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Zbigniew Peradzyński – the Winner of the Polish Mathematical Society’s Prize
Rybka, Piotr
Data publikacji:
Polskie Towarzystwo Matematyczne
Zbigniew Peradzyński (dla przyjaciół po prostu Zbyszek) jest laureatem nagrody głównej im. Hugona Steinhausa w dziedzinie matematyki stosowanej. Z werdyktu jury dowiadujemy sie, ze nagroda została przyznana za całokształt działalnosci, miedzy innymi za teoretyczne badania silników jonowych i badania w zakresie teorii nadciekłego helu.
Professor Zbigniew Peradzyński (for friends simply Zbyszek) is a recipient of the Steinhaus Prize in the field of Applied Mathematics, in year 2011. According to the jury's verdict, the prize has been awarded for Zbyszek's overall scientific activity, in particular for his contribution to the theoretical research of ion thrusters and his work on the superfluid helium theory. The verdict is based on papers, which are enumerated in the references.  Zbyszek first showed his interest in space journeys in high school when he established with his schoolmate a rocket club. The club was located in the basement of the community center. Despite a few minor explosions and incidental fires, young astronauts managed to survive, return to the Earth and win the first prize in the state competition for young researchers (their theoretical papers were found especially interesting). It is worth mentioning that the name of Zbyszek's schoolmate was Zbyszek Kłos who now is a professor and who for many years has been a director of the Space Research Center.  I associate ion engines mainly with science fiction books, where ion thrusters were long ago applied for spacecrafts propulsion.  In real life, however, although it seems that Americans were pioneers in the construction of this kind of engines, the Russians first used them. These engines were applied to stabilize Soviet satellites in 1970s. The Americans had meanwhile very efficient chemical correction boosters. Ion engines, especially those based on the Hall effect are rather used for long-distance missions such as Deep Space1, Hayabusa, and Dawn. They are handy when very small levels of thrust are needed but at the same time a long and flawless functioning is required. Ion engines can be much more effective than classical ones. Zbigniew Peredzyński, together with a few other accomplices from Poland and one French graduate student, participated as a Polish coordinator in a French research program devoted to plasma engines based on the Hall effect. The Polish team was regarded, also from the financial perspective as a part of the French GDR 2759 CNRS/CNES/SNECMA/Universités (i.e. Groupement de Recherches 2759 "Propulsion spatiale à Plasma"), which was formed by eight French laboratories.  Polish contribution consisted mainly of creating a mathematical model based on the hydrodynamic equations and describing the behavior of three-component, two-temperature plasma in a thruster. In subsequent stages, the properties of the hydrodynamic model were investigated. This included writing  codes for numerical solvers, making calculations, and comparing them with  features resulting from experiments. Other teams took care of experimental research or dealt with the development of kinetic and hybrid models. The hydrodynamic model proved to be very useful for constructors due to its simplicity, clarity, and because it facilitated physical interpretations of results as well as it guaranteed fast computations. This model predicted the majority of observed phenomena such as instability and plasma flow oscillations. For instance, persistently appearing low frequency oscillations of the discharge current have the same character as periodic solutions in biological predator-prey systems. Here, electrons created in the ionization process play the role of predators, while neutral atoms are the prey. A French engine manufacture company SNECMA deeply appreciated Polish research results and it consequently decided to offer a financial support for two further PhD dissertations in Poland.
Mathematica Applicanda; 2012, 40, 2
Pojawia się w:
Mathematica Applicanda
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Jan Poleszczuk – the Winner of the Polish Mathematical Society’s Prize
Foryś, Urszula
Data publikacji:
Polskie Towarzystwo Matematyczne
Jan Poleszczuk urodził się 19 października 1986 roku w Warszawie w rodzinie humanistów. Rodzice i starszybrat są socjologami. Może trochę z przekory Janek postanowił studiować matematykę, choć z drugiej stronynie można wykluczyć, że pewien wpływ na to miała fascynacja jego ojca narzędziami statystycznymi. Wybie-rając proseminarium licencjackie, postanowił połączyć „tradycję z nowoczesnością”, zapisał się na „Biomatematykę i teorię gier” i pierwszym jego pomysłem było zastosowanie modeli Lesliego — standardowo stosowanych w socjologii — do opisu dynamiki nowotworów. Jednak w miarę zagłębiania się w tematykę zorientował się, że ten sposób opisu nie jest najlepszy, gdyż dotyczy zmian w kolejnych generacjach, natomiast wzrost nowotworu jest procesemciągłym, więc lepsze w tym przypadku są równania różniczkowe. Zorientował się także, że badania nad nowotworami stale postępują, ciągle odkrywane są kolejne fragmenty „łamigłówki”. Zainteresował się nowymi wynikami dotyczącymi procesu angiogenezy (tworzenia naczyń krwionośnych) nowotworowej, które wykazały, że powstające naczynia mają niewłaściwą strukturę, co przyczynia się np. do niejednorodnego rozprowadzania aplikowanych leków. Dopingowany przez promotor Urszulę Foryś – pod kierunkiem której napisał później pracę magisterską i pracuje obecnie nad doktoratem – zaproponował własny model, opisany w pracy licencjackiej, a następnie zaprezentowany na XIV Krajowej Konferencji Zastosowań Matematyki w Biologii i Medycynie (2008) w Lesznie, gdzie jego referat pt. „Model rozwoju nowotworu uwzględniający patologię angiogenezy” wzbudził ogromne zainteresowanie. Trzeba podkreślić, że w konferencji brali udział nie tylko uczestnicy krajowi, ale także profesorowie Marek Kimmel i Urszula Ledzewicz z USA oraz dr (obecnie prof.) Anna Marciniak-Czochra z Heidelbergu. Wystąpienie J. Poleszczuka (przygotowanei wytrenowane wcześniej co do minuty!) zrobiło takie wrażenie, że wszyscy sądzili, że prezentuje wstępne tezy pracy doktorskiej. Wyniki dotyczące tego etapu badań zostały opublikowane w [1] i [2].
Jan Poleszczuk was born on 19th of October 1986 in Warsaw in a family of humanists. His parents and older brother are sociologists. Maybe a little out of contrariness he decided to study mathematics. However, it is possible that he was influenced by his father's fascination with statistical tools. Choosing a bachelor's seminar he decided to combine ''tradition with modernity'', registered for ''Biomathematics and Game Theory'' and his first idea was to use Lesli matrices, which are typically used in sociology, to model tumours dynamics. However, going into details he figured out that this type of description is not proper, because Lesli models consider subsequent generations, while the tumour growth is a continuous process. Therefore, the approach of differential equations should be better. He became interested in new results concerning the process of tumour angiogenesis (i.e. formation of new blood vessels from existing ones), which showed that the vessels have the wrong structure, contributing for example to non-uniform distribution of drugs application. Encourageing by his supervisor, Urszula Foryś (who is still his supervisor of PhD), he proposed his own model, which was presented at XIV National Conference of Applications in Biology and Medicine (2008) in Leszno. His report ''A model of tumour development taking into account angiogenesis pathology'' aroused great interest among the foreign researchers present in the conference, among them  prof. Marek Kimmel, prof. Urszula Ledzewicz (both from USA) and Dr. (now prof.) Anna Marciniak-Czochra from Heidelberg. Presentation by J. Poleszczuk (he prepared and trained to make it perfect in time!) made such an impression that everyone thought that he presented a preliminary PhD thesis. Results concerning this stage of research has been published.
Mathematica Applicanda; 2012, 40, 1
Pojawia się w:
Mathematica Applicanda
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
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