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Odpowiedzialny biznes w integrującej się Europie – aspekty kulturowe.
Responsible business in the integrating Europe: cultural aspect.
Chodyński, Andrzej
Data publikacji:
Krakowska Akademia im. Andrzeja Frycza Modrzewskiego
responsible business
European integration
Responsible business is created based on pursuit of common values, including those that are characteristic of the integrating Europe. Integration is affected by cultural diversity of individual countries. It translates into organisational cultures of the individual business entities that are functioning in the European market. In particular, the organisational culture is important in the corporations functioning in the global market, and executing processes of internationalisation of their activities. The concept that takes into account common values irrespective of the place of executing business activities is CSR (corporate social responsibility). CSR refers to simultaneous pursuit of social, ecological and economic objectives. The premises of CSR have been adopted by the international community. In the European Union market, this concept may be conducive to integration processes through the execution of common European values by companies, based on the expectations of their shareholders. The paper analyses the effect of cultures of European countries as well as the effect of governments of particular countries on management in companies and local conditions on the execution of CSR. Execution of CSR, as well as taking into consideration the sustainability premises, may constitute the basis for creation of responsible business
Krakowskie Studia Międzynarodowe; 2015, 4; 33-46
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Krakowskie Studia Międzynarodowe
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Relacje Polski i Ukrainy 2010–2015 – ukraiński punkt widzenia
Polish-Ukrainian relations 2010–2015 – the Ukrainian point of view
Hurak, Ihor
Data publikacji:
Krakowska Akademia im. Andrzeja Frycza Modrzewskiego
Ukrainian-Polish relations
European integration
Ukrainian crisis
Russian aggression
Poland has repeatedly acted as a reliable ally in promoting Ukraine’s activity on the international stage and during internal political turmoil. Polish leadership played the exceptional role during the Revolution of dignity. Having regard to the aggravation of confrontation, especially Poland’s activity enabled to approve a common position of the EU concerning the events on the Maidan and force Yanukovych to sign the Agreement on settlement of political crisis in Ukraine. From the beginning of Russian aggression on the territory of Ukraine, Poland stressed the inviolability of Ukrainian borders and encourage to the implementation of sanctions against Russia at the various international forums. Since a Poland’s representative has not been involved at the negotiating group on normalization of the situation in Ukraine, intensity of Ukrainian-Polish dialogue on the highest level slightly reduced during 2014–2015. Direct contacts of Ukraine’s leadership with the leaders of Germany and France, which having signifi cant impact on making decisions within the EU and being eligible as partners in the negotiations for Russia, have positive effects. However, they have not allowed to fully using great potential of Ukrainian-Polish strategic partnership.
Krakowskie Studia Międzynarodowe; 2016, 2; 181-201
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Krakowskie Studia Międzynarodowe
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Proces rozszerzenia Unii Europejskiej jako cel operacyjny polskiej prezydencji w Radzie Unii Europejskiej
The European Union enlargement process as an operational objective of the Polish Presidency in the Council of the European Union
Węc, Janusz Józef
Data publikacji:
Krakowska Akademia im. Andrzeja Frycza Modrzewskiego
European Union
European integration
Polish Presidency of the EU Council
The European Union enlargement process
On balance the performance of the first Polish EU Council Presidency in the matter of the enlargement process of the European Union seems to be positive. The Polish Presidency effectively implemented the five main functions of a Presidency: the agenda-setting, brokerage, management, coordination and internal representation in the contacts with the governments of member states and the institutions of the European Union. The most important aspect was that it managed to implement almost all the operational objectives typically required for the enlargement process. Despite the objections and doubts expressed by the governments of many member states, conditioned mainly by the debt crisis of the Eurozone and the need for internal and external consolidation of the European Union, the Polish Presidency managed to maintain the concept of enlargement as an important element on the EU’s agenda. On 5 December 2011, on the initiative of the Polish Presidency, the General Affairs Council agreed a new approach to the accession negotiations involving the earliest possible opening of the most contentious negotiation chapters, including fundamental rights and policies pertaining to the area of freedom, security and justice. Employing the agenda-setting function, the Polish Presidency was the co-author of the Group Presidency programme and the author of the country’s Presidency programme and both documents provided the foundation for Poland’s activity in the process of enlargement of the European Union. The most important achievements of the Polish Presidency resulting from the implementation of the brokerage, coordination and management functions concerned Croatia, Iceland, Serbia and Montenegro. The Polish government finalised the work on the text of the accession treaty with Croatia and brought about the signing of the treaty on 9 