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The Concepts of Jan Kopczyński, President of the Supreme Administrative Tribunal, Regarding the Formation of the Council of State in the Second Polish Republic
Kopczyński, Karol
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet w Białymstoku. Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu w Białymstoku
Council of State
Second Polish Republic
The paper focuses on a proposal to reform the lawmaking process in the Second Polish Republic through the establishment of a Council of State. The idea of creating a Council of State to improve the quality of legislation was widespread among the Polish legal elite of that time; many representatives of the legal profession presented their ideas in various periodicals. Particularly prominent among the supporters of this concept was the president of the Supreme Administrative Tribunal, Jan Kopczyński, who submitted for discussion by his fellow lawyers several proposals he had prepared for the establishment the Tribunal. The paper describes the debate over Kopczyński’s proposals by juxtaposing them with the concepts of other representatives of the legal doctrine of the Second Polish Republic and the solutions that were applied by the government in that period. The ideas for the creation of the Council of State focused on two foreign models. The first was the French Conseil d’État, which combined legislative and administrative-court powers. The second model was the Romanian Legislative Council, whose tasks were strictly limited to legislation, without the administrative-court functions. Jan Kopczyński’s concepts were closer to the Romanian model. Kopczyński submitted three proposals to establish a Council of State, but none of his proposals was implemented. A substitute for the Council of State was to be the Legal Council to the Minister of Justice, established in 1926 by a regulation of the President of the Republic, but it quickly ended its activities encountering both reluctance of the parliament and a frigid reception by the ruling elite. The fact that the Council of State was never established, although it enjoyed widespread approval in the legal community, proves that politics always has the upper hand in a clash with legal idealism.
Miscellanea Historico-Iuridica; 2023, 22, 1; 171-199
Pojawia się w:
Miscellanea Historico-Iuridica
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Sądownictwo powszechne na terenie województwa białostockiego w II RP
The Judiciary System in Białystok Voievodship in the Polish Second Republic
Fiedorczyk, Piotr
Kowalski, Przemysław
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet w Białymstoku. Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu w Białymstoku
Bialystok voivodship, Poland’s Second Republic, Common courts of law, judiciary system
The Białystok Voievodship was established in 1919. It consisted of the territories, which were earlier under Russian Empire rule, but belonged to two different administrative structures. Until 1928, the judiciary system has been regulated by laws coming from the time of the partitions or by temporary Polish regulation. In 1928 the judiciary system in Poland was unified. The most important problem in the judiciary system was the very frequent changes of the seats of the courts. Financial shortages were forcing the State to liquidate small courts. The result was very poor – people had troubles with access to the courts. Small courts were liquidated by the order of the Minister of Justice, not by the act of parliament. It was strongly criticized in the doctrine at that time.
Miscellanea Historico-Iuridica; 2012, 11; 275-299
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Miscellanea Historico-Iuridica
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Udział kobiet w życiu publicznym II Rzeczypospolitej Polskiej
Women’s Participation in the Public Life of the Second Polish Republic
Łysko, Marcin
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet w Białymstoku. Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu w Białymstoku
II Rzeczypospolita, kobiety, życie publiczne, prawa publiczne
Second Polish Republic, women, public life, public rights
The Second Polish Republic, which came into being in November 1918, adopted the legislation of the partitioning states which deprived women of the right to participate in public life. Alongside with regaining independence, women obtained full election rights and had their representatives in all parliaments of inter-war Poland. The principle of gender equality was raised to the constitutional level by the Basic Law (Constitution) passed in 1921. In the following years of the inter-war period, women obtained the possibility to be employed as civil servants, barristers, judges and prosecutors. In spite of the formal equality, public authorities avoided appointing women to more important posts and tolerated practices which were in breach of the Constitution and aimed at limiting the participation of women in public life. The lack of an organ appoin- ted to inspect the compatibility of bills with the constitution and weakness of women’s communities was obviously conducive to this process. The full realisation of the gen- der equality principle, both in the field of legislation and the practice of everyday life, would take place after the Second World War.
