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Motywacja w systemie zarządzania zasobami ludzkimi administracji samorządowej – regulacje dotyczące systemów motywacyjnych
Motivation in the System of Human Resources Management in the Self-government Administration – Regulations Related to Motivation Systems
Cichocki, Hubert
Moser, Kamil
Data publikacji:
Najwyższa Izba Kontroli
new public management
motivation in public sector
human resources management
human capital
management model
For a long time already, we can witness a demographical change that affects the majority of European societies, including Poland. It is related to the decreasing birth-rate, and to a change of age structure of the society. These changes coincide with sociological and cultural differences that can be visible among the generations. Taking the above into account, we should consider in what ways they can affect the quality of management in public administration. Employment in the private sector is becoming more and more attractive, and public sector staff need to constantly improve their qualifications. Simultaneously, the number of employees is decreasing and it is going to decrease further, according to demographic forecasts. All these call for an in-depth reflection on the quality of human resources management in the public sector, with special attention paid to the motivation factor as an essential element of management. The issue is yet more important since the system of incentives is one of the three key practices necessary for the quality of management for every organisation.
Kontrola Państwowa; 2016, 61, 6 (371); 122-136
Pojawia się w:
Kontrola Państwowa
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Prezentacja doświadczeń Europejskiego Trybunału Obrachunkowego w Polsce – wzmocnienie współpracy ETO i NIK
Presentation of Experience of the European Court of Auditors in Poland – Strengthening Cooperation between the ECA and NIK
Mazur, Jacek
Data publikacji:
Najwyższa Izba Kontroli
European Court of Auditors
Cooperation between the ECA and NIK
EU budget
public funds management
In April 2015, a delegation of the European Court of Auditors, which is one of the seven European institutions, paid a visit to Poland. The main topics discussed during the visit included effective supervision of the public finance, experience of the ECA in the field of improving European and national public audit systems, the promotion of the role of the ECA in improving the management of funds from the EU budget, and strengthening cooperation with the Supreme Audit Office of Poland. The visit can be regarded as an important source of opinion and information. The Polish participants of the meeting had an opportunity to get acquainted with the work of the ECA and its results, with the activities aimed at improving the public funds management process, as well with the main areas of risk related to the management of the European budget.
Kontrola Państwowa; 2015, 60, 3 (362); 24-45
Pojawia się w:
Kontrola Państwowa
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Odpowiedzialność za zaciągnięcie zobowiązania - przekroczenie upoważnienia
Responsibility for Liabilities Incurred – Exceeded Authorisation
Sobecki, Tomasz
Trempała, Michał
Data publikacji:
Najwyższa Izba Kontroli
gospodarowanie środkami publicznymi
zobowiązania pieniężne
upoważnienie do dysponowania środkami publicznymi
dyscyplina finansów publicznych
public funds management
monetary liabilities
authorisation to manage public funds
public finance discipline
W sektorze finansów publicznych zobowiązanie angażujące środki publiczne można zaciągnąć tylko na podstawie upoważnienia wynikającego z przepisów prawa lub zdarzeń prawnych. Jego zakres należy rozpatrywać w ujęciu przedmiotowym, który wyznacza wysokość wydatków zaplanowanych w budżetach lub planach finansowych. Przekroczenie tego zakresu jest działaniem bezprawnym i podlega ocenie z punktu widzenia zasad dyscypliny finansów publicznych. Stwierdzenie naruszenia wymaga jednak każdorazowego odniesienia się do przepisów, w ramach których powinna być prowadzona gospodarka finansowa określonej jednostki. Regulacje w tym obszarze pozostają niejednoznaczne, a w doktrynie pojawiają się spory dotyczące wykładni. Autorzy scharakteryzowali przesłanki tej odpowiedzialności i odpowiedzieli na pytanie o jej dopuszczalność i granice, konfrontując przy tym stanowiska komisji orzekających w sprawach o naruszenie dyscypliny finansów publicznych.
