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Proces rozszerzenia Unii Europejskiej jako cel operacyjny polskiej prezydencji w Radzie Unii Europejskiej
The European Union enlargement process as an operational objective of the Polish Presidency in the Council of the European Union
Węc, Janusz Józef
Data publikacji:
Krakowska Akademia im. Andrzeja Frycza Modrzewskiego
European Union
European integration
Polish Presidency of the EU Council
The European Union enlargement process
On balance the performance of the first Polish EU Council Presidency in the matter of the enlargement process of the European Union seems to be positive. The Polish Presidency effectively implemented the five main functions of a Presidency: the agenda-setting, brokerage, management, coordination and internal representation in the contacts with the governments of member states and the institutions of the European Union. The most important aspect was that it managed to implement almost all the operational objectives typically required for the enlargement process. Despite the objections and doubts expressed by the governments of many member states, conditioned mainly by the debt crisis of the Eurozone and the need for internal and external consolidation of the European Union, the Polish Presidency managed to maintain the concept of enlargement as an important element on the EU’s agenda. On 5 December 2011, on the initiative of the Polish Presidency, the General Affairs Council agreed a new approach to the accession negotiations involving the earliest possible opening of the most contentious negotiation chapters, including fundamental rights and policies pertaining to the area of freedom, security and justice. Employing the agenda-setting function, the Polish Presidency was the co-author of the Group Presidency programme and the author of the country’s Presidency programme and both documents provided the foundation for Poland’s activity in the process of enlargement of the European Union. The most important achievements of the Polish Presidency resulting from the implementation of the brokerage, coordination and management functions concerned Croatia, Iceland, Serbia and Montenegro. The Polish government finalised the work on the text of the accession treaty with Croatia and brought about the signing of the treaty on 9 December 2011. It also accepted the agreements referring to the status of Croatia in the transition period; that is, until the treaty becomes fully effective. The Polish Presidency also gave a significant impetus to the accession negotiations with Iceland, by opening seven negotiation chapters and concluding six. The achievement of the Polish Presidency towards the endeavours of the countries of the Western Balkans to gain accession to the European Union was the opening of procedures leading to Serbia being granted candidate country status, although the formal decision was taken on 28 February 2012 by the General Affairs Council under the chairmanship of the Danish Presidency. In addition, the politically crucial enlargement conclusions of the General Affairs Council for Montenegro, on the basis of which the European Council announced that a decision would be taken on the commencement of accession negotiations in June 2012, were achieved during the Polish Presidency. Taking into account that some member states were critical of the steps taken to normalise relationships between Serbia and Kosovo, the balanced conclusions of the Council, in the part referring to Serbia, should also be taken as a success for the Polish Presidency. Although the Polish Presidency suffered a few failures it is worth emphasising that they resulted mainly from the attitude of other member states such as Greece or the negligence of the third party countries in the enlargement process – in the cases of Turkey, Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, and Kosovo. The Polish government, like the others since 2009, failed to overcome the opposition of Greece to the commencement of accession negotiations with Macedonia, although other member states fully supported the concept. The Polish Presidency, like the Belgian and Hungarian Presidencies, was unable to open any new chapter in the accession negotiations with Turkey. However, the reasons were the lack of progress in the implementation of the process of reforms by the Turkish government, the still unsolved controversial issues with Cyprus, the growing assertiveness of Turkey in the foreign policy arena and the unfavourable attitude towards the accession of Turkey to the Union by some member states. Nonetheless, the Polish Presidency achieved an agreement with other member states for a positive agenda in the relations between the Union and Turkey, which led to a relatively balanced text relating to Turkey in the conclusions of the General Affairs Council on 5 December 2011. The reason for the lack of achievement in the enlargement process with Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, and Kosovo was the limited progress in fulfilling the Copenhagen criteria made by these countries. Therefore, these countries still remain only as states which aspire to be members of the European Union. Balancing all the stated successes and failures it should be emphasised that the Polish Presidency gave new impetus to the enlargement process of the European Union. This was visible in the proposal by the Polish government and its acceptance by the General Affairs Council of a new methodology for conducting future accession negotiations, the significant advancement of the accession negotiations with Iceland, the opening of the procedure for granting candidate country status to Serbia and establishing the political requirements for the commencement of accession negotiations with Montenegro. In addition, the Polish government signed the accession treaty with Croatia and accepted the agreements regarding the country’s status in its relationships with the European Union in the transition period until the accession treaty is fully implemented.
