of them (showing case-law figures) have been published as material for future research.
Miscellanea Historico-Iuridica; 2020, 19, 2; 367-382
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Miscellanea Historico-Iuridica
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Trybunał Ludowy jako organ wymiaru (nie)sprawiedliwości III Rzeszy
The People’s Court as an Organ of the (In)Justice System of the Third Reich
Bury, Paweł
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet w Białymstoku. Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu w Białymstoku
Trybunał Ludowy
III Rzesza
wymiar sprawiedliwości
People’s Court
Third Reich
justice system
W artykule opisano zagadnienia związane z powstaniem i działalnością Trybunału Ludowego – niemieckiego sądu karnego istniejącego w latach 1934–1945, orzekającego głównie w sprawach politycznych. W niniejszej pracy przedstawiono i omówiono genezę oraz ustrój Trybunału, sposób ukształtowania postępowania przed nim, zakres jego właściwości rzeczowej i miejscowej czy rolę, jaką pełnił w praktyce. Na uwadze mieć jednocześnie trzeba, że na przestrzeni czasu pozycja Trybunału Ludowego stopniowo ewoluowała, a zmianom podlegał nie tylko jego skład, ale też zakres właściwości, który stale rozszerzano, obejmując nim coraz to kolejne czyny. Rozważania zawarte w pracy poświęcono także w części przedstawieniu sylwetek sędziów orzekających w Trybunale i ich powojennym losom. Pomimo ważnej roli Trybunału Ludowego, jaką ten odegrał w wymiarze sprawiedliwości III Rzeszy, w rodzimej literaturze nie zgłębiano szczegółowo tematyki związanej z jego istnieniem. Dotychczasowe wypowiedzi przede wszystkim referowały się do obcej literatury, pomijając w zasadzie analizę aktów prawnych. Z tego też względu w niniejszej pracy zastosowano nie tylko metodę historycznoprawną, ale i formalno-dogmatyczną, szeroko odwołując się przy tym do aktów normatywnych rangi ustawowej i podustawowej stanowiących podstawę działalności Trybunału.
The article describes issues related to the establishment and activity of the People's Court – a German criminal court existing in the years 1934–1945 adjudicating mainly in political cases. This paper presents and discusses the genesis and constitution of the Court, the proceedings before it, the scope of its material and local jurisdiction, and the role it played in practice. At the same time, it should be borne in mind that the position of the People’s Court evolved gradually over time, and not only its composition changed, but also the scope of its jurisdiction, which was constantly being expanded to cover more and more crimes. The work is also partly devoted to the presentation of the judges adjudicating in the Court and their post-war fate. Despite the important role played by the People's Court in the justice system of the Third Reich, the subject of its existence has not been explored in detail in Polish literature. Previous publications primarily referred to foreign literature, generally omitting the analysis of legal acts. For this reason, this work uses not only the historical and legal method, but also the formal and dogmatic method, making extensive references to normative acts of statutory and sub-statutory rank constituting the basis for the activity of the Court.
