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Problem wymiaru antropologicznego i prawnego w rozumieniu zgody małżeńskiej
IL problema della dimensione antropologica e giuridica nella concezione del consenso matrimoniale
Erlebach, Grzegorz
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet Kardynała Stefana Wyszyńskiego w Warszawie
zgoda małżeńska
matrimonial consent
Sullo sfondo delle note Allocuzioni di Giovanni Paolo II alla Rota Romana negli anni 1987 e 1988, in cui uno dei temi centrali è stata la questione dei presupposti antropologici come elemento indispensabile di un retto dialogo fra il giudicee i periti psicologi - psichiatri, L'A. ha delineato nell’introduzione l'oggetto dello studio, relativo alla questione di rilevanza (o meno) della visione antropologica del matrimonio all’interno del sistema del diritto canonico. Più precisamente, venne posta la questione fino a che punto gli elementi antropologici, formulati anche nella cost. Gaudium et spes, possano avere incidenza nei processi di nullità matrimoniale. Nella prima parte dell’articolo viene segnalata la difficoltà metodologica nella determinazione dei contenuti antropologici, validi nella materia dei consenso matrimoniale. L'A. cerca di individuare i criteri formali, validi per una cernita dei contenuti elaborati nelle differenti antropologie (filosofica, teologica), con particolare indicazione del metodo trascendentale di Lonergan, adoperato da L. M. Rulla nella costruzione di una antropologia interdisciplinare. Nella seconda parte L'А. segnala la presenza degli elementi di natura antropologica all’interno di alcuni canoni del De matrimonio del CIC (in particolare nei cann. 1055 § 1, 1057 § 2) e quindi cerca di precisare la loro funzione nel testo legislativo tenendo soprattutto conto di due elementi caratteristici della legge canonica, ossia della sua finalità specifca e obbligatorietà. La terza parte affronta direttamente il problema. L’esposizione è svolta attomo alle seguenti questioni specifiche: a) la relazione fra il ≪ foedus≫ e ≪ contractus≫. L’ A. accetta il concetto del matrimonio integralmente inteso (foedus), tuttavia la struttura giuridica del matrimonio viene definita in sintonia con la teoria contrattualistica; b) la validita (о nullità ) del consenso matrimoniale come categoria giuridica; c) la funzione delle presunzioni che stanno alla base del CIC nella materia matrimoniale e in particolare delle presunzioni dette hominis formulate dal giudice. Mentre le prime considerano la nullità del matrimonio come eccezione, le altre sono soggette ad un’evoluzione giurispmdenziale, rispecchiando la realtà umana concreta; d) l’antropologia è la norma applicata nel foro canonico. In primo luogo l'A. Fa presente che l’interpretazione della legge a modo di sentenza giudiziale deve tener conto del fatto che le esigenze antropologiche non sono esterne alla legge in quanto per opera della revisione del CIC sono calate nelle nuove norme, sia di diritto sostantivo che processuale. D’altro canto il giudice ecclesiastico, per poter correttamente applicare il diritto, non può non condividere quella visione antropologica del matrimonio che ha il Legislatore. In questo modo è stato posto sia il problema degli elementi antropologici esistenti all’interno del sistema del diritto matrimoniale canonico, come la susseguente „canonizzazione” legislativa delle constatazioni antropologiche. Di conseguenza l'А. ha cercato di determinare quanto quegli elementi siano rilevanti in materia di eventuale nullità del consenso matrimoniale. La proposta soluzione ridimensiona il problema, risolvendolo piuttosto nel campo dell’ interpretazione della legge, ma ammette pure la legittimita di una valenza diretta, bensi secondaria, delle esigenze di natura antropologica.