Miscellanea Historico-Iuridica; 2015, 14, 1; 381-400
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Miscellanea Historico-Iuridica
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Kariera zawodowa sędziów austriackiego Trybunału Administracyjnego w II Rzeczypospolitej Polskiej
Austrian Judges Career in the Supreme Administrative Tribunal in the Second Polish Republic
Dziadzio, Andrzej
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet w Białymstoku. Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu w Białymstoku
Najwyższy Trybunał Administracyjny, austriaccy sędziowie, sanacja, II Rzeczpospolita
Supreme Administrative Tribunal, Austrian judges, sanacja regime, Second Polish Republic
The May Coup d’État of 1926 was a turning point in the activity of the Supreme Admini- strative Tribunal (Najwyższy Trybunał Administracyjny – NTA), in that it undermined the position of judges associated with the former Austrian Administrative Tribunal. Guarding the standards of Rechtsstaat the judges could not tolerate violations of law on the part of the government, e.g. the appointment of a General Election Commis- sioner in 1927. In particular, they couldn’t accept the behind-the-scenes pressure on an independent judiciary. The displacement of Jan Sawicki, president of the NTA, was a warning for all judges and a prelude to mass personnel purges. The reform of the administrative judiciary from 1932, as opposed to former reforms, completely ignored the reorganisation plan proposed by R. Różycki, another president of the NTA not bac- ked by the new government. The task of reforming the NTA was delegated to people who were trusted by the new government (Sanacja).
Miscellanea Historico-Iuridica; 2015, 14, 1; 109-122
Pojawia się w:
Miscellanea Historico-Iuridica
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Szpitalnictwo cywilne w województwie białostockim w II Rzeczypospolitej
Grassmann, Magdalena
Zemke-Górecka, Agnieszka
Kędra, Bogusław
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet w Białymstoku. Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu w Białymstoku
hospitals, Bialystok Voievodship, Second Republic
After Poland regained its independence in 1918, Polish people started rebuilding civil hospital network. Bad health conditions of the society and spreading epidemics forced people to undertake the immediate actions. In Bialystok province in the twenties of the twentieth century there were 47 hospitals and among them 18 were epidemic. In following years there appeared the tendency of reducing the amount of hospital institutions. This situation was influenced by the Great Depression in the thirties of the twentieth century. Very often smaller hospitals were merged into one large institution which had several departments with specialized medical staff. The causes of such actions were medical reasons. In the interwar years, in the area of Bialystok province there were also two specialized institutions established. They used innovative ways of treating. It was the Hospital for Mentally and Nervously Ill in Choroszcz and the Public Institute for Nervously Exhausted in Świack.
Miscellanea Historico-Iuridica; 2009, 8; 127-142
Pojawia się w:
Miscellanea Historico-Iuridica
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Nationalitätenfragen in der polnischen Anwaltschaft der Zwischenkriegszeit
Materniak-Pawłowska, Małgorzata
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet w Białymstoku. Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu w Białymstoku
the Bar association, the Second Polish Republic, national minorities, ethnic conflicts
The rebirth of the Polish state after a long period of partition constituted a great op-portunity as well as a new challenge for professionals in the Bar association. The Barassociation attained self-governing status. This, on the one hand, enabled the group tocreate an environment and to strengthen the social significance of this group in Poland.On the other hand, it created dangers caused by the different traditions which werecultivated in different parts of the formerly partitioned Poland. Another factor contri-buting to the problem was the multinational composition of the Bar. The Bar duringthe interwar years was highly divided ethnically. The Jewish and Ukrainian minoritieshad an especially strong representation. The Bar organizations protected their nationalautonomy. The conflict between the numerous associations, which were formally openfor minorities and practically organized according to national interests, was severe. Thisconflict was especially visible in Lesser Poland. The pressure of professional competiti-on cast a shadow over the Bar’s ethos. Antagonisms based on nationality were presentin the researched period with a varying degree of intensity and appeared in differentforms. The situation was finally alleviated by the act from 1938. The looming threat ofthe impending war also contributed to their appeasement.