December 2011. It also accepted the agreements referring to the status of Croatia in the transition period; that is, until the treaty becomes fully effective. The Polish Presidency also gave a significant impetus to the accession negotiations with Iceland, by opening seven negotiation chapters and concluding six. The achievement of the Polish Presidency towards the endeavours of the countries of the Western Balkans to gain accession to the European Union was the opening of procedures leading to Serbia being granted candidate country status, although the formal decision was taken on 28 February 2012 by the General Affairs Council under the chairmanship of the Danish Presidency. In addition, the politically crucial enlargement conclusions of the General Affairs Council for Montenegro, on the basis of which the European Council announced that a decision would be taken on the commencement of accession negotiations in June 2012, were achieved during the Polish Presidency. Taking into account that some member states were critical of the steps taken to normalise relationships between Serbia and Kosovo, the balanced conclusions of the Council, in the part referring to Serbia, should also be taken as a success for the Polish Presidency. Although the Polish Presidency suffered a few failures it is worth emphasising that they resulted mainly from the attitude of other member states such as Greece or the negligence of the third party countries in the enlargement process – in the cases of Turkey, Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, and Kosovo. The Polish government, like the others since 2009, failed to overcome the opposition of Greece to the commencement of accession negotiations with Macedonia, although other member states fully supported the concept. The Polish Presidency, like the Belgian and Hungarian Presidencies, was unable to open any new chapter in the accession negotiations with Turkey. However, the reasons were the lack of progress in the implementation of the process of reforms by the Turkish government, the still unsolved controversial issues with Cyprus, the growing assertiveness of Turkey in the foreign policy arena and the unfavourable attitude towards the accession of Turkey to the Union by some member states. Nonetheless, the Polish Presidency achieved an agreement with other member states for a positive agenda in the relations between the Union and Turkey, which led to a relatively balanced text relating to Turkey in the conclusions of the General Affairs Council on 5 December 2011. The reason for the lack of achievement in the enlargement process with Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, and Kosovo was the limited progress in fulfilling the Copenhagen criteria made by these countries. Therefore, these countries still remain only as states which aspire to be members of the European Union. Balancing all the stated successes and failures it should be emphasised that the Polish Presidency gave new impetus to the enlargement process of the European Union. This was visible in the proposal by the Polish government and its acceptance by the General Affairs Council of a new methodology for conducting future accession negotiations, the significant advancement of the accession negotiations with Iceland, the opening of the procedure for granting candidate country status to Serbia and establishing the political requirements for the commencement of accession negotiations with Montenegro. In addition, the Polish government signed the accession treaty with Croatia and accepted the agreements regarding the country’s status in its relationships with the European Union in the transition period until the accession treaty is fully implemented.
Krakowskie Studia Międzynarodowe; 2013, 4; 73-87
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Krakowskie Studia Międzynarodowe
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Ewolucja instytucji zatarcia skazania w polskim prawie karnym z perspektywy European Criminal Records Information System – zagadnienia wybrane
The Evolution of the Erasure of Conviction in the Polish Criminal Law from the Perspective of the European Criminal Records Information System – Selected Issues
Pawlik, Renata
Data publikacji:
Krakowska Akademia im. Andrzeja Frycza Modrzewskiego
Criminal Law
European Integration
The harmonisation
national sovereignty
The European Criminal Records Information System
Criminal law as it’s traditionally seen is a set of standards defining socially harmful acts, referred to as crimes, determining the responsibility for these acts and the penalties, sanctions and protective measures applied against the perpetrators. More than any other branch of law, criminal law reflects social attitudes towards specific cultural, moral and financial issues, demonstrating susceptibility to social changes, in principle denying its inter-culturalism, and exemplifying an extremely strong rooting in a specific culture. The concept of the European integration, together with ongoing globalization, have caused a shift in the way of thinking about the functioning of not only global society, countries or international institutions, but have also been changing the feeling of identity of individuals and their identification with a specific group or community. At the same time, the free flow of persons supporting the phenomenon of multi-culturalism, so characteristic for the concept of the European integration, has been determining the transnational nature of crime to a greater extent than before. This transnational character enforces, simultaneously, the development of the tools habitually designed for counteracting crime, including, first of all, traditionally understood criminal law. One example is the Erasure of Conviction in the Polish Criminal Law from the Perspective of the European Criminal Records Information System.