Krakowskie Studia Międzynarodowe; 2013, 4; 73-87
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Krakowskie Studia Międzynarodowe
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Bałtycka „zimna wojna”. Możliwe reakcje NATO i UE na rosyjską aktywność militarną na akwenie bałtyckim.
Baltic „Cold War”. Possible NATO’s and UE responses for Russian military activity at the Baltic Sea.
Mickiewicz, Piotr
Data publikacji:
Krakowska Akademia im. Andrzeja Frycza Modrzewskiego
Baltic Sea
Russian national interests
The European Union
Baltic Sea, as an area of strategic importance for Russia’s policy toward Europe, has become a place of showcase of Russia’s military might. Its primary purpose is to show the international community the level of determination Russian authorities express to make national interests of the Federation included in the global politics. The number of incidents which cannot be a ground for military action on a larger scale – even according to Russian conventions – requires a politico-military response by regional supranational organizations. The response should take the form of smart-power strategies and the formula of military involvement must go beyond purely defensive action in response to enemy action. Hence, it is necessary to determine the scope of comprehensive EU and NATO operations (due to the need to protect the territorial sovereignty of Sweden and Finland) to offset the forms of Russian incidental activities in a way that does not elevate political tension in the region. Such a reaction is possible through effective impact on forms of activities on the waters of the Baltic Sea, which are important for Russia, notably shipping. The European Union, and the European Maritime Safety Agency (EMSA) in particular, has appropriate instruments to create an effective impact. On the other hand, the role of the North Atlantic Treaty should be to prepare and conduct systematic and comprehensive operations which limit the possibility of encroaching on the treaty territory and protect the member states against Russia applying instruments of hybrid war.
Krakowskie Studia Międzynarodowe; 2015, 2; 57-70
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Krakowskie Studia Międzynarodowe
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Niemcy i język niemiecki w strukturach Unii Europejskiej w XXI wieku
Germany and the German Language in the Structures of the European Union in the 21st Century
Koszel, Bogdan
Data publikacji:
Krakowska Akademia im. Andrzeja Frycza Modrzewskiego
język niemiecki
struktury Unii Europejskiej
German language
structures of the European Union
Autor dokonał analizy udziału Niemców w najważniejszych strukturach Unii Europejskiej pod kątem ich wpływu na procesy decyzyjne w tej organizacji. Podkreślił, że wprawdzie pod względem ilości urzędników Niemcy nie są reprezentowani proporcjonalnie do liczby ludności, ale to w ich rękach znajdują się najważniejsze stanowiska. Język niemiecki uznawany jest za język roboczy w UE, ale z różnych przyczyn posługuje się nim niewiele osób. Rząd niemiecki, Auswärtiges Amt i Instytut Goethego od wielu lat zabiegają o zwiększenie posługiwania się językiem niemieckim w administracji UE, ale nie przynosi to spodziewanych efektów.
The author analyzed the participation of Germans in the most important structures of the European Union in terms of their impact on decision-making processes in this organization. He emphasized that, although in terms of the number of officials, Germany is not represented in proportion to the population, but the most important positions are in their hands. German is recognized as a working language in the EU, but for various reasons few people speak it. The German government, Auswärtiges Amt and Goethe Institute have been striving for many years to increase the use of German in the EU administration, but this is not bringing the expected results.