Miscellanea Historico-Iuridica; 2015, 14, 2; 97-111
Pojawia się w:
Miscellanea Historico-Iuridica
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Spółdzielnia zdrowia jako koncepcja rozwoju opieki zdrowotnej na wsi w okresie II Rzeczypospolitej
Prętki, Krzysztof
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet w Białymstoku. Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu w Białymstoku
The health cooperative society, Poland’s Second Republic
The paper characterizes and analyzes the health cooperative society as a concept to develop medical care in the rural areas of the Second Republic of Poland. There were two models of medical care in the rural areas at that time: the health cooperative societies and the health centers. The health centers were supported by the state, contrary to the health cooperative societies. These cooperative societies were an interesting attempt to improve medical care in the country. They were established by the citizens on their own initiative.
Miscellanea Historico-Iuridica; 2011, 10; 173-181
Pojawia się w:
Miscellanea Historico-Iuridica
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Z prac ministerialnych nad ujednoliceniem prawa chowania zmarłych w II Rzeczypospolitej
From the ministerial work on the unification of burial law in the Second Polish Republic
Truszkowski, Bartosz Kamil
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet w Białymstoku. Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu w Białymstoku
prawo chowania zmarłych
zakładanie cmentarzy
miejsca pochówku
przepisy sanitarne
Polska międzywojenna
II Rzeczpospolita
burial law
establishment of cemeteries
burial grounds
sanitary regulations
interwar Poland
the Second Polish Republic
The article aims to present the long-term process of forming the Burial and Determining the Cause of Death Act of 1932 and its implementing regulation of 1933. Through the outline of the history of burial customs and the related legal rules from antiquity to the 19th century, the author focuses on interwar Poland, re-established after years of non-existence, which tried to undertake its own legislative activity in this field. Basic sanitary regulations regarding the exhumation and transportation of corpses were passed very quickly, but the comprehensive and unifying legal act in the matter of burial was not established until the beginning of the 1930s. On the basis of archival files of the Ministry of Religious Denominations and Public Enlightenment, the author undertakes to present the chronology of work on the act of 1932, and to evaluate this process, which lasted over a decade.
Artykuł ma na celu przedstawienie wieloletniego procesu kształtowania się ustawy o chowaniu zmarłych i stwierdzaniu przyczyny zgonów z 1932 r. oraz uzupełniającego ją rozporządzenia wykonawczego z 1933 r. Przez zarys historii zwyczajów dotyczących pochówku, a także dziejów regulacji prawnych z nim związanych od starożytności po XIX w., autor dociera do odrodzonego po latach zaborów państwa polskiego, które próbowało podjąć w tej dziedzinie własną działalność ustawodawczą. Podstawowe przepisy sanitarne związane z ekshumacją i przewożeniem zwłok udało się uchwalić bardzo szybko po odzyskaniu niepodległości, jednak kompleksowej i ujednolicającej tę trudną tematykę ustawy Polska międzywojenna doczekała się dopiero na początku lat trzydziestych. Na podstawie archiwalnych akt z Ministerstwa Wyznań Religijnych i Oświecenia Publicznego autor podejmuje się przedstawienia chronologii prac nad ustawą z 1932 r. i oceny tego ponaddziesięcioletniego procesu.