Ius Matrimoniale; 1999, 10, 4; 7-28
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Ius Matrimoniale
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Biblioteka Nauki
Zaburzenia psychiczne powodujące niezdolność podmiotu do wyrażenia zgody przed promulgacją Kodeksu Jana Pawła II : wybrane aspekty zagadnienia w ujęciu Johna R. Keatinga
La influencia de los trastornos mentales en la validez del consentimiento matrimonial en el Código del Derecho Canónico del 1917
Ryguła, Piotr
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet Kardynała Stefana Wyszyńskiego w Warszawie
niezdolność do wyrażenia zgody
zaburzenia psychiczne
matrimonial consent
incapability for matrimonial consent
mental disorder
El can. 1095 del Código actual contempla las enfermedades mentales y los trastor nos psiquicos, regula los casos en los que esos supuestos de hecho, tan variados, constituyen una incapacidad para expresar el consentimiento valido, que es la causa, en el Derecho actual, de la nulidad del matrimonio. E nel Código anterior, sin embargo, no habia ninguna regulación, consagrada directam ente y ùnicam ente a los casos de incapacidad “psiquica”,  provocada por enferm edades y trastornos mentales. Habian, es verdad, canones, que tocaban el tema de la capacidad mental de expresar el consentimiento. Sin embargo, el can. 1095 es novedoso en su modo de tratar el tema, es decir de intentar de abarcar en el texto de un solo canon toda la variedad de casos de incapacidad de contraer el matrimonio provocada, entre otras, por enferm edades о trastornos m entales; el canon que contem platres tipos juridicos a través de los cuales esa incapacidad se manifiesta en form as especificas о causas de nulidad autônomas; el canon, que ubica todas las cuestiones relacionadas con el tema en el Capitulo IV titulado ’’Del consentimiento matrimonial”.En los tiempos del Código de 1917 los canonistas intentaban resolver las causas de incapacidad de contraer el matrimonio provocada por enferm edades mentales sin poder acudir a este tipo de regulación juridica. En esta época, precisamente en los ańos cincuenta y sesenta, apareciô sin embargo un factor nuevo, que provocô un crecimiento del interés por las enferm edades y trastornos mencionados. El factor fue un desarrollo râpido de psicologia y psiquiatria.En consecuencia, el conocimiento mejor de los trastornos mencionados permitiô ver desde otra perspectiva los problem as provocados por estos trastornos, entre otros los problem as de la vida matrimonial. Con el paso del tiempo los tribunales eclesiâsticos empezaron a alegar los nuevos logros de sicologia y psiquiatria como también utilizar mâs frecuentemente los términos provenientes de estas ramas de la medicina moderna.En nuestro estudio vamos a detenernos en una etapa concreta de la historia de la reflexion juridica sobre la capacidad humana de contraer el vinculo matrimonial valido, en el caso de trastorno metal ocurrido. Al concretizar todavia mâs, vamos a estudiar los textos de John R. Keating, un autor de lengua inglesa, quien fue uno de los primeros, en ocuparse del tema de la influenda de dichos trastornos en la validez dei matrimonio. El autor, prâcticamente desconocido fuera de la cultura de habla inglesa, en su tiempo fue uno de los precursores mâs destacados del tema mencionado, preguntando y poniendo de relieve unas ideas nuevas en cuanto a la influencia de los trastor nos mentales en la validez dei matrimonio. Creemos, que por este articulo vamos a despertar de nuevo el interés por la cuestiôn resuelta por ahora por medio de las nuevas regulaciones del Código de 1983.