Krakowskie Studia Międzynarodowe; 2020, 2; 19-35
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Krakowskie Studia Międzynarodowe
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
10 lat członkostwa Polski w Unii Europejskiej. Skutki włączenia do jednolitego rynku europejskiego
10 years of Polish membership in the European Union. The effects of joining the common European market
Czermińska, Małgorzata
Data publikacji:
Krakowska Akademia im. Andrzeja Frycza Modrzewskiego
common market
accession negotiations to the European Union
the freedom of movement of goods, persons, services, capital
European integration
The inclusion of Poland to the common market for goods meant the abolition of customs duties and quantitative restrictions on agricultural products in mutual trade with the countries of the European Union (customs duties on industrial goods have already been abolished by the Europe Agreement) and the application of the Common Customs Tariff on imports from third countries. Freedom of movement of goods after the accession to the EU accounted for Polish entrepreneurs a chance, because the fulfillment of EU norms and standards means full access to the common market, amounting to more than 500 million inhabitants. Particularly noticeable was the impact of accession on foreign trade, which, thanks to the membership not only gained easier access to the common market, but also new opportunities to increase trade with third countries. Since Polish accession to the EU gradually increased trade in agricultural products as well as their participation in the Polish foreign trade. Emigration of Poles also increased significantly, especially to countries that with effect from 1 May 2004 opened their labor markets, namely the United Kingdom, Ireland. In the final evaluation of the benefits of joining the common market and free movement of goods, persons, services and capital far outweigh, in both the scale of the economy and at the micro level, the costs associated with membership in the European common market.
Krakowskie Studia Międzynarodowe; 2014, 1; 9-25
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Krakowskie Studia Międzynarodowe
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Uwarunkowania regionalne współpracy państw członkowskich Unii Europejskiej. Niemcy wobec aspiracji europejskich państw Bałkanów Zachodnich
Regional conditions of cooperation of the European Union member states. Germany on the European aspirations of the Western Balkan states
Malinowski, Krzysztof
Data publikacji:
Krakowska Akademia im. Andrzeja Frycza Modrzewskiego
enlargement of the European Union
German foreign policy
Western Balkans
rozszerzenie Unii Europejskiej
polityka zagraniczna Niemiec
Bałkany Zachodnie
The article discusses four theses regarding the attitude of Germany to the Western Balkans: 1. The main motive for Germany’s commitment to expanding the EU to Western Balkans is to complete the unification of Europe and the transfer of prosperity and stability. Germany treats enlargement policy as a test of the EU’s credibility and its ability to act extensively; 2. Without Germany, the process of enlargement to Western Balkans would not be possible; Germany gives him critical mass; 3. The unstable position of Germany regarding the date of accession of the Western Balkan states to the EU results from the necessity to take into account other priorities in European policy (reform of the euro zone) and from adverse internal conditions showing a significant potential for paralyzing EU enlargement policy (refugee crisis, changes in the German party system); 4. The current increasing EU action for the Western Balkans results from the conviction – both of the European Commission and Germany – that this is necessary in the face of the growing involvement of Russia and China.
W artykule przedyskutowano cztery tezy dotyczące stosunku Niemiec do Bałkanów Zachodnich: 1. Głównym motywem zaangażowania Niemiec na rzecz rozszerzenia UE o Bałkany Zachodnie jest dokończenie jednoczenia Europy oraz transfer dobrobytu i stabilizacji. Niemcy traktują politykę rozszerzenia jako sprawdzian wiarygodności Unii i jej zdolności do działania zewnętrznego; 2. Bez Niemiec proces rozszerzania na Bałkany Zachodnie nie byłby możliwy; Niemcy nadają mu masę krytyczną; 3. Zmienne stanowisko Niemiec w sprawie terminu przystąpienia państw Bałkanów Zachodnich do UE wynika z konieczności uwzględnienia innych priorytetów w polityce europejskiej (reforma strefy euro) oraz z niekorzystnych uwarunkowań wewnętrznych, wykazujących spory potencjał paraliżowania polityki rozszerzania UE (kryzys uchodźczy, zmiany w niemieckim systemie partyjnym); 4. Obecne zwiększające się działania UE na rzecz Bałkanów Zachodnich wynikają z przeświadczenia zarówno Komisji Europejskiej, jak i Niemiec, że są one konieczne w obliczu zwiększającego się zaangażowania Rosji i Chin.
