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Water chemistry of Lake Gilwa
Chemizm wod jeziora Gilwa
Grochowska, J
Tandyrak, R.
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet Warmińsko-Mazurski w Olsztynie / Polskie Towarzystwo Magnezologiczne im. Prof. Juliana Aleksandrowicza
water chemistry
lake water
Lake Gilwa
preliminary production
Secchi disc visibility
The study was carried on Lake Giłwa (100.8 ha, 9.4 m), in the drainage basin of the Giłwa and Pasłęka rivers. The data obtained in the study allowed the authors to classify Lake Giłwa as a water body belonging to the third stability degree according to Patalas (1960). As evidenced in the study, Lake Giłwa is a highly eutrophic reservoir. The lake waters were characterized by a high content of nutrients, up to 1.40 mg P·dm-3 and 12.47 mg N·dm-3. The high fertility of the lake was also exhibited by the values of BOD5 reaching 7 mg O2·dm-3, chlorophyll a content (73 mg·m-3) and low transparency — 0.7 m. In the peak of the summer, the stagnation oxygen profile is represented by a clinograde curve typical for eutrophic lakes, while carbon dioxide distribution in the water column is shown by a „reverse” clinograde curve, also typical for fertile reservoirs. The study has revealed that the water in Lake Giłwa is well buffered, as shown by the alkalinity values, 2.5-5.0 mval dm-3. Total hardness of the reservoir water varied from 157.1 to 278.8 mg CaCO3·dm-3, which is typical of hard water. The hardness was conditioned mainly by the calcium content. With the River Giłwa, the lake receives wastewater from the wastewater treatment plant in Gietrzwałd, which is manifested, for example, by the high values of electrolytic conductivity (321-476 µS·cm-1), indicating the degree of mineral pollution of the lake. Despite the wastewater input, the amount of chlorides is rather low, 20 mg Cl·dm-3 at the most.
Badaniami objęto jezioro Giłwa (100,8 ha, 9,4 m) położone w dorzeczu Giłwy-Pasłęki. Pod względem dynamiki wód jest to zbiornik o III stopniu statyczności wg Patalasa (1960). Badania chemiczne wód wykazały, iż jezioro Giłwa jest zbiornikiem silnie zeutrofizowanym. W jego wodach stwierdzono bardzo wysoką zawartość związków biogenicznych - 1,40 mg P·dm-3 i 12,47 mg N·dm-3. O dużej żyzności jeziora świadczyły także wartości BZT5, dochodzące do 7,0 mg O2·dm-3, ilość chlorofilu a (ok. 73 mg·m-3) i niska przezroczystość wody — 0,7 m. W szczytowym okresie lata zawartość tlenu w wodzie obrazowała krzywa klinogradowa, typowa dla jezior eutroficznych, zaś rozkład dwutlenku węgla w słupie wody miał kształt odwrotnej klinogrady, co również jest typowe dla jezior żyznych. Badania wykazały, że wody jeziora Giłwa są dobrze zbuforowane, o czym świadczyły wartości alkaliczności od 2,5 do 5,0 mval dm-3. Twardość ogólna wód tego akwenu zmieniała się od 157,1 do 278,8 mg CaCO3·dm-3, co pozwala określić jego wody jako twarde. O twardości wód decydowała głównie zawartość wapnia. Za pośrednictwem rzeki Giłwy do jeziora doprowadzane są ścieki z oczyszczalni ścieków w Gietrzwałdzie, co uwidacznia się w wysokich wartościach przewodności elektrolitycznej (321-476 µS·cm-1), wskazującej na stopień zanieczyszczenia wód związkami mineralnymi. Pomimo dopływu ścieków, w wodach analizowanego zbiornika stwierdzono niewielką ilość chlorków - do 20 mg Cl·dm-3.
Journal of Elementology; 2010, 15, 1; 89-99
Pojawia się w:
Journal of Elementology
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Changes in the quality of water in Brdowskie Lake in 1997-2006
Zmiany jakosci wod Jeziora Brdowskiego w latach 1997-2006
Staniszewski, R
Szoszkiewicz, J.