Appropriate processes related to incurring liabilities are extremely important from the perspective of financial management rules. In the public finance sector, liabilities concerning public funds can be incurred only on the basis of an authorisation based on the legal regulations or legal events. Its scope has to be considered, among others, in subject matter terms, which – according to the regulations – sets the limit for expenditure planned in budgets or financial plans. Exceeding of this scope is illegal and is assessed, among others, from the perspective of the public finance discipline. A related breach calls for, every time, reference to the regulations that govern the financial management of a given unit. Regulations in the area are ambiguous, and there are disputes in the doctrine as for their interpretation. The authors of the article aim at characterising the reasoning behind this responsibility and at answering the question about its acceptability and limits, at the same time confronting the stances of commissions that make judgements as for public finance discipline breaches.
Kontrola Państwowa; 2023, 68, 5 (412); 60-72
Pojawia się w:
Kontrola Państwowa
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Koncepcja usług ekosystemów : Zastosowanie w zarządzaniu publicznym i kontroli państwowej
Concept of Ecosystem Services – Application in Public Management and State Auditing
Piekarski, Rafał
Data publikacji:
Najwyższa Izba Kontroli
usługi ekosystemów
koncepcja ES
zarządzanie publiczne
kryteria kontroli
kontrola państwowa
zrównoważony rozwój
ecosystem services
ES concept
sustainable development
public management
audit criteria
audit control
Jednym z najważniejszych współczesnych wyzwań, jeśli nie najważniejszym, jest minimalizowanie zagrożeń związanych z kryzysem klimatycznym. Zmiany środowiskowe wynikające z nadmiernej eksploatacji zasobów przyrodniczych są źródłem wielu problemów społecznych i gospodarczych. Koncepcja usług ekosystemów stanowi odpowiedź na potrzebę zrównoważonego zarządzania zasobami naturalnymi. Artykuł przybliża możliwości jej wykorzystania w polityce publicznej i regulacjach prawnych (głównie na poziomie unijnym i krajowym) oraz wybrane praktyczne sposoby jej zastosowania w zarządzaniu publicznym. Zwraca uwagę, że koncepcja może mieć znaczenie dla kontroli państwowej. Daje też możliwość szerszego wykorzystania w praktyce kontrolerskiej kryterium gospodarności
One of the most important current challenges, or possibly the most important one, is to minimise the treats related to climate crisis. Environmental changes, resulting from exploitation of natural resources, cause numerous social and economic problems. The concept of ecosystem services is one of the responses to the need for sustainable management of natural resources. The article presents the concept, its application in the public policy and legal regulations (mainly at the European Union and national levels), as well as selected practical opportunities of its application in public management. The author claims that it may also be of importance to public auditing. The approach based on ecosystem services – which integrates environmental, social and economic aspects – can be an important element of analyses at the stage of audit planning and audit findings analysis, especially with regard to those related to the implementation of sustainable development goals. Regardless of the extent to which the concept is introduced in public administration activities, it provides opportunities for being more widely used in the audit practice as the criterion of economy.
Kontrola Państwowa; 2020, 65, 6 (395); 123-148
Pojawia się w:
Kontrola Państwowa
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Ewolucja instytucji budżetu zadaniowego w Wielkiej Brytanii - nowe zarządzanie publiczne
Evolution of Performance Budgeting in the United Kingdom – New Public Management
Zawadzka, Patrycja
Data publikacji:
Najwyższa Izba Kontroli
budżet zadaniowy
Wielka Brytania
informacja o wynikach
kontrola wydatków publicznych
zarządzanie środkami publicznymi
performance budget
United Kingdom
pronouncement on audit results
public funds management
Budżet zadaniowy w Wielkiej Brytanii, będący elementem nowego zarządzania publicznego, przez ostatnie 25 lat przeszedł kilka istotnych przeobrażeń. Celem opracowania jest analiza zmian, jakie zaszły w trakcie formowania obecnego modelu wydatkowania środków publicznych i sposobu kontroli wykonania budżetu zadaniowego. Zjednoczone Królestwo przyjęło wiele inspirujących rozwiązań, zachęcających do refleksji nad wprowadzeniem podobnych w Polsce.