Krakowskie Studia Międzynarodowe; 2018, 4; 33-49
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Krakowskie Studia Międzynarodowe
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Swoboda przepływu osób w Unii Europejskiej a prawa i wolności człowieka. Zasada wolności migracyjnej
Free movement of persons within the European Union and human rights and freedoms. The principle of freedom of migration
Czermińska, Małgorzata
Data publikacji:
Krakowska Akademia im. Andrzeja Frycza Modrzewskiego
free movement of persons
rights of a citizen of the European Union
EU single market
crossing EU borders
the freedom of people flow
For a long time governments, politicians and the public are facing a dilemma, how to ensure, on the one hand, the freedom to cross borders, ensure the safety of foreigners and encourage them to come, on the other hand, how to guard against the arrival of unwanted people and ensure the safety of its own citizens. A new quality in the implementation of the principle of freedom of migration was the creation of a single European market, with the four freedoms: free movement of goods, persons, services and capital. The aim was to create an area without internal frontiers, in which persons may move freely. An important role in the abolition of physical barriers on the movement of people played the creation of the Schengen area. All citizens of the European Union have the right of freedom of movement of persons. This also applies to family members of citizens of the European Union, regardless of their nationality. They have the right to move and reside, work and take up economic activities, education, receipt of social benefits. To allow working in another country are also needed some actions to support the movement of workers, especially the recognition of professional qualifications and the harmonization of policies on social benefits.
Krakowskie Studia Międzynarodowe; 2013, 2; 11-24
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Krakowskie Studia Międzynarodowe
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Polsko-niemieckie stosunki polityczne na przestrzeni trzech dekad po zjednoczeniu Niemiec – główne zagadnienia
Polish-German Political Relations in the Three Decades After the Reunification of Germany – Main Issues
Kosman, Michał M.
Data publikacji:
Krakowska Akademia im. Andrzeja Frycza Modrzewskiego
stosunki polsko-niemieckie
Unia Europejska
konflikt rosyjsko-ukraiński
polityka wschodnia
Gazociąg Północny
Polish-German relations
the European Union
the Russian-Ukrainian conflict
Eastern policy
North Stream
Stosunki polsko-niemieckie po zjednoczeniu Niemiec stanowią interesującą płaszczyznę badań, co wynika z trudnych i bolesnych relacji w historii, całego szeregu wzajemnych stereotypów, ale i pozytywnych doświadczeń. Autor uważa, że na tym tle ich bilans w ostatnich trzech dekadach wypada pozytywnie. Na potwierdzenie tej tezy w artykule dokonano – i to jest jego zasadniczym celem – selekcji istotniejszych płaszczyzn wzajemnych relacji, poczynając od ich traktatowego uregulowania w latach 1990–1991. Duży nacisk został położony na multilateralny kontekst stosunków polsko-niemieckich, na rolę Niemiec jako adwokata Polski w staraniach o przyjęcie do UE i NATO, zarys polityki wschodniej obu państw (stosunek do Rosji i Ukrainy), ale i kwestie sporne, jak np. kontrowersje wokół systemu decyzyjnego w UE i ważniejsze problemy bilateralne. W artykule wykorzystano monografi e z zakresu problematyki niemcoznawczej, publikacje niemieckich ośrodków badawczych, czasopisma naukowe, prasę oraz strony internetowe niemieckiego rządu i resortu spraw zagranicznych (Auswärtiges Amt).
