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Formal and Legal Requirements for State Intervention in Extraordinary Situations, Crisis Management and States of Emergency in Poland
Ilnicki, Marek
Data publikacji:
Wyższa Szkoła Policji w Szczytnie
state security
particular threats to state security
The reasons for introducing states of emergency, implementing crisis management or taking remedial actions once an extraordinary situation has been identified are specific threats, especially to life and limb, property, natural environment, state security, public order and civil rights. Poland’s international obligations to give an appropriate military or economic response or to support the security of other countries can also be a prerequisite. The type, form, time and place of intervention by public authorities are dependent on the conditions accompanying the threats disrupting the standard functioning of the state and the degree of their harmfulness. The paper aims to present the complexity of classification challenges that emerge before adequate formal and legal decisions are made, as well as the principles of their implementation, while also recommending appropriate modifications. By using critical, institutional-legal and comparative analysis, the study assesses the adequacy of potential interventions with reference to existing legislative standards, as well as situational and environmental conditions. The conducted research relates to Poland’s peacetime security conditions.
Przyczyną wprowadzenia stanów nadzwyczajnych, zastosowania zarządzania kryzysowego czy też podjęcia działań zaradczych po zakwalifikowaniu zdarzeń do grupy sytuacji nadzwyczajnych są szczególne zagrożenia – zwłaszcza dla życia, zdrowia lub mienia oraz środowiska naturalnego, bezpieczeństwa państwa i utrzymania porządku publicznego, a także praw obywatelskich. Przesłankami będą również międzynarodowe zobowiązania Polski do stosownej reakcji o charakterze militarnym lub gospodarczym, wspierającej bezpieczeństwo innych państw. Rodzaj, forma, czas i miejsce interwencji władzy publicznej wynikają z uwarunkowań towarzyszących zagrożeniom zakłócającym normalne funkcjonowanie państwa oraz ze stopnia ich szkodliwości. Celem opracowania jest przedstawienie złożoności wyzwań klasyfikacyjnych poprzedzających podjęcie adekwatnych formalnoprawnych decyzji oraz zasad dotyczących ich realizacji z jednoczesnym zarekomendowaniem odpowiednich modyfikacji. Przy wykorzystaniu analizy krytycznej, instytucjonalno-prawnej i porównawczej dokonana zostanie ocena adekwatności potencjalnych interwencji na tle obowiązujących unormowań legislacyjnych oraz występujących sytuacyjnych i środowiskowych uwarunkowań. Przeprowadzone badania dotyczą bezpieczeństwa naszego państwa w pokojowych warunkach jego funkcjonowania.
Die Gründe für die Verhängung von Notständen, die Anwendung von Krisenmanagement oder das Ergreifen von Gegenmaßnahmen nach Ereignissen, die als Notfälle eingestuft wurden, sind spezifische Bedrohungen - insbesondere für Leben, Gesundheit oder Eigentum und die Umwelt, die Sicherheit des Staates und die Aufrechterhaltung der öffentlichen Ordnung sowie die Rechte der Bürger. Der Grund dafür sind auch die internationalen Verpflichtungen Polens, angemessen zu reagieren, sei es militärisch oder wirtschaftlich, um die Sicherheit anderer Staaten zu unterstützen. Art, Form, Zeitpunkt und Ort des Eingreifens der Behörden richten sich nach den Umständen der Bedrohung, die das normale Funktionieren des Staates stört, und nach dem Grad ihrer Schädlichkeit. Ziel der Studie ist es, die Komplexität der Einstufungsprobleme im Vorfeld angemessener formaler und rechtlicher Entscheidungen sowie die Regeln für ihre Umsetzung darzustellen und gleichzeitig geeignete Änderungen zu empfehlen. Mittels einer kritischen, institutionell-rechtlichen und vergleichenden Analyse wird die Angemessenheit möglicher Interventionen vor dem Hintergrund der bestehenden Rechtsnormen und der bestehenden Situations- und Umweltbedingungen bewertet. Die durchgeführten Untersuchungen befassen sich mit der Sicherheit unseres Landes unter friedlichen Bedingungen seines Funktionierens.
Основанием для введения чрезвычайного положения, применения мер по управлению чрезвычайными ситуациями или принятия мер противодействия после того, как происшествия были классифицированы как чрезвычайные, являются определенные угрозы - особенно для жизни, здоровья или имущества и окружающей среды, государственной безопасности и обеспечения общественного порядка, а также защиты прав граждан. Кроме того, предпосылками будут являться международные обязательства Польши по надлежащему реагированию, военного или экономического характера, в целях обеспечения безопасности других государств. Вид, форма, время и место вмешательства государственных органов будут обусловлены условиями, связанными с угрозами, нарушающими обычную деятельность государства и уровень опасности. Цель данной статьи - представить сложность вопросов по классификации, предшествующих соответствующим формально-юридическим решениям, и принципы, касающиеся их реализации, а также рекомендовать соответствующие изменения. Используя критический, институционально-правовой и сравнительный анализ, дается оценка соответствия потенциальных вмешательств на фоне существующих законодательных положенийб а также ситуационных и местных условий. Проводимые исследования касаются безопасности нашей страны в мирных условиях ее функционирования.
