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Letania more solito dicantur. Przyczynek do badań nad pobożnością maryjną wśród średniowiecznych dominikanów
Letania more solito dicantur. A contribution to the study of the Marian devotion among medieval Dominicans
Oleś, Piotr
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet Papieski Jana Pawła II w Krakowie
litania dominikańska
pobożność maryjna
Dominican litany
Marian devotion
Głównym przedmiotem studium jest prezentacja okoliczności powstania oraz miejsca w pobożności średniowiecznych dominikanów modlitwy zwanej potocznie litanią dominikańską, dominikanów (Litaniae Ordinis Praedicatorum quae dicuntur in omnibus tribulationibus). Dokładny czas powstania tej litanii nie jest znany. Po raz pierwszy wzmianka na jej temat pojawia się w związku z pewnym niezwykle dla zakonu groźnym incydentem, który miał miejsce w latach pięćdziesiątych XIII wieku. 21 listopada 1254 roku papież Innocenty IV ogłosił bullę Etsi Animarum, która w dramatyczny sposób ograniczała przywileje zakonów mendykanckich dotyczące głoszenia kazań, spowiedzi, jałmużny jak i wielu innych. Legenda związana z litanią przekazuje, że wówczas bracia rozpoczęli gorliwe jej odmawianie, w następstwie którego papież Innocenty IV zmarł. Bez względu na zasadność tej opowieści, jest faktem że w 1256 roku kapituła Generalna w Paryżu nakazała całemu zakonowi odmawianie tej litanii. Pierwotny kształt Litanii do Najświętszej Panny, pozostaje nieznany. Poszukiwania najstarszej, zachowanej w całości wersji litanii wiodą do jednego przekazu rękopiśmiennego, pochodzącego dopiero z roku 1500.
The main object of the study is to present the origins of the prayer commonly known as Dominican litany (Litaniae Ordinis Praedicatorum quae dicuntur in omnibus tribulationibus) and its place in the piety of medieval Dominicans. The exact time of the creation of the litany is not known. The first mention of the litany appears in connection with an extremely dangerous incident for the Order, which took place in the 1250s. On 21 November 1254 pope Innocent IV issued a bull Etsi Animarum which considerably limited the privileges of Mendicant orders concerning, inter alia, preaching, confession and alms. The legend associated with the litany has it that the brothers began to recite it passionately. As a consequence pope Innocent IV died. Regardless of whether the litany worked a miracle here or not, the fact is that the General Chapter of Paris, ordered the entire Order to say the litany. The original text of the Litany to the Blessed Virgin remains unknown. The search for the oldest surviving version of the whole prayer leads to a hand-written message, coming only from the year 1500.
Folia Historica Cracoviensia; 2013, 19; 43-57
Pojawia się w:
Folia Historica Cracoviensia
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Źródła do historii dominikańskiego studium generale w Krakowie w epoce nowożytnej. Stan badań i perspektywy badawcze
Szymborski, Wiktor
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet Papieski Jana Pawła II w Krakowie
historical sources
dominican studium generale in Krakow
modern ages
źródla historyczne
dominikańskie studium generale w Krakowie
Main objective of the essay under consideration was investigation and characterized most important source materials stocked at the Archive of the Cracow’s Dominican Province to present the history of their studium generale during the Modern period. Also, the current knowledge of a.m. period of studium generale was screened- out and some searching hypothesis were proposed concerning the history of the Cracow’s Dominican studium generale. The searching time frame have been limited to XVI up to XVII century. Taken into consideration, the current status of research works performed so far, one ought to stated that the Modern Epoch has not been searched out with the same consciousness compare to the Medieval one. As the most important printed source materials, one ought to account the documents issued by the general and provincial chapters of the Convent. The documents of the provincial chapters have been listed and screened by Father Fabian Madura, and were stocked as the typescript formats at the Cracow’s Dominican Convent Library.Based on the searched source materials of General Chapter of Dominican Convent at Cracow, it is possible to present the general overview of the convent education system and its changes in due time. Due to the records found it would be possible to identify – position and name – the Dominicans nominated to the Convent stadium generale. The most important manuscript stocked at the Cracow’s Dominican Convent Archive as the education system is concern, is so called Liber Studii Generalis cracoviensis (rkps 20). This manuscript covers the list of friars who have been nominated to work at stadium generale. A.m. document has to verify and compare with other sources.Taken into consideration above mention facts, it seems to be as most important searching activities to describe the convent society of the Cracow’s Dominicans. At the essay some detailed searching hypothesis were presented, such as searching and reviewing the personnel of studium generale, the convent, intellectual culture both teachers and scholar, legal aspects related to the convent’s education system, links and cooperation between the Cracow’s University and studium generale and the Dominicans activities both sacrum and profanum.