The history of performance budgeting in the United Kingdom, as an element of public management, dates back to 1998 when the “Expenditure Review” White Paper was elaborated. Within each department established in the state, an obligation was introduced to sign specific contracts for public services. The article also discusses the way for implementing the “value for money” directive and the documents that now provide the framework for effective public funds management. The main criteria that have an impact on the so called public value have been grouped within four pillars that constitute the framework. The areas indicated should be subject to consecutive analyses before budgetary money spending. The article also presents the paper of the Treasury of May 2021 entitled Managing Public Money, which contains, among other, a checklist with questions that should be answered before projects financed with public funds are implemented.
Kontrola Państwowa; 2021, 66, 6/II (401); 93-105
Pojawia się w:
Kontrola Państwowa
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Środki ministerstw w budżetowaniu zadaniowym - zarządzanie i gospodarowanie funduszami publicznymi
Resources of Ministries in Performance Budgeting – Public Funds Management
Lubińska, Teresa
Data publikacji:
Najwyższa Izba Kontroli
budżet centralny
budżet zadaniowy
zarządzanie w sektorze publicznym
kontrola zarządcza
central budget
performance budget
management in public sector
Podsektor rządowy od wielu lat wykorzystuje narzędzia, które wspierają procesy zarządzania i gospodarowania środkami publicznymi, w tym budżet zadaniowy oraz kontrolę zarządczą. W artykule podjęto próbę oceny zadaniowego planu wydatków z punktu widzenia ich konsolidacji w ramach zadań oraz biorąc pod uwagę strukturę wydatków poszczególnych dysponentów zgodnie z przepisami art. 124 ustawy o finansach publicznych1 . Zagadnienia te mają istotne znaczenie dla jasności i transparentności tak skonstruowanego planu wydatków.
The objective of the article is to assess the consolidated expenditure plan in performance budgeting in the government sub-sector according to the criteria of the centres of responsibility for pro-effective management, and according to the criterion of economic expenditure groups of individual budget parts. In the introduction, the output of the economic and legal sciences has been discussed, of importance to improving the tools for modern management of public tasks. Strong links have been indicated between performance budgeting and internal control. The significance of human capital for effective public tasks management has been emphasised. A postulate has been formulated to assign objectives, expenditures and measurements with the main administrators who manage public tasks. On the basis of the expenditure structure of two ministries – in accordance with Article 124 of the law on public finance – namely the Ministry of the Interior and Administration and the Ministry of Science and Higher Education, two different opportunities have been presented as for using performance budgeting instruments. The article employs the desk research method and descriptive statistics.
Kontrola Państwowa; 2021, 66, 6/II (401); 14-30
Pojawia się w:
Kontrola Państwowa
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Wizyta Prezesa NIK w NOK Litwy – posiedzenie Podkomisji ds. Standardów Kontroli Wewnętrznej w Wilnie
Visit of NIK President to the SAI of Lithuania – Meeting of the Subcommittee on Internal Control Standards
Żyndul, Kamila
Data publikacji:
Najwyższa Izba Kontroli
guideline on reporting on internal control
guideline on risk management in the public sector
Subcommittee on Internal Control Standards
The meeting, held on 27-28 May 2014, gathered representatives of twelve SAIs – members of the Subcommittee on Internal Control Standards and representatives of external partners that cooperate with the Subcommittee – the International Federation of Accountants (IFAC) and the Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD), as well as of the ministries of finance of Lithuania and Poland – to represent the main addresses of the documents that the Subcommittee develops. The participants of the meeting discussed the Subcommittee’s work plan for the years 2014-2016 that comprises, among others, a revision of the guideline on reporting on internal control and the guideline on risk management in the public sector. At the bilateral meeting, President of NIK Krzysztof Kwiatkowski and Auditor General of Lithuania Giedrė Švedienė discussed, among others, ideas for further cooperation of the SAIs of the Baltic and Eastern European regions, the initiative of the SAI of Lithuania to conduct a parallel audit of municipalities, and the organisation of the European Court of Auditors’ visits to the EU Member States.