Krakowskie Studia Międzynarodowe; 2014, 1; 115-149
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Krakowskie Studia Międzynarodowe
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Ewolucja swobód rynku wewnętrznego Unii Europejskiej w czasie dwudziestu lat jego funkcjonowania.
The development of the internal market freedoms of the European Union in the context of the twenty years of its operation.
Czermińska, Małgorzata
Data publikacji:
Krakowska Akademia im. Andrzeja Frycza Modrzewskiego
common market
the freedom of movement of goods
European integration
January 1, 2013 have passed twenty years since the formal establishment of the single internal market of the European Union. This does not mean that from that day there were no barriers to movement of goods, persons, services and capital. They were abolished gradually, but still today the European Union’s internal market, which consists of 28 countries and inhabited by over 500 million people, it does not operate as a single national market. The aim of the study is to show the evolution of the functioning of the free movement of goods, persons, services and capital, with particular emphasis on the direction of changes in the near future.
Krakowskie Studia Międzynarodowe; 2015, 4; 47-60
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Krakowskie Studia Międzynarodowe
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Uwarunkowanie i perspektywy współpracy Unii Europejskiej i Turcji w XXI wieku
Conditions and perspectives of European Union and Turkey cooperation in XXI century
Stępniewska, Paulina
Data publikacji:
Krakowska Akademia im. Andrzeja Frycza Modrzewskiego
Unia Europejska stosunki europejsko-tureckie
integracja europejska
European Union
Turkey-EU relations
European integration
Artykuł poświęcony zmieniającym się uwarunkowaniom wewnętrznym Turcji oraz jej polityce zagranicznej od czasu przejęcia władzy przez konserwatywny obóz Partii Sprawiedliwości i Rozwoju (AKP) z Recepem Tayyipem Erdoğanem na czele. Okres pierwszej dekady rządów AKP doprowadził do zaskakującego skoku cywilizacyjnego, co zbliżyło państwo do Unii Europejskiej i uczyniło z Turcji liczący się podmiot stosunków międzynarodowych. Równolegle Erdoğan wykazywał coraz silniejsze aspiracje autorytarne, które stopniowo urzeczywistniał na mocy planu przebudowy starego kemalistowskiego porządku wewnętrznego. Wojna syryjska, kryzys migracyjny, reorientacja polityki zagranicznej Turcji, napięcia wewnętrzne po nieudanych puczu wojskowym oraz planowane reformy konstytucyjne w Turcji to nowe determinanty stosunków Turcja−Europa. Głównym celem analizy jest próba zrozumienia wyzwań, przed jakimi stoją obie strony oraz określenie potencjalnych perspektyw i scenariuszy przyszłych relacji w tych nowych realiach politycznych.
First part of the paper is focused on changing domestic conditions of Turkey and its foreign policy since conservative Justice and Development Party (AKP) with Recep Tayyip Erdoğan in the lead, came to power. First decade of their rules led to surprising civilization jump, therefore Turkey – as signifi cant international actor – started to cooperate more closely with European Union. However, at the same time Erdoğan started to demonstrate stronger authoritarian aspirations, fulfi lling his plan of rebuilding an old Kemelist state architecture. Syrian war, migration crises, reorientation of Turkish foreign policy, consequences of failed military coup and constitutional reforms in Turkey are the new determinants of Turkey-Europe relations. For that reason, main objective of the following analysis is to present and understand the perspectives and challenges of their future cooperation within new political order.
