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Optical properties of crude oil detected in seawater
Haule, K.
Toczek, H.
Data publikacji:
Instytut Techniczny Wojsk Lotniczych
crude oil
marine ecology
oil pollution
The effects of crude oils entering marine environment have been investigated since early 1960s when oil pollution became a subject of global environmental concern. Extraction and transportation of crude oils have been contributing to water pollution especially in closed water basins, such as the Baltic Sea. It was estimated that yearly oil input to the Baltic Sea amounts to 21-70 thousands of tons, which is twice higher than in the North Sea and three times higher than in the North Atlantic. Growing pollution loads into the Baltic Sea created a demand for multifarious studies on the environmental effects of oil products. In this study, we focus on bio-optical and ecological aspects of the presence of crude oil in seawater. Dispersed oil droplets occur in seawater as the result of contaminated river inflows, bilge water discharges and as the consequence of mechanical and chemical dispersion of oil spills. Their optical properties depend on oil type, concentration and size distribution. We present further results obtained from the developed fluorescence-based method for determination of the crude oil concentration in natural Baltic seawater and for evaluation of the oil droplets size by applying vacuum filtering. The results have been measured for the samples collected in Southern Baltic Sea during several ship cruises in 2012. We discuss the application of vacuum filtering in the fluorescence analyses in the context of laboratory, in situ and remote detection of dispersed oil.
Journal of KONES; 2014, 21, 3; 127-132
Pojawia się w:
Journal of KONES
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Fluorescence properties of mechanically dispersed crude oil
Haule, K.
Toczek, H.
Data publikacji:
Instytut Techniczny Wojsk Lotniczych
crude oil
marine ecology
oil pollution
Despite of numerous actions undertook by the global and local authorities towards protection of marine environment, oil pollution loads into the Baltic Sea still tend to increase and need to be continuously estimated in order to apply the legal regulations. There is a demand for multifarious studies on the environmental effects of oil products. Dispersed oil droplets occur in seawater as the result of contaminated river inflows, bilge water discharges and as the consequence of mechanical and chemical dispersion of oil spills. Their optical properties depend on oil type, concentration and size distribution. Oil content influences many environmental factors, like water quality and bio-optical parameters (e.g. water-leaving radiance, inherent optical properties, seawater fluorescence). We present a unique study of the collected database of crude oil fluorescence spectra for better understanding the correlations between oil optical properties and its concentration, as well as for evaluation of the oil droplets size by the application of vacuum filtering using three filters of different permeability. Fluorescence spectra have been registered for oil-in-water emulsion samples prepared in the laboratory by mechanical dispersion. We discuss the optical properties of crude oil and the relationships between them in the context of potential remote detection of dispersed oil in seawater.
Journal of KONES; 2014, 21, 4; 161-167
Pojawia się w:
Journal of KONES
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Light absorption properties of ‘Petrobaltic’ oil-in-water emulsion present in seawater
Baszanowska, E.
Otremba, Z.
Data publikacji:
Instytut Techniczny Wojsk Lotniczych
crude oil, absorbance
absorption spectra of dispersed oil
absorption coefficient
oil-in-water emulsion
In the article, the characteristic of crude oil ‘Petrobaltic’ potentially present in the Baltic Sea water masses is considered in relation to the protection of marine environment. The main spectroscopic method to characterize various oils (crudes and refinery products like fuels and lubricating oils) is fluorescence. However, the absorbance measurements of oils are necessary due to the partial overlapping the spectra of natural seawater components and oil substances. Therefore, properties of crude oil are considered to expand the basis of spectroscopic properties of oils – typical marine organic pollutants – based on absorption measurements. Oils potentially found in the marine environment are, in addition to surface forms, also in-depth ones as oil-in-water emulsion. Therefore, in the article crude oil as oil-in-water emulsion form is considered. As a solvent demineralised water with salinity, corresponding to Baltic Sea salinity was used. Several concentrations of dispersed crude oil were prepared. The absorbance spectra in the UV and visual range of the light in the range from 240 to 600 nm, for each prepared samples are discussed. Based on the Lambert-Beer law for each wavelength of excitation, in the range 240-600 nm, the specific parameter absorption coefficient was determined. Obtained results indicate the rapid decreasing of the absorbance for this kind of oil in the wavelength range from 240 nm to 420 nm. However, in the shape of absorbance spectra is observed the characteristic wide and flat peak located at 260 nm for excitation wavelength, which could be a specific point for this kind of oil.
Journal of KONES; 2018, 25, 3; 59-64
Pojawia się w:
Journal of KONES
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Properties of the Baltic crude oil in the oil-in-water emulsion form : excitation-emission spectra
Baszanowska, E.
Otremba, Z.