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet Warmińsko-Mazurski w Olsztynie / Polskie Towarzystwo Magnezologiczne im. Prof. Juliana Aleksandrowicza
water quality
lake water
Lake Brdowskie
qualitative change
quality indicator
Wielkopolska region
water level fluctuation
Most lakes in Poland are shallow and vulnerable to degradation mostly due to lake morphology and landscape structure. Other factors, like discharged sewage, internal loading and human activities in the watershed are also important. During studies on Brdowskie Lake, water samples were taken twice a year (spring and summer season) from the surface layer and analyses of soluble reactive phosphates, total phosphorus, nitrates, conductivity, five-day biochemical oxygen demand, chlorophyll a, dry mass of seston and Secchi depth were undertaken. Brdowskie Lake is situated in Kujawskie Lakeland and its catchment basin covers about 155.3 km2. The littoral vegetation is dominated by reed bed with a minor presence of other taxa. The lake is very susceptible to degradation (morphology, agricultural lands, housing) and has several potential sources of pollution, e.g. Noteæ River, a nameless stream and summer houses. In general, water quality of the lake was better during the spring season, especially in terms of chlorophyll a and dry mass of seston concentrations. In 1997- -2006, the level of conductivity was very changeable with the maximum values observed in 1999-2001. Significant correlations between some parameters in certain seasons of the year were found, e.g. between chlorophyll a and Secchi depth during spring and total phosphorus and phosphates in summer. The impact of water level fluctuations on water quality parameters, like total phosphorus and chlorophyll a was observed. According to the results, the quality water in Brdowskie Lake is improving. After a biological wastewater treatment plant in the catchment had opened, the rate of salts flowing into the lake with sewage was reduced.
Większość jezior w Polsce to jeziora płytkie i podatne na degradację. Jej głównym powodem są na ogół morfologia zbiorników oraz niekorzystna struktura użytkowania zlewni. Inne czynniki, takie jak dopływ ścieków, ładunek wewnętrzny i działalność gospodarcza, mają również istotne znaczenie. Podczas badań Jez. Brdowskiego próby wody pobierano 2 razy w roku (wiosną i jesienią) z warstwy powierzchniowej i wykonywano oznaczenia takich wskaźników, jak: fosfor reaktywny, fosfor ogólny, azot azotanowy, przewodność elektrolityczna właściwa, pięciodobowe zapotrzebowanie tlenu, chlorofil a, sucha masa sestonu i widzialność krążka Secchi’ego. Jezioro Brdowskie usytuowane na Pojezierzu Kujawskim ma zlewnię o pow. ok. 155,3 km2. Litoral zdominowała trzcina, a udział innych taksonów roślin jest mały. Akwen bardzo podatny na degradację (warunki morfologiczne, duży udział terenów wykorzystywanych rolniczo, zabudowania wiejskie) ma wiele potencjalnych źródeł zanieczyszczenia wody, jak np. rzeka Noteć, ciek bez nazwy, domki letniskowe z nieuregulowaną gospodarką wodnościekową oraz pobliskie zabudowania wiejskie. Zazwyczaj jakość wody była wyższa na wiosnę, szczególnie odnośnie do stężeń chlorofilu a oraz suchej masy sestonu. W latach 1997-2006 poziom przewodności elektrolitycznej był bardzo zmienny, a maksimum przypadało na lata 1999-2001. Stwierdzono istotne korelacje między niektórymi wskaźnikami w zależności od pory roku, jak w przypadku chlorofilu a i widzialności krążka Secchi’ego wiosną i fosforu ogólnego i fosforanów rozpuszczonych latem. Zaobserwowano wpływ wahań poziomu lustra wody na niektóre wskaźniki jakości (fosfor ogólny, chlorofil a). Uzyskane wyniki świadczą o poprawie jakości wód Jez. Brdowskiego. Po uruchomieniu oczyszczalni ścieków w Poloniszu obniżył się np. poziom przewodności elektrolitycznej, co świadczy o ograniczeniu dopływu różnych soli do wód akwenu.
Journal of Elementology; 2010, 15, 4; 705-712
Pojawia się w:
Journal of Elementology
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Causes of loading the water of the eutrophic Lake Jagielek with nitrogen and phosphorus compounds under the meteorological conditions of Olsztyn Lakeland
Przyczyny obciazenia wod zeutrofizowanego jeziora Jagielek zwiazkami azotu i fosforu na tle warunkow meteorologicznych Pojezierza Olsztynskiego
Szymczyk, S
Glinska-Lewczuk, K.