Krakowskie Studia Międzynarodowe; 2017, 2; 161-176
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Krakowskie Studia Międzynarodowe
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
10 lat członkostwa Polski w Unii Europejskiej. Skutki włączenia do jednolitego rynku europejskiego
10 years of Polish membership in the European Union. The effects of joining the common European market
Czermińska, Małgorzata
Data publikacji:
Krakowska Akademia im. Andrzeja Frycza Modrzewskiego
common market
accession negotiations to the European Union
the freedom of movement of goods, persons, services, capital
European integration
The inclusion of Poland to the common market for goods meant the abolition of customs duties and quantitative restrictions on agricultural products in mutual trade with the countries of the European Union (customs duties on industrial goods have already been abolished by the Europe Agreement) and the application of the Common Customs Tariff on imports from third countries. Freedom of movement of goods after the accession to the EU accounted for Polish entrepreneurs a chance, because the fulfillment of EU norms and standards means full access to the common market, amounting to more than 500 million inhabitants. Particularly noticeable was the impact of accession on foreign trade, which, thanks to the membership not only gained easier access to the common market, but also new opportunities to increase trade with third countries. Since Polish accession to the EU gradually increased trade in agricultural products as well as their participation in the Polish foreign trade. Emigration of Poles also increased significantly, especially to countries that with effect from 1 May 2004 opened their labor markets, namely the United Kingdom, Ireland. In the final evaluation of the benefits of joining the common market and free movement of goods, persons, services and capital far outweigh, in both the scale of the economy and at the micro level, the costs associated with membership in the European common market.
Krakowskie Studia Międzynarodowe; 2014, 1; 9-25
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Krakowskie Studia Międzynarodowe
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Rozwój Unii Europejskiej do 2020 roku a nowe wyzwania globalizacji i konkurencji międzynarodowej z uwzględnieniem roli, miesca i interesów Polski
The EU development till 2020 and new challenges in area of globalization and international competition including role, position and interest of Poland
Żukrowska, Katarzyna
Data publikacji:
Krakowska Akademia im. Andrzeja Frycza Modrzewskiego
Unia Europejska
integracja europejska
Polska w UE
umowy stowarzyszenia
umowy o handlu i współpracy
polityka wobec uchodźców
European Union
European integration
Poland in the EU
association agreements
trade and cooperation agreements
refugee policy
Unia Europejska jest największym ugrupowaniem integracyjnym w świecie, obejmuje 28 państw, z czego 19 posługuje się wspólną walutą – euro. UE jest ważnym rynkiem i aktorem na scenie międzynarodowej. Wyzwaniem dla ugrupowania jest kilka poważnych problemów, takich jak kryzys UGiW, Brexit, polaryzacja interesów, wybór między poszerzaniem i pogłębianiem. W artykule omawia się możliwe rozwiązania w każdej z wymienionych dziedzin, przedstawiając je w ramach pięciu scenariuszy dla Europy, które zostały zaprezentowane w Rzymie w 60. rocznicę ugrupowania. Scenariusze te przedstawia się na tle wniosków sformułowanych podczas szczytu G-7 w Taorminie dotyczących polityki pomocy, uchodźców z Afryki i konfl iktu syryjskiego. W zakończeniu pojawia się Polska ze swymi interesami w głównych kwestiach dyskutowanych w rozdziale i możliwościami ich realizacji.
The European Union is the biggest integration grouping in the World, which embraces 28 states, 19 of which use common currency – euro. EU is an important market and international actor. The EU is challenged by a number of internal problems, such as crisis of EMU, Brexit, polarization of interests, choices between deepening or widening. The article discusses possible solutions in each area presenting them in the context of 5 scenario for Europe presented in Rome on the 60th anniversary of the grouping. The scenarios are shown on international background with G-7 summit conclusions in Taormina concerning aid policy, refugees from Africa and the Syrian confl ict. Finally it talks also about the Polish place and interests in the main matters, discussed in the article.