Miscellanea Historico-Iuridica; 2023, 22, 1; 593-623
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Miscellanea Historico-Iuridica
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Ministerstwo Sprawiedliwości wobec sędziowskich postulatów samorządowych w latach 1980–1981
Ministry of Justice Against Self-governing Demands of the Judges in the Years 1980–1981
Niewiński, Kamil
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet w Białymstoku. Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu w Białymstoku
sędziowie, wymiar sprawiedliwości, Ministerstwo Sprawiedliwości, postulaty sędziowskie, NSZZ „Solidarność”
judges, judiciary, self-government, Ministry of Justice, “Solidarity” Trade Union
The judiciary in the Polish People’s Republic was not a separate, self-governing sphere of power. The judiciary was under the supervision of the Polish United Workers Party (PZPR) and the Ministry of Justice. Political and executive authorities decided upon the staffing and professional matters of judges. In autumn 1980, on the basis of the August Agreements, independent trade unions of judiciary workers were formed in the courts. Judges, associated in them, put forward their own demands and thanks to the strength of trade unions they exerted pressure on the Minister of Justice se- eking chances to push through systemic changes, which would guarantee independence and self-governance of the judiciary. Implementation of the judges demands would de- prive the PZPR and the Ministry of Justice of the ability to govern in the sphere of justice. The authorities did not intend to resign from these prerogatives. But the Ministry of Justice, devoid of PZPR political support, gradually gave way to the judges demands. As a result of ongoing discussion in the Ministry of Justice in the years 1980–1981, two concepts of self-governance of the judiciary were created: the judges concept of decision-making self-governance and the ministerial concept of quasi self-governance with consultative prerogatives. They were reflected in multi-variant draft amendment to the law on common courts, prepared by the Ministry of Justice in November 1981. The ministerial concept became the basis of subsequent changes made in the reform of the judiciary, performed under the dictation of the PZPR in 1984–1985. Concepts from the years 1980–1981 evolved and became the basis for the reform of the judiciary system in the systemic transition period in 1989. In great measure, self-governance of the judges functions to this day on the basis of the solutions developed in 1980–1981.
Miscellanea Historico-Iuridica; 2015, 14, 2; 207-227
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Miscellanea Historico-Iuridica
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Z działalności Komisji KC PZPR do spraw Wymiaru Sprawiedliwości, Bezpieczeństwa i Porządku Publicznego w 1957 r. Przyczynek do badań nad wpływem PZPR na wymiar sprawiedliwości
From the Activity of the Polish United Workers’ Party’s (PZPR) Central Committee’s Commission on the Administration of Justice, Public Safety and Order in 1957. Monograph on the Research of the PZPR’s Influence on the Administration of Justice
Maksimiuk, Diana
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet w Białymstoku. Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu w Białymstoku
Polish United Workers’ Party, justice, judiciary
Polska Zjednoczona Partia Robotnicza, sprawiedliwość, wymiar spra- wiedliwości
The Polish United Workers’ Party strived to control all areas of life in the state. So the administration of justice was not an exception. This Party influenced the judiciary using various mechanisms, i.e. personnel policy, legislation and law enforcement. It created an executive apparatus for this purpose. In the years 1957–1959, it was the PUWP Central Committee’s Commission on the Administration of Justice, Public Safety and Order.
Miscellanea Historico-Iuridica; 2015, 14, 2; 57-71
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Miscellanea Historico-Iuridica
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Wymiar sprawiedliwości w świetle obrad i postanowień IX Nadzwyczajnego Zjazdu PZPR (14–20 lipca 1981 r.)
Niewiński, Kamil
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet w Białymstoku. Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu w Białymstoku
Polish United Workers’ Party, administration of justice
The sessions of the 9th Extraordinary Congress of the Polish United Workers’ Party (PUWP) was preceded by a profound public critique of both the structures and the activity of the judiciary and administration of justice. The corporations of lawyers demanded to strengthen the independence of the judiciary. They demanded to abolish the regulations on the so called “warranty” of socialist justice and to abolish the term of office in the Supreme Court. The Party, however, had no intention of changing and getting rid of legal regulations that allowed them to control the sphere of the judiciary. In the programme presented at the congress, the Central Committee of the PUWP emphasized the need to strengthen the existing structures of the socialist system of justice that in their opinion ensured the ‘independence’ of the judiciary. This approach of the PUWP towards the system of justice was rejected by a group of delegates who criticized the programme presented by the Central Committee at a meeting of a task group. They pointed out the need for tangible legal changes in the system administration of justice as postulated by the corporations of lawyers. These views were nonetheless found to be anti-socialist, and were not included in the final text of the congress resolution, which merely reiterated the theses set forth in the Central Committee’s programme statement.