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet Warmińsko-Mazurski w Olsztynie / Polskie Towarzystwo Magnezologiczne im. Prof. Juliana Aleksandrowicza
Lake Jagielek
Olsztyn Lake District
eutrophic lake
lake water
meteorological condition
biogenic element
The causes of the eutrophication of Lake Jagiełek, situated around 6 km south-west of Olsztyn, were investigated in the hydrological years 1998-2004. The catchment area of this water body is situated in the watershed zone of the Łyna and Pasłęka rivers. The lake is subject to advanced eutrophication. As regards precipitation amount, the analysed period consisted of three dry years, two normal years and one wet year. Due to the occurrence of three successive dry years and higher evaporation resulting from increased air temperatures (by 0.5°C on average), the lake shallowed with periodic exposure of bottom sediments in the shoreline zone. The periodic exposure and inundation of sections of the lake bottom has led to intense mineralization of bottom sediments. This process contributes to secondary contamination of surface water with mineral substances, mainly nitrogen and phosphorus compounds. The investigated water body is situated in a watershed zone and is characterised by low and stable electrolytic conductivity (113 µS·cm-1 on average) and low pH of water (6.72 on average) which periodically reaches 4.70. The concentration levels of biogenic elements (nitrogen and phosphorus compounds) are subject to seasonal fluctuation. Relatively high concentrations of N-NO3 (1.25 mg dm-3 on average) were observed in the winter and spring, while low levels of this compound (0.18 mg·dm-3 on average) were reported in the summer and autumn. P-PO4 concentrations were marked by a growing trend from 0.26 mg· dm-3 on average in the spring to 0.70 mg·dm-3 on average in the summer. A high water load with biogenic elements, whose concentrations significantly exceeded the allowable and dangerous levels of N and P according to Vollenweider’s criteria, speeded up the eutrophication process and stimulated the gradual self-decline of the entire ecosystem. The restoration of ecological balance in the surveyed.
Przyczyny eutrofizacji jeziora Jagiełek, położonego ok. 6 km na południowy zachód od Olsztyna, badano w latach hydrologicznych 1998-2004. Zlewnia zbiornika jest położona w strefie wododziałowej rzek Łyny i Pasłęki. W zbiorniku stwierdzono zaawansowany stopień eutrofizacji wód. Pod względem ilości opadów, w analizowanym okresie wyróżniono 3 lata suche, 2 normalne i jeden rok wilgotny. Wystąpienie w krótkim okresie kilku lat suchych oraz wzrost parowania w wyniku podwyższenia temperatury powietrza (średnio o 0,5 st.C) spowodowały wypłycenie jeziora, z okresowym odsłanianiem osadów dennych w jego strefie przybrzeżnej. Skutkiem okresowego odsłaniania i zatapiania części dna zbiornika jest intensywna mineralizacja osadów dennych. Powoduje to wtórne zanieczyszczenie wód powierzchniowych składnikami mineralnymi, głównie związkami azotu i fosforu. W zbiorniku zlokalizowanym w strefie wododziałowej wykazano niskie i stabilne wartości przewodnictwa elektrolitycznego (średnio 113 µS·cm-1), niski odczyn wody (średnio pH 6,72), osiągający okresowo pH 4,70 oraz sezonową cykliczność stężeń biogenów (związków azotu i fosforu). Stosunkowo wysokie stężenia N-NO3 (średnio 1,25 mg dm-3) występowały w okresie zimowo-wiosennym, a niskie (średnio 0,18 mg·dm-3) w okresie letnio-jesiennym. Stężenia P-PO4 wykazywały tendencję wzrastającą od średnio 0,26 mg·dm-3 wiosną do średnio 0,70 mg·dm-3 latem. Duże obciążenie wody substancjami biogennymi, przekraczające wielokrotnie dopuszczalne i niebezpieczne poziomy N i P, przyśpieszyło eutrofizację wody i spowodowało ewoluowanie całego ekosystemu w kierunku stopniowej samolikwidacji zbiornika. Odtworzenie równowagi ekologicznej w badanym ekosystemie, powinno opierać się na sezonowości zjawisk klimatycznych i hydrologicznych występujących w regionie przy ponownym włączeniu zbiornika w poziomy obieg wody.