Krakowskie Studia Międzynarodowe; 2017, 1; 17-33
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Krakowskie Studia Międzynarodowe
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Wybrane aspekty nowelizacji prawnych podstaw członkostwa Polski w Unii Europejskiej – uwagi na tle wyroków polskiego i niemieckiego trybunału konstytucyjnego w sprawie aktów normatywnych stabilizujących strefę euro
Selected problems of amendment of constitutional foundations of the Polish Membership in European Union. Remarks based on judgments of the Polish Constitutional Court and the German Federal Constitutional Court on acts related with reform of the Eurozone
Bainczyk, Magdalena
Data publikacji:
Krakowska Akademia im. Andrzeja Frycza Modrzewskiego
European constitutional law
integration clause
the Eurozone
The judgement of the Polish Constitutional Court of 26 June 2013 compared with the judgment of the German Federal Constitutional Tribunal of 18 March 2014 indicates that some significant amendments should be introduced into the Polish Constitution. Both amending procedures foreseen by the Treaty of Lisbon and the “Schengen method” used to reform the Eurozone imply a necessity to differ between the ordinary revision procedure and the simplified revision procedure also in national constitutional law. Taking into a account German constitutional provisions and jurisprudence of the German Federal Court such an amendment allows to concentrate on a question how to effective secure an influence of Polish constitutional institutions, especially the Sejm, on integration process.
Krakowskie Studia Międzynarodowe; 2014, 1; 151-189
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Krakowskie Studia Międzynarodowe
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Asymetryczne partnerstwo czy pragmatyczna współpraca? Szansa na polsko-niemiecki sojusz w pogrążonej w kryzysie UE
Asymmetric Partnership or Pragmatic Cooperation? Chance for Polish-German Alliance in the mired in crisis EU
Stankiewicz, Jakub
Data publikacji:
Krakowska Akademia im. Andrzeja Frycza Modrzewskiego
Polish-German Partnership
European Union
integration circles
By 2014, the EU will celebrate the 10th anniversary of the biggest ever expansion of its borders. In 2004, among its members appointed countries of the region, which since the end of World War II have been isolated politically, economically and mentally from benefits of the "Western" integration. The upcoming anniversary is a good time for a broader rethink how Poland uses the existing opportunities that obtained with the accession to the EU. The thesis of the author is the conviction that without the accession to the EU, Poland would not have obtained the current relative stability in the political, economic and social. However, at the same time, author believes the EU would fail without Polish current role in international relations. By analyzing the above issues, author tries to answer the question of whether currently existing opportunity to strengthen the position of the Polish EU, specifically in the first circle of integration by strengthening cooperation with Germany? In addition, the article is subjected to criticism, opinions about the marginal role of Polish in the European structures. Author in the following dissertation is based on extensive literature Polish and foreign, as well as his own thoughts and previous work published in national journals.
Krakowskie Studia Międzynarodowe; 2014, 1; 191-208
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Krakowskie Studia Międzynarodowe
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Unia Europejska: historyczne dokonania i dotkliwe porażki
European Union – historical achievements and severe failures
Czaja, Jan
Data publikacji:
Krakowska Akademia im. Andrzeja Frycza Modrzewskiego
integracja europejska: historyczny rozwój
strefa euro: mechanizmy funkcjonowania
reformy strefy euro
instytucje finansowe UE
Brexit: strategie wychodzenia
przyszłość Unii Europejskiej
European integration: historical achievements
Eurozone mechanism and its reforms
EU financial recovery institutions
Brexit: strategies of UK withdraw from EU
debate about EU future