Miscellanea Historico-Iuridica; 2011, 10; 259-277
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Miscellanea Historico-Iuridica
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Wizyta prawników radzieckich w Polsce w 1955 r. Dokument archiwalny o tematach i wynikach prawniczych konsultacji polsko-radzieckich
Soviet Lawyers’ Visit to Poland 1955. An Archive Document about Topics and Results of Polish-Soviet Legal Consultation
Fiedorczyk, Piotr
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet w Białymstoku. Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu w Białymstoku
prawo radzieckie, radzieckie Ministerstwo Sprawiedliwości, polskie Ministerstwo Sprawiedliwości
Soviet law, Soviet Ministry of Justice, Polish Ministry of Justice
In 1955 the first official visit of Soviet lawyers to Poland took place. It is somehow strange that it took place so late, when the process of Sovietization of Polish law was already very advanced. The chairman of the delegation was Professor D. S. Kariew, who was also a high ranked official of the Soviet Ministry of Justice. The document presented below is the minutes of the last meeting of the delegation with Polish Minister of Justice, Henryk Świątkowski. The Soviet delegation was suggesting to implement many Soviet regulations into Polish law. Among them were: the election of judges (complete fiction) and abolishing the self-government of advocates. They were also pressing on increasing the Ministry’s supervision over judges. At the time the Polish party seemed to accept these proposals but in the event none were implemented into Polish law. This was so because of political changes in Poland in 1956, when Stalin’s period in Polish history ended. The process of reception of Soviet law in Poland then stopped, but not completely.
Miscellanea Historico-Iuridica; 2015, 14, 1; 123-132
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Miscellanea Historico-Iuridica
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Administrative Courts in Lithuania: History, Evolution, the Present, and Perspectives
Bareikytė, Simona
Deviatnikovaitė, Ieva
Jacevič, Barbara
Paužaitė-Kulvinskienė, Jurgita
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet w Białymstoku. Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu w Białymstoku
administrative courts
administrative justice
administrative process
Judicial review of the legality of administrative acts is one of the most important elements of the rule of law. The institute of administrative justice began to develop in the 19th century: in 1872 The French Council of State was given a function of judicial review, the Administrative Court in Vienna (Austria-Hungary) was established in 1867, in Baden (Germany) in 1863, etc. After the First World War, administrative courts were established in several European countries. The law on the Supreme Administrative Court and its Jurisdiction in Czechoslovakia was adopted in 1918. The Law for the Supreme Administrative Court in Poland was issued in 1922. Administrative courts were also functioning in other countries (Latvia, Estonia). In Lithuania administrative courts were established for the first time in 1999, although up to fifteen draft laws on the Administrative Court were prepared in the interwar Lithuania. This article was written on the occasion of the centenary of the Polish administrative courts. Thus, the purpose of the article is to familiarize the readers with Lithuanian administrative courts, starting with the development of the institute of administrative justice from 1918 and ending with the perspectives of judicial review formed in that time. Therefore, the authors of the article set the following objectives: to remind of the origins of administrative justice in Lithuania from 1918 to 1940; to reveal the course of the establishment of administrative courts after the Restoration of the Independence of the Republic of Lithuania in 1990, briefly discussing who and on the basis of which legal acts controlled the legality of administrative acts during the Soviet era; to provide the insights of institutional development as well as competence development of the administrative courts; to present contemporary administrative process, giving some insights about the status quo; to present the features of and the most relevant reforms of administrative process. Abbreviations used in the article are as follows: CSARL – Central State Archive of the Republic of Lithuania, MDWLLAS – Manuscript Department of the Wróblewski Library of the Lithuanian Academy of Sciences.