Journal of Elementology; 2007, 12, 4; 347-361
Pojawia się w:
Journal of Elementology
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Long-term cyanobacterial dynamics as related to physicochemical water parameters in a restored urban lake
Zebek, E.
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet Warmińsko-Mazurski w Olsztynie / Polskie Towarzystwo Magnezologiczne im. Prof. Juliana Aleksandrowicza
physicochemical parameter
water parameter
urban lake
The aim of this study has been to determine the response of cyanobacteria to the lake protection and restoration measures implemented in the littoral zone of an urban lake called Jeziorak Mały. The first investigations were conducted in 1996 and were resumed in 1997-2003, 2005 and 2013, following the installation of a separator and the creation of stone accumulation sites. Long-term changes in phytoplankton cyanobacterial proportions, abundance and biomass were analyzed in relation to environmental conditions at the sites in the littoral zone (S – separator pipes, K – sites with stones and R – sites with macrophytes). Relationships between cyanobacteria and water chemistry variables were analyzed by calculating the Spearman’s rank correlation coefficient, and then with canonical correspondence analysis (RDA). The results provided evidence that water temperature, total nitrogen and iron concentration (S, R), but also PO43- in spring (S,K) were the principal factors affecting cyanobacterial development. There was a significant decrease in the share, abundance and biomass of cyanobacteria coinciding with a decrease in conductivity and PO43- following the onset of lake restoration efforts. Changes in dominant species from the ones typical in hypertrophic lakes to those typically found in eutrophic lakes took place during the research. The modifications indicated a strong initial response of cynaobacteria to the restoration measures, but the situation stabilized in 2013, when cyanobacteria returned to their previous average levels. This suggests that the introduction of lake restortation measures contributed to the lake’s improved water quality and they should be retained for efficient lake management in the future.
Journal of Elementology; 2016, 21, 1; 269-282
Pojawia się w:
Journal of Elementology
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Long-term cyanobacterial dynamics as related to physicochemical water parameters in a restored urban lake
Zebek, E.
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet Warmińsko-Mazurski w Olsztynie / Polskie Towarzystwo Magnezologiczne im. Prof. Juliana Aleksandrowicza
physicochemical parameter
water parameter
urban lake
The aim of this study has been to determine the response of cyanobacteria to the lake protection and restoration measures implemented in the littoral zone of an urban lake called Jeziorak Mały. The first investigations were conducted in 1996 and were resumed in 1997-2003, 2005 and 2013, following the installation of a separator and the creation of stone accumulation sites. Long-term changes in phytoplankton cyanobacterial proportions, abundance and biomass were analyzed in relation to environmental conditions at the sites in the littoral zone (S – separator pipes, K – sites with stones and R – sites with macrophytes). Relationships between cyanobacteria and water chemistry variables were analyzed by calculating the Spearman’s rank correlation coefficient, and then with canonical correspondence analysis (RDA). The results provided evidence that water temperature, total nitrogen and iron concentration (S, R), but also PO43- in spring (S,K) were the principal factors affecting cyanobacterial development. There was a significant decrease in the share, abundance and biomass of cyanobacteria coinciding with a decrease in conductivity and PO43- following the onset of lake restoration efforts. Changes in dominant species from the ones typical in hypertrophic lakes to those typically found in eutrophic lakes took place during the research. The modifications indicated a strong initial response of cynaobacteria to the restoration measures, but the situation stabilized in 2013, when cyanobacteria returned to their previous average levels. This suggests that the introduction of lake restortation measures contributed to the lake’s improved water quality and they should be retained for efficient lake management in the future.
Journal of Elementology; 2016, 21, 1
Pojawia się w:
Journal of Elementology
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
The physicochemical background for the development of potentially harmful cyanobacterium Gloeotrichia echinulata J. S. Smith ex Richt
Napiorkowska-Krzebietke, A.
Hutorowicz, A.