Unia Europejska, po impasie instytucjonalnym spowodowanym odrzuceniem traktatu konstytucyjnego, po wysiłku, jakim był proces rozszerzenia na nowe – często nieprzygotowane do tego kraje, oraz po latach kryzysu gospodarczo-finansowego powoli wychodzi na prostą. Wydaje się, że „diabelska alternatywa” – rozpad albo głębsza integracja – przestaje być aktualna. Unia Europejska wybrała zdecydowanie tę drugą opcję. Krok po kroku, szczyt po szczycie, Unia posuwa się mozolnie w kierunku głębszej integracji fi nansowej i fi skalnej, w kierunku zacieśnienia oraz koordynacji współpracy gospodarczej, a także bardziej rygorystycznego egzekwowania kryteriów konwergencji fi nansowej. De facto strefa euro, a wraz nią cała Unia Europejska, w zakresie spraw gospodarczo-fi nansowych, najgorsze ma za sobą. Niepokojący z punktu widzenia całej Unii Europejskiej jest Brexit. Wyjście Brytyjczyków z UE jest ogromnym politycznym, militarnym, gospodarczym i wizerunkowym osłabieniem Unii, a może nawet czymś więcej – porażką Unii, a zapewne także i Brytyjczyków. Innym niepokojącym i trwającym problemem Unii jest kryzys migracyjny. Jednak powoli i z opóźnieniem UE zaczyna z niego wyciągać wnioski i urealniać politykę migracyjną. Coraz bardziej niepokojąca staje się kwestia przestrzegania praworządności przez niektóre kraje unijne, jak również jej ocena i zdolność władz UE do uporania się z tym problemem. Unia Europejska nie powróci już zapewne do dyskusji na temat fi nalite, czyli fi nalnego celu: czym być – federacją, superpaństwem, czy też konfederacją państw, Europą Ojczyzn? Jednak integracja w głąb będzie postępować z tymi, którzy chcą, a bez tych, którzy nie chcą. Integracja finansowo-gospodarcza w ramach UGW, wojskowa w ramach WPBiO, także w sprawach imigracyjnej, regionalnej i wymiaru sprawiedliwości.
European Union, having back constitutional treaty refusal crisis, enlargement problems with new EU members and economic-financial crisis, seems to have overcome the most difficult period. Looks like „the devil alternative” – breaking up or deepen integration – is no more actual. Step by step, through EU leaders summit after summit recovery decisions, European Union is crawling towards deepen financial and fiscal integration. A number of different long-term proposals have been put forward to deal with Eurozone crisis, as European Fiscal Union, a package for European bank recovery and other measures going to strict respect of financial convergence criteria. Brexit, the ongoing process of withdrawal of United Kingdom from EU will have deep impact on UK and EU mutual political-economic relations, being at the same time deep repulse of EU itself. The other unquiet and still lasting problem for EU was a sharp increase in the migration flows into European Union territory, making a lot of problems to EU countries. However, after bad results and the lack of proper approach to that problem European Union is preparing new common immigration policy. EU is also facing the impact of accession to office of a Eurosceptic party/governments violating the principles of law and EU values which makes a problem of EU infringement procedure efficiency. Having in mind all EU aspects of crisis, actually, it is difficult to foresee the return to the debate about finalite politique of European Union, which means answering the questions: what does EU have to be? Federation, super-state or only the Europe of Homelands?
Krakowskie Studia Międzynarodowe; 2017, 4; 75-96
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Krakowskie Studia Międzynarodowe
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Kilka uwag na temat polskiej polityki migracyjnej w rocznicę 10-lecia członkostwa w UE
Some Notes on Polish Migration Policy on the Tenth Anniversary of EU Membership
Bojenko-Izdebska, Ewa
Data publikacji:
Krakowska Akademia im. Andrzeja Frycza Modrzewskiego
migration policy
asylum policy
integration of migrants
European Union
This article analyses Polish migration and asylum policies and how they conform to EU legislation. Firstly, it focuses on the most important stages of developing these policies in the EU and their legal and institutional implementation in Poland. Secondly, it discusses the current trends of economic migration to Poland, the challenges of migrant integration, and the attitudes of Polish citizens to migrant workers. Finally, it shows how Polish asylum and visa policies, and ways of combatting illegal immigration are in line with EU requirements. The article also shows that in recent years economic migration has been recognised as positively influencing economic growth and innovation, especially when migration of highly qualified workers is regulated. One of the most important challenges for the future is the development of appropriate integration strategies for migrants coming to Poland.