Internal Security; 2022, 14(1); 63-75
Pojawia się w:
Internal Security
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
National Security — Essence, System, Research
Wiśniewski, Bernard
Data publikacji:
Wyższa Szkoła Policji w Szczytnie
internal security
Internal security is today an intensively explored area of national security. This is hardly surprising. It is this area that is mainly concerned with emerging threats. Hence, new scientifically justified solutions are being sought to counteract them and minimise the effects of their occurrence. Given the above, the research has been conducted, and its results are presented in this paper. It addresses the main problems relating to internal security through the prism of identification criteria, essence, and systemic approach. That has made it possible to present the assumptions of the project in question. The research aimed to diagnose the functioning of the state’s internal security system, and the participation of academic centres dealing with security issues. One of such centres is the Police Academy, which is implementing a project entitled “Vacuum chamber for revealing fingerprints with organic compounds in the gas phase’, No DOB-BIO9/03/01/2018. It was financed by the National Centre for Research and Development under call for proposals No 9/2018 for the execution and financing of projects in the field of scientific research or development work for the benefit of national defence and security. After they were implemented, it was stated that the constant changes in the internal security environment, and the limited potential of state institutions designated to care for this security entail the need to continually search for practical solutions to ensure the undisturbed existence and development opportunities of each entity. These searches are conducted by scientific institutions, which with their knowledge and experience serve to improve the tools used in the practice of institutions responsible for internal security.
Internal Security; 2020, Special Issue; 37-48
Pojawia się w:
Internal Security
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Polish Strategy to Counteract an Immigration Threat
Lubiewski, Paweł
Data publikacji:
Wyższa Szkoła Policji w Szczytnie
state security system
state security strategy
immigration threats
The article concerns the assessment of the issue of immigration in Poland from a strategic perspective, in the context of the directions of counteracting possible threats generated by this phenomenon. The contemporary state has to deal with many dilemmas, among which undoubtedly is the phenomenon of immigration. It is not a problem if it is coming up against the needs of the state of immigration, such as filling shortages in the domestic labor market. However, as the experience of Western European countries shows, this phenomenon is not easily regulated, and therefore it is not difficult to generate risks instead of the planned benefits. In this context, one should remember about the situation of Western European countries with extensive migration networks on their territories. It concerns not only the problems they are currently facing in trying to regulate the inflow of immigrants, but also far from the expected effects of actions aimed at integrating the immigrant communities with the new state. In the Polish strategic documents for years, immigration has been defined as a phenomenon requiring special attention of the state. Subsequent security strategies in their assessments sustained this direction of perception, however, this did not result in a wider approach to the problem. It seems, however, that the state security system requires continuous improvement of threats monitoring mechanisms, mainly to precisely determine not only the risk of their occurrence and scope, but also to define methods of counteracting them.
Internal Security; 2018, 10(1); 57-68
Pojawia się w:
Internal Security
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Security Culture as a Challenge for Uniformed Services and Other Citizens
Filipek, Agnieszka Wioletta
Data publikacji:
Wyższa Szkoła Policji w Szczytnie
security culture
uniformed services
In the modern world, conditions in various spheres of human security are changing at a very fast pace. How non-traditional events are interpreted and the kind of approach to all kinds of transformations may be conducive to a higher frequency of beneficial effects of these changes. The appropriate nature and level of security culture can contribute to perpetuating beneficial trends in solving specific problems, to dealing more effectively with difficult situations, treated as challenges, which can often result in opportunities, and not only as threats. The responsibility of officers of various services, not only for themselves, but also for their subordinates, as well as for decisive decisions resulting from legal conditions, has an even greater impact on the need for strong consolidation of individual judgements, verdicts or decisions. Relying on a personal security culture in various types of situations can more often have a positive impact on the functioning of the entity and their environment, provided that this security culture is of an acceptable character and high level. The author points out that a favourable culture of security for uniformed personnel and citizens will be conducive to a higher level of security.
Internal Security; 2020, 12(2); 7-19
Pojawia się w:
Internal Security
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
The Polish Legal and Organisational Solutions Combating Terrorism
Wiśniewski, Bernard
Data publikacji:
Wyższa Szkoła Policji w Szczytnie
internal security
terrorist threats
security culture
Legal solutions adopted over the past few years in Poland indicate that attempts are being systematically made to improve the mechanism for counteracting terrorism. Terrorism in Poland has been opposed for a long time. The commencement of such systematic solutions took place on the 25th of October 2006 through the appointment by the Prime Minister of the Inter-ministerial Team for Terrorist Threats and ended ten years later, on the 10th of June 2016, by the adoption of the law on anti-terrorist activities. For the above-mentioned reasons, the two main parts are devoted to the issues of the commencement of legal and organisational undertakings in the fight against terrorism and the characteristics of systemic statutory solutions are preceded by considerations with conclusions. The article discusses the issues of initiatives undertaken by the government administration and presents the circumstances in which it tried to face up to the problem of developing draft laws of the law now in force. In consequence, this serves to present the areas of responsibility and tasks of government administration bodies specified in the said Act. The considerations presented in this study indicate that global and national experience gained in recent years has shaped the“Polish model of combating terrorism”, which has recently found its confirmation in the relevant legal provisions. The basis for the development of this article is the interest in improving the effectiveness of combating terrorism which, for obvious reasons, is not reducing and remains very substantial. This applies to both theoreticians and practitioners. This results first of all from the needs of the challenges and threats that are subject to dynamic changes. Secondly, through the adaptation of the tools used by the state, including those mainly legal of a legal nature. These must be improved from the moment of their implementation.