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet Warmińsko-Mazurski w Olsztynie / Polskie Towarzystwo Magnezologiczne im. Prof. Juliana Aleksandrowicza
water management
Gloeotrichia echinulata
This study focused on site-specific preferences of potentially harmful cyanobacterium Gloeotrichia echinulata to occur in lakes with different ecological and trophic conditions. Its pelagic growth was studied in six lakes from June to September in 1986-1988, 2000-2001 and 2009. In total, 78 samples were taken from the epilimnion (stratified lakes) or the whole water column (non-stratified lakes). Analyses of phytoplankton and environmental variables were performed according to standard methods. During summer, a distinct maximum of the Gloeotrichia growth was observed in July or August (the warmest period). Bloom events of G. echinulata occurred in lakes where the light and oxygen conditions were significantly inferior while the phosphorus content remained on a slightly elevated level. The distinct domination of this cyanobacterium (above 40% of the total phytoplankton biomass) was limited to lakes with a high, moderate or even poor ecological status, and to the meso-eutrophic or eutrophic state of lakes. However, G. echinulata occurred in a broader range of ecological and trophic conditions of lakes. The historical approach to mass occurrence of G. echinulata, with its possible contribution to phosphorus translocation from sediment to the pelagic zone, suggested its importance as an indicator of progressive ecological and trophic deterioration of lakes. This indication should be very useful for establishment of main targets in water management.
Journal of Elementology; 2015, 20, 2
Pojawia się w:
Journal of Elementology
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Magnesium and calcium concentrations in the surface water and bottom deposits of a river-lake system
Potasznik, A.
Szymczyk, S.
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet Warmińsko-Mazurski w Olsztynie / Polskie Towarzystwo Magnezologiczne im. Prof. Juliana Aleksandrowicza
magnesium concentration
calcium concentration
surface water
bottom deposit
river-lake system
River-lake systems comprise chains of lakes connected by rivers and streams that flow into and out of them. The contact zone between a lake and a river can act as a barrier, where inflowing matter is accumulated and transformed. Magnesium and calcium are natural components of surface water, and their concentrations can be shaped by various factors, mostly the geological structure of a catchment area, soil class and type, plant cover, weather conditions (precipitation- evaporation, seasonal variations), land relief, type and intensity of water supply (surface runoffs and groundwater inflows), etc. The aim of this study was to analyze the influence of a river-lake system on magnesium and calcium concentrations in surface water (inflows, lake, outflow) and their accumulation in bottom deposits. The study was performed between March 2011 and May 2014 in a river-lake system comprising Lake Symsar with inflows, lying in the Olsztyn Lakeland region. The study revealed that calcium and magnesium were retained in the water column and the bottom deposits of the lake at 12.75 t Mg year-1 and 1.97 t Ca year-1. On average, 12.7±1.2 g of calcium and 1.77±0.9 g of magnesium accumulated in 1 kg of bottom deposits in Lake Symsar. The river-lake system, which received pollutants from an agricultural catchment, influenced the Ca2+ and Mg2+ concentrations in the water and the bottom deposits of Lake Symsar. The Tolknicka Struga drainage canal, to which incompletely treated municipal wastewater was discharged, also affected Ca2+ and Mg2+ levels, thus indicating the significant influence of anthropogenic factors.
Journal of Elementology; 2015, 20, 3
Pojawia się w:
Journal of Elementology
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
An attempt at evaluating the influence of water quality on the qualitative and quantitative structure of epiphytic fauna dwelling on Stratiotes aloides L., a case study on an oxbow lake of the Lyna River
Proba oceny wplywu jakosci wod na strukture jakosciowo-ilosciowa epifauny zasiedlajacej Stratiotes aloides L. na przykladzie starorzecza Lyny
Obolewski, K
Glinska-Lewczuk, K.
Kobus, S.
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet Warmińsko-Mazurski w Olsztynie / Polskie Towarzystwo Magnezologiczne im. Prof. Juliana Aleksandrowicza
epiphytic macrofauna
water chemism
oxbow lake
Lyna River
water quality
qualitative structure
quantitative structure
Stratiotes aloides
The paper contains the results of a study on the dependence of the qualitative and quantitative structure of the phytophilous macrofauna dwelling on Stratiotes aloides L. (water soldier) on the quality of waters in a lentic oxbow lake of the £yna River. The observations were carried out during the vegetative season (April – June) 2006 at high and moderate water levels. During the study, a total of 18 taxa of invertebrates dwelling on the above plant species were identified, with the exact number of taxa varying in time: 11 taxa were noticed in April and May, and in June their number went up to 13. The examination of hydrochemical parameters of the oxbow lake waters revealed that the density of macrofauna was lower at higher values of proper conductivity and macronutrients, ammonia nitrogen and COD, increasing at high levels of sulphates. High concentrations of ammonia nitrogen and non-organic components coincided with decreased biomass of epiphytic animals on water soldier. Additionally, it has been observed that elevated concentrations of potassium ions have a negative influence on the biomass of most epiphytic animals (except Erpobdella sp.).