Krakowskie Studia Międzynarodowe; 2014, 1; 81-92
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Krakowskie Studia Międzynarodowe
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Australia: Immigration and Multiculturalism
Australia: imigracja i wielokulturowość
Ozdowski, Seweryn (Sev)
Data publikacji:
Krakowska Akademia im. Andrzeja Frycza Modrzewskiego
“fair go” culture
European migration crisis
social cohesion
social integration
kultura „fair go”
europejski kryzys migracyjny
spójność społeczna
integracja społeczna
The paper is based on an address to “Immigration and Multiculturalism in XXI Century. The Case of Poland”, conference organised by the Adam Mickiewicz University, Poznan in April 2016. It reviews both the Australian immigration experience and Australian multiculturalism from an historical perspective and also reviews current practice in an attempt to evaluate its relevance to Europe. The paper starts with an examination of objectives and principles underlying the Australian immigration system over the last two centuries with particular focus on economic development, national security and identity issues. Then the paper outlines the settlement and multicultural policies and programs that have been put in place since 1975 to integrate migrant and refugee intake into broader Australian society. It also considers the linkages that exists between immigration and multiculturalism and evaluates the success or otherwise of these policies/programs in terms of social cohesion outcomes. Finally, the paper examines the Australian solutions and contemporary challenges and considers the applicability of the Australian model to guide the development of European responses to the 2015–16 migration/refugee crises. It concludes that at present the European Union has neither an eff ective immigration policy nor Australian style multiculturalism and settlement policies to deal with the current immigration crisis and/or its social cohesion consequences.
Artykuł jest rozwinięciem wykładu wygłoszonego na konferencji „Imigracja i wielokulturowość w XXI wieku. Przypadek Polski”, zorganizowanej przez Uniwersytet im. Adama Mickiewicza w Poznaniu w kwietniu 2016 r. Zawiera on historyczny i współczesny przegląd australijskich doświadczeń z imigracją oraz wielokulturowością i próbuje ocenić przydatność tego doświadczeń dla Europy. Pierwsza część artykułu omawia cele i zasady australijskiego systemu imigracyjnego stosowane przez ostatnie dwieście lat, ze szczególnym naciskiem na ekonomię, bezpieczeństwo i świadomość narodową. Następnie autor rozwija temat polityki osadnictwa i wielokulturowości od roku 1975, z punktu widzenia sukcesu w integracji migrantów i uchodźców w społeczeństwo australijskie. Szczególny dyskurs dotyczy powiązań pomiędzy polityką imigracyjną i wielokulturowością. Artykuł ocenia wpływ tych programów rządowych na zapewnienie społecznej jedności. W końcowej części artykuł ocenia użyteczność australijskich rozwiązań dla formowania odpowiedzi na europejski kryzys związany z masowym napływem uchodźców i migrantów w latach 2015–2016. W konkluzji autor stwierdza, iż Unia Europejska nie ma obecnie ani skutecznej polityki imigracyjnej ani programów osadnictwa, które pozwoliłyby na efektywną kontrolę granic i na zapewnienie spokoju społecznego.
Krakowskie Studia Międzynarodowe; 2016, 4; 175-248
Pojawia się w:
Krakowskie Studia Międzynarodowe
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Transatlantyckie partnerstwo Unii Europejskiej i USA (TTIP) w kontekście efektów dobrobytowych Polski na wspólnym rynku
Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership (TTIP) between EU and US in the context of wealth-effect of international trade within Common European Market
Pluciński, Eugeniusz M.
Data publikacji:
Krakowska Akademia im. Andrzeja Frycza Modrzewskiego
global and regional integration
wealth-effect of international trade
supply specific determinants of international trade
inter- (RCA) and intra- (IIT) industry trade
modernfactor-imports from US
structural competitiveness of Polish trade with US and within Common European Market
This paper focuses on analysis of structural competitiveness of Polish trade with USA in face of the negotiation of Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership (TTIP) between EU and US. Process is discussed in the context of wealth-effect of international trade as well as overregional international integration. Appart from analytical debate, this paper attempts to determine challenges and chances for Polish foreign trade with US and with EU countries as well as the economy in a view of modern-factor-imports from US. Introduction offers an insight into determinants and data of Polish intra-industry trade.
Krakowskie Studia Międzynarodowe; 2014, 2; 99-110
Pojawia się w:
Krakowskie Studia Międzynarodowe
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
    Wyświetlanie 1-14 z 14

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