Ius Matrimoniale; 2004, 15, 9; 87-114
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Ius Matrimoniale
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Biblioteka Nauki
Problem istoty małżeństwa oraz istoty zgody małżeńskiej. Refleksja antropologiczna
The problem of the marriage essence and the nature of matrimonial consent. An anthropological reflection
Góralski, Wojciech
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet Kardynała Stefana Wyszyńskiego w Warszawie
istota małżeństwa
zgoda małżeńska
marriage essence
matrimonial consent
The problem of the marriage essence, considered in close connection with matrimonial consent, without a doubt constitutes a difficult challenge for the jurisprudence in the field of matrimonial law. The question: what is marriage, what is the identity of marriage, in other words its essence, which arose at different stages of development of canon law, revived after the Second Vatican Council, which presented a partnership of life and love established by man and woman through a “matrimonial covenant of irrevocable personal consent” in a new light.Deep reflection on marriage as an institution of natural law orders, in search of its essence, to refer first of all to the natural dimension of the unity of two people in a complementary dimension of their masculinity and femininity, in other words in “their natures”. It is about the relationship of two people based on their personal esse, whose action constitutes an existential development. Significant legal nature of this relationship is based on the existence of una caro, unity “in the natures”, which is materialised through their knot of justice.When moving from possibilities to action, an indispensable factor is matrimonial consent of the parties indicating unity of two acts of will made with the same intentionality, resulting in a conjugal relationship.
Ius Matrimoniale; 2015, 26, 1; 39-58
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Ius Matrimoniale
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Biblioteka Nauki
Wpływ koncepcji małżeństwa na rozumienie zdolności konsensualnej w okresie poprzedzającym promulgację KPK z 1983 r.
Influence of the concept of marriage on the understanding of consensual ability regarding the period preceding the CIC promulgation of 1983
Góralski, Wojciech
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet Kardynała Stefana Wyszyńskiego w Warszawie
koncepcja małżeństwa
zgoda małżeńska
concept of marriage
marital consent
The question about the consensual ability, especially its minimum, has been visible in the doctrine of canonical marital law in the period preceding the CIC from 1983. To specify who is able to enter into marriage, the fundamental criterion is the proper understanding of the very marital reality.Regarding the vision of consensual ability, related strictly to the perception of marriage and its very nature, in the considered period special attention needs to be paid to the doctrine of a prominent modern Spanish canonist and philosopher J. Hervada. Its legitimacy can be vividly seen against the background of other theories, whose main representatives, although presenting different opinions (although having a lot in common)  are, inter alia, P. Gasparri and J. R. Keating.Gasparri’s concept of marriage is a contract (matrimonium in fieri), which is the fountain of the relationship of mutual justice between spouses. Keating, however, strives to integrate the perception of marriage in fieri with the marriage in facto esse. The marital ability would not only be the ability to the act of marital congruence, but also the ability to live in marriage.According to Hervada, the essence of marriage in facto esse is the legal bond being “unity in natures” prior to any action of the married couple as such. The mentioned canonist attaches significant importance to the capacitas underlining that it should be referred to the act of entering into marriage, it is about the ability to undertake this act not about the ability ad statum coniugalem. He opines that the causes of incapacitas treated in reference to this unity of spouses may cause the invalidity of marriage only if they stand in the way of “unity in natures”.
Ius Matrimoniale; 2015, 26, 2; 45-60
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Ius Matrimoniale
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Biblioteka Nauki
Zgoda małżeńska jako przyczyna sprawcza małżeństwa
Marital consent as the causative cause of marriage
Smoliński, Tomasz
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet Kardynała Stefana Wyszyńskiego w Warszawie
zgoda małżeńska
akt woli
akt miłości
zgoda stron
marriage consent
act of will
act of love
consent of the parties
The article presents the issue of marital consent as the causative cause of marriage, taking into account the genesis of the problem and the diversity of views over the centuries and depending on culture. The article presents an outline of the genesis of the problem, taking into account different cultures, then the author focused on the history of marital consent in Christian culture, in order to move on to the current teaching of the Catholic Church in relations to marital consent, including marital love as an element of consent and completion of the marriage as a prerequisite for entering into a valid marriage.
Ius Matrimoniale; 2019, 30, 1; 65-76
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Ius Matrimoniale
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Biblioteka Nauki
Symulacja całkowita zgody małżeńskiej (kan. 1101 § 2 KPK) w wyroku Roty Rzymskiej c. Erlebach z 22.10.2015 r.