Polish-German relations after the reunification of Germany constitute an interesting field of research, which results from difficult and painful relations in a distant history, a whole range of mutual stereotypes but also positive experiences. The author believes that against this background their balance in the last three decades is positive. To confirm this thesis, the article makes – and this is its main goal – the selection of more important areas of mutual relations, starting from their treaty regulation in the years 1990–1991. Great emphasis was placed on the multilateral context of Polish- German relations, including the role of Germany as Poland’s advocate in efforts to join the EU and NATO, an outline of the eastern policy of both countries (attitude towards Russia and Ukraine) but also disputable issues, such as controversy around the decision-making system in the EU and major bilateral problems. The article uses monographs in the field of German studies, publications of German research centers, scientific journals, press and websites of the German government and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs (Auswärtiges Amt).
Krakowskie Studia Międzynarodowe; 2020, 2; 129-148
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Krakowskie Studia Międzynarodowe
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Umowy o wolnym handlu nowej generacji i ich znaczenie dla relacji handlowych Unii Europejskiej z państwami trzecimi – przypadek Korei Południowej
New-Generation Free Trade Agreements and Their Relevance for the Trade Relations of the European Union with Third Countries – the Case of South Korea
Czermińska, Małgorzata
Data publikacji:
Krakowska Akademia im. Andrzeja Frycza Modrzewskiego
new-generation free trade agreements
free trade area
the European Union
South Korea
customs duty
umowy o wolnym handlu nowej generacji
strefa wolnego handlu
Unia Europejska
Korea Południowa
The selection of potential trading partners in new-generation free trade agreements is primarily is above all about economic criteria (market potential, economic growth). This was emphasized in the new strategy of the European Union’s common trade policy in 2006. The first trade agreement of this type which was concluded by the European Union with South Korea fits well into this scheme. Korea is a dynamically developing Asian country, at the same time it is an important trade partner of the EU. The purpose of the article is to show the genesis, main provisions and meaning of new-generation trade agreements which were concluded by the European Union with third countries. In empirical research, the first such agreement – with South Korea – was used. Due to the limited volume of the article, the analysis of the significance of the agreement for EU-South Korean trade relations was mainly limited to trade in goods.
Główną przesłanką negocjowania umów o wolnym handlu nowej generacji, o których mowa w strategii rozwoju wspólnej polityki handlowej Unii Europejskiej z 2006 r. jest kryterium ekonomiczne (potencjał rynku, wzrost gospodarczy) w doborze potencjalnych partnerów handlowych oraz de facto odejście od multilateralizmu na rzecz bilateralizmu. Pierwsza umowa handlowa tego typu zawarta przez Unię Europejską z Koreą Południową dobrze wpisuje się w ten schemat. Korea jako dynamicznie rozwijające się państwo azjatyckie, jest ważnym partnerem handlowym UE. Celem artykułu jest ukazanie genezy, głównych postanowień oraz znaczenia umów handlowych nowej generacji zawieranych przez Unię Europejską z państwami trzecimi. W badaniach empirycznych posłużono się pierwszą taką umowę podpisaną przez UE – z Koreą Południową. Ze względu na ograniczoną objętość artykułu, w analizie znaczenia porozumienia dla unijno-południowokoreańskich relacji handlowych ograniczono się do obrotów towarowych.
Krakowskie Studia Międzynarodowe; 2019, 2; 23-37
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Krakowskie Studia Międzynarodowe
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Podstawowe założenia, cele i zasady reformy ustrojowej strefy euro. Implikacje dla Polski
The essential assumptions, objectives and principles of the system reform of the euro area. Implications for Poland
Węc, Janusz Józef
Data publikacji:
Krakowska Akademia im. Andrzeja Frycza Modrzewskiego
system reform of the euro area
European Council, Banking Union
European Union
implications for Poland
The first part of the article concentrates on the implementation of the system reform in the period since the adoption by the European Council Herman Van Rompuy`s report on 13th/14th December 2012 until the creation of organisational foundations for the Banking Union. The second part has been devoted to the work on the reform after publishing on 22 June 2015 what is know as Five President`s Report. In the third part have been discussed at length the consequences of system changes in the euro area for Poland.