Miscellanea Historico-Iuridica; 2023, 22, 2; 11-42
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Miscellanea Historico-Iuridica
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Military and Civilian Requisitions in Light of the Rulings of the Supreme Administrative Tribunal from 1923 to 1931
Konarski, Marcin
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet w Białymstoku. Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu w Białymstoku
Second Polish Republic
administrative justice
military requisitions
civilian requisitions
The institution of military and civilian requisitions is inextricably linked with the obligation to comply with public burdens and contributions, and it may be applied both in wartime and in peacetime. In-kind contributions in the form of requisitions by competent State authorities of items necessary to serve an unspecified public purpose, usually to meet the needs of the army, have from time immemorial been among the most onerous burdens to benefit the State. Requisitions – the subject of this analysis – constitute a means of searching for items that are of interest to the army and are a direct form of duty imposed on individuals to make them contribute to the public administration, thus constituting a breach of the principle of the inviolability of private property rights. The main focus of this discussion, however, is not an analysis of the substantive legal aspects concerning requisitions, but an analysis of the body of administrative rulings on these matters. Military requisitions constituted the basis of the system of wartime contributions that gave the State, through authorized bodies, the right to demand these contributions from the population, in particular the right to transfer to the State, in return for payment, ownership or the right to use movable and immovable property, directly or indirectly needed for the purposes of supplying the army and the state upon the outbreak of war or the ordering of a partial or general mobilisation. Some cases that found their way to the Supreme Administrative Tribunal in the first years of its existence resulted from complaints against the activities of military requisitioning bodies, mainly during the Polish-Bolshevik War. Civilian requisitions, on the other hand, became the subject of the rulings of the Supreme Administrative Tribunal as a result of complaints over the obligation to provide housing for servicemen and civilian officials in the first years of a reborn Poland, the direct cause of which should be attributed to the dramatic shortage of housing during the first years after the end of the First World War.
Miscellanea Historico-Iuridica; 2023, 22, 1; 201-222
Pojawia się w:
Miscellanea Historico-Iuridica
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
BGHSt 20, 22 und die Neubürger-Klausel des deutschen Strafanwendungsrechts – ein deutsch-polnischer Fall schreibt Rechtsgeschichte bis heute
The judgment of the Bundesgerichtshof (Federal Court of Justice) from the 4th September 1964 and the "New Citizenship Clause" as part of the German law of jurisdiction in criminal cases – a German-Polish case and its implications for the legal development
Heger, Martin
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet w Białymstoku. Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu w Białymstoku
Federal Court of Justice
New Citizenship Clause
criminal cases
German-Polish case
In its judgment of the 4th September 1964 the German Federal Court of Justice had to deal with a German-Polish case of murder. The accused persons were members of the German minority in Poland and lived in the Western part of Poland, when German troops occupied that territory in the autumn of 1939. Short after the invasion they killed the members of a Jewish family living in the same territory. Both, the perpetrators as well as the victims were Polish nationals, when the crime was committed. The perpetrators have got the German nationality in the following. It is not clear, whether they have been naturalized by German authorities during WW II, but if not, they were seen as German nationals with the Getting-into-Force of the German Basic Law (Constitution), because they were refugees from Poland to Germany. Therefore, Article 116 § 1 Basic Law naturalized them as German nationals. For the criminal case it was crucial whether the later naturalization can give the German Justice system jurisdiction over a case which happened before the perpetrator has reached the German nationality, as it was (and still is) stated in section 4 (resp. today section 7) of the German Criminal Code. The paper should deal with the implications of this so-called "New Citizenship Clause" and with the circumstances of the case and the following cases at Western German Courts against German people for committing murder in the occupied Polish territories during WWII. Shortly after the named case, the Auschwitz trial started in Frankfurt. On that background, the paper reflects on the situation between West and East Germany as well.