Data publikacji:
Instytut Techniczny Wojsk Lotniczych
crude oil
excitation-emission spectra
ropa naftowa
woda morska
Due to the fact that marine environment contamination by oil substances are not uncommon, it is necessary to improve the ability of determine their origin. Therefore, research on the possibility of recognizing the type of oil using its individual characteristic manifested in the processes of fluorescence excitation has been undertaken. Oil pollutants present in seawater mainly coming from ship drives, tankers, pipelines or sea bottom seeps, moreover oil leaks from offshore extraction equipment also are possible. For this reason, the crude oil extracted from the Baltic Sea deposit in the Polish Maritime Areas has been chosen for tests. Fluorescence properties of water containing small amounts of oil (concentrations from 5.59 to 55.4 ppm) in the form of oil-in-water emulsion were tested. Individual samples were assigned matrices of fluorescent values for different wavelengths, while excited by monochromatic light also for different wavelengths. The obtained matrices were visualized as a contour maps and 3D charts. For considered concentrations of crude oil dispersed in water, the wavelength-independent fluorescence maximum was determined. Obtained result indicates that in the studied wavelength range, the total fluorescence intensity is proportional to the oil concentration only for the lowest oil concentrations. The analysis of the objective parameter of the difference between the shapes of spectra indicates the similarity of the spectral shape for the lowest oil concentrations. These results are the methodological suggestion, that for the purpose of identifying the type of oil dispersed in water, spectra should be determined for sequences of different dilutions, until the excitation-emission spectra shapes become independent from the oil concentration.
Journal of KONES; 2018, 25, 1; 7-14
Pojawia się w:
Journal of KONES
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Constructional and exploitational parameters of tankers built during last 40 years
Parametry konstrukcyjno-eksploatacyjne zbiornikowców budowanych w okresie ostatnich 40 lat
Herdzik, J.
Kaczmarek, K.
Data publikacji:
Instytut Techniczny Wojsk Lotniczych
zmiany konstrukcyjno-eksploatacyjne
crude oil transport
constructional and exploitational changes
The ships, reckoned to tankers group and constructed in the period of last 40 years were submitted to analysis. The hull database of Clarkson firm, comprehensive the group of 5114 ships was rendered accessible and used. Rendered accessible base had the very limited presented range of parameters, in the relation with this the range of a possible analysis of construction - exploitation parameters had to be adapted to possessed information. The obtained conclusions show on construction of ships in the selected ranges of displacements (of sizes) - this has justification in their appropriation and in constructional - exploitation demands, for example, shipping line, the possibility of passage through the channels, the possibility of entry to the selected harbour. The correlation relations submitted to analysis between the selected parameters, by such as: the ships carrying capacity in the function of the construction year, proportional participations of numbers and the carrying capacities in the separate ranges of displacements in years, its length and draught in the function of carrying capacities, the capacity of the loading tanks in the function of carrying capacities and the number of cargo tanks depending on the carrying capacity of tanker. Obtained results are submitted in the report suggesting the possible causes of changes setting down. These changes setting down through the period of last 40 years are shown and hypothesis are stated relating direction of the changes of the constructional - exploitation parameters of tankers, which will be constructed in the next few years. The motor of these changes will be, among others, the requirements of the environmental protection rules, the limitations of entry on the indicated sea waters, the necessity of construction of ships with so-called double hull (double shell). Considering yearly growth of crude oil quantities transported by the sea, the demand on construction of new ships to transport it will be stepped out, with the fulfilment of the condition of minimalization of the costs of transport of 1 ton of load.
Analizie poddano statki zaliczone do grupy zbiornikowców, budowane w okresie ostatnich 40 lat. Skorzystano z udostępnionej bazy danych firmy Clarkson, obejmującej grupę 5114 jednostek. Udostępniona baza miała ograniczony zakres prezentowanych parametrów, w związku z tym zakres możliwej analizy parametrów konstrukcyjno - eksploatacyjnych musiał być dostosowany do posiadanych informacji. Uzyskane wnioski wskazują na budowę statków w wybranych zakresach wyporności (wielkości) - ma to uzasadnienie w ich przeznaczeniu i wymaganiach konstrukcyjno-eksploatacyjnych, np. linia żeglugowa, możliwość przejścia przez kanały, możliwość wejścia do wybranego portu. Poddano analizie zależności korelacyjne pomiędzy wybranymi parametrami, takimi jak: nośność statku w funkcji roku budowy, udziały procentowe liczebności i zdolności przewozowych w poszczególnych zakresach nośności latach, jego długość i zanurzenie w funkcji nośności, pojemność zbiorników ładunkowych w funkcji nośności oraz liczbę zbiorników ładunkowych w zależności od nośności tankowca. Uzyskane wyniki przedstawiono w referacie sugerując możliwe powody zachodzących zmian. Wskazano te zmiany zachodzące przez okres ostatnich 40 lat oraz postawiono hipotezy dotyczące kierunku zmian parametrów konstrukcyjno -eksploatacyjnych zbiornikowców, które będą budowane w najbliższych latach. Motorem tych zmian będą m. in. wymogi przepisów ochrony środowiska, ograniczenia wejścia na wskazane akweny morskie, konieczność budowy statków z tzw. podwójnym kadłubem (double shell). Ze względu na coroczny wzrost ilości transportowanej ropy naftowej morzem, występować będzie zapotrzebowanie na budowę nowych statków do jej przewozu, przy spełnieniu warunku minimalizacji kosztów transportu 1 tony ładunku.