Miscellanea Historico-Iuridica; 2019, 18, 2; 111-139
Pojawia się w:
Miscellanea Historico-Iuridica
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Kształtowanie się koncepcji kar dodatkowych w prawie karnym w okresie II Rzeczypospolitej Polskiej
Formation of the Concept of Supplementary Penalties in Criminal Law in the Period of the Second Polish Republic
Melezini, Mirosława
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet w Białymstoku. Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu w Białymstoku
II Rzeczpospolita Polska, kary dodatkowe, skutki skazania, kary za- sadnicze, środki zabezpieczające, skazania
Second Polish Republic, supplementary penalties, consequences of convic- tion, basic penalties, safeguards, sentencing
The subject matter of this document is the formation of the concept of supplementary penalties in the criminal law in the period of the Second Polish Republic. The article presents the birth of the concept of supplementary penalties in Polish criminal law science, which was formed in the early 20th century against a background of criticism regarding the institution of legal consequences of conviction and efforts to grant judges more discretion with regard to sentencing. The article contains a broad presentation of the views on criminal law doctrine concerning the need to break-away from the automatic consequences of conviction and to introduce supplementary penalties. The article also presents discussion on the final model of supplementary penalties that took place during the works of the Codification Committee and describes the normative form of supplementary penalties in the Penal Code of 1932. It was concluded that the replacement of legal consequences of conviction with supplementary penalties was an expression of the idea of progress in Polish criminal law.
Miscellanea Historico-Iuridica; 2015, 14, 2; 113-125
Pojawia się w:
Miscellanea Historico-Iuridica
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
O sędziach pokoju w pracach Komisji Kodyfikacyjnej II RP
On Justices of the Peace in the Work of the Codification Commission of the Second Polish Republic
Mohyluk, Mariusz
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet w Białymstoku. Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu w Białymstoku
Codification Commission of the Republic of Poland
law on the system of common courts
judges of peace
justice in the Second Polish Republic
Komisja Kodyfikacyjna RP
prawo o ustroju sądów powszechnych
sędziowie pokoju
wymiar sprawiedliwości w II RP
W artykule przedstawiono prace nad unifikacją sądownictwa polskiego w II Rzeczypospolitej w  latach  1918-1928.  Prowadzone były one trzytorowo.  Inicjatorem pierwszych posunięć polegających na ujednolicaniu przepisów dzielnicowych,  reorganizowaniu i przejmowaniu sądownictwa był rząd i Ministerstwo Sprawiedliwości. Od lutego 1919 r. działania te wspierał i zatwierdzał Sejm Ustawodawczy (później Sejm). Od listopada 1919 r. ciężar prac przejęła Komisja Kodyfikacyjna RP. Celem niniejszego artykułu ma być omówienie przebiegu prac nad prawem o ustroju sądów powszechnych w łonie Komisji Kodyfikacyjnej RP ze szczególnym uwzględnieniem przepisów dotyczących sędziów pokoju. Z tego punktu widzenia, pozwoli to na rozstrzygnięcie głównego problemu badawczego artykułu: w jakim stopniu Komisja Kodyfikacyjna RP przyczyniła się do ukształtowania instytucji sędziów pokoju zawartego w rozporządzeniu Prezydenta RP Prawo o ustroju sądownictwa z 6 lutego 1928 r. W artykule wykorzystano materiały archiwalne, protokoły z obrad Komisji Kodyfikacyjnej II RP, piśmiennictwo prawnicze II Rzeczypospolitej oraz aktualną literaturę przedmiotu.
The article presents work on the unification of the Polish judiciary in the Second Republic in the years 1918-1928. It was carried out in three tracks.  The initiator of the first moves consisting in unification of district regulations, reorganisation and taking over the judiciary was the government and the Ministry of Justice. Since February 1919, these measures were supported and approved by the Legislative Sejm (later the Sejm). Since November 1919 the burden of work was taken over by the Codification Commission of the Republic of Poland. The aim of this article is to discuss the course of work on the law on the system of common courts within the Codification Committee of the Republic of Poland, with particular emphasis on the provisions on justices of the peace. From this point of view, it will help to solve the main research problem of the article: to what extent did the Polish Codification Commission contribute to shaping the institution of justices of the peace in the Ordinance of the President of the Republic of Poland on Law on the System of Judiciary of 6 February 1928. The article makes use of archival materials, protocols from the sessions of the Codification Commission of the Second Polish Republic, the legal literature of the Second Republic and the current literature on the subject.
Miscellanea Historico-Iuridica; 2021, 20, 1; 253-280
Pojawia się w:
Miscellanea Historico-Iuridica
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Формирование и развитие органов местного управления и самоуправления в Беларуси
Колесников, Валерий В.