Total simulation of marriage consent (canon 1101 § 2 of the Code of Canon Law) in the sentence of the Roman Rota c. Erlebach of 22.10.2015
Góralski, Wojciech
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet Kardynała Stefana Wyszyńskiego w Warszawie
zgoda małżeńska
symulacja zgody małżeńskiej
kanon 1101 § 2 KPK
simulation of marriage consent
marriage consent
canon 1101 § 2 CIC/1983
The author presents and provides a comment on the final sentence handed down in the third instance (the Roman Rota) in a nullitatis matrimonii case, examined ob simulationem totalem at the complainant’s request (a negative and a positive sentences were handed down in the first and second instance respectively). The key issue in this case was determining whether in the examined case the complainant’s personal goals (fines operantis), namely the desire to improve the economic situation of her and her child, can be combined with the institutional goals of marriage (fines operis). By referring to judicature of the Roman Rota and thoroughly examining the case files, the adjudication panel c. Erlebach ruled that the complainant’s personal goals were consistent with the goals of the institution of marriage and that the woman has not ruled out ipsum matrimonium. Therefore, total simulation of marriage did not happen at the time the marriage was concluded.
Ius Matrimoniale; 2016, 27, 4; 123-140
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Ius Matrimoniale
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Biblioteka Nauki
Zgoda małżeńska w kanonicznym systemie prawnym a oświadczenie o zawarciu małżeństwa w prawie polskim rodzinnym
Matrimonial consent in canon law versus a declaration of marriage in Polish family law
Urbanowska-Wójcińska, Dorota
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet Kardynała Stefana Wyszyńskiego w Warszawie
zgoda małżeńska
oświadczenie o zawarciu małżeństwa
matrimonial consent
declaration of marriage
Matrimonial consent constitutes a marriage-forming element in Polish family law as well as in canon marriage law. A constitutive nature of this consent, i.e. a consent that creates a marital relationship, makes it a legal phenomenon in these two legal systems. Canon martial consent shows a number of common characteristics with a declaration of marriage in Polish family law. Both of these systems have been correlated for ages. Now, however, they operate in parallel in relation to Polish Roman Catholic citizens. The shape of a Polish legal regulation is a esult of a long-time evolution influenced undoubtedly by canon marriage law. The aim of the article is to compare a legal structure of contracting a marriage in Polish family law and in canon marriage law as well as to establish their legal nature.
Ius Matrimoniale; 2014, 25, 4; 57-75
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Ius Matrimoniale
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Biblioteka Nauki
Osobowość niedojrzała a zdolność do wyrażenia zgody małżeńskiej. Wpływ rodziny pochodzenia na kształtowanie dojrzałości osoby
Immature personality and ability to express marital consent. The influence of the family of origin on shaping the maturity of a person
Zyskowska, Emilia
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet Kardynała Stefana Wyszyńskiego w Warszawie
rodzina pochodzenia
zgoda małżeńska
family of origin
marital consent
Wiele spraw o stwierdzenie nieważności małżeństwa jest prowadzonych z tytułu niezdolności do podjęcia istotnych obowiązków małżeńskich z przyczyn natury psychicznej (kan. 1095 n. 3 KPK/83). W znacznej części przypadków małżeństwo zostaje uznane za nieważne z powodu niedojrzałej osobowości jednej lub obu stron, która sprawia, że nupturienci od samego początku nie są w stanie podjąć podstawowych obowiązków małżeńskich. Każdy przypadek powinien zostać jednak rozpatrzony bardzo ostrożnie, ponieważ punkt osiągnięcia dojrzałości jest jedynie umowny, a kształtowanie osobowości trwa całe życie.Artykuł ma na celu omówienie możliwych uwarunkowań osobowości niedojrzałej, kształtowanej przez rodzinę pochodzenia. Rodzina kształtuje podstawowe zręby osobowości dziecka, system postaw i potrzeb, sposoby ich zaspokajania oraz niezwykle ważny mechanizm samooceny. Dzieci wychowujące się w rodzinach dysfunkcyjnych podlegają wpływowi stresogennych i patogennych czynników, stanowiących źródło głębokich urazów psychicznych, powodujących zmiany w strukturze osobowości oraz problemy emocjonalne i zaburzenia w zachowaniu.