W pracy przedstawiono wyniki badań nad próbę określenia zależności struktury jakościowo- ilościowej makrofauny fitofilnej zasiedlającej Stratiotes aloides L. od jakości wód w lentycznym starorzeczu rzeki Łyny. Badania prowadzono w okresie wegetacyjnym (IV- -VI) 2006 r. przy wysokich i średnich stanach wód. W czasie badań zidentyfikowano łącznie 18 taksonów bezkręgowców zasiedlających ten gatunek roślinny, przy czym ilości te podlegały zmienności czasowej: w kwietniu i maju zanotowano 11 taksonów, a w czerwcu 13. Spośród badanych parametrów hydrochemicznych wód starorzecza zagęszczenie makrofauny epifitycznej było niższe w przypadku wysokich wartości przewodnictwa właściwego i makroskładników, azotu amonowego i ChZT, natomiast wzrastało w przypadku wysokich stężeń siarczanów. Wysokie stężenia azotu amonowego i składników nieorganicznych towarzyszyły spadkowi biomasy zwierząt epifitycznych zamieszkujących osokę. Ponadto stwierdzono negatywny wpływ podwyższonych stężeń jonów potasu na biomasę zwierząt naroślinnych (z wyjątkiem Erpobdella sp.).
Journal of Elementology; 2009, 14, 1; 119-133
Pojawia się w:
Journal of Elementology
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Phytoplankton and the physicochemical background in an assessment of the ecological and trophic conditions in vendace-type lakes
Napiorkowska-Krzebietke, A.
Stawecki, K.
Pyka, J.P.
Zdanowski, B.
Zebek, E.
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet Warmińsko-Mazurski w Olsztynie / Polskie Towarzystwo Magnezologiczne im. Prof. Juliana Aleksandrowicza
water quality
ecological status
phytoplankton biomass
ecological condition
trophic condition
coregonid fish
This study focused on the phytoplankton and environment relationships as well as on the ecological and trophic conditions of lakes inhabited by coregonid fish. Studies were carried out in deep and stratified vendace-type lakes called Lake Pluszne and Lake Łańskie (the Olsztyn Lake District, north-eastern Poland) in 2007-2008. Ecological and trophic conditions were determined on the basis of the phytoplankton multi-metric PMPL and Trophic State Index. Both lakes were characterized by a similar thermal and mictic regime, with the occurrence of hypolimnetic oxygen deficits. They were classified as hydrocarbonate-calcium type and medium-sized eutrophicated water bodies. According to the integrated trophy assessment, proposed in this research, the final Trophic State Index TSIAV indicated meso-eutrophy of both lakes, although the phytoplankton-based PMPL indicated that the ecological potential in Lake Łańskie was good and less than good - due to large cyanobacteria biomasses - in Lake Pluszne. The actual loads of phosphorus and nitrogen significantly exceeded permissible levels, especially in Lake Łańskie (5-fold at the most of the P content), at similar morphometric and sedimentation conditions in both lakes. However, more intensive water-exchange rate and more favorable conditions for phosphorus runoff in Lake Łańskie could limit the phytoplankton growth, especially cyanobacteria. Summing up, better oxygen conditions and less abundant phytoplankton suggested that Lake Łańskie had more suitable conditions for coregonids during the surveyed period than Lake Pluszne, where the vendace biomass has recently decreased drastically.
Journal of Elementology; 2016, 21, 1; 159-172
Pojawia się w:
Journal of Elementology
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Phytoplankton and the physicochemical background in an assessment of the ecological and trophic conditions in vendace-type lakes
Napiorkowska-Krzebietke, A.
Stawecki, K.
Pyka, J.P.
Zdanowski, B.
Zebek, E.