Miscellanea Historico-Iuridica; 2020, 19, 2; 141-160
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Miscellanea Historico-Iuridica
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Odbudowa sądownictwa powszechnego w świetle protokołu z konferencji odbytej 14 września 1944 r. w Białymstoku z udziałem delegacji Resortu Sprawiedliwości PKWN
Reconstruction of the common judiciary in the light of the minutes of the conference held on September 14, 1944 in Białystok, with the participation of the delegation of the Ministry of Justice of the Polish Committee of National Liberation
Niewiński, Kamil
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet w Białymstoku. Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu w Białymstoku
sądy powszechne
resort sprawiedliwości
niezawisłość sędziowska
common courts
Ministry of Justice
judicial independence
The publication aims to present the protocol of the conference held on September 16, 1944 in Białystok on the organization of the common judiciary. Conference participants were surviving lawyers from Białystok and a delegation of the Ministry of Justice of the Polish Committee of National Liberation. It initiated the reconstruction of the District Court in Białystok. This document shows the problems encountered in the reconstruction of the Bialystok judiciary. However, they were universal. The problems mainly concerned finding suitable seats for courts, equipping premises and providing basic work tools for judges, as well as filling vacancies in judicial positions. In addition, it presents the practice of the Ministry of Justice’s activities going beyond the legal framework, in particular in the area of staffing judges. It also shows the propaganda significance of organizing this type of conference. Attempts were made to hide the real intentions of the authorities by making false assurances that future reforms were aimed at democratizing and increasing the independence of the judiciary.
Publikacja ma na celu zaprezentowanie protokołu z konferencji odbytej 16 września 1944 r. w Białymstoku na temat zorganizowania sądownictwa powszechnego. W konferencji udział wzięli ocaleli białostoccy prawnicy oraz delegacja Resortu Sprawiedliwości Polskiego Komitetu Wyzwolenia Narodowego. Zapoczątkowała ona odbudowę Sądu Okręgowego w Białymstoku. Protokół ukazuje problemy, jakie napotykano przy odbudowie białostockiego sądownictwa. Miały one jednak charakter powszechny. Dotyczyły głównie znalezienia odpowiednich siedzib dla sądów, wyposażenia lokali i zapewnienia sędziom podstawowych narzędzi pracy oraz uzupełnienia wakatów na stanowiskach sędziowskich. Dokument prezentuje ponadto praktykę działania Resortu Sprawiedliwości wykraczającą poza ramy prawne, w szczególności w zakresie obsadzania stanowisk sędziowskich. Ukazuje także propagandowe znaczenie organizacji tego typu konferencji i próby ukrycia faktycznych intencji władz, przez składanie fałszywych zapewnień, iż przyszłe reformy zmierzać miały do demokratyzacji i zwiększania niezależności sądownictwa.
Miscellanea Historico-Iuridica; 2019, 18, 2; 228-240
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Miscellanea Historico-Iuridica
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Prawo, historia a pamięć zbiorowa. Przyczynek do związków między historią a socjologią prawa
Law, History and Collective Memories. A Contribution to the Historical Sociology of Law
Czarnota, Adam
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet w Białymstoku. Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu w Białymstoku
collective memories, history, transitional justice, sociology of law.
The text deals with the relations between law, history and collective memories. The author tries to establish a link between traditional approach to the history of law and legal sociology trough bringing in as a bridge the concept of collective memories. The paper shows the potential for expansion of legal history and also legal sociology by inclusion of new research area on relations between law and collective memories.
Miscellanea Historico-Iuridica; 2013, 12; 203-216
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Miscellanea Historico-Iuridica
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Sądy wojenne w Ludowym Wojsku Polskim (1943–1945)
Polish People’s Army Courts-martial in 1943–1945
Kania, Leszek
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet w Białymstoku. Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu w Białymstoku
armia polska, sądy wojenne, wojskowe prawo karne, kara śmierci, dezercja
Polish army, courts-martrial, system of military justice, desertion, capital punishment
Since its inception the communist forces’ system of military justice had constituted a part of the system of subordinating entire front-line units to the communist rule, and the advancing Sovietisation of the Polish People’s Army. The Soviet communists had their own experience in the fields of enforcing obedience and wide-scale infiltration, including that of the armed forces. Red Army, SMERSH and NKVD officers detached to the PPA and the security apparatus involved, introduced Soviet-inspired police terror and disciplinary tactics in the army, temporarily making use of pre-war symbolism and cynically referring to the tradition of the Second Polish Republic. The judicial practice of courts-martial was aimed at preparing the Polish army and war-weary population to accept the communist ideology, and for clearing the military of those discontented with post-Yalta reality.