Крастина, Анжелика Ч.
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet w Białymstoku. Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu w Białymstoku
Grand Duchy of Lithuania, law of magdeburg, self-government, Polish Second Republic
As is the case in the majority of modern states, the formation of local management and self- management in Belarus is an inevitable process. During the economic and political reforms required for this purpose, there are necessary preconditions. Historically, local government has passed through a long and difficult process of development in Belarus. In working out modern concepts of local government, it is necessary to consider the evolution of the machinery of government and the historical development of most legal regulations of mutual relations between the state as a whole and its parts. Actually, the first forms of self- -management in its modern understanding began to arise in the territory of modern Byelorussia since the XIVth century. In the present legal and historical scientific literature, there was no uniform representation about the stages of formation of local governments in the territory of Belarus. It is represented that these or any other processes are always conditional; nevertheless, in this work, one of the variants of classification and a periodization of the process of formation and the development of local management and self-management in the territory of Belarus is offered.
Miscellanea Historico-Iuridica; 2012, 11; 115-128
Pojawia się w:
Miscellanea Historico-Iuridica
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Military and Civilian Requisitions in Light of the Rulings of the Supreme Administrative Tribunal from 1923 to 1931
Konarski, Marcin
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet w Białymstoku. Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu w Białymstoku
Second Polish Republic
administrative justice
military requisitions
civilian requisitions
The institution of military and civilian requisitions is inextricably linked with the obligation to comply with public burdens and contributions, and it may be applied both in wartime and in peacetime. In-kind contributions in the form of requisitions by competent State authorities of items necessary to serve an unspecified public purpose, usually to meet the needs of the army, have from time immemorial been among the most onerous burdens to benefit the State. Requisitions – the subject of this analysis – constitute a means of searching for items that are of interest to the army and are a direct form of duty imposed on individuals to make them contribute to the public administration, thus constituting a breach of the principle of the inviolability of private property rights. The main focus of this discussion, however, is not an analysis of the substantive legal aspects concerning requisitions, but an analysis of the body of administrative rulings on these matters. Military requisitions constituted the basis of the system of wartime contributions that gave the State, through authorized bodies, the right to demand these contributions from the population, in particular the right to transfer to the State, in return for payment, ownership or the right to use movable and immovable property, directly or indirectly needed for the purposes of supplying the army and the state upon the outbreak of war or the ordering of a partial or general mobilisation. Some cases that found their way to the Supreme Administrative Tribunal in the first years of its existence resulted from complaints against the activities of military requisitioning bodies, mainly during the Polish-Bolshevik War. Civilian requisitions, on the other hand, became the subject of the rulings of the Supreme Administrative Tribunal as a result of complaints over the obligation to provide housing for servicemen and civilian officials in the first years of a reborn Poland, the direct cause of which should be attributed to the dramatic shortage of housing during the first years after the end of the First World War.
Miscellanea Historico-Iuridica; 2023, 22, 1; 201-222
Pojawia się w:
Miscellanea Historico-Iuridica
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Walka o świeckie państwo w II Rzeczypospolitej. Memoriał Polskiego Związku Myśli Wolnej z 1933 r.
The fight for a secular state in the Second Polish Republic. Memorial of the Polish Association of Free Thought from 1933
Truszkowski, Bartosz Kamil
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet w Białymstoku. Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu w Białymstoku
II Rzeczpospolita, Polski Związek Myśli Wolnej, wolnomyślicielstwo, laicyzacja, akta stanu cywilnego, relacje państwo– –kościół
The Second Polish Republic, Polish Association of Free Thought, freethinking, secularization, vital records, state-church relations
The article aims to outline the issues involved in attempts to secularize the Polish state in the interwar period, with particular emphasis on the activity of the free- thinking movement. Through a brief description of how the freethinker’s attitude evolved over the years, propagating its ideas in Poland during the partitions, and the history of the Polish Association of Freethinkers and the Polish Association of Free Thought, the author presents the PAFT memorial sent to prime minister Janusz Jędrzejewicz in 1933. The letter outlines the problems which irreligious citizens and citizens being members of unrecognized religions had to struggle with, as well as arguments for the development of secular regulations on marital law, registration of civil status and burial of the deceased. The author then attempts to answer the question why these postulates were never implemented on the basis of an analysis of the further fate of PAFT and relations between the Catholic Church and the Polish state.