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet Warmińsko-Mazurski w Olsztynie / Polskie Towarzystwo Magnezologiczne im. Prof. Juliana Aleksandrowicza
water quality
ecological status
phytoplankton biomass
ecological condition
trophic condition
coregonid fish
This study focused on the phytoplankton and environment relationships as well as on the ecological and trophic conditions of lakes inhabited by coregonid fish. Studies were carried out in deep and stratified vendace-type lakes called Lake Pluszne and Lake Łańskie (the Olsztyn Lake District, north-eastern Poland) in 2007-2008. Ecological and trophic conditions were determined on the basis of the phytoplankton multi-metric PMPL and Trophic State Index. Both lakes were characterized by a similar thermal and mictic regime, with the occurrence of hypolimnetic oxygen deficits. They were classified as hydrocarbonate-calcium type and medium-sized eutrophicated water bodies. According to the integrated trophy assessment, proposed in this research, the final Trophic State Index TSIAV indicated meso-eutrophy of both lakes, although the phytoplankton-based PMPL indicated that the ecological potential in Lake Łańskie was good and less than good - due to large cyanobacteria biomasses - in Lake Pluszne. The actual loads of phosphorus and nitrogen significantly exceeded permissible levels, especially in Lake Łańskie (5-fold at the most of the P content), at similar morphometric and sedimentation conditions in both lakes. However, more intensive water-exchange rate and more favorable conditions for phosphorus runoff in Lake Łańskie could limit the phytoplankton growth, especially cyanobacteria. Summing up, better oxygen conditions and less abundant phytoplankton suggested that Lake Łańskie had more suitable conditions for coregonids during the surveyed period than Lake Pluszne, where the vendace biomass has recently decreased drastically.
Journal of Elementology; 2016, 21, 1
Pojawia się w:
Journal of Elementology
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Quality of groundwater in rural homesteads and agricultural land in the catchment of Lake Miedwie
Marciniak, A.M.
Wesolowski, P.
Brysiewicz, A.
Burczyk, P.
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet Warmińsko-Mazurski w Olsztynie / Polskie Towarzystwo Magnezologiczne im. Prof. Juliana Aleksandrowicza
ground water
water quality
electrolytic conductivity
rural homestead
agricultural land
Lake Miedwie
The paper presents the impact of pollutants from areas intensively used for agriculture on the quality of shallow groundwater in the drainage basin of Lake Miedwie, which is the main source of potable water for the city of Szczecin. This groundwater, due to the poor insulation against the penetration of contaminants from the surface, is a good indicator of the environmental pressure level from agriculture. The aim of the study was to analyze the chemical composition as well as the pH and electrolytic conductivity of waters of the first Quaternary aquifer in the catchment area of Lake Miedwie, located in the municipality of Warnice, which is characterized by intensive farming. The results indicate that there has been a noticeable improvement over the last ten years in the quality of groundwater, and periodic increases in the levels of certain chemical parameters such as ammonium nitrogen (6.070 mg dm-3), nitrate nitrogen (225.1 mg dm-3), phosphate phosphorus (2.635 mg dm-3) or potassium (452.0 mg dm-3) can be explained by negligence or insufficient knowledge of farmers with respect to manure storage and rational use of mineral fertilizers. Correlation analysis of the sum of chemical parameters regarding conductivity demonstrated a virtually absolute relationship (r=0.948 at p=0.001), confirming a close relationship of groundwater’s chemical parameters with the properties of the physical parameter such as specific electrolytic conductivity. Moreover, it was shown that the specific electrolytic conductivity of groundwater of 8 piezometric intakes tested was mainly shaped by the concentrations of sodium (Na), potassium (K) and magnesium (Mg) for all chemical parameters analyzed.
Journal of Elementology; 2016, 21, 2
Pojawia się w:
Journal of Elementology
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Biological aspects of cadmium and lead uptake by Phragmites australis [Cav. Trin ex Steudel] in natural water ecosystems
Biologiczne aspekty poboru kadmu i olowiu przez Phragmites australis [Cav. Trin ex Steudel] w naturalnych zbiornikach wodnych
Kozlowska, M
Jozwiak, A.
Szpakowska, B.
Golinski, P.