Kontrola Państwowa; 2014, 59, 3(356); 146-150
Pojawia się w:
Kontrola Państwowa
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Zarządzanie finansami lokalnymi – jak JST radzą sobie z redukcją zadłużenia?
Management of Local Finances – How Local Self-Government Units Deal with Indebtedness Reduction
Dobrowolski, Zbysław
Data publikacji:
Najwyższa Izba Kontroli
public debt
deficit of public finances
financial management of local overnment
indebtedness reduction
budget year
budget incomes
The objective of the audit was to assess the activities undertaken by local self-government units (JSTs) related to observing the set indebtedness limits and to execution of selected budget incomes. The following audit areas have been set: whether JSTs properly financed the budget deficit and met their liabilities, whether they observed the indebtedness limits set by the law and fairly presented information of the level of debt, whether incomes from taxes and charges were obtained properly. It was decided that the audit would cover 11 out of 83 municipalities of the Lubuskie region, taking into account the level of their debt. NIK’s own studies have been supplemented with the analysis of the data obtained from the Regional Accounting Chamber in Zielona Góra, related to the financial situation of all JSTs in the region.
Kontrola Państwowa; 2016, 61, 5 (370); 90-101
Pojawia się w:
Kontrola Państwowa
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Zagospodarowanie odpadów komunalnych - działania organów administracji publicznej
Management of Municipal Waste – Activities of Public Administration Bodies
Gruszecka, Alicja
Data publikacji:
Najwyższa Izba Kontroli
management of municipal waste
public administration bodies
municipal waste
waste processing
collection of waste
The audit of providing appropriate management of municipal waste by public administration bodies was carried out on NIK’s own initiative, in relation to the introduction of a new system for municipal waste treatment. The system is based on selective collection of waste from property owners, and then on their management in regional systems for municipal waste processing. The audit was additionally justified with press information according to which, for instance, not all regions of municipal waste management had been equipped with appropriate systems. Also, in some regional waste management plans, the status of a regional system was often granted to systems that did not meet the legal requirements or had too low capacity, and in many municipalities irregularities existed as for delivering waste to the regional municipal waste systems which, consequently, hampered their functioning. What is more, municipalities did not provide sufficient supervision of the companies that collected, processed and neutralised municipal waste, as a result of which the amount of municipal waste transported to garbage dumps has increased.
Kontrola Państwowa; 2017, 62, 5 (376); 97-111
Pojawia się w:
Kontrola Państwowa
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Chaos estetyczny polskich miast - zagospodarowanie przestrzeni publicznej
Aesthetic Chaos in Polish Cities – Public Spatial Management
Pankowska, Marta
Data publikacji:
Najwyższa Izba Kontroli
public space and landscape
culture park
spatial management plans
landscape laws
The Supreme Audit Office carried out the audit of the implementation by selected local self-government units of the tasks related to shaping public landscape and space, especially in culture parks. In accordance with the current regulations, public space can be protected in several different ways. The instruments available here include providing spatial management plans, landscape laws and commercial charges, establishment of culture parks, protection of road areas and conservation supervision. In the opinion of the Supreme Audit Office the activities undertaken in the audited cities have had an impact on public space quality improvement. Still, the level of this impact varies. The most effective activities were undertaken in Kraków and Wrocław, while the least effective – in Radom and in Zakopane – with regard to the culture park of Kotlina Zakopiańska.