Artykuł ma na celu zarysowanie problematyki prób sekularyzacji państwa polskiego w okresie międzywojennym, ze szczególnym uwzględnieniem działalności ruchu wolnomyślicielskiego. Poprzez krótki opis kształtowania się postawy wolnomyśliciela na przestrzeni dziejów, propagowania jej na terenach polskich w okresie zaborów, a także historię funkcjonowania Stowarzyszenia Wolnomyślicieli Polskich i Polskiego Związku Myśli Wolnej autor dociera do memoriału tego ostatniego skierowanego do premiera Janusza Jędrzejewicza w 1933 r. List nakreśla problemy z jakimi stykały się osoby bezwyznaniowe i przynależące do wyznań nieuznawanych, a także argumenty ku opracowaniu świeckich przepisów o prawie małżeńskim, rejestracji stanu cywilnego i grzebaniu zmarłych. Następnie autor stara się odpowiedzieć na pytanie dlaczego postulaty te nie zostały zrealizowane na podstawie analizy dalszych losów PZWM i stosunków na linii Kościół-państwo polskie.
Miscellanea Historico-Iuridica; 2018, 17, 1; 61-74
Pojawia się w:
Miscellanea Historico-Iuridica
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Ochrona praw mniejszości w II Rzeczypospolitej Polskiej w świetle postanowień tzw. małego traktatu wersalskiego z 1919 r.
Protection of minority rights in the Second Republic of Poland in the light of the provisions of so the called ‘small treaty of Versailles’ of 1919
Łysko, Marcin
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet w Białymstoku. Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu w Białymstoku
mały traktat wersalski
mniejszości narodowe
Rada Ligi Narodów
II Rzeczpospolita Polska
small treaty of Versailles
national minorities
Leage of Nations Council
Second Republic of Poland
The Versailles system of the protection of national minorities’ rights was based on international agreements which had been imposed by the victorious powers of Entanta onto the former central states (except Germany), and on to the states formed after World War I. Compliance with the provisions of the minority treaties was covered by political and judicial guarantees from the League of Nations. The first of the series of minority treaties was the treaty signed by Poland on June 28, 1919, simultaneously with the peace treaty with Germany. The so-called ‘small treaty of Versailles’ obliged the Polish state to introduce the principle of equality before the law of all citizens regardless of nationality, to ensure freedom of religious practice, and to grant minorities specific language rights in education and the judiciary. The Jewish population obtained the right to celebrate the Sabbath on Saturday, and to run state-funded schools in Yiddish as a language of instruction. Treaty obligations for all minorities had been given the status of fundamental rights by including them in the March Constitution of 1921. Because the Polish state pursued an ethnic policy unfavourable to minorities, numerous violations of the treaty by its organs were the subject of petitions addressed o the League of Nations Council. The practice-oriented petition procedure allowed representatives of minorities to submit complaints, although the treaty granted the right to intervene to protect minority rights only to member states of the Council. On the initiative of Germany, cases concerning the violation of the rights of the German minority by the Polish state were examined by the International Court of Justice in Hague, which usually issued rulings unfavourable for Poland. Other minorities living in Poland did not gain such support from the Council member states, hence their petitions were dealt with as intended by the Polish government and did not end up in court. The fact that Germany was abusing the treaty guarantees to create an image of Poland as a country persecuting minorities served as an excuse for the Polish state to declare its cessation of applying the treaty obligations. The Declaration on September 1934 was one of the reasons why the Versailles system of the protection of minority rights, which in practice was an instrument of political interference of European powers in the internal affairs of other states, collapsed.