Main objective of the essay under consideration was investigation and characterized most important source materials stocked at the Archive of the Cracow’s Dominican Province to present the history of their studium generale during the Modern period. Also, the current knowledge of a.m. period of studium generale was screened- out and some searching hypothesis were proposed concerning the history of the Cracow’s Dominican studium generale. The searching time frame have been limited to XVI up to XVII century. Taken into consideration, the current status of research works performed so far, one ought to stated that the Modern Epoch has not been searched out with the same consciousness compare to the Medieval one. As the most important printed source materials, one ought to account the documents issued by the general and provincial chapters of the Convent. The documents of the provincial chapters have been listed and screened by Father Fabian Madura, and were stocked as the typescript formats at the Cracow’s Dominican Convent Library.Based on the searched source materials of General Chapter of Dominican Convent at Cracow, it is possible to present the general overview of the convent education system and its changes in due time. Due to the records found it would be possible to identify – position and name – the Dominicans nominated to the Convent stadium generale. The most important manuscript stocked at the Cracow’s Dominican Convent Archive as the education system is concern, is so called Liber Studii Generalis cracoviensis (rkps 20). This manuscript covers the list of friars who have been nominated to work at stadium generale. A.m. document has to verify and compare with other sources.Taken into consideration above mention facts, it seems to be as most important searching activities to describe the convent society of the Cracow’s Dominicans. At the essay some detailed searching hypothesis were presented, such as searching and reviewing the personnel of studium generale, the convent, intellectual culture both teachers and scholar, legal aspects related to the convent’s education system, links and cooperation between the Cracow’s University and studium generale and the Dominicans activities both sacrum and profanum.
Folia Historica Cracoviensia; 2012, 18
Pojawia się w:
Folia Historica Cracoviensia
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Studium generalne dominikanów polskich w XIV wieku?
A general study of Polish Dominicans in the 14th century?
Gałuszka, Tomasz
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet Papieski Jana Pawła II w Krakowie
studium generalne dominikanów
szkolnictwo zakonne
Polska Prowincja Dominikanów w XIV wieku
Kościół w XIV wieku
kapituły generalne dominikanów
general study of Dominicans
Dominican education
Polish Dominican province in the 13th c.
Krakow Church in the 14th c.
general charter of Dominicans
Głównym tematem artykułu jest geneza studium generalnego dominikanów polskich. W wyniku wieloletnich i skomplikowanych badań prowadzonych przez Krzysztofa Kaczmarka i Macieja Zdanka udało się ustalić, że pierwsze źródłowe dowody potwierdzające funkcjonowanie krakowskiego studium generale pochodzą z lat 1404/1405–1410. Jednak przytoczone daty stanowią jedynie terminus ante quem powstania tego ośrodka kształcenia. Autor skupił się na pewnym wydarzeniu z lat 1304–1316, które w literaturze przedmiotu nazywane jest zazwyczaj „nieudaną próbą utworzenia studium generalnego w Krakowie”. Ponowna analiza dominikańskich akt kapituł generalnych, sytuacji wewnętrznej zakonu w pierwszej połowie XIV wieku oraz dziejów polskiej prowincji dominikanów pozwoliły zaproponować lub raczej powtórnie wprowadzić do dyskusji naukowej zarzuconą dawną hipotezę: prawdopodobnie studium generalne polskich dominikanów powstało już w XIV wieku, być może niedługo po ogłoszeniu w 1304 roku zmian w rozdziale De studentibus.
he main topic of the article is the founding of a general study of the Polish Dominicans. The lengthy and complex research conducted by Krzysztof Kaczmarek and Maciej Zdanek established that the first source-based evidence confirming the activity of Krakow’s studium generale comes from 1404/1405–1410. However, the above dates are just terminus ante quemof the origins of this educational centre. The author focused on an event from 1304–1316, which professional literature on the subject tends to describe as ‘an unsuccesful attempt to create a general study in Krakow.’ A new analysis of the Dominican chapter house documents, the internal dynamic of the order in the early 14th century, as well as the history of the Polish Dominican province, allowed to put forth or re-introduce a previously-abandoned hypothesis into the academic discussion; the hypothesis suggests that, most likely, the general study of the Polish Dominicans was founded in the 14th century already, perhaps soon after the 1304 announcement of changes in the chapter De studentibus.