Many cases of the nullity of marriage are conducted due to the inability to undertake essential marriage duties of mental incapacity (can. 1095 n. 3 CIC/83). In a significant proportion of cases, the marriage is invalid because of the immature personality of one or both parties, which makes it impossible for the spouses to take on basic marriage duties from the beginning. However, each case should be considered very carefully because the point of reaching maturity is merely contractual, and the formation of a personality lasts a lifetime.The article aims to discuss possible determinants of an immature personality shaped by the family of origin. The family shapes the basic frameworks of the child’s personality, including a system of attitudes and needs, way of satisfying them and an extremely important mechanism of self-esteem. Children, who are raised in dysfunctional families, are influenced of stressogenic and pathogenic factors, which are the source of psychological trauma, causing changes in the personality structure as well as emotional and behavioral problems.
Ius Matrimoniale; 2021, 32, 1; 87-105
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Ius Matrimoniale
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Wpływ nadpobudliwości seksualnej na niezdolność podmiotu do powzięcia zgody małżeńskiej (kan. 1095, n. 3 KPK) w świetle wyroku Roty Rzymskiej c. Huber z dnia 26.07.1996 r.
L’influenza dell’ eccetibilita sulla incapacita ad assumere il consenso matrimoniale nella sentenza della Rota Romana c. Huber dei 26 luglio 1996
Dzierżon, Ginter
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet Kardynała Stefana Wyszyńskiego w Warszawie
niezdolność podmiotu do powzięcia zgody małżeńskiej
nadpobudliwość seksualna
zgoda małżeńska
kanon 1095, n. 3 KPK
marital consensus
matrimonial consent
incapability for matrimonial consent
canon 1095, n. 3 CIC/1983
L’autore e commenta il contenuto della sentenza rotale pro nullitate emanata dal tito del can. 1095, n. 3 CIC. La concezione dei matrimonio come communità di vita tra i coniugi ha condotto ad applicare questa figura di incapacità anche all’ipotesi di satirismo, cioè una difunzione che provoca la continua insoddisfazione sessuale. Il noto uditore ha sotto lineato si tratta di incapacità ad a ssumere il oggetto dei consenso. In effetti il satirismo non consentendo l’instaurazione della communità di vita e amore coniugale che constituisce la sostaza dell’istituto matrimoniale vienne, può produrre nel soggetto una vera incapacità.
Ius Matrimoniale; 2002, 13, 7; 199-205
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Ius Matrimoniale
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Biblioteka Nauki
Brak wiary a wykluczenie godności sakramentalnej małżeństwa
Lack of faith and the exclusion of the sacramental dignity of marriage
Leszczyński, Grzegorz
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet Kardynała Stefana Wyszyńskiego w Warszawie
zgoda małżeńska
godność sakramentalna
matrimonial consent
sacramental dignity
The Code of Canon Law of 1983 classifies the reasons for marriage invalidity in three different categories: diriment impediments, defects in matrimonial consent and lack or defect of canon form. Among different defects in matrimonial consent, in 1101 § 2, Code of Canon Law enumerates simulations. Simulation signifies that a person contracting marriage expresses marital agreement merely on the surface, excluding in reality through a positive act of the will the marriage itself, some essential elements or an essential property of marriage. The present article is an attempt of looking at the relation existing between the validity of marriage and the exclusion of the sacramental dignity, with the special consideration of the faith of the person.