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet Warmińsko-Mazurski w Olsztynie / Polskie Towarzystwo Magnezologiczne im. Prof. Juliana Aleksandrowicza
natural environment
stress factor
oxidative stress
reactive oxygen species
heavy metal
common reed
Phragmites australis
water reservoir
cadmium uptake
lead uptake
statistical analysis
bottom sediment
antioxidative enzyme
In natural environment plants are exposed to many different stress factors, including heavy metals, whose elevated concentration causes oxidative stress, connected with formation of reactive oxygen species (ROS). Therefore, plants have developed defence systems, including enzymatic antioxidant system, able to remove ROS. The work concerns the accumulation of two heavy metals, cadmium (Cd) and lead (Pb), as well as the phenomenon of oxidative stress caused by increased concentration of these metals in common reed (Phragmites australis), a dominant species in the littoral zone of many water reservoirs. The plants were obtained from four water bodies situated in Poznan: Kierskie Lake, Rusałka Lake, Strzeszyńskie Lake and Sołacki Pond. The aim of the study was to examined the accumulation of heavy metals and the relation between activity of antioxidant enzymes in rhizome, stem and reed leaves during the vegetative period. Three antioxidant enzymes were analyzed: ascorbate peroxidase (APX), guaiacol peroxidase (GPX) and superoxide dismutase (SOD). The statistical analysis was done to determine the influence of the heavy metals on the activity of the antioxidant enzymes, involved in limiting and removing results of oxidative stress. Heavy metals were accumulated in common reed in all the four water reservoirs, but the activity of enzymes was variable during the observation period. Statistical analyses suggest that there are some correlations among concentration of metals and the activity of antioxidative enzymes. However, the results do not provide an unambiguous determination of the effect of heavy metals on enzymatic activity. Summing up, the contamination of the water ecosystems caused by heavy metals was so low that it did not influence the activity of the analysed enzymes.
W środowisku naturalnym rośliny są narażone na działanie metali ciężkich. Nadmierne ich stężenia w roślinach powodują stres oksydacyjny, wywoływany powstawaniem reaktywnych form tlenu (ROS). W celach obronnych organizmy roślinne wykształciły wiele systemów antyoksydacyjnych, w tym enzymatyczne umożliwiające usuwanie ROS. Praca dotyczy akumulacji dwóch metali ciężkich – kadmu (Cd) i ołowiu (Pb) oraz zjawiska stresu oksydacyjnego w roślinach powodowanego przez nadmierne stężenia jonów metali ciężkich w środowisku oraz w organach trzciny pospolitej (Phragmites australis) – gatunku występującego i dominującego w strefie litoralnej wielu zbiorników. Materiał roślinny pochodził z czterech zbiorników wodnych zlokalizowanych w obrębie miasta Poznania: Jeziora Kierskiego, jeziora Rusałka, Jeziora Strzeszyńskiego i Stawu Sołackiego. Celem badań było określenie zależności między zawartością metali ciężkich a aktywnością enzymów antyoksydacyjnych w kłączach, łodydze i liściach trzciny na przestrzeni okresu wegetacyjnego. Analizowano aktywność trzech enzymów antyoksydacyjnych: peroksydazy askorbinianowej (APX) i gwajakolowej (GPX) oraz dysmutazy ponadtlenkowej (SOD). Przeprowadzono analizy statystyczne celem określenia wpływu czynników stresu oksydacyjnego wywołanego przez metale ciężkie na aktywność enzymów antyoksydacyjnych, które są zaangażowane w ograniczanie i usuwanie skutków tego zjawiska. Metale ciężkie akumulowane w roślinach we wszystkich ocenianych zbiornikach wodnych wykazywały tendencję wzrostową, natomiast aktywność enzymów w roślinach była silnie zróżnicowana w całym okresie obserwacji. Analizy statystyczne sugerują wprawdzie istnienie pewnych korelacji między stężeniem metali w roślinach a aktywnością enzymów antyoksydacyjnych, jednakże nie pozwala to na jednoznaczne określenie wpływu badanych metali na zmienność w aktywności tych enzymów. Podsumowując, stwierdzone skażenie ekosystemów wodnych metalami ciężkimi było na tyle niskie, że nie wpływało modyfikująco na aktywność badanych enzymów.
Journal of Elementology; 2009, 14, 2; 299-312
Pojawia się w:
Journal of Elementology
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
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