Folia Historica Cracoviensia; 2014, 20; 35-63
Pojawia się w:
Folia Historica Cracoviensia
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Kryzys i reforma życia zakonnego XIV–XVI wieku i jego wpływ na dominikański klasztor łęczycki
Stolarczyk, Tomasz
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet Papieski Jana Pawła II w Krakowie
reform of religious life
14th - XVI century
Dominican monastery in Łęczyca
reforma życia zakonnego
XIV-XVI wiek
klasztor dominikanów w Łęczycy
Although to a lesser degree, the 14th century crisis of religious life also embraced Mendicant Orders, including the Order of Preachers. Dominican brothers were obliged to respect the principles written down in the rule of St Augustine as well as in the constitution of the order which regulated the life of the Order as well as defined the Order’s organizational structure. Friars however, sometimes gave in to temptation and broke the rules of their communities. The convents’ style of life with characteristic disregard for the notion of religious community in the order and omnipresent individualism in every field was in conflict with the spirit and content of the rules and constitution of the Dominican, and was referred to as conventualism. The call to initiate a thorough reform of the law in the Order was given by Master General Raymond of Capua. At his command in every Dominican province within one year one monastery with at least 12 brothers was required to introduce the rule of regular observance – the renewal of relations from the period of the formation of the Order and strict adherence (observare) to the Order’s rules. The basic condition of the observance was enclosure. Observant Convents were excluded from the authority of the Provincial and subjected to the power of vicars designated by the Master General. This led to the creation of separate congregations sometimes uniting reformed monasteries from different provinces and countries.In the Polish province the observant reform officially began on 30 July 1432 in the Wroclaw monastery of St. Adalbert. The success of the reform was confirmed by Chelmno Chapter in 1519 only in the orders in Glogow, Legnica, Krosno (part of Silesia province) as well as in part of Mazovia province, whereas the entire division of the province of Greater Poland together with the Łęczyca monastery was subjected to special care of Andrew from Parczew. The same chapter tells Vicar General of the province to re-visit the convents and reintroduce the reform. The negative effects of the collapse of observance by Łęczyca Friars Preachers were serious and they appeared immediately. The convent had never exceeded the number of 12 monks present at one time till the end of its existence in 1799.There were several reasons for the fall of observance in Poland: the reform was superficial in its character, both conventualists and observants were under the authority of the provinces, small convents were poverty stricken. According to J. Kłoczowski the initiators of the reform wrongfully restricted the reform to moral issues only, ignoring the structural aspect. It led to many monks behave passively towards the attempts to introduce observance.
Folia Historica Cracoviensia; 2012, 18
Pojawia się w:
Folia Historica Cracoviensia
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
Dominikanie na kresach wschodnich Rzeczypospolitej Obojga Narodów (teren dzisiejszej Białorusi)
The Dominican on the Eastern frontier of the Republic of Both Nations (the terrirory of today’s Belarus)
Miławicki, Marek
Data publikacji:
Uniwersytet Papieski Jana Pawła II w Krakowie
zakon kaznodziejski
Wielkie Księstwo Litewskie
Rzeczypospolita Obojga Narodów
kasaty klasztorów
powstania narodowe
Great Principality of Lithuania
Dominicans in Belarus
Polish national uprisings in the 19 th c.
education and culture of Dominican
Celem artykułu jest zarysowanie historii obecności zakonu dominikańskiego na tej części Kresów Wschodnich dawnej Rzeczypospolitej (Wielkie Księstwo Litewskie), które obecnie leżą w granicach państwa białoruskiego, począwszy od średniowiecza do drugiej połowy XIX wieku. Na terenie tym istniało 45 placówek dominikańskich, które zostały skasowane przez władze zaboru rosyjskiego w XIX wieku. Dominikanie prowadzili nie tylko działalność duszpasterską (głównie kaznodziejstwo i parafie), ale także oświatową i kulturalną. W okresie powstań zakonnicy również czynnie brali w nich udział, za co spotkały ich represje (emigracja, zsyłki na Syberię, kasaty klasztorów i konfiskata mienia i dóbr kultury).
he purpose of the article is to provide an outline of the history of the Dominican presence on the Eastern Frontier of the former Republic (The Great Principality of Lithuania), in the region which now belongs to Belarus. The analysis includes the period between the Middle Ages until the late 19th century. In this territory, fourty-five Dominican locations existed and they were cassated by the Russian partition authorities in the 19th century. The Dominicans were active not only in the pastoral ministry (mostly preaching and parish-keeping), but also in education and culture. At the time of Polish national uprisings, the religious took active part in the efforts and endured the oppressing consqequences of their involvement (emigration, expulsion to Siberia, convent cassations and confiscation of property and cultural goods).
Folia Historica Cracoviensia; 2014, 20; 95-153
Pojawia się w:
Folia Historica Cracoviensia
Dostawca treści:
Biblioteka Nauki
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