Ius Matrimoniale; 2019, 30, 4; 17-36
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Ius Matrimoniale
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Biblioteka Nauki
Bojaźń szacunkowa w wyroku c. Ferreira Pena z 30 października 2013 roku
Reverential fear in the judgment of c. Ferreira Pena of 30 October 2013
Dzierżon, Ginter
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet Kardynała Stefana Wyszyńskiego w Warszawie
bojaźń szacunkowa
małżeństwo kanoniczne
wada zgody małżeńskiej
reverential fear
canonical marriage
defect of marital consent
Zaprezentowane opracowanie jest komentarzem do afirmatywnego wyroku Roty Rzymskiej c. Ferreira Pena z 30 października 2013 roku. W strukturze opracowania Autor szczegółowo omówił poszczególne segmenty rozstrzygnięcia: przebieg sprawy, motywy prawne oraz faktyczne. W komentarzu wykazał, iż wnioskowanie ponensa polegało na implantacji ratio tytułu bojaźni szacunkowej jaką jest ochrona wolności nupturienta w zawieraniu małżeństwa, jaką była sprawa Lycien. Przyjętą tezę udowodnił za pomocą dowodzenia bezpośredniego oraz pośredniego. Po pierwsze dowiódł, iż oświadczenia powoda zostały poparte zeznaniami świadków oraz okolicznościami sprawy; po drugie, wykazał wystąpienie u powoda poważnej awersji do zawieranego małżeństwa.
The presented study is a commentary on the affirmative judgment of the Roman Rota c. Ferreira Pena of 30 October 2013. In the structure of the study, the author discussed in detail the various segments of the judgment: the course of the case, legal and factual motives. In the commentary he showed that the ponens’ inference consisted in the implementation of the ratio of the reverential fear which is the protection of the nupturient’s freedom to marry, which was the case of Lycien. He proved the adopted thesis by means of direct and indirect proof. Firstly, he proved that the plaintiff’s statements were supported by the testimony of witnesses and the circumstances of the case; secondly, he proved that the plaintiff had a serious aversion to entering into marriage.
Ius Matrimoniale; 2021, 32, 2; 145-160
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Ius Matrimoniale
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Symulacja całkowita zgody małżeńskiej (kan. 1101 § 2 KPK) w świetle wyroku Roty Rzymskiej c. Ciani z 18.02.2009 roku
Simulation of marriage consent (canon 1101 § 2 of the Code of Canon Law) in the light of sentence of the Roman Rota concerning Ciani of 18 February 2009
Góralski, Wojciech
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet Kardynała Stefana Wyszyńskiego w Warszawie
zgoda małżeńska
kanon 1101 § 2 KPK
marriage consent
canon 1101 § 2 CIC/1983
The case Mediolanen vs. A. Ciani concerns the marriage between Adelmus and Aida, concluded on 18 August 1983, a mere four months after the couple met. The conjugal life, in which two children were born, lasted approximately eight years. Because of Adelmus’s behaviour, marriage faced problems from the very beginning. After numerous misunderstandings, the man became involved in an extra-marital relationship, as a result of which Aida requested separation.On 3 July 2003 Adelmus petitioned the Tribunal of First Instance to have the marriage declared null and void on the ground of the exclusion of the indissolubility of marriage. On 31 March 2005 the Tribunal handed down a negative sentence. After logging an appeal to the Tribunal of Second instance and supplementing instructions carefully, this decision was reversed on 27 October 2005 and the case was sent to the Roman Rota (third instance). On 18 February 2008 a positive sentence was handed down, declaring the marriage null and void. The author presents and provides a comment on the sentence of theRoman Rota, drawing attention to proving simulation.