Krakowskie Studia Międzynarodowe; 2016, 1; 107-129
Pojawia się w:
Krakowskie Studia Międzynarodowe
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Wielonarodowy Korpus Północno-Wschodni w Szczecinie w systemie bezpieczeństwa europejskiego oraz stosunkach polsko-niemieckich (2007–2016)
Multinational Corps Northeast in Szczecin in the European security system and the Polish-German relations (2007–2016)
Sokołowski, Adam
Data publikacji:
Krakowska Akademia im. Andrzeja Frycza Modrzewskiego
military cooperation
the Polish Armed Forces
the Bundeswehr
the Danish Armed Forces
the North Atlantic Alliance
European Union
International Security Assistance Force
The article is devoted to the development of Multinational Corps Northeast (MNC NE) in the second decade of its existence. The Corps, which is based in Szczecin, has been operating since 1999 as a part of NATO’s military structures. The Corps was created by three founding countries: Denmark, Germany and Poland. In accordance with the Convention of September 5th, 1998, the aim of the corps is to plan and carry out activities for the benefit of collective defense purposes under article 5 of the North Atlantic Treaty, as well as to participate in multinational missions and military operations. Between 2004 and 2015, the Corps was joined by other countries as “participating members”: Lithuania, Latvia and Estonia (2004), Slovakia and the Czech Republic (2005), United States of America (2006), Romania (2008), Slovenia (2009), Croatia (2012), Hungary (2013), Sweden (2014), and the UK (2015). In the second half of 2015 the corps was extended with the representatives of the Armed Forces from Turkey, France, the Kingdom of the Netherlands and Finland. The Corps headquarters in Szczecin is organized according to NATO standards. It includes the Command Group (rotationally manned by personnel from Demark, Germany and Poland) and nine functional divisions. Military units that function under the authority of the Corps (70–100 thousand soldiers) are deployed in their bases in the founding states. Up until now, the soldiers from the Corps has participated in 3 ISAF missions in Afghanistan. Decisions to strengthen signifi cantly the force of the Corps were made on 4–5 September 2014 during the NATO Summit in Newport. During the summit, the founding states also decided to raise the level of combat readiness of the Corps. Since then, the Corps has been undergoing another transformation, the most important one since its inception. In NATO, it is assumed that at the end of 2016 the Corps will reach its full readiness to command various military formations of the Alliance, including: Very High Readiness Joint Task Force (VJTF), NATO Response Force (NRF), and also NATO Force Integration Units (NFIUs) from Lithuania, Latvia, Estonia and Poland. This implies the need for further infrastructure development of the Corps and the increase of the scope of its responsibilities in the field of allied defense. This task was regarded as a priority before the next NATO Summit scheduled for 8–9 July 2016 in Warsaw.
Krakowskie Studia Międzynarodowe; 2016, 2; 73-91
Pojawia się w:
Krakowskie Studia Międzynarodowe
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Rozwój Unii Europejskiej do 2020 roku a nowe wyzwania globalizacji i konkurencji międzynarodowej z uwzględnieniem roli, miesca i interesów Polski
The EU development till 2020 and new challenges in area of globalization and international competition including role, position and interest of Poland
Żukrowska, Katarzyna
Data publikacji:
Krakowska Akademia im. Andrzeja Frycza Modrzewskiego
Unia Europejska
integracja europejska
Polska w UE
umowy stowarzyszenia
umowy o handlu i współpracy
polityka wobec uchodźców
European Union
European integration
Poland in the EU
association agreements
trade and cooperation agreements
refugee policy
Unia Europejska jest największym ugrupowaniem integracyjnym w świecie, obejmuje 28 państw, z czego 19 posługuje się wspólną walutą – euro. UE jest ważnym rynkiem i aktorem na scenie międzynarodowej. Wyzwaniem dla ugrupowania jest kilka poważnych problemów, takich jak kryzys UGiW, Brexit, polaryzacja interesów, wybór między poszerzaniem i pogłębianiem. W artykule omawia się możliwe rozwiązania w każdej z wymienionych dziedzin, przedstawiając je w ramach pięciu scenariuszy dla Europy, które zostały zaprezentowane w Rzymie w 60. rocznicę ugrupowania. Scenariusze te przedstawia się na tle wniosków sformułowanych podczas szczytu G-7 w Taorminie dotyczących polityki pomocy, uchodźców z Afryki i konfl iktu syryjskiego. W zakończeniu pojawia się Polska ze swymi interesami w głównych kwestiach dyskutowanych w rozdziale i możliwościami ich realizacji.