Internal Security; 2018, 10(1); 137-145
Pojawia się w:
Internal Security
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Public Security and its Contexts
Hejduk, Monika
Data publikacji:
Wyższa Szkoła Policji w Szczytnie
public security
public order
The considerations presented in this article are based on several assumptions. First of all, the human environment and the set of its elements are constantly changing. In the early periods of evolution and development of humanity, man lived in conditions given by nature itself, no different than in natural conditions. However, even then, he was also exposed to threats, mainly natural, including disasters. Secondly, with the passage of time and development there was a very large population increase, which caused changes in quite primitive interpersonal and social relations. More and more organized communities, states began to emerge. With this development, new threats also appeared. In addition to the natural threats, which were already natural by their very name, the threats of a social nature began to emerge from the natural world around us, characterized by continuous and dynamic changes. Thirdly, man, who wanted to effectively deal with the problems of the threats he faced, created safety systems. One of them is the public security system. Fourthly, in today’s security environment there is a paradox that in practice these systems function, and in theory there is no commonly accepted definition of public security. The circumstances outlined above determined the shape of this article, the essence of which was to work out a compromise definition of public security based on the interpretation of this concept by recognized authorities in the field of law, administration and security.
Internal Security; 2020, 12(1); 55-68
Pojawia się w:
Internal Security
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
On the need of reaching the origins of security – an introduction to the discussion
Wiśniewski, Bernard
Data publikacji:
Wyższa Szkoła Policji w Szczytnie
reaching the origins
research on security
This article presents basic issues concerning security research in the past, called reaching the origins of security. Reaching the origins is not a concept that finds its rightful place in security research. It has been used and thus fixed permanently in other areas, therefore, the issues discussed in this article concern problems from many fields of knowledge. Security testing covers a number of processes, including retrospective ones, the essence of which is a scientific look into the past. Reaching the origins, all in all, makes it possible to identify the sources of danger and the requirements to be met for safety to reach an acceptable level. It allows, on the one hand, to prevent the recurrence of these sources and, on the other hand, to apply the solutions of the past to today's and tomorrow's security efforts. It can also be said that reaching the origins of safety is connected with determining the methods of eliminating and minimizing threats, and thus indicating the procedures providing an appropraite level of security. It's a utilitarian effect. In the cognitive context, it should be emphasized that the results of reaching the origins may serve to enrich the contemporary knowledge in the field of security. In both cases the procedures of avoiding mistakes made in the past are going to be worked out, especially that their sources are usually human mistakes having their origins in the lack of knowledge of past times. The considerations presented in the article allowed to determine the meaning of reaching the origins, its types and mutual relations between it and the diagnosis, monitoring and forecasting of security. In conclusion, the presented deliberations are summarized.
Internal Security; 2019, Special Issue; 101-111
Pojawia się w:
Internal Security
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Rules of Cooperation Between the State Fire Service and Selected Institutions Under the Conditions of CBRN Threats, Including Biological Ones — Analysis of Polish Solutions
Kogut, Bogusław
Mika, Janusz
Ratusznyj, Roman
Data publikacji:
Wyższa Szkoła Policji w Szczytnie
The article presents conclusions from the analysis of solutions applied in Poland in the field of implementation of joint projects of the State Fire Service and selected institutions responsible for ensuring the internal security of the state in the field of counteracting CBRN threats, including biological ones. The analysis refers to the binding legal system and the organizational solutions resulting from it. The considered legal order included the provisions of universally binding law and local law. It was assumed that the use of weapons of mass destruction in a terrorist attack might be executed through the contamination of air, water or soil, as well as by disease carriers: infected insects, rodents or people. One of the real methods of performing bioterrorists attacks is to contaminate the air by spraying, for example, biological aerosol. That is since aerosol production equipment is easily accessible, and most biological agents can be easily transported by air. The objects of such an attack will be primarily places with efficient air conditioning systems, public buildings and metro stations, and all places where people gather including railway stations, airports, shopping centers, sports and cultural facilities, government and public buildings, areas of military concentration, and places of public mass events. The considerations presented in this article refer to issues on a macro and micro scale, which allowed for distinguishing the rules of cooperation and its effectiveness. While endeavoring to objectify the conclusions from the analysis, the article was elaborated by a team of Polish, Czech, and Ukrainian experts.
Internal Security; 2019, 11(1); 73-83
Pojawia się w:
Internal Security
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
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