Ius Matrimoniale; 2016, 27, 3; 93-109
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Ius Matrimoniale
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Biblioteka Nauki
Zgoda małżonków w procesie skróconym przed biskupem
Consent of the Spouse in the Briefer Matrimonial Process before the Bishop
Gałkowski, Tomasz
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet Kardynała Stefana Wyszyńskiego w Warszawie
skrócony proces małżeński przed biskupem
zgoda stron
briefer matrimonial process
consent of the spouses
The study analyzes the answer of the Pontifical Council for Legislative Texts regarding the need to obtain the explicit consent of the other party as a sine qua non condition for the commencement  of the Briefer Matrimonial Process before the Bishop. The author analyzes the rations for formulating the content of the answer, but also points to situations that impede obtaining such a consent. He points out that the actual grounds for the annulment of a marriage should prevail over the formal reason.
Ius Matrimoniale; 2019, 30, 2; 49-62
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Ius Matrimoniale
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Biblioteka Nauki
Forma wyrażenia zgody małżeńskiej określona w kan. 1104 §1-2 KPK
The Form of Expressing Matrimonial Consent Specified in Can. 1104 § 1-2 CIC
Dzierżon, Ginter
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet Kardynała Stefana Wyszyńskiego w Warszawie
zgoda małżeńska
forma zgody małżeńskiej
kanon 1104 §1-2 KPK
matrimonial consent, form, word, equivalent signs
canon 1104 § 1-2 CIC
The analyses of the current legal order show that for a marriage to become contracted validly the contracting parties need to be present together or may enter into marriage by proxy (proxies). Naturally, for a marriage to be valid it is insufficient to express matrimonial consent in the internal sphere only; it is necessary to externalize the consent with the aim of its social verification45 but also because of the dignity of the other party to whom a nupturient is willing to give himself. Canonists agree that according to the natural law matrimonial consent in its external sphere could be expressed in any possible way. However, in the ecclesiastical order the legislator did not allow this kind of latitude and specified the forms of expression of matrimonial consent (as discussed in can. 1104 § 1-2 CIC). In an ordinary situation, if both nupturients can speak, they should contract a marriage in words although meeting this requirement is not necessary for the validity but rather for the fairness of the act. However, in extraordinary conditions, when at least one person cannot speak, it is possible to express one’s consent through equivalent signs. Silence nonetheless does not meet the criteria discussed here since in this hypothesis one’s will remains inertial and, as a result, a legal act does not attain effectivity in the system.
Ius Matrimoniale; 2017, 28, 3; 5-16
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Ius Matrimoniale
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Status małżeństw nieważnych z powodu zaistniałej przeszkody lub braku formy kanonicznej w kanonicznym porządku prawnym (kan. 1107 KPK)
Status of void marriages due to the existing impediment or lack of canonical form in the canon law order (can. 1107 of the Code of Canon Law)
Dzierżon, Ginter
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet Kardynała Stefana Wyszyńskiego w Warszawie
małżeństwo kanoniczne
trwanie zgody małżeńskiej
przeszkoda zrywająca
brak formy kanonicznej
canonical marriage
duration of marriage consent
diriment impediment
lack of canonical form
W zaprezentowanym opracowaniu Autor poddał analizie kan. 1107 KPK dotyczącego statusu małżeństw nieważnych z powodu zaistniałej przeszkody lub braku formy kanonicznej w kanonicznym porządku prawnym. Z przeprowadzonych badań wynika, iż jego funkcjonowanie jest wyrazem troski prawodawcy kościelnego o ochronę wymiaru prawnoformalnego węzła małżeńskiego. Wykazał, iż ratio legis tego kanonu jest umożliwienie konwalidacji nieważnego związku z powodu zaistnienia przeszkody zrywającej lub braku formy kanonicznej.
In the presented study, the author analysed can. 1107 of the Code of Canon Law on the status of marriages invalid due to the impediment or lack of a canonical form in the canon law order. The conducted research shows that its existence results from the Church legislator’s concern for the protection of the legal and formal dimension of the marriage bond. It was proved that the ratio legis of this canon is to enable the convalidation of an invalid marriage due to the existence of an diriment impediment or the lack of a canonical form.  
Ius Matrimoniale; 2019, 30, 4; 5-15
Pojawia się w:
Ius Matrimoniale
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki

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