Kontrola Państwowa; 2018, 63, 4 (381); 87-99
Pojawia się w:
Kontrola Państwowa
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Zapewnienie realizacji celów i zadań jako nadrzędny cel kontroli zarządczej : Uczelnie jednostkami sektora finansów publicznych
Ensuring Implementation of Objectives and Tasks as Superior Goal of Management Control – Universities as Public Finance Sector Entities
Humel-Maciewiczak, Małgorzata
Kruczek, Katarzyna
Data publikacji:
Najwyższa Izba Kontroli
kontrola zarządcza
standardy kontroli zarządczej
dyscyplina finansów publicznych
zarządzanie ryzykiem
oświadczenie o stanie kontroli zarządczej
management control
management control standards
public finance discipline
risk management
statement on the state of management control
Stosowanie przepisów dotyczących kontroli zarządczej w jednostkach sektora finansów publicznych od lat rodzi problemy. Wątpliwości interpretacyjne wywołuje zarówno sama jej koncepcja, jak i praktyczne rozumienie poszczególnych wymogów prawnych. W artykule podjęto próbę wyjaśnienia najistotniejszych kwestii dotyczących praktyki stosowania kontroli zarządczej na przykładzie uczelni publicznej jako jednostki sektora finansów publicznych.
Over the last decade, i.e. since the notion of management control was introduced to the Polish legal system, the Supreme Audit Office has been especially interested in the issue, in numerous areas of its activities. Starting from the audits dedicated to management control as a whole or its most significant aspects, to the discussions with the participation of practitioners and representatives of scientific circles, the Supreme Audit Office has been contributing to the operations of the public finance sector. For instance, NIK explains what management control consists in, and simul taneously it promotes the concept that supports effective and efficient management of public finance sector entities. Regretfully, although time has passed, the opinion voiced in 2013 by Józef Płoskonka, PhD remains still valid: “[…] the establishment of individual activities within management control focuses mainly on formal aspects only, and it frequently leads to making them more bureaucratic”. While we attempt to identify the reasons for such a situation, the main explanation seems to be the misun derstanding of the management control concept and, as Krystyna Lisiecka, Prof PhD put it: “the notion crisis around the management control”. Hence the initiative of the Association of Certified Auditors and Internal Control Experts has been established, which consists in organising the First Management Control and Internal Audit Workshop for self-governments of the Śląskie Region. The intention behind was, in the first place, to explain the idea of management control, illustrated with examples, good practices, as well as an attempt to explain misinter pretations of the notion, e.g. the one that understands management control as equal to the control function in its narrow sense, consisting in examining and evaluating an activity or a state ex post. The article has been inspired by the invitation addressed to a NIK representative to par ticipate in the workshop and to deliver an introductory lecture, followed by a discus sion on management control, and – in the first place – the demands of the participants. The authors of the article did not intend it to be an in-depth compendium, where the weaknesses of legal regulations on management control would be considered. The article has been intended to be a brief presentation of the most important issues of management control practical application, discussed by the co-author of the article during the workshop, with a theoretical layer added. In our article, we have also dis cussed the functioning of the selected elements of the management control system on the basis of a public university – looked at as a public finance sector entity. Our con siderations revolved around the following key questions: what management control is and what its important elements are; the persons responsible for implementation of the tasks in the area – starting with the format of management control to an eval uation of the adopted solutions. In order to address these questions, Articles 68-70 of the Act on public finance have to be referred to, as well as the communiqués issued on the basis of Article 69 (3-5) of the Act. These documents also comprise: manage ment control standards for the public finance sector, detailed guidelines on management control for the public finance sector issued by the Minister of Finance, and detailed guidelines for government administration departments set and published by the min isters of these departments.