Miscellanea Historico-Iuridica; 2015, 14, 1; 233-252
Pojawia się w:
Miscellanea Historico-Iuridica
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Sąd Apelacyjny w Białymstoku w latach 1949-1950
Court of Appeal in Bialystok in the years 1949-1950
Niewiński, Kamil
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet w Białymstoku. Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu w Białymstoku
Sąd Apelacyjny
sądownictwo powszechne
Ministerstwo Sprawiedliwości
niezawisłość sędziowska
Court of Appeal
common courts
Ministry of Justice
judges independence
Publikacja traktuje o krótkim epizodzie istnienia Sądu Apelacyjnego w Białymstoku w latach 1949-1950. Stanowi element prac badawczych autora nad problemem odbudowy i transformacji sądownictwa powszechnego w okresie kształtowania się w Polsce ustroju socjalistycznego w pierwszej dekadzie po II wojnie światowej. Jest kolejną publikacją dotyczącą dziejów sądownictwa białostockiego. Ma ona przypomnieć o mało znanym fakcie powołania Sądu Apelacyjnego w Białymstoku w 1949 r. i przybliżyć jego krótką, gdyż zaledwie półtoraroczną działalność. Ponadto celem publikacji jest udzielenie odpowiedzi na istotne, nasuwające się od razu pytanie, dlaczego w ogóle doszło do powołania Sądu Apelacyjnego w Białymstoku? Miało to ścisły związek z gruntownymi przemianami, jakie dokonywały się w sądownictwie powszechnym w latach 1944-1954, które zmierzały do upolitycznienia wymiaru sprawiedliwości. Reformy nie ograniczały się jednak wyłącznie do ustrojowego dostosowywania sądownictwa do potrzeb władz. Przemiany szły o wiele dalej, w kierunku przeprowadzenia czystek kadrowych i wyeliminowania z sądownictwa sędziów przedwojennych, którzy nie chcieli poddać się politycznym naciskom i ideologicznej indoktrynacji. Powołanie Sądu Apelacyjnego w Białymstoku było częścią planowanej reorganizacji sądownictwa powszechnego, która miała jednocześnie ułatwić przeprowadzenie procesu wymiany kadrowej. Dlatego w publikacji szeroko podejmowane są także kwestie ogólnych przemian, jakie zachodziły w tym okresie w sądownictwie. Podejście takie pozwala unaocznić intencje władz i faktyczne przyczyny powołania Sądu Apelacyjnego w Białymstoku. Te zaś dosadnie zaprezentowane zostały w cytowanych w publikacji decyzjach podejmowanych na posiedzeniach Kolegium Ministerstwa Sprawiedliwości i fragmentach raportów Departamentu Nadzoru Sądowego.
The publication deals with a short episode of the Court of Appeal in Bialystok between 1949-1950. It is part of the author's research work on the problem of reconstruction and transformation of the common judiciary during the period of building the socialist system in Poland in the first decade after World War II. Moreover, the aim of the publication is to answer an important, immediately emerging question; why the Court of Appeal in Bialystok was established at all? This was closely related to the fundamental changes that were taking place in the common judiciary in the years 1944-1954, which led to the politicization of the justice system. However, the reforms were not limited to the systemic adaptation of the judiciary to the needs of the authorities. The changes went much further, towards carrying out staff purges and eliminating from the judiciary pre-war judges who did not want to submit to political pressure and ideological indoctrination. The establishment of the Court of Appeal in Bialystok was part of the planned reorganization of the common court system, which was supposed to simplify the staff exchange process. That is why the publication also widely concerns the general changes that took place in the judiciary during this period. This approach helps to show intentions of the authorities and true reasons of establishing the Court of Appeal in Bialystok. These are presented in the decisions taken at the meetings of the Collegium of the Ministry of Justice and fragments of the reports of the Judicial Supervision Department, as quoted in the publication.
Miscellanea Historico-Iuridica; 2020, 19, 2; 405-421
Pojawia się w:
Miscellanea Historico-Iuridica
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki

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