Wersalski system ochrony praw mniejszości narodowych opierał się na umowach międzynarodowych narzuconych przez zwycięskie mocarstwa Entanty byłym państwom centralnym /oprócz Niemiec/ oraz państwom powstałym po I wojnie światowej. Przestrzeganie postanowień traktatów mniejszościowych zostało objęte gwarancjami o charakterze politycznym i sądowym ze strony Ligi Narodów. Pierwszym z serii traktatów mniejszościowych był traktat podpisany przez Polskę 28 czerwca 1919 r. jednocześnie z traktatem pokojowym z Niemcami. Tak zwany mały traktat wersalki zobowiązywał państwo polskie do wprowadzenia zasady równości wobec prawa wszystkich obywateli niezależnie od narodowości, zapewnienia swobody wykonywania praktyk religijnych oraz przyznania mniejszościom określonych uprawnień językowych w szkolnictwie i sądownictwie. Ludność żydowska uzyskała prawo świętowania przypadającego w sobotę szabasu oraz prowadzenia finansowanych przez państwo szkół z jidysz jako językiem nauczania. Zobowiązaniom traktatowym dotyczącym wszystkich mniejszości nadano rangę praw zasadniczych przez zamieszczenie ich w konstytucji marcowej z 1921 r. Państwo polskie prowadziło nieprzychylną mniejszościom politykę narodowościową, więc występowały liczne przypadki łamania postanowień traktatu przez jego organy, które były przedmiotem petycji kierowanych do Rady Ligi Narodów. Wykształcona w drodze praktyki procedura petycyjna umożliwiała wnoszenie skarg przedstawicielom mniejszości, chociaż traktat przyznawał prawo interwencji w celu ochrony praw mniejszości wyłącznie państwom członkowskim Rady. Z inicjatywy Niemiec sprawy o naruszanie przez państwo polskie praw mniejszości niemieckiej były rozpatrywane przez Trybunał Sprawiedliwości Międzynarodowej w Hadze, który z reguły wydawał niekorzystne dla Polski orzeczenia. Pozostałe mniejszości zamieszkujące Polskę nie zyskały poparcia ze strony państw członkowskim Rady, stąd wnoszone przez nie petycje były załatwiane po myśli rządu polskiego i nie trafiały na drogę sadową. Fakt nadużywania gwarancji traktatowych przez Niemcy w celu stworzenia obrazu Polski jako kraju prześladującego mniejszości, posłużył za pretekst do złożenia przez państwo polskie deklaracji o zaprzestaniu wykonywania zobowiązań traktatowych. Deklaracja z września 1934 r. była jedną z przyczyn załamania się wersalskiego systemu ochrony praw mniejszości, który w praktyce stanowił instrument ingerencji politycznej mocarstw europejskich w sprawy wewnętrzne pozostałych państw.
Miscellanea Historico-Iuridica; 2019, 18, 1; 109-132
Pojawia się w:
Miscellanea Historico-Iuridica
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Wacław Komarnicki o Konstytucji marcowej
Wacław Komarnicki about the March Constitution
Mohyluk, Mariusz
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet w Białymstoku. Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu w Białymstoku
II Rzeczpospolita, prawo konstytucyjne, reformy prawa konstytucyj- nego
Second Polish Republic, constitutional law, reforms of Polish constitutional law
Wacław Komarnicki (1891–1954) was an outstanding Polish lawyer and academic. He was a constitutionalist and served in government in the II and III terms of the Second Polish Republic (1918–1939). Educated in Lyviv and at Dopat, Komarnicki taught law at the University of Stefan Batory in Vilnius, where he became a professor, and at the School of Political Science in Warsaw. He was also a member of the Polish Academy of Sciences, a political activist and Minister of Justice in the Polish Government in Exile in London, where he later died. His academic research and personal contribution in rela- tion to the March Constitution of 1921 and its amendment in August 1926, is deserving of particular attention.
Miscellanea Historico-Iuridica; 2015, 14, 2; 143-163
Pojawia się w:
Miscellanea Historico-Iuridica
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki

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