Kontrola Państwowa; 2020, 65, 4 (393); 31-52
Pojawia się w:
Kontrola Państwowa
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Efektywność energetyczna gospodarki – finansowanie i realizacja przedsięwzięć
Energy Effectiveness of Economy – Financing and Implementation of Initiatives in the Area
Sikorska, Elżbieta
Data publikacji:
Najwyższa Izba Kontroli
efektywność energetyczna
oszczędność energii
środki publiczne
sektory gospodarki
zarządzanie energią
energy effectiveness
energy saving
public funds
energy management
sectors of the economy
Przeciwdziałanie negatywnym skutkom zmian klimatu, których przyczyną jest działalność sektora energetycznego oraz ograniczenie związanych z nią emisji zanieczyszczeń do środowiska jest jednym z najważniejszych celów UE. Dlatego Unia Europejska przyjęła osiągnięcie 20% oszczędności energii pierwotnej w 2020 r. w stosunku do prognoz z 2007 r. Celem kontroli NIK było zbadanie, czy przedsięwzięcia podejmowane na rzecz poprawy efektywności energetycznej zapewniały zmniejszanie zużycia energii. Oceniono zwłaszcza spójność krajowego systemu poprawy efektywności energetycznej oraz skuteczność finansowych i pozafinansowych instrumentów wsparcia. Badaniem dotyczącym lat 2016–2019 objęto urzędy administracji państwowej, a także przedsiębiorstwa realizujące takie obowiązki lub korzystające z pomocy publicznej na działania związane z przedmiotem kontroli.
One of the most important goals of the EU is to counteract the negative consequences of climate changes due to, among other, the activities of the energy sector, and to reduce the related emission. These are also the basis of the European policy aimed at limiting the effects of adverse factors on climate. The European Union committed to obtain, in 2020, 20 percent savings in primary energy in relation to the 2007 forecast. The objective of the audit was to examine whether the initiatives taken in order to improve energy effectiveness actually guaranteed reduced use of energy. The focus of the audit was to evaluate the comprehensiveness of the national system for energy effectiveness improvement, and the effectiveness of financial and non-financial support instruments. The audit covered the years 2016–2019, and it was conducted at state administration offices, as well as the enterprises that fulfilled those obligations or that used public funds for activities related to the audit topic.
Kontrola Państwowa; 2020, 65, 3 (392); 85-93
Pojawia się w:
Kontrola Państwowa
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Gospodarka majątkowa i finansowa TVP - nieprawidłowości w zarządzaniu
Assets Management and Financial Management of the Polish Television – Irregularities in Management
Róg, Łukasz
Data publikacji:
Najwyższa Izba Kontroli
Telewizja Polska
misja publiczna
gospodarka majątkowa i finansowa
zarządzanie nieruchomościami
nadzór nad oddziałami terenowymi
Polish Television
public mission
property management
supervision of local branches
Nierzetelny nadzór nad kanałem Belsat TV i oddziałami terenowymi, zawieranie umów z kontrahentami na organizację imprez dopiero po ich zrealizowaniu, bardzo wysokie koszty związane z utworzeniem i prowadzeniem kanału oraz portalu Poland In, niewłaściwe administrowanie nieruchomościami – to tylko niektóre nie prawidłowości ujawnione przez Najwyższą Izbę Kontroli w Telewizji Polskiej. Kontrola miała odpowiedzieć na pytanie, czy spółka właściwie zarządza majątkiem i gospodaruje środkami finansowymi.
Negligent supervision of the Belsat TV channel and local branches, contracts for mass events concluded with providers only after their completion, excessively high costs related to the establishment and operations of the Poland In channel and portal, im proper assets management – these are just a few of the irregularities disclosed by the Supreme Audit Office in the Polish Television (TVP SA). The objective of the audit was to examine whether the company properly managed its assets and financial re sources. The audit was conducted in 2020, it covered the years 2014–2020, and it concerned the TVP SA Main Headquarters and its 16 local branches. It revealed that the Polish Television had developed and implemented multiannual strategic plans that set directions for multiannual policies on human resources, investments and finance. However, the audit also indicated irregularities in the management of assets and fi nancial resources of TVP, as well as insufficient supervision of the local branches. Moreover, NIK also commented on the restructuring measures introduced by TVP in the years 2013–2014, comprising outsourcing of services and staff outsourcing. In his article, the author has discussed the findings of this audit.
Kontrola Państwowa; 2021, 66, 6/I (401); 66-80
Pojawia się w:
Kontrola Państwowa
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
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