Journal of KONES; 2008, 15, 4; 179-186
Pojawia się w:
Journal of KONES
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Energetic parameters of tankers built during last 40 years
Parametry energetyczne zbiornikowców budowanych w okresie ostatnich 40 lat
Herdzik, J.
Kaczmarek, K.
Data publikacji:
Instytut Techniczny Wojsk Lotniczych
transport ropy naftowej
parametry energetyczne i eksploatacyjne
zmiany parametrów
crude oil transport
energetic and exploitation parameters changes
Analizie poddano statki zaliczone do grupy zbiornikowców, budowane w okresie ostatnich 40 lat. Przedmiotem analizy były parametry energetyczne tego typu statków, w szczególności: prędkość eksploatacyjna statku, moc silnika głównego, typ i producent silnika głównego, a w związku z tym typ układu napędowego. Zachodzące zmiany dotyczyły głównie zmian powodowanych ograniczaniem prędkości statków, które umożliwiały ograniczenie zużycia paliwa, a w rezultacie zmniejszenie kosztów paliwa w ogólnych kosztach eksploatacji statków, których udział zaczął wzrastać z poziomu 10% do około 50%. Czynnikiem, który wymuszał takie działania był skokowy wzrost cen paliw żeglugowych. Problem ten obecnie ponownie nabiera istotnego znaczenia, dlatego, że cena paliw żeglugowych w porównaniu z rokiem 1993 (wyrażana w USD) wzrosła 10-15 razy. Z powodu oszczędności na kosztach paliwa, prędkości tankowców są stosunkowo niskie, co powoduje, że moce silników głównych nie są duże (np. w stosunku do kontenerowców). Występuje jednak preferencja instalowania wolnoobrotowych silników dwusuwowych z napędem bezpośrednim, aby wykorzystać możliwości uzyskania najwyższych sprawności napędowych. Powoduje to, że statki powinny osiągać założone prędkości pływania niezależnie od warunków zewnętrznych (stanu morza i atmosfery). Podstawowym zagrożeniem dla bezpieczeństwa tak wielkich statków (groźba pękania kadłuba) są odkryte, płytkie wody przybrzeżne, na których mogą powstać w wyniku spiętrzenia wysokie fale. Podane w artykule wzory aproksymacyjne pozwalają na oszacowanie, w fazie projektu wstępnego tankowca, istotnych parametrów energetycznych, w szczególności mocy silnika głównego oraz innych parametrów eksploatacyjnych. Dopóki w transporcie morskim będzie dostępna ropa naftowa jako ładunek, dopóty rozwój tankowców będzie następował i będą to statki dominujące pod względem tonażu.
It was presented energetic and exploitational parameters of tankers built during last 40 years. It was made use of Clarkson database of tankers. The analysis of correlation between chosen parameters was made, for example among main engine power and tanker length overall, among main engine power and her deadweight, among main engine power and exploitational speed. Tanker parameters were the subject of interest like: main engine power, type of the engine, type of propulsion, exploitational speed. Rapid increase of crude oil and marine fuel oils was the cause of decreasing tanker exploitational speed in the aim of decreasing fuel oil consumption. Cost of fuel oil in total exploitational cost of tanker has been increasing from level of 10% to level of 50%. It is a current issue because from 1993 year the price of marine fuel oils increases from 10 to 15 times in USD. Because of the costs of fuel economy, the speeds of tankers are relatively low, that causes, that power of their main engine is not great (in comparison with container ships, for example). Steps out however the preference in installation of slow-speed two-cycle engines with direct drive propeller, in order to utilize the possibilities to obtain the highest propulsion efficiency. It causes, that ships ought to achieve the assumed cruise speeds irrespective of the outer conditions (of state of sea and the atmosphere). The basic threat for safety of so big ships (threat of the hull crack) is open, shallow coastal waters, on which the high waves can originate as a result of the towering. The approximation formulas published in the article permit, in the period of the tanker preliminary design, on estimation of essential energy parameters, in particular the power of main engine and other exploitation parameters. As long as in sea transport crude oil will be available as cargo, the tankers development will occur and they will be predominant ships with regard to tonnage.
Journal of KONES; 2008, 15, 3; 187-194
Pojawia się w:
Journal of KONES
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
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