The European Union is the biggest integration grouping in the World, which embraces 28 states, 19 of which use common currency – euro. EU is an important market and international actor. The EU is challenged by a number of internal problems, such as crisis of EMU, Brexit, polarization of interests, choices between deepening or widening. The article discusses possible solutions in each area presenting them in the context of 5 scenario for Europe presented in Rome on the 60th anniversary of the grouping. The scenarios are shown on international background with G-7 summit conclusions in Taormina concerning aid policy, refugees from Africa and the Syrian confl ict. Finally it talks also about the Polish place and interests in the main matters, discussed in the article.
Krakowskie Studia Międzynarodowe; 2017, 1; 17-33
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Krakowskie Studia Międzynarodowe
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Ochrona praw człowieka w Unii Europejskiej
Protection of Human Rights in European Union
Tomczyk, Ewelina
Data publikacji:
Krakowska Akademia im. Andrzeja Frycza Modrzewskiego
European Union
protection of human rights
Charter of Fundamental Rights of the
EU Fundamental Rights Agency
promotion of human rights
Unia Europejska
ochrona praw człowieka
Karta Praw Podstawowych
Agencja Praw Podstawowych UE
promocja praw człowieka
One of the basic principles on which the European Union bases is respect for human rights and the dignity of the human person. This is an extremely extensive subject, nevertheless still extremely important from the point of view of the ruling elite as well as the entire society. This article present a system of human rights protection in the EU. First of all, treaty guarantees aimed at ensuring the protection of fundamental rights will be discussed, as well as the EU Charter of Fundamental Rights and functioning of the EU Fundamental Rights Agency with its registered office in Vienna. Based on them, an analysis of the level of EU involvement in the protection of these rights will be made, their promotion not only on the territory of the Member States, and facts will be verified, which should be understood as the real actions taken by the EU to achieve its objectives.
Jedną z podstawowych zasad na których opiera się Unia Europejska jest poszanowanie praw człowieka i godności osoby ludzkiej. Jest to temat niezwykle obszerny, niemniej jednak wciąż niebywale istotny zarówno z punktu widzenia elit rządzących, jak i całego społeczeństwa. Niniejszy artykuł przedstawia system ochrony praw człowieka, który zapewnia organizacja międzynarodowa jaką jest UE. Omówione zostały przede wszystkim gwarancje traktatowe, które mają zapewnić ochronę praw podstawowych, a także Karta Praw Podstawowych UE i funkcjonowanie Agencji Praw Podstawowych UE z siedzibą w Wiedniu. Na ich podstawie została dokonana analiza stopnia zaangażowania UE w ochronę i promowanie tych praw nie tylko na terytorium państw członkowskich. Przede wszystkim zweryfikowany został stan faktyczny, przez co należy rozumieć stan realnych działań podjętych przez UE dla realizacji swoich założeń.
Krakowskie Studia Międzynarodowe; 2019, 4; 157-171
Pojawia się w:
Krakowskie Studia Międzynarodowe
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Biblioteka Nauki
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